Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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getting cheaper help, but cheap work
is sometimes very dear.
Several parties from this place will
soon leave for the logging camps on the
agXXXXXXlS Jrl.lv ""she has been aUendine
j school at Mount Angel,
with the right class of cows to go ahead , There are five bachelois on the cor
suecessfully. nei8 an(j (hev are talking of eending
Eagle Vreelc.
April f ol to every.br ly! We are all
vrfll , getting fool ad with duo considera
tlon. Things urn not so lively this week.
Every body ''gang his ain (jail," and
pavs attention to no one.
Easter will soon he I ere, and all the
little folks seem to he strictly aware of
che glad fact. The little hoys, and some
if the little girl are very innocently
saving egg for 'be occasion, unawares
O their mamas.
Miss Grace Donghie, who has been ill
for some time, h steadiy improving.
Spelling school is progressing very
succesi-fully with Miss Holmstrom as
Mrs. John Ilowlitt U to leave for Cali
fornia on the 8'h. where she will visit
with her brother.
Miss Lena Vancuren fell on a board
while in the ham and received some
rather serious injuries. She Is improv
ing, however.
Mr. Bell and family have moved to
Kelso. Mr. Simpson has rented the
Sunday schorl will be organized at the
Eagle Creek schoolliouse on the first
Sunday of this month . Our best wishes
for tui:cess are tendered to those who
ltev. Pogue preaches at. the school
house on the first Sunday of each
What's the matter with Barlow? Cor
poral surely hadn't "shufiled off these
earthly coils," lias he?
Miss Dora Deen went tj Oregon Citv
Sunday, and Miss Lucy Lovelace, of
that place, accompanied her home.
An entertainment be will given shortly
at Currmsville. Some of our young peo
ple intend going.
George Wilson and B. F Forrester
went to Oregon City Suuday.
Apiil 1. On Oleson.
We are pie ised to note that, the town ; Kast for some good looking women to pre-
of t rog Pond is growing according to i f uie over their households
communications fiom that place, it
appears to have absorbed VVilsonvillo
and taken a nip out ol the farming corn
unity of Stafford.
We have been looking for the follow
ing item from Fro Pond : "Charles
Hansen has rented 95 rods of beaver
dam land from Charles F. Wastner, and
is spading tlie sod off and carrying onto
biah ground to rot. Mr. Hansen ex
pects to be cUssed as one of the exten
sive onion raisers of the Northwest.
Friday, the 12th, will be Arbor day;
how many fcho Is will obterve the
same? Now is the time to look up your
April 3. Levutiiy
Cllad Tl(llnyn.
It seems as though the equinoctial
atoim will continue (or several days.
The rapid growth of the grain is
checked to some extent ou account of
too much rain and hot sunshine.
Mrs. Ida Jack had the misfortune of
having her lower jaw dislocated last
Thursday morning. Dr. Leavitt reset It
and is getting along nicely.
Tom Ridings, who severely bruised
his hand a few days ago causiug blood
poisoning, is improving at present.
. Mr. Smith, who has been quite ill
for the past week, is slightly improving.
litis Daugberty and daughter were
the guests of M. D.Leaboaud family last
April fool has come, but didn't fool
us much as the weather hasn't changed
The Misses Carrie and Kate Ridings
are home fronlhe Willamette Univer
sity fur a short vacation.
Ilarvoy Hibbard and M.ss Elsie Tay
lor were the guests of Tom Hidings and
wife Sunday.
We are glad to say that onr minister,
who lias been dangerously ill for the
past week, in improving a little at pres
ent. The Liberal correspondent seems to
think there are pretty gills down there.
We'll just inform you that we are not
"back numbers" at all, as we have a
few in our town.
April 1. SO.UIB.
Spring comes but oni e a year,
ram storms are an every day
R. Snodgrass was in town Saturday.
Ray and Minnie Truihnger returned
home a short time ago. They have been
attending school in Oregon Ctty.
It. P. Cooper has a fine ferry boat
Just call on him when you wantja free
ride across the Molalla river.
Rev. Symms will proach at the
school lioujrt the first Sunday in April,
and Rev. Wiriglield, the sec nd Sun-da.
It was recorded in the last week's pa
per that Miss Gleason was finishing
Mis Hornslmhs term of school. I
disagree with the correspondence who
ever it may be, for Mies Gleason has be
gun a term of her own.
O.T.Kay made a business trip to
Molalla a few days ago.
K. P. Cooper and family called on
Mr. and Mrs. Orein Sunday afternoon.
Several people of this vicinity are on
the sick list.
Mr. Hendershot has rented I. D. Lar
kins' place.
Jasper Truihnger and family was vis
iting Mr. Snodgrass and family Sunday.
Several April fools have passed
through this bur,;. "Make hay while
the sun Bhines."
James McGill is doing considerable
clearing, and has put seme early garden
in. Jimmy is all right.
Mose Ppicer will soon go to' Fort Ste
vens, where he will work during the
There are a great many potatoes un
sold in this vicinity. The low price does
not jus'ify hauling them to ma rket.
As regard to pretty girls reedy has
two or three without importing.
The farmers are getting disgusted wiih
this weather, as see ding will be late this
Stock of all kinds are in poor con
dition, and nearly all the farmers are
out of feed.
William M ciey has sold his farm to a
Mr. Bingham, of Portland, and has
leased large lodging house iu that city.
May success go with you ih youi new
Grandma Wright and daughter, Mrs.
Coates, moved to Portland Thursday,
where they will reside during the sum
mer. Lewis Farr, of Oregon City, is in this
section on a ousiness trip.
Fall wheat looks well, but is turning
red in sprts in the fields. The Hes
sian fly is getting in its work and the
farmers will see that at harvest time.
Clover looks fine and a great, many
are usjng land plaster. It pa) 8 well to
use it at leasla ton or more per acre.
E.Austin has his mill running and
sawing out a nice quality of lumber.
Levi Stehman is building a plank fence
along the road. A good job, Levi.
The editor of the Oregonian calls
Aiminaldo a cowardly little nigger.
Harvey knew that Aggie was ten thous
miles away under lock and key. Ha!
ha! Auain lie says men who are not stiff
enough to fiuht can't maintain a gov
ernment If this government nan 10
depend on Scott's fighting stiffness in '64
it would have failtd. If reports t.re
true, he (Harvey) got quite limber about
that time. If George Washington had
been betrayed by his own counlrjmen
and captured and the Revolution had
failed, who would mention Ins name
now mlv in decision? No one but cow
ards throw mud at their captives. Again
Scott says, "presently we will get past
ihe barbarn-ui of protection ' If tnat
isn't treachery to his party's principles,
what isii?Bnt his party Rnows that
he is oni v ''lalkina through his hat," to
iool demuiiMis. If he means what he
eajs, why d es be support the party
that always have and always will sup
Doit protection? Again Scott says,
sueeringly, "that. Bryan wasnot elected
United States senator," just as though
he did not know that Bryan never was a
candidate for that exalted, no, I mean
debased position. 1 don't believe there
is a man in the United States senate
that has not used some corrupt means to
get there, either money or promises of
some sort. We can't elect a president
by direct vote ol the people unless he
first promises every office that he con
trols to someone for his support, besides
millions of dollars as corruption funds,
and what are you going to do about it,
say the republican party and press?
Well, I will tell you, we are going to
turn to socialism and remove all incen
tive to rob, bribe ai.d steal, and then
the public officers will be the public's
servants and could gain nothing by dis
honesty and dithoit-Bt methods. We
common people are learning something.
I was a republican for thirty years.
Bryan was not elected to the United
States senate in Nebraska, but two re
publican bankers weie. How many
farmers are there in the senate? None,
no, not one, and ought not be. Farm
ers don't want to be reptesented.
Corpora l.
- El wood.
Maid Lane.
Inasmuch as the present correspond
ent from this place never says anything
about East Maps Lane, I think I had
better put in a few Items.
It baa been raining today and has
been for the four days, andtbree market
gardeners ol this end are gett.ng very
anxious about it.
Mrs. Matt Lj Hyatt's little eon is quite
ill with the mcahLs.
Mrs. N. W. Richards, who is stopping
with her daughter, Mrs. S. S. Jennings,
of Woodstock, is very sick at present.
Her recovery is doubiful.
James Shelly leaves ' next Monday,
April 7ih, to join his brother iu Daw
soii City, Alaska.
John II. Darling, one of the experts ot
the state school laud board, is home for
a few days.
J.C. Dixon is improving the looks of
his place a great deal by a new fence,
and is also doing some grading.
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal
lon. W, L. Block,
the Homefurnisher
All fools' day was a success. It
stormed the entire day.
On the 2nd, snow fell to the depth of
an inch and laid ou the ground for sev
eral hours.
The cold wave will give fiuit trees
that were coming in bloom a chance to
think twice before opening up.
launching is very quiet.
Hermann Pepper passed through here
Tnesuiiy enrouteto Albany.
(i Moser and wile have become domi
ciled in their new homo.
The Moser & (lehhardt Threshing
Machine Company has dissolved part
nership, Moser Bros, w ill carry ou the
Dusiuesa hereafter.
Many ranchers have been hauling
their potatoes to Oswego and loading
ears. They receive 60 cents per cwt, f.
. b. iirs. Some have hauled to Port
land, while others have shipped theirs to
San Francisco. The teturim are about
the same iu all cases.
George Elligson has canvassed our
community in behalf of a creamery to
be erected at Wilsonville, most every
body is in favor of it but as is usu
ally the case, they are not prepared
Marks Prairie.
Miss Wiegand has returned from
Salem, where she has been spending
the winter.
The dance at Kocher's hop house was
the event of the season, there being 24
couples present. The excellent music
was furnished by Ogleshy brothers. All
had a good time.
The literary society of this place has
adjourned and will to meet next Novem
ber. There is considerable dissatisfaction
iu this district on account of the man
ner iu which the money obtained by an
entertainment was speut. The pro
ceeds were to go towards purchasing the
scnooi uurary, out two 01 te directors
decided to use the money to buv lum
ber and fence in the school grounds.
James K. Gribble dissontcd, but to no
For simon-pure hoodluuiisni Needy
takes the cake. The debating society of
that place was compelled to close on ac
count of the disturbance caused by the
gang of hoodlums, who reside iu that
vicinity. If necessary ,your correspond
ent cau name 13 of them.
The rain is delaying hop wtrk here.
Hops are coming up in good coudition
und will Boon be ready to traiu up the
pol es.
Good workhanda are getting ifl per
day here, but some of the farmers are
The measles are about gone, but la
grippe has again made a call to our
neighborhood, which makes everyone
look very blue. i
Apiil came in like a lion, but we will
look for better weather iu the sweet bye'
and bye.
A eocial dance was given in Kocher's
hop house last Thursday evening, and
an enjoyable time was reported from
those who attended.
Frank Kendall and Earl Gribble were
in Barlow Sunday.
Mrs. Covey and daughter, Jennie,
viBited friends and relatives at Mar-
quain and Needy last week.
Barlow is going to have a new black- I
smith shop soon. I
It is reported that there will be a!
dance in Barlow next Saturday evening,
the proceeds to go towards buying an or-
gan for the cchoolhouse.
W. S. Armstrong, William CoveV and :
Henry Zeigler went to Meadowbiook'
Sunday. . 1
Miss Jennie Covey, who was going to
leave for Washington in a Bhort time, I
will remain here during the summer,
April 5th. Blub Bull,
Cold, wet windy, and disagreeable
weather. Regular April fool day.
When you come to Barlow you had j
better get a guide as there is such a
labyrinth rr network of railway switches
that a stranger is liable to get side 1
We are glad to see a geneial inclina-j
lion on the part our townsmen to shine
up, as it were, ami visitois must look: out
for paint. We'are promised something 1
startling within the next 30 days.
Little Iomt Andrews has been quit j
sick with pneumonia. She was atti uded
by Dr. Deduian, and is now much bet-'
ter. ' ,
Our onion farmer, Judge Jesse, is get
ting somewhat nervous on account of
the continued wet weather.
The euchre club continues to meet
and seems to enjoy life in spite of our
earnest protestations. Biethien and
sisters, bewaie, for ye know not the day
nor the hour that this old earth is going
to bust, then, who:e, oil whose wi.l you
I guess spring is not as near at band
as people hoped.
Mrs. freeman is still onlined to her
W. T. Her.d6rsn has rented Mr. An
derson's farm and has his grain sown.
Mr. Woodruff is going to move to l.o
gan, where he will cut wood.
MissZouri Mayfield, who has been
teaching our school for the past three
weeks f.T her sister, Teunie, will begin
her school at Upper Logan next Monday
morning. Ihe children became greatly
attacl ed to her and wish shecoul I have
remained the full term.
Mr. Cadonan is still quite sick.
A suitable Easter program is being
prepared and will be rendered ou Easter
Sunday at the Mountain Home church.
Come and hear the conclusion of the
whole matter.
Delia Henderson called on Mrs. Strom
green last M oil' lay.
II you want to hear music, call on
Shubert and son-in-law, who have
guitar and an accordion.
The singing school being taught by
A. S. Henderson will close next Friday
Rev. J. M. Park will preach at the
Mountain Home church on Suuday eve
ning oi the 7th of April.
Lalla Roi kii.
182 Madison St, West end of Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Aultman & Taylor's
Celebrated Threshing Machinery
Steam and Gas Engines,
Etc,, Etc,
aii M. .f h. benraaer
Fine Bread
Bakery and Confectionery
7th Street, Oregon City, Cregon
i Up-to-date 1
j)fjill kinds I
18 years foreman
of the
Main St. Bakery
Will give satisfaction
to every customer
in quality and prices.
I hak-ed the?
Wedding Cakes
for your parents
and I'll bake
yours too
The weather ia vrv changeable at
The ppring grain is mostly sowed.
Fall grain is looking fair.
Miss Tennie Mayfield closed a very
successful term of school on March 29th.
She gives perfect satisfaction through
out this community.
Ueorae Hayden, Bert and Hare Mat
toon are getting posts to build a board
fence around the McMaster & Birred
J. F. Lovelace made a flying trip to
Portland a few days ago.
Some of the young folks of this burg
are going to attend the datice near Ore
gon City Saturday night,
a I Mi Ti X
Guaranteed to be the best possible to Uaild. Representing 6j years experience in wagoi bui'd.
in, which is a better guarantee of a high grade (best possible to build) than till the talk irresponsible
dealers and agents for cheap wagons can possibly give you.
MITCHKLl, & LEWIS Co., the nviweis ot the MITCHELL WAGONS pay 25 to 30 percent
above the market price of the best grades of wood stock for the privilege of a closer inspection and more
rigid examination of each piece and to enable them to skim off the cream i f the wacon timber offered
on the market HENCE WE CAN ABSOLUTEY GUARANTEE a superior quality of timber in
M ITCH ELL WAGONS and it is just as. impossible to build a good wagon without good timber as it is
to build a good house without a good foudation. The foundation of a wagon is the timber ' We know
that everybody claims to have the best, b'utyou can't see under the paint. In buying a wagon you must
trust to somebody's word we claim to be trustworthy and reliable; beside, we leave unpaiuted the
underside. of such parts as we can (reaches tounges, ete.) so that you can confirm our statements. We
guarantee every stick fully. MITCHELL WAGONS are tight-running, wt 11 ptoportioned and well
finished, and, taken as a whole THE Bl'.ST Waoon ont VHK MARKLT Today. You cant make a mis
take if you get a MITCHELL.
Mitchell, Lewis k Staver Co.
IWe U Blu Bell.
Ilow'e Pickaninny? I am quite sorry I
could not uttend vour necktie social and
see the prettv girls, but I hope jou have
not forgotten you imported one of your
girls from Harlow, but cull around when
we have a grand ball, which will be in
tlie near fntuie. Then you can seethe
Barlow girls. When we cay Barlow girls
we mean Barlow girls. We wn t tell
you to come and have to eend to Port
laiul and Oreiron City to get them like
Pickaninny did. All the good looking
girls you had are married, but pretty is
as pretty does 1 am B'ngie and 1 11
keep quiet until I see the MaekBburg
J. VV. Oovey wei.t to Oregon City
Mrs. Hattic visited her mmher Sun
James 11 Hg has one to the state of
Washington, where he will rt main for
some time.
The new switch, which has been put
iu, is completed.
Bli'e Bell
Mountala View,
Mrs. Waldron has a new bike and
was out last Sunday learning to ride.
Mrs. Johnson and d.uu'hb'r, Millie,
are visiting with hor siscer, Mrs. Ever
hart, this week
J W. Gr nt is preparing a croquet
Miss Francis Johnson was at home
Saturday and attended the teachers' as
sociation at Mr. Pleasant. She reporls
that she had 29 pupils enrolled in her
school at Union Hall the first week.
Fnnk Kellog's baby is quite sick.
There was quite a scare of firs in this
berg Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock.
Mrs. Weidner'a chimney burned out.
A cry of fire was ghen and in a few
minutes Mountain View hose company
No. 4, were all cut with their pails. H .
Henrici and J. W. Curran, being near,
extinguished the fire before any damage
was done.
MissTillie Henrice. of Portland, has
come home to stay two months.
Mrs. Pierce is at St. Vincent's hospital
in Portland, and ia getting along nicely 1
Alma Mack ia iu Portland this week 1
among friends . .
There will be preaching and commun-i
ion services at the Mountain View
church next Sunday at 4 o'clock p. m.,
Kev. b. Bollinger omciating. Sun
day school at 3 p.m. All are cordially
Master George Hankins is on the sick
lut this week.
Mrs. Byron, ot Tualatin, is visiting j
her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Ely this week.
Her son, John Byron, came with her to
bid relatives and friend good-bye, and
started to Idaho ou Monday evening's
April 4. Sauna.
Tualatin Grange No. 1)1, met Saturday
with a large attendance.
Miss Louisa Bockman was up from.
Portland Sunday to visit her parents.
Mrs. Robbin", who has been spend
ing the winter with relatives, has re
turned to her borne iu Grand Koude
Our sick people are on the mend.
Harry Aden was seen on our streets
Sunday with his "ew bugirv and two
George Aden, of Wilsonville, spent
Sunday and Monday at home. George
is secretary of the M. B. A, lodge there.
He reports the lodge in a flourishing
condition. New members are being
taken in at each meeting.
Miss Inza Thompson, who has been
1 teaching a school near Sherwood for the
past six months, returned home Sun
day. Tha way iu which the children
advanced in their studies, proves her to
be one of the beat teachers we have in
the county.
0. I. 0. U.
First and TaylorStreets,
We are having wi liter weather in this 1
berg this week, the ground was cov
ered with snow Wcdmsdiiy morning.
Mr. H. Cummins, of CUrkes, was in
town Saturday, and weut to Washual,
Wash., to visit a t-L'k ioumii, who i3 rot
expected to live. Mr?. Cummins re
turned homo on Tuesday.
Miss Myrtle Currin ppent last Sunday
at Sliubel with Miss Ethel Cummins.
Captain ILvstn, of Washington, is the
guest of Mr. May and family this week.
I Mr. Hi. 'km m has sold his horse audi
I bugsiy to the Dickey boys and the barn
! to Joe Henner.
Mr. and Mrs. ilmihes, of Mt. Pleasant
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewel
len last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wickham were visiting
here la-it Sunday.
Elmer Durall is working in the pu'p
mill again.
Miss Rowen has a new co.iater brake
Frog Pond.
Confirmation sirvices were held at
the churcu last Sunday when Laura,
Willie and Lena Elllgsen, Emma Peiers,
August Kotl rmier, Willie Itiddir, Dora
and Anna Boekman were made mem
beis of the church roll.
Mrs Mary El'.igsen gave a birth lay
dinner Sunday in honor of her 3l)th
birthday. The following were present:
T. L. Turner and wife, M. -Peters and
wife, Mr. Seedling and wife, George
Elligaen and wife, A. Turner, and wife,
Mr. Gross and wife; Smith Turner,
Ernest Kru'e, Ellen and Henry Aden,
Dora and Emma Peters, Fied Elligson
and others toy numerous to mention.
Mr. Peters is erecting a wiudmill of
his own p ttent to pump wa'er for his
Jacob Peters madj a haety trip to
Bethany last week in the interest ot the
Mr. and Mis Aden anl daughter,
Anna, attended the Girinan Baptist
church conference in Portland last week.
M Ua Alice Downing, of Stafford, Mr.
Vincent an I Clia les Hou;e, of Wilson
ville, and D. 11. Mi.sher, uf Frog Poud,
attended the Washington County Aeto-
ciatiou at Tualatin last Saturday. They
re ;ort that if it had not been for the
Clackamas county delegation, there
would not have been much of an insti
tute, excepting the dinner.
James Turner and wife were vis'ttng
relatives at Woodburn the tiret of the
Charles Turner spent Saturday and
Sunday over at Tigerdvtlle, getting
home about 2 o'clock Munday morning.
What is eo attractive over there,
Seeding is once more delayed by raina
this week.
George Jones made his first trip on
the new mail Mute vi Stone, Logan,
Viola, Redland and return to Oregon
City, leaving there in the morning. It
is a rural delivery attached along the
the route for those who will erect boxes.
Death has again visited this place
this time taking from onr midst the be
loved wife of James Dew. Mr. and
Mrs Dew had but recently moved here
from Idaho, and intended to make this
their future borne, She leaves a hus
band and three children to mourn hep
loss. Mr. Dew has tlie heartfelt sym
pathy of this entire community.
Miss Maude Stone is slowly recover
ing from her illness.
D. C. Richardson is recovering from a
severe case of grip.
April 3. L. F.
Mis. Rutherford, of Gilliam county,
died in the Portland hospital Friday,
March 39ih. The remains were brought
to the Spiingwater cemetiry Monday
for burial.
Rev. A D. Sopir conducted the fu
neral services.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Reu
b n Tucker, of Oregon City, was buried
in the Sprinwater Sunday, March 31.
We are glad to report that Mr. Whit
tingtou is improving in health.
It is reported ihat thj mumps are in
this ne'ghborhood.
A. Lacey is -vorking on his mill for
sawing tbe lumber for the plank road i;i
We have been having nil kinds of
weather. It is snowinu at present.
Mr. and Mrs Peardurff, ol Damascus,
were visiting at I). C. Howell's home
Saturday and Sunday. "
Mrs. M.C. CVriett's Suml ay fehoel
c'as received ihe banner for the beet at
tendance for the last quarter.
A. J. Mans lost a horse last week. It
hasn't been a long time since he hada
one to break its neck.
William Ba;d his gone to Portland
with a load of poultry.
John X iMkt w 11 havj tin ti i?ly brj I
st-ilion, Belgian here ou Saturdays,