Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 08, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
' '
AmUiy 1 ill Oragou City psitofflce u 2ud-clais matter
Paid 1m adv&noe. varTear 1 SO
3il monthi 76
hree montba'trial 26
IVThe date opposite your address on the
per doaoles the time to which you haie paid.
IBIs notice is marked roar subscription It due.
With Weekly OregonUii 12 00
' TrI-Weekly N. Y. World 1 85
4 National Watchman .. 1 75
' Anneal to Hoason 1 wi
" Weekly Kxarnlrmr 2
" Bryan's Commoner . 1 75
landing business H'lverlLemenU: Permoiilh
profossio ial cards,! (SI) p"i year): 1 to 10 incbti
one per inen, yi indies lor w incites (Cmiuiui. I
jn, au incnci, tu.
Transient a'lvertisemeutsi Per week 1 Inch
JSo, 2 inches 75c, 8 Inches 1. 4 Inches II. 25, A
Inches 81.W), 10 liu-hfw2.50, 20 Inches 5
Leal K'lvwrittciiieins: Per in -ti first Inscr
i on 1, each ml litioiml insertion 60c. Allilavils
l pulillcatlon will not he furnished until pub
11 cation fees are paid .
Local notices; Klve cents per line per week
per monm 2uc,
OREGON OITY, M A R. R, 1801.'
England in about to construct a sleel
clatl battle ship to run 25 knots an hour
with gang that curry from 14 to 16 milefs.
In Russia, the government pells ceal
oil at 1 cents n Dillon anJ makes a
profit. Q:iei : Inu't .lohn Rockefeller
a thief? Is there u wome criminal in
the country than he?
An automobile for farm use has been
Invented by a Colorado mechanic. The
new-fangled machine may te used for
plowing, planting -ul ti vhi intr, harvest
ing, or anything else, and the inventor
claims it can be operated at a cost of 75
cents per day.
UANKEH8 in runsis realized 41. Ud per
cent interest on their money in veted,
dining the year 1!)(J0. And after paying
good balaries to themselves they netted
an average of 18.6 pioflt. Bellvllle
Freeman. Oregon Innkers ur more
nhilaiitbropii' than their KbiiHtis
brethren : they do bnincM for fun.
Skn'at ib Hoar grows righteously in
diijnant at corruption in politics. In a
recjnt speech he -aid: "The whipping
post, the branding o.i the forehead, (he
cropping of the ears, the scourging at
, cart's tail, ate light pniiinhiuent for
the rich man, who .uld debauch a
etnto, whether it be tin old state with an
honor ible history, or a young Rnd pure
etite in the beginning of its history."
Haul f'o vn the flas.' from the place where mor people know that the bad thirgB an election. We' sincerely regret this
it wa planted by the valor of American that are done are bad. That is a hope- action on the part of Mr. Hedgea, as we
arm? Oopj erheadism, to say nothing , M ign as far ae it goes. The trouble ia ' have been long connected u-ith the older
of Little Americanism and provincial- that, though we know what is had, we members of the family in Doliiica and
ismli Such a chance to practice lenev- care so I'ttle and forget so booh. So ! their eincerity to party could never be
olent afei uilation, such an opporiu iity long an our beilies are fall and business : doubted. Mr. Hedges will learn his
for minifettdes'iiiy to expand must not IB profitable, we are too ready to leave mistake by experienc
Demisseu. vv undraw irom Uhwa and the ravishertu his prey and the looter
lower the flu? Once more w e are re- to his spoil. That is what we do here in
minded of Benedict Arnold and a few New York, there in Philadelnhia. vnn-
mouth-filling plirans used in continuous der in Chicago. Good for our prophets
performances by the g. o. p. spell-. that they howl and rend the buttons off '
binders only a few montbsago Bryan's ! their waistcoats. N. Y. Life
Commoner. .
Tub wool situation is by no means sat- '
isfactory to the xheepmen of the west
Much uf hut year's clip is still stoad in
the warehouses, and there is little pros
pect of selling it at the prices which
were obtained early laHt year. Manu
facturers are goii.g into the shoddy bus
iness because they say that the demand
i I. -
irom ine laoonug ciani-es is lor some
thing chean, and they cannot afford to
pay the present market price of wool
and eell the cloth cheap enough to make
a garment that would come within reach
of the ordinary workman. The abvance
in the price of woolen goods has shut off
much of this demand, and tailors are
finding their biisiiu-s .-hrinking purci-p
tiblv. At the Salt Likeni eiing the
wool men introduced a tesolution de-
maniliiig liat some legislative meatures
be taken to prevent or. at least, limit
the manufacture of si io lily yooils. Hnw
far their influence can go, however, in
this direction is problematical. Drov.-i '
JNohtu Carolina now furnishes its
quota to the acumula'ing eide.ice of
"prosperity. " U. lion mill owneis theie
have locked out oiganized labor and
with the aid of non-union workmen
maintained tin ir lockout for months, so
plentiful is the supply of labor seeking
employment The job that was hunting
the m in during the campaign lnt fall
' will dud game abundant in North Cam
iina no v.
Tiiiikk hundred thousand tons of lor
eign shipping, sccording to the report
f the commissioner of navigation, are
tieW by Ameiicun citizens who, under
our infamous navigation laws, have bei n
forced to put their money under a for
eign Hag 3(10,000 totid conrced under
foreign flags by tli uwrati'.n of these
nnvigution laws, whic'i New Knulund
hi'iji to her bosom lik a mother em
Lr icing her first-born babe.
Tim millionaire's Lord's prayer: "My
latner who art in heaven, hallowed be1
Thy name; my kingdom has come on
earth; Thy will be done in heaven;
my will here. Give me this day all the
income 1 want. Give me my debts in
violence against humanity, in fore
closures against my debtors. Deliver
us this day from all the isms' that de
stroy our power to enslave humanity.
Mine is the kingdom ami thine be the
g!ory forever. Amen."
Corrupt capitalists may try to bribe
i... i i. , . i . .
mo uuurcues, ana uni Knows some
times they m iy -mug-ted. but they can't
bribeor deceive God. We areappruacli
ing a conflict that cannot be avoided
On one side is a banner i. scribed "In
ausinai Mavery by Capitalists," w hile
on the other side Hie war cry is "Indu -
trial Liberty for the People." Some
time ago it was said that certain indl
viduals were anxious to form a religious
trust. ery 111 lie difference U there be
tween such a triwt and sucli dmicbeHi.s
are held together and support-d bv cap
ilalists, monopoly, ic, truitiaiic milijon
aires. Father Th-w. J Ducny.
Thk United states are utilized by
England as a basis of military supplies.
It has been ascertained from offi ial
sources at New Orleans that 47,488
mules and 29,846 horses have been
bought in this country by British army
officers and shipped to South Africa on
British transports loaded at New
Orleans. Under our ntu rality treaty with
Great Britain of May, 1871, it wa agreed
A neutral government is bound not fo
Thb governor served the
who voted for Mitchell right
vetoed the Portland charter
was to give them jobs.
when he
bill that
N hool reprt i anls fiJi sale at this cf-flee
Money to loan at lowest rates.
Dse. '
C. I'
The fi.iesi boh
I:- K A
bon b ,xes in t iwi; al
This space reserved for
J. M PRICE, Clothier
Successor to Price Bros. ,
Fifth and Main S ts
Knenen's B islon hrea t.
loai ; nil easiern flour
Koz-y Kamiy Kncbt
home-uiiidc candies.
cents a
ii)i lo date on
The latent in choeobite of all kinds at
permit or suffer either belligeieir to , . ,
make use ol its noru or , h !. .Dr-.K-.B:.?ea,.,e rien'al offices, rooms
base of naval operations against th
other, or for the purpose of the lenewal
or augmentation of military sunnlie's or
arms, or the recruitment of men. . 1 When in tow n get your dinner at the
Whether mules and horses are "mili- Red Front loue- M"al8 13 cenU
tary supplies" is a question for inter-' The latest out Try the marshmallow
national lawyers, Dilt inasmuch as it is
1 15 and 16, Weinhard building.
A few watches for sale cheap
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
kisses at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
But the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Trices in Oregon City is at '
conceded that military operations in ' - ' Holman, leading ' undertaker
ooum Ainca cannot oe con dueled wi
out these animals the cas" seems toler
ably clear. The B..ers haVe demon-
. two doors south of courthouse, Oregon
A brand new top b iggy for sale at a
slrated the fact that they are ' belhger- ' office.
ents" by whipping half a doz m
Is the reports of the successful attack
of the Hoei-8 upon the British at Nooit
todacht, when Uuncial Clement's entire
force narrowly efcaped capture, the dis
patches say : "After the II itibh retre.it
the Boers held a prayer meeting, Their
liynins could be heard by the retiring
British." rim world has seen nothing
like this incident of the Transvaal war
since Oliver Cromwell's pikemen rushed
to buttle singing hymns mid knult in
firayer before and after victory,
"I iihino you the stately matron
named Christendom, returning bedrag
gled, besmirched and dishonored from
jiirate raids in Kino- Ciiou, .Manchuria,
South Africa and the Phil ppines, with
liier soul full of nieaiiue-s, her pocket
ifull of 'boodle' and her mou.h full of
woo hypocrisies, tiive Iter soap and
rtowel, but hide the looking glass."
Maiik Twain's Greeting to the Twcnt'eth
Tub president and his friends, the ex
ploiters, are anxious to have a civil gov
ernment established in the Philippines,
because, until that bus been done, in
Ihe language of the Taft commission,
'uo public franchises of any kind call
lie granted, and no substantial iuvest
went of private capiul in internal im
jifowmcnts is possible. Sale
of publio lands and allowance of mining
claims impossible until Spooner bill
WiiAt's all this talk about withdraw
ing tho United Stales troops from China
ad leaving the allied forces of Europe
to svsttle the Chinese question? Trea
ion, deep, dark, inexcusable treason)
Sknator Tell. r. the author of th
joint resolution ot congress deflning the
purpofM of tlie United btales in orderini!
Sp tin nut of Cuba, p.iinti the straight
way out of the difficulty, which Mr. Mis
Ku ley seems to be desirous of compli
cating. I is directly in line with the
simple solution named bv The Woild:
Keep f nth with Cuba by making the
island free an i independent, as we
promised to do, and peek in the regular
way through treath-s such protective
rights and compensatory privileges as
are nec-s-ury and proper In the circumstances
Senator TeJIet insists that the Uuited
Stales, through the president in his
executive . apacitv, shall carry out its
pledge to niitke the island Iree. We can
then secure from Cuba, as a sovereignty
"such assurances by treaty thai may be
passed upon by the president an I. the
senate as to protect this country an 1 the
Cubans from any possible calamitv that
has been suggested as likely to i c'ur
through premature independencj and
self government "
This is the legal, tbi, honorable, the
only straight pith out of the Cuban com
plication. If we mean to keep nnr w .rd
and to preserve iindiimn.-d the shining
diB inction of being the only mrioii that
ever went to war to free another pe. pie
from tyranny ai d oppreion, n,iN is
the pub we shall f dlow Y. World.
generals, and we have acknowledged
their status by sending our consular
agept to one of their capitals
If we accept this business without
protest, simply because the Boers are
weak an i we are just now officially n-'t
in sympathy with struggles for freedom
and independence, it would establish a
precedent that might-return to plague
us, in ia-ie, for example. Hermany were ;
r.n entpr inM a wr ur.ih u.j onA ....! l'!
find It convenient to procure supplies in
Canada or her colonies (wni h may be-
CimH a German nation some da 1 in
on h America.
Shank & Bissell carrv the most com-
t You Can
Depend Upon
Havk we not done enough in our gen
eral statutes for the fishermen of New
England? Upon the prairies of Mis
sou i the poor farmer, struggling to sup.
port his family and educate his children,
killing a few hogs or a beef to furnish
meat for his winter's use,, must pay tho
price lor sa.t which ia asked by the
g-eat sap trust, protected and created
by the Dingley tariff law. The meat
packer of the West, great of small, is at
the mercy to- ay of the great salt tiust.
But the fi-herman of New England r. -ceives
his salt free wiih which lo cure
his hMi by a special enactment in th
Dingley law.
The farmer of Missouri and of the
O'her Western stages who wants to erect
an humble cabin in which to rear bis
offsprug amk shelter them from ibe
blasis hi d snovvs of winter, uuisr. py
and has been paying an i. .cre .se ol 45
per cent during ill- Ut f .urte.-n
months upon lumber to the great Inn -b.-r
trust, which is day by day enriching
the lumber barons of th- no. .hwett.
He is at the mercy of this inn. , anil
appeals in vain to the republic in a.t ,
n iw in the m tj irity, f n reliei. Ye'
th ;pe.)ple of New Eng'and receive! their
lumber to-day free by a special enact--
ment in ine uiiiKiey law. lliey own
enormous tra.iM of lumber land in
Canada, and under Hie provisions of
the WebstHi-Ashbuiton treaty of 1842
they are peiuiiiteil, after putting up
large mMls, won-ed by Canadian labor,
lo saw ibis lumber and then float it
d.rwu the St Joins river into New En. -land
wiliiout paving one cent tax to the
treasury of the United States.
The thrift, tde ei ergy, the sagacity ot
the people of New Knwland, he facility
with which tli-y obtain special privileges
under the laws uf the United . States,
must excite our sine re admiration
Senator G. G. Vest
plete line of undertakers' supplieJ in
Oregon City. j
$20 to $100 to loan on cha tel or per !
sonal security.
Dimick & Eastham, Ats.
If you want good wood from large yel
low fir timber, order of C. E. Stewart.
Carus, or E. H. Cooper, Oregon City.
For Sale Cheap Wood house of seven !
Moras; '1 lots; barn, fruit, etc. At!
Idyvilie. r-ee the dw ner, .idam Haas,
wItu lives i n place.
Dr.. I. Burt iiire ia nov prepared to!
answer proieemunai caH,-. Office tem
porally at residence, 10th street, near
Jefferson, Oregon City.
To Loan on Farm Property $500,
$1000, $1500, at 7 per cent, one, two or
three years. Oitnick & Eastham, law
yers, Oregon City O e.'ou.
FcrSnle 75 acres of timber land 1
mile from Oregon City . Pri:e $75 per
acre. Will take partly in exchange
some desirable farming land. Address
Win. Beatd, Ely, Or.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Rnyal Restaura.it,
First and Madison. They s-i ve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
square meal, with pudding and pie, 15c.
Stock for sale in the Americui Mines
Development Company of Minneapolis,
Minn., by 0. A. Cheney, Oreg., u City.
When you want a good square meal
gj to the Prunawiek jertanraiit, oppo-.
site suspension bridge, L. Uueonieh,
proprietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked; jus- like you gi-t at
home. This is the only tr-t-class res
taurant in Oregon City and wbi-ie you
can get a good meal for iJie p'ic-uf a
poor one el ware.
Patent Flour, made from old wheat, It
makes the best bread and pastry and always
, gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
old by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
It is a big question, this one of how
far might makes right, an I how far the
blpssiinrs of civilizMi in shall be toreed
on reluctant weaklings. Excellent peo
ple thini differently about it. The
strong have always ruled and always
will, while their strength lasts, but let
them look to their strength. Is it
healthy for Europe to propagate the
germs of civilisation in blood as she is
bo prone to do? Is it healthy for us?
Americans who are really worried about
the Philippine war are not nearly bo
much distressed about its ell ct on the
Filipinos who are being killed as on the
Americans who are doing the killing.
So as to the British war in South Africa.
There are not many Boers. One could
endure to see them wiped out if bo it
was writien. But what of the moral sense
of England? Will it be lost in the crush?
Our anxiety in all these matters is not
any more for the weak who are crushed
than the strong who do the crushing.
But why all this squeamishness? Have
not the robber-baron methods always
prevailed on earth, and much more vir
ulently in times past than now ? To be
sure. The chief difference is, not that
worse things are done now, but that
A. Noltnkr, an old resident of Clack
amas county, has the following to say of
Representatives Dresser and Hedges in
his paper, the Itortland Dispatch:
"A man who gives a written political
pledge is unworthy of confidence and
proves his true character when he le
trays that pledge. Mr. Dresser, after
signing that ironclad pledge to support
Senator Corbett and violating it, need
not expect in future to receive the confi
dence of his constituents even in ids
private relations with them. That such
a pledge was demanded of bin. shows
that confidence in his word was warn ing
by his political associates. A political
traitor wdl not hesitate iu betraying a
private trust. Mr. Dresser may be an
honorable man but his own evidence
precludes any such an assumption.
There are, however, .other Dressers in
Clackamas county.
"For a young man of more than ordi
nary ability, Representative Hedges, of
Clackamas county, has brought to a sud
den end a political career that might
have been used to bis honor i nd that of
Ids party. When a democrat votes for
a republican be finds his political end,
and especially when that vote results in
Babies and children need
proper food, rarely ever medi
cine. If they do not thrive
on their food something is
wrong. They need a little
help to get their digestive
machinery working properly.
Brown & Welch
Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O.
U. W.
Codfish from New i.nylind
C'cHsh from Alaska
Sthnon fr"in Columbia liiver
Salmon from Alaska
Salmon Bellies
Lenten Season begins Feb. 20th and ends April 6th.
Salt Fish, Srnnk-d Fish, Dried Fish.
Mackerel from Norway
Mackerel from New England
Herrino from Alaska
Spiced Anchovies ' from Norway
Bloaters '-Cicmarty" Smoked
Sardines, Findon Haddocks, Soused Mackerel, Etc., in tins
l.arce Assortment to se'ect from.. Prices right.
A.' ROBERTSON, The 7th Strest .Grossr
H. Rethke's Meat Market
Opposite Huntley's
FiF3t-Glass ileats of 11 irds
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Give yirg a (Call arjd be Treated PJigtjt
will generally correct this
If you will put from one
fourth to half a teaspoonful
in baby's bottle three or four
times a day you will soon see
a marked improvement. For
lartfor rhiMron frnm half in 5
a teaspoonful, according to
age, dissolved in their milk,
if you so desire, will very
soon show its great nourish
ing power. If the mother's f
milk does not nourish the
baby, she needs the emul-
ii i mi
sion. it win snow an eiiect
at once both upon mother
and child.
joe. inJ f i.oo, all jruggbtj.
SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Clwmuu, Nw York.
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in tl e
above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the e)es,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and op'ican, has charge of our
optical department.
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
393 florrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
Fine Angel
I Wine and
Gold Cakes ,)
You Know S
All kinds of
Layer, Fruit
Lakes. Jellv
i. .. j
Everybody else will know, that
Joseph Kuerten's
Bakery and Confectionery
Has the best of everything.
home-made; baked from best and
wind in it. Every day all kinds
made out of the best materials.
All my Bread is like
strongest flour and no
of Confer, tionery fresh and
The best
Cream Puffs
P. 0. Box 359. Telephone 394
Cookies and
toffee Loafs