Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 19, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Additional local News.
In the Circuit Court of trie State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas. " "
Mar; Joyce, plaintiff, '
Jobn J ;ce, defendant.
To John Joyce, said defendant.
In tbe nnms of the State of Ore on, you are
hereby required to appe.tr aud answer the com
print tiled afaiiiit ; m In the above entitled suit
on or before the 4th day of May, l!H)t. aud if you
fail to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to tiie nbofo entitled court for a decree
forever dissolving th bonds of m'ltrlmony now
existing between the plaintiff and defenlant.and
for finch other relief as shall seem meet aud
una nuuiuiuua is iuubicu (luuiiHlieu lu me ure
gonCity Courier-Herald for the pjriod of six
weeks (rom date of first publication thereuf, such
order be. made by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan ,
'Judge of i..e County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, on the 21st day of
March, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication March 22,1901.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Joseph Shadinger, )
Susan A. Shadlnger, I
Defendant. J
To Susan A. Shadinger, Defendant:
TN the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint in the above entitled suit
on or before the 8th day of May, 1901, that being
the time prescribed In the order for the publica
tion ol this summons; the date of the first pub
llcation of this summons being on the 22dday of
March, 1901; and If yon fall to appear and
answer the plaintiff herein will apply to the
court for the rtlief therein prayed for.
In the complaint to-wit : s decree against you dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now existing
between yon and the plaintiff and such other and
further relief prajed for In said oomplalnt.
This summons Is published by order of Hon.
TbomaB A. McErlde, Judge of laid court, made
and entered March 16th, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon , for
he County of Clackamas.
Hannah C. Shepherd, 1 .
' " vs
Walter S. Shepherd, I
Defendant. J
To Walter S. Shepherd, Defendant!
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer to the
complaint filed against you in the above entitled
uit on or before the 11th day of May, 1901, that
bgnle the time prescribed in tbe order for pub
lication of this summonfe-the date of the first
publication of this summons being on the 29th
lay of March, 1901: and If yon fall to so appear
and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the
Bald court for the relief prayed for In the com
plaint: to-wit, a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for such other relief prayed for in
said complaint.
This summons is published by order of the
Hon. T. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court,
of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County,
dated and entered on the 26th day of March, 1901
C. H. DYE,
Attorney f or laintlff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas.
H. A. Vorpahl 1
Defendant, J
To W. r, Vorpahl, defendant above named.
" In the name of the State of Oregon, yon aie
hereby required to appear and answer the com'
plaint filed against yon herein, on or before the
20th day of April, 1901, said day being the expira
tion of six weeks from tbe first publication of this
notice, and if yon fall to appear and answer, for
want thereol, plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of fourteen hundred and sixty
fire dollars (81405.00) and interest on the same
from the 25th day of October, 1893, with eosts and
disbursements of this action.
This Summons is published by order 'of Hon
Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the county court of Clack'
amai county, Oregon, dated March 6th, 1901, who
fixed March 8th, 1901, as the first publication
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Don't fail to hear little Elsie Telfoid
fing at the M. E. church Friday eve
ning, j
' The Telford children will take part in
the program at the M. E. chinch Friday
ev. i.itig.
W A. Shaver, of Molalla, returned
Wednesday from Turner, where he pur
chased a fine Hereford hull for hia farm.
The editor ia under ohligation to
George Himierfor a fine string of Clack
amas river trout. To a man that's un
able to catch fish these were very ac
ceptable. An elaborare social entertainment and
program will be given at the Methodist
Episcopal church this (Friday) evening,
including songs, recitations and a drama
"Smith's Letters."
Wanted Would like to make the
acquaintance of a young man about 30;
brown eyes, dark hair. Bweet disposition;
must have money. Object, matrimony.
Address K., care Courier-Herald.
The young man who made such a
failure of ihe fishing expedition at the
Abernethy a short while ago, was more
successful in the occupation he chose for
pastime last Tuesday afternoon.
At the third biennial convention of
Knights of Maccabees, held in Portland
Wednesday, E. E. Taylor was elected
master-at-arms, and H. L. Whited Ser
geant. The Albany drill team won the
The "silent social" given by the Pres
byterian young peoples' society at Shiv
ley'g hall Tuesday evening was a novel
and gratifying entertainment. All tfceir
gatherings are successes and thie one
was superlatively greater.
The following quartz ledge claims in
the Shena creek mining district, were
filed for record Tuesday in the county
clerk's office: Mary Feschall, "Great
Western ;" Joseph Linhart, "No. Six;"
CharleB Peschall, "Last Chance."
There was an unusual large run of
sa'mon the first of the week, and about
10 tons were shipped to Portland Mon
day, the selling price being five and six
cents per pound. Tbe run of salmon,
however, has been small since the first
There will be special meetings at tbe
Salvation Army hall on Saturday and
Sunday, April 20th and 21st, at 8 p. m.,
conducted by Adjutant Evans, of Port
land, an old friend of the army. Come
to these meetings and see.a-.d hear the
At the Methodist Episcopal church
nextSunday evening, Kev. Atkins, the
pastor, will give a lecture on the Jews.
O. A. Miller will sing by request,
"The Holy City," and the Derthic club
will sing the Jewish Lament, "By the
Waters of Babylon." The service will
be of special iuterest.
Caleb Cross is putting in a sewer to
drain bis property by making an outlet
through an alley recently opened
through the premises of John H.
Walker. There was considerable of a
contest in tbe city council over opening
this alley, but it was decided that it
was public property.
Myrtle Lodge, Degree of Honor and
Falls City Lodge, A. O. U. W., will give
a joint social at their ball next Wed
nesday night. A program will be pre
sented. The entertainment will be free,
but 15 cents will be charged for ice
cream and cake. All members of either
lodge and their friends are invited to at
against W. R. Slyter to recover wages
for cutting wood through the operation
of a labor lien, was heard in the circuit
court Tuesday. J. F. Clark appeared
for plaintiff, and George L. Story for
the defendant. The defendant argued a
demurrer to the cause of suit, which
was in effect that according to the
statu U s of Oregon cord wood was not
timber, and therefore not tubject to be
sold under the foreel sure of a labor
lien. The court sustained the demurrer.
It is stated that two mtn begun work
yesterday preuaratory to resetting the
old fish heel below the falls, notwith
standing the last legislature passed .an
act making it unlawful for such struc
tures to exist in the Willamette.
Amos Field, who died at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Ganong, in
Portland on April 15th, was buried here
Wednesday afternoon. The funeral
took plsce from St. Paul's Episcopal
church, Rev. P. K. Hammond officiat
ing. The deceased was well known in
this city, and formerly held a responsi
ble position in the woolen mills. Later,
he conducted a shoe store here. Mrs.
R. C. Ganong, also is a daughter of the
deceased. . ,
Friday, April 12.
German, French and Belgian bankers
,-are o enpied with the opening of the
valley of the Euphrates in Asia Minor
bv railroads, where are 60,000,000 acres
of rich bottom land that can be sown to
Through the shifting of the Massacre
riv r which had been accepted as the
dividing line between Havti and St. Da
mingo several miles to the west, it
made a new channel, and now the
Dominicans claim the territory so cut off
wheat, thus becoming the mnary of na "BS'llell?"m " "1B nayuens
Eurone. A similar speculation took place i 10 clear out. War is in prospect.
in developing Argentina, with disastrous
The poverty of the Japanese poor is
extreme lu rokio they hire their rag.
Germany has spent 83,000,000 marks ped clothing and the quilts they sleep
Mrs. Ruth Hill, wife of A. D. Hill,
died at Parkpldce Wednesday morning,
and was buried at Mountain View cem
etery yesterday. The funeral services
were conducted at the family residence
by Rev. R A. Atkins. The deceased
was born in Ohio, July 9th, 1843, and
united wfth the Methodist Episcopal
church in her girlhood. She was mar
ried in 1871, and her husband and three
children survive her. The family have
lived at Park place since 1891. -
An effort is being made to secure a
speaker of national reputation for the
Decoration Day exercises this year.
Meade Post, No. 2, G. A. R., will meet
Ai ril 20th, atone p. m., and make ar
rangements for Decoration Day. With
the aid of the citizens the Post expects
to make it a great event. The Park
place Band has been secured, and excel
lent speakers have been seemed. On
May 6th, the 20th anniversary of the
Post will be celebrated, and all members
in good standing are invited to attend.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Clackamas County Teachers' Associa
tion will be held in the Barclay school
building, Oregon City, Saturday, April
27th. The details of the program have
not yet been completed. The grading
of applicants for teachers' certificates
will not be completed until Saturday .
Teachers have recently been engaged to
teach schools as follows: Anna Bach-
man, of Stone,' at Welch's; Celia' Brad
ford, of Multnomah county, , Sandy
Ridge; Francis Johnson, of Oregon
City, Phelps; Seba Childs, of Oregon
City, Cherryville.
Mrs. M. E. Partlow, widow of the late
Dr. R. S. Partlow, was found dead at
her home at Mount Pleasant Tuesday
morning. She had been ill, and the
neighoors made her frequent visits. A
light was setri in the house late Monday
night, but Tuesday morning tbe neigh
bors were unable to arouse any one. The
bouse was broken into, ana sne was
found lying dead on the floor. The
deceased was about 45 years old, and
bad no children. Her husband die t a
few months ago at Canyon City. . The
deceased has lived in B iker City and
other Oregon points the past 20 years.
on her East African colony, the trade
with which amounts to only 3,000,000
marks. A main source of income is the
hut tax, 4.20 marks per hut, in collection
of which sometimes 2000 natives are kill
ed in one year . The natives are also en
slaved. In this colony as well as in the
Camerons, the German oflicir are re
lentlessly cruel and inhuman. The Ger
man occupation of African territory is a
wretched, costly fiasco.
The Boers are using thousands of car
tridges which, according to the wrapper,
were made in the Kynoch Factory, Bir
mingham. This factory is owned almost
entirely by the Chamberlain family, of
which Joseph Chamberlain, British co
lonial secretary, is a member.
The average annual earnings of female
sweatshop workers in Chicago are $77.
Some of them, says the Tribune, work
hard for two-thirds of a cent an hour.
H. H. Rogers, a Standard Oil mag
nate, J. P. Morgan, Senator Clark of
Montana, etc., are forming a billion-dol-
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas county.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has filed his final repot t as assipnee of the estate
of E. E. Williams, insolvent debtor, with the
Clerk .f the circuit court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, and thcsame will
he called iipnn for consideration and settlement
In the said ciicult court on Monday, tbe 22nd day
of April, A . D, lOnl beji g a Otj of a term of said
court, to-wit: of the April term thereof, A. D. 1901,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said duy. Any objections to
Said report mint be filed brfi.re said day with the
said clerk of sulci circuit court.
Assignee of Estate of F. E. Williams,
Insolvent IV-btor.
D:-d March 2.', 1901.
Notice to creditors. .
The expenses of clerk hire, officers of
the late legislature, etc., amounted to a
total of $22,000. Of this amount $1490.50
was distributed among the following
Clackamas county people: E. P. Carter,
$132; C. McCown, $132; W. W. Smith,
$204; E.C. Chapman, $194 ; LorenaC
Kruse, $l(i8; James L. Swafford, $180;
E. C. Hackett, $190; J. t.'. Darling,
$149; F'orence Olsen,$03; Agnes Ma
ther, $78.50.
The suit brought by Edward .Grosser
Men and womn of pond addrpss lo mprepmt
us, pome to travel Hpnniuiin ai-'i;t, others for.
local work looking u
Hjmr ir Mir j
Judge Ryan Handed Down Several
Orders During the Week.
In the matter of the estate of Seba
Norton, deceased, final report of Richard
Dtindas, executor, approved.
In the matter of the estate of James
A. Barbur, deceased, it was ordered
that the real property of the estate be
In the matter of tie estate of Julia
Stalien, deceased, Frank Kamrath, ad.
ministrator, tiled bis final report, and
June 2nd was set as the time for hear
ing final objections.
The will of the late Samuel Taylor
who died March 10th, was admitted to
probnte. The probable valuo of the real
and perBO ml property is $4200. Mrs
Charlotte Taylor, widow of the deceas ed
and J. M. Barber are named as execu
our iuleresta. SOOO
salary miarniiteed yeurlv; extra commissions ami
expenses, rapid advancement, old established
house. Grand chance for earnest in in or woman
tn seenre i!ramit. permanent niiion. liberal
I Income and future. pw brilliant Hues. Write
I at ouce.
S3 Churvli Sis., New Haven, Conn
Notice Aihereby gien that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacks-
Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned
I I . . .!.. V .1.,. II Tl TS O
mas, executrix of the estate of Philip Wolf, rte " '' I'l'l'uin""' "J
r.iaei.rf ill ,,.., i i... .. , , ennntv inilcc of Clackamas County, Oregon, as
, .... ,7ioua j.jitiit& n.iiiija ntniiisi, Miti . ......
estate are hereby required to present the same to
my attorneys, U'Ren Schuebel. properly veri
fied, as by law required, at Oregon city, Oregon,
within six months frem the date hereof.
Executrix of the estate of
Philip Wolf, deceased.
Dated thU fth day of April, J X
Farm for Sale.
19 miles south of Oregon City, 3 miles sooth ef
Molalla. Known at the Teasel farm. Contain
ing sit) acres, 140 arret; clear plow land; 40 aerea
n creek bottom ; 100 acres, upland; 7 seres, or
chard. All well watered and fenced with suke
. and v Ire fence, and drained with stone and tlie
ditches: good buildings, M roda from achoel
bout; 115 rods from church; rood location for
Uiiag rock to mountain! Price acOtO, flOOS
dowm, balance to lull at 6 per cent interest.
tot further parUcalan apply on farm ts
dministrator of tbe et'.nte of Manha J. Sbaw,
i 11 persons havii.ir. claims apainst the said
estate arc lien-by notified to present their claims
to the undersigned at the law tfneo of C. I) t
D. C. Latourelte, my attorneys, in Oregon City,
Oregon, within b:i mo. the from this date.
E. L. Shw,
Administrator aforesaid.
Dated, April 17, 1901.
- ia "i" c 11 x .
1,3,1 lwa's to$t
Job Printing At the
Opera House
Saturday, April 20th
loo Laughs in 100 Minutes
In the Great Comedy Triumph,
Aa played by Mr. Ewin over 1000 times
Supported by a HpeciaUy Selected Co.
A happy blending of Farce, Music and
Vaudeville Novelties.
The Greatest Laughing Show -Have
a Smile with the Widow
Prices 2$, 50 and 75 cents
Seats on Sale at Huntley's Store
ar copper trust. ,
EalDti James, who has been mining m
Siberia and China for nearly five, years,
and haR placed orders for nearly $400,000
of mining machinery in New York, says
Kussia will never taice ivianenuna nor
permit others to take it. . She wants it
eft as a buffer province between tlie two
empires. The uoxers aamageu me hub
sian railroad in Manchuria to the ex
tent 01 $30,000,000.
John A." Skooe. the counterfeiter of
paper money arrested at Williamsburg,
N.Y.,wa8 known there as Albert Brown,
the pious church-member, liberal to the
poor; the strenuous republican politici
an) a power at the polls.
In Central Arabia. Ibu Rashid defeat
ed Mabaronk, Bheik of Koweyt, killing
5000,and recovered the kingdom of Nejd.
Sunday morning, last week, O. L. Bel
lows was out hunting north of Eagle
Point, Jackson. He shot at a deer and
it fell, but M'hen he had run up to it he
found be bad killed his father.
Modern euns have made Gibraltar as
an impregnable fortress a back number.
Saturday, April 13.
At Butte: Mont., a laree part of the
big hill on which some of the Anaconda
mines are located, has been moving very
perceptibly to the southwestward.
All the inhabitants of Nvlstroom have
been shipped by rail by the British to
Pretoria, 80 miles distant. At L,ietunae-
yue, the British took 80 Boer prisoners.
England has hardly a footholu in the
vast siretch of Trannvaal territory north
of the Delagoa Bay railroad. In western
Transvaal no Briton ued necaj aare
show himself.
The 620 yearling bucks of Charles Mc
Allister near Blalock averaged each16
pounds of extra flue wool, for which
10 cents was relusea.
Since July. Oregon and Washington
have shipped 1,200,000 barrels of flour to
the Orient.
A great snowfall occurred in Colorado,
and at Witchita, Kan., the overflowing
Arkansas river created havoc.
At Stevenson. Wash., J. G. Green has
been found guilty of murder in first de
gree for murder of E.V. Benjamin. .
1 here are about 200 lepers on Tene-
riffe, one of the Canary islands.
The British army at home will here
after eat no more American beef, is tbe
decision of the British war office.
Trade depression is very serious in
A serious seditious movement is
spreading among South African natives.
It ib beaded bv native' ministers, who
preach "Africa for Africans."
Near Wbitesburg, Ky ., two of Sheriff
J. W. Wright's posse were killed in a
battle with murderers.
More or less fat sheep, cattle and bogs
are being shipped from east of the
Rockies to Pacific const cities.
Rev. J. LeBaron Johnson, a fashion
able young Episcopal preacher of New
York city, forsook his pretty wife f' r a
pert hospital nurse, with whom he skip
ped out lor Italy, where the nurse shook
The prospective copper trust intends
absorbing the copper mines of Spain and
A $95,000,000 rice trust has been or
ganized in Germany.
A $.",000,000 company will convert the
piles of cotton seed husks', found in the
South into cheap, good wtiite paper.
The Englishmen 'owning l ig tracts of
land in the United most ol litem ol the
nobility will shortly meet in London
to form an organization: they want
more rent.
Bv the Baudot multiplex lypepriiiting
telegraph all the telegraph business be
tween Paris and Berlin can be done
over one line, whereas nereioiore uve
lines were required.
Sunday, March 11.
On Monday, April 20 Prest.McKinley
and party will leave Washington for
seven-weeks' tour to the Pacilic const
and back,
In accordAr.ce wit the principle (din-
teniHtional lw that the priv ity citizens,
of a neutral nation can lawlully sen sup
plies to bblligi rents, the United States
superior court at New Orleans dismissed
the suit instituted at behest of the Boers,
to prevent nhipmentof horses and mules
by the British from that port.
The British war office will btrenghten
the fortifications of Jamaica.
Russia will lay mines in the harbors
of Port Arthur and Vladivostok.
The Farmers' National Bank at Ver
gennes, Vt., has been wrecked by the
cashier, Mr. Lewis.
Mrs. J. R. George, of Chicago, aged 74
years, was killed at Seattle by being
trampled by a runaway team.
Id spite of the prevalence of education
in Germany, one-fourth of the army re
rults betray tbt crassest Ignorance.
under, and these they olten pawn to get
something they need even more.
At the Anaconda mine, Buite.a Bit ike
is on in the machinery department.
' Moni'ay, April 15.
The 20tieth Century Scottish Rite Ju
bilee begins at Wichita, Kansas, to-day.
Candidates for the degrees number 178.
ArchbiBhop Ireland, assisted by 200
Roman Catholic clergymen, yesterday
dedicated St. Patrick's church at Toledo,
0., costing $200,000.
Two men and two women, while cross
ing the railroad at South Wtlkesbarre,
fa., early this morning, werei run into
by 'he BuiFalo express and three of
them killed
Preparations which Japanese at Pekin
ate making for an early start iudicate
they expe-jt war with Russia. At Naga
saki the Japanese fleet is being mobil
ized and put in readiness for battle.
-. Five hundred carpenttrs strike at
Minneapolis, Minn.
Two hundred democrats sat down to
the Jeffersonian banquet at Seat'1' on
Saturday night.
Appnrtlino- ' In a Sf Pataralmrnr Mam
natch. lCnreii hna HhpwImiI tn limld 32 !
coast fortresses . to resist Japanese in
vasion. 1
The Korean government has promul
gated a law to inflict the death penalty
for opium smoking.
On account of the duplicity and hostil
ity of tbe politicians, most of the labor
unions of New York city will form an
independent labor party.
The blower works of the B. F. Sterte
vant ('o. at Jamaica Plains, Mass., were
damaged by a $350,000 fire. '
Near Hastings, Fla., Jim Kirby, a ne
gro, shot and killed Julius Eskew, to
rob him of $150. He was arrested, and
while waiting for the train, in charge of
the sheriff, friends of Eskew fired five
bullets through the window into the
negro's back.
At Philadelphia the famous "hat trim
ming cases," involving about $20,000,
000, have been settled. The merchants
interested will receive about $4,000,000
from the U. S. treasury.
The Mexican government, aided by
British capital, is overhauling and re
building the 190 miles of railroad across
the isthmus of Tehuantepec, and har
bors are being constructed at both the
Gulf of Mexico and Pacific ocean termi
nals for the handling of inter-oceanic
freights. This great international pro
ject puts another aspect on the canal
Li Hnne Chane has been notified bv
the Japanese minister at Pekin that Ja
pan wants to know what Emperor
Kwang Hsu intends to do.
D. Aliever & Co., French drv (roods
merchants in the city of Mexico, have
failed ; liabilities bait a million.
The Korean emperor has decapitated
Kim Yang Chun for high treason an j
there is a hot time in the Koiean realm,
The British government will trv to
raise 50,000,000 pounds by a ucw issue
of consuls. The budget deficit for the
year is 60,000,000 pounds. The South
African war costs nearly 1,500,000
pounds a week.
It is believed in European political
circles that the wheels are rattling in
the head of Kaiser William of Germany.
The noted Frederic Horrison, who has
visited America.told a London Dally Mail
interviewer that England should pay
less attention to foreign affairs and more
to her energetic commercial and indus
trial competitors in the United States.
It is now positively known that in the
boxer revolution in China the lives of
242, Europeans and Americans were sac
rificed, but no count has been kept of
the tens of thousands of Chinese killed
by them in retaliation,
The 1231 paper mills in the country
produce daily zu,U3ri,lSl) pounds of paper
"Tlie" Allen, a New York poolroom
operator has been arrested 68 times but
never convicted ; has three adopted chi
dren an1 has paid for 300 funerals, lie
is a sport and philanthropist.
Cflptain Jobn A, Ilassel, formerly in
Hia P.iu.i n...., ! V... V 1.
wiu n, mjr, it'jvw ill new 1 Of n , ooyn
the Boer cause is brighter than that of
the British. The Boers will take full
advantage ot the opportunities for in
hioting damage on the British widt h the
approaching wintereess n gives them.
Daily recruits struggle into the Boer
lines, far more than the number killc
The liners are at present avoiding a big
purlieu imtiie, but aooiit August and
beptemiwr we rimy look for a resmiip
non 01 general action on a large scale.
In the mean time, disease will finht the
Drills!) solilit r.-i.
Mrs. Carrie Nation was ordered out ol
Kansas Oitv by Police Jmle AlcAiilcy,
w ho said "Mis-ouri atmo-phi-re U not
adapted to long-haired meii.Hliort-haired
women ai.d w binding girls "
An. unconfirmed report, has been re
reived in LoihIjii that the Boers took
Generil French and 50 ) men.
The Rolled Steel Car Co. will build -works
at Youngstown, O., giving work ...
to about 5000 hands.
Yesterday the Pope created 12 cardi
nals. The Pretoria correspondent ef thee
London Daily Mail repcrls that Gvn.
Kbchener has 250,000 efficient troops
and will in ihe next six wee'is renewv
his sweeping movements. Tonev DVwer;,
a meuiher of the Cape Assembly,' fifur
been fined 101 0 pd. and jailed lor talking
seditiously. Near Salem 220 acres will he plantcdl.
to hops this.feason.
Delmonica restaurant, New Yoit, m
serve up Angora young goat as delicacy.-.
The city of Ogden will build a $3C0 ,0001
Mormon temple.
Justice Jerome of N w York city wilt:
hold the lawyer, A T. fatiick.for the
murder of W. M .Rice, the Texas mil
lionaire. Salmon Brown, 66 years old, one of
the sons of "old John Brown," has re
moved from Salem to Portland .east side..
In the destruction by fire of Louis Mil
ler's saloon at Batavla, N. Y., two m&
were burned to death.
Trains on a German elecirii, line run
125 miles per hour.
Wednesday, April 17.
The sixth annual banquet of the Hoi-
land Society of Chicago was attended by
1503 members and a number of invited
Money is scarce in Japan, living ex
penses have largely increased and the
country is on the verje of a financial,
L. F. Deyo and B. B. Stuart have- sold.
40,000 of the 400,000 acres of California,
oil lands controlled oy them for $3,500,
000. At Heppner 20,000 sheep have changed-
li a mis at if-' to $a 41).
At Juarez, Mex., Andres Garcia in ft
fit of jealousy killed his bride aud theft.
blew out his own brains.
In a fit of despondency, M.R. Bald
win, a Minnesota ex-caagressman, blew
out his brains at Seattle with a revolver.
At Peoria, 111. the entire democratic:
city ticket was elected by 800 to SOOfc
Monsignor Ohapelle, papal delegate to.
the Philippines, has stated to the Tate .
Commission that the friars will not'
The Ponce, Porto "Rico, chamber of"
comraerce declares that conditions ar
bad in tbe island, any statement to trtet
contrary of the carpetbag governor, Ai-,
len, notwithstanding.
The strike at McKeesport near Pitt
burg of the employes of the W. Deeesr " '
wood plant of the Sheet Steel Co. threat
ens to extend to all the plants ot the
U S. Steel Corporation, having 60,00'
The Southern Pacific company is wa
ing a conflict in the streets of Pomona,
Cat., with tbe city authorities, in order
tn prevent a Utah line from occupying;-;
First street, as franchise permits
Nome City was visited by a bllziar41 ?
and 15 feet of snow in Jannary.
Otto Von Lossburg, captain in tl
Boer army, being badly wounded, has re .
turned to his New Orleans home. 1t
English, he says, have armed 5000 Kaf-
firs, who are in Steinaeher's Horse, th
scum of South Africa. Ihey pillage and
plunder, Tbe Boers have immense re
sources. General Delarney alone haou
3,000,000 rounds of ammunition . DelaB
ney, Botha and DeWet have between
them 15,000 men, the rest of the forces)
being flying corps. The English have
100,000 men tied up guarding railroads..
The Boers will play havoc with the En-
gliah when winter sets in. General Dft
Wet Is the most dangerous "insane-
man" England ever coped with. lie its
a military genius,
it Memphis two men withi revolvers -
held up Ben Marsh's gambling lions -yesterday
morning and in three minuteu-
got $300 1.
Thursday, April 18.
In the South African blue book, issued
in London, Sir Arthur Milner draws a .
gloomy picture of South A'rica. Though ..
lie confesses not to have the slighest .
doubt of ultimate British victory, he ad
mits that during the last half year the- .
situation has become worse.
Martin Ritter killed Clara Cheek at
Nashville, III., with a hammer, because
she would not marry him.
By tbe explosion of the boilers of the
steamer Ramona near Vancouver, B. C.
lour persons were killed and six seriuos
ly injured.
The manager of the Lemars, low .Na
tional Bank embezzled $25,000 end tLn
bank has cloned.
The bubonic plague is spreading ra--pidly
at Hongkong.
At Everett, Wash., 9 of the 11 Hhingle
mills have shut do Ati.
Tienj. Foley, a poor old miner of 77'
years, killed himself tit The Dulles bf
taking poison.
The grip is killing the inhabitant s ot
our island of liitain. It, and the Fiji nnd
the New Hebrides and othcF South Sea
islands were visited by a hurricniio and.
tidal wave.
The Northern Pacific will rii'i a lint
of eight steamers between Tacoma ant' J
Liverpool via the Suez canal.
Tuesday, April 16
In Wyoti.ing and Utah a blizzard lias
caused some heriotis losses of cattle and
Oti th main stre t of Gem, Idaho,
George Fisher was shot and killed last
night by a person unknown.
The Turner postodico was robbed ol
$340 while the postmaster was atdir.ner.
Sixty carloads of CliirRKO pickled beef
aieen route through Portland to Vladi
vostock. China has thanked Japan for assist
ance in resisting the Manchiirian con
vention, and asked for Japan's aid and
support in any future contingency.
Steel-Trust Morgan, who is in Lon
don, has paid 600 pounds for a Scotch
On the extension of the railway line in
Porto Rico owned by a French com Dan v.
$2,000,000 will be expended.
tSttlttrrfii! Siyh ' AtlructUm,
The next at t ruction at th op.r.i house
will be on next Saturday evening when
Mora e Ewing will prevent hi-t phenom
enal comedy HUc.'ifS, "Widow HedottJ'
Mr. Ewing has appealed in the titU
role over a thousand times t' u'i'iut
the United States, c Ting a hit tinprcear
lent in tlie histoiy of any otln r coined jr.
Fvt ry line is full of niirthfi liiess ol t he
brightest In e and every tcene if. effer
vescent with ludirroiism. "Widow 1
dott" whs w ritten purely fi r laughicR
purposes and to say that the author wtui
snicessful is but a mild ulitihute lor
the greatest piece of comedy ever writ
ten. Mr. K ing will personally appmr
in the till,-to'e and surround hui'Helfi
with a caiml le c trps of players.. N
and sparkling speciallit 8 will be pro
duced and in eveiy way ihom who at
tend will Ik afonted an evening of the,,
brightest eoj ment of the seasoc.
Take L native Bromo tiuinltij fable to.,
all druggists refund the money if it kilto
tocurer E. W. Grove's signature h oat,
each bos. 25c. '