OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1901. 7 He Ml Girl Fe NEWS OF THE WEE I SOUTH AND EAST VIA. SoutSisrn Pacific Sliastii Route Co. Trains leave Oregon City for Portland at 1 :00 and U;2'2a. and 0;80 P. M. Ar Ashland Baerameiito 8n.n Fruueiseo i Ogden Denver , Kansas City Chicago Los Angelei El Paso Fort Worth City of Mexico Houston New Orleans Washington New York 12:31 k.V. 5:00 P. M 7:4Ii P.M. 6:15 a. M. 9:00 A.M. 7:52 A M, 7:45 A.M. 1:50 p.m. 6:00 P.M. fl:30 A.M. 9:65 A. M,': 4:00 B. M. 6:25 p.N. 6:42 A.M. 12 43 P. M. 11:80 A.M. 4.35 a.m. 8:16 P.M. 11:45 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 7:25 A.M. 9:80 A. M. 7:00 a.m. 8:00 P.M. 6:30 A.M. 9:55 a. M. 4:00 A.M. 6:25 P.M, 6:42 a.m. 12:43 P. M. Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains. Chair oars, Saorumento to Ogdin and El Paso; and tourist c:irs to Chicago, St. Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at Son Francisco with soveral Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines! Central and Bouih America. Bee E. L. HooPKNQAnNBB, agent at Oregon City station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, 6. P. A., Portland, Or. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (exoept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at wav poinls on both Bides of the Columbia river.. Bnth of the above stoamers have been rebnll and are in xoelleut Bhape for the season of WOO l lie Regulator Lion will endeavor to give its patrons tuo best service possible; For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7 a m. and Dallesatsa. m.,aud arrive at destination in ample time for outgoing trains. Portland Ollice, The Dallos Office Oak St. Dock. Courtstreet. A. C. AI.IAWAY General Agent "Best of Everything" In a woid tliis tells of the pass enger service via, THE NOaTH.WESTERN LINE 8 Trains Daily between St, Paul and Chicago comprising: The Latest Pullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Century Train "THE NORTH-WESTERN LIMITED" runs every day of the year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. N The Badger State Express, the finest day train running between Chicago via. the Short Line. Connections from the west made via The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Bye. This is also one of the best lines between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis All aeents sell tickets via "The North- western Line, W. H. MEAD. H . S. SISLER. T. A. G. A. 148 Alder St., Portland, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court, of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, ex ecutor for the estate of Leonora Elizabeth Lacey, deceased. All persons having olaims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as required by law, at Springwater, Oregon, or to my attorney, Rob ert A, Miller, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Albest Lacey, . Executor of the estate of Leonora Elizabeth Lacey, deceased. Dated this 31st day of January, 1901 SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. AdaL.Osburn, 1 Plaintiff, I vs. I Thomas J. Osl.urn, 1 Dviunduiit. J To Thomas J. Osburn, Defendant : In the name of the state of Oregon, yoa are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint iileil against you ill the above entitled suit on or before the lt day of March, 1901, ' that being the time present,, in order of p uh cation of this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief theiciu prayed for, to-wi'.: A decr.e of divoros frjm the bonds of matrimony now exiMiig between you and the plaintiff and lor other relief prayed for iu the complaint herein. This summons is published by order of Hon. Tlinnuia K. Kyan, Coiwty Jul,") of mil comity, made 111 d MiMd ib 1 of January, l'.Ol, and the dufe of the first publication is Friday, January is, 1W1, and the said publication is to run iXjCi!i.eui:ve .weeks fr.im the said date. I M. J. JlAt.MAIION, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated at Oregon City, Jan. 11, l'JOl. Farm for Sale. 1Q miles south of Oregon City, 3 miles south of Molalla. Known as trie Teasel farm. Contain ing 310 acres, HO fta: clear plow land: 40 acres In ereek bottom: 100 acres, upland; 7 acres, or chard. All well watered and fenced with stake and 1 ire fence, and drained with stone and tile ditches; good buildings. W) rods from school house; 115 rods from church; good location for taking rock to mountaius Price ISOOO, 11000 ' down, balance to suit at per cent interest. For further particulars apply on farm lo A. J. Sawtxxl, Oregon lOT him. mm Union Pacific Ocean Steamships 8 p. m. All Sailing Dates subject 4 p. m. locnange For San Kniin.isio Sail every 5 days. Bally Ex.tjunday 8 p. m. Saturday 10 p. ni. Columbia River . Steamers. p. m . Sunds Ex To Astoria and Landings. Tvuy- Willamttte River, 8 n. m 4.30 p. m Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbe;g, Ex. Sunday Salem, Independence and way-landings. Willamette and Yam hill Rivers. Oregon City, Dayton 7 a. m 3:30 p. m. Tues. Thur. Mo., Wed. and Sat. and rn. and way-landings. a. ra. Willamette River Portland to Corvallls and way-laudings. 4:30 p m Tues. Thur. Mon., Wed and Sat. and Fri. Leave Itiparia 8:40 a. ra. Daily. Snake River Rlparia to Lewistou. Leave Lewiston 8:30 a.m. Daily A.L.CKAIG, G, P A., Portland, Oregon SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for th9 County of Clackamas. ' if Mable Sollnsky, Plaintiff, vs. William H. Sollnsky, Defendant. To William H. Soliusky, Defcndanj. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, in the above entitled court, on or before the 1st day of March, A. D , l'JOl, the Bald last men tioned date being the last day of the time pre scribed by the court in the order for service of this summons upon you, by publication thereof, and if you so fail to appear and answer, in this suit, on or before tho said 1st dy of March, A, D., lt'01, for want thereof, the plaintiff will 'Oly to the Court forllin nli j( de.n tnded in the jaid Complaint, to wit: That tho bonds of matrimony heretofore anil now existing between you and the said plaintiff, ha disolved: That tho plain till' have the care, custody and control of child; that the plaintiff have the decree of the Court against you for the oosts and disbursements of this suit, and for such other and farther relief as to equity may seem Just, The defendant is here by further notified that this summons is served upon him by publication thereof, b, virtue of an order made in this suit by the Hon. Thomas F. Ityan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, on the 14th day of Jan., A. D. 1901, ordering and directing that this Summons be served upon you, the above named defendant by publication thereof la the Courier Herald, a newspaper published in Oregon City, County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and of general circulation in said City, Connty and Slate for a period of sixsuocessive weeks from the first publication of this Summons, the date of the first publication of this summons, Being the 18th day of January, A. D 1901. T.O. THORNTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ellen A. Farnham, 1 Plaintiff. vs. V Willis J. Farnham, I Defendant, J To Willis J. Farnham, Defenc ant: In the name of the State Of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer to the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 29th day of March, 1901, that be ing the time precribed In the order for publica tion of this summons the date of the first publi cation of this summons being on the loth day of February, 1001: and if you fall to sa appear and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the said court for the relief prayed fjrinthe complaint; to-wit, a judgment against you aud a decree dis solving the marriage contract now existing be tween you and the plaintiff, and for the custody and control of the two children, and for such other relief prayed for in the complaint herein. This summons is published by order of the Hon. T. F. Ryan, Judge of the Comity Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Clackamas County, dated aud entered on the lltl) day of February 1001. T. F. COWING, Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Matt Olson. Plaintiff, vs. I Bertha Olson, Defeiiilai t: To Bertha Olson, Defendant: IN tho name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear nd answer the j complaint filed aguinst you In the above en titled suit 011 or before the 20th day of,March,l!01, j and if you fail to appear and answer said coin- I piano, oie i"u,u'-iu, win appiy 10 me court for the ri iief therein prayed f r, to-v.it: a decree uf divorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thurais F. Kyan, County Judge of said county, made and entered the lt'lh day of January, 1U01, and the date of the first publication is Friday, January 2oih, 1901, and the said publication is to run six consecutive weeks from the said date. WALDEM4R SETON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated at Oregon City, Jannary 25th, 1902. fp-Job Printing at the Courier-Herald Is the type of the modern woman at her healthiest and best. She walks with an easy grace. She is a picture of perfect womanhood in the springtime of life. But generally the golf club is laid aside with marriage. A physical languor op presses . tne once athletic girl. Ex ercise makes ner back ache. She tires easily. Usually she accepts this con dition as a natural thing, but it is un natural. Marriage should add to wom an's happiness, rath er than subtract from it. If women understood how in timately the general health is related to the local health of the womanly organs, they would appreci ate the fact that there is no need to suffer from weak ness and backache. The use of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, sick women well. It regulates the per iods, heals inflam mation and ulcera tion, cures female weakness, and puts the body in a condition of sound health. Mrs. H. A. Alsbrook, of Austin, Lonoke Co., Ark., writes: " After five months of great suf fering with female weakness I write for the benefit of other sufferers from the same afflic tion. I doctored with our family physician with out any good results, so my huBband urged rae to try Dr. Pierce's medicines which I did, with wonderful results. I am completely cured. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, four of his 'Golden Medical Discov ery' and two viala of his ' Pleasant Pellets.' " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation and its consequences. New Legislative Lawn. 11II.LS PASSED BOTH HOUSKS. Daly New school code Committee' Booth's pi in for assess tin nt and apportionment of taxes. Charter bills Albany, Grants Pass, St Paul, I'.nlteville, -iianite, Prairie City, Otqiilie, Oot'sge Grove, Bonanza, Lone Lock, John Day, Pendleton, Con don, Joseph. Glenelale. BILLS SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR. Whiti ej Amending Albany bridge act. Birred Providing for the establish ment of public libraries. Nichols Appropriating $45,000 for Oregon Agricultural Colletre. llarriH Appropriating $47,5UU to Ure- pon Male University. Huberts tor payment ol sea p bounty warrants Committee Appropriating money for legislative expenses and deficiencies. Storv Relative to Portland tax levy Pearce Relinquishing ground to U. S. for postoflice at Salem. Mulkey To reduce interest on school fund loans. Brownell Exemption earnings of judg' ment debtors from execution. Masters Fixing fees of Iwitnesses in Douglas, Jackson and Josephine coun ties. Brownell To pay expenses of Indian war veterans to Washington. Brownell To submit initiative and referendum. Smith of Multnomah Removing in cline at Cascade Locks. Sweek To authorize Portland to levy a special tax. lncorporalbn acts for the following places: Roseburg, Oanyonville, Silver ton, Elgin, Sommerville, Baker City, Antelope, Dallas. Sumpter, Myrtle Point, Medfotd, Sheridan, St ay ton, Heppner, Whitney, Mitchell, Falls City, Warrenton, Lebanon, Vale, Salem, Ashland, Oakland, Tillamook City (H. B. ), Tillamook City (137), Enterprise, Vernonia, Aikali, Burns, Newberg, Burns, Nehalem, Bay City. LAW WITHOUT GOVERNOR'S SIGSATURK. Heitkemper- To prohibit barbering on Sunday. Wehrung Relative state fair grounds. to licenses on EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Geo. W. Lee, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, R L. Kin go, executor of the estate or said George W Lee, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the estate of said George W. Lee, dedeased, and against the said George W, Lee, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within tlx months after the first publication of tli ib notice, to me, the said executor, at the of fbe of my atteirneijs, U'Ucn At Schuobel In the EnteprlBe building, at Oregon City, in Clacka mas county, Oregon. First publication of this no tice ; Friday, February 22, l'JOl. R. L. RINGO, Executor. U'ukN & Schiehel, Attorneys. ONE WEEK SHIVELY'S HALL COMMENCING FEB. 25 A dollar show at popular prices MissJesieShirley Supported by her excellent company in a repertoire of easterii successes. A Woman's Power, The War of Wealth, The Country Girl, The Ugly Duckling, White Lion, A Sheaf of Arrows, Mattinee Saturday Little Lord Fauntleroy. POPULAR PRICES BAND CONCERT DAILY 5 Friday, Feb. 15. Colonel Raisseur, commander-in-chief ot the Grand Army, charges Pres'. Mc Kinle' and congressmen, members f the G, A., with bi-inti unfaithful to the onler. Raisseur wants still burger pen sion appropriations. Butcher Weyler kept MadTid quiet with martial law while Prince Charles of Bourbon got married to Marin de las Mercedes de Bourbon y Hapsburg, Prin cess of Austurias. According to John Redmond, the 80 1 Irish members of parliament will pre sent a solid front against tho new king. Saturday, Feb. 16. Sixty-five men have been entombed in the shaft of a coal mine on Vancouver island. Times are hard in Spain ; poverty has been increasing and the kingdom has been tending toward rebellion. Near Genessee, Idaho, two farmers, Ivor Larson, aged 50, and Ole OtnesB, aged 78, hung themselves in barns, the latter in the barn of the former. Sunday, Feb. 17. The countervailing duties which See. Gage placed on Russian sugar, in obe dience to the command of the sugar trust, have caused Russia to raise import duties on American goods 50 per cent. The president will call an extra session of congress to consider the Cuban consti tution. A. Rosb, cashier of the Hong Kong Bank at Manila, thoroughly roasts the American Philippine regime in the col umns of the South Australian. Regisler. At Ontario, Or., the c61d is killing the early lambs. ' Hanna's ship-eubsidy bill has been shelved. The London Statist says the Ameri cans should urge thescientific reform of their, whole currency and banking sys tem. At Pittsburg 150,000 men may go out on a strike, Leading members of the New York le gislature he.ve formed a lobby trust which absolutely controls legislation. The expense of army, navy and pen sions, for this session of congress, is $398,000,000, more than the annual mili tary bills of France and Germany com bined. The Australian government has or dered 17,000 tons of steel rails from the Illinois Steel Company. The reports from Boer land are many and conflicting. The Boers of Stellen bosch declare that the queen's death has absolved them from their allegiance to England and will join the Afrikanders in the demand" for an independent Africa StellenboBch is but a f jw miles from Cape Town, where there is a strong force Monday, Feb. 18. It is reported in London that the king is suffering from an internal com plaint similar to that to which the Duke of Edinburgh succumbed and which is siowly killing the Empress Frederick." The people rf Germany are tired of the Chinese war and hate England on account of the Boer war. A heavy fall of snow in the Eternal City. If the Boers can succeed in stopping train service in South Africa for several weeks (at Cape Town it has stopped), the British in the Transvaal and the Orange Free State will be in a worse plight than was Napoleon on the retreat from Mos cow. Cape Colony is three times as large as Oregon and contains a halt million more people than the two Boer republics com bined. An uprising throughout Cape Colony will therefore be most menac ing to England. An officer returned fiom the South Af rican war writes in bitter language in the Perth (West Australia)Morn!ng Her ald of the cruel manner in which the British make war on Boer women and children. He eaysin his letter: "Did we Australians go across the ocean to cairy on such warfare as burning the homes of women and children to the glory of the British world-power? May the mother country wash her own dirty linen." Tuesday, Feb. 19. Russia is shipping three regiments from Vlailivostock to China By resolution of the general assembly of .s'orth Carolina, Chief Justice I). M. Furchcs and Associate Justice Robert M Douglas of the state supreme court, have been impeached before the bur of the senate. General Chaffee In not sciscpte.! the proposal of Count Von Waldnrsce to m -company him on a loflier expedition of murder and robbery in the interior of Ciiina. Up the December there had Wen 19, 101 caees of typhoid fever In the British African army of whom 4233 died. The British government lias purchas ed for the African army 185,003 horses. George Lynch, an English war corres pondent in China, takes the Germans to task lor their brutality and the mission aries for their robberies. At Staten Island, N. Y,, Carnegie will establish' the biggest ehipyaid in ti e world, The Colli- P. ijuntingtoii esltite turns out to brt worth $80,000,000. The American Bridge Company 1ms secured a contract fur steel bricUe-s for the Uganda (East Africa) Railway at $51.50 per ton, being U25 per ton lees than lowest English bid. Yet there is $7.84 per ton import duty on steel ra'ls. Dining a raid on the saloon of John Hudson at Millwood, Kan., his wife was instantly shot and killed, the top tf her head being blown off. Von Waldersee's expedition to Sian Fu will comprise 15.000 British, Ger. mans, Italians and French. Tlie work of the soldiers wi 1 consist of robbing Chinamen and outraging and kilting their wives arid daughters, and other si milar du'ies becoming Soldiers of the Cross. Smallpox epidemic in Seattle. Another great strike is impending in the Pennsylvania coal region because President Mitchell will demand for the miners an advance of 10 per cent in wageB. Wednesday, Feb. 20. Chicago capitalists will fight the sugar trust with a million-dollar sugar-beet plant. The Belgian king is the secret promot er of a gigantic international trust of capitalisis for the exploitation of China. The Boers derailed a supply train on the Vereeniging-Johanneshuig railroad. DeWet is moving northward, being weBt of Iiopetown. In 1890 the exports of the United States s mounted to $857,502,548: in 1900 to $1,47.7,949,170. The Genesee National Savings and Loan Association bank, at Roc!. ester, N. Y., failed. Liabilities $200,000. The American Steel & Wire Co. pur chased for $5,030,000 the American S. Co.'s fleet of lake steamers for carrying ore from the mines to the works. For five mouths' illegal imprisonment, H. C. Bullis, an American engineer, de mands $50,000 from the Venezuelan government. Thursday, Feb. 21. In a speech at iydenberg, Schalk berger, acting president of the Trans vaal, urged the burghers to surrender as their cause was hopeless. The worBt blizzard ever known in the region of Cory, Pa. The Cuban constitutional convention rejects and resents American suggestions or interference. , There is a great decrease in tho num ber of young men studying for the min istry in Presbyterian seminaries. Last week 6,000,000 pounds of wool were sold in Boston. One hundred miles north from Van couver, B. C, an earthquake shoved a mountain top down Into the sea. The Dutch government is strongly for tifying the harbor of Batavia, E. India. Turbulence in the Austrian Reichstag compelled the president to close the ses sion, i An American-Russian syndicate has been formed to exploit mines and build railroads. For assaulting a 12-year-old girl, Piet Borryman, a negro, was hanged to a limb at Mena, Ark. The opinion seems to prevail in high official circles that Chinese diplomatic finesse will head off Von Waldersee's contemplated expedition. The people of Topeka, Kan., are deter mined to lynch Stick Slater for assault ing 17-year old Lottie Gerberick. A train was derailed by the Boers near Jalbosch and looted by natives. Since February 6 nothing has been heard of the English force of 25;)0 under Smith Dorrien. At Klip River the B )ors do r tiled a train and looted it. Iu returning to Pretoria by rail, Kitchener barely es caped capture. Prest Kruger contem plates returning to Africa. French sugar manufacturers are form ing a trust. A French syndicate hat off s red to lend $35,000,001 to Venezuela to fund her na tional debt. . The bubonic fever is rm'iu,' tlie En glish army in Africa. The Ifeweu Wanker. The Dewey walier does away entirely with the wti-iitut'd and rim be easily operated while silting down, In three miniiti-H the iiiiii liine v ill wash a tub full of clothes I giiarantei) tlie Dewey winb'-r ih (1 ' ail 1 chtim Onl'os by itoid tviil ret eive prompt utl'jtitoti. Ad (iien.1 me at Orejou Oi' y. W. 11. hTONKIIACKKK, Am-iit (or Clackamas county.. 1'leane Settle, AH persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, will please call and settle at once, a I do not de sire to make any trouble in the matter. Paul Huhsock, NotUe. My wire, Mrs. Phemia Petitt, has left my bed and board, and I hereby give no tice that I will not stand good for ai y bill that she may contract. Chabi.es Petit r, Feb. 20, 1901. Oregon City, Or. ows. Harding Block, 0r9gon City.: TELEPHONE 613 IG Cents Pound Dried Peaches -10 Cents Pound Apricots 7 Cents Pound Italian Prunes 25 Cents 3 Cans Tomatoes pr Con; IS Cents Can Red Salmon- 25 Cents 4 Pounds Japan Rice -- 25 Cents . 6 Pounds Black Figs We handle a full line of Garden Seeds. . J. A. McGLASHAN, Manager Stores Oregon City and Portland Letjisla ive Hold- Ups. BrJwneH's bill for a constitutional '! convention is receiving cold adverse -comment on all sides. BrownelPs bill exempting judgment "' debtors with families from execution as -against 80 days' wages, is now a law. . Tlie governor, also has Bigned tho Bar- reU bill providing that school district may have and pay for school libraries,- if so desired. (Inly two democrats voted forthn3-cent rail, ad mileage hill, Hedges of Ctacfea- -mas, and W, E. Grace, of Baker Oily, a brother of G. W.Grace. A bill has passed the senate amend ing the presttnt road supervisor election law, m iking it optiouary with county " courts whether road supervisors shall be -elected or appointed. Brownell opposed the bill as it took the power of election . out of the hands of the people. All the direc, primary election bills - , have practically been thrown overboard, although one may be passed to apply? Multnomah county alone. Browiiell's bill for the election oi dis trict assessors failed to pass the sonata. When -the matter of reducing ra'l--road fares was before the hcuso Gil bert L lU'dtfes, the democratic member from Clackamas county said : " Mr. Speaker: ' We are lire as a sovereign bodv. We are not here to listen 'to evidence and then enact lawB We are not here to b. hullilii.tid or menaced." In yesterday's Oregouian Joint Rop--reentalivo Dresser is asked to explain,--why he pledged -himself in writing to -vote for Oorbdtt in order to secure the nomination, then went back on hi pledge. The senate on Tuesday night passed? -senate bill 237. The measure makes it a . crime for any person, firm or corpora-" tion to construct a railroad track at -grade across the tracks of another corn pany, except'at points within the owr--porate limits of cities, and provides how suits in equity may be begun to enjoin' any attempt ttrcross the tracks of another ' company. A lobby has appeared here to protest against the passage of the -measure, on the ground, as they say,, that it is designed solely to prevent the extensionl of the Oregon City & South ern Railway from building from Oregon City south Into the Willamette valley. Th space between the bluff and the- river at and near Oregon City is quite narrow, and it is claimed by the pro moters of the projected railway that they cannot raise their tracks the necessary 20 feet or lower them in a tunnel, be cause it is a physical impossibility.. 11E1 URN OF THE SUlltLEY&' Thla Popular Company to PUiyi,- an engagement at SUlvelj H Next' Week. The announcement of the return of this popular company to Oregon City will be hailed with delight by the local'5 amusement lovers, Miss Shirley and her excellent coTipiny need no intro- duction to the readets of this paper.; The clever work of this company in the past is too , well remembored hero tor ' that. This yetr, the comp iny comos to us,, stronger and bettar than ever, with a repertoire including tho latest New York successes and some notable re vivals, which are being given. Suchv productions wore never before attempted by a traveling company. Next Monday evening the engagement will open with, a production of Ultie Ellsler' greatest success, "A Woman's Power." The play itself is an English society drama,, full of intense interest, and having the merit of novelty in a plot which is worked out with m ire than ordinary skill. Among the other plays lobe presented during the eiine n nit will be "Tho Country Girl," "Tit IJIy Duckling," "At tho WiuH Li.u," "Little I.rd Fsiintleio," an 1 ' A Shat of Arrows." The company still cayiel its owu band and orchestra and a corps of speci ally artists, whoie worn reduces the necess try waits betwes n acts to a mini. -mum, Cheney, the photographer, has received a pew lot of the latest card t mounts, 111 small panels and ova's, the very latent. mansionx This signature is 00 every box of the genutosr Laxative BromoQuiaine Tabieu th remedy thai eeurea mm a i, ,