Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 15, 1901, Image 1

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18th YEAR, NO. 43
-Grebe,- 'fflarder .& Co
12, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
llegular March Term of the
Cou nty Board.
I S.N V. IS t I 1 V. jT
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages,
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers,' Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows
Pumos Harness, Bicycles, Etc. .'
Main Store and Warehouse, No. 140, 146 Sixth Street North,
Morton, John Lewellen and T.
Killin. Commissioners.
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Beit remembered, That at a regular
term of the Board of County Commis
sioners for the county of Clackamac,
State of Oregon, and held at the court
house in said county and state on Wed
nesday, the 6th day of March, 1901 ; the
same being the regular time fixed by law
for the transaction of county business,
when -were present: J. R. Morton,
John Lewellen, T B Killin, commission
ers; E. H. Cooper, clerk, ana J. J.
Cooke, sheriff. The following proceed
ings were hud to-wit:
The following claims were allowed :
Eli Williams, assessor' account. $100 00
John G Porter 73 50
Loyd Williams 50 00
0 M Raoaby 46 00
M Justin, court house 5 00
Good Samaritan Hosnital.pauper 26 00
M C Strickland, coroner
10 40
37 50
1 40
1 80
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles.
... : , Oregon city
Oor. Fourth and Main Sts.
C W Noblitt, coroner's ac
H H Cohen
John W Loder 6 80
A O Snyder 1 40
F O Seaton 1 80
J P May 1 40
GEOglesby 2 65
FOglesby 190
Al Beer 1 70
J S Cochran i 1 90
Retta Pierce, clerk's ac 38 00
W A Holmes, pauper ac 2 00
Pacific State Tel & Tel Co, pau. . 6 65
Red Front Trading Co, pau.... 3 75
M E Xandle. J P court 3 00
David Miller 2 00
William Buckner 2 0.0
Aniv Kellv. recorder ac 18 00
T P 'Randall, " " 674 40
Oreiron Citv Courier-Herald, print 19 50
Mrs 51 N Paeon, clerk 27 00
E A Sommer, insane ac 5 00
WECarll 5 00
Grazer & Wilcox, bridge.
T J Jonsrud, J P court 3 00
LG Carlson 2 00
Gilbert Jonsrud .. 2 00
Co commissioners, court house. . 15 00
Ina M Chase, clerk ao 45 00
J J Cooke, sheriff ac f... 28 57
It A Webster, J P court.... .;. 7 00
John W Robinson 2'00
O A Genjjolbach 2 00
John Baker 5 50
J W Mc Anulty. v.;....' 10 80
H S Moody , ...
Al Lewis
Geoige Gadke. . 1. . ..y. . .
Louis Hunter:'.,".'.', '
Eddie Hunter '
Jess Faubian
Ed Rauch
Peerless Plows
Steel and Chilled
Dowagiac Drills
- Hoe and iJisc
Sickle Grinders
Road Carts
Mou tain Hacks and
S ring Wiig?n
fc...!.tl A .V ' II..' ,
Buffalo Pitts,
Harrows and Cultivators,
Owe Uau.' 1vance" Fanning
12 9U S
vl .80-8
r-fVrr'-''! 90 S
190 a
6 00
i oo r
Hay Presses,
Horse Power and Steam
Feed and Root Cutters
Bone and Cider Mills,
Refurnishing .Time
Carl Butts.... v 1 J!
W J Rauch l u
W Mc Anulty a
ChasE Burns 26 00
M Turner...... '
EW Story... 2 70
E S Amis 2 70
Louis Maynard ,.. u
W M.iAnultv it 4U
H S Moody 10 60
Rhoda Bagby 170
Hiram Cosper i 7U
Kmitii Moore 1 '0
Purl Moore no
Leonard Runyan l u
Fannv Thornton 170
T.n! Green 1 70
Mary Lewis.........' 1 70
Dora rnornion
L W Ingram. 1 70
And now for clean, new Lace
Curtains, Portieres, Carpets, Rugs,
Matting, Etc.
The season is almost here when
you'll need them.
It will pay you to do your buy
ing early. We are making some
famous reductions now, and are
showing our very best designs.
Lace Curtains, latest design, ioc
and 15c per yard.
Write"i:or Catalogue and Prices. CALL ON ME BEFORE BUYIMG.
Rands, county surveyor, he being ap
pointed by the board to survey said
road before proceeding to view and lo
cate said road and report in writing at
the next regular term of this board.
In the matter of the petition of B.
Sullivan, et al. In the matter of the re
petition bled by B. Sullivan and snore
with the above order of county com
missioners. , I
J. J. Cooke,
Sheriff of Clackamas County.
By J. E. Jack, deputy.
In the matter of the petition of J. W.
Roots, et al, for a county road. In the
matter of the petition filed by J. W.
than twelve householders of the county j Koot aun1 thn twelve house hold
J Porter 1 7U
Martin 1
P.H Ratdorf 1 70
Ralph Miller 1 70
Miles itowan "
J W McAnulty zu
H S Moody t 2"
J W M Anulty 3 zu
II S Moody. ,
V R Raker, court hou e ac... 4 10
Peter Nehren ,.. 9 15
fl a H,intlev 65
Bradley Stables, surveyor...... 2100
road ana oriage. a uu
J J Gorbett, pauper 4 50
W H Young, " 5 50
J J Cooke, ch 100
E P Rands, surveyor w
,1 J Cooke, sheriff ac 6 00
Portland Wire & Iron Works, c h 22 00
Ina M Chase, sheriff ac 3 00
F I Dunbar, certification 6 00
Enterprise, btationery 28 00
" countv printing 19 50
W A Huntley.Bta'tionety 27 85
In the matter of the petition of II
Kleinsmith, et al, for a county road. In
the matter of the petition filed by H.
Kleiiremith and more than 12 house
holders of the county being in the vicin
ity of the road described in the petition
and praying viewers to be appointed to
view and locate a county road in Clacka
mas county, Oregon, described in full an
follows : Beginning at a stake marked
"K" in the New Sweden and Buckner
road 14.50 chains north and 20 chain
east of the section corner between
auctions 17 and 18, township 4 south,
rani.'e3east, Willamette Meridian, and
running thence along the following de
scribed route or as near thereto as shall
be found practicable in order to secure a
suitable irade North 20 degrees,
west 7.80 cliains: thence north 20 de
crees, east 5.75 chains to an intersection
with the above-named road ; also to va
cate all that portion of the present road
between the 'beginning and ti-rminus of
the above described rouie, said petitioner
filed bin atlidavit of notice posted re
specting said road Knowing that there
had been posted, one on the court house
bulletin board, and three in three of the
moat public place4 in vicinity of the
proposed road more than 30 days prior
to the presentation of this petition. He
also filed a bond for f 100 conditioned ac
cording to law. The board being fully
advised, it is ordered that Thomas Duffy.
E. W. Hornschuch and M. Holland be
and are hereby appointed viewers to
meet at the beginning onl the day of
March, 1901, and ubf cribe to a written
oath of otflce, administered by E. P,
living in the vicinity of the road de
scribed In the petition, and praying
viewers to be appointed to view and lo
cate a county road in Clackamas county,
Uregon, described in lull as loiiows r
Beginning at a stake marked "R A" in
the center of the New Sweden and buck
ner, or the Shibley road ; thence east by
northeast around the hill to a stone
marked "X" in the middle of said road
in length about 1000 feet more or less, so
aa to obtain a good grade and of the same
width as the present road and to vacate
that portion of the old road supplied by
the new. The stake marked "R A"
mentioned in this petition ia set in the
road 18 chains east of the sorner of sec
tions 17, 16, 20 and 21, and 22 chains
west of the quarter stake of sections 16
and 21, of towhship 4 south of range 3
east, Willamette Meridian, said peti
tioner filing his affidavit of notice posted
respecting said road showing that there
had be-n posted: one on the court house
bulletin board and three in three of the
most public places in the vicinity of the
proposed road more than 30 days prior
to the presentation of this petition. He
also filed a bond for 100 conditioned ac
cording to law. The board being fully
advised, it is ordered that Thomas
Duffy, K. V. JIornBchuch and M. Hol
land be and are hereby appointed view
ers to meet at the plane of beginning
on the 18th dayof March, 11)01 , and sub
scribe to ft written oath of office admin
itered by E. P. Rands,;county surveyor,
he being appointed by the board to sur
vey said road before proceeding to view
and locate said road and report in writ
ing at the next regukr term of this
In the matter of delinquent taxes.
This matter comiug on before the com
missioners of Clackamas county upon
petition of Henry C. Cabell for the pay
ment of the following taxes: l?e it or
dered that the sheriff accept $:J0 in pay
ment of sai'l taxes and issue the proper
receipt therefor, ami satisfy the same
uMn the records, which Uxes are ai
1885: Z"ller Bros, si of' nc'i
sec 27, 1 s, r 2 e ? 0 54
18-Hfj : J I. Coleman, tract lie M
sec 'SI. 1 s, r 2 e.... 7 10
1887: Van 15 Del.ashmiitt, s'j, ot
i.e,1, ( 27, 2 s, r2e 12 81
Assessment of mortgages
IS!: , lielashmute & Oatnuui,
mortgage record, volume Al.page
55 13 64
1884: DeLiishinutt & Oatman,
ni(,rtL':iL' record. Volume M.
page 55, satisfied on record . . , . 1 1 10
1890: Edward N, Zeller, mortgage
record, volume U, page 110,.., 70 54
1892: J I). Coleman, mortgage rec
ord volume U, page 148 0'J 00
Oregon City, Ore.. March 0, 1901.
Received ot Henry C. Cabell by L.
E. Latourette the sum of $30 in full
payment of ttie above taxes In accordance
ers of the county being in the vicinity of
the road described in the petition and
praying qiewers to be appointed to view
and locate a county road in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described in full as fol
lows: Commencing at a point in center
of Oregon City, Milwaukie and Wise
road, where siid road crosses the south
I line of the Lynes Wadsworth D. L. C. :
running thenca east on the said south
line of the Lynes Wadsworth D. L. 0, to
the southeast corner of the said claim ;
thence easterly on the line between A.
Knotz and A. E. Deakins land to the
northeast comer of A. Knotz laud;
thence south 65 degrees, 45 minutes east
to within 20 feet of the east line of A.
E. Deakins land ; thence northerly par
allel to the east line of Deakins laud lo
the point within 20 feet of the northeast
corner of Harknell's land ; thence east-'
erly on line between Harknell's and
Holcomb's land to the center of Oregon
City and Clackamas road. The above"
described road petitioned for is 40 fust
wide; said petitioners filed his affidavit
of notice posted respecting said road
showing that there had been posted, one
on the court house bulletin board and
three in three of the most public places
in viciniiy 01 1110 proposed road more
than thirty day prior to the presenta
tion of this petition. He also tilt d a
bond for one hundred dollars condi
tinned according to law. The board be
nig fully advised, it is ordered that John,
Paddock, Fred Oapps and William
Lcwthwaite be and are hereby appointed
viewers to meet at the place of begin
ning of the proposed road on the day
of March, 1901, and subscribe to a writ
ten oath of office administered by E. P.
Rands, county surveyor, he being ap
pointed by the board to survey said
road, before proceeding to view and lo
cate said road and report in writing at
the next regular term of this board.
In the matter of John Jones as a
caunty pauper. This iuaUer comiug on
to be heard and the court inquiring,
Hitdit ihut Mra. K. 11. DavU will keep
the said Jones for less per month tliau
any other party to-wit for $14 pw
month. Therefore it is ordered tha
the care and keeping of John Jonea he
let to Mrs. R. Davis from and after this
date at the mtu of ,fU pui month, mid
that the sheriff ex--cutH this' order by
removing sai'l John Jones from the rim
deuce of 1). W Thomat and placing him
in the care ami custody of Mrs. li.K. 1
In the matter of J iio Oair, a county
charge. This mailer comiug onto be
heard, and th t court being fullv ad
vised, it is order-xl ilmt Alice Carr be
allowed hx dollnM per month from aud
alter March lat, l'Jill, for caro and keep
ing of Jane Oair, now a county chnro.
(Continued on page 4.)
U. L. Holuian, leading undertaker
two doors south of court home, Oregon