Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 05, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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It is never too early because yon may be late to secure needed and
desirable articles for Easter, particularly where the quantity is limited,
aa is the case with the manufacturers' entire line of Fine Tailored Suits
and Skirts, purchased for 60c on the dollar.
95c--Kid Gloves
For Easter; all new shades; fitted
and warranted: We sell Gloves;
besides we save you money.
25cA Snap
In "Rust-Proof" Summer Corsets;
all sizes. Two bias bands around
the waist. No stretching. Secure
a pair.
Note Bargains in Rainy-day
Skirts not to be had again this
season .
The new Girdle "Rust-Proof"
in pink, blue, drab and black;
perfection in fit; special, not "for
this day only," but any day, 50o.
Mt. Hood Shirts
Are not placed in competition, nor
can they be compared with freak
garments sold as bargains over the
so called bargain counters. Mt.
Hood Shirts have merit. They
are made in Portland by American
McAllen & McDonnell
E. W. Herman wag in from Molalla
0. H. Miller, of Needy precinct, was
in town Monday.
Lorenzo Tenny, of Viola, was in Ore
gon City Monday.
Rev. J. H. Beaven returned Friday
from a short visit to Salem.
Rev. William Barrett ia in Oregon
dity on business. Dayton Herald.
D. D. Evans, a prominent Clackamas
precinct farmer, was in the city Friday.
0. C. Ballou, a well known Eagle
Creek farmer , was in Oregon City Fri
day. L. 0. Nightingale, of Wilboit, was in
the city for two or three days during the
Mrs. J. fitrausser, who was visiting
friends in the city, returned to Salem
Mrs. G. B. Jackson and child returned
-Friday evening from a visit to friends
at Canby.
George Brown, who had charge of the
-Cods river salmon hatcbery, arrived
home Sunday.
Fish Warden VanDueen, of Aetor'a
' was in the city Saturday, looking after
the fishing interests.
-1. A. Bonney and C. T. Bigelow, of
Hubbard, were in town Monday morn
ing on their way to Portland.
Miss Pearl Copley, a student at Wil
lamette university, Salem, is at home
for the mid-session vacation.
Mrs. C. H. Dye has gone East to
gather additional material for her forth
coming new book on Lewis and Clark.
P. E. Bonney, of Colton, was in Ore
gon City Saturday, and reported that
the fall-sown grain gives promise of a
good yield.
Captain Archie Pease, of Portland,
was in Oregon City Friday, making ar
rangements for tho funeral of the late
James Moore.
J. P. Olsen, of tlarkes, who was in
town Friday, reported that grain is look
ing fairly well, and that considerable
seeding is being done.
0. H. Byland, ot Oregon City, has
been engaged to to teach a three months
school at Cross Keys, the term begin
ning this week. Antelope Republican.
Rev. S. Copley returned Thursday
evening from a few weeka visit to Oak
land, Calif. He reports that climatic
conditions are very satisfactory this tea
. eon.
E. B. Miller, of Needy precinct,
passed through town Monday morning
on his way home from Portland, having
Bpent Sunday with his old friend, Dick
Miss Frances Myers, teacher of the
primary department in the Barclay
tchool, was very ill with lung feveriat tl e
home of Mrs. F. F. White on Jefferson
and Tmth elrtets, and returned home.
0. Kccher, a prominent hop grower,
ot Mark's Prairie, was in ,own Monday.
He Baid that hops were sprouting in a
very encouraging way, but it was bad
weather to cultivate the crop.
Dr. J B. Zeigler, formerly with Dr.
0. P. F. Plummer. of Portland, has
charge of the drug department of A. L.
Clark's store at Rainier. St. Helens
Mist. When did he become a M. D?
Rev. P. A. Watters, of Salem, held
quarterly conference at the Viola Meth
odist Episcopal chuich Sunday, and will
preside at the same function fof the Or
egon City church this Friday eeninj.
J.H.James, wife and four sons ar
rived from Gage county, Nebraska Fri
day. Another son, W. D. James had
preceded his parents a few days. It is
there probable intention to locate in this
Jamea Adking, W. E. Potter and M. II.
Lee, cf Caiby, were in Oregon City
Monday. The latter is employed dur
ing the greater part of the time st Ke
ona, Wash., but is now home on a
month 'g vacation.
W. H. H. Wade, formerly of Currins
ville, who has been at Sodaville. Linn
county, for several months past on ac
coun'of Mrs. Wade's health, writes to
have the address of his paper changed
from that place to Salem
F M.Nauifht returned Monday from
a vi"it to St Johns, below Portland, and
reports that place a seene of bustling ac
tivity. Three companies ot railroad
surveyors are now on the peninsula, and
the 0. It. & N. has taken the initial
steps to build a spur to St. John from
Portl ind, a distance of five mileB.
S. A. D. Hungate came in from Mo
lalla the first of the week and purchased
a wagon and team, to be used in haul
ing his outfit to Eastern Oregon. Mr.
Hungate has a b;g surveying contract in
the southeastern pecMon if the state,
and expects to leave with h.s crew for
the soene of Qper.it.iim about May 1st.
County Surveyor Ernest Rands went
to Pudding river Monday to make a sur
vey of the proposed improvement on
Whisky hill on the county road between
Hubbard and Needy. It is the inten
tion to cut the hill down to an easy
grade, which will enable larger loads of
freight to be hauled over that thorough
fare. Hubbard is the railroad station
at which produce and merchandise is
shipped to and from Needy.
George Randall, of New Era precinct,
states that the fall-sown grain looks well,
that the hops are sprouting nicely, and
present conditions are favorable for a
good fi uit crop, but the freshly-plowed
ground shows millions of young aphis.
However, these eggs are not found in all
locations. Mr. Randall has set out a
small yard of Bulgarian hop, an early
variety sent out by the agricultural de
partment at Washington.
William Rider, accompanied by his
brother, 0. D. Rider, returned Satur
day from a visit to Puget Sound, going
as far north as British America. They
report the Sound towns booming, and
had a very pleasant trip. However, Mr.
Rider expresses the opinion that the
boam istoof.ist to last; that after the
timber is all cut into lumber, there is
but little soil left that is worth cultivat
ing. 0. D. Rider left for his home at
Independence Monday morning.
Born, near Stafford, March 29ih, to
Hi-niy Harper and wife, a son.
A meeting of the executive committee
of the Methodist Camp Meeting Associa
tion was held at Canby Friday. It was
the e decided to hold the annual meet
ing in June, beginning on the 29th, and
confining for two weeks. The grounds
were ordered ff i ted up for this gather
ing. M. Bollack, of this city, tuggests two
names fur the Lewis & Clark celebra
tion of the 100th anniversay, to be held
in Portland in 1905: "Pacific Centen
nial, American and Asiatic General Ex
position," or, 'Pacific Centennial,
Americau, Asiatic and European Uni
versal Exposition."
G. C. Armstrong and J. W. Stone, of
Redland, were in the city Mondry after
a coffin for Mrs. Mary Jane Dew, who
died the previous night. The deceased
was 45 ytars of age, a native of Eng"
land, and was raised in New Zealand.
She left a husband and three children
The family came to Redland from Idaho,
about six months ago.
Messrs. Howell & Evans, real estate
agents, have been corresponding with
leaders of a colony of 40 people at Chi
cago, who expect to be here during the
coming the present month, with a view
of locating. The list includes faimeis,
tradesmen and artisans, and if they can
suited on their arrival here, they will
make purchases of farm lauds, business
property, etc.
The funeral of the late George C. Fen
imore was held at the Baptist church
last Friday afternoon, the services be
ing conducted by Rev. J. H. Beaven.
The fire department attended the ser
vices in a body, the deceased being a
prominent member of Columbia Hook
and Ladder Company. The services
were well attended, and a number of
tasty floral offerings were in evidence.
James McKenzie, a well-known far
mer, living at Cutrinsvil e, did last Fri
day aged 45, his illness being typhoid
fever. The deceased and his brother,
William came to Multnomah county in
1875, and purchased farms on the Base
line road, and about 13 years ago he
married Miss Jennie Bolton. He sold
his farm and moved to Eagle Creek in
this county. He was a member of the
A. 0. U W. atCurrinsville. He left a
wife and three children ; also his parents,
who reside in Ontario, Canada.
In 1S93 or 1S94, General Frederick
Fjnst.m, who captured A-:uinaldo, was
emlo)ed at the Willamette pulp and
paper mills as a pipe filler for a couple
of months. He came here from Califor
nia with a force of men who were fit
ting up buildings with Gray automatic
sprinkler.-', the foreman having a contract
Always a aep ahead of others in quality, but never ahead in price.
Everything's Ready
For Eastertide'. Y.
That's one of the special features of this
store always ready. This season's bright, new
things are all in and waiting for you to make
selection It is enough to say that they are the
best to be had; and you may just as well have the
best when it costs no more than the inferior.
Men's Spring Suits
All the newest whims of the Spring
mode are in our assortment. Fancy her
ringbone stripes, checks, rav and green
mixtures, blue series and black cheviots.
. $10 to $35
Top coats made in latest box
Or Raglan style, light, medium
Or dark shades, $10 to $35
Spring Headwear
There is a heap of satisfaction in know
ing that you can buy hat perfection here.
All the new Spring Hhapes and shades in
men's fedora, low crwn and derby hats .
are in.
$1 to $5 .
Hike caps, 50c up to $1 25.
Youmang' straws, $3 59 to $5.
Boys' Apparel
We do for boys what we do for men
give them the best money can buy. Some
rare and beautiful noveitieg here for small
boys and a profusion of durable, stylish
clothes for oi.ool boys and young men.
Novelty suits, $2 to $t0.
School suits, $2 to $12.
Youths' suits, $5 to $20.
We Bhow nnique designs in fancies and
grand values in plain linens, that will
strike you favorably. Fancy borders and
fancy centers, 25c to $1 60
We have the bet-t white linen handker
chiefs in Portland at
Largest Clothiers in the Northwest
Fourth and Morrison, cor. entrance
to fit up the Willamette mills buildings.
Vice-President Johnson, of the Willam
ette Pulp & Paper Company, whi knew
Funston personally, says that he is the
game man who worked here as a pipefitter.'
The Odd-Fellow delegates have been
elected to attend the grand lodge and
conventions ot the oider: Oregon
Lodge Thomas F. Ryan, S. S. Walker
and H. W. Trembath. Willamette Re
bekah Degree Mesdames W, H. How
ell, 8. S. Walker and J, J. Cooke. The
grand hdgts will hold their annual ses
sions at Baker City in May, and other
members of the order announce their
intention of going to Baker City at this
time for a pleasure trip. Judge Ryan is
in the line of promotion to be elected
chief patriarch of the grand encamp
ment. James L. Moore, a Clackamas county
pioneer, died in a Portland hospital last
Friday from the effects of an attack of
la grippe. He was buried here Satur
day, the services being conducted at
Holman'g undertaking parlors by Rev.
E. S. Bollinger. The deceased left two
daughter, who reside in Portland :
Misses Agnes 'and Hattie Moore. Mr.
Moore was a well known resident of
Oregon City, until about three years
ago when he removed to Portland. At
one time he wa considered compara
tively wealthy, his parents, who were
early pioneers, owning a large tract on
the West Side. During the latter years
of his residence here, the deceased fol
lowed fishing.
It will take something beside a mere
pull to hereafter secure positions in the
Oregon City public schools. An appli
cation blank has been printed, and each
applicant will be required to answer 16
different questions, exclusive of the
postofllce address, on the blank spaces
indicated. The applicant will be re
quired to give her birthplace, age,
where educated andjgraduated, all about
certificates held, ability to teach singing
and drawing, ad about subscriptions to
educational papers, possession of books
on pedagogy, time taught places and
grades; weight, height and complexion;
required if accept a position in the Ore
gon City fchool not to eeek or accept po
sition elsewhere during term of con
tract. If at the opening of the school
the teacher has not filed with the school
clerk ample evidence that she had at
tended a county institute or state asso
ciation during the past 12 months, she
will forfeit $5 from her first month's
salary. The blank space for the age oc
curs in the third line. These blanks
are especially Intended for outside applicants.
When you want a good square meal
go to the I'runsA'ick re3taurant, oppo
site Buspinsinn bridge, L. Ruconich,
proprietor. Everything fresh and clear
and well cooked ; just like you get a
home. This ig the only tirst-cluss res
taurant in Oregon City and where yon
can get a good meal for the price of t
poor one el where.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets can
a cold in one day. No Cure no Pay
Price 25 cents.
New Spring Goods
arriving at the Fah
Store daily.
Laces from Jc pei
yard upward.
The only place foi
Opposite Postoffice.
t .
Rambler Bicycles:
Have been so successful in their manufacture
that they are known for their marvelous
strength and easy runing qualities. No doubt
you have seen these wheels other years, but
we call especial attention to this year's line.
They sell on their merit.
Chainless $60 Light Roadster $40
Racer 50 Heavy Roadster 35
Cushion Frame $50
Morrow Coaster and Brake $5 extra
Besides these we have the Mitchell, fitted with
detachable tires, $30, and the Ideal $25.
We sell on installments and take second-hand
wheels in trade.
Lo)k at our Bargains in Second-Hand Wheels.
mm 'i