Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 19, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Ctesulsir April
of the Conntj
3. E, Morton, John Lewellen and T.
Kllllii, CommUsionem.
CC intinued from laat week.)
On Thursday, April 4, 1901, at 9:30
Vclock, a. m. the board now convened
ipursuantto adjournment, the commis
isioners and officers present as of yester
day. In tlm matter of the bicycle fund and
Viaths in Clackamas county.
This matter coming on at this time,
-on motion of J F Clark, and the court
being fully advised and informed in the
matter, it is hereby ordered that J F
Clark, C H Dye and W A Huntley be
and are hereby appointed supervisors of
vbicyrle paths in Clackamas county, and
that they have control and management
of paths and fundB for paths in said
.xunty, and have the right to lay out
HathB along any county road in Baid
county and to act in conjunction with
road supervisors in building and protect
ing Raid paths; thut all paths heretofore
built in this county are hereby declared
(bicycle paths and the funds collected in
:ny precinct on request of any interested
parties may be used in constructing
paths in said precinct. That said super
visors may assist Jie sheriff in collecting
the bicycle tax by naming deputies sub
ject to consent ot the sheriff, to collect
.aaid tax, provided the county of Clacka
nias shall in no way be lesVonsible for
-any expense or cost incurred other than
the sale keeping and lawful paying out
of the said bicycle fund and not other
wise. 'In the matter of the vacation of lots,
'blocks and s'reets of Root's addition to
the town of Marehfield, in Clackamas
xconnty, Oregon.
This nutter coming on and it appear
ing that there has been a remonstrance
''riled in said matter, and the board being
lully advised, it is ordered that the peti
tion on file herein in the above matter
Ae denied.
In the matter of the cancellation of
"warrant Mo. (KitiG.
it appearing that warrant No. 6686
lius been drawn upon a duplicate bill of
J Ii Haseltin & Ut , it is now ordered
bat warrant No. 6086 be and. hereby
is cancelled and held for nought.
in the matter of the report on petition
ef what is known as the Lawton or B'uff
In the matter of the report of J T
ipperson, J S Risley and A W Cooke,
wiuwers, appointed at the last term of
4hia board to view and locate a county
troad situated in Clackamas county Ore
gon, described in full on page 3S'3 of
oiimiifeioner'a journal No. 19. said
viewers filed their report showing that
they had met on the 25th day of March
41)01, a day named in the notice served
'upon them, and were duly sworn by sub'
scribing to a written oath of office ad
ministered by John V Meldrum, depnty
county surveyor, after which, they pro
oeeUoil to the designated place, and did
wiew and caused to be surveyed by said
Jt'jmty county surveyor, the above de
scribed road. They also filed the field
motes and plat of the survey, Said view
ers rtoort fayorably to the establishing
t af said ioud as viewed, for the reasons
tthat it 'is aood, practical route, and of
I public utility. Said report was read on
ithiHtiiiy on its first reading, and laid
over a second reading at 1 :30 o'clock p
tn tomorrow.
In the matter of a change in the New
-8weden and Buckner road.
:ln the matter of the report of ThomaB
Duffy, K VV Hornechuoli and M Holland,
viewcrp appointed at the last term of
ithis board, to view and locate a change
kin a county road situated in Clackamas
county, Oregon, and described in full on
page 38,) of commissioner's journal No.
said viewors filed their report, show
ung thut thev had met on the 18th day
of March, 1901, a day named in the
(notice served upon them and were duly
-sworn by subscribing t a written oath
of ollice administered by K 1' Hands,
county surveyor, after which they pro
ceeded to the designated place, and did
wiew and caused to be surveyed by said
oounty surveyor, the above described
croad. They also tiled the field nutes and
atlat of the survey. Said viewers report
I'avoralily to the establishing of Bald
j-oad as viewed and surveyed, lor thej
iroiiHoim that it Is a good, practical route
miiid of public utility. Said report was j
read on tins day on its Hist reading and '
laid over for a second reading tomorrow.
In the matter of the petition for a
change in the New Sweden and Buckner'
J n tho matter of the report of viewers
Trimma Duffy, K V lloinsehticli and
!M Holland, appointed at the last term
of this bo vnl to view and locate a county
road Hilinted in Clackamas county, Ore'-1
4on and described m lull on pages 385.
and 3S(t of commissioner's journal No
9, saiil viewers filed their repot t show
' ing that they him met on the 18th day of
Alarch, 1901, a day named in the notice
served upon them and were duly sworn
y subscribing to a written oath of
"ollii'H adnilnisterod by E P Rands,
county surveyor, after which they pro
u'eeded lo the designated place and did
vview and cause to be surveyed by said
county surveyor, tbe above described
iroad. They also tiled the field notes
and plat of the survey. Said viewing re
tpurt favoiably to tbe establishing of said
road as viewed and surveyed for the
".t'liaoiis that it is a good, practical route
ami of. public utility. Said report was
reJ on this day on its first reading and
' laid over lor a second reading tomorrow.
' In the matter of tbe petition of J W
V! louts ft al for a county road.
l-l ii -the matter of tho repot t of viewers
'j ( 'J'adtluek, Fred Capps and W Lewth
waite, hpt oiiited at the last term of this
IuurJ to view and locate a county road
eiltiub d in Clackamas county, Oregon, i Sweden and Buckner road,
Aind defciibed i i full on pagi's 3S0 and j In the matter of tbe report of Thomas
tlS'J of commissioners jmii mil No 10 said j Dully, E W Hornschuch, and M Holland
'vieiviTM tiled their rcpoit showing that viewers appointed at tbe last term of
tli'V had nv.'t on tbe 1 Ph day ol March, ! this hoard to view and locate a county
Jim! , tli'.y named in thy notice served road situated in Clackamas county, Ore
'.ij.ii them and were duly sworn by sub-; gon, ilesciihed in lull on pages 3S5 and
. M'l'ibing to a written oath of ollice ml-. o.Mi, of commis-iioner's journal No. 10,
tiiiihintrrt-d by K P Rands, comity tur-1 said viewers tiled their report showing
veyor alter which t bey pioceeded to thtt ' that they bad met on the lMh Hay ol
v let-ignaled place and did view and I March, 1001, a day named in tbe notice
satined to be surveyed by said county soived upon them, and were duly sworn
v:jutveyor, the above described road, by subscribing to a written "oath ad
Tliev 'also filed the field notes and plats ministered by KP Rands, county sur-
of the s.irvey. Said viewers report j veyor, after which they proceeded to the
'..favorably to tbe establishing of said road -designated place, and did view and
.as viewed and surveyed for the reasons 1 caused to be surveyed by said county
.'tJjat it Is a good, practical route and of surveyor, tbe above described road.
nuhlie utility. aid report was read on i Thev also filed the field notes and plat
tlnn dav on Its Erst reading and laid over
Coi a t eco- a reading tomorrow,
The board now adjourned until 9 :30
o'clock a m tomorrow, April 5, 1901.
A pri! 5, 1901. The board now convened
pursuant to adjournment, the "commis
sioners and officers present aB of yester
day, when the following procedirgs were
had to: wit
In tbe matter of claims presented and
allowed :
Eli Williams, assessor t 90 00
J G Porter 72 00
Nixon Blair 33 00
FJ Harkenrider 33 00
.T A Tufts 30 00
B Sullivan .. 15 00
L E Williams 53 00
C E Ramsby 36 00
v w ureemnan 31 do
V R Hyde 31 50
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery 77 50
Pope & Co, court house 1 00
Good Samaratan Hospital, pauper 11 00
Pratt Bros road and bridge t 8'J
W A Huntley stationery.
3 00
15 00
myrtle Uumn clerk
E P Rands road and bridge
E P Rands surveyor
Laura Randall, recorder..
M C Strickland, coroner 28 50
Edwin Bates 1 40
N E Stringley 1
J R Glover 1
J P Woodle 1
GeoWJudd 1
W B Baker 1
C B Smith 2 55
Louis Baker 1 70
J W Loder 5 20
M C Strickland 27 10
L O Moore 1 20
S J Vaughan 1 20
J H Kellogg 1 20
J II Kellogg 1 20
RLHoIman 1 20
RD Wilson 1 20
G H Young 1 20
J I) Welch 1 70
L French , 1 70
H R Lathron 1 70
J W Loder 4 80
Bradley's Stables, pauper 3 00
Bradley's Stables, J C court.... 3 00
Bradleys' Stables road and bridge 9 00
F H Dunigan J P court 3 00
Wm Everhart 3 00
J C Zinser, school supt 1 45
Alice Zinser 2 00
Elizabeth Buck 6 00
T J Gary 6 Oo
Tel and T Co, court house 5 90
Courier-Herald, printing 18 40
Lindsley & Son road and bridge. 48 03
W II Young 6 00
W H Young insane 3 50
W H Young, sheriff 3 00
C N Greenman, court house 50
C K Greenman road and bridge 2 00
J J Cooke, sheriff 46 43
Ina M Chase, clerk. 29 00
A Milhlsten, court house 4 40
Peter Nehren 5 05
Frank Busch 2 53
John W Meldrum, road and b.. 4 40
J W McAnulty, J P court 13 80
II S Moody 10 40
John Moore 2 80
Ed May 2 80
Priscilla Moore 2 80
Mary Moore 2 80
Mrs Mabel Pratt 2 60
Frank Frost 1 70
J J Cooke, pauper 6 00
J J Cooke, bicycle 85
J J Cooke 10 00
J J Cooke sheriff S 10
J W Lodir, stationery 12 60
Ed May insane 5 20
Ina M Chase, sheriff 34 00
A J Walker insane 4 40
ButterBeld Bros, bicycle 20 00
I Selling, pauper 15 25
Mrs M M Bacon, clerk 49 00
E D Olds bridge 136 33
Geo B Rate & Co road and b. . . . 2 75
M C Strickland, insane 5 00
W E Carll 5 00
ST FiHher 3 8
Oregon City Enterprise, Btat 14 1 85
Oregon City Enterprise printing. 13 40
E 11 Cooper stationery 30
Bruce C Curry 10 00
Austin Western Co road and b . 142 00
In the matter of the change iu the
New Sweden and Buckner road.
In the matter of the report of Thomas
Duffy, E Hornschuch and M Holland
viewers appointed at the last term of
this board to view and locate a county
road situated in Clackamas county, OiO'
gon, uescrweu in inn on page ana com
niissioner's journal, No 19, said viewers
' filed their report showing that they had
j met on the 18lh day of March, 1001, a
(lav named in the notice served upon
them, and were duly sworn by subscrib
ing to a written ojth of otlice adminis
tered by E P Rands, county surveyor,
alter which they proceeded to the
designated place and did view and
cause to be surveyed by said county sur
veyor, the above described road They
hIho (Ucd the field notes and plat of the
survey. Said viewers report favorably
to the establishing of said road as
viewed and surveyed for the reasons
that it is a good, practical route and of
public utility. Said report was read on
yesterday and now on this day, on lis
second reading, and appearing to the
boaid that there is no remonstrance or
petition for damages tiled, and being
BiitiBfied that said road will be of public
utility, it is ordered and adjudged that
the Held notes and plat of said survey be
recorded and in alt respects approved,
and that the said view and survey be
established as a county road, and that
the expenses of said view and survey be
paid by Clackamas county, and the clerk
is hereby ordered to issue the necea.-ary
notice to the supervisor of the districts in
which said road lies, to open and work
tbe same; and that portion of road here
tofore described and asked to be vacated,
be and the same is hereby in all respects
ordered vacated on tbe opening ot said
road .
Thomas Puffy, . day, 4 miles $1 40
EW Hornschuch ;3 day 4 miles.. 1 40
M Holland, l.j day 6 mill's 1 60
Ernest P Kauds, 1 day 12 miles... 5 -0
In the matter of a change in tho New
! of the survey. Said viewers report
1 favorably to the establishing of said road
as viewed and surveyed, for the reasons
that it is a good, practical route and of
public utility. Said report was read on
yesterday and now, on this day, on its
second reading, and it appearing to the
board that there is no remonstrance or
petition for damages tiled, and being
satisfied that said road will be of public
utility, it is ordeted and adjudged that
tbe field notes and plat of Bald survey be
recorded and in all respects approved,
and that the said view and Burvey be
established as a county road, and that
the expense of said view and survey be
paid by Clackamas county, and the
clerk ib hereby ordered to issue the
necessary notice to the supervisor of the
district or districts in which said road
lies, to open and work the same. All
that portion of road heretofore des
cribedand asked to be vacated, and
the same is hereby in all respects
ordered vacated on the opening of said
Tbos Duffy, day and 7 miles . . $1 70
E W Hornschuch, ) day and 7 m. 1 70
M Holland day and 6 miles 1 00
E Mclntvre Y day 1 00
J E Peck" day I 00
W F S McGeorge, 1 day 14 miles. . & 40
In the matter of the location of the
Webster and Holcomb road.
In the matter of the report of J C
Paddock, Fred Capps and W Lewth
waite, viewers appointed at the last
term of this board to view and locate a
county ' road, situated in Clackamas
county, Oregon, and described in full on
pages 381 and Abl ot commissioner s
journal No. 19, said viewers filed their
report showing that ttiey tiad met on
the 14th day of March, 1001, a day
uamed in the notice served upon them,
and were duly sworn by subscribing to
a written oath auniiniaterea uy ji r
Rands, county surveyor, after which
thev proceeded to the designated place
and did view and caused to be surveyed
by said county surveyor the above de
scribed road. They also riled the field
notes rnd plat of the survey. Said view
ers report favorably to the establishing
of said road ai viewed and surveyed for
the reasons that it is a good, practical
route and of public utility. Said report
was read on yesterday and now. on this
day, on its second reading, and it ap
pearing to tbe board tnat mere is no
remonstrance or petition lor damages
filed, and being satisfied that said road
will be of public utility, it is ordered
and adjudged that the field notes and
plat of said survey te recorded, and in
respects approved, and that the said
view and survey be e tablished as a
county road, and that the expense or
said view and survey be paid by Clacka
mas county, and the cleric is hereby
ordered to issue the necessary notice to
the supervisors of the district in which
said road lies to open and work the
J C Paddock, 1 day 4 miles $2 40
Fred CappB, 1 day 6 miles 2 60
W Lewthwaite, 1 day 9 miles ... 2 80
Albert Matz.l dav 2 00
J W Roots. 1 day 2 00
T A Roots,' 1 day '. '. '. .' . . .' . ." ! .' .' .' .' .' ." . 2 00
E P Rands 1 day 8 miles 4 SO
In the matter of the location of the
Ward Lawton road.
In the matter of the report of J T Ap
person, J 8 Risley and A W Cooke,
viewers appointed at tbe last term of
this board, to view and locate a county
road situated in Clackamas county, Oie
gon, and described in full on page 393,
of commissioners' journal No 19, said
viewers filed their report showing that
they had met on the 25th day of March,
1901, a day named in the notice served
upon them and were duly bworn by sub
scribing to a written oath administered
by E P Rands, county surveyor, after
which they proceeded to the designated
place and did view and cause to be sur
veyed by said county surveyor, the
above described road. They also filed
notes and plot of the survey. Said view
ers report favoiably to the establishing
of said road as yiewed and surveyed, for
tbe reasons that is a good practical route
and of public utility. Said report was
read on yesterday, and now, on this day
on its second reading, and it appearing
to tbe board that thete is no remon
strance or petition for damages filed and
being satisfied thataid road will be of
public utility, it is ordered and adjudged
that the field notes and plat of said sur
vey be recorded and in all respects ap
proved, and that the said view and sur
vey, be established as a county road,
and that the expense account of Baid
view and survey be paid by Clackamas
county, and that said road be opened
uion the improvement of High street,
by the city of Oregon City iu conjunction
with said road.
In the matter of delinquent taxes of A
S Nichols.
Upon the application of A S Nichols
for an equitable adjustment of the taxes
for the years WA, 1804. 1805, 1806 and
1S!I8, on his 150 acre tract in the Hiram
S Straight D L C taking into account the
erroneous discription of said lands on
the tax roll of said county, it is ordered
that upon payment by said Nichols to
the clerk of $000 on account of the taxes
for said years, that the clerk issue to
him tax receipts and certificates of re
demption for said land in full of the
taxes (or Slid years of 1803, 1894, 1805,
1896 and 1808.
In the matter of poll tax rebate of
Cake A Cake,
This mutter coining on upon petition
filed herein, and the board being fully
advised, it is ordered that Cake & Cake
have a rebate of 3 as poll tax for year
Iu the matter of the E Wehrheim pri
vate road.
On motion of attorney for applicant, it
is ordered that the foregoing matter be
dismissed without prejudice, and that
the papers be withdrawn
The board now adjourned to meet, to
morrow, April 6, 1001, at the hour of 10
o'clock a m Saturday, April ti, 1001. The
board now convened pursuant to ad
journment, the commissioners and of
ficers present as of yesterday.
In the matter of the expense account
of the Ward l.awtoa road.
This matter coming on and the court
beii g fully advised, it is ordered that
said expense account bo allowed and
i pant as loitows 10 wu :
J T Apperson, ' days nines i tu
J S Rislov, 2 davs ii miles 5 20
A W Cooke, 2 davs 20 miles G IX)
V W Pope, 2 davs 4 00
S S Mohler, 2 davs 4 00
Ward B Lawton 2 days..; 4 00
John W Meldrum 5 days 2 miles. .20 20
lir the matter oi the petition C Schubel
attorney for rebate in probate.
This matter coming on upon written
petition filed herein showing that the es
tate of Phillip Wolf and the estate of
Julia Staben had overpaid as probate J
lees as follows: I'nillD Woll estate over
paid, $2.50 and the guardianship In the
estate of Julia Staben $5 overpaid. It is
therefore ordered that tbe clerk issue a
warrant to C Schubel in tbe sum of $7.50
for the payment of said claims.
In the matter of the application of
Joseph Allen, an indigent soldier for aid.
This matter coming on and the board
being fully advised, it is ordered that
Joseph Allen an indigent soldier have
an allowance of $10 as aid for the month
of March, and that the clerk issue a war
rant for said amount.
Road District No 17 continued
A J Dalrymple, road fund $ 4 50
D Harms 5 10
G W Kissilring 4 95
DC Harms..... 4 80
L'E Boures 60
E Selby 2 70
J W Fryeear 5 55
J J Gibson 3 75
J B Hepler..... 2 40
J Baty 1 35
Adkins Bros 0 00
Leo Riggs , 1 50
W Cole 4 20
A D Gnbble 4 50
Hans Kraxberger 2 55
Chas Kraxberger 1 50
Jahe Wolfer 1 50
Frank Brush. 1 50
Walter Lamore. 3 00
James Adkins '. 20 00
Total 87 05
(Continued next week.)
Yon whl miss a treat if you
haer the Telford quintette Friday
ning at the M. E. church.
Herding Cown Away From
A cattle herder is actually doing busi
ness at the Abernethy bridge, where
the municipal boundary line separates
Oregon City from the grain fields and
pastured lanes beyond. His name ia Z -B.
Purcell, aged 69, and he has built a
little house where he will reside and
keep back country cows, who are seek
ing to get into the city pound. The Ab
ernethy and Parkplace lanes come to
gether at ibis point, and the cows for
the distance of two or three miles away
wander down to the Abernethy, making
Mr. Purceli's occupation a convenience
to the neighborhood. Mr. Purcell now
lias about 60 cows on his list, and for the
service of keeping these cows out of the
city pound he receives 25 cents per
month for a single cow, two cows be
longing to one owner 40 cents, while
more than that number are served at
the rate of 10 cents per head. He is the
father of Mrs. Lankins at Clackamas
A Raging, Roaring Flood
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chas. O. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. "Standing waist deep in icy
water," he writes, "gave me a terrible
cold and cough . It grew worse daily.
Finally the
best doctors in Oakland,
Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had
Consumptian and could not live. Then
I began using Dr. King's New Discovery
and was wholly cured by six bottles."
Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Coldi
and all Throat and Lung troubles by
George A Harding. Price 50 cents and
Second-Hand Bicycles Cheap.
If you want to buy a good second-hand
bicycle for little money, go to Huntley's
Book Store. They have them from $10
to $20 boys,' ladies' and men's styles.
Everyone carefully overhauled and re
paired and put in good running con
dition. $20 to $100 to loan on cha tel or per
sonal security.
Dimick & Eastiiam, Agts.
Sluving oily 10 oats at the first
class shop of P. G. Shark.
(Corrected on Thursday .)
Flour Best 2.903.f0; graham
Wheat Walla Walla 5557c; valley
5Si',')9j bluestera 5l)c.
Oats White, 1 25 per cental j grav,
1 20 1 22,'a per cental.
Hurley Feed $17; brewing f 16 per t.
Millstuffs Cran $10; middlings 21s ;
shorts $1S; chop $10.
Hay Timothy $12(313; clover, 71;
Oregon wild $7.
B.itter F.tuny creunery 4) an 1 50c;
store, 20 and 25.
Eggs 13 1-2 and 14 edits per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.003.50;
hens $3.504; springs $23 50; geese
$G7; ducks $50,is; live turkeys 11
12c; dressed, 1214c.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers
and eweB, sheared, $4 50; dressed, 6
and 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy J$5X00 and $5 25;
light, $5 ; dressed, 5 1-2 and -6 cents per
Veal Large, 61-2 and 7 cents per
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50 and $5,
dressed beef, 7 and 8 cents per pound.
Che-se Full cream 12Jg'c per pound
Young America 3c.
Potatoes 15 and 50 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets $1 ; turnips 75c
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.03
(irl.80 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75c
per dozen ; parsnips 85o pr sack ; celery
80(t(90o per down; asparagus 7(Sc;
pens 8(4o per pound.
liried fruit Apples evapora'ed 5(S0;
sun-dried sacks or Poxes By. 4c; pears
sun and evaporated 8190; pitless plums
7(jfSc; Italian prunes 57c; extra
silver choice 5uS 7.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 53.
Oats, 1 25 per cental.
Potatoes. 50 and 50 cents per sack.
Eggs 14 ceuts per dozen.
Butter, dairy, 35 to 45c per roll;
creamery, 50c.
Dried apples, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite
and German, 3c.
Spring is Here.
And J. M.- Price, the only up-to-date C lothier
and Furnisher in Oregon City is prepared to fit
4 you out with a
Nice Spring Suit for $10
He also has a first-class line of lieadwear in all
the latest shapes, shades and styles and will give
you an
Up-to-date Hat for $2
If you want a good serviceable No. i Shoe in
black, tan or cherry call and inspect our stock of t
Stylish Shoes for
Tire repairs cost
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0.
Cregonian Building, Portland, Oregon.
It would he convenient for many of
the young female members of Portland
families to have duplicate copies of prop
erly attested birth certificates. Al
most every week some Portland young
couple, who are anxious to secure a mar
riage license in Oregon Oity, have great
difficulty in finding a person to make
affidavit to the girl's age. These licenses
are usually enenmb re I with a request,
"Please not Puhlinh."
From the numbf r of Corvallis people
who are taking up their residence in
Oregon Oity, it would seem that the
population of that college town is de
creasing, or a new immigration is fill
ing their places. Thera are now 13 Cor
vallis people boarding at one house.
On Monday the supreme court handed
down a decision affirming the judge
ment of the circuit court in Coos county,
which in effect gives any person the
right to recover da nages from a railroad
on account of accident occurring in a
public highway, occupied by said trans
portation county. This especially ap
plies where the railway company uses
the county road without permission of
the county court.
Edwaid Clayson, sr., a brother of
James Clay son, of Milwaukie precinct,
is publishing a paper at Seattle styled
''Trie Patriarch." It advocates a patri
ai eliul republic, ami asserts that every
married man should have two votes,
and a half vote for every child under
age in his family, and every bachtl r
should have UU one vote. What an op
portunity this would give the father of a
large family to tr.iHic in votes.
The board of trade is now getting
down to effective, active work. The
members are enthusiastic, and it is evi
dent that this organtziition will work
this summer with its old time energy.
The cheese factory will certainly be a
go, and will start the ball rolling in the
direction of individual enterprise. The
board lias done highly gratifying work
in road matters and was instiumental
iii securing the establishment of the
commission houses. As a rasult of
these ell'orts the trade of Oregon City is
appreciably increasing Every btitl 1
ing along Main street is occupied, and
ehops and stores now till up the south
end. Next, step9 will be taken to im
prove another road h ading to the city,
and a determined move made to secure
a share of the immigration coming to
this coast. .
Unless a destructive late !rot shall
appear, th fruit crop of Clackamas
county will be an immense quantity.
Apples, prunes, peiehes and other fruits
have apparently rece'ved but little, if
ai y damage by the late frosts, and the
outlook was never more promising.
Willi good crops of grain, hops and
fruits, Clackamas county will reach a
gratifying era of prosperity.
It is an undisputed fact that the Daily
Guard ot Eugene, and the Daily Review
of Roseburg, both evening papers, sur
pass the evening Telegram in. prompt
ness and reliability in putting out im
portant telegraphic news. The Tele
gram was 24 hours behind these papers
in giving the account of exVresident
Harrison's death, and when the dispatch
came from Washington that George V.
Colvig was appointed consul to Barrau
quilla, Columbia, the Telegram had it
William M. Coivig and with character
istic enterprise? panted the latter's pic
ture. The Telegram has access to the
best news service on the coast, yet it ap
pears 1 ickinj in some respects.
Birthday Party.
Mrs. T. B, Hankins was tbe recipient
of a surprise party at her home 011 Mo
UlU Avenue last Wednesday evening in
honor of her birthday. Progressive cro
kinole and card gsuies were features of
the entertainment, J . W. Grout ami
Sylvester Johnson winning the first and
booby prizes respectively. Mrs. Han
kins received an elegant rockiug chair,
a present from tl e guests. Those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester John
son, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grout, Mr. and
Mrs. D. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Estes,
Mr. and Mrs. John Green, Mr. and
Mrs H. E. Straight. Mr. IHur V n
1 Uankins, Lulu Hankins.
more than Tires.
and save the expense.
Fit any rim. No cement required.
Every puncture don't mean
Birthday Party.
On Tuesday afternoon a birthday
party was given Hazel Davidson at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Davidson, and
uncle. George F. Smith. Quite a num
ber of young people were present and a
delightful timb was passed. Those pres
ent were: Misses Grace Wood, M.
Montgomery, April Miller, Nettie Kruse,
Laura and Mary Atkins, Emma Draper,
Ana Alldredge, May Rambo, Clara and
Louise Dente, Vada Elliott, Gertie Har
greaves, Bertha Koerner, Nellie Clopton,
Mary Scott, Hazel Davidson ; Masters,
Edward Ackley, Arthur and Walter
Deme, Ward Young, Harry and Martin
Stiler, Harry Willit ms, Frank, Johnnie
and Eddie Busch, Fred and Henry
Heuse, Eddie Hargreaves, Andrew .
Koerner, Roy Scott; Rev. and Mr. R.
A. Atkins and daughter, Mrs. Jane
Eudy, Miss Gertrude Nefzger.
Fifty Cents an Acr&.
E. M. Howell, of the Portland City &
Oregou Railway Company, and T. O.
Howell; both residents of Oregon City,
have completed a deal witn A. L. Max
well, receiver of the Oregon Develop
ment Company, whereby they are now
owners of 0000 acres of 1 ind lying along
the line of Corvallis & Eastern, ad
all other property of the O. D. Company.
These gentlemen are brothers of J. D.
Howell, of Benton county. The new
owners propose to place this land on
the market shortly, offering it for 50
cents an acre. Corvallis Gazette.
New Boad lobe Built.
To all residents in Clackamas county
who desire to assist in the construction
of good roads to Oregon City. At a
meeting of the board of trade of Oregon
City it was decided to assist in the con
struction of a new road into Oregon City
this year and its road committee was in
structed to receive propositions and
listen to proposals trom the residents or
those interested in the different sections
of the county as to what road should be
selected. The undersigned committej
or any of them would therefore be
pleased to receive any proposition or
listen to any proposal that may be sub
mitted upon said subject at any time
previous to the next meeting of the
hoard of trade, which will be held on
Friday evening, April 20th.
CO. T. Williams,
I). 0. Latourettk,
J. T. Al'l'KKsON,
Frank Ui'sch,
Titos. F. Ryan.
Harding Block, Oregon City
35 Cents
J 2 Bottles Snider's Best Catsup
7 Cents
2x2 Pound Package Mush
15 Cents
4-lb. Pkg. Pyramid Soap Powder
25 Cents
3 Cans Tomatoes or Corn
35 Cents
2 Packages Gold Dust
Ton Best Land Plaster
17 Pounds Best Granu'a'.ed Sugar
Barrel Best Valley Flour
15 Cents
10 Pound Sack Best Graham
J. A. McGLASHAN, Manager
Stores Oregon City and Portland
This jenature I. on every box of the genulnt
Laxative Bromo-Quinine ,ef
the remedy that , -ay