Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 15, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
ilaUni in Oregon OUypostofflcems 2Dd-clmmattnr
Paid In advance. ner year 1 50
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hree montha'lrlal 26
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per deole8 1 he time to which you hate paid.
If this uotloe is marked your subscription Is du.
mth WmVlv Oreonln 12 00
' Trl-Weeklv N. Y. World 1 85
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" Appeal to rUason I "
" Weekly Examiner 2 25
" Bryau ' Commoner 1 75
Standing business advert! leinenta: Pertnonth
Drof8stoiialcards,ltfi) pel year): 1 to 10 inches
50c per inoh, 12 inches for $5, 20 inches (column!
JS, 80 inches, $12.
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 inch
6(M, 2 inches 75c, 3 inches $1,4 Indies 91.25,6
Lentil advnrtiHcmeiits: Per inii llrst loser
lonjl, each additional insertion .4c. Aifllavits
ol publication will not be furnished until pub
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Local notices; Five cents per line per week
per montu mo,
OREGON CITY, MAR. 15, 1901.
Facts that cime to lilit after the sui
cide of a young Russian in London, give
some idea of the .iiisery involved in
aweat-sliop iahor. The unfortunate
youth was paid 37 cents a dozen for
"finishing" shoes, a process that com
prises nearly Inlf the work of making
the shoe.
Conohkbs has repealed war taxes
amounting to about $40,000,000 a year.
It will not be necessary to put internal
revenue stamps on checks, money orders
telegrams, receipts, promissory ' notes,
bills of lading, conveyances under (2500,
insurance policies, mortgages, proprie
tary medicines, and many other Ihings.
A committer of .indignant citizens
waited upon the returned legislator. "It
is reported that vou got money for your
vote in tlte senatorial fiyht," said the
chairman. "It is false !" . shouted the
returned legislator. ''Before leaving for
Washington the man I voted fir ordered
the bank not to honor the check." Ex.
; Tun London Tablet, organ of Roman
Cilholics in England, looks for a general
uvWal of the papal power in the British
iilands, as a fulfillment of the old
prophecy :
In three hundred years and more
tSixth Edward's mass shall be laid low.
When Heventu Edward he shall reign
Sixth Edward's massBhall be said again.
Dk all the mean tricxs played upon a
cjnflding people, the one played by the
British government on the kind Ameri
can friends who subscribed for the Brit
ish war is the worst. No sooner does
Great Brilain get the American dollars
for British bonr's than Great Britain
turns around and exacts an income tax
from the holders and takes it out of the
interest. Ex.
Accormnu toM. Berthelot, the French
scientist, in this century "the day will
come when eyeiybody wi'l cany his
little gaseous tablet, his little ball of
fatty matter, his little bit of sugar, his
little bottle of aromatic spice, according
to his personal taBte; all these things
produce,! more economically and in in
exhaustible quantities by our cheinlc.il
manufactories, independently of seasons,
of rain or drought, of heat, whiih dries
up plants, or cold, which' blights fruit;
all free from the microbes which c.tnse
epidemics and ars the enemies of life."
Tins Spooner ainendmont to the army
appropriation bill conferring imperial
powtrs on the president reads: "All
military, civil and judicial powers neces
sary to govern the Philippines, ni'nuired
from Spain by the treaties concluded at
Paris on the 10th day of December, ISiKS,
am! at Washington on the 7th day of
November, U'OO, shall, until otherwise
provided by congress, be vested in eucli
manner as the president of the United
SUtes shall direct for the establishment
of civil government and for maintaining
and protecting the inhabitants of Baid
islands in the free etijoymont of their
liberty, property and religion."
Wiikn the half-Btarved women and
children strikers at Scranton, Pennsyl
vania, banded one of the factory lords a
wage scale he scornfully threw the paper
back to them and said : "Go curl your
hair with it." Once an Infamous French
monarcH told a committee that made a
idea for bread, to "eat grasj." The
workers of France, like the workers of
lVtiiisvlvania. had been betrayed lor
many years by politicians, and then
came the Hood, t'apital is dally becom
ing more arrogant; the class struggle Is
now so plain that even children see it,
but still workiugmou continue to be the
playthings of capitalism's politicians.
Let them pile on their insults. tlevo
land Citizen.
Yoi'Nfl John Rockefeller lectured to a
lot of Y . M. 0. A. chappiei in New York
on the subject, "How to Got On in the
World." Instead of beating around the
bush, young John could have condensed
Ids harangue by saying, "got on thn
Wks of the working men." This re-
minds us that the young man's sister
was recently asked by a reporter in
Vietiiil whether 6he was happy with
her great wealth, and she renlied that
"the poor people are happier than the
rich people because the poor know
nothing of the burdens, cares and re
sponsibilities that wealth tarries with
it." Why don't she give away her
wealth and be happy?" Ex.
Tiik elder Pitt, in the Parliament of
England, said of the policy of George (he
Iil toward the American Colonies, "I
rejoice that America has resisted.
If I were an American as I am an
Englishman and yon invaded my country
by force, I would never cease to fight
you, never, never!" Oh, for some Pitt
to say in the bearing of McKinley and
his Tory backers: "If 1 were a Filipino
as I am an American, and you invaded
my country by force, I would never
cease to fight you, ..o, npver, never I"
Let us all remember the great truth that
"Our reliance is in the love of liberty
which God has planted in us. Our de
fense is in the spirit which liberty prizes
as the heiitnge of all men of all lands
everywhere. Those who deny freedom
to oiherB deserve it not for themselves,
and under a just God can not long main
tain it."
Tim democratic senators who aban
doned their opposition to the Philippine
and Cuban amendments on the under
standing that they were to be liberally
dealt with in the distribution of pork
under the River and Harbor and other
appropriation bills, have mostly been
The last straw that broke the camel's
back was an item for building four reser
voirs lOmewbere out in the Western des
ert, under pretense of "irrigating arid
lands." Two senators, from Wyoming
and Nevada insisted on reservoirs for
their "arid lands" as a set-off to the ap
propriations asked for by the Bait-water
statesmen. And while the conferrees
were hopelessly disagreeing on this
plainly unjustifiable item, Carter, of
Montana, under instructions of Presi
dent McKinley, talked the whole bill to
death. The Charles, on and Buffalo Ex
position appropriations were also lost.
The democratic senators who bartered
principle for pork were thus cheated in
the end and served them right. Mc
Kinley first used them as tools, and I hen
in contempt dropped them and the steals
hidden in the river and harbor bill,
Noah WebBter defines socialism as;
A theory of society that advocites a
more precise, ordeily and, harmonious
arrangement of the social- relations of
mankind than that which lias hitherto
The Standard dictionary says that
socialism is:
A theory of policy that aims to secure
the reconstruction of society, increase
of wealth, and a more equal distribution
of the products of labor through the
public collective ownership f labor and
capital (as distinguished from property)
and the public collective management of
all industries. Its motto is "Everyone
according to Ills deeds."
The Century dictionary gives this def
inition :
Any theory or system of local organi
zation which would abolish entirely, or
in a great part, the individual effort and
competilioii on which modern society
rests, and substitute co-operation, would
introduce a more perfect and equal dis
tribution of the products of labor, and
would make land and capital, as the in
struments of pioduction, the joint pos
session of the community.
Worcester's dictionary Bays plainly
that socialism is :
A science of reconstructing society on
entirely new basis, by substituting the
principle of association for that of com
petition in every branch of human in
dustry. Then the Christian people of this
country will be pleased to know that so
cialism and Christianity are one and the
same. The Encyclopedia Brittannica
The ethics of socialism are identical
with the ethics of Christianity.
It Is interesting to speculate on what
the annual expenditures of the leading
civilized nations will be at the end or
even at the middle ol the present cen
tury if they keep on increasing at the
pace set by the nineteenth.
Great Britain's Imperial Government
is now spending money, not including
Boer war expenses, at the rate of over
$500,000,000 a year. That is an increase
of 400 per cent, for the last century and
of 81 per cent, since 1871.
France under the great Napoleon and
when he was carrying on his stupendous
wars was spending a total of $225,000,000
a year. For li)J0 her expenditures, ia a
time of peace, were almost four times as
great. Her population has increased
less than 30 percent, since 1S15, while
her annual budget has increased 400 per
The German Empire, created only
thirty-one years ago, lias nearly trebled
the total of its annual expenditures in
that short time. In 1900 they footed
up nearly $400,000,003.
Russia's ordinary expenditures have
risen from a little over $200,000,000 in
1877 to $700,000,000 in 1900, and this
takes no account of the $1,000,000,000
added to her vast r.dlroad debt within
the last four years.
Nor is the United States behind.
Since President Buchanan's time oui
yearly national expenditures have in
creased from lees than $70,0000,000 to
over $500,000,000. That is to say, they
have been multiplied seven times,
while our population has been multi
plied two and a half times.
This enormous increase in the yearly
disbursements of all the leading govern
ments of the world mostly represents in
European budgets, and very largely in
our own, money spent in war and in
preparations for war. And all war is
Board of Commissioners.
(Continued from page 1.)
In the matter of the petition of J. C.
Smith for a road. This matter coming
on to be heard upon the report of view
ers of damao.es, George 0. Browned ap
pearing as attorney for the petitioners,
and the petitioners for damages appear
ing in person and by H. E. Cross, their
attorney, and the matter having been
argued and the court not being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the same be
taken under consideration until the fol
lowing day. t
In the matter of the reports of road
supervisors for month of Feb., 1901, the
board having examined said reports and
being fully advised, it iB' ordered that
the expense accounts of the several dis
tricts are hereby allowed and ordered
paid, and the clerk is instructed to draw
warrants on the road fund and on the
general fund for the several amounts
and in favor of the following named per
sons: Road district No. 1
J H Meyer, general fund $31 25
Henry Stuckey, road fund 9 0')
John Harrington 3 00
Loren Kerr . 4 50
John Stuekey 3 00
Charles Counsell 3 00
Total '....$59 75
Road district No. 2
J H Meyer, general fund $21 0
George Hunter 6 00
Total $27 00
Road district No. 3
M W Gardner, general fund .....$ 3 85
Warren Green well 75
F.M Osburn 75
J Dunlap .' 1 50
A W Cooke 6 00
Total $59 75
Road district No. 4
J E Burnett, road fund $19 00
11 Wilbern, general fund 10 50
Total ,......$27 50
Road district No. 7 '
E S Bramhall, gen fund $10 07
William Calvin 2 80
James Fegles 2 00
Total . $20 57
Uoad district No. 8-r-
OP Ware, road fund $4 00
F E Shatmle 4 00
W S Fegles 1 25
Total $5 25
Road district No. 11
W A Holmes, gen fund $ 25
Stella Hackett 2 40
J E Smith, road fund 18 00
W 11 Smith 1 50
Total $22 15
Road district No. 16
Mike Bowers, toad fund $ 3 00
TWBIanchard '. . 3 00
Charles Bauman 3 00
Frank Briggs 1 50
Mike Huiras 4 50
J F Briggs 4 Oil
Total. $19 00
Road district No. 18
Cumins & Co, gen fund $ G 97
Frank Shannon, road fund 1 50
Jacob GrosBiuueler 1 50
Frank Grossmueler 1 50
Philip Massinger 75
Thomas Daniels' 0 00
Frank Meuler , 50
Total $18 72
Ro id district No. 19
John Evis, road fund 75
James Mallatt 1 50
J J Mallatt 4 50
Total.. $6 75
Road district No. 20
E W llammett, road fund $1 00
Ole llanso i 75
Fred Bow. m 7o
Carl Stromgreu 1 Oil
J AStromgren 3 00
Road district No. 2J
L Rusland, gen fund ,
11 Johnson
John Gabler, team
1) B Yoder
F Fish
K h Yoder
.$6 50
1 50
2 02
12 50
1 50
3 00
1 50
1 50
2 25
2 02
George Brockart ,
H Kummer
J A Beede
George Beede
Christ Beck 2 25
JPBigelow 16 37
Emil Montandon 19 00
J L Yoder 51 0t
Total $120 52
Road district No. 25
Chris Nofsinger, road fund $ 3 00
Moses Berkholder 3 25
L Briggs 4 00
Joseph Roth ' 3 0,1
Henry Getler '6 50
John Mrlni O w
Will Getler 4 50
John Dworschok 4 00
Peter Kester , 4 50
William Uetler 2 00
Total $10 75
Road district No. 28
II Wilson, road fund $ 3 00
W Sandstrom 3 00
CL Bvron 3 00
B F Boy lea 4 00
Total $13 00
"Road district No. 26
John Rhodes, gen iund $ 7 50
Levi Stehman 15 00
L H Barnes 10 S5
S Wright .. 6 75
John Akin 6 00
M Trullinger 1 60
Vick& Zweifel 11 73
W H Engle 21 00
Total $85 43
Road district No. 35
E E Van Fleet, road find $ 1 50
C Cottee 6 75
C Hudson 11 62
P P Heia... 9 00
L Hougham 7 87
J McDonald 3 00
T Dunn 3 19
P Dunn ... 3 75
Dan Herlabe 3 19
A P Hougham .... 2 25
0 Andrews 2 25
8 Andrews v 1 12
T A Shetterly...?.. 1 12
Fred Wagner 12 00
Total $68 61
Road district No. 34
Wilson & Cooke, gen fund $ 5 75
Story Bros... 29 25
JiimeB Ki-er, load fund .. 19 80
Tom Smith 32 40
Joe Shobe 25 50
Kd Batdoif ..; ' 10 00
Ed Batdorf 42 70
Ben. Breeding 25 05
V T Breeding 25 80
A B Reed 26 25
Total $208 00
It was ordered that Maple Brothers be
paid $40 out of I he O.ackamas county bi
cycle path fund for repairing cattle
guards and rebuilding three bridges on
the Oregon City-Gladstone bicycle pith.
(Continued next wet k )
Money, to loan at lowest rates. C. tJ.
The finest bon bon boxes in town al
the K.K..L
Kuerten's Boston bread, five cents a
loaf; all eastern flour.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
If you want good wood from large yel
low fir timber, order of C. E.Stewart,
Uarus, or 15. H. Cooper, Oregon City.
For Sale Cheap Good house of seven
rooms; 2 lots; barn, fruit, eic. At
Elyville. t-ee the owner, Adam Haas,
who lives on place.
To Loan on Farm Property $500,
$1000, $1500, at 7 per cent, one, two or
three years. Diraick & Eastham, law
yers, Oregon City Oregon.
Fcr Sale 75 acres of limber land 1
mile from Oregon City. Price $75 per
acre. Will take partly in exchange
some desirable fanning land. Address
W.m. Beard, Ely, Or.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
square meal, with pudding and pie, 15c.
Stock for sale in the American Mines
Development Company of Minneapolis,
Minn., by O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
When you want a good square meal
go to the ir'runswiek restaurant, oppo
site suspension bridge, L. Ruconich,
proprietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked; ubi like you get at
home. Thin is the onlv Brut-class res
taurant in Oregon City and where you
can et a good meal for the price of a
po.r one el wnei'e.
is all right, if you are too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over
work and under-digestion.
Stop over-work, if you can;
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't live
on it true but, by it, you
can. There's a limit, however;
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't cat," unless it comes of
your doing no workyou can't
long be well and strong, without
some sort of activity.
The cenuine has -
una piuiuio imi ii,
take no other.
If you have not
tried it, send for
iroo sampie, ii-o a- wen
greeable taste will Igr
surprise yuu,
crrS-r-r a RfiuMr rH
409 Pearl Street,
New York.
50c. and $1.00; all druggists.
This space
J. M. PRICE, Clothier
Successor to
Fifth and M
But the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
rS! ft
You Can'
Depend Upon
Patent Flour, made from ld wheat. It
makes the best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Figuring Mills at Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
Lenten Season begins Feb. 20th and ends April 6th.
Salt Fish, Smoked Fish, Dried Fish
Codfish from New England
Codfish from Alaska
Salmon from Columbia River
Salmon from Alaska
Salmon Bellies
Sardines, Findon Haddocks, Soused Mackerel, Etc., in tins
Large Assortment to select from.. Prices right. '
A. ROBERTSON, The 7th Street Grocer
II. Bethke's Meat Market
Opposite Huntley's
First-Glass lyfeats of $11 iids
Satistaction Guaranteed
(5ive IirQ a Sail agd be Treated Iigbt
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
- above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end foor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing: the eves.
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our
optical department.
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
393 Horrlson Street,
Everybody else
Fine Angel
I Wine and 5
Gold Cakes )
Joseph Kuerten's
Bakery and Confectionery
Has the best of everything. All my Bread is like
home-made; baked from best and strongest flour and no
wind in it. Every day all kinds of Confectionery fresh and
made out of the best materials.
The best
r. u. box aoy.
Cream Puffs
Lad fingers
reserved for
Price Bros.
Brown & Welch
Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building ,
Mackerel from Norway
Mackerel from New England
Herring from Alaska
Spiced Anchovies from Norway
Bloaters "Crcmarty" Smoked
All kinds of
Cakes, Jelly
will know, that
mm m -
Teiennone 394 $ Fresh
CITY. OREGON cookiesVnd
t vonee Loafs