Gttv ounerner COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1B83 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY. 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1901 18th YEAR, NO. 4 9 T THE O'RIELLEY MURDER. EDWARD HUGHES 182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon GENERAL AGENT FOR Aultman & Taylors Celebrated Threshing Machinery Steam and Gas Engines, - -Saw Mills, Etc. CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT GOMP'Y SUCCESSOR TO &rebe5 Harder & Co. 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found n Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses' Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows' rumps Harness, .Bicycles, Ltc. Main Store and Warehouse, No. 140, 146 Sixth Street North, PORTLAND, - - OREGON Prinevllle Review Gives Comph. te Details of the Tragedy. Mention was made in this paper last week that D. L. Bruner, son of rank Bruner, of Lower Molalla, had killed Thomas O'Reilley, a stockman, near Prineville. State Senator Brownell has been retained to defend the young man, who was raised in this county, and haB a wide circle of acquaintances and friei.da here. The only witress to the Bhootinz was O'Reilly's partner, and it is probable that his version of the affair would be ont'- aided. The following is from the Prineville Review : "t.HHt, week we eave to our renders what little that could De gathered In reference to the killing of O'ReiLey near Asbwood. Thomas O'Reilley 01 the firm of Creeiran & O'Reilley was in atantly killed by D. L. Bruner on the morning of the 4tn inst. cruner was a sheeDherder in the emoloy of the Prine ville Land & Live Stock Company. The details of the terrible tragedy are aoout b follows: The company fcr whom Bruner is wnrkinc have two ranches on Black Rock milch about 12 miles northeast of Ashwood. O'Reillev has a homestead on a small etrit of land lying between the two ranches. On, each of these two ranches the company had a band of sheep and O'Reilley was herding one from his rjlace. On the morning of the 14th. Bruner took his sheep out and it fleams thev were about to "mix up with O'Reillev's band. So O'Reilley takes bis rifle and went over to where Rrnnar was and at this point there is Borne slight difference In the stories of the tragedy. John O'Re'lley's part ner saw the deed committed but he was some distance away, possibly 700 yards, Bruner and O'Reilley walked along for soma distance when Bruner pulled his pistol and shot O'Reilley through the Ftft arm iust above the elbow. This knocked the rifle out of O'Reilly's hand and he started running down the hill is fast as he cnild. Bruner picua up O'Reilley's gun, and from shells found must havfe shot three times The lat Bhot striking O'Reilley in the center of the back of the head and came out ;n the center of the forehead. It was 180 ards from the spot where be fell and Iruuer was 125 yards from him, havir.g advanced on the fleeing man 55 yardp. Bruner says that O'Reilley attempted to draw on him and he shot in self de fense. Bruner took the rifle and left for the comra'iy's headquarters and was there when Shenn uongieton pui in appear- nee and was awaiting that othcer's com ing. Justice Childers held an inquest on Friday, and the following was the ver dict of the coroner's jury : 'in tne matter or me inquest upon me body of Thomas O'Reillev held before T. L. Childers, juBtice of the peace, for Upper Trout precinct, urooK county, Drecron. ADHl 5. IHUi: We. the tury oi inquisiiion in me above entitled matter find that the de ceased was 1 homas O'Reilley, aged 26 years; a native of Ireland; that he came to his e th, on his home stead in Crook county, Oregon, on April 4,1901, from' the effect of a gunshot wound in tne neaa innicied Dy u. cru ner and that said D. Bruner fired said shot or Bhots at the said Thomas O'Reilley purposely and by deliberate and premediatated malice, killed said Thomas O'Reilley, said gunshot wound being caused by a shot or shots from a gun held by said D. Bruner in Crook county, Oregon, on April 4, 1901.", On the evidence given before mm as acting coroner, Justice Childers bound Bruner over to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of murder. J POPE & CO. Agricultural Implements and Vehicles 210-214 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. AGENTS FOR Peerless Plows Steel and Chilled Dowagiac Drills Hoe and Disc Sickle Grinders Road Carts Buggies Mountain Hacks and Spring Wag in NEW MODEL "STEEL BEAUTY." ALSO Buffalo Pitts, Harrows and Cultivators, Owen' "Advance" Fanning Mills. ALSO Hay Presses, Horse Power and Steam Feed and Root Cutters, Bone and CiderMills. " Stoughton Wagons Write for Catalogue and Prices. CALL ON ME BEFORE BUTIMG. A New Orange. A grange, Patrons of Husbandry, was organized on the 2!nd inst, at Maple Lane consisting of 36 members. This grange will be known as Maple Lana No.. Master, G. F. Qibbs; Secretary, John Gaffney. The next meeting will be on the 17th day of and the charter will beoen until that time for admission of new members. J. S. Casto, Deputy State Maste r. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes," Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY- vui a. viti la alii m.uiu kJbda vnuuvi v . ! ! : : : Protect the Orossbeaks. The boj s who have been trapping and Belling grossbeaks are liable to a tine of not le-s than to or more than $100. The John Burroughs Bird Society of Portland is enlorcing the, law and com nellintr all persons who have caged gross- beaks in their poflsession to turn them out these beautiful birds will soou leave for their home in the mountains, and it would bb a pity to deprive them of their freedom. . Anita McCabver, l'res. of CiackarrasOo. Humane boc. Notice to Jirl Ije Notice is hereby Builder. All kinds of Fine Bread H. Schrader SUCCESSOR TO Up-to-date Confectionery of all kinds JOSEPH KUERTEN'S Bakery and Confectionery 7th Street, Oregon City, Oregon 18 years foremanl of the Main St. Bakery Will give satisfaction to customer every in quality and prices. I baked the Wedding Cake for your parent and I'll bake yours too given that sealed bids will be receivtd by the county sur veyor ol Clackamas county, Oregon, at his office in the county court bouse, in Oretwn City, for building a biidge across Sucker Ureek. m the Uwego ana Au rora road, on or before the third da of May, l'JOl, at 2 o clock, p. m., when said bids will De oneneu uy uie county surveyor with the county court, aw1 a contract awarded to the lowest respond ble bidder, the court reserving the right to reject any and Jail b ds. Each bidder mill ln renuired t J deuosit with his bid, five per cent of the amount of such bid, which shall be forfeited to the county In case the award is made to him and he nealects. or refuses, for the period of two days after such award is made, to enter into contract and file his bond in the manner required by, and to the sat isfaction of the county court. The bridge must be constructed in ac cordance with the puns and specifics tione for building said bridge, which Diana and spesifkfctionB are on file in the office of the county surveyor. Ebskbt P. Rands, County Surveyor. By Johm W. Mbldbdm, Deputy. Oregon City., April 15, 1901. Refurnishing Time if flip And now for clean, new Lace Curtains, Portieres, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Etc. The season is almost here when you'll need them. It will pay you to do your buy ing early. We are making some famous reductions now, and are showing our very best designs. Lace Curtains, latest design, ioc and 15c per yard. lysun THE HOUSEFURNISHER