k .V"-..' Courier-Herald. Ore COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1901 18th YEAR, NO. 42: City CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT COMP'Y SUCCESSOR TO Grebe, . Harder . & Co. 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, B.iggies, Carriages, and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and ..Hay Tools, Hay Presses, Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, rumns Harness, Bicycles, i.tc. Main Store and Warehouse, No. PORTLAND, - Acorn Steel Ranges lead the world. Simond's Saws, the wood choppers' friend. Syracuse Chilled Plows and Harrows, the farmers' friend. We are sole agents. We are headquarters for General Hardware, , Builders' Hardware, Air Tight Heaters, also a fine line of warranted American Pocket Knives and Razors. POPE & GO. t Cor, Fourth and Main Sts. ; Frank Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows, 140, 146 Sixth Street North, - - OREGON ' OREGON CITY i THE HOUSEFURNISHER Refurnishing Time And now for clean, new Lace Curtains, Portieres, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Etc. The season is almost here when you'll need them. It will pay you to do your buy ing early. We are making some famous reductions now, and are showing our very best designs. Lace Curtains, latest design, ioc and 15c per yard. In I v'- rJt AXNUAi school meei jag. Reports j ) Ojjicers Read nf ; 1 Adopted. j The annual school meeting was held at the conn' ye .rnrt room Monday night. There were few more voters present than at the iieeting held in January when a 7-nv I tax was levied. At the former mee' lg only two voters were jresent. idge Ryan kicked pretty lard at the stra levy of one mill this year, and lairman unarman Biioweo that that t , . extra mill was maue on figures in hi- possession that the county assessment was $500,000 less than last year, it was snown, however, mat. me assessment was only about $80,000 leBS than last year, consequently tlie Doara will have "lots of money this year. In the year 1899, the interest on the float ing debt was (51 .74, while tor lyuu it is $180 36 The disbursement for school supplies amounting to (239 was not itemized. A resolution introduced by George A. Harding passed, which provides that the board be authorized to borrow such sums of money as are needed to carry on the school., The clerk's repor shows that there, are nine less children in the district than last year. CLERK'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT, I respectfully submit the following re port aB showirg the financial connition of school district No. 62, for the year end'ng March 1th, 1901: RECEIPTS. ' BaL on hand March 5, 1900. ..( 3 38 State tax 1868 88 County tax....... 3019 52 Special district tax 4086 CO 1 uition from non-reBident pu pils 119 58 Sale of old desks . . 90 20 Money borrowed from Bank of Oregon City 6200 00 Totol $14387 DISBURSEMENTS. 66 Teachers' salaries $ 6497 40 Janitors' salaries 705 00 School furniture. 203 90 First payment, sewer asst-ss- ment . 13 12 General expenses 35 8'i Repairs to Barclay building. . 94 83 Repairs to Eastham building. . 66 53 School supplies .. 239 00 Janitors' supplies 25 65 Fuel and water 37 CO Election expense 7 00 Interest on bonded debt 721 55 Interest on floating debt 180 36 Notes paid Bank of Oregon City . , 5520 00 Clerk's salary for blx months 50 00 Total. .(14386 85 . . 71 Bal. on hand. Total $14387 36 mmfX3&y& ! 8. : , : '. W. Agricultural Implements and Vehicles 210-214 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. AGENTS FOR Peerless Plows Steel and Chilled Road Carts ALSO Buffalo Hits, Harrows and Cultivators, Uwen's "Advance" Fanning Mills. f Write fnr natalnnnft and 1 " - -- a- LIABILITIES, MARCH, 4TH, 1901. S ix per cent bonds due July 1st, luia ouou uu Six per cent bonds due Decem ber, 1916..." 6000 00 Notes due Bank of Oregon City, $700.90, (780, $70 2270 UO Total ..(14270 00 Children enumerated for 1901 : Males, 500 ; females, 590 : total 1190. Respectfully Submitted, . T. L.Charman, Clerk. DIRECTORS' REPORT. We your board of directors, beg leave to submit this as our annual report ot the business of the district for the fiscal year ending March 4, 1901. The school so opened on the 17th, of September, 1900. with more new teachers than any other year of its history, this was owing to the removal of Supt. L. W. Mc Adams and wife to Texas, and on account of teachers getting better salaries elsewhere. Principal H. D. Wilcox was promoted to the superiniendency, Miss Addie Clprk promoted to Principal of Barclay school, with Miss Sade Chase in seventh grade, Miss Lulu Case in sixth grade; Miss E. Taylor, fourth and fifth grades; Miss N. Walden, third grade; Misa Cochran, second grade, and . Miss Bray in the primary grade, while at the Eastham school Prof. V. P. Mathews was elected principal, with the same corps of teachers as before with the ex ception of Miss Francis Myers in the primary grale. We have expected for several years that we would have to enlarge the school buildings, but we do not contemplate it this year. Our schools are lull to their capacity, and if we get our quota of im migration that is coming to Oregon we will have to make arrangements, in the near future for larger quarters, but we hope not until there is more taxable property in the district, &r, a 7-mill tax his year ra.ses less revenue tutu a 6 mill tax did laHt year. Considering the amount of sickness this winter, among all classes of people, we wish to congratulate the district as well as ourselves on the excellent sani tary condition of our school as regards ventilation, heat, filtered water and last but not least, dust. Without these sani tary conditions we are satisfied that the attendance would have been quite small. The secretary's report shows that the salary of teachers are lower by (150 this y?Hr than last. We have aiuieil to cur tail txpt'iises consistent with good fcchools. I The janitors' expenses are (50 higher on account 'i additional work imposed upon them althouuti we are satisiiuti that the district is getling value received as the.e janitors are capable men end save the district many dollars in small re pairs, that ordinarily would be extra. We had a chance to sell the old double desks in both buildings for (90.20 which e accepted and replaced them with cingln adjustable desks at an expense of The one-tenth payment on sewers un der the Bancreft Bonding Act amount ing to (13.12 became due March 1, 1901, ar.d was provided for in our estimate in January. C. Dowa nac uruis Hoe and iJisc H aggies Stoughton Wagons Ptfr.M.' fiATJ. - - - - - - We askeil for (200 to paint the East ham school last year, but owing to the high price of painting material we thought best to put it off another year. The ornamental work on the front of the Kastham building u continually causing leuks, which will eventually ruin the timbers and we may have to re place it with something less pretentious. The dirt floor in the basement of the Eastham building is very unsatisfactory and while a cement floor would be pref erable, the finances of the district 'will not warrant the outlay, it may be ad visable to put in a cedar floor, which would cost about (50. We hope the patrons will appreciate our efforts to place our schools on par with the best schools of the state, and we hope the parents will show their in terest by making an occasional visit. Respectfully Submitted, Elmer E. Charman, Chas. Albright, Chas. H.Caufibld, Directors. ciTir superintendent's report. 1 1 am confident that the public schools of Oregon City are in a highly prosper ous condition. As a rule, the teachers are doing excellent work and are amply proviueu with suitable apparatus and books. , The buildings are in good condition with the exception of the boys' water- closet at the Barclay building which needs remodeling and enlarging. The roof also of the Barclay school bu'Iding is in need of repairs. With an increase in the cost of living amounting to from 15 to 20 per cent the salaries of the grade teachers demand your special attention, It would be advantageous to the dis trict if the letting of contracts for school supplies wtre done earlier, in Ap.il or May. liy that means we could avoid burning wet wood. By reason of the adoption of books by the state text hook commesiion, the needs of the schools demand that a new course of study be prepared thin sum mer. Most sincerely hoping that my work lias not been unnatisiactory, I mm. Yours Most Slucerely, II. D. Wilcox. Heithcr Report. Following is the weather leport for the month of February, 1001, at Mira monte Farm, Clackamas county, Or. : Mean temperature, 41.7. ' Max. temp., 08. Date 28. h. Min. temp., 22. Date 11th and 12th. Total precip., 5. OH inches. No. days clear, U. Partly cloudy, 9. Cloudy, 10. Dates of frostx. Light, 18. 21. Killing, 0th to 12th. Hail, 2nd. Prevailing wind, changing. Kemarxs. Halo of moon on 1st. Moon-rainbow on 23d, 10 p. in. U. Muecke, Voluntary Observer. gp ,m4 NEW MODEL "8TEEL BEAUTY." 4 --v j . Sickle Grindeis Mountain Hacks and Spring Wagons ALSO Hay Presses, Horse Power and Steam Feed and Root Cutters, Bone and Cider Mills. ON ME RRF.1RR RTTYTMfl wuwa PROBATE COURT. Several Orders Handed Down by x County Judjje Ryan During the Week. In the matter of the guardianship of the persons and estates of Barry, Mel ville, Shirley, Jerald and Edard Kast ham. minors, Clara E. Morev. euitrdlaov The guardian petitioned for an order for the sale of such real estate as should be sold, and it was ordered that the next ot kill of said wards and all persons inter ested in the said estate appear before this court on Monday, the 25th day ol March, and show cause why such order ' should not be made. In the matter of the estate of Luke Comer, deceased, E. G. Ciuflold, ad ministrator, an order was made con firming the sale of the real property at' the foot of Singer hill. The property was sold to N. F. Nelson for $285, tie being the highest and best bidder. In (he matter of the estate of Levi Davis, deceased, Alvis V. Davis, execu tor, was granted an order to sell the per sonal property of the estaie, ia or der to pay oil' the expenses of admlnis tration. In the matter of the estate of Robert Baty, deceased, Charles Daughurty, ex ecutor, filed his report of the sulu of a part of the donation In nd claim to Nels- J?. Johnson for the Bum of $'.'200, he Je ing the highest and best bidder. In the pnitler of the estate of John Acker, deceased, Gilbert L. Hedges was appointed administrator of said estate in place of James P. Lovett, who declined to serve. The bond to be filed amounts to(im Flremm's Election. The firemen's election held lait Mon day resulted in the election of" Chris Hartman, chief engineer; 8. J, Burfoid, assistant, and August Aainus, J, II. Howard and V. W, Pope as fire commis sioners. The votes stood at follows: Chief of. engineer, Hartman, 41 ; Caleb -Crtisa, 10. Fire commissioners Abiuus 37; Howard, 41; Pope, 33 j C. M. Mason, 2tt.. Burford for assistant chief engineer, was elected without opposition receiving 40 votes. Toe flection was unusually quiet, only 57 votes bdng polled. Uolny J'Aint, If you intend to take a trip Fast, ask your aent to r 'tite you via The inaT Wabash, a modern and up-to-date rail road in every particular. Through trains from Chicago.lCanhae City, Omaha or St, Iaiu'is to New York; and New England points All traits 1 run via Niagara Fall and every through train has free reclining chair cars, s.eep" ing and dining c ire. Hop over allowed on all ticket atXi Bgara Fall. HossC. Clink. Pacific (o.ri Pas Agnt. , L Aiiip-'es, Cal. ( S, Crank, lieu I . Pa-s Agent. tjt. L'Hiis, Mo. am I LI