Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 22, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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ii Special Sale,
ON r .
Boots and Shoes
FOR . .
Next 90
General reduction in Shoes, some
of which including children's
Shoes at cost General reduction
in all lines
On 7th and Center Sts.
W. R. Garrett was in from Colton
P, T. McCubbin was down from Logan
Fred Brown, of Logan, was in Oregon
City Tuesday.
E. W. Herman, of Molalla, was in
town Monday.
Fred R. Charman was up frcm Port
land Tuesday. .
John Gill, of Logan, was a visitor in
the city Tuesday.
. Hans Sphar. of Needy, was a visitor
tn town yesterday. , .
W. E. Thorn was up fiom Columbia
tjounty yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mattoon were in
from Viola Monday .
J. L. Stewart, of Stone, was a visitor
In Oregon City onday.
T. M. Cross, of Molalla, was a visitor
in Oregon City yesterday. '
- Mrs. E. S. Bfillinger returned from a
Visit to Salem Wednesday.
H. W. Trembath has returned from a
several days visit at Salem.
Mrs. J. P. Hines, of Seattle, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. R. L. Holman.
A. W. Oooke, of Damascus, was a vis
itor in Oregon City Wednesday .
Ralph Young and John Wright were
tn from Milk Creek Wednesday.
Charles Bauman, of New Era precinct
Was a visitor in town Wednesday.
Major Hungate and W. J. Shaver
were in from Molalla Wednesday.
Michael McManus, of Salem, visited
friends here during the past week.
Henry Meldrum went to Salem Wed
nesday to seethe senatorial struggle.
Harold Belt has returned after a
. week's visit to his home at Corvallis.
Richard Scott, of Milwaukie, came
tlown from Salem Wednesday evening
W. S. Hurst, the Aurora commission
merchant, was in Oregon Oity Tuesday.
J. Her mm, of Beaver Creek, was in
town Wednesday with a load of produce.
Frank Walsh was up fr6m Milwaukie
for for a couple of days during the week.
George J. Gregory, jr., the teasel
grower, was in from Molalla yestenay.
Mr. Mary White, of Portland, is vis
iting her dauiihter, Mrs. Adolph Wil
ley. County Judge Ryan went to Salem
Wednesday to see the senatorial squab
ble. William Vaughn and son, William Q.
were in the city from Molalla Wednes
day. W. C. Buckner, postmaster and mer
chant at Highland, was in the city Tues
day. Miss Olwen Edwards, of North Yam
tiill'is visiting Mrs. 'Wm. Green this
Miss Celia Goldsmith is now in Sac
Francisco, selecting a stock of millinery
George Hieinbotliem, a well known
Redlaud farmer, was in Oregon City
W. H. Iaiel, Sol Garrison and Charles
Talbert were up from Clackamas Station
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Jack, of Maiquam,
were visiting relatives in the city during
the wetk.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M.. Robinson are
again making their home on their West
Side larm.
E. T. White, of Damascus, was a rep
resentative from that section in town
Mm. George T, Howard went to Ntw
tra Wednesday to attend the Myers
Engle wedding.
Isaac Williams, of Molalla, was a vis
itor in the city for a couple of days dur
ing the week.
Charles Birtchett, of Marquam, was
in town Wednesday on business before
the land office.
Postmaster J. F. Deyoe, of Canby,
was a visitor in Oregon Oity Tuesday
and Wednesday.
, Ben Doollttle and wife spent part of
the week with Mrs. Doolittle's parents
at Oathlamet, Wash.
Ward Lee, of this city, has been vis
iting friends and relatives in Oswego
during the past week.
B. Barlow, son of Mr. and Mrs F. T.
Barlow, is very ill with typhoid fever at
his home in this city.
. Miss.Grace Robinson, of Clackamas
Station, was visiting Miss Maude Butler
for several days past. - t ' '
Mrs. G. W. Shaver, who had been
visiting her son, J. R. Shaver, returned
Ralph Baty, of Molalla, accompanied
John Stubbs to the city this week, re
maining a couple of days.
Night Officer Ed L. Shaw has so far
recovered the use of his foot, as to be
able to walk around town. .
Postmaster John Dennisou and P. E
Snodgrass, of Meadowbrook, were visit
ors in Oregon City Wednesday,
W. Thornton, who has been employed
in the state printing office for the past
two months, returned yesterday.
Mrs.T. P. Haynes and family departed
for Grant's Pass Wednesday to join Rev
Haynes, who is now located there.
John Jennings has removed his family
from Nampa, Idaho, to Portland, and
was a passenger for Salem yesterday.
J. M. Tracy and F. H. King were in
from Logan Wednesday, bringing along
a supply of cheese for local grocerymen.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ellsworth, of
Portland, were visiting her parents, Mr,
and Mrs J, G. Pilsbury, ' during the
Misj Bertha Goldsmith, of Oregon
City, is at the bedside of her father, A
Goldsmith, who is quite ill. Eugene
Guard. -i
Mrs. Robert A. Miller went to Salem
Wednesday to attend the golden wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. W
Scriber. ,
James Shannon, of Beaver Creek, was
in Oregon City Saturday. During the
recent pleasant .weather he sowed 40
acres of oats. . ' 1
B. F. Ryan, Charles Blundell and
Roy Sackett, of Riddle, Douglas county,
were in town Sunday, bound for their
respective homes.
Dr. J. J. Leavitt, of Molalla was in
the city Wednesday, attending the regu
lar monthly meeting of the board of pen
gion examiners. '
. F. M. Darling '.as closed a five and a
half month's term of school near Logan,
on account of measles and some deaths
in the neighbordood.
Willard V. Austen, who is well known
throughout the county, leaves next week
for Montana, where he has a position as
principal of a school.
A. Knanp has purchased the Bauer
resilience property adjoining the dwel
ling occupied by Fred Gadke, and ex
pects to occupy it soon..
Jphn Confert;ame in from the copper
mines, Skaminia county, Mash., the
first ot the week, and reports consider
able development work there.
C. F. Palstoh, of the Jessie Shirley
Company, was in town Tuesday. ,Mr.
Rahton at one time resided at Barlow,
and has many friends in the city.
John Drescher, win has been era
ployed in the paper mills for some time
part, went to Monitor Wednesday morn
ing to join his family on the farm.
A birthday party was given Guy Red
dick at the home of his parents on Thurs
day evening in honor of his 17th birth
day. A pleasant time was reported.
Miss Lottie Whittington arrived from
Ashland Sunday and went out to Spring
water to be at the bedside of her father,
William Whittington, who is seriously
ill. , .
W. B. Poyser returned to Seattle
Tuesday, where he finds profitable em
ployment in his line. He has been vis
iting his family here for, the past two
John Duffy, tte Floriston paper mill
wood contractor, arrived home Tuesday
morning for a couple of week's visit. He
still has 35 men cutting wood in the
timber in that section.
Henry Oooke, who returned from
Eastern Oregon about a month ago was
taken ill on the day following his ar
rival. He was out on the streets for
the first lime Wednesday.
C. W. Robinson, of Union Mills, was
in Oregon City Monday making arrange
ments for a public sale on March 1st.
He will dispose of five head of cattle,
some hogs, chickens and machinery.
William Welch expects to start on
his return trip to Alaska Friday, where
he is runnings brick yard. He offered
W. F. Harris, of Beaver Creek, $400 for
his span of gray horses Tuesday. Har
ris wanted $300.
August Gebbardt, of Wilsonville, was
in town Monday on his way for a short
visit at Salem He has sold his farm of
eight aces lying between Wilsonville
and Stafford to G: Schmitke, of Scap
poose for the consideration of $1000.
Mayor G. B. Dimick attended the cel
ebration of the 37th anniversary of Pth-
ianism, observed by Hermes Lodge, K,
of P. at Aurora Tuesday night. He
made the principal address of the even
ing. A banquet and dance were features
cf the festivities.
Miss Mary Homshuh has completed
her term of school at Schubel, of which
she has been principal for several weeks
past. Miss Moehnkewas the primary
teacher. Miss Hornshuh will begin an
other term of school in the Holman dis
trict, next Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Penington 'and
daughter, Miss Mary, who have just re
turned to Oregon after an extended trip
through Southern California, were vis
iting relatives in Oregon City several
days this week. They left for their
home at Alicel, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, who
came from Lower California about a year
ago, and were living at Clackamas Sta
tion, Btarted " on thtir return trip Wed
nesday night. HiB brother, James Bet-
nett, who resides in Clackamas pre
cinct, m a Clackamas county pioneer.
Uncle Tom's Cabin, Friday, Feb. 22.
Wait for little folks cake walk, March
Get your Seeds of A. Robertson, 7th
Street Grocer.
Born, in Oregon City, Feb. 16, toG N.
Joe and wife, a son.
Born, in Oregon City, Feb. 20, to John
All dredge and wife, an 8-pound girl.
The Socialist Club will meet at Sev
enth Street Hall (over livery stable) on
Monday evening,
George Bingham and Frank Bier
have bought the Oregon City soda
works. Corvallis Times.
Messrs. Shank & Bissell shipped two
more car loads of potatoes to New Mexico
They were of prime quality.
Mrs. George Ely entertained a number
of friends with an afternoon tea TueS'
day. It was an enjoyable occasidn.
A license to marry was issued to Fred
A. Metzner and Julia A. Kirk by the
county clerk of Multnomah, on last
The firemen's eighth annual ball to be
given this (Friday) evening at the ar
mory, promises to be an event of great
There will be songs, recitations and
tableaux at Salvation Army hall Satur
day evening, Feb. 23. Coffee and cake
with pie will be served at 15 cents.
One Ounce
Our offer of a one ounce bottle of
Extract of Vanilla free to every lady
customer still holds good.
As was explained last week we
never offer our Extract of Vanilla for
sale until it lias thoroughly ripened
and matured. This ripening process
would do Tonka B"an Extract no
particular irood It always has a
strong heavy oder and flavor anyway,
but extract made from Mexican
Vanilla has a different flavor entirely
after (standing three or four months.
You get 50 per cent more of this
extract for your money than grocery
store Vanilla. Will you try it?
n 'AAAM c U ..
George W. Bingham, a practical busi
ness tnCa of Corvallis, with experience
in the soda water line, is starting up
the soda works on upper Main street.
Seeds I Red clover, alsike, timothy,
orchard grass, blue grass, garden seeds,
all kinds, bulk or in packages. j
William Dixon is making frequent
shipments of fancy poultry eggs, since
he carried off the lion's share of the
prizes at the meeting of the State Poul
try Association.
The firemen got out novel lithographed
dodgers for their ball on Fr'day evening
It is needless to say that they were
printed by the Courier-Herald, the u-to-date
In the probate court this week B. F.
Linn was appointed administrator of the
estate of James B. Barber, who died Oc
tober 11, 1898. The value of the prop
erty is estimated at $200. 1
Miss Flora Bluhm and Fred Fisher
were married Tuesday at 3 p, in., Rev.
Whitrock officiating. A free dance was
given to all who. were present in the
evening and all report a pleasant time.
The Oregon City Rebekahs will enter
tain the ClackamaB lodge of Rebekahs
on Friday evening. Odd Fellows and
their wives should not miss this treat,
as the sisters never do things by halves.
William Welch was here during the
week purchasing heavy draft b orses for
use in Alaska. He bought Drayman
Dixon's span of mules, paying therefor
$350. Large draft horses are in urgent
Preparations are being made for a
little folks cake walk at the. armory on
Friday, March 8th. Besides this a first
class program will be rendered, after
which dancing will be permitted. Ad
mission 25 cents.
Lost A Lewellen setter dog; all
white except yellow spots about head
and ears. Disappeared Monday, Feb.
11, 1901. Has no collar and will answer
to the name of Carlo. Finder please
notify C . Schuebel and receive reward
Several boys were seen Sunday on a
prominent Main street corner publicly
displaying a fancy-colored glabS pitcher
of beer. It is likely that had Mrs. Na-
tion happened along about that time
wLh her hatchet, Uie sidewalk would
have been covered with colored glass.
Commencing on Sunday, Feb. 24, Rev.
A. Hillebraud will give a special series
of instructions or inctures ; on Sunday
mornings at 10 :30,conceruiug the divin
ity of Christ; evenings on the question,
"Is the Catholic Church Intolerant?"
All non-Catholics are specially invited.
The last quarterly meeting for this
conference year will occur at the Evan
gelical church next Sunday. Rev. J. E.
Smith, P. E., of Portland, will officiate.
The quarterly conference wll be held
Saturday evening after service. Sunday
services will be held at 11 a. m. and at
7:30 p.m.
Workmen are finishing up the Oregon
City & Southern Railway Co.'s line in
the city limits, extending south from the
terminus of the East Side Railway Co.'s
line on Main street, The roadway is be
ing planked for the full width, and the
railway track and road will be in com
plete condition by to-morrow.
A fresh supply of Prussian Remedy
Co. just received. Heave powder.cough
and distemper cure, curine salve, horse
liniment, worm powder, spavin cure,
blister, lice killer and P. We pay one
hall postage on heave powder and all
the postage on small articles. .
Oregon City. C. G. II untlkv, Agent,
The Epworth League gave Miss Leo
nora Williams a farewell surprise party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Kinder, Tuesday svening. Music, games
and refreshments were features of the
pleasant occasion. About 20 were pres
ent. Miss Williams will accompany her
stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Kirk, to Umatilla county.
It is really astonishing to see the
amount of farm produce that is being
shipped by the various firms in the
commission business in Oregon City.
Potatoes, onions, poultry, green and
dry fruits are being handled in the ag
gregate, in extensive quantities. It is
an evident fact that more farm products
are being shipped from Oregon City,
than at any former period in its history.
Miss Nannie Paddock, of Clackamas
Station, who is registar at the State
University, was very badly frightened
Monday afternoon by a demented man.
He entered the office and asked if she
had any money, and if she had, de
manded that she give it to him. lie
did not press the matter, however, and
soon left. Miss Paddock, who was
alone, was naturally badly frightened.
The crazy man, says the Guard, left the
building and when last seen was coining
down the railroad toward town.
Cynthia, widow of the late Charles
AlLright, died at her home in Portland
Saturday. The funeral occurred in Ore
gon City Monday, tjie services being
conducted by Rev. A. J. .Montgomery,
of the Presbyterian church. The pall
bearers were R. V. Wilson, George A,
ILirding, George Broughton and Peter
Nehren. The lnierment took place in'
Mountain View cemetery. The de
ceased was aged 70, and was a pioneer
of the early 50s, and until a few years
ago resided continuously in Clackamas
county. Her late husband, Charles
Albright, died about four years ago.
Golden Mule Bazaar
Stevens Bldg., Opp.
T 3fV Large stock consisting of thread laces, Valencinnes,
Vict orh laces, Black and White Chantilly in various
widths and styles.
Muslin Under wear AU sizes of Night Gowns
lVlUMin U nUCrWCdX, Chemisei Corset Covers, Draw
ers, Underskirts, Etc., Etc., Etc.,
Gloves The Celebrated "Percy" Kid Gloves for Ladies,
VJiUVCd; an the latest shades, guaranteed, $1.0.
Belts e 'ate "atest Novelties in Silk, Velvet and
c Leather Belts with gojd trimming and gold spikes
hanging down side.
TUrnt XJfc All the latest stvles for spring now on sale
1V1C11 & 1 ldx:, Large stock 0f CapS for Men and Boys.
"Ractrtc All shapes and size for shopping, lunch, flowers
Ud.bK.CU mnrket.Fancy work, Etc.
Cl-vrtnii-pwT'urp Large stock of "Royal Steel," the fost grey
VJraniieWd.rc, granite, also the Blue and White Enamel
ed Steel Wa. ? a 4 prices.
tfonerv cx f'es 1 ' ox PaPer Memorandum Books
OiailUIlCiyj ajj sjzeSi T 0nojn pens j0C) 200 page Ledg
ers, Journals or Day Books 24c.
Golden Mule IBazaar
Leaders in Advance Styles and Low Prices.
She left six children among them
Councilman Charles Albright, of this
city. The deceased was held In the
highest esteem by a wide circle of friends
and the funeral services were well at
tended. Bee the picaninnies cake walk at the
armory March 8th.
Lawyer Marks will be at the Opera
House Friday, Feb. 22, in all his glory.
County Clerk Cooper issued a marriage
license to Pearl Woods and William O.
Wood on Feb. 14th.
A flag will be raised at the Elliott
Prairie school house today (Friday) ac
companied by appropriate exercises. '
Eggs have dropped down to 15 cents
per dozen. In the Portland market they
are quoted at 13 and 14 cents per dozen.
Rev. J. Yorlais Richards, B. D., will
preach at the Welch Congregational
church at Beaver Oreek next Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock.
Oregon Washburn, a new arrival, has
purchased a house and lot from R . L.
Russell, paying thertfor $450. Howell
& Evans engineered the sale.
The county superintendent wili send
out the eighth grade examination ques
tions next Monday. The examinations
will take place on the following Thurs
day. ,
C. W. Robinson, of Union Mills, who
advertised a sale of farming Implements
and stock to take place on March 1st,
has decided not to sell, and the sale will
be off.
Don't miss seeing "Eva's Golden Char
iot." a '"glitteringgem" costing over 3,
000, to be seen in the grand free street
parade given by the Ed F. Davis Uncle
Tom's Cabic company.
Shows may come and go, but none
seem to stand the test as well as Mrs.
Stowe's immortal historical novel,
"Uncle Tom's Cabin." The grand pa
rade, the finest ever witnessed .
Rev. George Hill, who is to speak at
the Baptist church Sunday morning
will illustrate his lecture with curios he
has brought t from China and Japan.
Mr. Hill was driven out of Western
China with other missionaries some
four or five years ago and has since been
laboring in Japan. He will tell of his
experiences there.
The promoters of the co-operative
butcher shop held a meeting in in the
Redmen's ball last Saturday night,
which was welt attended, and consider
able interest manifested. It was found
that the required amount of stock had
been subsciibed, but the names had not
been properly placed on the stock book.
It was decided to remedy the matter at
once and proceed with the organization.
Harvey Gibson was in from Eagle
Creek yesterday to secure a coffin for
Mrs. Gibson's mther, Mrs. Mary Drake
who died at 12 m., the night previous.
The caue of the death of the deceased
was erysipelas. She was 70 years old,
and lelt a husband, Frank Drake.andsix
children, all grown. The funeral will
take place Saturday. Mrs. Drake was
held in the highest esteem, and had
been a resident of that section for the
past 15 years.
At the Milwaukie shops of the Port
land & Oregon City Railway Company
work has been Btarted on two passenger
cars to he used on that line. The new
cars will he about the same size as those
m service, but will be provided with
more powerful motors and will be able
to make quicker time between Portland
and Oregon City. An order for four
more cars has been placed with a San
Francisco firm. Measurements for
these Lave been taken, and they will
Bank of OregonJCity
be built at once and sent to Portland.
They will be provided with powerful
motors also. With these six new pas
senger cars it will be possible to inaugu
rate the proposed 30-minute schedule.
Work is also progressing on the 300
horse power freight car. Oregonian.
Miss Elizabeth Gertrude Engel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engel.
was married to Morris Henry Myers, of
Mount Pleasant, the ceremony taking
place at the home of the bride's parents
in New Era precinct Wednesday . Rev.
t a i .1.- '
man, the ceremony being solemnized in
the presence of a large number of in
vited guests. MiBS Laura E. Engel and
Frank Engel took the parts of brides
maid and best man, and little Miss Imo
Myers, sister of the groom, played the
wedding march. An elaborate wedding
dinner was served. Mr. and MrB. My
ers left on the same day for their home
at Mount Pleasant, the groom having
previously erected a neat cottage on lota
adjoining the residence of his mother,
'Uncle Tom's Cabin" never growl
old. There runs through it a vein of
pathos peculiarly touching and sweet,
It speaks the universal language of the
heart. It reflects like the prism the
innermost phases of the human emo
tion. It is more than a play. It is a
moral classic. It argues for two of the
greatest themes that can engage the
mind ; human liberty and immortality ol
the soul. Notwithstanding its frequent
production, it is seldom that one see
the play as It is now presented by thv
Ed V. Davis colossal spectacular. It if
.. : u' i i ,.
lino meeting mi uiu menu uner many
years. The management doubtless be
lieves in the maxim, "What'sworth do
ing, is worth doing well." They" have
brought together in this production all
the requisites that go to make up a
flrst-claFS entertainment. The Ed F.
Davis colossal spectacular Uncle TomV
Cabin company will appear at Shively's
Opera House, Friday, Feb. 22. Seat
on sale at Huntley's. Prices, 60 and 7h
cents. Children 25 cents.
Money to loan at lowest rates. 0. H .
Sheriff Cooke is having his oflict) com
pletely re-arranged and renovated. It
will be a model of convenience whei
the improvements are completed.
Dr. Stephen B. L. Penrose, president
of Whitman College, will deliver his
famous lecture on "Dr. Whitman, the
Hero of the North west," . at Congrega
tional church,' Friday evening, March
An Appreclntlon rarty,
During the late flood, the Thomas
family, who live on the low ground neai
Green Point, had to be moved on an-
r.t il.,. 1...., . .1... r..
vid Thomas was very ill, and he wa
tnlian in (tin lmm rtf ira W Xi T?A.L1i..L
where he was nursed until he was well
Young Thomas was a member of tin
Presbyterian Christian Endeavor Socie
ty, and the members of that organiza
tion showed their appreciutiou of tin
kindness extended by giving Mrs. RetV
dick a delightful party at her home,
Tuesday evening, Mneieand games were
part of the programme, and refresh
ments were served by the Christian En
deavorers. Those present were: Mi8se
Gilbert, Mary Gilbert, Hale, Luce, Wing
field, Young, Jessie Young, Bessie Ham
ilton, Hilda McGetchie, Burse Roddick.
Messrs. Chester Muir, Allen Front, Al
fred Weed, Albert Muline, George Califf
David Thomas, Owen Thomas, Guy Red-
M. --.I M V V 1,1. II, .t Mr
UIUK, mi. nuu win, ,? . v.v,., u, .
and Mrs. R. O. Thomas and family.