Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
. Uut 1 in Oregon Oitr pwtofflce M 2nd-cl matter
("JaJd'ia advance, per year 1
e. month
I aa'iaonttu'trial 26
JMThe date opposite your address on the
ft denotes (he time to which you have paid.
1 1 litis uutioe is marked your subscription is due.
rwitt Weekly Oregonlan ? 00
' Tri-Weekly N. Y. World J f
-National Watchman '
Appeal to Reason J J"
" Weekly Kxaminer ?
' liryan'a Commoner
- Standing ImHtneRS advertiiemento: Per month
t wsfeesloual cards,! pei year): 1 to 10 Inches
. Tc per inoli, 12 luohes lor $5, 20 Inches (column)
I f,-30 inches, 12.
Transient advortlsements: Per week 1 inch
lo, 2 inches 75e, 8 inches $1,4 inohes l.a6,o
sviBches 11.50,10 inches 'Lbt). 20 inches 85
tic-gai ailvertisements: Per in -h first inser-
toil!, each additional Insertion 60c. Aflilavits
jl publication will not be furnlhed until pub
lication ti'tss-arepald.
l.jcal notices; Klve cants per line per week
? 3r month H0,
OREGON OITY, FEB. 22, 1901.
Out Revolutionary forefft hers fought
seven years to obtain political liberty.
. Stow these United States of Amen a
tiave a seven years' war on hand trying
to enslave a people who do not want to
tie ruled by thm. Ex,
The superintendent of schools at Spo
kane, Wash., desirous of testing the
'power of composition existing in a class
- -of 8-year-olds, requested that three sen
tences be written, each to contain one
of the three words, "bees." "boys," and
""bear." A small girl laboriously con
tacted the following sentence: "Boys
..bees bare when they go in swimming."
Tub United States will spend more
I lor Its Army and navy, including the
, psymeut of pensions, during the next
' fiscal year than will be spent by either
of tbe great military nations of Europe.
a round figures our military expenses
i for the year will be $400,000,000. No
" wonder that thoughtful men are begin
i rung to wonder where this thing will
l: Stop.
Thb Grand .Army of the Republic is
fast passing off the earthly stage of ex-
istonce. In 1890 its ranks numbered
-. 100,480, while now there remain onlv
'. 276,602. Thus a great division of 123,827
members have ceased to respond to roll
i call. But though the veterans are fast
passing away, the pension roll is still
v growing-t-containing over one million
t names.
' Ik we are bent on slaughter, let it be
i in open guise. If we lust for the Fili-
piuo'a land, let us not glaze our enter-
prise with fulne anil sinister pretense
.Rather let us boldly raise the somber
' flag of international piracy, wlilstle
scruple down the wind, and then close
vin upon our feeble victim to the cry of
"Loot and glory I" From Towne's
Thr center of population in the
U United Htates is now at a point in lati
"'tsde dog. 8 min. SO sea. north and
-1 longitude 85 dog. 43 min. 61 hoc. weBt,
which point is in southern Indiana
about utiwn miles southeast of the city
of Columbus. Since the last census of
"1801), tho center of population has moved
westward about fourteen miles and south
jbout three miles.
So sure are the Kuropemi statesmen
v thut. the Austrian empire is bound to
i .brv.ak. up with the death of the aged em
' jwrf-.r, that calculations have been al
. rea.y inado as to the division of the
npoils. The empire is made up of va-
rimiu races, including Hungarians,
Ojw'!ih, tiermans, Poles and Croats.
.These races ore held together solely by
- the authority of the umporer. A dis
pute over tlie HtU'Ct'Hsiou would bleak
Uir single tie that holds the empire to-
i gtiier. Then would come the struggle
of the Uussians, Germans, Italians and
.Hungarians to seine the separated prov
tiaotta and aunex them, France and
"Great Britain would of course have no
!h.uicn to share in the plunder, for they
- do not border on any part of the Aus
. trian domain, but they would undonbt-
wl'y insist upon having a voice in the
Kvkuvonb has hour I not only of the
enormous sums realir.i'd from the great
inventions of the last half century, but
aloof the luro returns yielded by
tilings apparently trilling which have
tf rihk the public fancy or met the pill.-
. Jscnoed. The toy called the returning
halt, a small ball attached to an elastic
serine;, is said to have produced a profit
-of $"0,000 a year; the rubber tip on
, 1el pencils V yielded a competence
ta the inventor; more than $1,000,000
. lias-been earne ' by the gimlet-pointed
. icrew, tho inventor of which was so
, poor that he trudged on foot from l'hila-
vWphia U Washington to get his patent;
i tn rollw skato has yielded $1,000,000
i wtler the patentee spent $M5,0Q0 in Kng
. famd fighting iufringeuients; the dancing
. irirow is set down for $75,000, and
the copper tip for children's shoes at f2,
000,000; the spring window roller pays
$100,000 a year, the needle threader $10,
000 a year, from the drive well $3,000,
000 a year has been realized ; the stylo
graphic pen is credited with 100,000 a
year; and the egg beater, the rubber
stamp, and the marking pen for shading
different colors with large sums. These
are only a few examples among-hundreds
that might be cited. No wonder
inventors are hopeful when they reflect
that comfort for life and fortune for their
children may come from a single fortu
nate idea. Century Magazine.
Fob the year 1896 the appropriation
for the navy was (in round numbers)
' tlx 1898, the year of the Spanish war,
it was $58,000,000.
Last year it was $55,100,000. 1
This year the bill as reported to the
house calls for $77,00,000, with authori
zation for additional naval construction
which, included in the bill, as it should
be, would swell tbe total to nearly H00,
00,000. The entire ordinary expenditures of
the government twelve years ago were
less than $300,000,000.
A wave of fear and horror preceded
the advent of the allies in China to sucli
an extent that in many of the villages
people committed suicide to save them
selves from their Christian conquerors.
Soldiers were so busy looting that tbey
did not attempt to bury the bodies un
til finally the fear of disease compelled
Mr. Wihiard, an American sojourn
ing in China, has made the futile at
tempt to describe the cowardly devilish-
ness that characterized the German pu
itive expeditions led bv Count Von
Waldersee, in which the Fiench and
British took part.
They have been nothing but expedi
tions for murder and brigandage. Cities
have been entered without resistance.
and whose people, by orders of Li Hung
Chang, had received the foreign troops
hospitably, feeding them and furnithing
all needed supplies. Such cities have
been systematically looted and every
Chinese murdered who dared to resist
the breaking of his doors and theft of
t.is property. '
One of these forays visited the citV of
Tuliu, which was entered without firing
a shot and found to be already in pos
session ol a British non-com missioned
officer and two privates. The troops
looted and burned the town.
When another large city was entered
without resistance by order of Earl LI
the troops were fed. There was no Chi
nese military forte near. The Inhabit-
ants were non-combatants and unarmed,
Incapable of resistance. The day the
allied forces took possession the streets
teemed with people and the daily life
and business flowed normally. The
n xt day shops were closed and the
streets were deserted, except by German
trench and Italian soldiers,, wheeling
carta loaded with stolen property. The
city was systematically looted. The
narrator says: "Now and then a
woman's piercing scream broke from
the mullling depths of aclusterof houses
and spent its echoes in tho empty
Btieets." "
All who resisted robbery wore killed,
and exen the Sikhs and Sepoys sickened
of the mere butchery of unarmed men
while they were begging for mercy.
White ciyilian looters now to almost
alone thioughout North China and de
mand money and lake property from
the terrified people. One of these en
terprising persons started in with no
capital but a mule cart and has rohheil
until he is rich. He had only to enter a
villag j and announce hat he wa a
"high, top-side English war man" to
easily rob the town.
It Is reported that an attache of the
American legation is in posessitnof over
$700,000 in money and valuables stolen
from the house of l.u Sen, the unfortu
nate Chinese nobleman who was exe
cuted by order of the Empress Dowager
because he was opposed to the Boxer
uprising against foreigners. His family
has been outraged and oppressed, and
finally robbed of all they had, by the
very people in whose behalf he lost his
life. Tho missionaries will hardlv ex-
pect that family to build many Christian
M'.1.$V(?7UV LETTER.
(From Our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, Feb, 15, 1901.
By standing together in their .opposL
lion to the ship subsidy bill, the demo,
cratic and populist senators have forced
the republicans to change their tactics.
They began the tight last week by blus
tering and bragging about how easy
they would tire out the opposition by
night sessions. After holding two niuht
sessums, at neither of which a republi
can quorum whs maintained, they aban
doned the night sessions, and are now-
seeking to cajole the opposition into
agreeing to set a time for voting on the
bill. hile it is impossible to sav with
any degree of certainty wht the result
or this change of tactics will be, Senator
Jones, who is leading the opposition.
says the bill will not be voted upon ,t
this session, end thftt if the republicans
' :
are determined to pass it, they must do
so at an extra session of the next con
gress. ,
Mr. McKinley is pulling for an extra
session, provided, of course, that a valid
excuse can be put forward for calling
one, and the republican leaders in the
senate are pulling to avoid an extra
session, by leaving no valid excuse for
one. An amendment has already been
offered to the army appropriation bill,
by Senator Spooner, giving Mr. McKin
ley authority to establish a civil govern
ment in the Philippines, and one is now
being prepaied setting forth the condi
tions that Cuba mnst comply with to
get the U. S. troops withdrawn.
Three of Mr. McKinley's nominations
to be brigadier-generals, Wood, Bell
and Grant may be held up permanent
ly. All the other nominations for gen
erals, including that of Miles, to be
lieutenant general, have been favorably
reported to the senate and will at once
be confirmed, but the committee on
military affairs, after several members
had expressed the opinion that these
three officers had not seen sufficient
service to entitle them to promotion
over many older and more' experienced
officers, decided to delay action upon
the nominations until a further inves
tigation could be made of their military
records. Wood was promoted over
more than five hundred officers and Bell
over more than one . thousand, while
Fred Grant, although he is now serning
in the Philippines as as a brigadier gen
eral of volunteers, is regarded as practi
cally a civilian.
Senator Bacon tells an amusing and
instructive story of the methods of le
islation in the Mexican congress meth
ods which the republicans have to an ex
tent already introduced in one branch
of our congress. Speaking of his visit
to the lower house of the Mexican con
gress, Senator Bacon said : "I went
there day after day and never saw a
member rise and address the Chair. Bill
after bill was passed without a vote in
the negative and without a word of dis
cussion. I became very much interested
in this state of affairs, and not being
able to speak Spanish, I inquired of a
gentleman at the door who spoke Eng
lish, to explain the situation to me.
'Oh,' he replied, 'there is no need for
any debate. These bills are sent to us
by the president and he tells us that he
wants them passed. When he lets us
know that he is in favor of the bills, we
are all in favor of them, too.' "
A proposition to make Cuba pay the
expenses incurred by this country dur
ing the war with Spain, has been put
forward by Representative Levy, of
New York, but probably with more de
sire to fuddle the situation than to seri
ously push the idea of trying to make
Cuba pay our war expenses.
Imagine what a rattling there would
be among the dry bones and wet
stomach. s should Mrs. Carrie Nation
visit Oregon City, and begin the work of
demolislMuent with her little hatchet.
Phillip Koob would look on with dismay
at the improvements he has made;
Matthias would take refuge in Buech's
cellar ; Wallace Cole would complain of
the wanton destruction of valuable
property, while Ohailey Kelly would get
out in the middle of the street,' and
make a free silver Fpeech ; Charles Nob
litt would take the first car for Port
land, and Johnny Kelly would take ref
uge in Albright's cold ttorage. God
only knows what the rest of them
would do,
Homer Davenpoit is now visiting his
old ho, ne at Silve. ton, and many stories
are being rehearsed of his early attempts
to become an artist in Portland. Befort
Davenport atieinpted to draw the siove,
he was living in East Portland, whih
the wiiler was doing editorial work on
the Vindicator, an organ of the East
Portland Water Company. Davenport
was apparently an easygoing sort of lol
low, and was often seeu wandering ahou.
the streets ill an aimless sort ol way
One Saturday afternoon the writer went
to Long Bench, and on the boat was a
widow who kepi a lodging house aojoiii'
ing the printing office, and she volun
teered the information tnat her daugh
ter, another young lady and Davenport
were camped at the beach, and exiemied
an earnest invitation lo dine with them
while there. However, when the 11
waco dock was reached, it was learned
that the landlady of the lodging house
had a 100-pound basket of supplementary
provisions lor the Long Beach camp,
which the writer tugged up the incline
to the waiting cars. The following day
was spent at the camp. McGuire, presi
dent of the EaBt Portland Water Com
pany, also owned another paper on the
West Side, which he de-tired to illustrate,
Davenport asked for some work, and
McGuire tequested him to sketch t ie
writer to see what he could do. I think
he did some work for this paper.
Two or three individuals have
said some very scabby things about the
paper mal employes during the past
week, ou account ol the projected plan
to establish a c i-operative meat market.
Remarks have been made that thev did
not pay their bills ; that they did not
work regularly. Such talk is libelous.
If it were not lor the mill hands there
would he but very little business ami
few residents iu Oregon City. Many ol
the mill hands own their homes and pay
their bills promptly; they are among
our best cituens and active promoters in
every good movement. The majority ol
them, too, woik 12 hours almont every
lay and are not idlers by any means. t
Canemah is anxious to regjiri her
prestige, possessed when a boatyard was
located there, and horse cars conveved
the freight around the falls from one
steamer to another. She expects to re
gain some of this prestige hen wharves
are erected, and boats transfer their
freight to the cars.
the fakiestof fakes is the Oregou City-
edition of the Evening Telegram. In the
articles of incorporation of the Co-opera-,'
tive Meat Market, V scnueDei ana w.
W. H. Samson were put down as incor
porators, when in fact, they were oidy
witnesses to the document. It is only
the cheap, codfish people, who are
anxious to get into print in that paper.
None of the Oregon City news is printed
in the Portland edition.
School report cards for sale at this of
fice Money to loan at lowest rates. C. rl.
Dye. .
The finest bon bon boxes in town at
the K. K K
Kuerten's Boston bread, five cents a
loaf ; all eastern flour,
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, op to date on
home-made candies.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
Dr. R. B. Beatie, denial offices, rooms
15 and 16, Weinbard building.
A few watches for sale cheap at
lounger s. Watches cleaned, $1.
The latest out Try the marsh mallow
kisses at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
R. L. Hotman, leading undertaker
two doors south of court house, Oregon
A brand new top b iggy for sale at a
sacrifice. Inquire at Courier-Herald
Go to Cheney's and get small photos ;
retouched and finished on platinum ; 10
for 35c.
Shank & Bissell carry the most com
plete line of undertakers' supplier in
Oregon City.
$20 to $100 to loan on cha tel or per
sonal security.
DimickaSe Eabtham, Agts.
First class stamDS at Cheney's art
gallery, 16 for 25c, No extra charge
for two heads. 1
If you want good wood from large yel
low fir timber, order of C. E. Stewart,
Carus, or E, H. Cooper, Oregon City.
For Sale Cheap Good house of seven
rooms; 2 lots; barn.' fruit, etc. At
Elyville. See the owner, Adam Haas,
who lives on place.
' Dr. J. Burt Moore is now prepared to
answer professional calls. Office tem
porally at residence, 10th street, near
Jefferson, Oregon City.
To Loan on Farm Property $500,
$1000, $1500, at 7 per cent, one, two or
three years. Dimick & Eastham, law
yers, Oregon City Oregon.
For Sale or Trade. House and lot on
Madison, near Thiid;good well; will
rent for $8 ; cheap at $800, or will trade
for farm near town. Address M. Ek
strand, Oregou City. '
For Sale 75 acres of timber land 1
mile from Oregon City. Price $75 per
acre. Will take partly .in exchange
some desirable farming land. Address
Wm. Beard, Ely, Or.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restauraut,
hirst and Madison. 1 hey snrve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
square meal, with pudding and pie, 15c.
Stuck for sale in the Amencui Mines
Development Company ol Minneapolis
Minn., by O. A. Cheney, Mi-g"ii City.
Laxative Bromo-Qi.i dne Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cu-e no Pay
Price 5 centp.
I his picture is the trade mark of
SCOTT'S KMt'I.SlOX, ami is on
every bottle of SCOTT'S EMUL
SION in the World, which now
amounts lo many millions yearly.
This great business has grown to
such vast proportions,
FrsfV-Recause the proprietors
have always lxen most careful iu
selecting the various ingredients
used in its composition, namely;
the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the
purest Hypophosphites. '
SeconJ;-Because they have so
skillfully combined .the various
ingredients that the best possible
results are obtained by its use.
TAr:-Pecause it has made so
many sickly, delicate children
strong and healthy, given health
and rosy cheeks to so many pale,
anaemic girls, and healed the lungs
and restored to full health, so many
thousands in the first stages 0
If vou have not tried it. enj for free wimple,
Its agreeable tnste wilt suronse vou.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists.
409-415 Pearl Street, New York,
joe mi $1.00; all druggists.
1 ft? M
To the Public:
' I desire to announce to the people of Oregon
City and Clackamas County that I have pnrchased
the interest of H. L. Price in the firm of Price Bros.
Thanking the patrons for past favors, I solicit a
continuance of the same, I have enlarged the stock
and will keep nothing but up-to-date goods. A few
days more of ''Dissolution Sale" prices.
Yours to serve, -
,. , Successor to Price Bros.
- Fffth and Main Sts.
I But the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
You Can
Depend Upon
Patent Flour,
X makes the best bread and pastry and always
! gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
. . 80'd by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
H. Bethke's Meat Market
Opposite Huntley's
First- Class Pyleats ol jll igds
Satistaction Guaranteed
Give ElirQ a Gall arjd be Treated Rijt
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
9: above headline. Lack ol foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end poor sight.' We employ
, the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our
optical department.
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeveler
393 norrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREQON
Fine Angel
Wine and
Gold Cakes
Everybody else will know, that
Joseph Kuerten's
Bakery and Confectionery
Has the best of everything. All my Bread is like
home-made; baked from best and strongest flour and no
wind in it. Every day all kinds of Confectionery fresh and
made out of the best materials.
The best
P. 0. Box 359. Telephone 394
Cream Puffs
J riacaroons 5
It's Easy to Stand
With your feet encased in our
Floral Queen $3.00 Shoes well
made, stylish, healthful, econo
mical. It's a '-wonder" in shoe
values. Ask to see it.
Dozen of other varieties foot
wear for all people and all purses.
made from old wheat.
Brown & Welch
, Proprietors op the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
I All kinds of
Layer. Fruit
) Cakes, Jelly
I Rolls
Cookies n,i
j; toffee Loafs I