Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Southern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave Oregon City for Portland at 7:00 an
9;22a,m., and C;30 r. M.
Ar Ashland 12:31 A.. 11:30 a.m,
" Sacramento 6:00 P, M 4:35 a.m.
" ' San Francisco 7:4f p.m. 8:15 p.m.
' Ogden 6:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m.
" Denver' 9:00 A.M. 8:00 A.Ji.
" Kiinsus City 7:52 A M, 7:25 A.M.
" Chicago 7:45 A, M. 9:30 a. m.
" los Angeles 1:20 p.m. 7:00 a.m.
" Kl Paso 6:00 p.m. 0:00 p.m.
" Fort, Worth 6:30 A.Mr 6:30 a.m.
" CTtyof Mexico 9:55 a.m. 9:55a.m.
" Houston 4:00b.m. 4:00 a.m.
" New Orleans 5:25 p.m. 6:25 p. v,
" Washington 6:42 a.m. 6:42 a.m.
" New York 12:43 p.m. 12:43 p.m.
Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains.
and Union Pacific
Ocean Steamships
8 p. m.
All Sailing Dates subjeot
to change.
For San Francisco Sail
, every 5 days.
Chair cars, Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso:
and tourist cars to Chicago, St, Louis, New
Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with Beveral
Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, Chiua,
Philippines, Central and Souih America.
See E. L. Hoopknqakheb, agent at Oregon
City station, or addreBB
C. H. MARKHAM, Q. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
"Best of Everything"
In a word this tells of the pass
enger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
Tlie Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
Ex. 8uuday
p. ni.
10 p. m.
Ex. Sunday
Columbia River
To Astoria .and
willamttte River.
Orecmn City. Newbe;e.
Salem, Independence
and way-landings.
7 a. ml
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
Willamette and Yam
hill Rivers.
Oregon City, Dayton
ana way-landings.
8 a. m.
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
' Leave
8:40 a. m.
Willamette River
Portland to Corvallis
and way-laudings.
4 p. m.
4 p. m.
Ex . Sunda
4.80 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
8:30 p. m.
Mo., Wed.
and Fri.
4:80 p. m.
Hon., Wed
and Fri.
Snake River
Rlparla to Lewiston.
8:30 a.m.
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
a Portland, Oregon
can be named in the single word dys
pepsia. It is the one disease, which more
than anvother.affects ipt.
the American people. I r - vjjja
It is common to aliP '
classes ana an conui
tions. It makes life
miserable. It mars
family happiness. It
interferes with busi
ness and pleasure
alike, and it discounts
a man's usefulness
just as much as it
discounts his happi
ness. There's a remedy
for dyspepsia. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery has
lifted this burden
from the bodies of
hundreds of thou
sands. It cures
ninety-eight out of
every hundred who
give it a fair and
faithful trial.
"I used ten bottles of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery and several
viaU of his 'Pleasant
Pellets' a year ago this
spring, and have had no
trouble with indigestion
since," writes Mr. W. T.
Thompson, of Town
send. Broadwater Co-
Montana. "Words fail to tell how thankful I
am for the relief, as I had suffered so much and
it seemed that the doctors could do me no good.
I got down in weight to 115 pounds, and was not
able to work at all. Now I weigh nearly 160
and can do a day's work on the farm. I have
recommended your medicine to several, and
shall always have a good word to say for Dr.
Pierce and his medicines."
Free. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser
is sent free on receipt of stamps to
pay expense of mailing only. It con
tains 1008 pages and over 700 illustra
tions. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book- in paper covers, or 31 stamps for
cloth binding o Dr. R.-V. Pierce.
Buffalo, N. Y.
In Dimilan
I 1
At Louisville, Ky., Tommy Ryan woe-.
a gory 17-roumi fistic content over Toin--niy
By an over a helming majority
'aaaOSQ&X of London 'have adopted'
j measure that the citv own
farm la-
Friday, March 1.
France has 2,700,000 women
borets. - ' .
It is claimed that the row between
J. P. Morgan and the seven great steel
concerns that were fighting him has
been settled and the steel
is completed. Morgan's commission is
over $7,000,000 and the salary of Schwab,
its water-'
The Berlin Vorvyaerts says Eu-eia has .works. London already owns its Hji&fcr
omainea wnatsue warns irom umna 11
and it is too late now for the other now-! eminent the
' era to kick.-
Dr. Von Siemens, a rich, a.'mnent Ber
iner, lias predicted in a public address
combine j that unless new commercial treaties are
constituted, Germany will enter upon a
ueiiod of unparalleled distress and 7,-
as the steel trust's manager, is fixed at 000,000 10 10,000 000 will emigrate.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor
Clackamas County.
In the. Matter of the Estate of
Lenora Ross, Decer.sod.
Notice iB hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed administratrix of the above
entitled estate by the above eull'led Court, and
Fit st class stamos
gallery, 10 for 25c.
for two heads.
at Cheney's art
No extra charge
The Badger State Express, the finest day Las on the 27th day of February, loot, duly
train running between cnicago via. qualiliod as such. Creditors of the said estate
the fchorl .Line. are hereby notified to present their claims duly
Connections from the west made via verified to the undersigned by leaving the mime
The Northern 1 aClDC, I WHIl J. J. vjuukb, Miuri" a umi, wurt uuuJiu, uif
Great Northern, 8011 u"yi Oregon, wunia six mouuis lium iuu
and Canadian l'acmc Kys. date uereot.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Go to Cheney's and get small photos;
retouched and finished on platinum ; 16
for 1 5c.
This is also one of the best lines between
iw.u Sr.. Paul and Minneapolis
All (rfints sell tickets via "The North-
. ' western Line."
G. A. T. A.
248 Alder St., Portland, Oregon.
Farm for Sale.
19 miles south of Oregon City, 3 miles smith of
Molnlla. Knownas me leasei
lug 310 acres, 140 acres; clear plow land; 40 aores
tn CieoK DOUOII1 1UO tn.ii.-D, ' ' T
-1 1 iii ,.,oii wotorprt and fenced with stake
. ' f .mi ,irjin,.rl with stone and tile
a i...Atnna an riiria from school
I.,.., 'nr. rods from church; good locationfor
taking stock to mountains Price JC000, S10O0
down, balanoe to suit at 8 per cem iiirere...
For further particulars apply on farm to
A. J. Sawteli,
Lenora Boss, Deceased.
Dated February 27th, 1801.
The Dewey Washer,
The Dewey washer does away entirely
with the washboard and can be easily
nerated while sitting down. In three
minutes the machine will waBh a tub
ull of clothes. I guarantee the Dewey
washer will do all Iclaim. Orders by
mail will receive prompt attenton., Ad-
dress me at Oregon Oily.
VV. H. Stoneiiackeb,
Agent for Clackamas county.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
tho County of Clackamas. 1
Ellen A, Furnham, 1
Plaiutiu. I " .
Willis J. Farnham, J
Defendant, J
To Willis J. Farnham, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required U) appear and answer to the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 29th dav of March, 1901, that be
ing the time prescribed in the order for publica
tion of this summons-the date of the first publi
cation of this summons being on the 15th day Of
February, 1901: and if you fail to so appear and
answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the said
court forAhe relief prayed for in the complaint!
to-wit, a Judgment against you and a deoree dis-
Estate of Geo. W. Lee, deceased.
Notion is hereby given by the undersigned, R
T.. Uln no. executor of the estate or said George W,
W deceased, to the creditors of and all persons solving the marriage contract now existing be
having claims against the estate of said George tween you and the plaintiff, and for the custody
W. Lee, deceased, and againBl tne saio ueorge it . ana control 01 me iwo cmiuren, ua ior utu
Ti to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, other relief prayed for in the complaint herein.
within six months after the first publication This summons Is published by order of the
nf this notice, to me. the said executor, at the of- Hon. T. F. Kyan, Judge of the Connty Court of
flcn of mv attorneys, U'Ben 4 3chuebel,ln the the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, dated
Entenrise building, at Oregon City, tn Clacka- and entered on the 14th day of February 1901,
mas countyOregon. First publication 01 mi. uu-
tlce, Friday, February 22, 1901.
R. L. RINGO, Executor,
TJ'ben A Eohvjibkl. Attorneys.
Attorney for Plaintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
W. F. Hubbard, plaintiff,
Mary M. Hubbard, defendant.
To Nary M. Hubbard, said defendant.
Tn the name of the State of Oregou, you are
I,. renulred to appear aJd answer the coin-
fl.rt ,.lnKt vou in tho above entitled suit
on or t t fore the 15th day of April, 1901, and if you
f nil n to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to tho above "entitled Court for a decree
,,,!, ,;uKr,lvinit the bonds of matrimony now
-istirr-hwecn the plaintiff and defendant, and
tar H-h other relief as hall seem meetand proper.
m.e c.mmons is ordered published In 'he Ore-
. r-rior.Iii.mlii for the period of six
weeV s from date of first publication thereof, such
ni,.r Wine made by the Hon. Thos. F. Kyan
T.,ri,w,f the County Court of the State of Oregon
for tin; County of Clackamas, on the S7th day of
Felmiary, 1001-
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication March Ut, lWH.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Claokamas,
Matt Olson,
Bertha Olson,
To Bertha Olson, defendant;
TNthe:namo of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and. answer the
oomplaint filed against yon in the above en
titled suit on or before the 20th day of,March,1901,
and if you full to appear and answer said com
plaint, the plaintiff, will apply to th
court for the relief therein prayed for,
to-wit: a decree of divorce from the bonds
niBtrimony now existing , between you and
the plaintiff.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Th'.mis F. Ryan, County Judge of s.ud county,
made and entered the loth day of January, 1901,
andtlr! date of the first publication is Friday,
January li.ilh, WOf, and the kaid publication Is to
run six consecutive weeks from the snW dote.
Attorney for rininttn.
Dated at Oregon City, January 25th, 190J.
I would cough nearly all night Ion?,"
writes Mrs. Clias. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
leep. 1 had consumption so bad tuat
f I walked a block I would cough fright
ullv aud spit blood, but, when all other
medicines failed, three $). 00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Discoveiy wholly cured
me and I gained 58 pounds." It s abso
lutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds,
La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat
and Lung Troubles. Prices 50c and $1.00
Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's
drug store.
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Uuinine ieti
the remedy that cure a cold In ne day
Please Settle.
All Dersons knowing themselves in
debted to the undersigned, will please
call and settle at once, as I do not de
sire to make any trouble in the matter.
Friday, March 8
First representation in Oregon
City of the magnificent scenic
Angel of the Alley
The Greatest: Melodrama ever
offered for ihe public entertainment.
Kotice is hereby civen that I have been, i.y
order of the Connty Court of Clackamas Co., Ore.
j..... lnt..d administrator of tho Estate of
""-" "i : . . ..i v....
, aeceascu. an a""
said estate are notitiea 10
verified tome at the office of
If. E. Cross, atOrcK"" niy.
within six month. fMiu the daw r tut. no.iu-.
Administrator of the Estate of
William l. Dedfiird, di-ceascd.
H. E. tKO, '
Attorney fur Es'.a'.c.
WJlliam'P. Bedlord, i
Ini claims asaint
present them duly
my attorney.
- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. -Tcutor
of the last Will and Testament of Seba
Norton, deceased, has filed In the County Court of
Clackamas County, State o! Oregon, his final ac
count a. such Executor of said Estate, and that
Monday the 1st day of April, 1S01, at the hour of
10 o'clock, a. m.. has been fixed bv th. Judge of
aaid Coort, a. the time for hearing of said ob
jections to said report and Ui. settlement thereof.
Executor of the last Will and Testament
of Seba Norton. Deceased.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon to
the county of Clackamas.
H. A. Vori ahl 1
W. F.Vort'Ntil, f
To W. F. Vorpahl," defi-ndaut above named.
Tn the name of the State of Oregon, ynn aie
hcrel y reiUired to appear and answer the emu
plaint filed against you hcHn, on or before the
'JOth d.iy of April, l')l, s:.id d.iv liTng the (-xp:r-t
on of six weeks from the firs-t publication of this
noMce, and if yon fail to appear and answer, for
want thercol, plaintiff will take Judgment against
vou for the sum of fourteen hundred and sixty.
live dollars ($1465.001 anil interest on the same
from the 2oth day of October, 1W3, with costs and
disbursements of this action.
This 6ummons is published by order 'of lion.
Thos. T. Byan, judge of the county court of Clack
amas county, Oregon, dated March 6th, 1901, who
fixed March 8tb, 1001, as the first publication
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Job Printing at the
Four Stirring Acts
A Heart Story of Human Interest
Pleasing and Novel Specialties
Massive Triumph of Stage Ski
The Underground Dive
The Interior of Sing Sing Prison
The Electrocution Chamber
The Celebrated Race Hnre, Howard
The Lightning and Thunderbolt Split
the Prison Walls
The Hudson River Palisades by Moon
light I ,
The Wonderful. Plunge of the Horee
Through the Wall
$800,000 per annum. 1
The Irish, with Redmond as leader,
are in control of the English house of
Van Home, president of the Canadian
Pacific, is backed by the administration
in the arrangements he has made for de
veloping and exploiting on a gigantic
scale the resources of Cuba.
Tee Thompson and 20 other Iidiana
polis gambltrs played poker fpr 150 con
secutive 'hours. The kitty was fed tt
the rate of f 10 an hour.
The prices of Scotch pig iron have
readied a ruinous level in England.
VV. M. Evarts, statesman and great
l twyer, died at his home, in New York
city at the age of 83 years. .
lu London the cost of the Boer war is
placed at 140,000,000.
New South Wales, Australia, refuses
to enlist men for the South African con
The sessions of the Austrian reichstag
are diversified by continuous quarrels in
half a dozen (languages, and occasional
knock-down arguments.
Prest. Schurtnan, of Cornell Universi
ty, says we tnust keep a large army in
the Philippine it-lands and for a long
time to come.
Iu the province of Kang Su, 50,000
Chinamen have started another rebel
lion. ; -
England, Japan and Germany have
warned China against Russia's designs,
of wlose preponderating advantages as
a neighbor of China they are jealous.
Buenos Ayres will "export 2,000,000
to ij of maize.
Theipresident desires to make an end
of the Chinese business as soon as possible.
Two big pile rafts will be built this
season at Westport, Or., by H. R. Rob
ertson. He will employ between 200
and 300 men.
Saturday,' March 2.
By concurring in the senate amend
ments to trie army appropriation bill,
the house has left the president no rea
sonable excuse for calling an extra ses
sion of congresp. 1 i
A $27,000,000 telephone trust, embrac
ing several states, iB being formed in
New York city.
During February, the government's
military and naval expenditures were
$14,393,000. The total public debt is
Thirty miles from Carlsbad, N. M oil
has been struck at a depth of 80 feet.
A New York company will build a mil
lion-dollar electric railroad in Auckland,
N. Z.
The fire in the penitentiary at Lin
coln, Web., caused a damage of $200,000.
Since 1852, the Pacific Mail Steamship
Co. has loBt 20 vessels, by which 850
persons perished. The Rio's loss was due
to the recklessness of the officers and
the attending great loss of life to the
inefficiency of the Chinese crew.
The report that the Boer general, Bo
tha, has eut rendered, is not confirmed
in London ; however, in the hope that it
is true, the military authorities have
suspended contracts for war supplies,
The owners of South African mining
shares are greatly encouraged.
Bops Ilanna has pulled himself a peg
higher (he believes) by becoming a col
onel in the Ohio Graud Army,
rrol. JN. , bhaler, ol Harvard, an
aired geologist of great learning and va
ried practical experience, predicts thu
during this century the American conti
nent alone will produce $30,000,000,00!)
in gold. The outputs of Russia, India
Africa and Australia will aid in lioodin
the market.
Sunday, March 3.
Neither in London nor in South Af
rica are the British shutting their eyes
tc the fact that the war with the Boers
gives them yet a iqng job ahead.
At Marksdrift, on the Orange River
"I was troubled for several yearn wiih
chronic indift s'Jdit and nervous debil
ity." writes F. J. Green, if Iancasl-r,
X. H. "No remedy helped uie until I
bean using Electric Hitters, whii li did
me more good than all the medicines I
ever used. Thev have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
fer female tronhhs; that they are a
grand tonic and invigorator for weak,
run down women. No other medicine
can take its place in our family." Try
them . Only 50c. Satisfaction.guaranteed
by Geo. A. Harding.
Get your Seeds of A. Bbertsoo, 7th
Street Grocer.
were trying to cross. Commandant Ilerl
zog force has been dispersed.
The .British tramp Samoa, purcham
by the government and to arrive at San
Francisco, will be able to carry over 2 J00
ear N.ing King, aum Uussians en
gaged 10,000 mounted banditti.
A movement has started in New Yor
city for abolishing the sweatshops in the j
big cities.
C. A. Foote, of Bessemer, Ala., and
his son Arthur, aged 18 years, killed
Mrs.Footeto get the $2000 insurance
placed on her life.
At Pendleton wool is from 9j to 1C
cents; last year 14!. Umatilla sheep
men can not secure sufficient raoge for
their flocks.
St. Petersburg correspondence in the
Berlin papers states that Russian in
dustry is a total failure.
In the Rhineland, Germany, over 86,
000 metalworkers are out oi employment
or working half time.
Germany's trade with Central Ameri
ca amounts to from seven to twelve mil
lion dollars per annum an l iB growing.
Germany has sixty million dollars in
Vested tn Central America.
In New York city a $10,000,000 tin
can trust has been formed.!
The American salt trust Is selling2000
tons of salt a month in England. 1
Dewey Smith', a negro murderer, was
lynched near Richmond, Mo."
The Methodists will build at Manila
the first Protestant church in the Phil
ippines, to cost $30,000 donated by New
Edward, the English king, is afflicted
with the "smoker's trjroat" and has
been advised by his physicians to quit
smoking. ' j
J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., who has in
herited both millions and religion from
his sharp, wicked sire, is teacher of a
large Sunday school class in the Filth
Avenue (New York) Baptist church ;but
that doesn't interfere with his gambling
in stocks on Wall Btreet. 1
Monday, March 4.
Once more the reports about the cap
ture of DeWet and . other Boer lVaders
prove untrue. He and Commander Hart
ssog, though having lost heavily, have es
caped with the bulk of their forces across
the swollen Orange rivei. t
At Baltimore, Md., W. G. Taylor, of
Washington, shot and killed his mother-in-law.
The Russians have taken advantage of
the opportunity given them by an inroad
of Boxers into Corea to occupy several
villages in the Hermit Kingdom.
on VVaklBrsee haB issued orders to
the allied forces to get ready for another
expedition into the Chinese interior.
At fepokane, Wash., one member of
Richard & Pringle's negro minstrel show
fatally shot another.
At Eodicott, Wash., 20,000 bushels of
bluestem wheat were sold at 43 to 45
cents and 17,000 bushels club at 41cent.
AtOakesdale considerable wheat sold
at 40 to41) cents'.
The LaGrande sugar beet company
has found that as growers of sugar beets
Japs and Chinese won't do.
ftie German srovernment will enact
high tariff laws to protect agriculture
which must seriously injure the already
suffering manufacturing interests.
Tuesday, Marah 5.
Yesterday, William McKlnley was re-
inaugurated at the national capital as
president of the United States, and The
odore Roosevelt was sworn Injas vice-
By occupying the floor of the U. S.
senate for 13 hours, the brilliant Senator
Carter talked the river and harbor bill to
death. He ceased when Roosevelt bad
begun to be inaugurated. '
The' prairie dog pest costs the cranky
state of Kansas $250,000 a year, and be
sides It has captured and made worth
lees a couple million acres of good farm
land. .
Rice; the 19-year-old editor of the Ma
nila shipping paper who was arrested
anu ueporteu as a military prisoner fur
giving Ihe capttru of the port "a roast,'
has returned to Minnesota, where he
will interest his powerful political friends
it'liis cause.
Near Jnplin, Mo., five men were killed
by a powder explosion.
In the north polar regions, the w alrus
and muskoxen that have from time im
memorial formed the food staples of the
natives, are being wantonly destroyed
tiy winte iiunters, aim many natives
have died of statvation.
II. F. Rogers of New York has bought
in Linn county 5700 acn'8 of timber land
for $20,000.
With scrip, a Montana firm bus filed
on 12,000 acres of timber land in S. Idaho
A Seallle syndicate has located on the
Owyhee side i f Ihe Hnake river, IS1 0
acres of land, in a hot-water spring on
which oil was discovered.
China bus appealed to the powers in
regard to Russia's doings in Manchuria.
ijermany is opposeu to laiKi-graLiiiing in
Ex-President Harrison expresses bin.-
self In the North American Review as
opposed to the British policy of aggres
sion in South Africa the strong against
the weak.
The English captured several gur.i
from the retreating DeWet. Surrenders
or captures of small Boer detachments
take place. .
d street railway plants, and the gOT-
city's telegraph and tele
phone lineB.
The over 100. L0J government jobs di
rectly or indirectly under the Cnntrol of
the. president pay annually over $80, 000,
000 in ea ary, which explains the powet ,
of ihe political machine.
Wednesday, March (i; '
The Irish members raised a big row-
in the house of commons because Bal
fi-ur closured the whole educational es- -tim
ii tea without giving them an oppor
tunity to vote, and they were dragged
out of the hall by policemen.
Kiupp charges too much for armor-
plate and a motion has been made m
the German reichstag that the govern.
ment build its own armor-plale plant.
In English governmental circles the
question of taking sugar off the free list
is receiving attention.
Destruction by fire of the public librae
ry at Grand Haven, Mich., caused a loas
of $100,000.
In the Chinese province Of Kiana StB
the Mohammedan revolution is growings
Li Hung Chang has asked Yon Wal- -dersee
not to . inflict any more expedi
tions ou China.
DeWet and his commando have es
caped the English. ,
Yesterday's session of the Austrian
reichstag culminated in a" fist fight be
tween Czech and German members. '
John E. Searles, eritwhil'e a sugas
millionaire and c.ncerned in many cor
porations, haB made an assignment. A. '
B. Reeder, his son-in-law, is bankrupt.
A big Gorman woolen mill firm has
failed for 300,000 pounds.
A. statistician places the c ist of'Solo
mon'B temple at over $53,000,000,000.
The Geruiun government has ordered
300 barrels California wine fur its army,
and navy.
J. J. Hill contemplates unhorsing X..
Morgan's iron trust by developing his-
on vast mineral resources in Northern
According toa Dublin authority, "fif-
ty of the finist whisky drinkers in Oir
land" are members of the British parlia
ment. According to the Neueste Nachrichten
of Germany, "England is incapacitated -from
alliances of any sort, because she
has been tremendously weakened by the "
South African war; as a military poweir
she is not worthy of serious attention.'"'"
Each regular soldier in the English ar
my costs 111 pounds, exclusive of horses-
The' 19,446 resident officeholders of .
Washington draw in salaries $19,028,50 5-
H. V. Hilprecht, the great .arclieolo- -gist,
who has been making explorations
in the ancient ruins of Babylon, dates
"the founding of the temple of Bel and
th: first settlement in Nippur between
6000 and 7000 B. 0., possibly even ear
Thursday, March 7.
Miss Portia Knight, a native of Salem
now residing In London, began a breast -
of promise suit against the Duk t
Manchester on his arrival at Liverpool1)
with his new Cincinnati wife,
Lancaster, O., is virtually at a stand
still because the natural gas has give
MDrgan of Alabama has presented in
the senate a resolution for the abrogation.'
of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and ad- -
monished England that If she forcibly
attempted to enforce the terms of thir
treaty, a war would result which would
sweep away her great empire that had .
controlled for scores of years the coxa--
morce of tho world.
C.N. Scott, treasurer of Trinity church, .
P(irtUiiid,has been arrested on tlu) charge -
of embezzling $154(1, .
Since the trunpcontinentiil linen were
harmonized, a committee of New York,
bankers fixes the through freight rnte-
on all of them.
A Swedish army officer hn.i invented i
an air torpedo.
The Pekin correspondent of the Lou '
don Morning Post writes that it looks an
though partition, of Chinu were com
mencing. v
The Iiiilish war office will send t
South Africa 1000 bicycle soldiers.- Tht t
British army will attempt to clear the
whole Orange River Colony of Boer..
Seven hundred Boers captured Pear?
town on the .Great Riet River, and 75.
Tommies. They have two cannon.
The trwle outlook iBeriomr in Aus
tria, Germany and Italy. In ull Ui.
Isryer cities of Austrkt-lfunpm' there it
an alarming increase of tin -'.iilent un
employed workmen.
Last year, .Til new textile vvU were
t ... ; i ,i.: i.... ... ..
niiiii. in i ijib i-inillll y , mil II flllilil tT
eentitceoi tlieni being woolen milU.
Free trade in buiiitty sujrsr baa almoai
ruined Finland's refining industry.
The cattleraiHiiiK imlutrv prove Ut
he profitable in S nithern Alaska.
Sinjms of oil have been found in ('rrr
treek nlley, 1 miles east of Kuger.
A man tiy th name of Chit wood i
wanted at Lewiston, Idaho, for the jr
pose of accounting for extensive catfi
thefts, fie did not even pay ti n
tmy ho helped him take the dUivJfc.
East. . .
Ihe population of Alaska Is f'.2.5'.2T.
T. N. Thome. -f Hood River, sold J&
bo tes of apple in Portland at $1 fiSabont.
Last year t reit"n produced alSoutai j
million pounds of butter. MJj