Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 01, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier Herald
ttattrel ioOragou Citr ptoffloe 2nd-cls matter
Bld la advance, per year ..... 1 M
months l
bree moalbs'trlal
HBThe date opposite your addres on the
per doaotes the time to which youhaTepaid.
U this notic Is marked your subscription M du.
With Wwkly Oregon Ian... 12 00
' Tri-Weekly N. Y. World 1 85
' National Watchmaa 1 "5
" Appeal to Rbasoa J 60
" Weekly Examiner .... 2 S5
" Bryan'a Commoner 1 "
Standing business aiivertUements: Per month
rofessional earda.ll (!)) per year): 1 to 10 Jnohes
60e per inoh, 12 inches for $5, 20 inches (column)
8, 80 Inches, $12.
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 inch
too, 2 Inches 75c, 8 Inches $1,4 Inches 11.26,6
Inches 11.50, 10 inches 12.50. 20 Inches tb
Legal advertliements: Per Inch first inser
Jon Jl, each aJiiltlonal Insertion 60c. Amlavits
of publication will not be furnished until pub
lication fees are paid.
Local notices; Five cents per line per week
per month 20o,
OREGON CITY, MAR. 1, 1901.
Tub Standard Oil Company controls
Wall street.
A trust is a body of men entirely sur
rounded by water.
Outsidk of the army and navy, Uncle
Sam employs 178,884 persons.
Twknty-tiirbb of our fellow-citizens
jointly made $297,000,000 last year.
Each member of our congress receives
WOO packages of seeds to give away.
Ex-President Harrison is of the opin
ion that the Filipinos are submitting
with difficulty to the divine will.
Two Oovington (Ky.) men have re
ceived a patent for the discovery of the
long-lost art of hardening copper.
' A woodicn idol wou'.d fill the position
of president as well as McKinley. It is
the money power that is actually presi
dent. Tub enormous profits of the railroads
in the Btate of New York have put the
Idea into the heads of its legislators at
Albany that the state might own its
own railroads.
E. 8. Dillon says in his article on the
Chiueee question in the Contemporary
Review : "The policy of the powers is
a sowing of the wind, and the harvest
reaped will surely be the whirlwind.
But that belongs to the 'music of the
future. "
Thomas Jefferson Hurley, a mining
engineer, estimated that Alaska and the
Northwest Territory will yield more
than one billion in the next 20 yearB.
The amount of irold coin and bullion in
the country at present Is not much over
a billion.
Two years ago this month the war in
the Philippines was begun. During
that time the united States has sacrificed
more than 3,500 soldiers and expended
upwards of $250,000,000 in money in an
attempt to show the Filipinos the bene
fits of American rule, and incidentally
toseunro commerce to the extent of
about $10,000,000..
Iris said that Duuson Bid well, of
Haiiford. will brina Hiiit in many of the
Uniled States district courts against
dectiio railroad corporations for the
infringements of patents. Ho claims
that fifteen yems ago he evolved a sys
tem uf applying electricity to trolley car
propulsion identic.il with the system
now in use, and that he has never re
ceived any royalties for his patent.
Tun religious press of t'.e conntryls
awakening to its duty. The Central
Christian Advocate, organ of the Metho
dist church, admits that "even the
Boxers themselves have been outdone
by the lust, the outrages and rapine of
the foreign soldiers," and quotes Hn eye
witness in Peking to the ellVct that "for
& century to come Clrncse converts will
consider robbery and vengeance to be
Christian virtues."
Tils democratic party is opposed to
class privilege exemplified in protec
tive tariffs and sub'idies. It has made
an unsuccessful effort to eliminato the
evil from our government politics. Its
failure in this respect under Mr. Clive
land is what gave rise to tho more radi
cal movement under Mr. Bryan. If the
great conservative class of the republic,
tho men who stand betwe.u the very
rioh and the very poor, and who have
twico saved the republican party from
deserved defeat, shall at length revolt at
the practices which have made republi
can triumph syuonymous with robbery
and jobbety, we may be sure that in
their wrath they will call for somo
remedy more radical thau any that has
hoa proposed by the democratic party
of Cleveland of the democratic party of
Bryan.Chicago Chronicle.
J. D. Rockefeller makes $50,030 every
day. He bps added one cent a gallon to
the price of oil to make his income a
fraction bicger.
There is now quite strong evidence
to show that Columbus did not first dis
cover America. Nor is Leif Ericson to
wear the honor solely for himself.
From the imperial archives of China
comes a strange story of missionary ac
tivity confirmatory of the claim go ably
set forth by the lamented Rev. Dr.
Masters that our discoverer sailed from
the Orient. Hwul Shan is the central
figure in the story. He was a Buddhist
priest. Taking with him five com-
panbn priests he left China 496 A. D.,
and sailing past Karaschatka and the
Aleutian islands, he traveled southward
from Alaska through British Columbia
from six to seven thousand miles into
Mexico. He describes the industries,
customs and climate of Mexico, which
he called Fusang, or the "Land of the
Mulberry Tree," the description answer
ing minutely to thoe of the aborigines
of that time. On the other hand there
are being found in Mexico con-itantly
inscriptions, carvings anil ruins of prob
able Chinese origin, and the remains
here and there of temples very similar
to those now seen in India and Java.
Thus the testimony from China and
Mexico, in written record and ruin,
agree. But conspicuous as is the coin
cident there is the remarkable fact that
Buddhism perished So also the Norse
mythology of Leif E ricson was not per
mitted a foothold on American shores.
Th Gypsy moth is occupying a great
deal of attention among the scientists,
and it is stated is likely to attract the
attention of and cause sorrow to most
of the farmers in the country, unless its
spread is prevented before it becomes too
late It is one of the most destructive
creatures known to green things.
"It is not unlikely that some of the
curious alterations In the distribution of
forest trees which geologists have recog
nized," said Prof. N. 8. Shaler, in the
Washington Forester, "may Have been
due to the development in prehistoric
ages of the Gypsv moth or other like de-
sructive species of ineect. Thus in the
early Miocene Tertiary, Europe was
tenanted by a host of tree species closely
akin to those that now form our Ameri
can broad-leaved forests. The magno
lias, the gums and tulip trees were then
as well developed in Europe as they are
in this country. Suddenly all these spe
cies disappeared from the Old World.
There is no reason to believe that the
change was due to an alteration in cli
mate. There are many evidences indeed
that such was not the case. It is a very
reasonable conjecture that that alteration
was brought about by the invasion of an
insect enemy which may have been the
ancestor of the Gypsy moth."
Senator Teller, the author of the
joint resolution of Congress defining the
purpose of the United States in ordering
Spain out of Cuba, points the straight
way out of the difficulty, which Mr. Mc
Kir. ley seems to be desirous of compli
cating. L is directly in line with the
simple solution named by The World :
Keep faith with Cuba by making the
island free an I independent, as we
promised to do, and seek in the regular
way through treaties such protective
rights and compensatory privileges as
are necessary and proper in the circum
stances .
Senator Teller insists that the United
States, through the president in his
executive capacity, shall carry out its
pledge to make the island true. We can
then secure from Cuba, as a sovereignty
"such aBHuranc.es by treaty that may be
passed upon by the president and the
senate as to protect this country and the
Cubans from any possible calamity that
has been suggested as likely to occur
through premature independence and
self government."
This is the legal, the honorable, the
only Btraight path out of the Cuban com
plication. If we mean to keep our word
and to preserve undimmed the shining
distinction of being the only nation that
ever went to war to free another people
Irom tyranny and oppression, this is
the p ith we shall follow N. Y. World.
civiuzixa thk filiptxo.
Tub Americans do not seetu to succeed
remaikably well in their providential
mission of establishing civilization and
good government among the Filipino
niggers. Mr. John Bass of the New
York Herald says: "Taxes are higher
i'l Manila than under Spanish rule, aud
the inhabitants bitterly complain. Liv
ing expenses are doubled." A member
of the Thirteenth Regiment, in a letter
printed iu the Chicago Record, says:
"The niggers are getting gay and would
not pay their taxes, bo at the point of
the gun we made them shut up shoji
and not open to sell a thing to natives
or soldiers. They made a big kick, but
it did them no good. We've got lots of
ammunition, and our soldiers are to kill
every one of them at sight, men, women
and children. We take no prisoners.
It is too much trouble to guard them."
General McArthur reports: "After
having occupied many towns and cities
iu succession and having been brought
much in contact with both insurrectos
and amigos, I have been reluctantly
compelled to believe that the Filipino
masses are loyal and devoted to
So dangerous is the American civilized
saloon supposed to be for the morals of
the uncivilized Filipino, that "with a
view to preventing his being attracted
there the playing of musical instruments
or the operation of any gambling device,
phonograph, slot machine, billiard or
pool table, or other form of amusement
in saloons, bars, or drinking places is
Mr. Williams, a conscientious Ameri
can correspondent, writes that he is
appalled by the "profanity, obscenity,
licentiousness and drunkenness which
abound in the contact of the troops with
the natives," and he recommends that
hereafter no man be enlisted for that
service who cannot give testimonials of
good moral character !
Mrs, Nation will not make her ex
pected visit to Oregon City, as stie has
accepted a position , to edit a Negro pa
per, published by a iNegro, who formerly
conducted a Kansas joint.
A recent number of the Ram's' Horn.
contains the picture of a preacher chas
ms the Devil around a stump, where
piled up promisciously are the sins of
his congregation. Below the picture are
the words: "There is a Good Salary At
tached to the Job." i he man, who
goes to church with the view of getting
rid of his besetting sins observes that
the modern church is more of a social
club than a spiritual organization. It
also is noticed that the men who oppress
widows and do the worst things in the
legislal ures are nearly always church
members. Is it any wonder that people
will not attend church, and that church
members are looked upon with suspicion
by the lay public?
From the Oregon City edition of the
Evening Telegram, which, of course, is
printed in Portland, where everything
about Oregon City is read by people in
the metropolis, so the 123 or so sub
scribers here verify believe. There are
no suckers in Oregon City ?
John Doe was fined in the justice court
thiB morning for assault. A. B. Shyster
was Doe's lawyer.
Bev. Longbible will preach at the
church Sunday morning.
The toiic will be "Mrs. Nation and Her
Little Hatchet."
Mrs. Codfish and daughter attended a
ball at Canemah last night.
According to the new enactment of
Oregon legislature,- the slot machines
will have to go out of business. The
worst feature of the slot machine busi
ness is the fact that small boys are per
mitted to play the machines. The lo
cal ministerial association hag made
some complaint in reference to thiB mat
ter, but no definite action was taken.
It would seem that there is but little
UBe to elect democrats or populists to
the Oregon legislature, when they take
a hand in electing a republican senator.
During the late session politic i weie ap1
parently ignored.
It appears that in the late senatorial
fight, Senator McBride, Land Commis
sioner Hermann and George H. Williams
were only dummies to be shot down in
order that John li Mitchell might de
termine hie strength.
There is considerable speculation as
to how the federal offices will be dis
tributed among the Mitchell supporters
in Clackamas county It lias been sug
gested that Henry Meldrum lias a prettv
safe pull on tbe office of surveyor general
of Oregon ; bill MaddocK mav be ao
pointed minister pleui poteutiary extra
ordinary to Borneo ; Dresser may get a
consulship In (Jhina; Hedges may get a
billet in the f ortland custo u house,
and if there are many mon unices to be
distributed, ttie othdrs may stand a
From an article in Sunday's Oregonian,
it is learned that the more property one
owns in New Zealand, the taxes are
much higher in a proportionate ratio
than for small liolders of property. In
Clackamas county the large taxpayer
gets a rebate after the matter is out of
the hands of the assessor, and the small
property holder is stuck for the bulk of
tiie taxes.
Movemonts like the co-operative
butcher shop show greater advances in
sociulism, than all tnu boiler plate edi
torials on ttie subject. "
The potato crop lias aCded thousands
of dollars to the circulation medium of
Clackamas county, knd during the com
ing year immense exports of butter and
cheese will add to the general prosper
ity. An immense immigration is coming
from the East, and as yet, but little ef
fort is being made to divert any of it to
Clackamas county.
What has become of the meretorious
measures ttiat were to have been passed
by the late legislature?
It will be of interest to Clackamas
County Indian War Veterans to learn,
that there has never been any possi
bility of getting a bill through to pun
simi these worthy soldiers. This was
learned by the delegation that recently
went to Washington. The representa
ties and senators of Oregon have beeu
buncoing their constituents with prom
ises that could not attain fulliilrut-nt.
The rural districts of Multnomah and
Marion counties are getting free mail do
livery iu every directtou, and Clacka
mas gets nothing, probably the fault of
her own citizens.
As Seuator Mitchell was really elected
by democratic voles, would it not be the
proper thing to give the members of
that party ttie lion's share of the ap
pointive offices in the gift of the admin
istration for Oregon?
Laxative Bromo-Quioine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cure no Pay
Trice 25 cents.
School report cards for sale at this of
Money to loan at lowest ratesi O. tl .
The finest bon bon boxes in to wd 'at
tbe K. K. K.
Kuerten's Boston bread, five cents a
loaf ; all eastern flour.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
The latest In chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
Dr. R. B. Beatie, dental offices, rooms
15 and 16, Weinhard building.
A few watches for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
When in town get your dinner at the
Red Front House. Meals 15 cents.
The latest out Try the marshmallow
kisses at tbe Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
R. L. Holman, leading undertaker
two doors south of court house, Oregon
A brand new top b iggy for sale at a
sacrifice. Inquire at Courier-Herald
Go to Cheney's and get small photos;
retouched and finished on platinum ; 16
for 35c.
Shank & Bissell carry the most com
plete line of undertakers' supplier in
Oregon City.
f 20 to $100 to loan on cha tel or per
sonal security.
Dimick & Eastham, Agts.
First class statues at Cheney's art
gallery, 16 for 25c. No extra charge
for two heads.
If you want good wood from large yel
low fir timber, order of C. E. Stewart,
Carus, or E. H. Cooper, Oregon City.
For Sale Cheap Good house of sev.en
rooms: 24 lots; barn, fruit, etc. At
Elyville. See the owner, Adam Haas,
who lives on place.
Dr. J. Burt Moore is now prepared to
answer professional calls. Office tem
porally at residence, 10th street, near
Jefferson, Oregon City.
To Loan on Farm Property $500,
$1000, $1500, at 7 per cent, one, two or
three years. Dimick & Eastham, law
yers, Oregon City Oregon.
For Sale 75 acres of timber land 1
mile from Oregon City . Price $75 per
acre. Will take partly in exchange
some deBirable arming land. Address
Wm. Beard, Ely, Or.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at tbe Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison, They serve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a good
square meal, with pudding and pie, 15c.
Stock for sale in the American Mines
Development Company of Minneapolis,
Minn., by O. A. Cheney, Oregon City.
When you want a good square meal
go to the Brunswick restaurant, oppo
site suspension bridge, L. Ruconich,
proprietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked ; just like you get at
home. This is the only lirct-cluss res
taurant in Oregon City and where you
can get a good meal for the pried of a
poor one el where.
Buoklin's Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame lor marvellous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo.
tion. ointment or balm for Cu'b, Cori.s,
Burns, Boils, Son s, Felons, U Cer,
Chapped Hands, Tetter, .Sail Rheum,
Fever Sores, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for 1 ilea. Cure uoaiant- ed. only zb
cents at Geo. A, Harding's
9999 9999 99999 99
Tn Talrf
Thin, pale, anaemic girls
need a fatty food to enrich $
t their blood, give color to
their cheeks and restore their
I health and strength. It is $
safe to say that they nearly $
all reject fat with their food. g
is exactly what they require ; w
it not only gives them the im-
i portant element (cod-liver oil)
in a palatable and easily di-1
gested form, but also the hypo-
$ phosphites which are so valua- $
ble in nervous disorders that
usually accompany anaemia.
fatty food that is more easily
digested than any other form
I of fat. A certain amount of
flesh is necessary for health.
You can get it in this way.
We have known per
t sons to gain a pound a
day while taking it. t
$ wc and $i.oa, all druggist. $
SCOTT Jt BOWNE, Ctttmisu, New York.
99 9 "Cjjk
Ti it)
To the Public:
. I desire to announce to the people of Oregon
City and Clackamas County that I have pnrchased
the interest of H. L. Price in the firm of Price Bros.
Thanking the patrons for past favors, I solicit a
continuance of the same. I have enlarged the stock
and will keep nothing but up-to-date goods. A few
days more of ''Dissolution Sale" prices.
Yours to serve,
I '
Mnll MAW MAT 1Lir.llf IT
But the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
You Can
Depend Upon
Patent Flour,
H. Bethke's Meat Market ,
Opposite Huntley's
Fiist-glass Dyleats of ll irds
Satisfaction Guaranteed
ive 5irQ a gall agd be Treated Eigt-
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end poor stght. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our
optical department.
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
393 florrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREQON
Fine Angel
Wine and
Gold Cakes
Everybody else
Bakery and
. . .... r-
home-made; baked from
wind in it. bvery day all
made out ot the best materials.
The best
Cream Puffs
P. 0. Box 359. Telephone 394
i riacaroons
Successor to Price Bros.
Fifth and Main Sts.
t's Easy to Stand
With your feet encased in our
Floral Queen $3.00 Shoes well
made, stylish, healthful, econo
mical. It's a 'wonder" in shoe
values. Ask to see it.
Dozen of other varieties foot
wear for all people and all purses.
made from old wheat-
makes the best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize
I - A y
Brown & Welch
Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
All kinds of
, Layer, Fruit
) Lakes, Jelly
will "know, that
... .11
b. .... ncou is UKe
best and strongest flour and no
kinds ot Confectionery fresh and
Cookies ami
vwuee uoais