Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Easter Sunday wan very pleast nt with
hut a trues of rain. It may he tt at we
vill lo.ve seven wet. Sundays to pay (or
he few dio)fl of rain that fell today, but
.e hope not.
Minn A. K. Downing went home Fri
day, returning Sunday.
A young man, spliiting o'd wood on
he went fide of the Tualatin mountain,
had the misfortune to pet a piece of eteel
n his eye. The flak was removed and
he eye saved.
Charlie Schalii accidentally thrust a
butcher knife m Hip fleshy part of his
arm, inflicting a painful but not serious
wound. ,
Arbor day will he observed in district
No. 41.
J, Q. played the role of chimney sweep
at the school house Saturday afternoon.
The members of the Baptist church
held a husiness meeting Saturday after
noon. B. F. Weedle is b Jil ling rail fence.
Since going into the sheep business he
finds it impracticable to keep his farm
all in one field.
For a pleasant cickla go to Mosier's
Gages have been fanning oats (or the
past three days.
We feel it ourduy to take exception
to the communication from Frog Fond
-for last week, concerning the Teaclier'o
Institute at Tualatin, Washington
county. In the first place it shows a
lack of courtesy and respect, to their
hosts. As an unbiased onlooker, I must
speak accordingly. Washington county
waB reuresented by about; 20 teachers,
while Clackamas was represented by
four, one of whom offered no remarks;
one spoke in a pleasant, easy manner,
as the spirit moved ; one read several
copied clippings from journals on pen
manship and the fourth spoke a nice
little piece he had taken a fortnight to
memorize, In the meantime the teach
ers of Washington county barkened with
tbfc greatest respect, speaking whenever
an opportunity was given them and al
ways freely and to the point; as the
sou I feelelh, so the mouth speaketh.
Ve must give special credit to remarks
by Miss Thompson, teacher in the dis
trict where the institute was hold, and
the able way in which she up-held her
district and the patrons thereof. There
are others whom wo could mention that
did admirably, hut we deem it unnec
essary to mention further than to say
that the people of Stafford feel an in
justice has been done to their teacher
by intermingling her name in a report
that brings discredit lo the profession
and insult to our neighbors. -A
prll 7. Lhnotiiy.
lbtml View.
IS. Blair made a trip through here last
.week asHOSs'ng the property.
John Butson and family spent Easter
Sunday with relatives and friends at
Wood burn. ,
A Sunday school was organized at the
Oorrell Creek school house last Sunday.
Our wishes are fur success, "
A Christian Endeavor society 'whs or
ganized at this place Thursday evening,
Mr. Dodsou is president, J . L. Seely
fice-piesidunt and Albert Camehl secre
tary. Airs. E. G. Jones made a trip to Port
land Monday.
An enjoyable time was reported Iry
those who attended the basket social
given at the Geer school house. The
proceeds were $22.50.
A large crowd was present at the
candy pulling nt John Young's home
last Saturday evening.
The fifth annual meeting of the Con
gregational church will be held at this
place on April 10th and 17th.
The new coat of paint given the inside
of the church is a great improvement.
April 8, Jobam.
Iiea ver Creek.
Many around here have been com
nluiiuim of la urinint. 1 suppose the
damp weather of late has been favorable
for such sickness. Some people sav that
Bin is tlio cause ot all sickness. If so,
then 1 know 1 am a great sinner, be
cause 1 am often under the effects of it.
But the worst of this sickness is the bill
that stands for the doctor. I have one
of $"0 before mo now.
llev. Jones, of Portland, was here last
week looking alter his property
The spelling bee at our public school
on Tuesday evenings is ijuite popular.
Hiss Ida Moelinke is doing well.
Rev. J. Morlais Kichards, 11. D., has
been sick, but we heard ho occupied his
pulpit every Suud iy and preached ex
cellent sermons. The Wol h folks
speak very highly of their pastor.
Guaranteed to be the best
in jr. which is a better jniarantee ct
and agents for cheap wagons can possibly give you.
MITCHELL, k LEWIS Co., the hlvkcsoi the MITCHELL WAGONS pay 25 to 30 percent
above the market ju ice of the best grades of wood stock for the privilege of a closer inspection and more
rigid examination of each piece and to enable them to skim off the cream of the waon timber offered
on the market-II ENCK WE CAN ABSOLUTEY GUARANTEE a superior quality of timber in
M I I CI 1 ELL WAGONS and it is just as. impossible to build a good wagon without good timber as it is
to build a good house w ithout a good foudation- The foundation of a wagon is the timber We know
that everybody claims to have the best, b 'utyou can't see under the paint. In buying a wagon youuust
trust to somebody's word we claim to be ti tistworthy and reliab'c; bes it'e, we leave unpaiuted the
ll..t..-ui.1. rxf ..-! i 1. to -o ! -in ,-. .,,-),. -c f. ,11 .. . 1. , . ....I ...
1.IIV.UOIU1, ui fuui hi. van
guarantee every stick fully. AlIlUlhLL WAGONS me iicht-running, well
finished, and, taken as a whole The
take if you get a M ITCI 1 1CLL.
First and Taylor
The German church is in a fine con
dition The pastor and people a-e en
joying th face of their master. God,
with his people, israli that is needed.
It would be a good thing for us in this
part of the country to have our mail
alongside the mail route. The people
of Stone, Logan, Viola and Redland now
have the benefits of free delivery of mail
daily. Why are we behind in this dis
trict? Well, its only a neglect. With'
the free delivery of our.mail Qvery farmer
ami all would have his mail at the main
route. This would pave us lots of time
and labor. Some of na now have to go
many miles to the postollice. All that's
needed to obtain this benefit is to get up
a petition and forward it to the post of
fice officials. Let some of us start up
the matter and Bee that it is carried to
the end. Tne government has brought
the opportunity within our reach. Let
us receive the blessing by haying our
mail daily close to our dwellings,
The community is glad to see Tom
Jones out of jaij. He has had a good
spell of it but he looks fairly well.
April 9. DRYDENr
Beautiful line of chiffon hats in all
the latest styles. Call and inspect.
MibsC Goldsmith.
Harlow .
To say this weather is delightful does
not begin to do it justice, after emerging
from the long, cold, rainy five months
just past. It makes us all feel like we
bad been transported suddenly from
Alaska or some other bleak clime.
Farmers are making the dust fly and
some ef our Barlow ladies are out giving
their wheels a spring airing. Others
are planting flowers and rose bushes,
which, after they bloom, will not cur
pare with the rosy cheeks and blue eyes
of our Barlow girls, and B. B. boys. A
few of our popular ones are Will, Jack,
Cash, Joe, Dave and Ray. If you' want
to see them all at their best come to the
dance Saturday night.
A dance will he given at Columbia
hull on Saturday night for the benefit of
the BChool organ fund.
Our new blacksmith, at Obeal Quint's
old stand, ia playing a lively air to the
tune of The Song of the Anvil, from
morn till dewoy e"e, to the delight of
the villagers. The boys and girls (not
kids) are trying to catch the sparks to be
utilized of Sunday evenings, and there
are not enough to go around.
Warren Kendall, who went to Tacoma
and other pohta in Washington with
his family in March in hopes of doing
better than in this place, returned lust
week and has gone to work here. You
all know what that means; this is better
than Washington.
Lowell says :
"They are slaves most bate
Whose love of right is for themselveB
And not for all their race."
Dr. Itoderm'und, if Wisconsin, saya
that small pax ia not contagious. Peo
ple contract it through fear and. sugges
tion. Dr. Peebles, of Wisconsin, says that
vaccination is a curse to the human
race, and we believe it.
I can think of nothing more diabolical
than a legal execution one can conceive
of murder in the heat of pasaion, but I
cannot comptehend how respectable,
educated, enlightened men can hang a
fellow being and then go home, eat a
good dinner and sit in ease and comfort
before the fire, satisfied with life and its
April 0. Cori'okal. .
New novelties in trimmings and flow
ere. Miss C. Goldsmith.
Easter Sunda) passed by very quietly,
but Oli ! how the eggs did miller. Good
weather followed and all said "I told you
Farmers who have land dry enough
lo plow are working bard pgain.
Jack Dodge weut to Hubbard to work
in Dimick's shingle null. They finished
cutting shingles here Saturday and Mrs.
Dodge moved to her home near Liberal
on Monday.
Grandma Pruce is bed fast again.
Coatus' nlace
. . . . ,
Elbe next tune you try to ea ch a
h.r8.e' . kBr "0 0!,.ts- Dld yu breBk
uul B,,y """' Barlow, which is the one we referred to
1 he school children are making great in the first place, but if vou call any-
............: f ... a -i i... mi ... ..... ..... .. ... . . -
l'ieiniitiioun ior ni uor uay. i uey are
pianung trees and clearing tbe school
grounds of rubbish.
The (Had Tidings correspondent is
right. o back numbers in that town
mostly old maids and
Steve about it.
widows. I'll ask
possible to builj. Representing 65
a rut!!) made (best possible to build than all the ta k rresnnrwihle
munj ne.) ,vj 111,11 yen
1U:st Wagon on run Markft Today.
. -
Lewis. &
Grass seems ,o be better on outsid
range than it has been or some time at
this time of year.
Dr. J. CaBto was in this burg last
week calling on brothei Grangers.
April 9. Sylvia.
At last we are bavin; some sunsh ne,
after a long seaFon of cold, wet weather.
.The basket social given by the Ep
worth League was a success considering
that the bad weather and tdekness kept
a great ma.iy at home. The net pro
ceeds amounted to a iittle over $21.
We are sorry to report that Miss Josie
Stone las been much worse during the
past few days.
Mrs Amy Ely is having another siege
of grip
Mrs. L. Hale has been on the ; sick
list for nearly a week,
Kye Ston a came home last week from
Portland, where he has been working.
Rev. C. W. Pogue preached at E igle
Creek Sunday afternoon.
MiBS Emma Dowty has been quite
sick with the grip, but at last report was
Ernest Jones, of Mulino, whb. has
been wonting in Aurora for the past
month, left last night for Heppner, Or.,
where he has accepted a position aa
overseer on a large stock ranch. His
wife has been there for some time, and
they will be there for a year or so. The
people of Aurora join in their heartfelt
wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Jones.
. A Friend.
Mr. and Mrs H. D. Chapman, of Snux
City, la., are the guests of Mrs. Chap
man's mother. Mrs. S. A. Evans.
Robert DUTia, of Portland, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gardner Sun
day. Mondav evening a special meeting was
held to fill the vacancy on the schod
board cinsod bv the reg'gruti m of R. L.
Pollock. G. C. Garfield was unanimous
ly elected to fill the unexpired terra.
0. II. Nixon has been confine 1 to his
home with rheumatism this week. His
son, Herb Tt, in the ma.intirai, takes
his father's place ad engineer at tin p'pi
Misa Cad Creek ha 1 a partion of her
toe amputated this week, but is improv
ing nicely.
At 5 o'clock Sunday afternooi Miss
Laura Evans, eldest daughter ' of Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Evans, and Mr. Smith,
of Australia, were married in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for South Af
rica by way of British Columbia, New
York and London.
Once more the weather has tho ap
peaiance ot summer, and the spring
seeding will soon be done.
If this weather continues the roads
will soon be in the right condition for
scraping and grading. W,-
The 18-months' old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Yoder died last Satur
day. The remains were laid to rest in
the Smyrna cemetery on Sunday at 2
o'clock p. m. Rev. J. M. Dick con
ducted the funeral services, which were
short but impressive. The bereaved
family has the sympathy of ttieir many
L, II . Yoder, of O. A. C, is at home
for a short visit.
MiBS Nannie Schwartz has returned
from Portland, where she has been via
i ing
Leonard Wyland was up from Silver
ton last Sunday.
The soil around Liberal must be very
poor, indeed, if it requires "a ton or
more" of land plaster to produce a crop
of c over. From 85 to 100 pounds ia all
that ia neded for the same purpose in
this locality
John Crocker has just finished haul
ing his potatoes to Hubbard.
A. J. i'oder leaves today for Portland,
where he will serve as a United States
jury man for the present term.
Andrew Kocher, the enter; r'aing im
plement dealer of Canby, waa transact
ing business in this town Monday.
Apiil 9. S.
I'lcKuninny is an rignt, out it seems
as though Blue Bell has got it auain,
Ba it bad." No, we have not for
rotten the girl, whom we imported from
thing pretty that wains like it bad a
stick of wood in its neck, we would like
to burrow your eyes, and perhaps we
' would be more successful. If all the
;! tariow girts are as pretty as the one we
imported we would like to import some
more, but we have a Michigan lady that
years experience in vago;i build
i.ui column our siatcmeius. We
proportioned and well
You cant make a mis-
Staver Co.
heats anything Birlow ever raided, and
we have also domestic stock ttiat won't
be sneered at.
Mrs. Klinger is teariiu down her old
barn preparatory to building a new one.
Rose Emmert and the Grimm sisters
were out buggy riding SundaV.
, Mr. Yenney and Mias Mathews were
on t driving Sunday. '
Fine weather is prevailing, and the
hoys are jo it cycling.
I Supervisor Heinz is doing a fine job of
giadlng the roads.
Mr. Scramlin took a beef to Oregon
C ity this week and received i cents
per pound for it.
Mr. Weismandel were visiting friends
below Canby Sunday and Monday.
v Mr. cliwicliienberg and wife, of Port
hind, attended Easter services at this
place Sunday, and they returned the
same day.
Pickaninny. ,
Sailor and w ilking hats just arrived.
Miss 0. Goldsmith. " .
Rural Dell. '
' A. Zweifel left for the bunch grasa
last week.
Mr. Ohristner's child has been hick
with lung fever, but ia now improving.
An entertainment waa given at the
school house on the last dav of school.
The program, which had been prepared,
was welt carried ou', by the pupils.
Fred 8turg.es is the happiest man in
the neighborhood. U is a boy.'
N. Zweifel is working for L. Morris.
Mr. King has rented Mrs. Lahr's farm.
Ed Yojer's yo invest child was buded
in the Smyrna churchyard last Suuday.
D. D."
New Era.
Last Monday, Tuesday arid Wednes
day evenings the people of New Era
and vicinity enjoyed an intellectual
treat from Professor Griffltl, of Portland-
The professor is a well informed
man and thoroughly understands tho
subject he handles. His lectures were
argumentative, entertaining and instruc
tive. He advanced higher, nobler and
purer thoughts from what, we are accus
tomed to hear. If M . Griffith aliould
come into your midst you will be well
repaid to go and hear him lectu'e on his
favorite su'dMs "Cause an I Ktf ct."
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal
lon. W, L, Block,
the Homefurmsher
El wood,
Elwood is on the boom. Real estate
is changing hands and belt equipage
is being made in the agricultural line.
C. E. Surfus, of Maplj Lane, lias
about finished seeding and will soon re
turn home.
Mr. Cadanau ia still quite ill ; his two
sons from near Portland were calledr to
his bedside. We hope for his speedy
Dr. Pruden.of Springwater, ia here
attending Mr. Cadanau.
Mr. Carrico, of Portland is visiting
Mr. Turner in ,hrpe that the mountain
air will improve his health.
Delia Henderson is working for D.
Blaney of Clarks.
E. Shuberf? purchased a team, harness,
wagon and cow recently. His son-in-law
and daughter, of British Columbia
are visiting him.
W. T, Henderson is clearing a "spu 1"
The singing class took a short review
of the term's work last night.
We are glad to see most of the young
folks ta ting advantage of the opportuni
ties that they have and better prepar
ing themselves for future usefulness.
There is but little excuse for anyone in
this present time, with the educational
ad van ages offered, going through life aa
a ship at sea without a rudder, having
no aim in life and being of no henefii to
ny one, 'simply existing aid uoihing
Aprilli Lai.la Rookh.
It seems as t hough the equinoctial
ttirm will continue for several weeks.
Rain, snow and hail winter has come
to ttay.
Lagrippe and lung fever are having
full sway in this burg.
Bird Thomas, of Rock Creek was in
this burg last week bidding his friends
farewell. He was on his way to Prine
ville, where ha will work this summer.
Miss Josie Slaughter, who has oeen
very low with la grippe, is slowly improv
ing. We have come to the conclusion to
dance as long as.the winter lasts. Fr.day
evening, April 6th, we met at Mr. and
Mra. Haiin's home on Koek Creek, and
surprised him with a jolly cr jwd. A
larite crowd was in attendance consider
ing the stormy weather. All enjiyed
themselv.B immensely unt l after 12
o'clock, when the guests were invited
Into the dining room, where a daintj
lunch waa served, to which all did jus
lice, after which the eneste departed for
their homes wishing Mr. a I Mrs. Haun
many happy returns of the enjoymant of
the evening.
Miis Fannie Gr ishong went to Salem
last week, whorn she will vjrk f r her
Our sell 10I c,)in!ii"iieed M ireh 2ith,
with Mis Tesdd L irkins as teacher.
Mrs. Di'iia Neih, who has b 1 spoud -ing
the waiter in PorMand, is luain in
our midst.
Juke Gro-honjr made a business trip
to Salem last week.
Mr. L'onurd and wife, ot Silverton,
ma le a all to see Miss Florence Gros
hong, who has b.en sick so long with ap
pen licitis.
Mr. Ryan made a business trip to
Oregon City Monday.
Miss Nora Neil) is very low with the
lutigfaver. Dr. Leouari, of Silverton,
is attending her.
Mm. Mihia Nicholson made a flying )
uip ti Aioaiy last eet.
Mr. Ryan and Mr. Slaughter have
been teaming for Mr. McLaren for the
past week.
There is a great deal ofsickness here.
The griivhas Norris Thomas by the
throat this time.
Henry Thomas ia on the sick list.
We aie Borry to report that Mias An
nie Groehong is lying veiv low at pres
ent. April 7. News Eoy.
New trimmed hats M popular prices.
M'ihs 0. Goldsmith.
Maple lAine.
Easter came and went, taking the bad
weather with her and leaving in its place
fine.Bummer days. The children especial
ly e'nj yed the day when they found the
"faster rahbitn" hail leit uiem agoou
supply of Easter eggs. ,
We are glad to report Mrs.Mattie Hy
att's baby much improved after having
had ah altack f the measleB.
Defbert Shelby left Sunday for Gol
dendale, where hel expects to remain
some time,
Some df our boys went fishing Sunday
and came home with a long string.
Mrs. Brown and children and Mra.
Johnson and children, of Sellwood, were
the guesta of Mrs. J.O.Dixon, Saturday
and Sunday.
Prof. Davis, of the Oregon City Aca
demy, preached at the schoolhouse im
mediately after Sunday school Sunday,
and left an appointment foi a week from
next Sunday at the same hour.
Miss Minnie Waltemathe, of Oregon
City, visited her parents here Sunday.
Mr. Beard is on the laid-up list this
Charles Spangler with hia wife and
sister, Mra. Bertha Spangler, wereguesta
of Mrs. J. fl. Jackson Sunday.
Misss Mattie Noe, of the Oregon" City
postoffic-s, took dinner with her uncle, A.
F. Gibhs and family, Snnday.
Mra. West, of Ely, came out Tuesday
last and spent the day with her sister,
Mrs. Joe MyerB.
Miss Ylairiie .Marlin of Beaver Creek
spent Mondav night with Edith and Jes-
' sie Jackson
Mr. a'ld M s. It mian, of Mt.Pbasant,
spsnt T'Hd iy enj win; the Oregm sua
sliine and visiting their daughter, Mra.
J W.Gerb' r and family.
If isrepoited that our former neigh-
bar. Mr. lidrliauser, has sold his farm
near Houlton, Wis., and will move to
town with his family for the present.
Mr, Shdly ai.d wife visited their
daughter, Mr.H.Llenrici of Ely, Monday.
Mr. Gilf ley and s ki John spent Eas-
j ter, with the others of the family, at Har
mony. 1 11 ty r 'p rt a lew c ises ot scar
let fever in tb it neighborhood.
Miss M irv I) tvls is sewing f ir Mra.
Warner of Ely
Rev.and Mrs'.Oockbtirn of Oregon City
were guests ;at Win. Williams' Sunday.
Mrs Moran of Ely was out calling on
Monday, an 1 sp-jnt the afternoon with
Mrs. G.hbs, who is quite poorly of late.
Th re will hi a basket a eial at the
Bchiolhouse Friday evening, April 12.
All are welcoma. "Come along and get
you ready, fjr there'll be a hot time" in
the old sclioii'u ise that night. P. B.
caps and hats in
Miss 0. Goldsmith.
the latest
Marks Prairie.
Y. O. Sealou is w rking for the Aetna
In. Co. and ia selling a lew rubber "bai
lers and buffs" for traveling expenses.
Miss Mae Kinzer ia going out of the
book business, a?, she claims, it does
not pay, .
One of our young men will put in
about two acres of beans.
John Sutherland is putting in some
tiling on his farm, which is a good ex
ample to others.
Andrew Beer recently purchased a fine
norae and lw now haa a good team.
Warren Kendall of Barlow haa re
turned from Tacora t. He found thd la
bor market there overstocked and so
came back .
George Oglesby is t'ying to secure the
construction of a" bycicle path from Nee
dy to Aurora. Some work has already
been done on the path.
Mrs. Em. Bahart Is still at the hospi
tal in Portland. Her mother, Mrs. Bid
well, will soon return to Cottage Grove.
John Jesse has contracted 70U0 pounds
of hops at ten cents per pound on deliv
ery; five cents down at picking time.
We hear th it a certain party propoBes
t) enlarge his hopyard as he ia yet be
hind ou hops. My opinion is that it
would be better to make his present yard
yield over 000 boxes off l(i acres than to
put out more hops.
Several y )ung people held a picnic on
Easter Sunday. A fine dinner was served
at the grok'e on the banks of Bear Creek
near Mr. Wiegand's.
Hop work will bi iu fill hhst in a
day or two, if tin a weather cjatumes.
If.IIagey and J. II. May have gone
down the Columbia to w rk in :ha log
ing c.tmpa this summu-.
Union Ji t I.
Mis. B. S. Helvey was visiting Mra.
Burns last Monday.
" Frmk t.'iltou is able to be up and
around again after his serious illness.
Halsey Phelps is still engaged at Ad
kins' sawmill,
.T.J.Grimes of this place has been
building a house fvr himself and he
aims to move into it in a da or two.
Perry Burns an. 1 John Th 1111 is assisted
B. J. II dvy m 1 lo a bushes trip to
Canby one d iy t;iis week.
John Tiioai is discovered that the old
c'.ioolhons,' ai t:m place was about to
iiimo.e oown. tin ?i.s a i t psts having
.... . mmi.iieuj "anis
T.-p ace l them with new ones and now
14 I te,.:ii. r,rtu, .lh .,.. '
"w.iuHis .a n.uu 111 g jo i oruer.
We understand that the h usa of Win,
Parker is connected with that of Mr,
Pembroke by telephone.
Mr. Grimes and wife were'visiting Mr,
Thomas aud wife last Sunday. B.W.
Meadotcbrook .
Mrs. J.
H. Wright has baen Quite sick
but is better at the present writing.
P. Gabriel is ud from Pjrtl in.l Imt,
i Hi after his interests here.
Miss Pearl Jennings, of Marquam, waa
visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Girretfc
last week.
The Misses Lirquest were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pendleton Suu
Miss Laura Wright took Easter din
ner with Mr. and Mra, Bud Smith.
Frank Arqnett and wife have rented
the Jones' ranch and intend to make it,
their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wallace, of
Highland, were calling on friehida at
this place Saturday.
Ohickenpox seem to be the latest fad
in this neighborhood, and peveral fam
ilies are wrestling with it.
Now, Topsv, I dun tol de truf about
the school ail'a r Mii-8 llurnshuh had
such poo.r health that she couldn't teach
the remainder of her school and Miss
Gleason took it. Now, if that isn't fin-,
ishins! it.,1 would like to know why?
April 8. Cuba.,
The sun is shining once again, and
the farmers are taking advantage of it
by finishing their seeding Should the
present fine weather continue, for a few
days garden making will be the order of,
the day around here.
James Dickey cannot c itch bear aa
easily as he does covotes. A monstrous
bear haa been raiding on Jim's goats,
and in order to protect them he put
enough poison in one of the goata to kil
a dozen common bears. The bear came
ate the poisoned meat and killed another
goat. Jim theu set a trap the next
morning and the trap waa sprung but no,
bear. Jim's poison may have been like
the Swede that was losing lambs by
the wild cats catching them. He got
some strychnine thought he would try
it first by giving some to a hen. After
feeding it to the hen, he Baid the hen
vust kack up her heels and yump and
plaay. It may have had the same effect
on the bear.
A letter waa received from Johnnie.
Dungan dai.ed April 6th, mailed at Bake
Overstating that the weather was warm
an ! the roada dry p.nd dusty while hare
it was pouring down rain.
Quite a number of working
men have left here recently for the
logging camps principally, though soma
have gone to Eastern Oregon. It is go
ing to make hands scarce when harvest
cornea on, provided we raise any grain to.
to harvest this summer. ,
April 9. X. Y. 3,
Mountain View
We are bavin,' a few , nica daya aain
for gardening.
l'hia berg seems rather deserted as a
good many have gon9 for the summer,
Ferd Ctirran and Gjora Evarhtrt
went to Idaho Monday.
Fred Bluhm and Charlie Albright
have gone to a logging c imp, d wu tliai
Columbia river.
Charles Ely starts for S mthern Ore-,
gon tomorrow to view the Country.
Mrs. Everhart and her sister, Mrs,
Johnson, and her daughter started for
Douglas coun'y, Kansas, Tuasday eve.
Mrs. B. II. Mills and children have
gone to Vancouver, Wash., to visit her
parents and friends.
Moiris Cardonau, of Portland, was
here Monday on his way to Elwood to
attend the funeral of hia father.
Mrs. H. W. Shaw, of Union Mills
was the guest of Mrs. Albright last week.
Mrs. West and baby spent Tuesday
at Maple Lane with her sister, Mrs;. Jj
Mrs. Heulattwent to PortlanlMon
day and called on Mrs. Pierce at St.
Vincent's hospital, and she ia getting
along nicely.
Charles Ely, assisted by Mr. Moran,'
is building a summer Kitchen.
Rev. Pogue, of Currinsville, and his
sister from Idaho, are visitinz their sis
ter, Mrs.Gartman, and family this week.
Miss Bessie Grout will bagin a course
in Henography at Portland next Mon.
The little folka of this barg gave Adna.
Murrow a surprise party last Saturday
evening Music and gamas were the
amusements and refreshments were
served. Those present were: Lyman
Mack, Roy Ringo, Bert and Ethel Lib"
bi, JosisCurran, Millard and Lillian
GiHett, Ethel, Ellin and Vane Jeffer
son, Mr. and Mrs. Murrow and Adna.
The children were deli mited with Mr,
Murrow's incubator, which he explained
to them, having just put iu a gross of
' Misa Pearl Cunaa gave a surprisa
party to her hrothor, Ferd, Saturday
AP"1 11. Sauna.
Married, at the home of tha bride's
mother, Mrs. Fletcher, Barney Cronin
and Misa Cora Fietc'ier, on Tu a 1 iy af
ternoon at 1 o'clock, Rav. Engelbart of.
ficiating. Tiie happy couple left on the
evening train for Portland, where they
expect to remain for a few daya. They
have ranted the Mur lock place;, where
they will make their futura horns.
Lovely weathar this.
O inby is to h iva a n a v city h ill.
Miss Emm 1 Clayaon is visitin
friends in Cmby this week.
Joseph Graham hu bjao eoiiial t
his bad with p ieu n nia for the past
week. His many friends h pa for his
s needy recovery.
The Can'iv X iiidIs are onhr tha
g.uney trou;, hir ver,' fe, ira c ii ' lit as
t he w iter is 100 ol I an I v -h f ,r ' good
hshiii,'. 0
" )lia M ir ;s vi
fi.n'ly hiv! inw.il
11c 1 onto th vr i i 'm 11
1 1' Air ra. Mr.
p niton IV V,
J M irks h.is b-. b ivi'n
' S. II i-st & C .
i Everyone s m
sili 1 :
1 , .
1 W t ) X i,;
ira i i '! us m.
, ins .ur.l.) i. t nir
1 and if nothing h o
IS ill
fruit will ha inhere
f ' ) of
Tha u - v e. ii n , v s
Mjii1.iv with Curl is
intn.tgir, iu
oinuieu-el briuin
'11 l) list.
Vruitoi; at
m i w i,av
milk, ail
sir. A'lnnrjri I'lia'iuuiy wUl
thiy can lj ia a lev .eks.
a wa all
(Continued on pige 6.)
C ir,.a: w eivin,' d me by Jo'in II arris
barar, ', Pleasant, near Lawton place
Call, or a i Jreai Bix 81, Ora , i City.