Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 12, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Res!nr April
of the County
i. r.
Morton, John lewellen and T.
Klllln, Commissioners.
lit: it remembered, That at a regular
term of the Board o( County Conirnia-ioi-rn
for the county of Clackamas,
State of Oregan, and held at the court
house in said county and state on Wed
nesday, the 31 day of April, 1901; the
same being the regular time fixed by
law for the transaction of county busi
ness, when were present: J R. Morton,
John Lewellen, T H Killen, commission
ers; E li Cooper, clerk, and J J Cooke,
sheriff. The following proceedings were
had to-wit:
The fulli'wing claimB were allowed :
Koad district No 1
Henry Stnckcy 6 00
Charles Counsel!- 9 t;0
W II Counsell 8 00
Total W 00
Road district No. 3
W W Gardner, gen fund. . 2 45
Warren (ireenwell, road fund.. 150
A W Cooke 2 00
Total $5 95
Road district No. 4
George B Kate & Co gen fund.. 1 12
Road district No t!
Geo B Rate & Co t 7 75
Road district No 7
George B RateA Co gen fund.... 78 00
Road district No 11
J A Jnnes gen fund $ 3 00
R L Russell 2 45
J K Smith, road fund 36 00
J Witzig 20 25
H Smith 10 12
M Rivers 32 12
C E Smith 8 62
Total 102 66
Road district No 13 i
Wilson & Cooke, general fund.. $ 150
George B Rate & Co 39 91
C B Ward, road fund 6 00
C B Ward......... 4 50
Dan Evans 3 00
W C Ward 10 00
Total $!4 91
Road district No 14
George B Rate & Co gen fund.. $19 00
A B Linn road fund. 7 50
Rosco Uard 10 60
F K Linn 9 00
T W Linn 10 50
B F Linn 15 00
8 ComoUH 0 00
GFGibbs 2100
& R Myers ; 2100
F M (iibhs 10 50
. Ti.tal $130 00
Road district No 15
R II Tuber, road fund $2 00
George Kidder , 0 90
M T.ilford 75
F Quinn ;. S 35
Fieemnn 4 35
R 11 Tuber 9 00
F W Ilacher 3 00
Total $31 35
Road district No. 10
Mike Hniras, road fund 1 BO
Charles Butinian 1 50
T M Blanchard 1 50
Will Randull 7 50
Frank Brings 3 00
J F Brings '. 5 00
Total $20 00
Road district No 17
Carlton & Rosenkrans, gen fund$ 12 25
Adkins Bros 61 40
James Evans 5 02
Adam Knight 3 75
P Burns road fund 3 00
H May 2 25
A Th e 0 37
rVA fice 3 00
Total $90 23
Road district No 18.
Wilson ACooko, gen fund $ 1 65
O W Frlderick 60
Valentine Bohlander road fund. 5 25
W V Daniels 5 25
John Davies 5 25
George Stevens
W P Daniels, gen fund.
Fred Stevens
Thomas Daniels
1 50
1 00
1 00
9 33
Total $30 83
Road district No 19
A F. Clark, road fund 2 00
C Larkins 75
JJMallatt 6 00
Win Wallace ..
James Mallatt.
1 Fish
Total 13 25
Road district No 20
J Wallace $ 3 78
John Put loud fund 2 60
Sherevil ,
J II Strtungreen 3 00
Road district No 23
J P Cole gen fund
D J Parmeiiteer road fund...
A B Widdows
J F Yost
$9 88
18 62
21 75
8 75
4 25
Total $48 37
Road district No 24
F Saelir gen fund $2 25
Joseph Maver.
1 50
W Kuhuko
E A Montandon . .
J S Yodsr
A 8 Thompson...
1 50
8 00
12 12
Total $5 88
Road Pistilct No27
Ed Jackson road fund. .
Omer Maruuam
J E Mutiiuum
Road district No l!0
A II lUillm k road fund
John O'Brien
K Davis To
A Waldoif 1 oO
JRllava (100
Road district No. 41
Cieorgo R Kate k Oo pon bind,
(leorme Yolp road fund. ........
(Minis Peters
(ierhard Peters
John Aden
John Aden
Henry Aden 9 00
Henry lhekman U IHl
Fred Ritter 8 50
James Turner. li! 00
Charles Wacgener 12 (H)
Fred Waggener ti 00
Frank Sharp.. 9 00
0 P Sharp 6 00
Alhort Turner 00
y iet ei s 2 50
Total.. $115 75
Koad district No 34
Wilson k Cooke gen fund 3 55
Story Bros
9 10
I'opn & Co . . .
Ed Batdorf road
Ed Bitdorf ....
Joe Shabe . .
Ren breeding..
5 07
2 00
72 80
10 20
30 75
V T Breeding 30 75
Jim- Riser 29 25
A B Reed 32 70
Bill Smith 31 80
Tom Smith ' 44 40
Henry Cooke 30 15
Tom Munson 21 15
DoweTurden 12 00
Total $366 67
Before the board of county commis
sioners of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Clackamas. In vacation after
the March term to-wit: In pursuance
of an order made by the hoard and
entered of record, ordering warrants to
be issued in vacation.
I, E. H. Cooper, clerk of said county,
and state, do hereby issue warrants in
payment of said claims for the amounts
and in favor of the persona hereinafter
MrsE Morgan, county charge.. $ 10 00
T M Bakei 28 00
Mrs R Davis 14 00
Mrs Rosa Friechler 12 00
Ellen Bridges 8 00
J M Jones 6 50
W L Davis 6 00
William Scott 8 00
Mrs. Hattie Woods 5 00
J S McComb 4 20 00
Mrs S C Harrington 8 00
Paul Freytag 10 00
William Dean 8 00
A M Shibley 8 00
Mrs London 12 00
Mrs Lydia Winesett 14 85
Henry Lewis 6 00
Mrs Fleming...: 8 00
Mis Kruger 7 00
Mrs Alice Carr 0 00
L Mathewson 7 00
Mrs L C Clark 6 00
Gus Perkle 15 00
U E Burns 5 00
L Freeman 5 00
Mr Snider 10 00
Mr Heinz 5 00
Mrs Martha Duff 4 00
J J Gorbett 5 00
J M Heckart 8 0,)
Amanda Wilcox 8 00
EN Foster 6 00
Gutfried Smalley 6 00
King Bohall 7 (10
Peter Kraua 8 00
W T Tinsley
Co F, O N G, armory rent
W T Gardner, Boys and G Aid. .
Wm Philips, indigent soldier
5 00
25 00
10 20
4 00
Chas Ciilon..: 10 00
Mrs J M Bacon 10 00
Jacob Kohler 8 00
Peter Nehren, janitor 50 00
E 11 Cooper, clerk 125 00
Elmer Dixon 65 00
Tom P Randall, recorder 100 00
E P Dedman. 52 00
J J Cooke, sheriff 141 66
J E Jack 60 00
A Luelling, treasurer 83 33
J II Luelling 20 00
J O Zinser, supt 83 33
Thos F Ryan, judge 100 00
Norris & Powell c physicians. ... 15 75
Mrs Anna Williams, assessor .. . 52 00
In the matter of the petition of F P
Larsen, et al for a county road.
In the matter of the petition filed by
F P Larsen and more than twelve house
holders of the county living in the
vicinity of the road discribed in the peti
tion, and praying viewers to be ap
pointed to view and locate a county
road in Clackamas county, Oregon,
described in full as follows: Commenc
ing about 25 feet east of a marked tree
on the Bockman road running thence
about 36 roda in a northerly direction to
the southwest corner of the north half of
the N E H of section 32, T 2 8, R 1 E ;
thence due north on or near half section
line about 24 roda to a stake; thence in
a northwesterly direction about 37 rods
to a stake marked "R" in the center of
the Portland road, said petition being
for a change in the Bockman road, and
that part of said road supplied bv the
new to be vacated, said petitioner tiled
his affidavit of notices posted, one on the
court house bulletin board, and three in
three of the most public places in vicin
ity of proposed road, more than thirty
days prior to the presentation ot the
petition. He also fiU'd a bond for one
hundred dollars, conditioned according
to law. The hoard being fully advised,
it is ordered that Richard Aldenstadt,
John Mosier and Fred Aldenatadt
be and hereby are appointed viewers to
meet at beginning of the instant and
subscribe to a written oath of ollice ad
ministered by E P Rands, county sur
veyor, he being appointed by the board
to survey said road, before proceeding to
view anil locate said road and report in
writing at the next regular term of this
In the matter of the petition of I) C
Hones et al, for a eminty road.
In the mailer of the petition filed bv
D C Roup and more than twelve house
holder of the itiunly living in the vici
nitv of the road described in the petition
and praying viewers to be appointed to
view and locate a county road in Clwka
nias county, Oregon, described in full as
I follows: Beginning at fie 116 section
I corner, past of matter post between
I sections 8 and !U, on the township line
between townships 3 and 4 S. of K
I 1 E, thence north about chains
5 to thesoutli tmundarv of Philander
AO l.ee's 1) 1. 0, No. Mi; theme er.st
3 00 erly on said Lee claim lino ahum
' I! "8 chains, more or less to a n.iint
75 directly south ot the S E corner of Mads
Pedercon's 10 acre tract, thence north
to said S E comer ot said Mads Peder
sun's land and continuing north, trac
ing the-enst boundary lines ol said l'ed
resen's and K. Olson and llimlerlie's
lands to the south bound nv line of a
1 17-aere tract formerly owned by Will-
$10 4'J Main I loss for tluv terminus; this pro
) posed road to be 20 feet wide, and to
S 50 vacate that part of the present county
8 (10 1 road known as the "old territorial road,"
U 75 lying between tho township line ol
4 50 , township 3 and 4 S, ol R 1 e, and terml
14 00 , nal point of tho akive proposed road to
!) (XI wit : Beginning at a point on said town
ship lino about 5.00 chains more or less.
j west of the t post between sections 3
and 3 1, said point being now fenced, but
; had not been vacated, running thence
; diagonally in a northeasterly direction
lo the terminal poing of 'the above
proooRed road or a short distance south j like the Jesuit brothers, where thfir su
therenf, said petitioner filed bis affidavit ! pPriors send thera. Whether or not we
oi nonces posieo, one on uie court nouse
bulletin board and three in three of the
most public places in vicinity of proposed
road, more than 30 days prior to the pre
sentation of his tpetition. He also filed
a bond for one hundred dollars, con
ditioned according to law. The board
belngr fully advised, it ws nrdered that
R S Coe, D R Dimick and James Evans
be and herebv are appointed viewers, to
met't at the beginning of the instant
ami eubscribe to a written oath of ollice,
administered by E P Rands, a skillful
surveyor, he being appointed by the
board to survey said road and report in
wriiing at the next regular term of this
The board now adjourned until 9:30
o'clock a. m, tomortow April 4, I901.
J. R. Morton,
John Lrwellen,
T. B. Killin.
(Continued next week.)
He Kept His Leg.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rusty wire. Infiamation and blood
poisoning set in. For two years he
suffered intensely. Then the best doc
tors urged amputation, "but," writes he,
"I used one bottle of Electric Bitters
and 1 boxeB of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and my leg was sound and well as ever "
For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders
Electric Bittera has no rival on earth.
Try them. Geo. A. Harding will guar
antee satisfaction or refund money.
Only 60 cents.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
8 Clark to J F Dunbar, Its 4 and 5,
nee 18, 2, 5 e $
0 O Hoffman to C Konechak, small
tract in 5, 1 e . . .
R W Alden to A M Kirchem, Ita 5
and 6, blk 44, County Add
O&CORRCotoV Johnson, ee
of se of sec 9, 9, 2 e
G F Blair by shff to C A Ryan, 40
a in the Groshonif elm, 6, 1 e. . . .
E F Riley to F E Davidson, lot 5,
blk 11, S Oswego
E F Riley to G S Bullock, Its 6, 7
and 8, b k 11, S Oswego
G S & L.Assn to N F Nelson, Its 4 ,
and 5, blk 92, Oregon Citv
Wm Morey to D M Bingham, 227
a in elm 36, 4, 2 e
J Duffy to .1 Micheals Tract, blk 49,
Oregon City 400
M E Bottemiller et al to M Botte-
miller, all land in (Jo of which
their father died popessed..'
Thos Whute to Ciil Vigorite Pow
der Co, tract near Clackamas . .
J F Coyne to E F Riley, Its 3 and 4
E L Thomas t John Bottemiller
all interest in land owr.ed by
wife's father in Co at his death
II Boggs to E F Riley, sw of nw of
sec 16, 2, 4 e, tax
J P Bannon to P H Malay a of 8 of
n of ne sec 33, 1, 3 e
J Anderson to P H Marlay , ne of
se of se of sec 14, 4, 2 e
G Lantz to C Green, nw of seo 15,-'
7, 3 e 7
J Ryan to S 8 Walker, part blk 43,
Clackamas Heights. 35
A H Breyman to J Strauss et al, nw
of nw of sec 34, 1, 4 e
W Long to O Ainsworth, 26 a in se
corner of sec 24. 5, 1 w
C Ainsworth to W Long, 16 a in sec
24 and 25 ; 16 a in sec 25, 5, 1 w:
Iwo Opposite Points of View.
Receutly Elders Elij ih Hyatt and D.
P. Williams arrived here from Utah
with the object of doing uiieeionary work
for the Mormon church in thia county.
They are both alert young men, without
collegiate or seminary education. Instead
they can quote numerous Scripture pas
sages, are indoctrinated in the tenets of
their peculiar faith, and are positive
that, since God's vicegerent, the president
of the Mormon church, sent them
on their mission, they have gone forth
into the "dying world" by divine ap
pointment to preach the g'ad evangel of
palvation according to Joe Wraith and
Biigham Y'oung, modified by interdic
tion of polygamy since 1890. The youth
ful elders are enthusiastic and devoted,
as they well need be, lor hey receive
oo Biliary and niiixt pay all expenses out
of their own pockets, including that of
reading matte- they distribute. The min
isters of the Latter Day Saints work for
spiritual not m iterial rew.ird.an i go,
If you have neuralgia, Scott's
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
will feed the nerve that is cry
ing for food it is hungry
and set your whole body going
again, in away to satisfy nerve
and brain from your usual food.
That is cure.
If you are nervous and irri
table, you may only need more
fat to cushion your nerves
you are probably thin and
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil will give you the fat, to be
gin with.
Cure, so far as it goes.
Full cure is getting the fat,
you need from usual food, and
Scott's Emulsion will help you
to that.
If you hare not trint it, tend for free sample,
it., ayrccahlp tuste will surprise von.
COOTT .Si KOWNE, Chemists,
4;-4ij I'carl Strrrl. tiCw York.
Soc. auU $i.oo; alt druggists.
agree with the elders, we should not
doubt their sincerity.
The exponent of a different faith has
been for a couple of days at the Electric
Hotel: E. W.Raymond, the hypnotist,
who wanted coin of the realm for im
parting the secret of his peculiar art. He
was accompanied by a "(sensitive," a
slender, dark youngjnan with the dispo
sition to drop his prominent lower jaw.
Raymond possesses marked hypnotic
power, but he can not exercise it unless
hii subject relaxes the body and concen
trates the mind. The sensitiva was con
tinually concentrated, I5y staring at him
fixedly, Raymond would make him fall
forward or backward, or he would put
him asleep and make him act the fool,
but the tricks of hypnotism are old.
Raymond claims he can perform feats of
telepathy. Recently, he says, he had
left home by rail, and stopped for the
nightat a hotel on the line. When about
to retire he missed an article of wearing
apparel. Instantly he concentrated hi
mir.d on the garment and his wife, and,
presto! next day the garment came and
a note by mail from his wife stating when
she had received his telepathic mes
Bdge. This spiritual telegraphy by wave
vibrations of the ether is but another
addition to the labor-saving devices.
Uniformed S. P. P rters at S. P.
We take pleasure in advising you that
wii hin a few days uniformed passenger
attendants will be at Oakland Pier; at
the ferry depot, San Francisco, foot of
Maaknt street; and at Third and Town
send streets depot, S in Francisco.
They will wear dark blue suits and
bright red caps wit li a broad bla :k band
bearing in gold letters the words, ' S.
P. Co. Porter," so that they may be
reudily distinguished Their duties will
be to assist passengers in every way pos
sible, directing them to proper trains,
boat entrances, and showing such atten
tion to the traveling public as will tend
to make them a popular feature of our
T II. Goodman,
Gen Passenger Aent.
E. 0- McJormick,
PuBfenger I'ralllj M.iiiiiier.
Another Fine Volurns.
Standard books are ever welcome
when they come to us in forms and
bindings representing al th embellish
ments of tho art of bookmaking Such
a book is "New Possessions, " published
bp The Dominion Company, Chicago, a
copy of which has just come to our desk.
The contents are well arranged, the illin
trations are fine, the print is clear and
neat and the binding is .superb. The
Domiuion Company is forging ahead as
the leading western publishing house
making a specialty of tine subscription
books. Having salespeople in nearly
every nook of the country, the company
enjoys a luge and growing trade. Ai
this company has a known reputation
for liberality towards its agents and fair
treatment of them, an agent in this com
munity for the above book, or some
other published by this company, would
be a source of considerable profit to the
one fortunate enough to secure it. In
terested readers should write t'he com
pany for full particulars.
For Over Fifty Year
An Old and Wull-Thikd Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over titty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold Ly Drug
gists in every part of the World.
rwenty-nvb cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Svruu. and talre no
other kind.
Oregon City Junk store
Buys old rags, bottles,
old iron, rubber and
all kinds of metals.
prices paid.
SholltShogeman &Co.
Cor. Main and Tenth Sts.
Reliable man for manager of brand'
oflice we wish te open in this vicinity
If your record is O. K. here is un oppor
tnnitv. Kindly give good reference
when writing.
The A. T. Morws Wholesale House
Cincinnati, Ohio,
illustrated catalogue 4 cents stamps.
Witli your leet encased in our
Floral Queen $3.00 Shoes well
made, stylish, healthful, econo
mical It's a 'wonder" in shoe
values. Ask to see it.
Dozen of other varieties foot
wear for all people and all purses.
It's Easy to
G. E. II ATE 3
Stevens Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City
O. W. Eastham , G. B. Dimick
Commercial, Real Kstuie and Probate Low Special
ties, Ahitract of Title made, Money Loaned.
Reference, Bank of Oregon City
:;. D. u D. C. LATOtfKKTTt
Commercial. Real Estate and- ProbaU Law
Offlot la Commercial Bank BuUdlnj
&IOOI COT ' . 0M901
(Hospital aiid'l'ilv ' ..
. D.
Vftn his profoKi
. -t i" tlx- people f
-i.r.'lrtl mintloa
'i uie iii'asne.
Oregon City m
paid to ('Hi).r it
UiliCl, 111 V li.
. 4 to A p. in.
Office In Caufleld Building, Main Street
Oregon Oitv.
8ruw and Ohows Work a Bpkcialti
All work warranted and satisfaction
Barclay Building,
Prices Moderate All Operations Guaranteed.
Graduate ol ihe N rU.wcstorn Univer
sity iMitai tv liool, aluo of American Col
jr ! 1'enial Surgery, of Chicago.
Vil.lain'.t HUiek - OppoiiU Postcffici
OKRnoN City, uhkon.
iistablifihcd 18G5 t
t: l I'M. AX
Puifele UeMvureil Al! farts of Ihr Cl
'ftF.iiiN city .... OREOOS
Land Titles snd Land
Gate Buiiliesi a Speotalty,
Will protlce. In all the Courts of ths Stats
Rooms 3 Weinhard Building
Opposite Court House
. Schubbel W. S. U'Ren
TN,,,.r.. ,, .xnpsaj
will Draotlce in all courts, multn poll ellnni
ana settlements oi estates, rurnihli abstraots of
title, lena you money and lend your mon ey on
ursi mortgage, uince in enterprise Duuaing.
Calls promptly attended at all hours
EYES tested and properly fitted with GLASSES
Oflice Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. in.
willsmette Building - Opposite Postofflce
Drop in and see what
we have in the latest
photographs. We can
please all.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Caufle'd Block OREGON CITY
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
than you can buy it in Pottland.
Drop a card in the postoffice and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
1 1 ,IILi 11
J. MURROW, Oregon City. 25. ' ' m '9 0
Go To
MUIM Bros'
Grocery Store
t For Hest Goods,
Best Condition,
And Prompt Delivery.
7th and Center
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Postoffice Building
Chas. H. OitruH
Oio. A. BabbiM
E. Q. Cacfuh
4 General Banking Business Transacted
Deposits Received Subject to Check.
Approved Bills and Notes Discounted.
County and City Warrants Bought.
Loans Mde on Available Seourltv
Kxohange Bought and 4nld.
Oollactlons Made Promptly,
Drafts Sold Available In Any Part ol th
f erld
Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, lasj
francisco "hlcagoand New York.
Interest Paid on Tlmu liepoaits.
Livery, hJ ani Sa'a Stables
Nearly opposite Suspension bridge
First-Class Rigs . of All Kinds
essential to perfect comfort and health. Our
estimates on putting in Plumbing Work and
fittings for large and small houses will be found
surpassingly low when quality of work and
material used is considered
We would be pleased to have ,au opportunity
0 submit figures. ,
Livery fi. feed Stable
iinest Funera. Turnouts m city
Embalmers and
Telephn es, Night or Day
Seventh Street Near Depot
1 1.
:A .S K
U i i
i inn . im,
"' I'.TlK BllVJ.-,
u 'd M.v. c-l
t' tiMiiK. in an 9:
nrni.t Mid mi tiuM
uij.-ii toeheck-
In v.it foiled -iia,,, ,.!
g.iuj DepoU rtoeiv
Snk opeo from A .
. r. m
e. c. laiocruti k.
. Pnaitlcnl.
WAXTErt.-CaiMM. rpli.1,1. ...
oonntv to iwrewnt company of solirt finan
cial reputation: $.. .,,,. Ver' var nnytM,
weekly; M rer .lay W,Mv sre ind ill Mpe ".
es: strairtt.bona-fid... definite salair n" comnX
siont snUrv rjl each Satnrnav ar I e" p
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails