Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Southern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
Trains leave Oregon City for Portland at 70 and
9;22 a. 51., and C;30 p. M.
Ar Ashland 12:31 A. v. 11:30 a.m.
" Sacramento 6:00 P. M 4:35 A.M.
" San Francisco 7:4,s p. ar. 8:15 r.M.
" Ogden 5:45 A. M. 11:45 A.M.
Denver 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M.
" Kansas City 7:52 A M, '7:25 a.m.
" Chicago . 7:45a.M. 9:30a,m.
" Los, Angeles 1:50 p.m. 7:00 a.m.
" El Paso 6:00 P.M. 6:00 p.m.
" Fort Worth 6:30 A.M. 6:30 a.m.,
' Uity of Mexico 9:65 a.m. 9:55 a.m.
" Houston 4:00 B. m. 4:00 a.m.
' Kow Orleans 5:26 P.M. 6:25 P. V,
. " Washington 6:42 a.m. 6:42 a.m.
" New York 12:43 P.M. 12:43 P.M.
Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains,
ChaL- oars, bacramcnto to Ogden and El Paso;
,nd tourist cars to Chicago, St. Louis, New
Orleans nud Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with several
Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Oeutrai and South America,
, See E. L. Hoofenoarner, agent at Oregon
City station, or address
C. H. MARKHAM, 6. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
'wp Union Pacific
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (except Suuduy) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at way points on both sides of the
UOlunium river.
un, nr nhnvn stnnmprs have been rebuil
and are in 'ixoellent shiipe for the season of 1900
The Koirulatur Line willendeavor to give its
patrous ttio best service possible.
Fnr ilLinfort. Economy and. Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
m,nni.nv..t..umDTiil,.nvA Pm-tlnnd 7a. m.and
Dalles at 8 a. iu.,aud arrive at destination in ample
time for oniuoing truins.
Portland Oilice. The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. Courtstreet.
General Agent
, Ocean Steamships
8 p. ra. All Sailing Dates subject 4 p. m.
to change.
For San Kram.isco Sail
every 5 days.
Daiiv Columbia River
Ex. Sunday steamers. p-
8 p. m. Ex . Sunda
Saturday To Astoria and Vay- '
10 p.m. Landiugs. N
Willam.tte River.
6 a.m. 4.30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbe;g, Ex. Sunday
Salem, Independence
and way-landings,
Willamette and Yam-
7 a. m. hill Rivers., ':3P;m-
Tnes. Thur. Mo., Vi ed.
and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton and Frl'
and way-landings.
e a. m. Willamette River 4:30 p m
Tues. Thur. Moll.. Wed
and Sat. Portland to Corvallis and Fri.
and way-landings.
Leave Snake River Leave
Eiparia i Lewiston
J:40a. m. tlparla to Lewiston. 8:30 a.m.
Daily. Daily
u V, V
v JL
E i" v H (5-1 I
mm n
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Best of Everything"
In a word this tells of the pass
enger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars .
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Express, the finest day
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connections from the west made via
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rys.
This is also one of the best lines between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All agents sell tickets via "The North
western Line."
Ci. A.
t8 Alder St., Portland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given tuat the undersigned
ku been duly appointed by the county court, ol
the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, ex
ecutor ior the estate of Leonora Elisabeth Laoey,
deceased. AU persons haying olalmg against
laid estate are hereby required to present the
tame to me properly verified, as required by law,
at Springwater, Oregon, or to my attorney, Rob
ert A. Miller, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from date hereof.
Albert Lacbv,
Executor of the estate of
Leonora Elizabeth Lacey, deceased.
Dated this 31st day of January, 1901
In he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Mable Sollnsky, PlalntifT,
William H. Sollnsky, Defendant.
To William H. Sollnsky, Defendant.
In the name ot the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer tlie com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit, in the above entitled court, on or betore the
1st day of March, A. D , 1901, the said last men
tioned date being the last day of the limo pro
scribed by the court In the, order for service of
this summons upon you. by publication thereof,
and If you so fail to appear and answer, in this
suit, on or before the said 1st dy of March, A,
D., ll'Ol, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court forthe rslijf de.n tnloii In the said
complaint, to wit: That the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you and
tliu said plaintiff, bo' disolvedi That the plain
tiff have the care, custody and control ot child;
that the plaintiff have the decree of the Court
against you for the costs and disbursements of
this suit, and for such other aad further relief as
to equity muy seem jus'.i The defendant Is here
by further notified that this summons Is served
upon him by publication thereof, by virtue of an
order made In this suit by the Hon. Thomas F.
Byan, Judge of the Couuty Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, on the 14th day of
Jan., A. D. 1901, ordering and directing that this
Summons be served upon you, the above named
defendant by publication thereof lu the Courier-
Herald, a newspaper published in Oregon City,
County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and of
general circulation In said City, County and State
for a period of six successive weeks from the first
publication of this Summons, the date of the first
publication of this summons, being the 18th day
of January, A. D 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The White Man's Burden
i'can be named in the 'single word dys
pepsia. It is the one disease, wnicn more
than any other, affects m
th Atnprirati neotile. f-j
It is common to all U V
classes and all condi
tions. It makes life
miserable. It mars k
fnnnlv hanrnness. It
interferes with busi-1
ness and pleasure
alike, and it discounts
a man's usefulness
just as much as it
discounts his happi
ness. .
There's a remedy
for dyspepsia. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery has
lifted this burden
from the bodies of
hundreds of thou
sands. Tt cures
ninety-eight out of L
every nunurea wuo
give it a fair and
faithful trial.
I used ten bottles of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery and several
vials of his 'Pleasant
Pellets' a year ago this
spring, and have had no
trouble with indigestion
since," writes Mr. W. T.
Thompson, "of Town
send. Broadwater Co..
Montana. Words fail to tell how thankful I
am for the relief, as I had Buffered so much and
it seemed that the doctors could do me no good.
1 got down iu weight to 125 pounds, and was not
able to work at all. Now I weigh nearly 160
and can do a day's work on the farm. I have
recommended your medicine to several, and
shall always have a good word to say for Dr.
Pierce and his medicines."
Free. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser
is sent free on receipt of stamps to
pay expense of mailing only. It con
tains 1008 pages and over 700 illustra
tions. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for
cloth binding to Dr. R. V. Fierce,
Huttalo, N. Y.
K Ct
, r-n a HI a A AA R'
Hording Block, Oregon City
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, ex
ecutor of the lust Will and Testament of Seba
Norton, deceased, 1 as tiled iu the County Court of
C'ncksnias Coin ty, State of Oregon, his final ac
count ns such Kxicutor of said Kstnte, and that
Monday (lie In day of April, 1001, at the hour of
10 o'clock, a. m.'. lias been fixed bv the Judge of
said Court, nn the time for hearing of said ob
jections to said report and the settlement Uiereot.
Executor of the lust Will aud Testament
of ScbaNonon, Deceased. 1 v
In tbo County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of 1
Lenora Boss, Duces sed. )
Notice is hereby given that the unlerslgned has
been duly appointed administratrix of the above
entitled estate by the above entl'led Oourt, and
liai on the 27th day ol February, 1901, duly
qualified as such. Creditors of the said estate
are hereby notlfkd to piesent tneir claims uuiy
verified to the undersigned by leaving the same
with J.J. Cooke, sheriffs office, oourt house, Ore
gon City, Oregon, within six months from tne
date hereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Lenora Bobs, Deceased.
Dated February 27th, ldOl.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas.
Ada L. Osburn,
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Ellen A. Farnharnv 1
Willis J. Farnham, I
Defendant,!- J
To Willis J. Farnham, Detent ant- T .
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby required to appear and answer to the con
plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit
on or before theOth day of March, JpOl, that be
ing the time prescribed In the order- for publica
tion of this summons-the date of the first publi
cation of this summons being on the 15th day of
February, 1901: and if you fall to s appear an
answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the sail
court for the relief prayed for iu the complaint;
to-wlt, a judgment against you aiid a decree dis
solving the marriage contract now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff, and for the custody
and control of the two children, and for such
other relief prayed for In the complaint herein.
This summons is published by order of the
Hon., I. V. Kyan, Judge of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, dated
and entered on the 14th day of February 1901.
. Attorney fcr I'lalutiff
Notice is hereby given that I have been, by
order o' ihjjCounty Oourt of Clackamas Co., Ore.,
duly appointed administrator of the Estate 01
William D. Bedford, deceased. All persons na
in; claims against said estate are notified to
present them daly verified torn at the office of
my attorney, H. E. Cross, at Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
Administrator of the Estate of
William D, Bedford, deceased
H. E. Cross,
Attorney for Estate.
Thomas J. Osburn,
To Thomas J. Osburn, D fendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you arc
hereby requ Ired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed again-it you In the above entitled
auit on or before the 1st day of March, 1901,
l.ulmT th& limit nrifUrilM.. Ill order of P 'jh
Hint vw, - 1
cation of this summons; and If yon fail to appear
aud answer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief theiein prayed for,
to-wit: A deci-e of divorce from the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you and the
plaintiff nd for other, relief prayed for iu the
complaint herein.
This fmnmoi is publWied by order of Hon.
Thomas K. Iiyan, County J11.U j of siid county,
made and entered the Uth day of January, I'M,
and the dale of the first publication is Friday,
January is, ll'Ol . at: a the said publication Is to
run fix consecutive week from O13 said date.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated at Oregon City, Jan. 11, l'.tll.
In the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon, for
the County ol Clackamas.
W. F. Hubbard, plaintiff,
Mary M, Hubbard, defendant.
To Mary M.Hubbard, said defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer tne com
plain t filed against you in tne auove entitled mi
on or before the 16th day of April, 1901, and if you
fail 80 to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the above entitled Court foradeoree
forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and
for such other relief as shall seem meet ana proper
This summons is ordered published in 'he Ore
gon City Courier-Herald for the period of six
weefe from date of first publication thereof, such
order being made by the Hon. inos. c. ityai'
Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, on the 27th day of
February, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication March L-X, Will. .
Farm f ar Sale.
19 miles south of Oregon City, 3mil;s south-of
Molalla. Known as tin Teasel t'arm. Contain
ing 810 acres. 140 acre; clear plow land; 40 acres
mcrerk boliom: luO acres, upland; 7 acres, or
chard. All well watered and fenced with stake
and ire lence. and drained with atone and tile
, pches: rood buildings. 90 rods from achoel
house; 115 rods Irom church; good location fuf
Ukiug slock to mountains Price S'WX), I1O0O
down, balance to suit at 6 per cent Interest.
For further particulars apply on farm to
A. ; Sawtwj,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Matt Olson. )
1 vs.
Bertha oiwin, 1
Dfffendait; J
To Bertha Olson, Defendant:
IS the name of the state of Oregon, you are
liouKu rur,t,lr..,l tr. n,,no.r and n ,i iwor tllP
complaint filed against you In the above en
titled suit on,or before the'-'Oth day olJMarch.l'JOl,
and if you fail to appear and atiwer said coin
plaint, ;t:ie plaintiff, will apply to the
court for the r lief therein prayed for,
tO'Ait: a decree f divorce from the bonds of
matrimony now existing between yi u aud
tbo plaintiff.
This summons Is published by order of Hon.
Thomis F. Ryan, County Judge of said connly,
made and entered the l'Jth day of January, 1901,
and the dr,te of the first publication Is Friday,
January 20Ui, 1901, and the said publication is to
run iix consecutive weeks from the said date.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated at Oregon City, January 25th, l'JOi
Friday, Feb. 22.
A shortage of $31,030 has been found
in tbo state land ofl'uie.
Prist. Steyn and Gen. DeWet have
issued an address in which they call the
attention of the woild to the brutality
and Bavaoery of the British mode of war
fare. Canitnttndant Botha has counseled his
men never to surrender. The, Boers ap
pear to be hard uressed by the British
and some of them are in distress.
Von Waldersee is obliged to abandon
his looting expedition into China Rus
sia is in a conflict with Chinese forces in
the territory Bhe has seized; The powers
have agreed that there shall be no more
land-grabbing in China. i
Near Klip River, just south of Johan
nesburg, the Boers captured a trainload
of foodstuffs. At Hartebeestfontein the
cjlumn of Gen. Methuen had a fight
with 1400 Boers.
A railroad collision near Trenton, N. J.,
killed 10 persons and wounded 25.
For assaulting a 13-year-old girl, Tom
Vital, a negro, was lynched at Lake
Charles, La. For trying to defend Vital,
Samuelftfaddox was shot dead.
Fire caused $75,000 damage to the
Clatsop Mill Co.'s plant at Astoria.
Saturday. Feb. 23.
While entering the harbor of San
Francisco, the Bteamer Rio de Janeiro
ran on a rock and sank." The number
lost, mostly Asiatics, was 122. The ship
was in charge of a pilot, who was saved.
The California prune trust is anchored
to miserable failure of its effort to con
trol the market by 50,000,000 pounds
of prunes.
The president has issued a proclama
tion calling for a special session of the
seiiiite March 4.
Sir Robert Hart protests against the
seizure of his properly in Pekin, for li
gation purposes, by Austria, France,
Germany and Italy.
Sunday, Feb. 24.
The London Weekly Dispatch says
Gen. Botha has offered to surrender.
Many squatters are mining for gold
and other metals in the province oi Ben
gnet, Philippine islands, Gen. Cailles
offers 10 Mexican dollars for each Amer
ican head, as scalp bounty.
John Daly, lcrd mayor of Limerick,
now in Chicago, says he believes the
war in South Africa will continue until
the English are driven out of the country
The Maryland Steel Co. of Baitimqre
is building two 10,000-ton tramp steamers.
To revitalize the democratic paity, 200
prominent democrats met at a dinner in
the Bullitt tfftilding, Philadelphia.
Congress has Toted $5,000,000 for the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St.
Louis In 1903.
Monday, Feb. 25.
The president intends to ask for an
increase of the regular army to 150,000,
at the nest regular session of congress
In Ireland, 500 agricultural organiza
tions have a membership of 50,000, all
heads of families.
Lord Kitchener reports that on Feb. 18
General French inflicted a severe blow
on the Boers, who lost all told 581 men,
22,230 cattle, 6570 horses and mules, 1070
wagons, 155,440 sheep, 160,000 rounds
ammunition, rifles and cannon. Gene
ra's DeWet and Steyn got away with
400 Boers. They told the burghers to
get back to Orange Colony as best they
could. The Boer invasion of Cape Colony
thus seems to have been a disastrous
J. P. Morgan's steel trust will have a
capitalization of $1,100,000,000.
The Austrian reichstag got into a tierce
quarrel over the Catholic confessional.
Mrs. Carrie Nation has wiitten a letter
from the Topeka jail lo Judge llazen
asking that he release her before he is
swept into hell.
Mrs, Roea Wurzer, a widow, at Un
iontown, Wash., threw her six children
into a 30 foot well, and jumped in after
them. She was rescued but the children
When the captain of the fchip Kenne
bec, at Port Townsend, V'asli, refused
the request of W. V. Wilmot, who had
thipped when drunk, to release him,
Estate of Geo. W. Leo, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by the nnderalgncd, R.
I . II I n go, executor of the estate or said George W
Deo, decked, to the creditors of and ajl persons WillUot tXlk cyanide C'f polaSSIum and
having claims against the estate ol faia Uucnre fJl JBH(
W. Lee, deceased, and against the said Oorge W
! Le, to exhibit them with the mcevsary vouchers,
within tix month! after the nm publication
of this notice, lo mo, the said executor, at tlie of
fice of my attorneys, t'lleu & cbuebe!,In the
Enteprii-e building, at Oregon City, in Clacka
mas county, Oregon. First publication of Ibis nor
tiee, Friduy, February 22, VM.
, It. L. KINCO, iM 't'Utor.
U'bes it 6ontui)RI Attorneys.
Zpif3? J& Printing at the
Thia signature is on every box of the genuint
Laxative Brorao-Quinine Table
the remedy that cures cold In oe day
mease Settle.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the undersigned, will please
call and settle at once, a I do not de
sire to make any trouble in the matter
, fAUL UussotK.
The can fac:ory at Fairhaven, Wash,
will turn out this year S0,000,000 cam?.
Spokane parties hunting oil have so
curtd leases oft 1300 acres near Fanning-
ton in tlie "jjas belt."
Iu ih-j Dcllin'ham Buy country, VVa hi
a glasit factory will he established.
Near Cohille, Wash., oil has been
During a raid on a Xorth Topeka,
K.m.', galoiii, J. W. Adam was danger
Oisly hurl.
8. Tearson, formerly a commissary in
the Boer army, has returned from Eu
rope, Ilejfiaye that all telegrr.ph lines
are controlled by the British and it is
impossible to get reliable news, and be
lieves the Boers have captured both the
i forces of Smith-Dorrien and French.
wanning dynamite in a hot stove. He
is stone - leal now and has hut one arm.
Tuesday, Feb. 20.
A lire in the Diamond ville coul nit e
Nu. 1 at Kemtner, W y , entombed 0
men and 15 horses.
A $llo,()00 lire cccuried on Wooilwmd
avenue, Detroit.
General DeWet, who is attempting to
escape by crossing the swollen Orange
River, is pursued by several BritUh col
umns. Gen. Botha, with 2000 Boers, has
broken away from Gen. French's pursuit.
The Boers are attacking tlie i lty ol
Richmond in the center of Cape olony.
The Boer envoys in Holland Hi.tly de
ny that peace proposals have been made
to King Edward.
RnBsia is bird up and wants tn bor
row money.
At a flie in Birmingham, England, Bix
people were burned to death.
The population of Saxony is 4,199.780,
an increase of 11 per cent since 18H6:
Neiir Piiikeisburg, Oocs county, a 100
pound meteor Ml wl ieh whs of pumice
s one for.tnu.ihjn.
In Monte Carlo Gulch, Yukon, a mus
to Ion skull has been found that meas
ures three feet between the eyes.
The revenue cutter Bear will take a
herd of reindeer from Siberia to Alaska.
Mrs. Al. Taylor, of Pool Slough, fell
out of a boat and was drowned in Ya
quina hay.
From Tamoioca the British steamer
Chatton brought to the Guggenheim
smelter at Perth Atnboy, N. J., lead
bullion worth half a million dollars.
It is an open secret in Washington
that Boai Ilanna and his ship-subsidy
steal are the prime movers of the extra
cession of c ingress called by the prest
In a sermon, Rev Di. J. P. Peters, (f
New York, charged that every street
railway in the city hud secured valuable
privileges by fraud or corruption
In the British South African army 1000
Americans are serving, who shipped un
der false promised on Biitish horse-ships
from New Orleans and were left helpless
and penniless in distant Africa
The Cubans regard their 'constitution
as already in effect and w ill deman
that the United States get out of the is
land after the election is held.
The steamer Rio de Janeiro, wrecked
in the harbor of San Francisco, lies in 13
fathoms of water
AtTerre Haute, Ind., George Ward
a half-crazy negro, was lynched for ihe
murder of Miss Ida Frankenstein
Seven English columns have bo;r con'
verging their energies on Gen. DeWet
force, which has been shattered, he him
self escaping across the Orange Eiver in
an open boat. Kitchener has so thor
oughly "concentrated" humanity and
food in the two republics that in London
military circles it is beliovod by July the
Boers will be licked for good and all.
It will take 10 years to build the Jap
anese emperor's new palace at Tokio.the
steel frame work of which, 200 by 400
feet, has been put up by a Chicago man.
In the Diamondville mine fire, Wyo
ming, 32 lives were lost.
Wediesday, Feb. 27.
General Gomez says that the Cubans
are not fit to govein and if the Ameri
cans were to withdraw he would go with
them. "
The population of Germany is 56,345,
014, an increase of 4,000,000 since 1895.
The now dead Consul-General Wild-
man, of Hong Kong, predicted that Chi
na will be divided into five pieces, as it
used to be.
Adelbert Hay, lute U. S. consul at
Pretoria, will he given a dinner in Lon
don by Joe Chamberlain forgiving offi
cial aid and comfort to the English.
In Idaho, 410,000 acres of agricultural
land will be opened for settlement, lo
cated in Fort Hall Indian reservation.
Thursday, Feb. 28.
The U. 8. senate has passed the ar
my appropriation bill, which gives the
president imperial power in, the Philip
pine islands.
February 25, 300 Boers surrendered to
Gen. French, and C334cattle,f)800 sheep,
2H7 wagons, 388 horses, 20,000 rounds of
ammunition and several cannon were
British columns are attempting to cor
ner I'eWetand Steyn's forcos at Peter
mvillc, south of the swollen Orange.
The British captured 41 Boer and a
quantity of supplies at Seheiper'sLaaer.
A crowd of 10,000 in the eily of Pekin
witnessed the chopping off of the heads
f C'h'u Su and llsiu Cheng Yu.
According to the Husso-Chinese con
vention, Russia will he practically abso
lute master in Manchuria, Mongolia and
Chinese Turkestan.
The hog which John McAlisler ol
Grande Ronde Valley, butchered, weigh
ed, dressed, 735 pounds.
President McKinley denies he said
"the thirst of Christendom for blood
must now be considered sullicienilv
J, A. McGLASHAN, Manager
Stores Oregon City and Portland
IO Cents
Pound Dried l'eac'ies
IO Cents
Poun 1 Apricols
7 Cents
Poui'd Italian Prune? ,
2$ Cents
j Cans Tomatoes or Corn
15 Cents
Can Red Salmon
25 Cents
Pounds Japan Rice
' 25 Cents 1
6 Pounds Black Figs
We handle a full line of
Garden Seeds.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2 903.40; graham
Wheat Walla Walla 5355c; valley
58c59;' bluestem 67c.
OAts White 44345c; gray 42 43o.
Barley Feed $15; brewing $10 per t.
Millstuffs Bran $15, ; middlings 21 ;
shorts $18 ; chop $10.
Hay Timothy $3213 ; clover, w9;
Oregon wild $7.
B itter Fancy ere vn iry 5) at 1 55o ;
store, 25 and 30.
Eggs 13 to 14 cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed thickens $3.003.50;
hens $:i.504; springs $23 50; geese,
$(!7; docks' $o0; live turkeys 11
12c; dressed, 1214o.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, weatheis ,
nd ewes, sheared, $4 50; dressed, 0
and 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 00 and $5 25;
light, $5; dressert, 6 1-2 and 0 cants per
Veal Large,'Gl-2 and 7 cents per
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50 and $
dressed beef, 7 and 8 cents per pound.
Che so Full cream 12aC per pound
Young America :c.
Potatoes 45 and 50 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets '$1 ; turnips 75o
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.05
1.80 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75o
per dozen ; parsnips 85c per sack ; celery
8090c per dozen; asparagus 78c;
peas 34c per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evaporated 506;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 34c; pears
sun and evaporated 8gc ; pitless plums
78c; Italian prunes o7c; extra
silver choice 57. -
Corrected on Thursday,
Wheat, wagon, 53.
Oats, 45.
Potatoes, 50 and 60 cents per sack.
Eggs 15 per dozen.
Butter, dairy, 35 to 45o per, roll;
creamery, 50c. . . .
Dried apples, 5 to 6o per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite
and German, 3c.
Clackamas County Cerium.
Including the suburbs and Caneman,
Weitt Oregon City and Abemethy pre
cincts, the latter including Gladstone
and Parkplace, Oregon City has 9,371 inhabitants.
Keaer Creek ,
Canby precinct,incl tiding
Milk Creek..
Now Era
Oragon'City, precini
z and J, coextensive
-ith Oregon City 3-194
Oregon City. 3494
Ward 1 1222
Ward 2 1205
Ward 3 IOCS
l'leasiint Hill..,.
Seivers . .,
Soda Spring.
I 'nioii
Went Oregon City
(tint .
1900 1891)
609 "'oo4
755 787
372 ......
617 m
100 150
499 009
120 103
723 008
074 070
392 421
247 245
, 141 143
480 404
4:17 402
432 275
1002 907
533 582
.473 384
slaked, after taking at least 100 lives for
Levi L. Yoder, living near Salem, was every Christian slaughtered."
Total 19,018
, 224
TIik I)ew ;ij Wanker.
1'Iim I)evy washt-r linen away entirely
ftilti tlie w trlib ard and can he easily
operue t whilesnting down. Iu three
iniini eM tlie in.n liiiw will wash a tu'
fuil of e itlie I guarantee the Dewey
anir will d al I cliiin Uiders by
mail will reeeive pro mpt,, .uiiiton. Ad
dress me at Oreg m Ci y.
W. II. Stonkiiackbb,
Ag-iiit for Clackamas county.