Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 26, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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"What Would Jesus Do?"
KJopyrtgr'id and published In book form by
, the Ac moe Publishing Co. of Chicago. J
"Rachel," Jasper had said, and it
was the first time he had ever spoken
her first name, "I never knew nntil to
night how much I love yon. Why
should I try to cenceal any longer what
yon have Been me look ? You know I
love yon as my life. I can no longer
hide it from yon if I would. "
The hrst intimation he had of a re
fusal wusthe trembling of Rachel's arm
in his own. She had allowed him to
speak and had neither tnrned hor face
toward him nor away from him. She
had looked straight on, and her voice
was sad, bnt firm and quiet, when she
"Why do yon speak tome now? I
cannot liear it after what we have
con tonight."
"VYhv what" ho had stammered
and thr u was silent.
Rachel withdrew her arm from his,
bnt still walked near him.
Then he cried out with the anguish
of one who begins to see a croat loss
facing him where he expected a great
"Rachel I Do you not love me ! Is
not my love for you as sacred as any
thing in all of life itself?"
She had walked on silent for a few
teps after that. They had passed a
treet lamp. Her face was pale and
beantifuL He had made a movement to
clutch her arm, and she had moved a
little farther from him.
"No," she had replied. "There was
time I cannot answer for that Yon I
ahonld not have spoken tome tonight.' !
lie had seen in those words his an- j
wer. He was extremely sensitive. 1
Nothing short of a Joyous response to 1
his own love woald have satisfied him. j
Ho could uot think of pleading with
"Some timo, when I em more wor
thy?" he had asked in a low voice, but
the did not seem to hear, and they had
I-arted at her home, and he recalled
vividly the fact that no good night had
been said.
Now, as he went over the brief bnt
significant scene, Tie lashed himself for
his foolish precipitancy. He had not
reckonod on Rachel's tonse, passionate
absorption of all her feeling in the
scenes at the tent which were so new
in hor mind. But he did not know her
well enough even yet to understand the
oaning of her refusal. When the clock
is the Firs,, church steeple struck 1, he
was still sitting at his desk, staring at
the last I'UfeO of manuscript of his un
fliiished novel.
Rachel Winslow went up to her room
end faced her evening's experience with
conflicting emotions. Had she ever
loved Jasper Chase? Yes no. One mo- 1
meiit she f.ilt. that her life's happiness
was at stake over the result of her ac
tion ; another, she had a strange feel
ing of relief that she had spoken as she
did. There was on 3 great overmastering
feeling in her. The response of the
wretched creatures in the tent to her
inging, the swift, awesome presence of
the Holy Spirit, had affected her as
never in all her life before. The mo
ment Jasper had spoken her name and
he realized that he was tolling her of
Sis love she had felt a sudden revulsion
tor him, as if he should have respected
the supernatural events they had just
witnessed She felt as if it were not the
time to be absorbed in anything less
than the divine glory of those conver
ions. The thought that all the time
the was chains with the oue passiou of
her will to touch the conscience of that
tent full of sin Jasper Cliaso had been
moved by it simply to lovo her for him
self rnvo Iht n shock as of irreverence
n her part as well as on his. She could
not tell why sho felt as sho did; only
aho knew that if ho. had not told her to
atght sho would still have felt tho same
toward him ns she always had.
What was that feeling? What had
a'e been to her 1 Had sho made a mis
take? Sho went to her bookcase and
took out the novel which Jasper had
given her. Her face deepened in color
s she turned to certain passages which
rho had read often and which she knew
Jasper had written for her. She read
them again. Somehow they failed to
touch her strongly. She closed the book
lid let it lie on the table. She gradual
ly felt that her thought was busy with
tae sUrht she had witnessed in that
Wnf. Those faces, men and women,
touched for the first timo with the
Hpirit's glory. What a wonderful thiug
Mo AVfts, after all I The complete regen
eration revealed iu the sight of drunk
en; vilo, debauched humanity kneeling
down to give itself V) a life of purity
and Christlikoucsa oh, it was surely a
ai witness to the superhuman in the
world 1 And the face of Rollin Pago by
the side of that miserable wreck out of
the- jrntter she could recall as if she
aow saw in Virginia crying, with her
rins about her brother, just before she
taft the tent, and Mr. Gray kneeling
clo-.e by, and the girl Virginia had tak
en i: to her heart bfsdinjr her head
whl) Vir hiia whispered something to
h:-r .Ml these pictures, drawn by the
Llo'y Spirit iu the human tragedies
iHwv-ht tii a climax there in tho most
iiMiuioned simt in all Raymond, Mood'
ent in Rachel's memory now, a memory
to recent that her roow seemed for the
timo being to contain all the actors and
their inoveiu(.:.t
'2?Of so!" !w h.jJ uid ulo.:l "II
had uj riht to
that! He shot:'
,..a- to
h:vv r
l io ai'ter aiJ
'!( t-.l the
place where o-ir '"!
been. J am sur I do r
sV ".! 1 hive
lov him, not
And after she had thus spoken the
I evening's experience at the tent came
j crowding in again, thrusting out all
other things. It is perhaps the most
; striking evidence of the tremendous
j spiritual factor which had now entered
. the Rectangle that Rachel felt, even
, when the great love of a strong man
had come very near her, that the spir
itual manifestation moved her with an
agitation far greater than anything
i Jasper had felt for her personally or she
fjr him.
J The people of Raymond awoke Sun
day morning . to a growing knowledge
of events which -were beginning to rev
olutionize many of the regular custom
ary habits of the town. Alexander Pow
ers' action in the matter of the railroad
frauds had created a sensation, not only
in Raymond, but throughout the coun
try. Edward Norman's daily changes
of policy in the conduct of his paper
bad startled the community and caused
more comment than any recent polit
ical event. Rachel Winslow's singing
at the Rectangle meetings had made a
stir in society and excited the wonder
ot all her friends. Virginia Page's con
duct, her presence every night, with
Rachel, her absence from the usual cir
cle of her wealthy, fashionable ac
quaintances, had furnished a great deal
of material for gossip and question. In
addition to the events which centered
shout these persons who were so well
known, there had been all through the
:ity. in very many homes and in busi
ness and social circles, strange happen
ing Nearly a hundred persons in
Henry Maxwell's church had made the
pledge to do everything after asking,
"What would Jesus do?" and the re
sult had been, in many cases, unheard
of notions. The city was stirred as it
had never been. As a climax to the
week's events had come the spiritual
manifestation at the Rectangle and the
announcement, which came to most
people before church time, of the actual
3on version at the tent of nearly 50 of
the worst characters in the neighbor
hood,' together with the conversion of
Rollin Page, the well known society
wd club maa
It is no wonder that, tinder the pres
mreof all this, the First church of Ray
mond came to the morning service in a
condition that made it quickly sensi
tive to any large truth.
Perhaps nothing had astonished the
people more than the great change that
had come over the minister since he
had proposed to them the imitation of
lesus in conduct The dramatic deliv
ery of his sermons no longer impressed'
them. The self satisfied, contented, easy
attitude of the fine figure and the re
ined face in the pulpit had been dis
placed by a manner that could not be
compared with the old style of his de
livery. The sermon had become a mes
sage. It was no longer delivered. It
was brought to them with a love, an
iarnestness, a passion, a desire, a hu
mility, that poured their enthusiasm
bout the truth and made the speaker
ao more prominent than he had to be
s the living voice of God. His prayers
were unlike any the people had ever
keard before They were often broken.
Oen once or twice they had been actu
illy ungrammatir.al in a phrase or two.
When had Henry Maxwell so far for
jotten himself In a prayer as to make a
mistake of that sort? He knew that he
bad often taken as much pride in the
Siction and the delivery of his prayers
as of his sermons. Was it possible he
now so abhorred the elegant refinement
of a formal public petition that he pur
posely chose to rebuke hiijfclf for his l
previous precise manner of waver I It .
Is more likely that he had no thought
of all that. His great longing to voice
the needs and wants of his people tide
him unmindful of an oceisk e 1 i..;s
take. It is certain he had t.ver pr; yud
io effectively us ha did now.
There are thuut v. kin a k.t.:!-:i V: :
value and power fk-.e to f. i t . i
tho audience rather than to irj-ihir
new or st:i;;!ii;; ... i!. ....... ,.; ;
words or the r.rnm: vU : '
Conditions faced Henry Maxwell this
morning ns he preach"!! a.;inst tho sa
loon, according to his purpose deter
mined on the week before. Ho had no
new statements to make about tho evil
intlneuco of the saloon in Raymond.
Whiit new facts were there? He had no
startling illustrations of the power of
t'.io saloon in business or politics. What
could ho say that had not been said by
temperance orators a great many times?
Tho effectxif his message this morning
owed its power to the unusual fact of
his preaching about the saloon at all,
together with the events that had stir
red tho people. He had never in the
course of his ten years' pastorate men
tioned tho saloon as something to be re
garded in the light of an enemy, not
only to the poor and the tempted, but
to the business life of the place and tho
church itself, lie f o!;e now with a
freedom that seo:nd to inea-nre his
complete sense of tho coiivictiou that
Jeuus would speak so. At the 'loso he
pleaded with the people to remember
the new life that had be;; at tho Rec
tangle. The regular elect ion of city offi
cers would be an issue in that election.
What of the poor creatures surrounded
by the hell of drink while just begin
ning to feel the joy of deliverance from
sin? Who could tell what depended on
their environment? Was there ono
word to be said by the Christian disci
ple, business man, professional man,
citizen, in favor of continuing to license
these crimes and shame producing in
stitutions? Was not tho most Christian
thing they could do to act as citizens
in the matter, tijrht the saloon at the
polls, eh ct gml men to tho city offices
nndch'un the municipality ? How much
had p ayen helped to make Uayuioud
bett r while votes and actions had reul
Jy been on the side of tho enemies of
Jesus? Would not Jesus do this? What
disciple could imagine him refusing to
suffer or take np his cross in the mat
ter? How muck had the tneinl-crs of
tho Fir. t church ever suffered in an at
tempt to imitate Jesus? Was Christian
discipleshi'.i a thing of convenience, of
custom, cf tradition? Where did the
miffcin? ci?!ie in? Was it necessary
in order io tollow Jesus' steps, to go up
Calvary as well as the Mount of Trans
figuration? His appeal was stronger at this point
than he knew. It is not too much to
say that the spiritual tension of the
First church reached its highest point
right there. The imitation of Jesus
which had begun with the volunteers
in the church was working like leaven
in the organization, and Henry Max
well would, even thus early in his new
life, have been amazed if he could have
measured the extent of desire on the
part of his people to take up the cross.
While he was speaking this morning,
before he closed with a loving appeal to
the discipleahip of 2,000 years' knowl
edge of the Master, many a man and
woman in the church was . saying, as
Rachel had said so passionately to her
mother : "I want to do something that
will cost me something in the way of
sacrifice. I am hungry to suffer some
thing. " Truly, Mazzini was right when
he said, "No appeal is quite ao power
ful in the end as the call, 'Come and
To be continued.
Regular lprll .Term 'Still in
The trial of Burt Jewell, ch ir id with
assault with a knife, has b ten p istponed
until the November term In die di
vorce suit of H innah 0. vs. VVallerS.
Shepherd, Thomas F. Ryan ti.ed his
authorization as attorney for the defend
ant. The defendant lives in Iowa. Ie
fault was entered in the divorce suit of
George W. vs. Grace Steinhauer. in the
foreclosure suit of Bunk of Oregon City
vs. Thomas Cliarman, a motion was
granted to dismiss the com pi lint as to
Marian MoUarvey, but default entered
a to other defendants. A decree of
f oreclosure was entered. In the suit of
the Oregon Citv and Southern Railwav
Company, defendants. The motion of
defendants to consolidate this cause with
the suit pending herein, brought by C.
W. Ganom? autainst nlaintiffas defend
ant, and the str't of these defendants
pending herein, brought by them
against said plaintiff as a defendant.
Plaintiff appeared to its attorneys, 0. 1).
Latourette, and Cotton, Teal Mi
nor, and said Ganong and said Oregon
& California Railroad Company and
Southern Pacific appearing by Hedyes
& Griffith, Gordon Haye-t, George O.
Brownell and W. I). Fenton It isor
! dered that said motion be and the same
is, as to the case of Oregon City and
j Southern Railway Company plaintiff
against the Oregon & California Rail
road Company and Southern Pacific
Company, defendants, denied, but as to
j the cases of C. V. Oanong, plaintiff
'against the Oregon Citv A (Southern
; Company, defendants, and the Oregon &
! Calif irnia Railroad and Southern Pacific
' Companies against the Oregon City &
'southern Company, the said motion is
hereby allowed. The last two being
equity cases are consolidated for trial.
It is further ordered that plaintiff in
caid equity cases so consolidated, mav
have until Wednesday evening A phi
24th, in which to file an amended and
supplemental compl.iint or either here
of, if they shall be so advised, and the
said defendants in this action, have un
til said time in which tofurtlur plead
C. W Ganong and the Oregon &
California and Southern Pacific Rail
roud Companies have filed and amended
complaint to theit ' injunction suits
attainst the Oregon City & Southern
Railway Company, asking for a tempor
ary Injunction against, the crossing of
their tracks, until the injunction suits
are fettled in the court ami at the final
hearing a pe'petnal
injunction. The
the Comity usi-d
plaintiffs allege that
and repaired said r.adwav between
Oregon City and Caiiemsb, subject to
their franchises, and funher tl al the
Oregon City & Southern Railway are not
building their road according to teriuo
of the pretended franchise.
On the third day of the suit of William
Wilson vs. the Southern Pacific Rail
road Company, the court 6Uitained (K
fendant'a motion for a non-suit. On the
28th day of August, 1900, Wilson board
ed the blind btiggageof the Southern
Pacific ncr h-bound Albany local at the
depot and a short distance beyond the
water.ti'.n'n ho was ejected from t tie mov
ing train bv a hrakeinan. Afier beinn
in the hospital in Poitland for some
time, a Clickamaa county charge,' lie
wan letnrned heie. In the mean time,
his attorneys, iuiick & E istbain, tiled
a damage sun for $25 0o0. )n Friday a
motion for nor- uit was wrgned by de
leiidiii.t's attorney, Mr, Feiinm, pnnci
pilly on the ground that a tailaad io n
pai.y is not responsible lor the acts of an
employe in ejecting a trespasser from a
moving train. The case th.-n went to the
jurj on its merits, Senator Brownell as
sisting W 1), Fen'on for the ril oad
compHiiy, while R W. Montague and O,
W. Kastham put up an txeellent tight
for ti.e plaintiff. On Monday, betore the
time f ir the case to go to ihe j'iry, the
court sustained another motion lor a
non-suit. Judjie McBride permitted the
non suit on the ground tuat the com
plaint did not allege that the plaintiff
was wantonly injured by lieing t-jeeted
from the tr in, it alleging onlv negli
gent. The plaintiff was a trespasser,
was stealing a ride, anil was not entitled
to the same consideration as a passen
ger. The following additional soils have
been disposed of: K F. Riley v. F. AV.
Youiiians and wife, a suit for the fore
tlocure of a mortgage subject to the
dower right of May Youmans, the de
cree beimj for f 30. In the suit of Anna
Mick vs. H. 11. Johnson, p'aintttl wax
granted pi" mission to tile amended com
plaint. In the suit of Jared Karstetler
vs. Klmer llardef y, summons was or
di red by publication.. William A. Tic
was nivcti a j',r.' verdict for $4" 18
against George Btonghton. The divorce
suit of M irie vs. Thomas Waiv k was
dismissed; a ibciee was grante.l Ellen
from Willis J. K.iruliam. and the pi tin
tiff was accorded the custody of the mi
nor child ; Elvira whs granted a divorce
from CI 'de A. Phillips; in the divorce
suit of Eliza vs Hujj Keens, the sum
mons was ordered published.
"I had a running sore ou" my breast
for over a year," says Henry R. Rich
ards, of W'illseyville, N. Y., 'and tried a
great many remedies, but got no relief
until I nst'd Banner Salve. After using
one-half box, 1 was perfectly cured. 1
cannot recommend it too highly.';
Charuiah & Co,
In Which Results are Discussed
From Actual Experiences.
W. H. Mattoon, of Viola, believes that
occasionally planting a fiel I in clover, is
better than summer tallowing. His
plan is to either pasture the field of clo
ver, or cut for hay in June or July '1st,
and plow under the second growth
This plan kills all the weeds, especially
wild peas, and the clover enriches thd
soil to a remarkable extent. .
William Ulrich, of Damascus precinct,
believes that it pavs better to alternate
the grain crop with potatoes, as it de
stroys the weeds and puts the ground in
excellent condition for wheat or ither
grain. He plants the potatoes so that
the vines will be four feet apart each
way, and thoroughly works the ground
with a cultivator. Mr. Ulrich says that
he thus puts his ground in excellent
condition, and has a crop of potato -s
yielding 60 or 70 sacks to the acre to put
on the market A neighbor, Mr. Wil
son, has a large farm and Biimmei-ial-lows
extensively, but Mr. Ulrich snyj
that the yield of wheat on his farm after
a potato crop, far exceeds that of the
summer-fallowed ground. He keeps a
few cows and raises lings, finding both
profitable. He also states that he has
tried plowing under the second crop of
clover, and has found it to Work admir
ably in recuoaratinn the soil A clover
field can be sown in outs tho following
year, and clover hay cm be cut the next
year without, re-seednn;.
A. B. Marquun, of M.irqui u. is summer-fallowing
the greater part of his
larm, but he says that it is on account of
not having time to sow clover. He wid
pasture the siiininer-i.illoiv with sheep.
Mr. Marqiiam favors cropping to clover
in preference to summer -fallowing f r
the reason that one does uot lose the use
of the land for one year. Heclaiiusth.it
me Clover roots, wnich run dju very i
neep in the soil, all to th t iertility,
eveu if two crops of hay are cut off the
ground in one season. However, he
does not contend but tint the ground
needs the rest given by su nmer-fallow-ing.
James M. P olish, of Hihl ind, thinks
that summer-fallowing is good for some
localities, but it has not proven a success
in this vicinity. Ha siya that the soil
in that pxrt of the country is always
naturally covered with so-ne kind of
plant growth, either nature or foreign,
and consequently receives no benefit
from being exposed . to tie sti i. Ho
thinks p -as tor an occasional crop to
improve ttie bearing qualities of tho
land, mu -h lutter than suminir fallow
ing. John Ouinisoii, of Mdabwbroik,
thinks that a culture 1 crop is the only
proper w iy of killing all kinds of we ' s ;
tnat seeding to grass vill not al vays des
troy them,
Tnere are are many farmers, In vever,
who still think summer-fallowing th
proper thing for resting ami cleatis;ng
the soil if it is done properly.
Cninfu Tseis iser'i Xtiica.
I now have money to piy r id w ir
rams endorsed on or before July 11th,
Interest will ceae on the date of this
Treasurer CI ickain-M County, Or.
Oerg m City, April 2oth, 19J1.
Mr. F. D. Arn dd, Arnold, la., writ's:
Ha was trou olid with kidney i-isease
about thre-s ye-irs. He had to get ud
several times du ing the night but thrcs
botti wot Foley's Kidney Cure effecte I a
complete cure, he feels bettur than he
ever did and recommends it to his
friends. Cliarman & Co.
Thela'est at d bjst brands of cigars
and tobacc is are kept by P. G. Shark
Smokers' goods and cjiiUctioiiery, aiso
$.'0 to $100 io loan on chat tel or p-r
son a I sec in hy .
Dl.MlCK & Eastham, Agts.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.903.40; graham
Wheat Walla Walla 5557c; va'ley
53c59; blues'.em 59c.
Oats White, 1 25 per cental; grar,
1 20 1 2. percental.
Barley Feed $17; brewing $10 per t.
Millstuffs Bran $16; middlings 21 U :
shorts $S; chop $Hi.
Hay -Timothy $.'2(gl 3; clover, 7(a i;
Oregon wild $7.
B tttor Fin -y ere un try 4'i ill 50c;
store, 20 and 25.
EgL'9 13 1-2 and 14 ecnts per dnz.
Poultry .Mixed chickens. I3.003.50:
hens $3.504; springs $33 50; geese
$b7; ducks $56; live turkeys 11
I2cj dressed, 1214c.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers
and ewes, sheared, $4 50; dressed, 6
and 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy '$5500 aud $5 25:
light, $5 ; dressed, 5 1-2 and 6 cents per
Veal Large, 6 1-2 and 7 cents per
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50 and t.
dressed beef, 7 and 8 cents per pound.
Che-se Full cream 12c per pound
Young America 13c.
Potatoes 15 and 50 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 75o
per sack; garlic "c per lb; cabbage $1.65
(lil.80 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75c
tier dozen : narsnios 85c rr mu-k wi.n
SOfSUOi! per dozen; asparagus TfgSc;
peas 3 f 4c per pound.
Dried fruit. Annies pvnnr&'n.t ,il.
sun-dried sacks or boxes 2(3 4o; peart
sun and evaporated 8(Sic; pitless plums
TdtSe: Italian prunes 5r7! Miro
silver choice 5(A7.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 63.
Oats, 1 25 per cental.
Potatoes. 50 and 50 centa per sack.
Egs 14 cents per dozen.
Butter, dairv. 35 to 4oc nor roll :
creamery, 50c.
Dried apples, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried Drum's Italians. 4- nr:a
and German, 3c.
Latest Styles
Don't waste your time and money but buy a pair of the
You can fix them yourself and lave their cot la repair bills In a year. They
t your rims Juat as they are and without any cement. And they ride so dZ
ferent from others, like a feather bed compared to a board floor.
Oregonlan raildln?, Foriland, Oregon.
1 llliHBB mm
jVfegetable Preparationfor As
similating ttieFoodandReguIa
ting the Stomachs andBowels or
Promotes DigestionXheerfur
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium,Morphine norIineral.
Not TiARC otic.
HmfJun 5ai
Hpprmwt -DlCarixttclrSodm
Ctmtud foqar
WuilMynmt. Hanr.
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
Oon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Fac Simile Signature or
Coi liniiel from iagf 2.
II iUioit
l'i.e Uniir- li ve had a long rest l'U
at 'he ir.not t tin aif niakn g koikI ute
of the tine weaili' r ami n r im seeding
Arli r .Iiiy a- olw v d here at Bavpr
Hke wlm I in ill t ii:t N (iY A iniiii.
ber oi tree r- planted and an appro-
riate piotriii was endered, woicli
whh enjoe 1 tiv nil piei-en'.
A pleasant larew.H parly watt given
atllw h'liiH of Mr and Mm. lory
Tlioiiiaa la-t Fridiy evening. Quite a
lare crowd was present, and ever yone
had a no d time Ainhii 12 oVuck an
oyater supper was perved in th- dining
room, to whi.-h all did hear y justice.
Full wheat looks goml; pru.-peols are
are excellent for n Rood crop.
Old Jack Frost paid Willi it a vi-.it
last week but we hope he f uit h uot
damned yet.
Raymond W.Ian 1 and Mr Hoyt made
a flying trip to Silverton last week.
We are (find to he ir th it quite a num
ber of our siek arj up an I a oun j.
Mr. ll.iuu and Mr S un l.tr t, .,. 1
wagons last Sa urduy.
Charley Long u seen in ihis burg
last week. I
Ourhcil r etoh.int. Mr, McPluren, is I
having material hauled with which to'
nuuu a dining rjoui and iitlien. He
intends to er-ct a two story tmil tin .
Frank Vorhiea' little Imy ia very low
with hrain ttver. The" doctors have
guea him up
Hurt Wa e purchased a tine riding
horse last week.
Mrs. Mazinico, who has been tpend
inu a few weeks with her chinch er in
Portland, returned home last week.
Btirt Wadrt male a flvitm tip to
Turner on his fine saddle horse.
Mr. Milste-td, of Missouri Kidae we t
to Portlunt Monday and returned home
t hursday with liis wife.
April 22. News Boy.
. Continued on pa; 8.
Carpet and Rug Weaving Next door
to Armory ou Main si roe. E. J.
Call and see the elegant line
of Neckties, Collars, Shirts,
etc. Latest Shirts with Cuffs
attache just received.
The Up-to-Date Clothier.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
Mia:. K-.k.uxa.-.f,!
Hirdiag Bloc's, 0ipi City
45 Cciv.s
8-lb. l ix Fresh Wa Crackers
15 Cents
4 lb. Package Washing .Powder
22lt Cent
10 Pound Sack Faiina
13 Cents
i Cans Tomatoes or Corn
.20 Cents
!0 Pound Sack Corn Meal
25 Cents
2 PkoS. Lion or Arbuckle Coffee
7 Cents
.Package Muh
17 Poun.ls Best Gr.inaia.id Sugar
Iiarrel Besi Valley Fl ur
Barrel Hard WJieat F'our
J. A. McGLASIIAX, Manager
'loi'di Oregon City aad To. thin 1
The G-eat Soaurje
of medern times is consumption. Many
ernes t d discoveries from time to time
are published bnt Foley's Hjney ani
Tar does truthfully claim to secure all
caes in the early stages and al wavs af
fords comfort and relief in the very
worst cases. Take 1:0 substitutes
C'harmnn & Co.
the i
Hough to give him tiiv life."