Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 03, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Dress Goods Sale
Plain Weaves and
Solid Colors
A ne line of French pop
lins in all the new colors YJ)Q
46-inch extra superfine
French poplins, double Q7f
warp, at 0,0
48-inch French Vigoureux i
in tan, gray and castor, .MO
at ?l.lo
48-inch French Granite,
double warp, $1.50 qual- to
ity, at Ql.lo
McAllen &
G. R. Miller, of Highland, was in
town Friday.
C. F. Baker, of Carus, was in Oregon
City Tuesday.
M. B. Darnall, of Molalla, was in Or
egon City Tuesday.
A.V. Davis, of Marquara, was in Ore
(con pity Saturday,
E. H. Morgan, of Redland, was a vis
itor in town Friday.
Mrs. J. A. Davis, of Mulino, is visit
ing friends at Willamette Falls.
R. 6. Barnhart, of McMinnville, was
a visitor in Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. G. A. Heinz and daughter re
turned Wednesday from Scott's Mills,
J. D. Renner has been drawn as a
trial juror in the United States court.
Daniel and EH Fellows, of Highland,
Were visitors in Oregon City Tuesday.
R. L. Leatherwood, of Myrtle Creek,
1b in Oregon City visiting relatives.
Noah Heiple, the Eagle Creek saw
mill proprietor, was in the city Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Comody, of
Montavilla, visited H. M. Harenden,
Monday. .
Mrs. Jacob Vorhies, of Woodburn, is
visiting Mrs. L. M . Andrews at Mount
O. P. Miller, of Portland, waa looking
after his taxable property interests here
Shirley Buck, who now holds a lucra
tive position in Portland, was in the
city Saturday.
B. F. Halstead, a pioneer resident of
Damascus, was in Oresron City Monday,
paying his taxes.
Henry Cooke returned Saturday from
Seattle, where he was employed for sev
eral months past.
Eph Jones, G. H. Krigbaum, Henry
Horushuh and Victor Eriekson were in
the city Saturday.
M. V. Thomas, of Builruu, was in
town Monday, and reports the lumber
ing business active.
Mis. George T. Howard and chill left
Wednesday for a visit to her sister, Mrs.
8. N. Rasmussen, at Dayton.
William Stubbe, the well known
newspaper rustler, was in town Tuesday
and Wednesday from Gurrlpsville.
Dr. W. T. Lyon, a dentist, formerly
located here, is now living at OaK
Grove. He has an office in Portland.
Walter Too,e, who was recently re
cently re-appointed postmaster at Wood
burn, was a visitor in Oregon Oity Tues
day. A. R. Jncobs, president of the Oregon
Oity Manufacturing Company, Uft Sun
day night for a week's visit in San Frun
cisco. M. Shaner and family left Wednes
day morning for McKee, Marion county,
where they have purchased a 10 acre
Black and Colored
French Venetians
44-inch, black and colors,
French Venetian, ready
for u?e, sponged and
shrunk, at ....
54-inch French Venetian,
black and colors, good
service, at
60-inch Venetian, black
only, extia heavy cloth,
elegant finish, at
54-inch extra finished
French Venetian, $4.00
values, at
.'. -
Mrs. Maud Burk, of Oregon City, who
has been visiting friends anil relatives
in Silverton, returned hQtne Tuesday.
George W. Kimball, a Roseburg capi
talist, was in the city Wednesday, cash
ing his county warrants, which had
be en called in.
Miss Maud Shaver, a teacher in the
Portland schools, went out to Molalla
Friday with ner father. J. R. Shaver,
tor a short visit home.
F. F. White recently wrote to Mrs.
White, that he hai reached Diwson
City safely. He rode his wheel down
the Yukon to that place.
Mrs. C. E. Bray, of Seattle, who is
visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. E.
Hedges and Miss Harriet Bray expects
to return home next week.
Postmaster James H. Browo, of Lo
gan, was in the city Friday. Ho is a
pioneer of 1853, and has been a resi l ent
of Logan for many years past.
Miss Jeannie Lulling went to Amity,
lamhill county, Monday, to be present
at the wedding of her niece, Miss McKl
downey toDr M. C. Strickland
K. H. Snolgrass, a prominent
Meadowbrook farmer, was in Oregon
Uity Tuesday. He believes that clover
is a great crop for enriching the soil.
Fred Smith, of Parkplace, who is mak
ing a good record in tha railway mail
service, has been on the Portland Ash
land run for two or three weeks past
Ex-County Commissioner Cornelius
Bair, of Needy precinct, returned Mon
day from a Bix months visit to his old
home in Missouri. He reported a pleas
ant trip.
W, A. White, who is now superin
tending the construction of the new
flouring mills building at Salem, was at
home for two or three days during the
past week.
Lester M. Leland, of New Era, who is
now in the railway mail service between
Portland and Ashland, was in town
Saturday settling up the taxes on his
real estate.
Mrs. Mary Hicklin, of Seattle, ar
rived Tuesday morning to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miles lor a
month. Mr. H.cklin still holds a good
position at Seattle.
Joseph Kuerten returned Sunday
from a trip to Tacoma and Seattle, and
reports business lively on the Pound.
The summer Alaska trade is beginning
to start up in earnest.
Deputy Sheriff J. E. JhcIc and Barton
Tack and thuir mother have removed
from the Graser house to the Chase res
idence on Center street, formerly occu
pied by Dr. Seamann.
John Bock, who has been attending
Ihe state university at Eugene during
the past school year, ro urned home
Friday. He will not return to school
during the present term.
Ge r)?e Strickland, of Needy, and
George Murdock, of Mackaburg, twol
Have been so successful in their manufacture
that they are known for their marvelous
strength and easy runing qualities. No doubt
you have seen these wheels other years, but'
we call especial attention to this year's line.
They sell on their merit.
Chainless $60 Light Roadster $40
Racer 50 Heavy Roadster 35
Cushion Frame $50
Morrow Coaster and Brake $5 extra
well known Clackamas county school
teachers, were in Oregon City Saturday.
attending the teachers' meeting.
Miss Daisy Phelps, of Canbv. left a
cnuple of weeks ago to visit hsr sisters
Mrs. H. 11. Wheeler at Lexington. Mor
row county, and has written her par
ents that she beun a term of school at
Eight Mile.
J. S. Siefer, of Damascus, was in town
Monday, and reported that Ed Boring
was running his creamery, although not
as much milk is being received as was
expected at the beginning. The quan
tity will be increased later.
J. A. Thayer, who recently removed
from Coquilie City to Modesto, Calif.,
arrived from the latter place Tuesday
morning. He will remain here for
awhile for the purpose of disposing of
his property. Mr. Thayer's family are
still at Modesto.
Collector of Customs I. L. Patterson.
Supreme Judge Bean and State Printer
VV. H. Leeds, of Salem, visited in Ore
gon Oity Friday evening, while the Al
bany local was dwlayed at .Parkplace on
acconnt of running out on au open
switch on a spur.
T. G. Jonsrud, justice of the peace of
Kelso, was in town Monday, and re
ported that considerable land was be
ing sold to new c nntjrs. Ha has sold
some belonging to other parties for $15
per acre, that was covered by a good
quality ot timber.
Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and An-
toiie nuard, the lane- a father, re
moved to Meadowbrook this week
They came here from near Woodburu,
about a year ago. Mr. 1 iiiard is a pi
oneer of 1843, settling wiih a colony of
zo families Irani Manitoba, Canada.
who Stated on trench Fran le.
M.LeFevre and family arrived the
first of the week from Illinois, and are
occupying one of H. E. Croew's houses.
Mr. LeFevreis looking around with a
view ot locating, and is said to possess
means. He passed through Seatile, but
did not fancy the location there.
E. M.and T. C. Howell, of Oregon
City, have been on the bay this week
looking over about 6,000 acres of land
which they purchased from the Oregon
Development Company. It is rumored
that the gentlemen will begin impor'
tant improvements upon their pur
chases immediately. Toledo Leader.
Sailor and walking hats just arrived.
Miss C. Goldsmith.
Born, in Oregon City to A. C. Beau
lea u and wife, vlonday, April 29th,
twin daughters.
Lost between Robertson's store and
Linpley's mill on the Molalla road, a
pure. Leave at this office and get reward.
Miss Marie Taylor and Thomas Mor
ris were married in Oregon City Tues
day, April 30ih, Recorder Curry officiat
ing. The Parkplace-Gladstone W O. T. U.
will mitt at tlnhinsot Mri. H. E.
Cross at Gladstone at 2:30 Tuesday af
ternoon. J. W. Grout has again launched into
the real estate business, having opened
an office in the Bank of Oregon City
The thriving town of Canby is to have
a new city hall commensurate with its
growing demands. An advertisement
for bids will be found in another col
umn. F. Hornshuh sustained a fracture ot
two ribs Monday morning, the effect of
a fall. He is resting is well as could be
expected, and wilt probably recover in a
short time.
Dube Alldredge and Otis Towni-end,
until recently employed in Bradley's
liv ery stable, have purchased a busi
ness at Hubbard. It is believed that
they have an excellent stand for a livery
and feed stable.
Ash Camp, Woodmen of the World,
of Milwaukie, have a committee actively
at work in an effort to secure a suitable
site for a new hall. Ac the last meet
ing the committee asked for further
time in which to negotiate for a site.
The committee appointed to examine
the books of the state land hoard, re
ports that the shortage of ex-Clerk
H. W. Davis is over $31,000. E. C.
Hackett has a good continuous job on
the investigating committee at $5 per
Muss Bernice, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James A. Tufts, of Oswego, Was
married at the Presbyterian manse,
Saturday evening to G. Warien, an em
ploye of the paper mills Rev. A. J.
Montgomery was the officiating clergy
man. Mr. and Mrs. Warren will make
their home in Oregon City.
County Superintendent Zinser has re
ceive I five conies of the new school
aws for each district in the county. An
Important Specials
for Men
Largest Clothiers In the
apportionment of school funds for each
district of $41 will be made during this
month. This is the balance of the an
nual $50 apportionment, a part of which
was made early in the year.
The Junior and workman degrees
were couh-rred on 17 candidates at the
last Saturday night session of Falls
City Lodge, A. O. U. W., and it is ex
pected that a class of 25 will be initiated
next Saturday night. Grand Master
Ralph Feeney and J. TJ. Misener were
both up from Portland, and materially
added to the zest of the festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ely were th re
cipients of a pleasure-giving surprise
party last Thursday evening, about 55
guests assembling to do the honors of
the event. trkinole was a feature of
the evening's entertainment, Evan Wil
liams winning the first prize, a small
diamond scarf pin Refreshments were
served, and a vote of thanks extended to
the committee, who had the function in
J. Weaver, a sawmill proprietor on a
branch ot Deep creek, was lined a few
days ao in Justice Jonsrud's court at
Kelso for dimping sawdust into the
stream. It is learned that he has pro
vided another way to dispose of the
sawdust. Some' weeks ago Water Bai
liffs E. C. Greenman and Malcolm Mc
Cown made inveBtiga'ion and com
plaint that, sawdust was being dninred
into a stream, a branch of the Olacka
mas river.
A typographical error last week made
games read cards in the account of the
Besides these we have the Mitchell, fitted with
detachable tires. $30, and the Ideal $25.
We sell on installments and take second-hand
wheels in trade.
Look at onr Bargains In Second-Hand Wheels.
We make mention of some worthy value
in Summer sack suits which, because of
their very good quality and extremely low
price, appeal to the thrifty
Blue Serges cf fast color, biwon
and gray mixtures and fancy wois
ted suits made in the latest fashion
and of dependable fabrics.
Nobby Suits, made of herring bone
cheviots, fancy checked cheviots,
blue serges and smooth finished
black worsted clays.
mmEmcE hatters aaotii&
Northwest Foorth
Muir party. T .e majority of the guests
are members of the Presbyterian Chris
tian Endeavor Society, and never play
cards. Neither do members of the Muir
family permit cards to bo played in
their homes. In fact, the many excel
lent families in the Presbyterian church
here are fully cognizan1 of the evils that
follow in the wake of card playing, and
do not consider it the proper diversion
for a party composed of people, who are
doing their utmost to live op to the pre
cents of Christian teachings.
Last Thursday evening the city coun
cil finance committee and Recorder
Curry opened the bids for the new is
sue of 30 $1,000 bonds drawing Hive per
cent interest and to run for 20 years.
The bid of August G. Klosterman whs
accepted he taking the entire issue for
$2900 premium. Other bidders were:
Rudolph, Claybalt k Co , $1650 and
furnish printed bonds; Mrs. W.P. Haw
ley, $750 'premium for half the issue;
.H. A. lownsend, $1615 premium; Har
ris & Co., $100 premium and furnish
piinted bonds; M, Wilier, 5 per cent,
premium of $1,000, and would bid l4
cent more than any one else. This is
sue of bonds will be used in reluuding
the existing bonded debt, now almost
due. The bonds " have been printed,
and are fine specimens of art.
For Sale 240 acres of lund 12 miles
Oregon City j 40 cleared house, barn
orchard; price, $2350 ; $500 down, bal
ance on easy terms. Have youron
time to pay balance. Apply to J. W.
VIoAnulty, ollice on Main street, oppo
site Albright's meat market.
and Morrison, cor. entrance
When you want a good square meat
go to the Bruns wick restaurant, oppo
site suspension bridge, L. Ruconich,
proprietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked ; just like you get at
home. This is the only first-class res.
taurant in Oregon City and where you
can get a good meal for the price of a
poor one el ewhere.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
New Spring Goods
arriving at the Fair
Store daily.
Laces from 1c per
yard upward
The only place for
Bargains .
Opposite Postoffice.