Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 05, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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VIA ..
Southern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave Oregon City for Portland at 7:00 and
8:22 a. m., and 6,30 P. M. .
I.t Portland 8:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Ly Oregon City 9:'22 A M. 9:14 p.m.
Ar Ashland '12:65 A,. 12.85 p.m.
" Sacramento 5:10 P. M 5:CQ a.m.
" San Francisco J4!i p. Mi 8:46 p.m.
" Ogden 4:45 a.m. 7.00 a.m.
" Denver 9:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m.
" Kansas City 7:25 am, 7-25 a. m
" Chicago 7:4? A.M. 8 30 a.m.
" Los Angeles 2:00 pm. 8:05 am.
" El Paso tlrtiO p. m. :00 p.m.
" Fort Worth . 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m.
" City of Mexico 11 SO a. m. 11:30 A. M.
" Ilouston 7 00 B.M. 7:00 a.m.
New Orloana 6:S0 p.m. . 6:30 p. v,
" Washington 6:42 a.m. 6:42 a.m.
" New York 12 10 P. M. 12:10 p. M.
Pullman and Tourist Cars on both' trains
Chair cars, Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso;
nil tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New
Orleans and Washington
Connecting at San Francisco with several
PteaniBhip Lines -for Honolulu, Japan, ( hlna,
Philippines, Central and Sou h America.
See E. L. Hoopenoabneb
f ity station, or address
agent at Oregon
C. H. MAEKHAM, (V P, A.,
Portland, Or.
"Best of Everything"
In a woid this tells of the pass
enger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
lo Chicago by Daylight.
The Badgfr State Express, the finest day
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connrctions from the nest made via
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rys.
This is also one of the heft lines between
Omaha, St. Ptul and Minneapolis
Ail agents aril tickets via "The North
western Line."
G. A. T. A.
a8 Aider St., Portland, Oregon.
The Dalles, Portland and Astcria
Navigation Co.'s
Sirs, regulator & Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Tonchini at wav points on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Bath of the above stoatners have been rebnll
and are In excellent ihape for the season of 1900
The Regulator Line will endeavor to give Its
patrons the best service possipia.
For Comfort, Economy and . Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7a. m.and
Dalles at 8 a, m.,and arrive at destinations ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. " Court Street.
A. C. A 1. 1. A WAY
General Agent
Farm for Sale.
19 miles south of Oregon City,'1 miles south of
Molalla. Known as the Teasel Farm. Contain
ing S10 acrea, 140 acres; clear plow land; 40 acres
n creek bottom ; 100 acres, upland; 7 acres, or
chard. All well watered and fenced with stake
nd ire fence, and drained with Hone and tile
Aitt.hca. irrwirt hll ilrllnim. 00 rods from Ht'hool
bouse; 115 rods from church; good location for
taking s'otk to mountains Price IMX0, S10WJ
down, balance to suit at 6 per cent Interest.
For further particulars apply on farm to
A. J. Sawtell,
Notice is hereby given that the uu lersigned has
been duly appointed by the probate court ol
Clackamas county. Oregon, as administrator of
the estate of James . Barbur, deceased, and that
all persons having olairas against the said estate
must pre ent them to mo at the law office e f 0.
D. i D. C. Latonrette in Oregon City, Oregon,
with proper verifications within six months from
. the date hereof
Administrator of the Estate of
James A. Barbur, deceased.
Dat d .March 14th, V.KH
In Ihe Clrcnlt Court of the State of Ore gon, for J
the County of Clackamas.
V. F. Hubbard, plaintiff,
Mary M. Hubbard, defendant.
To Mary M. Hubbard, sild defend, nt.
In the name of the Stale ol Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear aud answer Hie d m
plaint filed against you In Ihe above entitled suit
on or eeiore ine ioiu ij ui arm, .v, j
fail so to autwer for want therein tne piainnn wm
apply to tha above entitled Ci urt fur a decree
forever disse.lTlrg tie be ii(i of matrinioi jr now
exiKtingb tBien ihe-pliiiutiff aud defendant, and
fur sue h oiher re'iel a fhall sci m meet and proper.
Tli's tun moiis is ordered puhll.-hed in he Ore
gon Cily Ccinri. i liciald for Ihe rerhd of six
weeks from date of fhst publication thereof, such
older being made by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan,
Judge of Ike County Court of the Sta'e of Ore gon
frr the Connty r f Clacksnias, en the-27ib day of
Febiuary, 1901.
Attorney fur Plaintiff.
First J nl licatlon Karch lit, 1901.
i i
Job Printing at the
and Union Pacific
UKI'AKT Portland, Ore. arrive
Chicago- Snlt Lake, Denver, Ft
Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan-
futciul B.is City, St. Louis, Chi- 4:30 p. m.
8 a. m. eogo and East.
Atlnntio Salt Lake. Denver, Ft.
kxpU'SB Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City, St. Louis, Chisago 8:40 a. m.
9 p. m. ana East.
St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewislon.
FiutMail Spokane, Wallace, Pull- '
man, Minneapolis, St. 7:00 p. m.
6 p. m. Paul, lHiluth, Milwau
kee, Chicago and East.
Ocean Steamships
8 p. ra. All Sailing Dates subject 4 p.m.
to change.
For San Francisco Sail
every 6 days.
Daily Columbia River t
Kx.sunday steamers. r- " J
8 P- m. " " Ex. Sunday I
Saturday To Aslnra ami yy.
10 p.m. Landings. . .
Willam.tte River.
6 a.m. 4.30 p.m. j
Ex.Simday Oregon City, Newbe:g, Ex. Sunday
Salem, Independence
and way-landings. "" S
Willamette and Yam-
7 hill Rivers. S:3 p- m-
Tues.Thur. mil nivers. Mim tfed.
and Sat. QleRC)n clty Dftyton and Frt.
and way-landings.
ea.m. Willamette River 4:30 p m 1
Tnes. Tlrar Mon., Wed
and Sat. Portland to Corvallis and Frl.
and way-landings. j,
Leave Snake River Leave c
Eiparla Lewislon '
8:40 a.m. Rlparia to Lewlfctou. 8:30 a.m. V
Daily. Daily ,
A. l. CR.Ud. O. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon , lor
he County of Clackamas.
Hannah C, Shepherd, 1
Plaintiff. j
Walter S Shepherd, I
Defendant. -J
To Walter S. Shepherd, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer to the
complaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 11th day of May, 1101, that
being the (line prest ribed in the order for pub.
licatlon of this summons the date of the first
publication of thia tummons being on the 29th
day of March, 1901; and if you fail to so appear
and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to Ihe
said court for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint; tn-wil, a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now exlsllng between you and the
plaintiff, and for such other relief prayed for In
said oomplaint.
This summons Is published by order of the
Hon.T. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court,
ol the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa Counly,
dated and entered on the 2Mb day ot March, 1901
C. H, DYE,
attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Counly Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas Counly,
In the matter of the estate of Peter II. Miller,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed executor of the alwve
entitled esta'e. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby requlrod to present them
with the proper vouchers, within six months from
the date of this notice to the said executor at the
office of John W. Loder, attorney at law, at Ore
gon City, Claokaroas County, Oregon.
Kxecutorof the Estate of
Peter H. Miller, Deceased,
Dated March 15, 1901.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the connty of Clac kamaa
H. A. Vorpahl
W. F. Vorpahl,
To W. F. Vorpahl, di fetidaut above named.
In the name of the State of Orecon, you aie
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you her in. on or before the
20th day of April, 1901, said day being Ihe expira
tlon of six we. ks f r, m the first ublication of this
notice, and if yt n fall to -ppear and answer, for
want thereol, plaiut rT will take Judgment against
n for the sum of fourteen I undred and aixty -
flv. d,.ll.a it 465 00) and lull rest on the same
renm . 2S-h dav ,.f O. tobe-r. lHltl. with c-osts and
rll.hmsementa of this ndlon.
This Sumnioos is published by order of Hon.
Thos. r. Ryan. Judge of thecminty rourtof Clack-,
sm-u countr.Oreg"!', dated March Sih.PiOl, who ,
, .1
flxe-d .M r''h Sth, 11, as the flrsl publication
cms. v. war,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
aetcr tu dellvi r nl ('"lift l Oren'in for old e
tahl lulled ntu nil fac leri ' ft w lioli-Ka house ell'-X)
year. Mire iav. Ilmie-'y in are than rx perU'iire
rta.nir. il. our refe'-r. i , a-tv har.K in auy eity.
Ktieli-iieelf a1ii-i-i-e.i fm'M'd envelope. Man
facturer", Tlon! Floor, lit D-sriwrn St , Chiea)
A slighlly used parlor organ for sale:
bv W. L. Block, I lie hoincfurnieht r.
Bean tit ' hl 'M Have lm!is
Tk v.-J v,. u.. n,.-. n.j,t wei-aiyjfo per uy mosoiuieij aure auu ai ti
Thl KlUd YOU Have AiWayS BOOgnt ; penawe; alraiaht, bona thie, definite aaUry, no
Men, who have suffered the tortures of
dyspepsia, will find encouragement in
the following letter. It points the way
to certain help and almost certain cure.
In ninety-eight cases out of every one
hundred in which Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is
used the result is a
perfect and perman
ent cure. "Golden,
Medical Discovery"
cures diseases of the
organs of digestion
and nutrition,
rmk strengthens the
stomach, purifies th
blood, and nourishes
the nerves. It has
cured in hundreds of
cases after all other
medicines have ut
terly failed to give
There is no alco
hol contained in
"Golden Medical
Discovery," and it
is entirely free from
opium, eocaine, and
all other narcotics.
Your 'Golden Medi
cal Diacovery' ha per
formed a wonderful
cure," writes Mr. M. H.
House, of Charleston,
Franklin Co., Ark. I
had the worst case of
dyspepsia, the doctors
say, that they ever saw.
After trying seven doo
rs and everything I could hear of, with no
nefit, I tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Iscovery, and now I am cured."
Chronic dyspeptics may consult Dr.
ierce by letter free. Correspondence
rivate. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Free.' Dr. Pierce'a Medical Adviser
sent free on receipt of stamps to pay
st of mailing only. Send ai one-cent
amps for paper-covered book, or 31
amps for cloth bound volume. Ad-
ii Ihe Circuit Couit cf the State of Oregon for
Clac kamas c ounty.
Nctioe is hereby g;ven that the undersigned
f F,
F. Williams, insolvent debtor, with the
f 'he circuit court of tne State of Oregon
11, A . D. l!tt:l, beii g a dry of a term of said
court, to-wit: of ihe April term thereof, A. D. 1901,
at 10 .click a. m. of said day. Any objections to
aid report niuat be filed before said day with the
id cleik of said circuit court.
Assignee of Estate of E. E. Williams,
. ' Insolvent Debtor.
Dated March 22, 1901.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Josi ph Shndinecr,
Susan A. Shadinger,
To Susan A. Shadinger, Defendant!
JNthe name of Ihe state of Oregon, you are
complaint in ihe above entitled suit
on or before the 8th day of May, 190L" that being
the time prescribed in the order for the publica
tion oi this summons; the date of the first pub
licatlon of this summons being on Ihe 22dday of
Maroh, 1901; and if you fail to appear and
answer the plaintiff herein will apply to the
court for the relief therein prayed for,
In the oomplaint to-wit: a decree against yon dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and the plaintiff and such other and
further relief prajed for in laid oomplaint.
This summons Is published by order of Hon.
Thomas A HcBride, Judge of laid court, made
and entered Mare h 16th, 1901. .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice tk hereby given that the undersigned hat
been appointed by Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, Judge
of Ihe County Court of Clackamas counly, Hale
of Oregon, administratrix of 'he estate of Mary
Leonard, deceased. v
All persons having claims against said estate
are notified to present the same with vouch,
era at the office of 0. D. & D. C. Latonrette In Ore
gon City, Oregon, within six months from this
Catherine J. JoNigs,
Administratrix Aforesaid.
Dated March 15th, 1901.
In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Mary Joyce, plaintiff,
John Ji yce, defendant.
ToJohuJo;ce, said defendant.
1 1 the nam; of the Stat of Ore:on,you are
hereby required ti appear and answer the com
p'.alut tiled a rain it y iu In the above entitled suit
on c r before thu 4ih day of May, 190l, aud if you
fill to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled court lor a decree
' "" "Hssolvln the bonds of rmitriraony now
exisung oeiweeu ine p.aiuinr ana ai-ieniam.anu
'r "u' "i"er reiwi a. auaii rxin meet
1 pror.
rhls snmmons is ordered published in the Ore-
n City C mrior-FW.iId for the p irlo-1 of alx
I s ,r"m Aate "' flrsl Pbeat!on Ihereof.such
wlr made by th3 II n. Tho. F. Ryan,
J "'8e l'-e (:"a" Coart of tlle Oregon
H' C""'"? Clackamas, on Ihe 2!sl day of
...I. ,r,n!
I "-"-" ,
Ait'inuy for ririntilT.
i irrt publication March 2!, I'JOl.
RLYtoChilitlun min
woman lei look after our
gi.,uiiit! tuition eo this anu adjoining rountics.
io net r M-tiiac-r and tVirrc?ipondetit; work can
be d-.ne at your hme. Knclvase elf-al I r aeel,
ftauie-l e-nveiope for rartieulari to J. A.
Knir t. .'iit-rHl AiMiiRKer, 1 ore-oran HuiM
ing, opioite I'nileJ Slates Tie-aiury Washing
tuii.P. C.
WANTKD. f'apablp, rcllahle pcraon In every
roun'v to rt'pre-eut large coniiriv of milld li-
I naiie-ial reputation: t.tvi aa'ary per year, payable
' com miaaton; salary pan! cac.-b sauirdey ana ei
1 penw mime y ail van.l euch woe k. STANDARD
i llOl'SK, iH liiiBoa bT , Chicago.
if lit
Wirt' M
itifeX 1
i L
"-ii.iiii't "
Friday, Maich 29.
I'ernann It has been piactically
Is determined at Washing-
To ton that Hermann will
Go. ' ' not be retained as coin-,
mlsstotier of the general !
land ollice. While the resident epeaks j
well of Hermann, he cannot have liitn
a subordinate to Hitchcock, in view of
the friction that might exist. Hermann
has been tendered a place on the Civil
service commission, but as thia is a re
duction both in salary and importance,
he does not like to make the change
The president does not want to dump
Hermann out in the cold, and ihe civil
nervice coinmiesionership was sugitented
to let him down easy. George 1). Mei
klejohn, ex-assistant secretary of war, in
mentioned today as Hermann's sutcei
sor. Me lost his former place in making
a light for the senate, but it is under
stood lie contributed hit full share in the
choice of two republicans, and may he
recognized fur his party loyalty.
. The Nebraska senatorial deadlock was
broken today by the selection of Gover
nor Charles H. Dietrich and Joseph H.
Millard for the long and Bhort terms re
spectively. Each received the unani
mous support of the republican mem
bers present, one being absent.
The British in flicie l a repulse March
20th on the commandos ot General Ma
Ion and Commandant Scheeper on Sun
day's rivir. The Boeis fled, having lost
16 killed.
Funston is to he rewarded with a
brigadier-generals' iip.
Preparation re being made for a
heavy tun of salmon on the Columbia.
Eugene creamery started up this
Sell wood has made the 6rst offer of a
site for the Lewis and Clark exposition
to held in 1905.
Saturday, March 30.
McKinley Kepiesentative Jones had
Will , a long conference today
He with Secretary Cortelyou
In in which the President's
Portland trip Washington were de
May cided upon. Mr. Jones
22. ..wanted, these details ar
ranged before leaving for
home. According to the program out
lined today, the president is to leave
1'ortland at 10 a. m., Thursday . May
3rd, alter spending Wednesday in that
city, going direct to Olympia, where he
will stop lor hall on hour.
The president has appointed Robert
Mansfield, of Indiana, euccesser to Judire
CapUs as consul ai Valparaiso, Chili. He
was formerly secretary i f Senator cev-
ei idge.' Ih ;, -' . : " ' " L
The stiike at Marseilles has practi
cally ended, work having been resumed
at I he docks.
Following the capture of Agninaldo,
many rebels surrender. The deposed
nsuirectiotiist may be sent to Guam or
Tutulla. The Taft commission will es
tablish civil government in Southern
Mindano, the insurrection having beeu
wiped out. : .
There will he no walkout in the Penn
sylvania anthracite district. Operators
in the future will consider grievances
with representatives or committees of
the mitieworkers.
After six months more. General Young
say that a small force of soldiers will do
in the Philippines.
Philander 0. Knox will succeed Uni
ted States Attorney General Griggs, who
return to his home in New Jersey,
The miners in the Pittsbursr district.
in conxention at Pittsburg today, rati-
nea the wage scale signed last week by
the committee. This action insures em
ployment of 20,000 me . in the district
or the coming year.
The one million dollar hotel at Rich
mond, Virginia, burned.
The attorney general of Washington.
brings friendly suit to restrain capitol
commission from prodeeding ith its
Champoeg, Oregon monu.nent to mark
spot where settlers declared for i.rovis-
lonai government may tie dedicated Mav
According to commercial and finan
cial reviews, tiie opening spring business
is very active.
The Portland Young Men's Christian
Assosiation is making an effort to raise
$45,100 to enlarge building and p,.y iff
debt. '
Governor Dole and Secretary Cooner.
of Honolulu, decline to comply with
three resolutions ol the Hawaiian leuis
lature. These parties evidently propose
to run that government to suit I hem
selveB in spise of the legislature.
Sunday. March 31.
Aguinaldo In company with Colo
Is ' nel Vellia, his chief of-
Undecided, stall, and Dr. Barcelona
ex-treasurer of the Fili
pino government, Aguinaldo now occu
pies one of the nicest apartments of the
Macalanan palace at Manilla. He is
closely guarded and courteously treated
Captain hraucis J. Kernan, of the sec
oud infantry, Captain William L. Ken
ley, of the first artillery, Captain lien
latum II. Kamlolpli and Lleutenan
Gilbe r, A. 'ounglerg, of the third ar
tillery, with live guards, are watching
h m. He nervously pacei the floor, and
Uiiukiug deeply, thrunis his hand
ihruuvh his hair. He smokes many ci
gars and cigarettes and he alao has a
hearty appetite He speaks only a few
words ot Kngl sh. He is conscious ol
his digfliiy, but tiif-s 'o talk jdeasantly
With his guar lfe. lie oi en praxes th
hkin aim atiuacuy oi ueuerai t-utiKtoii in
tifecting his capture, saying Ihatunly
hy stialugeiu toulel lie have been cap
tured ii is said that Ag nualdu is very
blrungly avi r.iO to retieatliig Iruin his
lorinur ultiuitie but that he must ic,(ard
Hie be.-t internets ol the Filipino people.
President McKinley desires to stop at
several Oregon tywiia when he vimts
here in Ma, .
Roland Retd, the noted actor, died at
ew York yes.erday .
Coiiimissioner Hermann reco'nmeuds
(hat 2,00,0iJ0 eheep be permitted to grz
in Cascade forest reserve horn June 15th
to Octobt r 16th ; al-.o noises and cattle
to be allowed, but the number lias not
yet been fixed.
The preeideut has appointed Whea;on
to be major-geneial, and Funt-ton and
Jacjh Smith to be hiigadier-gentrals of
the regular army.
Salisbury, pre mier of Engli-nd, is said
to be suffering from liriht's disease,
and his condition is cmisidi icd critical.
Announcement of his resignation is e x
pected soon.
Emperor William's pt ei-iniietic talk
is generally condemned in Oorn.any.
Washington tupreme couit denitB
writ to restrain capital commission torn
proceeding with the work.
Aidtew Carnegie will ive $100,000
for a free library in Portland, on ivndi
tion that the city will provide a si e Bnd
maintain the institution.
A combination to control the fuel out
nut and prices is in the pre cess t.f incu
bation in Portland.
Monday, Apiil 1.
.' rmy.
Interest in the capture- and
fate of Aguinald') is well
nigh overshadowed in Ma
nila by sensational develop
ments, present and prospective, of
frauds in the commissaiy department.
How widely these extend has not been
ascertained, inn enough is known Io
iuctify the belh f that thev are far reach-
i r r- i..:i. e e t
ing. vjspiam r reuerica j uarrows, i-i
the 30th volunteer infantry, quarter
master t.f the department of Southern
Luzon, together wi h several commissary
wrgeants, severel civilian i leiks.a prom
inent government Contractor, the assist
ant manager of the Hotel Untitle, the
proptietors of three of the largest baker
ies in Manila, a unrulier of storekeepers
and other persons have been arrested
The invesugation has scarcely begun,
but thousands of sacks ol flour, a quan
tity of bacon and wagon loads of other
goods, all bearing government marks,
have been found in the hands of unau
thorized persons.
The commander of the Petrel was sul
focated and 22 officers and men pros
trated iu a fire on that gunboat.
An attempt was made toaBsasinatethe
czar of Russia. Three thousand arrests
have been made since the revolutionists
became active. -
General Fitzhugh Lee s.iys that the
future ot Cuba depends on local states
men, Secretary Gage says if artificial pi ices
are asked for bunds, lie will allow treas
uiy luuds to accumulate.
A $30,000,000 syndicate is negotiating
for the control of the Pacific cotiBt fish-
n g iudiiHtries.
Portland's Match wheat shipments
were nearly $1,500,000 bushels.
Tuesday, Apiil '!.
Aguinaldo Following Is Aguinaldo's
Ueclares decoration of allegiance,
Allegiance, after investigating the
conditions: ' I hereby
renounce all allegiance to any aud all
BO-Tiallcd revolutionary governments in
tiie Philippines, and recognize and ac
cept the supreme authority of the United
ci. e ... ii I I .1 . l
oiaies oi America meie-in. i uu sol
emnly swear that I will bear true faith
and allegiance to that government; that
I will at all times conduct myself as a
faithful and law-abiding citizen of the
said islands, and will not, either di
rectly or indirec tly, hold correspondence
wui with, or give intelligence to an en
emy of the United States, or will I abet,
hat nor or protect Buch enemy; that J.
impose npon myself these voluntary ob
ligations without any mental reserva
tions or purpose of evasion, so help me
Willie McCormick. the 10-year old
son a New York florist, abducted by
Charles K. Allen, governor of Porto
Rico, left San Juan today for Washing
ton, and is exptcted to tender his resig
Wednesday, April 3.
Oait- r Harrison was reflected mayor
of Chicago, and thus gets a third term.
Rolla Wells, demccra1;, was elected
world's Fair mayor of St. Louis.
Mrs. Nation was at St. Louis, and
again threatens to smash the saloons o'
the city.
Prohibitionists were defeated in the
principal town elections of Kansas.
Thursday, April 4.
Aguinaldo wants to visit the United
States, then retire to private life.
China nolilles Russia that she will not
sign the Manchuiian treaty.
Motorman Gillilland, president of the
Portland railway men s union, di
School commenced herd Monday with
Shirley Buck as teacher.
Willie and Carl Kornshai have bought
the llollnian hall.
There will be a dat.ee on the 13th of
April given by Gib Hand and Solan
Kinzor. Everybody Invited.
Mi. and Mrs. Mohr visited at the
home ol C. C, Mnlson Sunday.
Paul Gairett. of Needy, commenced
teaching the Yoderville school Monday
Katie and Julius Spsgle were home
Sunday from Uutteville.
Frank Fisher has a new buggy.
April 3. Mur
Andrew li. (Jorbitt Dead
Died, at the home of his paren.s at
Colton, Oregon, on March 2Dth, JUJ1
Andrew it. (lorhuit, son of Joshua an
Orynthia liorheti.
About 14 months ago while working
in the logging camps in ihe slate ol
Washington, lie was taken sick wuli the
me-cslc", and l elore he had rt covere d he
took cold, which led into consumption
and wan the cruso of his detail)
Through all his sic kucss he endured hi
(tillering, with the utmost patience,
Andrew was a young man ot exnm
plaiy habits ami was es ennedby all
who knew him.
He leavei a father, mother, two si:
teis and two bro'hers, besides a wide
circle of friends to mourn his loss
The brothers and nisiers that survive
him are Mrs. Fannie Bonney, of Colton
Or. : Chester E. Uorbett, of Crane, liar
ney county, Oregon ; Grace and Walter
Uoroett, who are at home,
The deceased wa born in Marion
county. Oregon. Feb. 23th. 1877. Pirt
Ui d and Salem paper please copv.
Accirding to an exchanuo Mrs.
Richen, of Sumpter, has notified all the
saloon keepers not to sell her son, a
minor, any liquor, and the gambling
houe managers not to permit l.im lo
play. She stated in the Mim r offlc
that they had disregarded her wa-ninj
once, and that she bad jnt sent a sec
ond veibul notification, supplemented by
a t!p that unless her v ords were headed
she will Bturt. out a Came Nation cm-
8a ue, and it h l er hatchet siuh; li into
kindling wooil a 1 the saloon and giunb-
tng fixuires in the camp. If this in Mrs.
G. C. Richen, who wect from this
county to Sumpter a couple of years ago,
she is a hL'hly esteemed woman, fav
orably Known in Oregon City and
Preparations aie being made I y th
Oonregatiomil church lo celebrate
Easter Sunday in an appropriate man
ner. The Lord's upper will bo com
memorated in the moi ningj preceded by
covenan'al and baptismal services. The
choir has hev n at woik for a number of
weeks on the special music for the day.,'
The evening service.of praise promise
to he a musical treat. The largo choir
will reix'er three an! hems, a ladies
quartette will sing "Christ the Lord ii
Risen Indeed," a mixed qnaitetle will
sing "Now is Cliri.-t Rifn," and soloi
will be rendeied Ly three or four of Ore
gon City's well-known soloists.
Guy ( l trk reeeuly acquired posses
sion of the pilot wheel of steami r Brother
Jonathan, which went ashore at Cres
cent City, Cal,,July 30, 18G5. Two-hundred
and seventy-five persons lost their
lives, while 17 made their way to shore
in a small boat. The Brother Jonathm
made regular trips from Portland to Sai
Franciico. until ihe vessel was wrecked.
Young Clark recently visited his father,
who is manager of the Bandon woolen
mills, and bile there made a trip U
Crescent City, where he purchased the
wheel on account of its value as a relic
The wheel haa been used to ornnment
the interior of a saloon for 30 years, the
owner refusing to sell it f ir auy cjii id
eration, but after his death, a daughter
was induced to pait with it.
The 0. R. & N Co. has recently is
sued the third edition of the pamphlet
1 Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and
Their Resources" by Colonel P. Donap,
to be ued in connection with the devel
ment of the resources cf the PaciCc
Northwest. The reading matter hae
been revised and re-written the twenty
half tone 'llustrations are new and ir.
elude views of the farming, 6hippinp,
agricultural, horticultural, lumbering
mining, stock raising and;, fishing indus
tries of this territory. The cover is new
and of lutest design used for such pur
poses. The'book contains a large map
of the states of Oregon, WasliingUi
and Idaho. This map has been recently
revised and is to he relied on. Any oi
our readers desiting copies of this book
to send to friends in the East can obtaii
same by sending six cent t) A. L.
Craig, General Passenger Agent, Port
land, Or.
'Eattter Service at M, E. Church,"
The Easter services at the M. E-
chunh will be of a special nature. Ia
me morning the sacrament of the Lord I
Biipper will be administered. In the
evening the Sabbath School will have
charge of the service. Special Easter
anthems are being prepared hy the
hoir under the leadership of Mrs, K. E.
Advertlml Lexers
Remaining unclaimed at the Park-
place pott ollice, for the month ending
March 31, 1901 :
Miss Allen, 2 P J Mooney
Arthur Cliff Winfit Id Stevens
Miss Cora B Lemon J O Shoemaker
Miss Clara Dumar Wm Turner (card
Mi-g Bertha Ilartzel Miss Nettie Khun
Wm. A. IIoi.mbs, rostinttsler..
Winter Services and Fuwtlon.
The choirat the Baptist church wiB
render music next Sunday, and the
services thioughout tho whole day will
be commemorative of the occasion.
An Easter S'cial and dance will he
given by the King's Daughters of the
Episcopal church at the armory on Fri
day, April 12th. One of the leading
features will be a cake walk hy Mist
Lou Mortimer, of San Francisco, unJ
Master Allan Cooke, of this city,
James llyan Fouml Dead.
James Ryan, aged '.(), was foun.l doai
in his residence at Clackamas Heights
Tuesday noon. He had been seen on
the morning of the pre ious day, after
feeding his chickens. From appearances
it is presumed that he died shortly after
entering tj i e house ll.is lime, as he ha4
taken off his shoes nnd evidently Ui
down, not felling well. Wednesday
morning Coroner Strickland held an in
quest, and the jury returned a verdict of
death from probable heart trouble. The
fum ral was held Wednesday afternooa
from Hobnail's undertaking narlors,
the services were conduct) d hy Rev. it.
A. Atkina Mr. Ryan was tiniiiarrit'd, a
tia'K'eof New York, and rainu here
from California about 12 yi-srsago with
Sol, S. Walker. For some lime prnt he,
had beeu in poor i ealth, and nc ntly
doeded over Ids properly to Sol S'
Walker, with the nnd.-ist aiding that he
would care (' r him during ih i maindey
of his life line-'.
20 in Mid to I - m n vi. ait !
sonal sccuihy.
1'IM I K i'.AsrilAM,
cm p t
Ida algnature la on erury hoi of tha genalna-
Laxative Bromo-Quinine
i remedy that caret) a coM la toe day