Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 26, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Union Hall
Everybody is tiikinsr advantage of the
good weather and making gardens and
planting spring c ops.
Miss Eliza Burns, vho has been stay
ing willi her grand oa, Jacob Crader, re
turned home last Monday.
8cl)ool ia progressing nicely, with Miss
Johnson ab teacher.
Mr. Grimes and family have moved
Into their new house.
Mesrs. Otto Stuker and B. J. Helvey
have gone down on the Columbia to
fish dnriiig the rummer.
J. H. Hums made a business trip to
ftew Era one day last week.
Mies Daisy Phelps returned to Lex
ington to resume her duties as teacher
in the public school.
Oscar Striker visited his parents last
Oscar Likes visited his uncle, J. H.
Burns, one day last week.
I think each and every district should
provids a means to have plenty of good
water at the school house, and not be
bothering the people who live near the
school to get water out of their wells.
This district is able to dig a well on the
school grounds and provide a way to
have good water. Besides, much time
is wasted by the pupils in carrying the
water that they use at school. They are
after watr when they should tie In the
fchool house preparing their lessons for
futher recitation. I hope the day is not
far distant when we will have a well at
our school house the same as other dis
tricts. April 20, Backwoods.
Glad Tiding.
We had a very pleasant 6hower the
Other night, and it will help the late
town grain consideiably.
The roads ate in fair condition. They
should be leveled up in some places.
The sick are on the road to recovery.
The fruit doesn't Beem to be damaged
10 far.
Hop work is at full blast. - Most of the
yards are making a very rapid growth
tt present
Sylvia, dont you think for a minute
tbat Steve tells tales out of school.
No, nothing wrong with Molalla
Can't afford a good looking widow. They
might look pretty by "Moonshine".
The Misses Nora and Pearl Leabo
were visiting relatives at Marquam last
Cyrus llendershot was out trying hia
buggy the other day.
M.'D. Leabo made a trip to Oregon
Oity last week.
Something surely has gone wrong aa
Orin Hammond hasn't been out with
his buggy during this fine weather.
Mrs. P. J. Hidings and daughter,
Onati, went to Salem last week.
Beautiful linn of chiffon hats in all
the latest ttylei. Call and inspec
Miss C. Gol dsmith.
It is reported that Mr. Hollings-vorth,
of Nebraska, has purchased the A.
Wright place, Mr. llollingsworth in
tends to move here in the fall. We all
Welcome hi in.
The Uedland M. E. Sunday school will
flelobrate Children's Day on June 0.
D. 11. Mosher was home Saturday
from his school at Frog Pond.
James Dew was taken in to Oregon
Oity, where he will be treated by Dr.
Mrs. Behymer is moving her house
hold effects to Woodburn.
The new mail route works to perfec
tion, and it is quite a convenience.
Mrs, James Fullam is down with the
April 22.
L. F.
Two Sundays since EuBter and rain
fell on both of them.
Messrs. Aden and Weddle are hauling
lumber with which to build liue fences.
Why don't you pole those hops that
yen are growing about your house?
He rn, to the wile of J. 0. Gage, on the
17th, h Km, All doing well.
Miss Downing ppmt Saturday and
Sund av at her home neap Progress.
' Mr. l'riesttr and wile and Mica Katie
Fhiup, of Fri g lVnd, Fpent the day with
Air. and Mrs. iiage.
Miss Viola Barnes is staying in Staf
ford at present.
Mr. Weissenhorn bought a horso a
short time ago, and now bus to buy
hnv to spring it on.
Mr. Paulkner has started anoat young
orchard of L'fj trees.
John feint x, sr., a piralytic, was
woit-o his-1 ivoek.
Guaranteed to be the best
wnicn is a ueuvr j;uaramec 01 a iiin grauc uest possible to build) than all the talk irresponsible
dealers and agents for cheap wagons can possibly give you.
MITCHELL, &. LEWIS Co., the makos 01 the MITCHELL WAGONS pav 25 to ?o percent
above the maikct price of the best grades of wood stock for the privilege of a closer inspection ami more
rigid examination of each piece and to enable them to skim off the cream of the waon timber offered
on the market- 1 EN CE WE CAN AliSOLUTEV GUARANTEE a superior quality of timber in
MITCHELL WAGONS and it is just as. impossible to build a good wagon without good timber as it is
to build a good house without a good foudation. The foundation of a wagon is the timber We know
that everybody claims to have the best, b utyou can't see under the paint. In buying a wagon you must
trust to somebody's word we claim to be trustworthy and reliable; besides, we leave tmpaitited the
underside of such parts as we can (reaches tounges, etc so that you can confirm our statements. We
guarantee every stick fully. MITCHELL WAGONS are iiht-tunning, will proportioned and well
finished, and, taken as a whole The 13i:st Wagon ON riiE Makket Today. Yo cant make a mis
take if jou get a MITCHELL,
t 1 1 a ...... t . . - r
itchell Lewis
First and Taylor Streets,
Mr. Mooer is having an addition built
to his barn, and it will be used as a work
shop and wagon shed.
Mr. Bnshbaum is suffering from a re
lapse of la grippe.
We cannot form words adequate to
thank the (Jourier-ueralu lor giving
space, as requested Ust week to the
learned ones of the towns of Wilsonville
and Frog Pond.
In reference to former communica
tions from here, we will state there
were no exagerations, except in the
eyes and mind of the one that cried "ex
agerations" and closes his communica
tions with various non de plumes lor
fear some may think they were all com
posed by one person".
Some fail to read underotandingly,
and misconstrue items to fit their own
imaginations, thus was tbs case where
the dimensions of a certain building
mentioned was referred to, as we did
not say he was going to erect a building
40x40. Please look it up. Also the in
stitute mentioned was not stretched.
Our friend gave a very nice list of those
named on the printed program, but as
but few of those were present, it was
stated the meeting would be wholly in
formal and all present requested to take
part, a call to which many responded, or
as we said before, whenever an oppor
tunity was given them. "Lengtliy"
never'cut down a real cherry tree with
his little hatchet, but has heard of boys
doing so, and men holding the truth so
"sacred" that they never used it in pub
lic if there was any possible show to
avoid it
By referring to former notes we see
that the principal of the Frog Pond
school is on the program, and in last
week's issue the same party makes rut
they knew nothing about it until the
day previous therefore had no time to
prepare a speech. Aheml Who cut
down that cherry tree?
To our friend from Wilsonville, Hello I
We're not aware we were giving you
such a "solar plexus blow" as to crack
your cranium, but if we did, while rub
bing, rub on some arnica, but don't take
interrrall, the arnica we mean. You bet
we took part and enjoyed it, but don't
you tell F. P., for he doesn't know it.-
New novelties in trimmings and flow
re. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Hood View,
Rev. and Mrs. J. M.Barber left Thurs
day for Condon, Or., to attend the con
vention of United Columbia Congrega
tional churches held from April 19th to
the 21st.
Rev. Jessie George preached to a large
congregation at this place last bunday.
Born, to the wife of Henry Baker
a girl, April 17th.
Fine weather prevails.
Fruit trees are in blossom.
Grouse are hooting.
Joe Carlson is home on a short visit
to his parents. He has been working in
the logging camps at uarrouon, wasn.
Frank Winsiow.ot uiciseys rraine,
passed through Colton one day this
week. ....
Mrs. P. E. Bonney is on the sick list.
T flrtrltott ar.pnmnn.mAd hv bin prand-
daughter, Miss Editu Buckner, visited
the latter's parents, Mr, ana mrs. Wil
liam 0. Buckner, of Highland, last Sun
George Wallace, of Highland, was
calling on friends here on the 14th.
Misses Lucy anu Alice oonuey were
the guests of Miss Hannah Schiewe, of
Olarks, one day tbia week.
Charlie Robeson, ol usiranuer, vvasn.,
was visiting his siBtere, Mrs. Elva Gar
rettand Mrs. Jessie Winslow, of this
place, last week.
F. M. Countryman nag lout a cow.
M ! aa Rcaaiu Hnhbard and Miss Adams
wr iaitinir friends at Springwater last
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Russell Stone is on me hick ust
Misses Terrah Wilson and Ina Park
were the guests of Miss Grace Gorbet
last Saturday.
J. H. Bonney lett seaine on uie mil
inst.for the gold regions of Alaska. We
wish hiin auceess. ,
School is progressing nicely with Miss
Mamio Adams as teacher,
Dave Pendleton loft for Washington
last Wednesday.
Oh, Yaw, if anybody wants a cheap
boy to go along to keep the bears ami
cougars away, I knows where you gets
The Coltonites met in the cemetery
last Mondav and laid it oil' in lot and
slashed tlte'brnsh between the road and
raveyard on ihe eastern side.
possible to buikl. Representing C5
. 1 i 1 1 t , .
Just wait till the Colton creamery is
started. -
Farmers are Lusy planting potatoes.
J. F Lovelace has sold his property
in East Portland.
Cora Ward has returned from Oregon
Emily Jubb has returned from Port
land, where she has been- visiting her
W. H. Mattoon is on the jury at Ore
gon City.
Mrs. J. F. Lovelace has returned from
Portland where she has b-'en visiting
her parents.
. Tol'SY.
-The people of Elwood are taking ad
vantage of the fine weather. Spring
work is being crowded to a finish.
An extra meeting of school district
No. 58, has been called to elect a direc
tor, who will fill the vacancy caused by
the death of Mr. Cadonau.
Our school is progressing nicely un
the supervisoin oPMissTennie Mayfield.
Lawrence Baker and family have
moved into Robert McCain's house.
Four of the Elwood boys have re
turned from Bridal Veil logging camps.
Mrs. E. Dibble's heaith is quite
W.T.Henderson has rented Nelson
Boylan's place, the latter having moved
to Kelso, Wash.
Morris Cadonau depated this life on
Eister Sunday, April 7. He was born
January 4th, 1842, and came to Oregon
in 1868. He leaves a loved companion,
four sons and six daughter t, and a host
of friends and neighbors to mourn his
lo-s His remains were laid to rest in
the Mountasn Home cemetery. The
funeral services were held at Mountain
Home church and from the text of his
own choice, Ps. 34-22.
Mr. Woodruff has gone to the wood
camps below Logan.
Mrs. Lydia Park has returned from a
few weeks' visit at Oregon City .
Johnnie Park was home on a visit
frrm Paimer, Or.
Mrs Freeman is slowly recovering.
She is able to be up for a short time.
Mr. Turner is making some improve
ments in the way of buildings on his
Willie Donahue left for the logging
camp last week.
Lali.a Rookh.
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal
lon. W, L. Block,
the Homefurnisher.
Bull Run.
We are having lovely weather here at
present and the farmers are busy getting
in their spring crops and garden.
A great many of the early fruit trees
are in bloom now, and from all indica
tions the frosts have not done much
The Cummins & Cole sawmill is
about to start up again. Mr. Dixon, of
Orient, has contracted to do the log
ging. We hope that he will see his way
clear, so he may Btay with it a little
longer than the last contractor did.
Sam Bacon has been losing Borne valu
able thoroughbred hogs lately by dis
ease. He thinks it was caused by over
Bull Run has a new resident.- It is
Mrs, Frank Brigham, of Portland, who
will make this place her home for sev
eral months or until her husband, who
is inspector of surveys for the govern
ment, returns from Idaho, where he is
at present.
A. Andre has been quite ill, but ia
slowly recovering.
Mrs. Sam Bacon and daughter were
visiting ralatives at Orient Saturday and
The roads between here and the end
of the bicycle path at Pleasant Home
are drying up quite fast.
Several bicyclists came through here
to mount the Bull Run Sundav.
MissAlhee, of Oregou City, is teach
ing a very successful school at this place.
Everyone is delighted with her.
Mrs. A. Andre and Miss Edith Phelps
drove a band ol calves through the
streets of Bull Run last week. They
can do the cow boy act very nicely.
Mrs. A. Andre had a narrow escape
from beiu gored by a vicious cow a
short time ago.
Bull Run has a riding club, which is
doing a flourishing business. Some snap
shots of the members taking their les
sons would very Interesting.
years experience in wagon build
Needy. '
Frank Bagby went to Portland last
Mrs. M. E. Laffertv visited friends in
Oregon Oity last week.
Misses Pearl Garrett and Ima Mohr
have new wheels.
Mr. and Mrs. Noe- are both on the
sick list.
The Woodmen took in eight new mem-
hers Saturday evening. Mr. Day, ot
Portland, visited the lodge.
VaIt Noblitt and wife visited friends
in Needy Sunday.
Professor Yoder was in our burg get
ting scholars fur his music clasB.
John Strickland and wife went to
Maeksbuig Sunday..
Mrs. John Kromer came home from
Poriland Sunday evening.
George Askins is up from Oregon City
and is visiting his family.
Henry Kummer and wife visited in
Macksburg Sunday.
Born, to the wife of I. B. Hein, a
Frog Fond.
Our road l oss, John Aden, has our
road in an excellent condition for the
summer. The Wagner hill has been
graded, which is a much needed im
provement. If every district in the
county possessed as able a supervisor as
we, roads would be in better condition.
Mark Baker, who purchased a buggy
of a lady recently, finds that it answers
to the descriptions of one belonging to a
Portland arm.
A few more days of pleasant weather
will wind up springseeding.
Some of the boys gave an oyster sup
per Saturday night, which was much en
joyed by all present.
Miss In za Thompson, one of our en
ergetic school teachers, left last week for
Sherman county, where she has a sum
mer school.
. Chickenpox is going the rounds.
Meint Peters, new windmill, gives a
perfect satisfaction. He may secure a
The Hon. G. Gage, of Stafford, was
doing business in Frog ,Pond one day
last week.
J. D. Kruse traded for a. blooded horse
last week.
J. L. Turner was transacting business
at the county seat Friday.
Bert Seely, of Wilsonville, and Smith
Turner, Otto and Harry Peters, of this
place, were wheeling Sunday. The for
mer two going to Oregon City and the
two latter going to Portland.
Our school is making pieparations for
a picnic to be given at the end of the
term. Details will be given later.
Otto Peters rides the most up-to-date
wheel in town. It is the Yale.
Eagle Creek.
The recent shower was appreciated by
The crops are looking fine, and farm
ers are well pleased, and are looking for
good times in the near future.
Rev. Pogue held meetings at the
school house all last week. He also
preached on Sunday afternoon.
Our Sunday school is progressing very
Mr. Ingram, who was vis'ting here,
has returned after an absence of about
a month.
Jack Latouretle and Jack Caufleld, of
Oregon City, were the guests of Dr. C.
B. Smith Saturuay.
- Miss Grace Douglas has gone to East
ern Oregon for a few months for the
benefit of her health. She was accom
panied by her father.
Miss Lena Vancuren has gone to
Pleasant Home to work.
Mrs J. P. Forrester was the guest of
Mrs. S. Glover Wednesday.
Misses Dollie Foreman and Maggie
Smith were the guests of Pearl Foster
Kentucky Babe,
Again we hear the patter of the rain
upon the shingles, and general order of
gardening and farming will have to bt
postponed for awhile.
There is a large bear upon the Molalla
that hai succeeded so far in outwitting
all the traps, dogs, men and poison that
it has come in contact with. It basso
Tar this spring killed and devoured 20
head of Bheep and goats of faamers in
this section. Three different sets of
traps have been set to catch him. He
takes the bait all 'light, but knows
enough to keep out of the traps. On the
night of the 19th, he killed and partly
devoured a sheep on George Adams'
farm. George tet two traps for him, and
he (bear) came as expected, took the re
mainder of the sheep, but left both traps
undisturbed. The next morning several
men with dogs started out to capture
him. He was routed in a short dis
tance of win re he had taken the sheep,
but the dogs could neither tree or stop
him. Hestruc'c one of Fred Shaver's
dogs and it will have to travel on three
legs for some time. Some of tin) men
sw the hear, but did not trot a nhot at
him. lie finally swam the river and es
caped, and it is hoped that left the set
tlement lor good .
On April '.Mst 0. W. Kobbii s cele
brated his 40th birthday by giving a
dinner. Only ins near relatives were in
vited his mot her, Mrs. Levi Kolibins, and
his grandmother, Mrs. Larger, wtre
Miss Florence Patty and Miss Har
rington were visiting' Mubilla recently.
There are several pe.11, lo in the vicin
ity of Wiliioil tL at have been danger
ously ill, t'ut hio now improving. Ir.
Leavit atteuded most of them. There
Vteie a few cases of brain fever.
George Guernsey, who left here last
full, lias returned "to his homestead oa
the Molalla.
Mre. Minnie Mallatt and daughter are
visiting her mother. Mrs. McFadden.
Hie cattlemen of this viciuitv are get
ting ready to drive their cattle to the
mountains. The grass is starting to
grow there no so that stock can live.
A few persons from other sections drove
their c.ittld to the mountains in March.
Ernest Manika, who left hereabout
15 ears ago for Miasouii, has returned
again, and expects to make this place
his home. He received an injury about
a yeir ago, w hich has injured his health,
and he thinks the change may benefit
Henry and Ernest Russell expect to
commend work at the Ogle Ureek
mines next week. They expect to work
there all summer and thoroughly de
velop at least two of their several claims
in that section. Aconsiderablequantity
of the ore will be taken out and will be
given a thorough mill test, and if it
proves as good as it ia supposed to be
there, will be a boom in the Molalla
mi net next teaaoa.
Jesse Oflield passed thi.ough here re
cently to his mountain home.
John W. Jackson is preparing to start
for the desert in Lake county. He will
leave Portland on May 1st. The sur
veying party consistina of S, A. D. Hun
gate, Graham Hungate, Martin R.
Boylee. Joe Ringo and Clyde Engle, will
leave Portland at that lime for Malheur
countv, where they expect to survey 10
townships. They will all go together
til tiiey reach the vicinity of Prineville,
where their toads separate.
An insane woman was seen in Molalla
recently. She did not seem to realize
where she came from, what Bhe wanted
or where she was going. She imagined
she was in Umatilla county. She dis
appeared from this place and has not
been seen or heard of since.
George Dart and John Fox passed
through here enroute to Eastern Wash
ington to seek employment. Jimmie
Mellon went also.
Mrs. Boswell is visiting Mrs. E. E.
Moody.. During her visit she was taken
X. Y. Z.
Mrs. Martha Barlow, wife of William
Barlow, of this place, passed peacefully
and resignedly away to spirit life last
Saturday morning at 6 o'clock. Mrs.
Barlow was respected and loved by all
in this community . It is said of her
that no weary hungry man ever appealed
to her in vain. Her remains were taken
to Oregon City this morning, where
they will he buried in the family lot.
May she find joy and peace in the new
life ia the hope of the writer and all who
knew her.
Joy in living, joy in giving,
Was her constant daily thought,
This her pleasure, this her treasure,
Gracious Master, thou has wrought.
R. R. B.
Ye correspondent has been quite ill for
the past two days with, what is com
monly called the grip. We are leading,
what might be properly called "a strenu
ous life bio vingmy own proboscis."
The Courier-Herald is getting better
every week. The editorials all lead in
the right direction, and the correspond
ence from all over the county make it a
veary interesiing weekly paper. We
wish you continued success.
April 23. Oorporal.
New trimmed hats at popular prices.
Miss C. Goldsmith.
Maple Lane.
The April showers have not been very
plentiful so far, so wo fear the May
flowers may be scarce as a onseauence.
He, who by farmin would get rich J
come join our grange, work hard all
day, sleep hard all night, save hard and
don't get tight.
Lewis Davis is again on the sick list,
but is Blonly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton and children.of
uregon uity, were tne guests of Mr.
Shortledge and wife Sunday.
Miss Annie Mautz spent several days
in Portland visiting friends.
Fred Henrici and family were the
guests of Mr. Davis and wife Sunday.
Laura Williams spent Sunday with
the Misses Renolds. "
Mr. Gerber is quite sick this week
with an attack of sore throat.
Rev. Davis, of Oregon City, preached
at the school house Sunday immediately
after Sunday school.
Mr. Biyant and wife, of Portland, vis
ited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Mautz, of this olace. Mondav.
Joe Myers is doing a rushing business
on tne larm, as tie keeps three teams in
the field most of the time.
Dr. J. S. Caato, of Portlaud. state or
ganizer for the Grange, delivered an ad
dress at the Maple Lane school house
Monday evening, in the interest of the
Grange giving very briefly the aims and
objects of the order with some of its
workings and benefits . The neighbor
hood was well represented and some
came from other localities. He immedi
ately proceeded to organize a grange of
36 members, who chose G. F. Gibbs,
master; John Gaffney,Jr.,Becretary,who
will serve for a term of nine months.
As it seems to be expected of each cor
respondent to say something of the
beauty of "Mother Eve's" youngest
daughters, I would say, that Maple Lane
excels any other vicinity in the Union
for its size. But tlways bear in mmd
the old motto, "J;hat handsome is that
handsome does." Pass it on.
William Beard's brother and his fam
ily took dinner at bis home Sunday.
It is reported that Mr. Gerhauserand
family will start for the state of Wash
ington next Monday.
In behalf of the people of'Maple Lane,
I desire to thauk Mr. Beard for his gen
erous letter of appreciation of the kind
ness tendered himself and familv bv
we'uns, published in the l iBt issue of the
Connor-Herald. We only strove ti ob
serve the Golden Rule, and feel doubly
repaid to know that our efforts, though
few and far between, have pleased to bo
hiiih a degree. We assure Mr, Beard
that we will take him at his word and
call again at some later and unexpected
April 23. Passy Blossom.
Quite a heavy frost Sunday night.
Henuin Lc-e ia very ill w ith pneu
James Evans is f r.cthu a new
building on one of his vac nt lots.
A very pleasant social was given by
huliex of Degree of Honor at Kuight'3
hall Saturday eveu.ng. Quito a num
ber of invited guests were present. A
delicious suppof was served, and a good
time was enjoyed by all.
William llissell, of Oregon City, was
up Sundav visiting bis parents.
Joseph Graham is slowly improving
from his recent illness of pneumonia.
Miss L Fisher was given a very pleas
ant surprise party last week. Everyone
had a goo 1 time.
The lir-t game of baseball of the sea
son was played on our grounds last Sun
day be'ween the Canby team and the
Oregon City ball tossers. The game
passed off nicely, as no wrangling was
indulged in during the game. The score
was 6 to 7 in favor of Canbv.
Marks Frairie,
II. Hagey has returned from down the
Columbia.' He reports that there are
hundreds ot idle men there that are un
able to get work.
Several parties, who were intending
to go to work in the logging camps, will
not go, but will find employment nearer
It was quite a joke on the Barlow
young lady who had to cook supper for
two young genuemeu limteuu 01 going 10
John Taylor has bought a ranch, and
is looking for a bird to put in h.s cage.
The Camp of W. O. W., at Needy in
itiated eight candidates Saturday eve
With regret we hear of the death of
Mrs. William Barlow. Mrs. Barlow was
a noble woman and a friend to all.
George Oglesby has given up the con
struction of the bicycle path from Needy
to Aurora, as there is no law to protect
a path, and the bicycle tax cannot be
collected. Several parties here are only
waiting to get a chance to make a test
case of this tax on bicycles in the court.
Mrs. Yost has been quite sick for the
past week. She is some better at pres
ent. T. H, Campau visited Mr, Peters Sun.
We learn that the bachelors at the
Corners are expecting those ladies from
the East soon.
Mrs. Frank May, of Barlow, visited
Mrs. Hagey last week.
F. O Seaton called on ye scribe Sun
day evening. Fred reports business
good in his line.
The gentle rain of the past week was
a benefit to all the growfng crops, with
the exception of the fruit that was in
The barn raising at T. H. Sconce's
place last week was a grand success.
The fine dinner that was Berved was one
of the features that make such gather
ings enjoyable.
After a month's visit at home Ralph
Yoder has again returned to his work ia
Joe Schwartz and wife visited their
daughters in Portland last Saturday and
There will be quite a lot of corn
planted in this locality for ensilage. The
farmers ire beginning to learn the value
of green feed for stock in winter.
Miss Flora Yoder has retuaned to her
work in the city.
Mr. Crocker has made some more im
provements, the latest being a new
picket fence.
April 23. S,
Needy is quite a business city nowa
days. The two stores here have a
a large trade.
H. L. Day, deputy organizer of the
Woodmen, attended the lodge Saturday
night. Eight new members were initi
ated, which in all makes 21 members,
A charter comes next.
Miss Alice Wyland is working in the
family of E. Hines.
Mr. Gahler is having a new addition
built to his hop house.
Needy and Macksburg nine will play
ball at the latter place Sunday,
The correspondent of Marks Prairie
must be somewhat "off in the upper
story" when it comes to speaking a good
word for the Needyites.
Allow me space in your valuable pa-'
per. I have noticed that the correspond
ent of Marks Prairie has been casting
slurs on the young men of the lower class
or hoodlums, as he calls them, who at
tend the Needy dances. Our dauce was
attended by the ''gentlemen" that have
always attended here anil other places,
and if any of them were full of "booze"
they failed to be in the hall, as he knows
bo much about them he must have been
one of the "boozy" ones.
Mountain View.
irost sun continues to appear
Mr. Schoth is painting Mr. Freider
ich's house this week.
F. M. Darling began teaching school
again last Monday.
Quite a number from this burg are
joining the Grange, which was organ
ized at Maple Lane last Monday even
ing by Dr Casto.
Mr. Fisher and family moved into
the Molloy house last Friday, and on
Monday moved into the Adama Bros.'
house oa Seventh street.
Mrs. Pierce has returned from the
hospital in Portland and is rapidly
gaining strength,
Fred Curran returned home lest Sat
urday evening after an absence of two
weeks in Idaho.
Charles Ely leturned home Wednes
day from a trip to Southern Oregon.
Mrs Huelet's grandson, who baa
been in the hoBoital at Portland, waa
brounght home Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Johnsoa were given a
pleasant surprise party last Saturday
evening by a few of their numerous
friends. The early part of the evening
was spent in playing progressive croko
nole. Mrs. Martin and Mr. Schenbel
received the first prize and Mrs. Story
the booby prize Refreshments were
strvep. Those present were: Miss
Rowen, Mrs. T. B. Hankins, Mr. and
Mrs. McGeehan, Mr. and Mrs. George
Ely, Mr. and .Mrs. J. V. Green, Mr.
and Mrs. Story, Mis. S. A Gillett, Mrs.
O Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Grout, Bessie
and Allie Grout, Miss Tate, Mr. and
Mrs. Straight, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Slieu
bel, ir. and Mrs. William Kites, .Mr.
and Mrs J. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. FrMk
Welsh, Mrs. Martin, Misses Francis
and Emma Johnson, Seth Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson. Shortlv after 11
i 0 dock the party dispersed, all wishing
. f.,,..;!., 1 . t i
iuauj uajipy returns .ui uio
Mr. Mills and family, who have been
living in Mr. Simmons' house, are mov
ing to Vancouver this week.
Miss Lilly Candonou. of Elwood, was
the guest of Mis. Gillett Wednesday
Mr. Everbart and Frank have moved
into the rooms over the store.
Mrs. Grout is suffering with a
sprained ankle.
Mrs. May and Beulah wnt out to
to visit Grandma Molloy last Tuesday.
Rev. Molloy will preach at Maple
Lane nbxt Sunday.
Chidren'sday will be observe 1 at
the Mountain lew church with
prop riate exercises on May 9th.
Mrs. Walt Curran will have an
eration performed next Sundav.
Carll will cut a flash tumr from
Dr. her
April 25 . . Sauna.
Continued on page 6.
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