Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 03, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Standard of the World
. The 1901 models of the Columbia
are the lightest and prettiest wheels
on the market and are far ahead of
othei wheels in style, finish and im
provements, as the standard of the
world ought to be. Any other road
wheel shown in Oregon City will
weigh from 24 to 28 pounds the
Columbia weighs 22, They have
direct pull spokes that never DreaK
i the famous Columbia crank hanger
tool steel bearings Beamless tub
X ing Dunlop, G & J or Hartford
We carry a large line of first
class bicycle Sundries nothing so
cheap that we cannot guarantee it
but everything at a price that we
can guarantee. We give double
protection quality and price and
cheerfully refund money for any
unsatisfactory purchase.
Chain Wheels
$60 and $75
40 " CO
New Hub Coaster Bmke $5.00 extra.
Cushion Frame $5.00 extra.
We are agents for Spalding's Base
Ball and Athletic Goods and sell
everything in the line of League
Balls, Bats, Gloves, Mitts, Masks,
etc. Prices quoted on Uniforms
and Outfits.
Through rain and shine, through
mod and dust for the past nine years
Crescent bicycles have proved their
worth to Clackamas County riders.
They are known as the wheel that
'Stands up" and keeps out of the
Tepair shop. Many new improve
ments on the 1901 models. Thay are
as light running and handsome as
they are good and staunch. Ab
solutely dust proof bearings which
will run a whole year without atten
tion. Dunlop or Hartford tires.
Chainless - - $50 -Chain
Wheels $25 aud f35
Morrow Coaster Brake $5 00 extra on
all models .
We sell bicycles on easy install
ments and take old wheels in ex
change. .
Second hand wheels at $6.00 up.
Ask for a catalogue free.
I Wagon, come and see it
Yet it can't swim but it travels on four of the
best wheels ever put under, a load and is built
at Racine, Wis. It's a. . . . ; ....
. Alter you have looked this FISH over we will
now show you the newest and most up-to-date
. line of
Don't take our word, come and see for yourself,
then we can prove to you that we can save
you money.
208 Front Street Portland, Oregon
S. A. D. H ungate left Tuesday for
Malheur county, where he has a con
tract to survey 10 townships of govern
ment laud in the vicinity of the Ohwyee
river. He wasaecompauied by the fol
lowing crew: Graham H ungate, Joe
Kingo, uus KJetsch, utyde Jungle ana
Martin Boyles, of Mqlalla, and Henry
Cook and "Peter Fry, of Oregon' City.
The party took a wagon and 10 horses,
travelling by boat to The Dalles. Wil
liam Vaughan and John Jackson, of
Molalla, who accompanied the parly,
will go as far as Prineville.
' f 1200 to loan by 0. A. Cheney at 7 per
cent, on good larm property.
Our motto: "High quality and low
prices." Miss C. Goldsmith.
Turney will give one of his popular
dances at the armory Saturday night
Born, in Oreg.nCity, April 29th, to
E. E. Howell and wife, a 1 3-pound son.
One of the twin infant daughters of
A. C. Beaulieau, died on W ednesday
Flavius Painter reports that Cane
mah is booming, and that the people
are cleaning up their premises.
-Carpet weaving done by John Harris
berger, Mt. Pleasant, nearLawton place
Call, or address Box so, Oregon City.
Seven-room house on Jefferson street
between Eigth and Ninth, for rent for
$8. Inquire at Courier-Herald office.
Mrs. Seol has opened the Depot hotel
No bar will be run in connection and she
will make a specialty of home, cooking.
Lost Between I. Selling's Btore and
the Barclay school house 13 yards of
f inder please . leave at this
J.. W. Thomas, of Molalla, wis in tin
city Wednesday.
J. M. Austen, of Molalla, was in Ore
gon City Saturday.
Mrs. Julia Nelson, of Highland, was
in the city Tuesday.
County Judge Cake, ol Portland, was
a visitor, in the city yesterday.
Hon. J. L. Krme, of Wiloonv He, was
here during the first of the week.
" Hon. H. E. Cross returned on Tu.'sJay
from a business trip to The Dalles.
Peter Traglio is now employed as a
salesman in Barlow's grocery store.
John Kalbfleisch, of Carus, was in
Oregon City Thursday on business.
Fred Oldenstadt, of Stafford, was in
Gvegon City on business Thursday.
Miss Florence Olsen, referee in bank
ruptcy, was up from Milwaukie yester
day. Orlando Fellows, of Highland, was in
Oregon City several days during the
Postmaster Hannegan and E. Austin,
of Liberal, were in Oregon City Wed
nesday. J. N. Bramhall, a prominent Bullrun
sawmill proprietor, was in the city Wed
nesday. Ben H. Barclay expects to leave next
week for Denver, Colo , where he ex
pects to locate.
J A. Uoaks has moved from Everett,
Wash., to Seattle, where he is working
in the Vulcan iron works.
Attorney J. E. Marks, of Mark's
Prairie, and C. F. Zeigler, of Hubbard,
were in town Wednesday.
Pay your water rent before the tenth.
A. B. Stroup, of Boone's Ferry, was
in the city Weenesday, and is suffering
severely from an attack of rheumatism.
Mrs, Charles Pauli, of Dayton, Ohio,
arrived Saturday, and will make an ex
tended vimt to her daughter, Mrs.
Thomas Warner.
S. O. Dillman and F. S. Baker have
been elected delegates to the grand
lodge of Foresters, which convenes in
Sa'em on the 14th.
Mrs. John B. Leeds, of Vancouver, B.
C, left Friday for her home. She has
been visiting her pareuts in Oregon City,
Mr. and Mrs. William Dayis.
M. Ilerren, log scaler, employed by
the Willamette Pulp & Paper Jompany.
has removed his family into the dwell
ing recently completed by J. W. Jones.
Postmaster W. J. Lewellen, postmas
ter Springwater, has bean chosen dele
gate by the Portland presbytery to at
tend the general assembly, whtch maets
in Portland this month.
J. W. Kelly an! family and Mis3
Birdie Jones, of Oregon City, and Mrs.
D. R. Hughes and daughter, of Port
land, spent Saturday and Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Robert Hughes at
Mount Pleasant. ' -
J. R. Porter, son-in-law of E. E.Mott,
of Canby, returned a few days ago from
Floyd county, Iowa, where he had been
for seven years, conducting his father's
f arm. He formerly lived at New Era. He
reports west-bound trains ciowded.
O. O. Yocura, who presides at Gov
ernment Camp, near Mount Hood, was
in the city Monday, a witness in the
Ciiupbell homestead contest, before the
land office. This was Mr Yocum's
first trip to eiviliz ition since last sum
mer. County Clerk Cooper, Sheriff Cooke,
Recorder Itandall and S. S. Walker at
tended the meeting of Lone Pine Old
Feliows lodge at Clackamas Station
Wednesday night. Special degree work
was the order and an oyster supper was
Albert Wright, of Heppner, a Clacka
mas county pioneer of 1853, arrived
here Tuesday lol the purpose of d.sp'os
ing of the remainder of his holdings at
Redland. The postolhee at Redlaud is
built on the donation land claim located
by Mr. Wright.
Mayor Dimick has been suffering with
a 1 attack of rheumatism, following the
results of an attack of the measles. It
is expected, however, that he will be at
his office again in a day or two. He was
on the street Wednesday for the tirst
time in six weeks.
Jasper Trulliuger. of Union Mills, was
in the city Wednesday, and reporttd
that the Bohemian peas were growing
wild in every direction, and materially
interfering with the growth of grain in
many wheat fields. The frost has uone
some damage to the fruit crop in that
L. E. Latourette, au attorney of Port
land, returned last night from a trip
overland on a bicycle to Prineville. He
returned by way of Howard, Grade and
Asbwood, meeting with only a few
small accidents. He continued on his
way to Slianiko, where ne took the train
for Portland this morning. Antelope
Republican. Mr. Latourette is well
known here having been a former resi
dent ol Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Shank visited
at Canby and vicinity for to or three
days during the pat week,. While there
.Mr. buanli investigated the conditions
of the fruit crop. He found that from
present indications some of the varie
ties of peaches would only produce a
half crop, while others would bear full.
As yet the prune crop showed no indi
cations of injury, and prospects are
good for a large jield.
Malcolm McCown returned Snday
night from the Salmon river hatchery,
accompanied by Fish Warden Van Du
sen and E. C. Greenman, superintend
ent of hatcheries. The latter were on a
tour of inspection and found the work
progressing in a satibfactory way, Su
perintendent Tom Brown having al
ready taken 200.0U0 Bteelhead salmon
D. M Klemson, of Canemah, has
filed a petition of insolvency in the
United States court, and has been tie-
dared a bankrupt.
The Weekly Oregonian gives all the
national news and the Courier-Herald
gives all local and county newjs. Both
one year for Two Dollars.
Mrs. Eureka Timmer, wife of Herman
Timmer, was recommitted to the state
insane asylum Monday. The patient is
32 years old, and was- first committed
July 15th of last year.
Pay your water rent before the tenth
On Saturday and Sunday, religious
services were conducted at the home of
Isaac Lee, Mt. Pleiisant, by Bros. Mof
fat, of Newbern, Matthews, ol Lincoln,
and George Lacroy, of Viola,
GergeJ Anderson, expeit piano tuner
and tone regulator, with Kiler piano
house, Portland, Ore. Leave orders
with Burmeister & Andresen, or com
municate direct with house.
County Clerk Cooper has issued mar
riage licenses as follows : Emma Walte
math and - Fred Lankow April 29th,
Elizabeth E. Ayers and Alex ,G. Ogilvie
April 30th, L. A. Ware and L. E. Snow
May 1st.
The ll-months old girl infant of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Shumway, died at
Linn's mill Tuesday. The funeral oc
curred in Portland yesterday. Mrs.
Shumway is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fcr sale Four fresh Jersey cows, Jer
sey bull, blooded Ohester white boar
sows and feeders, pair heavy draft
horses, also pair buggy mares: twenty
seven head of sheep. O. C. Blaney,
Clarks, Oregon.
The chil lren of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wourms are recovering from their re
cent attack of measles; also the children
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Freese are ill with
the same complaint, except tha boy, Ar
thur, but are improving.
A free entertainment will be given by I
the heal camp W. O. W., under the aus
pices of Willamette Falls Camp, at
Shively's hall on the evening of May 0th.
Professor Campbell will be there with
his picture machine. AU are invited.
Bishop Brayfongel, of Peusylvania,
who presides at tha Ore,? n confirenco
this week, will preach in the Kvangeel
cal church, corner Eighth and Madison
streets, Wednesday evening, May 8th.
The bishop is an orator of national rep
utation. A Babqais for any Party JO Acres
of farming land, well improved; six
room house, good barn and outbuildings;
on Clear Creek. Flouring mill, store,
posloilice, church and school nearly at
your door. Price $ 1003. Inquire of O.
A. Cheney, Oregon City.
Gm Donnelly, the 17-year oil son of
M. V. Donnelly in Damascus precinct,
received injuries t) one of his legs that
may result lataliy. The accident oc
curre 1 Wednesday while at work in his
father's sawmill, the young man's leg
getting caught in the in the-saw fear
fully mangling that limb.
The Company A, Third Reg;ment,
O. N. G., baseball club is lining up its
players, and may play the Vancovers
on their own ground next Sunday. Bert
Hallinan is rnanager of the new team,
and the battery is composed of Bell,
pitcher, and Clark, catcher. Clark only
lost one gam in all bis plays last year.
The county superintendent and board
of county commissioners met Tuesday
afternoon to change boundaries in a
number of school districts. In nearly
every instance the change consisted of
including the property of some resident,
who desired to get into another district,
in order that their children can attend
the nearest school. A move was made
to include some property in school dis
tricts, which has heretofore escaped
G. A. Heinz, J. T. Rait and the writer
spent two days fishing on the Abiqua,
near Hcotts Mills, last weeK. ihehrst
day it was too warm, and the second it
snowed, hailed and rained; notwith
standing, we caught between 300 and
400 speckled beauties. If we gave" the
exact number caught, some would say it
was a "hah story," hence we leave mat
for the reader to guess. We enjoyed the
hospitality of the Heinz homestead
while there.
Secretary H. D. Wilcox, of the Wil
lamette Valley Chautauqua Associa
tion, states that ex-Governor George W.
'eck, of Wisconsin, has been secured as
one of the speakers for the Assembly to
be held in July. JMtorts are being
made only to secure the best available
talent, and when disappointments oc
cur in the effort to get star attractions,
energetic moves are made in another di
rt ction. It Is determined to make the
attractions at the Chautauqua first-class
in every particular.
The marriage of Miss Mary Helen
McElJowney to Dr. M. C. Strickland,
a prominent physician and county coro
ner, was announced to take place on
May 1st, the ceremony to take place at
the home ot the Dride'8 parents, ivir.
and Mrs. W. H. McEldownev at Amity
After a bridal trip of a week to Sound
twints. Dr. and Mrs. Strickland will
take up their residence in their ele
gantly furnished new home on upper
So venth street in this city. - .
Fred Waener. load supervisor at Cot-
trell, was in the city yesterday and paid
for 15 bicycle tags for people residing in
his neighborhood. Forty seven tags
were were sold in the sheriff's office up
to yesterday noon. As it ia the inten
tion of the board of bicycle path super
visors to expend the money in the dis
tricts, proportionate to the amount paid
into the fund, it is believed that all
wheelmen will readily take out tags.
On next Sundav evening the pastor of
the Congregational church will com
mence a series of sermons on Socialism
and Christianity. Socialism is the
coming movement. Universal education
is preparing men to thiuk. The aim oi
this series of sermons is to acquaint
church goers with some of the lines on
which the leaders or socialism are worx-
insr. The first of the series will be
Sauare Look at Socialism." fastor
Bollinger believes that Christianity
larger in its conception than some of its
would be destroyers believe. If social
ism is a irood thing the Christian church
need not fear it. If Christianity is not
all inclusive of good it can never become
Dunning, a Portland undertaker, evi
dently wants all a man's possessions,
after he is through with tbe burial rites
Mr. Kristenton, a thrifty resident of the
vicinity of Kelso, recently died in a
Portland hospital. Dunning supposed
that the deceased was a resident
Multnomah county and asked for and
was a ran ted letters of administration
Subsequently it was learned that a will
existed and that the property was lo
cated in Clackamas county, just across
the line. Dunning came up ana in
sisted that Judtte Rvan appoint him ex
ecutorof the will, as he was a cre litor
of the estate. T, G. Jonsrud, of Kelso,
was named in the will as executor, and
his appointment was confirmed.
We mention only a few of the Bargains
to be obtained at the
I Complete line of fishing and base ball goods f
On Sunday at 2 p. m., at the home of
the bride's parents in Greenpoint, Miss
Daisy E. Baxter and fcdward vv.J.avier
of Portland, were united in matrimony
Rev. Father Rider pertormed the cere
monv. The bridal pair stood under a
arch of Oregon grape leaves while plight
ing their troth, aud the parlor was dec
orated with myrtle and blooming nar
ciRRus. Death havinsi but recently take
awavoneof the immediate relatives of
the irrootn. only the members of the
family were present.
Opposite Bank of Oregon City
Large Hand Lamp 2j
Glass Tumblers 4
Sunbonnets, all colors .... 25
Sapolia 6
English Violet Soap, box . 10
Children's Parasols. ..... . 19
Men's Shirts 25
Ladies' Sailor Hats ...... 25
Good Calico, yd 5
Shirt Waists (latest) ..... 50
Men's Gloves 25
Envelopes, pkg 2
Lead Pencils, rubber, doz . 10
Fountain Pen 50
Pocket Combs 5
Good Towels 10
"Percy" Kid Gloves ..... 1 00
Silk Gloves . . . 25
"Empress" Corset. .
Good Pocket Knives....
Feather Dusters
Men's Ribbed Underwear
Ladie.'Balbriggan Stock'g
Hair Brushes
Children's Tooth Brushes
Alarm Clocks. .........
Large Writing Tablets . .
"Yankee" Watches......
Crash Hats. . ...........
Weir made Wrappers,
for Ladies I 00
Men's Sweaters 95
Leslie Hobart Cowltiy.
Died, at the Good Samaritan Hospital,
Portland, on Thursday, April 20, Mr.
Leslie Hobart Cowing. He was the son
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cowing and was
born at Alexandria, .Minn., June 25,
1871. He lacked but two months of
completing 30 vears of life. It almost
12 years since he caraeto Uregon with
his parents. His school life was early
interrupted on acc vunt of frail health.
While but a boy he gave evidence ot
ability as a painter. It seems certain
that a splendid .career lay before .him,
business himself In the short time hi
lived to be at the head of this business,
he gained success in Bpite of many dif
ficulties. On January 12th of this year
he was taken to the hospital where one
week later he underwent a severe oper
ation. He was stricken with tubercd
losis of the peritoneuro. From the
first the gravity of the case left but little
hope of recovery. Mr. Cowing wai
married June 26, 1895, to Miss Fannie
Gray, PortUnd, who survives him. The
funeral services were solemnized at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Da Paroa,
Portland, Sunday afternoon, the Rev. I,
had he but entered the artistic life.
It was his choice, however, to be a tel
egrapher and as such he was Known for
his nainstakinir and C niscientiousneHS.
He had the distinction of opening the
first Western Unior olhce on Main
street. Subsequently he
tant offices elsewhere.
years ago he went to Astoria to enter tue
employ of a fish picking company.
While there ho made a host of friends.
Later he went on to Anacorts, Wash.,
where he served hi employers with
great ability and end fidelity. About
a year ago he went into the caunery
f ... . . 1 v... n.,
K Ntmpson out Mating, asamou j "oT.
A. J. Montgomery. The intorinant took
phce at Greenwood cemetery. aJ
Rirely does a young man puss away
who will be more missed th u he. lie
w.m faithful in everv char 'e. 'lo hi)
filled 1 in nor-, friends he was staunch, and loyai. ma
. ... . ...i.,,.ru .i,,u.i hi,n fur his ure.it
worth and trusted mm as inoy um ton
persons. IIU whole life was biauU ul
and will bo a pleasant memory to hii
friends in ye tra to come. He was de
voted member of the Episcopal church,
to which he has been attached since
Where the
Moneij Goes
Right into our Re 1 Seal Sar
saparilla into the medicine
itself not like the much ad
vertised kinds where one dol
lai goes for quality and the
other nine for printer's ink.
There is no great secret about
making a good Sarsaparilla
it all lies in the care of prepar
ation, purity of Ingredients
and conscience of the pharma
cist: if he cuts down the
amount ot the iooide of potas
sium a drachm or two on each
bottle, or saves a trifle on this
lwuliuni ami a littla nn tliut.
he will have plenty of adver- J
Using lunus. iiut peopia uro .
beginning to put faith more in J
the druggim they have always
l known rather than in ine .
million dollar advertiser. ;
r We have been working on and ',
I improving oar Red Seal Sarsa-
parilla for the past six years
x until we honestly believe that
Z no one, at any price, makes a
i better Sarsaparilla. and we
1 are always here to give you
your money back if it does not
give you entire satisfaction.
i Regular dollar size, (wc.
Prescription Druggist
Okboos Cut
The marriage of J. W. Moffatt to Miss
Jennie Dean Gray, which eveot was cele
brated at the home of the bride on the
East-Side in Portland Tuesday even
ing was an event that attracted con
siderable attention In two cities, tbe
contracting parties being well known
in both Portland nd Oregon City,
ex-Chaplain Gilbert, solemnized the
ceremony, the latter having been chap
lain of the Second Oregou in the Phil
ippines when Mr. Moffatt was quarter
master sergeant ot Uompauy
1. The
G. A. 11. A S XI VEili $A It T.
Meade l'ot No. 2 WAI Vdebrtfo
It TwMlMh Jilrtltdau.
At the Congregational church next
Monday evening, May tflh, iVlojdj Post
No; 2, G. A. tt., the second in number
oniaiiiaed m Oregon, will meet in open
session to celebrate its 20th anniversary.
Members of Meade Post are requested
to assemble at Willamette hall at 7 p
m., when a short business session will
be held. ,
4. 7 !t l llm P,ut n 1 W. II. O. Will
groom is ex-councilman, and for many pruceoj w t)ie church, led by tha Park
yearn past ha? held a responsible po- Uca UiUJj ttllj eacorted by Company A,
sition with the Willamette Pulp and hird Regiment , O. N. G., whtcii has
vum .v ... Kl 11 v HlXclllcU all llivibauuii v
ber of a prominent Portland laiuiiy, j .lie 0jl BXujn,i . cordial invitation
and has filled positions of trust there M 0y S(J ller 0 tt19 war for the
and here. Mr. and Mrs, Moll'att will I ,lnin. wtiether members of the or lei
or not, aud also t . sol iiera ol the war 01
1W8-W to march with us to the church,
where seats will be r nerved. Tue pat)
lie is cordially invite I to attend ttw ex
At the church, the followiu
riroxram will be rendered, the music
1 r , .1 , 1. 1 M. .lli.,n.
part Ol which wm uj iiuuui '. v..w
lion of Mrs, N. W, Lawrence i
Selection Bnt
Prayer Itev. E. S. Uoltine.
Recitation G.T. McArthu.
Reading Rjcord.s ol Meoliiii ol May (J,
mi Adjutant
Address MajorT, -
C. Bell, 1st Oomnviljr M31U Poj.
Recitation Miss Dollieuros
Address Rjv. A.J. Montgomery
Uenediction , 1
KacU number will ba iutarsporaij
with music.
The latest ar.d best brands ofcigtrn
and tobaccos are kept by P. G. S mn
Smokers' goods a'U o.ifeJtbnr, also
occupy the elegant home recently pur
chased by him on the West Side.
8urprie I'arty.
A surprise party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell on
12th and Taylor streets, Wednesday af
ttrnoon in honor ol Mrs. Howell's
brother's ninth birthday. The time
was pleasantly passed in games. Dur
ing the afternoon dainty refreshments
were served. Those present were!
Stella Kellog, Jennie Lacy, Lillian Gil
lette, Kva Alldredge, Maud Parks,
Ruttiie Little, Gertie Ware, and Vara
Howell; Walter Wood.Klden Alldredge,
Lylo Kellogg, Tommie Alldredge, Ray
Wure, Joe aud Clarence Alldredge and
Harold Little.
Bjiutifdl lin of
the Utest styles.
Miss C. Goldsmith.
chiffon hats in all
Call and inspect.
f 'Teifciiiriiifeii