'M.f . Vv Oregon ity owner- c COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, W93 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED W98 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 19,1901 18th YEAR, NO. 48i EDWARD HUGHES 182 Madison St., West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon GENERAL AGENT FOR Aultman &. Taylor's Celebrated Threshing Machinery i : j Steam and Gas Engines, ; ! Saw Mills, f Etc. :.-v. j CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT COMP'Y SUCCESSOR TO , Grebe, Mardciv & Co.. 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, VVest End of Bridge, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hav Tools, Hay Presses Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows Warness. BicyclMe Etc. ' c 1. i. M't) POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and , Hoes,1 Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Oor. Fourth and Main Sts. H. Schrader " All kinds of F"ine Bread SUCCESSOR TO JOSEPH KUERTEN'S Bakery and Confectionery 7th Street, Oregon City, Oregon Will give . .to every in quality 18 years foreman of the " " ' Main St. Bakery . 140, 146 Sixth Street North, OREGON OREGON CIT Up-to date onfectionery of all kinds satisfaction customer and prices. I hatrcH 1 lio Wedding Cake for your parent and I'll bake yours too BOARD OF TRADE. A Good and Interent&l Attendance at the Melting Friday Night. President H. E. Cross made a happy hit, at an opportune time, when kg; called Hih board of trade in special ses-v 49 on Friday night. It h'ld been many moons since this body of representative citizenp had held a meeting. In fact, it had been so long that some of them had forgotten that they held membership in the institution. Secretary Loder was al)sei,t, but George T. Howard tilled the position pro tern. The foil jwing report of the road committee showed that this representative body had accomplished effective work during the past year, al though, but few meetings had been held, Oregon Oity. April 12 We, your com mit tee, heretofore appointed to raiso neo esaaiy funds ami co-opente with the county of Clackamas and the citizens of Logan and Eagle Creek in the construc tion of a road from the lower Clacka mas bridge to Logan and to Burhardt's mill, would rtspecfully report as fol lows: That we succeeded in raising by popular suhtcription and by the help of the citv council of Oregon Uhy the sum ol f2600. The citizens of Logan raieed by Mibeci iption also a little over $2600, and the citizens of Eagle Creek and vi cinity raised about $10110. To these seV' eral sums the cuunty court made an ap propiiation of an equal amount, making altogether a fund ot about $12,000 to ap ply on the road proposition in hand. The county took entire charue of the work and employed W. H, Counsell as superintendent of the road improve ment reaching from the lower Clacka mas bridge to the hatchery. Practi cally the entire roadbed was widened out and reiraded and covered with a heavy coaiiugof gravel. This road was completed last fall in a lirst class shape, and we believe will remain a monument to the enterprii-e and energy of the busi ness men of the city, who contributed so Morally to ite construction, for many years d conie. The people of Loyan did not have time to complete their toad improvement last yei r and ssera compelled to leave a gap about a nrln vvliie without rnk or gravel. The funds, however, are on hand and the "oad will be completed early this season. When done there will be a modern road all the way Irom Oregon City to J. M. Tracy's, a distance of over 12 milts. We can also repuit that with the money sub scribed by the Eagle Creek people the cotintv completed two miles of the worst part of the road from the hatchery to Ihirghardt's mill v e trus-t that the people in that section of the county will see the early necessity of raising the additional amount of money and completing the improvement undertaken by the business men of Oregon City and its complete mcuess is a matter ofcin-. gratulation to all those whoso heartily" co-operated in it. We would also state for the information of the bo ird that the citizens of Bpringwater have already raised by subscription over $2500 to ex tend the road from Tracy's to that im portant section of the county. In con clusion we would recommend that the board undertake the, improvement of another main thoroughfare leading out of Oregon City for the coming season's work. H.E.Cross, O. H. Dye, E. G. Caufield, D. O. Latourettk, VV. A. Huntley. President Cross called attention to the fact that there waa now an oppor tunity to secure a cheese factory at Ore gon City without cost or -price. H. C. Campbell, of the Portland Suburban Railway Company, was here during the week, and staled that a frien I of his, a practical cheese maker in Wisconsin, desired a suitable location for a factory. Mr. Campbell thought Oregon City would suit him, and all the guarantee that the cheese maker wanted was that he could be assured of receiving the milk from 150 cows for one eor. After considera le favorable discussion, the president appointed G. W. Church, J. W. Grout and George T. Howard a com mittee to secure guarantees of milk. The mattei of iinp'oving a road lead ing to Oregon City this year provoked considerable discussion. The majority of the members present favored improv ing the Abernetby or Viola road, mak ing a connection with the Hpiingwmer road. E. E. thartnan wanted the Law ton road built over the hill from Oregon City. Finally Judge Kjan's motion to refer the matter to the road committee carried. The following new rond com mittee was appointed: CO. T. Wil liams, J. T. Apperson, D. 0. Latourette, Frank Bunch, T. F Ryan. The board adjourned to meet two weeks from last Friday night, when other important matters will be con sidered. The lir-it meeting of the board for the present year was an auspicious one, and no doubt Horn i effective work w ill he accomplished before the summer is over. Notice to Bridge Jiiiildern. Notice is hereby given that Bealeo bids will be rei eivtd bv the county sur veyor of Clackamas county, Oregon, at his oltice in the county tou t house, in Oregon City, for budding a hi idge across Si cker Creek, i u the Oiwego and Au rota road, on or before the third da of May, l'.KJl , at 2 o'clock, p. m., when said bills will be opened by the count v euiveyi r with the county court, an'' "a Contract awarded to the lowest repporini ble bidder, the court renerving t lie right to (eject any and 'all b ds. Each bidder ill lie rvipiired t deposit with his bid, five per cent of the amount of such bid, which shad be forfeited to the county in case the award is made to him and lie neglects, or refuses, fi r the period of two days after inch award is made, to enter into contract and file his bond in the manner required by, and to the sat isfaction of the county court. The bridge must be constructed in ac cordance with the plins and specifica tions for building said bridge, which plans and ipecifkatioos are on file in the office of the county surveyor. - bxkht P. Rands, County Surveyor. Br Joh W. Mildrcm , Deputy. Oregon City., April 15, 1901. . -Agricultural 210-214 Peerless Plows Steel and Chilled ALSO Buffalo Pitts, Harrows and Cultivators, Owen'" "Advance" Fanning Mills. a. g Write for Catalogue and -Tiim mf Road Carts Buggies Mountain Hacks and Spring Wag n Refurnishing Frank W. C. HOOIAN Implements FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, AGENTS FOR Dowagiac Drills Hoe and Disc NEW MODEL "STEEL BEAUTY." fel," ik4 i 1 1, . 4 rMmiSd -T iWr? Stoughton Wagons Prices. CALL I. .1 II 'I.I IE And now for clean, new Lace Curtains, Portieres, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, lite. The season is almost here when you'll need them. It will pay you to do your buy ing early. We are making some famous reductions now, and are showing our very best designs. Lace Curtains, latest design, ioc and ,15c per yard. THE HOUSEFURNISHER and Vehicles. 1 OREGON. Sickle Grinders ALSO Hay Presses, Horse Power and Steam , Feed aHl Root Cutters, B )n3 and CiderMill ON LIE BEFORE BUYIMG. Time V. r,'