Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 22, 1901, Image 1

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    S 1
v. r
18th YEAR, NO. 44
Regular March Term of Ihe
County Board.
Grebe, Harder. & C9
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
,k of the best makes to be found
ing Wagons, Pvt.
and Hav To-
and Spring
rs, Carriages,
Hay Presses
oth Harrows'
Remember we have the finest st
in Portland, including Farm and "
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tec
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators,
Pumos Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Main Store and Warehouse, No. 140, 146 Sixth Street North,
ti r
p Vy-" Jf
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Hardware, Stoves, Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
2 Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
t Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
t Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. - OREGON CITY
J. R. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B.
Killin, Commissioners. 1
In the matter of the petition of W.
T. Tinesley for aid. This matter coming
on upon petition of 26 taxpayers, and
the board being fully advised, it is or
dered that the said W. T. Tinesley have
$5 for the month of March, 1901 war
rant for came to be drawn on the first
day of February, 1901.
Tha following additional bills were or
dered paid:
Mrs Lydia Wineeett, pauper. .. .$28 33
D Caufield, juror cir ct 4 40
reterKraua " " " 8 00
In the matter of the report from road
district No. 20, for the month of Janu
ary and passed upon at the February ses
sion. This matter coming on, and it ap
pearing to the board that through mis
take the clerk failed to issue a warrant
in the correct amount of W.H. Wilson
as appears upon said report for said term,
said warrant being issued for the sum of
$4.86 when it should have been $5.86.
Therefore it is ordered that the clerk is
sue a warrant for one dollar to W. H.
Wilson, matting the full amount due the
said W. H. Wilson as appears by and
from said road report.
In the matter of aid for Peter Kraus.
This matter coming on and the board
being fully advised, it is ordered that ;
reter Kraus, an indigent person, have
aid in the amount of $8 per month, dat
ing from February 1, 1901,.
In tne matter of Charles Gadke, a
county charge. This matter coming on
and it appearing that Charles Gadke, a
county charge, and that a warrant is
drawn in the name of J. M. Heckart
for the care and keeping of said Charles
Gadke; it is therefore ordered that J.
M. lleckart carefully guard the county's
interest by seeing that the said Charles
toadke does not share his rent or provis
ions with any other party.
In the matter of the petition of Sarah
E.Humphrey for the vacation of lotB
and blocks and streets in Root's addition
to the town of Marshfield. This matter
coming on to be neard, and it appear
ing to the board that there is a remon
strance on file, it is ordered that the said
matter be laid over until the April term
of this board.
In the matter of the reports of view
ers of damages on the Fanton road. The
viewers appointed to view and appraise
the damages on the Fanton road, report
in writing according to law and, and as
follows: Damages to the lands of John
Kalbfleisch, $100; the lands of E. H.
Cooper, $5 ; the lands of John Griffith,
415. It is therefore oiderad thai b'a'.d
Refurnishing Time
I Mill Ml tl
And now for clean, new Lace
Curtains, Portieres, Carpets, Rugs,
Matting, Etc.
The season is almost here when
you'll need them.
It will pay you to do your buy
ing early. We are making some
famous reductions now, and are
showing our very best designs.
Lace Curtains, latest design, ioc
and 15c per yard.
Peerless Plows
Steel and Chilled
Dowagiac Drills
Hoe and Disc
Sickle Grinders
Road Carts
Mountain Hacks and
Spring WagDn
Buffalo Pitts,
Harcows and Cultivators,
(Jwen's "Advance" Fanning
Hay Presses,
Horse Power and Steam
Feed and Root Cutters,
Bone and Cider Mills.
Stoughton Wagons
TOs for Catalogue and Prices. CALL ON ME BEFORE BUYING,
report be approved and that warrants be road. This court having heretofore or-
issued to pay said viewers as louowa:
1) Myers, 1 day, 10 mues . ou
E W Hornschuch, 1 day, 8 miles. . 2 80
Robert Hughes, 1 day, 10 miles.... 3 00
And it la further ordered tnat said
road be recorded and opened upon the
petitioners praying said damages as set
out alone.
In the matter of the petition for a
county road known aa the Lawton or
tflun road, in tne matter 01 tne peti
tion filed by E. E. Charman and more
than twelve householders of the county ;
ivina in the vicinity of the road de
scribed in the petition, and praying for
viewers to De locate a county roau 10
Clackamas county. Oregon, described in
full aa follows : Beginning at the south
west terminus of the center line of High
street in Oregon City, Oregon, and run
nine thence by the most practical route
on a grade not exceeding seven per cent
to a basaltic stone Cx6xl inches out of
the around marked X on ton, the same
being the southeast corner ot a tract 01
land conveyed to Lizzie Telford by
David Chalmers, by deed dated the 17th
dav of September. 1895. and recorded in
book oct, page bo, 01 aeeus 01 uiacaamas
county, Oregon, which is also a point in
the center line of the lawton road, said
petitioner filed his athdavit of notice
posting respecting said road showing
hat there had been posted : one on the
court house bulletin board, and three in
three of the moat public places in vicin
itv of the proposed road, more than 30
davs prior to the presentation of this
feuuon. He also tiled a oond 01 one
mndred dollars conditioned according
to law. The board being fully advifed,
it is ordered that J. T. Apperson, J.
Kislev and A. W. Cooke be and hereby
are appoiinted viewers to meet at the
place ol beginning on the -olh uay 01
March, 1901, and subscribed to a written
oath ot omce administered by I .
Hands, a skillful surveyor, he be
ing appointed by the board to survey
said road, before proceeding to view and
locate Baid road, and report in writing
at the next regular term of this board
In the matter of the petition of W. W
ivlyers for tax rebate in the estate of
Maud Kowlev, a minor. This matter
coining on to be heard upon written pe
tition tiled herein, and the board being
fully advised, it is ordered that said pe
1 1 lion be granted, and that the clerk ctn
ci'l laid taxes upon the delinquent tax
sales record for the year 1890, upon the
payment of $17.48 by W, W. Myeis
guardian of Maud Kowley, a minor.
In the matter ol Charles Daughterly
petitioning fot tax rebate. This 'matter
coming up on the written petition filed
In rein, and the board being "fully ad
vised, it in ordered that Charles Da ugh
erty have a rebate of $1.08 for the year
1897, and that the clerk issue a warrant
for said amount.
In the matter of the report of the
county surveyor on the Oregoo City and
Hardscrabble road. This matter com
ing up on the written report of E. P.
Hands, county surveyor, filed herein,
and the board befog fully advised, it is
ordered that said report be approved,
and the expense account of (10 be Al
lowed, and that the cleric draw a war
rant for aaid amount.
In the matter of the damages assessed
on account of the Albert Moebberger
dered that the petitioners pay in the
amount of damages assessed, on or be
fore bebruary 6th, 1901, Cnd it appear
ing that such damnges have not been
paid ; it is ordered and adjudged that the
petition of Albert Moehbergnr, et al, for
a county road, be dismissed and denied.
In the matter of the Molalla and No-
land road. This matter coming on and
the board being fully advised, it is or.
eered that the county surveyor meet
with A. J. Sawtell, William Dart and b .
E. Albright at Rock Greek near the
Dart farm, and view and relocate tha
said road for the distance of about four
miles in southeasterly d'rection along
said old road.
In the matter of the care of James
Wilson, an indigent person. Thin mat
ter coming on, it is ordered that James
Wilson be placed in the care and keep
ing of E. Arnold from and after March
8th, 1901, at the rate of $15 per month,
ordered to be drawn on the first of each
month for said amount, or in that pro
portion .
In the matter of the care and keeping
of William White and C. O. Lewis, indi-
digeut persons. This mattsr coming up,
it is ordered that William White and C
O. Lewis, county charges, be placed in
the care of Mrs. Lydia Wineactt at the
rate of $10 each per month, dating from
March 8th, l'.HU.
in the matter of James tfnrtlet, an
indigent person. This matter coming
on, and it appearing to the board that
said Jmes liartlet wishes to go to friend
in Los Angeles, Calif., and it further ap
pearing that the same would be for the
btst interests for all parties concerned ;
it is therefore ordered that Commis
sioner Lewellen purchase a ticket for
said James Hartlet to ban FranciHCO,
Calif., and that a warrant be issued for
the payment of the same.
In the matter of repairs to the Cason
or Clackamas bridge. This matter com
ing on, it it ordered that E. Olds repair
said bridge under the instructions of
CommisHioner John Lewellen, said la
bor to he paid for by the day as agreed
on between the board and contractor.
In the matter of the Darnall and Oanby
road. This matter coining up, it was
ordered that Supervisor J. J. Mallatt
repair said road, the labor for such re
pair to be furnitdied on half pay.
In the matter of J Die I3etwn road. It
it ordered that Supervisor Thomas Da
vids open the Beeson road on being fur
nished a list of petitioners by the county
In the matter of the Linn nad, it is
ordered that Supervisor J. U. Myers
open the Linn road, upon being fur
niHhed a copy of the petition by the
county clerk.
In the matter of the Molalla bridge at
Can by. This matter coming on, it is or
dered that Commisttioner John Lewel
len pass upon the work of Grager and
Wilcox for repairing said bridge; and
now comes said John Lewellen and re
port favorably on said Mork, and said
bill of Grager and Wilcox, listed aa No.
17, ordered paid amounting to 1122.50.
In the matter of the Butte Creek
bridge. This matter coming up on the
report of Commissioner T. B. Killin.
who reports favorably on laid work ;
appearing that paid bridge is a joint
bridge between Marion and Clackamas
counties, it is ordered that the bill of
said work amounting to $110 be paid,
and that the countv clerk preneiit a bill
to Marion county for one-half of said
In the matter of the Jones Mill road.
This matter coming up on the petition
with subscription of $75, it is ordered
that the county pay $50 for labor or
material on said road.
In the matter of the Pankey road.
Th' matter coining on, It is ordered that
the county pay $100 for labor or material
on said road on the citizens doing work
to the amount of $100, and that Super
visor Henry Johnson superintend said
In the matter of the Beaver Creek
and Viola road, it is ordered that the
county furnish 100 pounds of powder,
and the said work to be done with poll
tax by the supervisor.
In the matter of fences in the Heini
and Weismandle roads, it appearing to
the board there are fences within the
road limits of the Heinz and Weisman
dle roads, It is ordered that John Heini,
supervisor for district No. 25, remove
all fences from within the limits of the
said Heinz and Weismandle roads.
In the matter of fences in the Tenlue
road. This matter coming on and it
appearing to the board that there are
fences within the road limits of the Per
due road, it i therefore ordered that J.
E. Marquam, supervisor of district No.
a, remove an fences.
In the matter of the petition of W.
II. Young and others for :a county road
commencing at a stone in the center of
ihird street in Oregon City, Oregon,
where the west boundary line, of the
Oregon & California railroad intersects
said street ; thence easterly to the bluff;
thence southerly following said bluff as
near as practicable and ascending the
dame on the best and most priicticable
route to the southwest terminus of the
Center line of High street in Oregon
City, Oregon. This matter coining on
to be heard and it appearing to the
board of commisHioners that the said
proposed road lies wholly within the
limits of Oregon City, and it appearing
to the board that it has no jurisdiction
to establish a county road within the
limits of said city, it is ordered that
said petition be and the same is hereby
In the matter of tin reports of officers
for Februaiy. The officers having made
their reports, and the board having ex
amined their books and being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the same be in
all respects approved and accepted, and
reporta show collections as follows :
County clerk $2.r)8 00
Couney recorder 2Ii8 90
In the matter of bill No. 2(1, Justice
Court, district No. i, it appearing by er
ror in bill No. 20, be cashed and the
over plus amounting to $3 be paid to the
county treasurer. Said amount paid
March 13, 190lSee receipts on tile.
(Continued on page 4.
also on the bill of K. L. Morris, and it'C'ty
R. L. Holman. leading undertaker
two diKirs south of court l.o ise, Oregon