OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. 12. 1901! ' ' r 7 SOUTH AND EAST VIA Southern " Pacific Co. Shasta llouto Trains leave Oregon rity for Portland at 7:00 and 0:22 a. m., and 6,30 p.m. Lv Lv Ar Portland Oregon City Ashland Sacramento San Francisco Ogden Denver Kansas City Chicago i Los Angeles El Paso Fort Worth City of Mexico Houston . ' New Orleans Washington New York 8:30 A.M. 9:22 A, si, 12:65 A.v. 5:10 P. M 7.4h P. M. 4:45 A.M. . 0:80 A.M. 7:25 A i, 7:42 A.M. 2:00 P. M. 6:00 p. M. 6:30 a.m. 11:80 A. M. ' 7.00 B. M. 6:50 P.M. 6:42 a.m. 12:10 P.M. 8::t0 P. M. 9:14 p. m. 12:85 p.m.' 5:(.'0 A.M. 8:16 P.M. 7:00 A. M. 9:15 A.M. 7:25 A.M S .10 A.M. 8:06 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:31) A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:42 A.M. 12:10 p.m. Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains. Chair cars, Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso; and tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and Souih America, See E. L. Uoopknqabneb, agent at Oregon City station, or address C. H. MAEKHAM, O. P. A Portland, Or. "Best of Everything" , In a word this tells of the pass enger service via, THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE . 8 Trains Daily between St, Paul and Chicago comprising: The Latest Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars . The 20th Century Train "THE NORTH-WESTERN LIMITED" runs every day of the year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. The Badger State Express, the finest day train running between Chicago via. the Short Line". Connections from the west made via The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Rys This is also one of the best lines between Omaha, St. ram and Minneapolis All agents sell tickets via "The North western Line." W. H. MEAD, H. S. SISLER G. A, T. A. 848 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co 's Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above stoamers have been rebrUI and are in excellent ihape for the season of 1900 The Regulator Line will endeavor to give its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of The , Regulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m.and Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destinations ample time for outgoing trains. Portland Office, , The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet, A. O. A 1.LA1VA1T General Agent Farm for Sale. ' 19 miles south of Oregon City, 3 miles south of Molalla. Known as the Teasel Farm. Contain Ing 310 acres, 140 acres; clear plow land; 40 aores n creek bottom; 100 acres, upland; 7 acres, or chard. All well watered and fenced with stake and ire fence, and drained with stone and tile Hitches' ioort huilrllnas. 90 rods from school house; 115 rods from church; good location for taking s'ock to mountains Price ItiOi'O, S1000 down, balance to suit at 5 per cent interest. For further particulars apply on farm to A. J. Sawtell, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice li hereby given that the uurlersignerl has been duly appointed by the probate court ol Clackamas county, Oregon, as administrator of the estate of James A. Barbur, deceased, and that all persons having claim against the snid estate must pre ent them to me at the lawefflccof O. D. 4 D. C. Latonrette In, Oregon City, Oregon, with proper verifications within six months from the date hereof A.B.LISS. Administrator of the F-ntate of James A. Barbur, deceased. Dal d March 14th, 1901 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor the County of Clackamas. V. F. Hubbard, plaintiff, vs. Mary M Hubbard, defendant. To Dary M. Hubbard. s.,id defend nt. Iu the name of the Stale ol Oregon, y,u are hereby required to appear ai.il answer (lie com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 15th day of April, 1W1, at.d if yon fail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will rply to the above entitled C'.urt for a dicrfe forever dissolving Hie hour's of inatilmony now exis'iuc ti. twtvii the plaintiff Olid defendant, and or smh other relief as lm'I s t in meet am! prop'T. Th'.s summons i. or !-rd j-.uUMie'lfti 'he Ore gon City Ctmriir lleia d lor the. period of six weeks from date of first publication then of. suib order Ulng mode by the Hon. Ihos. F. Kysn, Judge of the County Court ol the Stale of Oregon for the County of ( lacksnias, on the 57;h day of Ftbiuary. 18U1. H E. CR SH, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication March 1st, luol. 3g3Job Printing at the Coarier-EeraM OREGON Union Pacific AND MM TIME SCHEDULES ' " FliOM depart Portland, Ore. Anmvs Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver,'' Ft Portland Worth, Omaha, Kmi- Spcoial s.is City, St. Louis, Chi- 4SI0 p. m. tl a. m. cngo aud Hast. Atluntio Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. hxpress Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis, Chicago 8:40 a. m. 9 p. m. and East. St. Paul Walla VaXJa, Lewislon, Fast Mall Spokane, Wallace, Pull man, Minneapolis, St.i 7:00 p. m. 6 p. m. Paul, liuluth, Milwau kee, Chicago and East. ; Ocean Steamships 8 p. m. All Sailing Dates subject 4 p. in. to change. For San Fraiu,isco Sail every 5 days. Daiiy Columbia River Ex. Sunday steamers. ! m 8 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday To As!orill Bnd ftay. 10 P- Landings. Willamtte River. 6 a.m. 4.30p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon Clly, Newbe;g, Ex. Sunday Salem, Independence and way-landings. Willamette and Yam- 7 a. m. hill Rivers. j80,?.-1?- Tues. Thur. Mo., Wid. and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton and Fn. and way-landings. o a. m. Willamette River 4:so p m Tues. Ihur. Hon., Wed and Sat. Portland to Oorvallis and Fri. and way-landings. Leave Snake River ' Leave Biparla Lewiston 8:40 a. ra, Rlporla to Lewiston,. 8:80 a.m. Daily. Daily , ' . L.CRAIG, ('., P. A., Portland, Oregon SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oruuon , lor he County ot Clackamas. ITnmiah C. Shepherd, hiaintnt. Walter S. Shepherd, Defendant, To Walter S. ShephcrJ, Defendant: In the namo of the Slate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 11th day of May, 1901, that bgnie the time prescribed in the order for pub lication of this summons the date of the first publication of this summons being on the 2tith day of March, 1901: ana it you fail to so appear and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint: to-wit, a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such other relief prayed for in said complaint. This summons is published by order of the Hon.T. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, dated and entered on the 26th day of March, 1901. C, H. DYE, Attorney for lainttfl. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE CREDITORS. TO In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, In the matter of the estate of Peter H. Miller, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the alwve entitled estale. All persons having claims againBt said estate are hereby required to present them with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of tills notice to the said executor at the office of John W. Loder, attorney at law, at Ore gon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. OTTO H. MILLER, Kxecutorof the Estate of Peter II. Miller, Deceased, Dated March 15, 1901. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. II. A. Vori nhl Plaintiff, W. F. Vorpahl, , Defendant. To W. F, Vorpahl, defendant above named. ' In the name of the Stale of Oregon, y m aie hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed agslmit you herein, on or before the 20th day of April, 1901, said day being the expira Hon of six weeks from the first publication of this notice, ami If you fall to appear and answer, for want thereol, plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of fourteen hundred and sixty five dolla'S (5 4f5 00) and intt rest on the same from the 25-h day of October, lH'.tl, with costs and disbursements of this action. This Summons Is published by onlr of lion. Thos. F. llyan, jitdge oftheeotintyconrtof Clack amar county, Oregon, daft d Ureh Mil, b'01, who fixed March Sth, 1901, as the first publication hereof. ( IT st. N. WAir, Attorney for Pannl'lT. V".XTT.D.- up.it I , M iHlde pero In r very ccun'y lo rtq'r-M-jir larye company ol solid f nancial n'linia'ion: st !" aey p"r vei.r, pavable weekvy; S;i p.-r d y ut"hiiT:!y sure mot a I ex penses; straight, bvina rih dctinti" salary, no commission: salary pud eaeh Saturday find ex pense money Rfivan.ed e etl -( k. sTANDAKD UOl'SK, :);;4 Deabiiobx St , Ciucaco. A t-livlitly tiw'J parlor oran for tale by V. L. Block, the rimiWuniieher. OASTOniA, Ban th Kind You Haw always Bought UCII Exercise is as bad as too little for the growing girl. It is yery easy for her td overdo, and this is especially dangerous at that critical period of a young girl's life when she crosses the line of woman hood. It is not an uncommon thing to lay the foundation for years of after misery by neglect- of necessary precau tions at the first " change s( life." The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription not only establishes regular ity, but it gives health to the entire womanly organism. It is the best medi cine for diseases peculiar' to women because it cures the causes of disease completely and per manently. Favorite Prescrip tion" contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine nor any other narcotic. It cannot disagree with the most deli cate constitution. "For a number of months I suffered with female trouble," writea Miss Agnes McGowne, of i2U Bank Street. Washington, D. C. " I tried various remedies, but none seemed to do me any permanent good. The doctors said it was the worst case of internal trouble they ever had. I decided to write to you for help, I received a Yery encouraging reply and commenced treat ment at once. I had not used your ' Favorite Prescription' a week before I began to feel better, and, as I continued, my health gradually improved, and is improving every day." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is soiit free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo,-N. Y. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In (he Circuit Court of the Shite of Oregon for Clacks ma s county. Nctlce Is horeby given that the uudersigned has filed his final report as assignee of the estate of E. E, WilliHUis, Insolvent debtor, with the clerk of the circuit court of the Slnte of Oregon for the Comity of Clackamas, and the fcame will be called upon for consideration and settlement in the said circuit court on Monday, the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1'jul, being a day oi a term of said court, to-wit: of the April term thereof, A.D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a, m. of said day. Any objections to said ronort must be filed before said day. with the said c'.erk of said circuit court. TUOS. F. RYAN, Assignee of Estate of E. E. Williams, Insolvent Debtor. Dated March 22, 1901. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Joseph Shailinaer, Plaintiff, vs. Susan A. Shadinger, Defemluiit, To Susan A. Shadinger, Defendant! IN the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and- answer the complaint in 1 the above entitled suit on or before the 8th day of May, 1901, that being the time prescribed in the order for the publica tion oi this summons: the date of the first pub lication of this summons being on the 22dday of March, 1901; and If you fail to appear and answer the p'aiuliff herein will apply to the court for the re lief therein prayed for, in the complaint to-wit : a decree against you dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff and such other and further relief prayed for In said oomplalnt. This summons is published by order of Hon. ThomaB A. McBrlde, Judge of laid court, made and entered March 16th, 1901. NEWTON McC'lY, Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice li hereby given thai theunderslgued has been appointed by Hon. Thomas F, Ryan, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, administratrix of the estate of Mary Leonard, deceased, All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same with vouch ers at the office of C. I). & D. C. Latonrette in Ore gon City, Oregon, within six months from this date. Catherine J. Jonfs, Administratrix Aforesaid. Dated March 16th, 1901. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Mary Joyce, plaintiff, vs. John Juyce, defendant. To John Joyce, said defendant. 1:1 the name of the State of Ore on, you are hereby, required 1 1 appear and answer theeom- p'.aint filed a rain tt y iu in the above entitled suit on or before the 4;h day of May, PJDl, and if you fill to so answer, fir want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the abofe entitled court for a decree forevor dissolving Hie bonds of mitrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defenjant.and for stieh other relief as shall s'jem meet and proper, This summons La-ordered published in the Ore' gonCity Cnuler-llorild for the period of six weeks lr m date of first publication thereof, such orler bn g m id ; by tha H m. Tiios. F. Ryan J idge of u.e dimity Court of the Suto of Oregon for the County of Cbickainus, On the 21st day of March, l ull. A.R.5IKN!)KNI!LI., Attorney for Plaintiff. Fiut publication March 2J, VM. NOTICE TO CREDITOR- Notice. Is hereby given th it the undersigned h is be.'n duly appointed by the dimity Court of the State of Oregon, for Ihe County of CUckv mas, executrix of the estate o( Philip Wolf, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to my attorney, U'Ren 4 Bchuebel. properly veri fied, as ny law required, at Oregon City, 0.-gon, within s'x mouths from the date hereof. MARGERETH A WOLF, Executrix ef the estate of Philip Wolf, deceased. Dated llU Hi Car o! April, l 'l. If ' NEWS OF 1 , Friday, Majch 5. Aguiualdo, being caged, advices Lis! compatriot lo eeate limiting and ki good Filipinos. J. D. Rockefeller I, as a wliulei half in terest in t lie Southern Pacific railroad. Orders have been issued in Cuba rr the holding uf municipal elections on Juns 1. The steamer South Africa cleared from New Orleans f.T Cape Town with 1000 mules for tJt British army. The reptir' is now that Binder Her mann will keep his fat job as land odice commissioner. In an address before the Economic League of Cincinnati, Congressman Uros venor fell in line with democratic pre cedents by strongly advocating an in come tax. T'.e income tax law of the Cleveland administration was declared unconstitutional by the republican su preme court. He said: "I will venture the suggestion that as a measure of equi ty between the tax-levying slate and the tax-paying people, there is no fairer or more equitable tax than that which is levied upon profits and the gains of business or inheritance." It is believed that the Cuban claims fcr war damages will grow considerably beyond the preaent sum of $30,000,000. The lawyers are to tret one-third of the face of tiie claims allowed It is another grab game at the people's expense. Rev. John Jasper, the famom black preacher uf Richmond, is dtad. By the end of Mm-, writes a Moscow correspondent, Russia will have 300,000 men in Maechuria. Count Yon Waldersee wanU the al lied troops withdrawn from China as Bson ae pnpsihle. Russia ia protecting Prince Tuan, the head and front of the Boxer movement, whom Germany and the other powers desire to punish sum marily. At Muldlefiburough, England, wages cf blast-furnacH men will be reduced 21 percent foe three months, and of Ihe Northumberland miners 13 per cent.. A great iron works and electric comb. lie has been formed in London to fight Ame.ican competition. A New Jersey firm has formed a pea nut trust by buying up the wuole crop. ' The Carroll B gold mine, near Baker City, has been sold foi $200,000. A $100,000,000 Alaska trading compa ny has been for.ned in London. Russia is taking full advantage of the bickerings and Ihe follies of ihe "pow ers" to tighten her hold on Manchuria. , The White Slur line steamer Celtic, launched at Belfast, is the biggest craft afloat. She has a length of 681 feet and including the crew can carry 3194 peisoue. The salt trust ia busy. Salt has risen from $312 per ton to $ll20 per ton. China has olficially notified Russia that she will not sign the Maucfiuiian convention. H Gen. Kitchener has sent an expedi tion to the Zoutpansberg region, where are located the Boer supply depots. In an inn at Utrecht, Holland, I'aul Kru ger told a correspondent that the Boers will continue Hie struggle-lnueiimteiy and that they rely on the mercy of God. Having combatants, arms and ammuni tion in sulhcient quantities, ne Baiu, me war would be continued uninteriupt- edly. On the Cascade forest reserve 200,000 sheep and 4360 cattle and horses will be allowed to feed during the summer. President Emperor McKin'ev's inau gural cost the country $4,900,000. J. W. Walker, a sheepman of Urea- well, give9 the following receipt for the leech or liver fluke: Saltpeter, oz; powdered ginger, 1 ozj carbonate of iron, . ..W 1 n.l . kr,ilirt,v wata 9 Ota mix. W lien nearly cool auu ozops. turpentine; stir when using. Keep sheep from feed over night, then give each 2 oz uf mixture an J keep from feed three hours. Repeat dose every fourth day for two weeks. ( Saturday, April 6. It is believed that Russia has fortified her position In Mancluria with a diplo maev so impregnable that Japan' hos tility will not prevail against it, RusBia avers she will withdraw from Manchu ria as soon an China has been pacified. A consolidate . of all the railroads in the country is being discussed in New Yoik. The Y. 'M. C. A. of Portland lasl night raised $25,220 of its $45,000 debt . Republican and democratic boodlerg have introduced in the New York legis lature as much as 1900 bills, whose ol ict is to rob the city of Greater New Yoik of tens of millions of dollars. D. O. and A. D. Moran, of New York, worth $20,000.0u0, are backing the pro pped railroad extension from Termo, C.tl , to Laktview. Albert L. Johnson has a New J racy franchise for establishing an electric rail road line between New York and Phila delphia He intends to charge a fifty cent fare between the two cities.' Philander C. Knox, Mckinley 'a new atlornev-general, has been in intimate business relations with Steel-Trust Mor gan, who wants one of bis hiied men t (til that position so he may new him The Union Iron Wo'ks at Han Fran ii o will build the cruiserMilwaukee at a c ist of 12,8117,00 ). I The London O.iily Mail says that the operations of Morgan's steel tnini, may induce general t mlf revision by Ivipipe and will certainly 1:1 nsnlnhile the liritieh filed and iron trades, which will givethe American trust a hard light in horoje At iNlles, V , mx steel in t i l.-t IIihi liavt been idle f r a enr have s artcd tm. Ac oiding to 1 lie Pin-burg Po.-t, Iir. Miller, an el lerly rhoinHt. living ut lt Pieasant, liar disc ivered a (lux w hich, when mixed vtilli anbeatos and placed in a crucible with broken raw ore, will prod no in a tihot lime a heat so intense that the asbestos and Ihe ore become li quified and the pure copper, lead, silver or gold settle beneath, the heaviest met al at the bottom.' It is claimed that the flux is practically indestructible and ea sily separates from other ingredients in the crucible and can be Uked over and over again. It is intimated at Washington that Aguinaldo wanted to be caught, in (act, THE WEEK that "we" have not captured him but he has captured "us." Piof. Laurence KetiPi r.the hypm-ti-'f, hypnutiz'-d two men thrmgii tele phone in New Y rk city who were dis tant 85 miles.' A L' ndojU syndi- ate of fio imiima.'ers has secure' the l)n d-rhind iron ire de posits in Ni rway. containing 8),:KX);0.)0 tons of hi. li grade Bessemer ore. On i be morning o( M.-reh 30, 20 pris one's al tlieNew tl veii, t 'una. , jail re belled on account d Hie ' mi .r hash," Si ee May, 1S90, the lrat.ton niitu) at Cripple Otet k has paid over three mil lions -in dividends, The wile of Hev.'G. I. Herron, the Chicago eooialiW agitator, Im success fully eued him for a decree f div ir e. Harry C. Pltight of Paterson, N. ,1 , has sued C. G. Myron for $10,10 for the two kisses that lie, stole f ntu Mri Sleight, though tdie doesn't miss 'em. The prediction is made Umt. whiskey will advance iih pr ce, fi r the consump tion is steadily incensing. President Casfo fules Venezuela with a rod of iron and damns nil f ireigner, Troubli looms up in the dis ance. The peepleof Foito Rico have become poverty slrlckeii i-inee the.v were joined to the United Slates. Business is at stand, still; the tobacco warehouses am full; ci flee has i o sale; t lie ph nlers have no mi ney ; ihtuMimls oi ll.e. iiihahiiKiitB are emigrating. It is believed in Paris that ihe refusal of China to sign the M iiichnrian conven tion ill no, deter Russia from occupy ing that province tor all tune to come. The census of the United Kingdom will show a population of over 5,0,000,000. The British press is indignant over Russia's covert policy in Manchuri i. Ja pan, it is believed is hastily preparing for r in order that she umy be ab e to call Russia to account in an effecilve manlier . The gradual ebsurtition of China by Russia would be dangerous to Japan's integrity. Sunday, March 7 It is estimated that 2000 Utah Mnr niuns practice polygamy on the sly. Nu merous Gentiles in Oregon dt the same thing. A crdwood trust has been fo' nted tit Salem. A fund is being raised in Denv-r, Col., to persecute persons ac.used of fraud iti connect' on v. i'.h the late city ( ledirai. At a meeting of generals of ih" a. lied foices iu IVkiii, only the Ku-sian and Americ in general did not ageee to tne proposition that 8000 soldiers should be kepi in and on the route to Pekin. The general: will totally destroy iinp'irtatil Chinese fortifications. John Wariie. rtgud 71, has bee'i ar rested nt Butte, Mont., on the charge ol having outraged and murdered lulle Ev elyn Blewelt, aged 9. When iho marshal took him he stoo l by his burning cabin irotn winch the crowd that had gathered succeeded in rescuing the partly burned corpse of the child lying on the bed. The insurrection in the republic of Co lumbia is continually gaining strength. The miners of Arkansas. Kansas and Indian Territory struck for 10 per cent advance two years, ago. Their places were taken by others to whom the ad vance was paid, and they are supported by the United Mineworkers. On account of prolonged trade depres sion, the i remont and Suitolk Mills Co, of Lowell, Mass., will stop three-fourths of i(8 machinery, throwing 1000 out of work. A fire at Lisbon. Me., destroyed 28 buildings. The loss was $250,000, Forty-one cases of smallpox at Glen- dale, Ore . , The recent bad weather has killed many goats iu Polk county . The sixth gusher oil well has been struck at Beaumont, Texas. A company will bore for oil two miles from Chehalis.Wash. By a vote of 101 to 27 the upper house of the Prussian diet has passed a resolu tion declaring that the tariff bill now be ing prepared tn Ihe reiciistag snoniu provide for increased duties on imports of agricultural products. The agrarians are going in for a protective tariil. Trains with soldiers and munitions of war are f lowing each other in rapid succession over Russia's Siberian railroad into the Chinese province of Manchuria. River steamers, running up the Amur, disembark armed bataliions on the Chinese t-hore. The Boers have clipped the claws of the British Lion,and the great white czar fears him not. Near Hhamokin, Pa., John Gulick, a young farmer, shot and killed his aged mother and brother because they refused to let him go driving. Mi-Arthur asks for 50,000 men to as sist him in preventing the Filipinos from not being peaceable. The difficult.'' between Venezuela and the United States centers in tho Bqtiab ble between two American millionaire asphalt companies, bath controlled by corrupt repuM can politicians. Monday, A pi il 8. Leigh S. J. Hunt, who left Seattle for Korea in 1894, a bankrupt, hai returned to that city with millions of money, lie will start, a b'g daily paper and has, to begin with, ordered a dozen type-petting machines. The Pretoria, eorrespon lent of the London Moinini! Post states that il b i cumeB mure evident dailv that the Boers intend i fi.'ht to a finish and the real fighting men have not surrendered ; that lh" lioerl liiustt. be culiiph'iely crushed la foie n g-Mieial surrneler is probable Henry S. 0!eot', the famous titeoxo phiht, h'ltued in Port hind on Sunday, rhuii.di an A nerican India is his houi". At Vladivostok, Russia In raised the d'lliemn Airr-neati iron, a eel and ma chinery. , U is reported In L in Ion that R.ifsia i-i willing to give Japan a freehand in Korea, with a view to preventing her assuming a hostile attitude. Smallpox t-preading rapidly in Saint Joseph, Mo. The burning of a big grain eleva'or on the St. Louis river front caused loss of $050,000. A private letter fro o Li Hung Chang ha b, en intercede 1 in which he state thai the European power- were willing to sit d 'w n, as usual, t wa c'i Uu-isia dc vi.ti i Ch n . - Ca if. r da oil experts have bonded 400O acres , f land near The Dalles and will make preparations for boring. P.irl laud carpenters nk $3 for day of 8 h'Hir-i. Tltev aie getting 2.f:5 to $2 50 I'm 10 hours. Tlie w o'hPssu.'areonMiinp i .n i-fully iglit Minna tia much as in 181 though Hie woild'n pup,i utinn h is handy doub led since then ; two-thhdj of last y. .tar's supply was beet nugar. The Salem Journal savs Oregon col lects two millions fr un the 200,000 tax payirsHnd ttis'ribtt'es it among 2000 "diceholdi n. . Ru-si gave China ui til Wednesday last to sign the Mauehiu iau convention, but China refrained from signing. At S'. Petersburg and Kharkoff Ihfi Rust-inn police have again arrested a litimlier of lioteus ttmkiits. Acting on Joe Chamber ain's sugges tion in a recent speech, a large number of English women have declared their roailiness toemitrile to South AfricA even before the cruel war is over. William Smith, a prisoner, hung him- -self with a towel at the Portland citv jail on Sunday night. Under extradition papers, B. F. Dur phy has been broiight fiom E'ir.-ka,Cal., to Portland, by two deputy cherifi'. He is charged .with having married too often. . ( ' At Ihe state depa tment intelligence Iihh been riciived that Kusxia has hmk en off dip!- raitic relations with tlm Chi nese peace commissioners. It seems Rus sia ia deliberately provoking a war with China and Japan. Russia has, thus ruthlessly smashed the international concert, because Ohin. refused to relin quish Manchuria it is believed this act ot Buaeia is the spark that will set the Orient aliame, By a law of the last legislature of Cali fornia, the Southern Pacific is empower ed through governor's appointm nt, to nnike peace olliceis of its detectives and nation agente. Met r Kampe, an Austrian, is havinx on 800-ton submaiine bout built at Wil helins Haven, Hint can be submerged 15 lioura, with which to make the trip un der the iceirniQ Spitzbergen to the North P lo. Tuesd.iv, Ap il 9. Pneumonia is prevalent in the Klon dike. About 25 miles east of Tekoa, Wash., in a gulch running into Santa Creek, Idaho, rich placer diggings have been found. To head off the steel trust, the Penn sylvania Steel Co. has for $5,000,000 bought vast iron-ore deposits in Cuba. The electric, gas and traction compa nies of a number of Eastern cities have combined ; capital $34,000,000. Several congressmen will visit the Philippine islands this summer, France and Italy have formed nn en tent to gobble, up territory in northern Africa. In a row over a 15-cent crap game at Carhond ale,Iowa,Will Williams.agcd 17, received a fatal wound. In the provinces of Mongolia and Shen Si, General Tung Fu Sian has started a rebellion with 11,000 regular troops. Paul Leroy Beauliou, the Prench econ omist, prrdicts that when the Nicaragua canal has been cut China will become, economically, an American eobtiy. The 805 Porto Ricans that passed thro' El Paso, Texas, on the 8th, on the way to Hawaii, occupied 25 cars, All were sickly and seven died of dysontary. Mrs. Addie Monical, of 414a Flanders slreet, Portland, committed suicide by swallowing carbolic acid. . Standard Oil, which is also in the cof fee trade, will, by raising coffes one cent a pound, make $0,400,000. At Fall River, Mass., a nnmbar of cot ton mills have closed down to give 81)00 men, women and children chance to loaf. At Washington, the equestrian statue of General John A. Logan has been un veiled. The war department estimates that the casualties sustained by the Filipinos during Ihe war are 50,000. Gen. Plumer tias taken Pieterslmrg, the Boers' new capital an I terminus of the Northern Rail way. In Cape Colony the Boers captured 75 British soldiers. George W. Colvig, a gold-standard-democrat republican of Grants Pass, has received from John II. Mitchell the job of. consul at Barrahquilla, Columbia. Five hundred Filipinos will be enlist ed iu the Philippine mosquito fleet. Wednesday, April 10 Four Alaska commercial and trans portation companies have merged in two the Northern Navigation and Northern Commercial companies, joint capital $10,250,00,). Russia has now changed her tactics, Bays a Tokio dispatch to the London Dai ly Mail, and is making desperate efforts to secure not only Japan's neutrality, but her benevolent assistance towards Russia's schemes in the Far East. The people of France are in high fea ther because tha Russian squadron sa luted Prest. Loubot at Viliefranche. In a speech at Chicago, Prest. Angell of Ann Arbor university stated that no nation was ever exposed to such provo cations from the great powers of the world as China has been during the last two years. They had, in turn, seized territory from her without any provoca tion whatever. A petition signed by (1000 Potto Ricans ha been ptesenled to Prest. McKinley, winch asks linn for relif from the in ilescn'oaiil'' poverlv and mi'ery tliat is driving many of the islanders into an unliinely grave, J. P. Mirgtn ,fc Co have f ruied in New Vo k a $.'0,1100,00:) depar: nieut 'i)te lrii"l. All tin) linen spinning concert's oa the Etiiopeau c nniio'iit. i.avo enteral inio one gigantic trn-t. . Miij.-den. S. l, I;. Young, who baa I eon nun lv t ea s m ll.e Philip pioe, lys f ili , (VI, 00 I men w ill be lie-cen-ary to limit, lap (ie ce. Cout'HC a fin i (i il 0 pounds of hops at II cent' wt r !ih d n f-alt in on theUUi. 1 h -re w i he hi ..Ht 10 0 ai'ies of tUx gn Wil In l.'O.o cmiiii v il'ld yeae. Eagem wd' d"'' $iri,()H0(ip-ri liuus ('Join i ie' on p .'t 8.!