2 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1901 CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS g . Macksburu . A Socialist Club was organized at Macksburg with 18 members. The fol lowing otlicers were elected : J. M. Cox, chairman; A. V. Reynold, vice-chairman; Charles Knoxberger, secretary; George Scheer, treasurer; F, M. Mathews, organizer. Comrade ?J. D. Stevens, of Canbv, made a very interesting speech on So cialism, which was much appreciated by all present. A committee was appointed by the chairman to have a constitution and by-laws formed for the club at the next meoting, which will be held on Tues day, May 7th, at 7:30 p. m. Another committee was also be appointed to se cure, if possible, a hall for our meeting. Comrade Stevens, of Canby, will de liver another lecture on Socialism at the evening meeting. Everybody ib cordi ally iiivited to attend. ClIAKLKS KRAXriEHGElt. Secretary, MeaOowbrook, More rain, more rest, that's what I like. Fall wheat looks well. C. II, Looney is farming on a big scale. Grandma Ramshy has been sick, but la now considerably improved. A. D. Larkins is improving the ap pearance of his place by building a new nickaf, fpnnn. I. V. Trullioger lias a smile on his face. It's a girl. T. ft. Orem is buildina a new fence Messrs. Cooper and JBonacher are farming on a large scale. 0. T. Kay has gone to Washington to i i - wora in a logging camp. Frog Pond. This spring has been all that anyone Could ask for. Most all of the spring f grain iB Bown ; also some potatoes planted. Mr. Aden, our road boss, is making preparations to do some more work this spring. J. L. Kruse Kent to Oorvallis to a tock eale last week. We can not Bay whether he made any purchases or not. Peters & Co have been doing some baling here for the past week. Miss Anna Aden left for Portland to day, where she has secured a position. Seven of the boys of this place went for a ride to Wilsonville Saturday eve ning. Professor Liesman will cloBe a term of ichool in Skunk Hollow next Friday with a social in tire evening. Our school picnio will be held la the May grove near the Bchoolhouae. A program is being prepared, and a gen eral good time is anticipated. Tualatin Grange will hold its next meeting in the evening on the fourth Saturday in May. James Turner will commence hauling wood next week at the mountain camp. A prosperous farming community should not raise grain bo foul that a man needs to fan three days to get the dirt rut of a bushel of oats. In reply to a few lines that Lengthy,of Stafford, has caused to be written we feel it our duty to make a few notes. We suppose that if he could have found words adequate to have thanked our most worthy editor of the Courier-Herald for granting us, the learned ones of Frog l'ond, space in bis paper, which he says we ask for, but di I not. He would not have dared to utter them on account of their unfitness. We, the "learned ones of Frog Pond," may have some book learnur but have not reached the state that our foreheads reach almost to the back of our head, and we don't evade our contradictors by nearly saying a thing is so. You still hold that there was no exaggeration in regard to the building referred to you, said it was to be two stories high. Is it? Further, that. our friend gave a very nice list of those named on the printed program, but as few of those were present, it was stated thit the meeting would be wholly informal and all present requested to take part. Why did the superintendent Bay that the program would be infor mal? Because the Washington county teachers who were on the program were some other place instead of where they should have been. The printed pro grams also asked friends and patrons of the school to be present and take part, so he was merely making a restatement Well, if Lengthy has never cut down a cherry tree, he formed on important fac tor in planting one on Arbor Day. He also holds the truth about as sacred as the people he has heard of. In regard to the former notes you re ferred to it should have read nine days Instead of one day. You seem very anxious to accuse us of cutting down cherry trees. L. D. Mumpower is to have a log roll ing and a ragtacking Wednesday. G. G. Hess is courting this week and will also cext week. The creamery build:ng will be built this season, and the plant will be started as son as possible ; Crops are looking fine so far Nat Rowen was buried in Pleasant View cemetery last Sunday. J. L. Stewai t went up the valley last Saturday, where he has contracted to build a barn. Mrs. J. A. Mumpower is expected home this week from-Crescent City, Cal., where she has been visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Underwood. Stone is to have a new schoolhouse, a new church and and a new creamery. Curritisville. Katie Currin, who haa been very ill with pneumonia, is improving under the care ol Dr. u. 13. Smith. Mrs Frost, of Harrison, Idaho, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Pogue, of this place. A few of the young people of this place met at the home of Mr. Bowen one eve ning last week and spent the time in crokinole. Miss Martha Kitching has returned home after a two weeks' stay in Port land. Sim Heiple was a visitor at Mr. Kitch ing'a home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Haydon, of Pueblo, Colorado, have come out to D. F. War ner's place, and intend living there this Bummer. Mr. Warner is thinking of go ing to California. April 29. M. Stone. As your correspondent haa been absent he will try and give some items from these parts again, W. K. Mumpower made a flying trip home from the logging camps last Sat urday and returned Monday evening. J. Jt Hattan has a barn to raise thii week. Liberill. A good many farmers will finish seed ing this week. This rain is a good thing for most of the farmers here, as the ground in some places was too dry to plow. Clover and timothy are meking a fine growth this spring. Early fruit was killed by the frost. William Morey, formerly of this place, now a real estate agent of Port land, was in this vicinity with several land buyers the last of the week. Mrs. Timmer was taken to Oregon City yesterday by Sheriff Cooke, and she will be taken to the asylum again. Grandma Pruce is very low again. She has dropsy of the heart, and her many friends are afraid she will not recover. Carl Kinsey, of Canemah, hi i his many friends here farewell. He has gone to Wardner, Idaho. Ira Phillips, who is very feeble,is stop ping with K. Austen. William H. White has sown 25 acres of China peas. They are the peaa for the farmers, as they have no bugs or worms in them. Squib, you must be nearly right, for the Molalla boys are coming this way at a lively pace now to get good looking partners for dancing school. Edith Wiles is visiting in Portland, where she will rewain a week. E. Austen, onr sawmill man, iB plac ing an edger in his mill. William Husband is going to plant eight acres of potatoes this spring. Sylvia. Eagle Creek. We have resolved to be more prompt and write every week, whether there is any news or not. We think that we are capable of fabricating a little, if the oc casion absolutely demands it. . We had, other people might have had too, some very cold days last week. On Thursday it snowed and hailed, to say nothing of the rain. Some of the farmers are in grave dis tress, thinking the cold weather injured the fruit trees. The Eagle Creek Sunday school is im proving steadily. Misses Pearl Smith and Maggie Smith were appointed teachers of the intermediate classes, and Miss Holmstrom, of the Biblclase, and Mrs. Gloyer was appointed superinten dent. Spelling school is the same as ever, but the attendance last Saturday nigLt was not as large as usual. Mrs. L. Glover and Mrs. J. P, Forrester were the guests of Mrs. Simp' son Wednesday. A lodge organizer for the Modern Brotherhood of America, spoke at the the hall Saturday night, but only a few seem to be impressed or take much in terest. The Artisan and Maccabee lodges of this place are prospering and ccem to be all the people desire in that line. A subscription paper gotten up for the benefit of Kev. Pogue, of CurrinBville, who preached at Eagle Creek regularly, is being circulated. A goodly number have already subscribed, and it is hoped others will folbw. J. E. Suter was the originator. Gus Wineeett, who . has been in Ore gon City for some tfmo, returned home Thuraoiiv. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Duly riied Saturday morning, April 27, and as buried at Sandy Ridge Sunday at 2 o'clock. Myrtle Winesett and Ben Forrester were the guests of Miss Lucko Sunday. George W ilson made a trip to Oregon Cily Sunday. Mrs. Huggiiis is reported to t e on the sick list. Henry Epperson waB seen in these parts Sunday. We are pleased to hear of jVir, smitn 8 improved health. Mrs. Maud Fleraming, of Portland, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wilbern, of this place. Mr. Foster and wife are recovering from their late illness. Dr.. S. Smith, of Portland, was the guest of his son, Dr, C. B. Smith, last week. Mrs. Robert Divinp, of Currinsville, was visiting herdaughter, Mrs. Burnett, fnday. Will Bell, of Kelso, was viBitinghere Sunday. Mis Ii.usia. SEND FOR OUR 1901 VEHICLE CATALOGUE JUST OUT 64 pages. Over 100 Styles Nearly 3000 Vehicles in Stock PRICES Carts $15 and up . Road Wagons 40 and up Top Buggies 60 and up Surries, Spring Wagons and the World Renowned agons itchell, Lewis k Staver Co MtcheU w M First and Taylor Streets, PORTLVND, OREGON. Nw novelties in trimmings and flow erp. Miss C. Goldsmith. Barlow, 4 C. U. Barlow is in California on busl ness, where he will remain for a few weeks. D. 0. Freeman is busy enlarging his store. We are sorry to hear of so much sick ness among our Canby friends. Health is good here ana has been for the last year. We would advise our Molalla neigh bors to hold that bear and dispatch for Teddy immediately. What s the use of having a vice-president whose chief qualification is bear hunting and not use him. Say, it would pulverize you to see the editor of the Aurora Borealis making goo goo eyes" at one ot our brunettes. Mrs. Martha Shepard and daughter. Bessie, are in Portland, presumably se lecting goods for their new store. A bridge is needed across the Pudding river directly west of this Place. Hops and everything are fairly hopping now, but there is lota of grain yet to be sown. Mrs. John Andrews and two little girls are visiting with her father and mother this week. John and Woody are batching. Corporal. New trimmed hata at popular prices. Miss C Goldsmith. Mural Dell. POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING, A SPECIALTY i Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY X V " t All kinds of Fine Bread H. Schrader SUCCESSOR TO Up-to-date Confectionery I of all kinds JOSEPH KUERTEN'S Bakery and Confectionery 7th Street, Oregon City, Oregon l8 years foreman of the ct di. Will give satisfaction to every customer in quality and prices. I baked the Wedding Cake for your parent and I'll bake yours too Miss Eletha Cummins went to Orejoa City Tuesday on her wheel to visit her BO-called s;ster, Miss Myrtle Ourran. Miss Lena Hornshuh, of Oregon City, came home Tuesday to remain a leiv days. At our debating society last Saturday night it was voted to have our next meeting turned into a spelling school. May 1. Gbnbvba. A car load of milk crocks just received and will sell at 8 c per gal lon. W, L. Block, the Homefurnisher 4-lb. Frank Hitton is building a new home and last week he had five carpenters working on it. Misses E. Eyman and L. Moore were visiting in Portland a few days thio week. I noticed in Liberal items some time ago a sure for cattle lice, and some of the hop men would like to know if it is all right for hop lice? MoBhberger brothers lo t a fine horse several days ago. Mrs. J. B. Jackson, of Ely, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samson. S. Wright was seen in our midst a few days ago. We are hav'ng April showers. Seeding has begun around here. Mrs. J Zweifel was visiting at Canby last week. Mrs. H. McNulty was visiting her sis ter, who lives near Turner, for several days. Her Biater will soou leave for California. Albert Eyman is slashing for Mosh berger Bros. Pete Bcamlin is hauling saw logs to Sturges Bros.' sawm ill. April 29. D. D. Stafford. May weather, May day. Bicycling is out of style for the pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Graner have purchased anew baby buggy. Grandma Schatz is visiting near Sheri dan with her daughter, Mrs. Good bread. Gages have shorn and dipped their sheep. With ppting seeding Fred Baker is bringing up the roar. Marcus Baker demand a rebate from John Wanker of $2, that amount being given him on a Bt. leu bngt,y dealliht ' month. I Memorial cxei rises and unveiling the Don Gage inoi uincnt by Company C, , Third Regiment, O. N. G., will take ' place in the eemeteiy here on the 19th, ( The "boys in Uue"will come from Port ! land byway of Oregon City and the West Side electric car line, marching from the end of that line to the ceme tery, where they will partake of noon , d.iv rations before services at the grave. Fred Schauber had the i.l luck Satur day to cut his thigh with a sharp ax. j Three stitches were required to cloe the wound. j May 1. Lkntiiy. Slutbe'. Miss Coila HoriK-huli went to Oregon ' City to visit a few days, i Albert Hornshuh came home from , Sweet Homo last- Saturday, where he has been visiting with hia brother, Kev. T. Hornshuh, for the past two mo-iths. I Mr. and Mrs. C. Muralt, of Maple Lane, weie visiting at E. W. Horn- thuli's for a few d.ive last week. i Mi's Bertha Moehuke, who has beoiK , In Portland for nearly a year, la home for a short visit. i There was party at M. Moehuke's last i riday evening. e are informed that I there were more ladies than gentlemen present something unusual for this ; place. A good time was bad by those attending. Rev. T. L. Hornshuh, of Sweet Home, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornshuh, for a few days. Needy . C. Hoff ran is fencing his land, that he recently purchased of H. Kummer. Mrs. Laverty and daughter were Oanby callers riday. Julius and Katie Spagle were home Sunday. Miss Leona Mohrand Miss Emma Eyman went to Portland Saturday. Shirley Busk went to Oregon City Friday evening. C. C. Molson went to the metropolis Monday. William Thompson and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Fred Will, Jr., Jr., at Aurora. Reil Garrett was home from Hubbard Sunday. Vern Ransdell arrived from Antelope Monday to visit with his many friends here. Needy is to have a baseball club, and it will be organ! zed Sunday. Nor Fi sh went to Canby Tuesday, where she has accepted a position with Mrs. Rosencrans. A dance is to be given Saturday eve ning. A good time assured. Everyone invited. Fellows Harding Block, Oregon City TELEPHONE 1518 45 Cents 8-Ib. Box Fresh Soda Crackers IS Cents Package Washing Powder 22 Cents 10 Pound Sack Farina 15 Cents 2 Cans Tomatoes or Corn 20 Cents 10 Pound Sack Corn Meal 25 Cents. 2 Pkgs. Lion or Arbuckle Coffee 7 Cents Package Mush $1.00 17 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar $2.90 Barrel Best Valley Flour $3.10 . Barrel Hard Wheat Flour Wilsonville. per Farmers are nearly through with their spring work. Uuite a number of people of this vicin ity are going to attend the unveiling of the monument at Champoeg May 2nd. There is some talk of starting a cream ery here in the near future. The only trouble seems to be is to get the requisite number of cows subscribed. School will close here on May 2nd to enable pupils and the teacher to attend the unveiling of the monumeat at Chain poeg on that day. It is reported that Archie Seely, of this place, and W. C. Ohristensen, of Newlierg, will put up a flouring mill at Neivberg this summer. The plant will cost about $14,000 and will have capacity of 100 barrels per dav . We wish the young men success 111 their new ven tore. lotatoes lire wortli T1)., cents sack RtTauciuiiiin's Landing. Chicken haw ks seem to be quite plen- titul this ei ring. J. L. Seely killed one recently tint uad killed a great many chickens in tins vicinity. Miss Anna Aden ia visiting friends in roitianu tins week. e send our beat respects to tho'Mong man iroin Mairora, ami will use the ar nica as directed. Will aho return rim compliment some time by sending him a bottle of Ayei's Hair Yijjor. May 1. ' SuoiiTY. Mountain J'iw. We aie having warm rains no-, which make everything grow fast. Mi8 May i'lioinp-on haa a new bi cycle. Mrs. Story and family spent Sunday With relatives at Highland. Austen Nickels, w ho haa been staying with Arthur Warner, and attending tins Mount Pleasant school during the win ter, has returned home. Mra.J. M. Cumin haa rented her bunt to the woodhuulers. The little juris of the first grade at school are quite pleased this week, aa their teacher, Miss Myers, has recovered from her recent illness, and returned to school. Mrs. Wallace, of Mulino, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Walton, Wed- Mrs. Nelson, who was staying at Mrs. Albright's last week, was tailed to the home of Mrs. Beauleauon Tuesday to take care of twin girl bab'es. Mr. and Mrs. Lewellen are at Glad- J, A. McGLASHAN, Manager Stores Oregon City and Portland stone most of the time this week takiutr care of their daughter, Mrs. Cromer, of Springwater, who was taken sick while on her way to Portland. lhere will be services at the church next Sunday at 4 o'clock.Rev. Bollinger officiating. Salina. Sehubel. (Delayed in arrival.) M. Moehnke is building a new house on, what is known as, the Jones place, he having bought .that place several years ago. He intends to go into sheep raising. ' Rev. H. Wittrock has purchased a piano. Otto Moehnke has a new bicycle, and he thinKs that is the quickeBt way to go and see his you know. Rev. Copley, .of Oregon City, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday to a large congregation. We wish him well in his new held of labor. Mr. and Mrs. R. Schoenborn and daughters, Clara and Elsie, of Cams, were visiliug relatives here last Sunday. F. Grossmiieller has sold hia team. He will probably strike out for borne other place to seek his fortune. E F. Ginther is hauling lumber for his new barn. William Moehnke will be the boss carpenter. Genevba. Maple Lane. Happy welcome, month of-May, with the many pretty ilowers and birds, driv ing ail caiea away with their Bweet warbling. Mrs. Jackson went, tn TSTr,1v a. Fri. day, where she expects to remain some time, visiting her invalid parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Sampson. Misses Laura Williams and Sari Davies are taking lessons on the organ, of Mrs. Berkhart. , Mr. and Mrs. Wourrns' little girl is improving from an attack of the meas les. Thos. Davits', tr., brother arrived from Texas on April SOtb : they had not met for 15 years. Misses Laura Williams and Anna ahortlidge were the guests of the Jack son sisters Sunday. Mr. Gerber is shwly improving from a severe attack of sore throat, attended by Dr. Strickland. Miss Eiima Walteuiathe, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walte mathe, of this place, was married at her home on Tuesday, April 30th, in the presence of about 30 invited guests. Some of our girls are becoming quite superior dancera, owing to the excellent dancing lessons given on Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, For further particulars inquire at or address No. 3, Molalla Avenue. Squire Gaffney, of Harmonv, spent Tuesday night with his boo at this place. My2. . Pansy Blossom.