OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1901. BOAKI) OF COJl.iiMslO.NEHS. itulnr February Term of the Couutj Board. B. Morton, John I.ewellen and T. Kllliii, CuiiiinimlimeK. (Continued from lattt week.) Saturday, Fuliruary, 9. The board now , convened pur .nt, to adjournment, tlie commissioners I odiciTs nresent as of yesterday. In the matter of the petition of Clara Koipvthe to nav taxes without its This commit on upon petiton d herein, and the board being fully . viBed.it is ordered that said petition i, and hereby is granted ami allowed. In the mailer of work on bicycle path - V re.nort beintf tiled O K. by J. F. irk, superintendent of bicycle path, It g ordered that paid report be and reby is approved, and the claims trein ordered paid from the bicycle id. as follows to wit: i, izie&.Son '...J2.00 Baker . 30 fn the matter of the Hoff family i iw mines Hans A. Linnabnrir, and i es his report in tne uisiriuuuuu ui , ids for said family. Therefore it is -red, that said report be and hereby approveu. In the matter of the bids for planks i tne Logan anu cpnngwaier ruau ; his matier coining on upon notice iblished by order of the courj for bids r Inrnisliing planus on ine aDove ined road and bids having been re- iven anu openeu as per nonce, un nie ' -it day of this term and tlif re only ing two bids on file, to-wit: The bid A Lacy at six dollars per thousand t, and the bid of 15. Y. Cooper at ,50 per thousand feet, and 1 lie board ing fully advised, It is ordered, that d contract be let to B. Y. Cooper on his signing a contract to be drawn the county clerk and giving a bond in a sum of ffiOO.OO to bi approved by 'lis board, n the matter of the bill of K. H. bhert for making index to assess ,mt roll. It is ordered that said bill paid as filed herein. In the matter of the petition of R. N. t irris for the cancellation of a tax n coming on regularly to be heard d Ihe court being fully advised therein id the truth of the facts set out in said titioii of said H. N. Moll is appearing ' claimed. It is therefore, on this 9th iV of Febrjary 11)01, ordered" that the vim of ClackamaB county for taxes for e year 1895 ho declared void and can lied Hnd such fact be made to appear i the tax records of Clackamas county i far as regards the following described 'finises : Beginning at a point in sec. 22, T 2 8, : 2 e, of Willamette meridian 20.70 sins west of the quarter section corner, i the lino between sections 22 and 23, l said township, thence 4.83 chains i irth, Iheiico west 20.70 chains, thence ojtli 4.83 chains, thence east 20 70 mine to the place ot beginning, con inlng 10 acres. In the matter of delinquent tax De nging to the school fund Th'n matter ming on and it appearing to the board iat in collecting delinquent taxes the rk failed to segregate the school fund l r K.tf fnr,inl tho 'III! WltJ gUlieiUI 1U11U, u..v iiiiiiu .. 4 1, .mint,, l.aaull.Of Q Q uneral fund. Theretore it is ordered at the clerk cast up the amount erron--ously deflected from the school fund iid paid into the general fund Jor the cars and amounts as follows, to-wit: Koi the year 1894 1320 80 1897 720 99 " 1898 182 81 " " ' I7ji) 6 20 Total 1233 80 nd that the county treasurer place said Mount to the credit of the school fund - nd charge a like amount to the general rind: . In the matter of the te-survey of the Uingo and Howard road Now comes i-lrnest Rauda, county surveyor and files is report in the Burvey of the Ringo ind Howard road. It is ordered by the oard that said report be accepted and cojded and that the expense account m allowed in the sum of $14 00. In Ihe matter of the Fanton road w comes J. W. Meldrum and files his report of appearing upon the proposed irvev of the Fanton road as ordered by hecouit, to survey said roadou the st day of January, 1901, but the view tailing to appear and the board being illy advised, It is ordered that the bill f John W. Meldrum as filed herein, be nd the same is hereby allowed in the aum of $5.80. In the matter of the J.J. Kimhall etitionlora road Now at this time his matter coming on tor a second read i'g, it is ordered that it lie laid over util Monday, Fuhnuuy 11, for a second wading. The board now adjourned to meet Monday, February 11, at 9;30 a. in. " Monday, February 11. The board now convened pursuant to Hournment, the commissioners and Ulcers present as ol Saturday. February !, 1901. In the matter of the application ot the Oregon City &. Southern Railway Co , a orporation, organised under the laws of the state of Oregon (or a franchise lor railway line upon the county road on or near the east bank ot the Wilhimeue tietwt en Main street in Oregon City and ihe townsito of Caiiemah, Clackamas muni v, Oregon, and also along and up mi Main and First streets in the town xite ot Caiiemah, Clackamas county, Oregon ; and iu the matter of the appro priation of a part ol the public road be tween Oregon City and Cunemuh afore aid; and iu the mailer of the order of his court heretofore rendered on the Utlulayof January, 1901, wherein the fr.mchise theretofore granted to the tregou City & Southern Railway Com pany, by order of this court on the Hltli Jav'of January. 1901, was ordered re voked ; at this time It appearing to the fotfrt that the Oregon City and Southern Ituilwav Coimianv. a corporation or- aanized' under the' laws of the state of Oregon lias heretofore presented to the court a copy of its articles of incorpora tion, from which it appears that the said Oregon City & Southern Railway Com pany is authorized to construct and qnip a railroad, telephone, telegraph ami nower lines from the city of Oregon City in the county of Clackamas, state ol Oregon, southerly through the town die of Caucmah in said county and state, nnon the moat practical route from the intersection of Third and Main intaraortlnn nf Thin and Main streets in tba city of Oregon City soutneny through Main street in the said town of Caiiemah to a point at low water in the Willamette river, at or near the most westerly end of first street in the said townsite of Caneman aforesaid, and to maintain and operate said railroad, tele phone, telegraph and power lines and franchises, and has heretofore made ap plication to this court to agree upon the extent, terms and conditions upon which parts of the puolij road between the termini of the proposed railway of the said Oregon City & Southern Rail way Company may be appropriated, used anu occupied by the said corpora tion und the court having agreed with the officers of the said Oieiron Citv and Souihern Railway Company, upon the extent, terms and conditions upon wkich the public road and streets of the town- site of Canemali mav be annrooriatad and used and occupied by said corpora tion, and an order having been hereto fore made by this court, dated the 10th uay oi January, 1901, whereby a fran ctuse was granted to the Oregon City & Southern Railway Company, its suc cessors, and assigns, to appropriate, use and occupy certain parts of said public road, and of the streets of the said town site of Canemah and it further appearing to this court that on the 28th day of January, iyui, an order was entered in this court upon the application of the Southern Pacific Company and the Ore gon and California Railroad Company, whereby it was .by said court ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the said order of January 10th, 1901, be recinded, and this court having made a further agreement with the Oregon City & Southern Railway Company upon the extent, terms and condiions uoon which parts of the public road between the termini of the proposed railway and the streets of the said townBite of Cane mah and Oregon City, Oregon, may be appropriated, used and occupied by the said corporation; it is therefore con sidered, ordered and adjudged that the order of this court made and entered January 28, 1901, whereby it was under taken to revoke and amend the fran chise of the Oregon City and Southern Railway Company, granted by the order of this court entered January 10, 1901, be and the same is hereby vacated and set at naught and that the said order of January 10, 1901, be and the same is amended so as to specify the extent of the terms and conditions under which the Oregon City & Southern Railway Company shall appropriate and use and occupy said public road and streets, and so as to impose upon the said railway company certain obligations in respect to the construction, maintenance, oper ation and use of the said' railway, tele phone and power lines and the improvement and maintenance of the highway appropriated, used and occupied by the said corpora tion for such construction and mainten ance, that, and the Oregon City & South ern Railway Company having agreed to the same and undertaken the obligations imposed upon it by this court in this order and the court being now fully ad vised in the premises it is considered, ordered and adjudged that the order of January 10th, 19J1, whereby a Irancliise was granted to the Oregon City & Southern Railway Company to use parts of the public roads and streets between the termini of the said proposed railway, that is to say, between' the points where said public roads enters and connects with Main street in the city of Oregon City southerly to a point at low water on Willamette river at or near the most westerly end of First street in the town site of Canemah, in Clackamas county, Oregon, be and -the same is amended so as io read as follows : It is therefore, considered, ordered. adjudged and decreed that said Oregon City & Southern Railway Company, iis successors anu assigns, be and the same are hereby granted the full right and privilege to construct, maintain and operate a single track railroad of iron or steel with all necessary turnouts, side tracks, switches and turntables, and a telegraph, telephone, and power lines, over, along and upon the public road where it connected with the southerly end of Main Street in die city of Oregon Cny, and Canemah to the northerly boundry line of the townsite of Canemah in Clackamas county, state of Oregon, where the said county road enters and connects with Main street in ttie said townsite of Canemah,' thence along and upon said Main stieet in the townsite of Canemah to the intersection of Main and first street of said townsite of Canemah, ttience westerly along Fir-t street ut said townsite of Canemah to the Willamette river; and to use and occupy so much roads and streets as may be necessary and convenient for the purpose of building, maintaining and operating the said single track rail road ol iron or steel, with all necessary turnouts, side tracks switches and turn tables for the purpose of erecting and niaiiitaiiiiag poles and stretching wires thereon to transmit electric current over the same for generating power, and lor the pm pose of erecting and maintaining poles and stretching wires thereon and of using the same lor the puriioae of transmuting telephone and telegrapl messages, and wtih full power and authouty to construct and maintain wliarve, docks, depots and terminal grounds at the foot of First street in Canemah to deep vv.tor in the Willam ette nver, and to operate cars over said railroad and enuints by horse, cable. electric or any oilier power excepting steam, and to transport passengers, freight ami i xpresa over said road, for ftire and to collect charges tolls and f..res therefore and to transmit telephone and telegraph messages for liiie and to collect tolls and charges therefoie and to operate said railroad and said power line, and said telephone and telegraph lines, either singly and of itself, or in connection with any other railroad power, telephone or telegraph line. The railroad power line to be constructed under this franchise shall be completed and the road improved as hereinafter specified on or beloro Apiil 3d, 1901, unless the construction or Iuipiovenienl thereof shall be prevented or hindered by legal proceedings. Said railroad Bhall be a single track road of iron or steel and shall be constructed of standard or other gauge and built upon the west erly or water side of (aid road, and along the hue of the preseut retaining wall, so that at no place shall the rail at me water aide te more than an average of 13 inches from the outer surface line of said retaining wall, unless at such places as shall leave It) feet or more clear in the present traveled county road between the points aforesaid. And the said railway company in constructing the same between ttie south boundry line ot Main street in Oregon City and me intersection ot said county road witu Southern Pacific company's track - as at presnLt located shall so construct and build the same, that it shall constn ct and maintain all bridges that may be necessary, and shall build and maintain the same the full width of the public road as now traveled and shall plank said public road and bridges between the limit aforesaid the full width of the p esent county road including all that part which may be occupied by said rail way company's tracks, to the outer or water end of the ties thereof, with 4-inch plank, said plank to be laid crosswise of said county road, excepting that part outsi-Je the outer or water side rail of said company's track, which may be laid lengthwise, at the discretion of said company, said plank to be well laid and fastened and so maintained and kept in repair, and to be so laid that the Btirlace of said plank shall be flush with the top ofhe rails of said railway track. Said railway company shall also, whenever required by said board of county commissioners or their successors in office, maintain and keep in repair the retaining wall along said track and within the limits aforesaid, and shall also build and maintain within the limits aforesaid a good and sufficient railway along the water or westerly side of said road, said railing to be not less than 4 foot high, the ton rail thereof to be made of timber not less than 4 inches by 4 inches with a proper hub board of timber not less than inches by 10 inches. All of aforesaid improvements to be constructed, maintained and kept in repair by said railway company, its successors or assigns, without cost to Clackamas county. And it is further considered, ordered and adjudged that said track. Bhall be laid and improvements made under the supervision of some competent person appointed Dy tne poaru ot commission ers of Clackamas county and that said railway company shall pay such person so appointed, at a rate of not less than $3 per day tor the time required in such supervison, $50 of such expense to be paid into the county treasury at toe time of accepting this franchise. And it is further ordered, considered and adjudged that said road within the limits of the town of Canemah shall be built and maintained where the same traverses Main street so that the same shall be upon the westerly side ot Main street and as ner the sidewalk as may be convenient. , The cars, eugineB or locomotives which shall be operated upon said road shall, between the said south boundary line of Main street, Oregon City and the point where the said road intersects the South ern Pacific Company's present track, he operated at a speed not exceeding 5 miles an hour, and so as not to block or interfere with the travel of said road or use thereof by the public. The failure on the part of the Oregon City & Southern Railway Company, or its successors or assigns, to observe or perform any of the matters or things herein contained and which by this order, it, or they are required to observe or perform, shall operate and be deemed a forfeiture of the Vighta and privileges and franchise hereby granted, when ever the forfeiture thereof may be or dered by this court, but no forfeiture may or can be ordered or enforced if the said railway company, ita successors or assigns, pball upon notice comply with the requirements of this order, or at any time when no fault exists, or without the judgment or decree of a court of compe tent jurisdiction, dated February 11. 1901 . , 1 1. R, MoKTON.chairm'n Commissioners jJoH(( LkweUjEN The Oregon City & Southern Railway Company hereby accepts the franchise granted by the foregoing order, and agrees ..nd assents to the extent, terms and conditions set forth in the foregoing order, upon which it may appropriate part of the county road between Oregon City, Oiegon and the foot of First street of the town ite of Caneman, in Clacka mas county Oregon. The Oregon City & Southern Rail way Company. By Q. C. Fields, President. In the matter of the reports of officers for the month of January 1901 The officers having made their reports and the board having examined their books and being fully advised, It is ordered that the same be in all respects approved and accepted . They show collections as follows, to wit County Clerk $137 00 County Recorder 213 00 In the matter of the mileage and per diem of the county commissioners It is ordered bv the board that the per diem and mi eaiftj of Hie commissioners ue allowed as follows, to wit; J. R. Morion, 4 days, tiO miles.. $18 00 John Lewellen, 5 " 4 " .. H M T. B. Killen 5 " 84 " . . 29 40 In the matter of the petition of J. J Kimball et al for a road Said report was rend on Friday, February, 8, 1901, and now on tins day on its second read inn and it appearing to the board that there is no remonstrance or petition for damages, and being satisfied said road will Iw of public utility, it is ordered and adjudged that the field notes and plat of said Biirey be recorded and in ill lestiects approved and that the said view and survey be established as county road that the expenses ot said view and survey be paid by Clackamas county, and the cleik is hereby ordered to issue the necessary notice to me su pervisors ol the district in which 'Said road lies, to open and work the same Ail that portion of road heretofore de scribed and asked to be vacated be and the same , is hereby in all respects ordered vacated on the opening of said road, J A Randolph 2 Geo Hicenhothau 2 Newton Walker .' S 11 Gray 2 Harry Gray 2 Jacob Siohacke 2 John W Meldrum 3 days 10 miles $5 00 7 4 5 4 4 12 4 tut 14 00 20 In the matter of a county charge Thi matter coming on at this time and the court being full v advised, It is ordered that have fd.00 being for the period from January loth to Fehruarv 15th, 1901, and that a warrant b issued in the name of Joint Bake for the said amount. In the matter of change of John Jones as a county charge from care of I). V lhomas This matter coming on am the court being fully advised, it otdered that John Jones be taken trom the care and keeping of D. W. Thomas and placed in the care and keeping of Mrs. R. l'ayis, said Jones to be kept at the rate of f 18,tX) per month. 1 Cheney, the photographer, has just received a new lot of the latest card mounts, in small panels and mansion ovals, the very latest. FIGPRUNE CEREAL The Only Health Coffee. The stepping stone to perfect health Is Flgprune Cereal. This delightful beverage is a great aid to digestion and its dally use, In place of tea and coffee, Is already being recommended by phy sicians. Flgprune Cereal consists of 54 per Cent fruit and 46 per cent grain 100 f.er cent In every package. Figs and Prunes Are combined with selected grains and so blended that the result Is an ac ceptable table beverage a natural sub stitute for tea and coffee. Flgprune Cereal Is prepared only by the Flg prune Cereal Co., Ltd., San Jose, Cat. Coffee Is more injurious than tea, as It not only affects the nerves but has a decided tendency to make one bilious. Its habitual use will comp'etely shatter the nervous system. Flgprune Cerea' la an agreeable and healthful substi tute. Ask your grocer for the nsw heaHth oaffe'. Ftgprunn Cereal. Laws Enacted. (Continued from page 1.) Hunt, to euhuiit constitutional amend ment allowing cities to incorporate un der general act. Marsters, to submit constitutional amendment changing time of holding general election in November. Booth, authorizing transfer of certain moneys from stove foundry to general fund. Josephi, to. submit constitutional amendment providing for location of. edu cational and other state institutions else where than in the city of Salem. Daly, to distribute 12,000 copies of new school laws. CHARTER BILLS. Ro8burg, Canyonville, Silver ton, Elgin, Summerville, Baker Ci'y, Antelope, Dallis. Sum (iter, Myrtle Point, Medfd, Sheridin, Stayton Heppner, Whitney, Mitchell, F;illn City, Warrenton, Lebanon, Vale, Sulem, ABhland,' Oakland, Tillamook City, Vernonia, A. kali, P.urns, New berg Enterprise, Nehalem, Bay City, Cottage Grove, Butteville, Bunanza, Prairie City, Nehalem, John Day, Lone Rock, Pendleton, Bay City, Condon, Joseph, Grants Pass.Yoncalla, Hood River, Cor nelius, Wasco, Grass Valley, Sheridan, Milton, North lamhill, Independence, Seaside, Astoria, Portland,- WW, A (rood tooklnff horsfl and noor look. lnghurnetiH is tha worn itmu ot n cum- . bliiHtlon. Eurc Harne? not only nnu'v'l home Un .V ltutlier soft r.:i,l i UU,k mil1 ll in con. ilitl'-n l ) lust twice ui long I KH ll ( -rii:i:triiy wtiutu. '1,1 rmr-hfr in eftua til B lx.. Made hy Km STANDARD 1 Give Your Horse a Chance! Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are alwavs at work, Bight and day, curing Indigestion Bil iousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure nly 25c at Geo. A, Harding's drug store. Going East. If you intend to take a trip East, ask your agent to mite you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date rail road in every particular. through trains from ( lucago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through t-rain has free reclining chair cars, B.eep ing and dining cars. Slop over allowed on all tickets ati- agara Falls. Ross C. Cline. Pacific Coast Pass. Agent. Los Angeles, Cal. ('. S. Crank, Gen'l Pass Agent. St. Louis, Mo. Kor Over Fifty Vm An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has heen used for over fifty years bv millions of uiothers for their children while teething, with perfect BUccess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug gists iu every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kiud. How it is Done. The first object in life with the Ameri can people is to "get rich ;" the second, howtoregnin good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving: the second, (good health) by using Green's Auttust Flower. Should you be a despondent suffer fro.n any of ite meets oi uysuepsia, t,tver Com plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc. such as Sick Headache, Habitual Cos tiveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostratiou, Low Spirits, etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of the well known August Flower will re lieve you at once. Go to Geo. A . Hard ing and get a sample bottle free. Regu lar size, 75 cents. Get Green's Prize Almanac. ihJiriR'Buanatlie Lua Imt in ukes the Mlft MWRH I.. .Ml IB-A r m m, . 0,LC- A nil . ffl.&tmwa . G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON O. W. Eastham O. B- Dimick DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Itoal Fstnte and Frobsle Inw Fptciul tles, Abstract of Title mnde, Money Loaned. t ' .Reference, Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Al TORfti KY8 AT UW Commercial, Beat Estate and Probata La Brxol<lei Offlo to Commercial Bank Bntldlna MUMMV CITY .... OUCOO 51. C STRICKLAND, Si. D. (Hoipttal ud PrlraU' Kxpi-finicw.) MTers hti prolaional nrvi, in tlu- pwple cj Orsgou City tnd vlclniijr. S i-isl mt-em'.o-i paid to Catarrh himI (-'lininn- dliit. bent ol rei'MC'Cei iv,'i. Oltloe In Ilium, ti liiilmliif . Oiti noun 111 U, 19 . m., to 4 f. lION CITY DK. GEO. HOEYE, DENTIST. Offlc in Caufleld Building, Main Strett. Oregon Oitv. BtllDOa AND CHOWS WOKK A SPKCIALTt All work warrantod and satfafaction guaranteed. DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Blrclay Building, PrlcB Moderate JAll Operations Guaranteed. )R. FRANCIS FREEMAN D1SNT1ST. Graduate o! ihe Northw astern Uiiivr Al ty Dental N-iiool, alo of A merican Col 'ne 1 I'eninl Sultry, of Chicago. A'tllauuttt Block - Opposite Pottcffi.ci Orkook City, Obboom. 0. N. GREENMAN (Est.WlstieJ 1865 'MM PIONRKR KXMtKSBMAH ATSV UUA VMAN Parcel lillverud tu All Parts ot tba C1t IKEGON CITY . T . . OEKOOS r9Land Title and Land Otc ButlacM a Specialty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY XT LAW. Will fracttce In all the Courti of tha Stats Conveyancing Rooms 3 Weinhard Building Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. Schuebel W. S.,U'Ren U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW S)eutff)tT SIrDotat Will practice In all courts, make collection nd settlements nf estates, furnish abstracts of Utle, lend you money and lend your money on nrst muns&ge. umce in enterprise DUliaing. OREGON CITY OREGON GEORGE L. STORY LAWYER and NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice In the Circuit, County and Justice uouns in me county. fi ( Bi;is Beam mi bif. Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned Office in Stevens Building, OREGON CITY, OR, C. S. SEAMANN, M! D Calls promptly atlemled at all hours EYES tested and properly fitted with GLASSIS Office Hours 1,0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Willamette Building - Opposite Postofflee OKEOON CITY, OREGON WANTED1 Reliable man for manager of branch office we wish te open in this vicinity It your record is U K. nere is an oppor tunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. The A. T. Morris Wholesale House Cincinnati', Ohio. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents stamps. WASTED AC rtVE MVS- OF GOOD CHARAO ter to deliver and collect in OroiS'in for old eta lished manmneturlii wholesale house. S'.Kiim year, sure pay. Houesty more than experience require!. Our reteretice, any Dint In any oily Kneiose seo-au iresseu siaiipwieuveiop. .nuna faeturers, ThirdKloor, SH Dwirbora St , Chicago James Murrow to do your Painting and Papering t If you want first.lass work New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Caufleld Block OREGON CITY Go To MUM ros Grocery Store For Hest Goods, Best Condition, And Prompt IV i very. 7th and Center STlxKETS. I. SIAS Watchmaker ?cd Jeweler Poctoflice I'.iiildiiig CAN BY - . OREGON BAKK OF OREGON CITY BAH KINO HOUSI I TBI OIFB PAID CP CAPITAL, 180,000.01 SURPLUS fSOJliOM Chas. H. OillUH Geo. A. HBIM X. O. CiCMlLa rto f rwldant tea tar. 4 Seurtl Bunking Business TrtniacUd Depodlm Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills aud Notes Dlsoounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Leant Mudoon Available SeourltT IxehauK? Bought and 4ld. OolUMtHitia Made Promptly. Drutu Hold Available In An? Fart si tha una Talafraptiic SuchaiiKe Sotdon Portland, Ian franntsoo ''hlragoan-1 New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits J. C. ERADLEY'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite ISuepentdon bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON A PERFECT BATH ROOM essential to perfect romlort and health. Oat sumaies on putting, in Plumbing Work and fittings for large and small houses will be found surpassingly low when quality of work and material nsed la considered . We would be pleased to have Ian opportunity, to submit figures. F. C. GADKE W. H. Y!IA(,'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest Funerav Turnouts m city OREGON CITY. OREGON It You Want High Grade Stamp-Photos OREOON CITY, OREGON SHANK & BISSELL Embalmers and Funeral Directors Telephones, Night or Day Seventh Street Near Depot uriKCON CITY VAflTAl f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Buslneea Loans made. Bills discounted. Makat aoV tactions, buys and sella exchange o all VQlBts m the United States and Europe and on Hotf long. Deposits received iut-)et to ahack. aUnkojMB boa I A. M. io 4 F. M. b. c. LuoTjunt, mi t. vxTca,