CoufierHera COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 1,1901 18th YEAR, NO. 41 Oregon CO J ity. CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT COMFY LAWS ENACTED. SUCCESSOR TO Crrelie, Harder & 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES mnixi w m m j,iansiiiii mm 1 1 i-uiliQ: Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found ' in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Baggies, Carriages, and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses, Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows, Pumns Harness, Bicycles, Etc. , ' Main Store and Warehouse, No. 140, 146 Sixth Street Korh, PORTLAND, - - , - OREGON Complete ltecord of Oregon Ley I- lature, ''. J Acorn Steel Ranges lead the world. Simond's Saws, the wood choppers' friend. 4 ' Syracuse Chilled Plows and Harrows, the J r 1 r 1 1 .. a iarmers menu, wc aic amc dcnu. 4 We are headquarters for General Hardware, Builders Hardware, Air light Heaters, also a fine line of warranted American Pocket Knives and Razors. J POPE & CO. Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY BILLS P.Vf SKD BOTH HOUBE8 HOUSE BILLS. Barrett A mending mining law. V Rice Times and places of oourc.secon 1 district. Kirk Relating to electric wires on highways. Kirk Validating certain marriages. McCraeken Penalties ! for injuring or destroying reeords on public lands. Story Amending act tor renei 01 in digent soldiers. Poorman .Reorganization 01 uiegon National Guard. Grace Uniform system of mine bell signals. " Montague Appropriation jiuuu ior Soda Springs. Pearoe Kelative to taxation 01 per sonal property. McCricken loo aid uregon Histori cal Society. Holcomb Amending Bancroft bond ing act. Grace Punishment for poisoning do mestic animals. Nottingham Consolidating offices In Multnomah county, McCraeken Providing for building bicvcle paths. Pearct Clerical aid for Btate treas urer. Nottingham Fixing witness' fees in Multnomah county coroner cases. Thomson, of Umatilla Regulating surety companies. Holcomb Providing for election of road supervisors. Sehuman Regulating purchase of Dublic supplies. Heitkemper -To protect union labels and trade marks. Orton To prevent coeicion and in timidation of voters. Mattonn For collection of road poll tax and manner working roads. Eddy Protection of forests, game an wild fowl. lleeder Duty of surveyors in eetab lishing boundary lineB. Thomson, of Umatilla Duties of state superintendent of public instruction. McGreer Amending trespass law. Thomson, of Umatilla Amending law in relation to kidnapping. Bernards Amending law authorizing furnishing of public records. McCraeken Protecting copyrighted plays. Harris Relating to mining claim lo? cations. Nottingham Providing punishment for deeecralion of American flag. Smith, of Marion Appropriation for general expense of state, ' Reavis Providing for domestic irri gation. Eddy Reserving oyBter beds in Ne tarts Bay. Agricultural Implements and Vehicles 210-214 FRONT STREET, FGRTLAND, 0HEG0N. Frank II yseim THE HOUSEFURNISHER Our ship of carpets is in. Carpets made and laid. Have you noticed the prices and patterns of our carpecs this week? It will pay you well to investigate. We expect to sell a great many patterns at a reduction, merely to get room. You will profit a great deal by this. , Our carpets are all made and laid to fit your rooms perfectly. AGENTS FOR Peerles Plows , Steel and Chilled Dovvam'ac Drills iloe and Ilisc Sickle Grindeis Road Carts Buggies Mountain Hacks and Spring Wagons ALSO Buffalo Pitss, Harrows ?nd Cultivators, Owen's "Advance" Fanning Mills. ALSO Hay Presses, Horse Power and Steam Feed and Root Cutters, Bone and Cider Mills. Stoughton Wagons , i Write for Catalogue and Prices. ... , - CALL ONES EEFORS BUYIMCr , ............. '''''-''VTWrwvvVVVVWlJQaQ. -Regulating disbarment pro- Al- of Colvig- cetdings, Simpson Regulating fishing on sea river and bay. Heikemper Regulating recording chattel mortgages. Grace Relative to service of citation. Shipley Primary election law for Multnomah county. Driscoll Abolishing separate board of commissioners for Multnomah county. Ueer Increasing salary deputy clerk of Malheur. Mataoon Providing for collection of road pell taxes. tfriggs Declaring certain thorough fares to be county roodi . Simpson Protection of oysters and lobsters. Kruse Propagation and protection of salmon. Colvig Relating to final accounts of administrators. Ed8on Providing for standard weights ofptoduce. Smith, of Multnomah Fixing Mult nomah-Columbia boundary line. Merrill fixing salary of certain county treasurers. Ways and Means Committee Appro priation for state departments. Story Providing manner of selling state lands. McAllister Relative to Eastern Ore gon District Agricultural Societies, j Mattoon Relative to Southern Ore gon District Agrcultural Societies. Grace Annexing panhandle to Ba ker county. Harris Compensation of Lane county oHicert. McQueen Extending time for con struction of Siuidaw & Eastern Railway & Navigation Company line. McCraeken Making Vancouver ave nun a county road. Roberts Punishment for mutilation of hides of cattle. Harris Fixing compensation clerk of supreme court. Geer Increasing salary judge of Mai heur county. Grace Increasing salary judge of Baker cmniy. Ways and Means Committee lfm fin i n g d uties attorney-general. Ways and Means Committee Appro' priation lor payment of claims against the state. Orton Authorizing city of Portland to levy tax fur Oriental Fair. SENATE BILLS. Mays Popular expression of choice for senator. rfweek Relating to draw ing of juries. Looney Taxation of goods, merchan dise, etc., in cities and towns. Smith of Multnomah Increasing ef' ficiency of public school. 8 week Authorizing Portland to dis pose of markt block. Brownell, for publication of revised code Inman, fixing fees county officers of Multnomah county. Stelwer, sessions of circuit court in Seventh District. Mulkey .declaring nnnavigable it reams highways JoBephi For (election and sale of state lands. Smith of Baker Regulate meeting of btate University regents. Looney, food and dairy commisioner I act. , 1 Inman, amending code relative to Multnomah judges. Dimmick, relating to actions in jus tice COUI IH. Maj s Requiring vestibules on street cars. act creating Steiwer, amending Wheeler county. Hunt and Mavt, monument fund for Second Oregon Volunteers (Houses dis agree over amendments. Bill fails. ) Daly, creating of state bacteriologist. Hunt, preventing unlawful interfer ence with telegraph or telephone wires. Wehrung, appropriating $8000 for state fair premiums. Sweek, raising salary of supreme court reporter. Kuykendall, authorizing district and high schools. Williamson, providing for scalp boun ties. Fulton, providing bounties for des truction offish-destroying animals. ruuon, relative to lirectors in cor" porations. , Drly, relating to school lands. Kuykendall, auditing claims BgainBt the state. Brownell. providing: for care of orphans and foundlings. Jopepln, creating ofllce of auditor of Multnomah county. inman, denning liability of owners of vesnelH for damages. Kuykenall, requiring deposit of can celed warrants with secretary of stale. Jjoi'th, relating to locations ol min ing claims. Brownell, providing additional com- pensatian fur governor. smith of Multnomah, incorporating Port of Portland. Kelly, enacting Torrens law system of title registration. Brownell, providing for nnb halchenes. Kuykendall, limiting printing of bi- enninl reports suite officers. Hunt, amending Australian ballot law. Kuykendall, relating to filing of re ports by stale ollieers. ' Marnier, relative to Oregon SuMiers Home. Hunt, primary law of Multnomah county. ' hteiwer, fixing sulary of superinten dent of fdioolsin Wheeler county. Mays, amending law regard to trans fers ol stocks of goods. Commute, uniform system for taxa tion of property. Johnson, acceptance by sta'e of cer tain lauds.' ' Hunt, incorporating city of Portland. Mulkey, prohibiting saloons within 300 feet of school buildings Smith of Baker, regulating sale of liquors near mines. Williamson, amending law relating to prosecuting attorneys buiith, of Baker, fixing salaiies of cer tain officers in Baker, Malheur and ClaUop counties. Mays, charter commission for Port land. Smith, of Yamhill, providing water (or state institutions. Brownell, method of building branch railroad lines. .Booth, fixing salary certain county treasurers. Committee, appropriating $25,000 for Pan-American Exposition. BILLS SIONSD BY TUB GOVERNOR. Barrett Providing for the establish ment of school libraries. Whitney Relative to Albany bridge. Nichols Appropriating $45,000 for Corvallis Agricultural College. Matto on Regulating rale of properly for taxes. Colvig Fixing the time for holding court in First Judicial Distrirt. Oolyig, amending act relating to county courts. Stewart Establishing libraries lo school districts. Harris Appropriating $47,000 for University olo-egon. DreBSer Atnnnilinu aM uloltwA t .... - - Q imiiiu vv V1 peals. Poorman Reimbursing Oregon Vol unteers for clothing money. Oolvig, to regulate disbarment pro ceedings. Roberts For payment of sca'p bounty warrants. r i . . i ... vommittee Appropriating money for legislative expenses and deficiencies. Story Relative to Portland i aw Pearce Relinquishing ground to 6. S. for postollice at Salem. i McAllister, establishment experiment station at Union. l'aw without governor's sionaturb, Heitkemper To prohibit barbering; on Sunday. Wehrung Relative to licenses on, state fair grounds. Daly, for a uniform system of public Mulkey To reduce Intercut nn school fund loans. BrOWnell.Kxemtillnn AarnimfB if ii.1l. merit debtors from execution. Marsters Fixing fees of witnesses in Douglas, Jackson and Josephine coun ties. Brownell To pay expenses of Indian war veterans to Washington. Probstel, to abo'ish nickel-in the slot machines. Brownell To submit initbrivn nn.l referendum. I'orter To lower salary Clackamas county judge. Smiili of MiiltnomahRemoving in cline at Cascade Locks. Sweek To authorize Portland to levy special tax. Hunt, to regulate fare street car com panies. (5 cents). Sweek, paymeutol taxes in semi-annual inntailuients, JOINT RESOLUTION'S. Submitting the initiative and referen dum amendment to the people. Harris, asking congress fur Federal conHtitutional convention so that United States senators can be elected by the people. Hahn, to credit Claiiop county withi $2ft9i til lor tax er oneounly Cilleeted in Ba'ret'. For Hiiifndrnent abrogating negro WitiiM) in 'lale constitution. imiraii. vuiirfin' ijiiuihk 'ieen wlw lit 1 in ti and her rojttl consort. Mulkey, to li'iiiiit constitutional amt'iidini nt fo' a l iiiieiii of oitice ot la'f pru ter. (Continued on p.ige 8.)