Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 22, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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We are sorry that ai article reflect
ing on the social parly given by Mrs.
Brown was published Feb. 8th, in this
paper, as correspondenCH from Logan
If we had known it was intended a an
insult it would not have appeared. We
are particular that all our correspondents
i-hould not be. o i e personal Mother
Brown, as she ia called, is well known
and highly reelected by all, likewise her
sou, for whomthe intuit, if' it was such,
was intended. Editor.
A musical and literary entertainment
will be given at Oswego Grange hall,
Friday, Feb. 22nd, 7:." p. m., when the
following program will be rendered:
Selection, Oswego orchestra.
Bong, '"The Armourer," George Wat
kins, of Portland.
Recitation, "My First Becital," . A.
Jewell, of Portland.
8ong,"8wallows," MiSs Maude Spring
er, of Portland.
Recitation, "Speech of Regulus," Mr.
Song, "Asleep In The Deep," Mr.
Recitation, "Sparticus To The Gladia
tors," Mr. Jewell.
Selection by orchestra.
Readings from great orators, Mr.
Song, '-Holy City," Miss Springer.
Recitation, "How Ruby Played," (by
request) Mr. Jewell.
Duet, "Lead Me Gently Hon.ei" Miss
Springer and Mr. Watkins.
Refreshments will be served by the
dailies' Aid Society. Admission 15
nts. Proceeds for benefit of Metho
dist .parsonage.
Union Hall.
Spring is almost here.
Grandma Burns is on the sick list, but
he is slowly lecovering.
Jacob Crader of New Era, is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. John Burns.
Misses Mollie and Eliza Burns have
'leeu visiting relatives at New Era for
die past two weeks.
IiuLa f'ringer was visiting at J. H.
Burns' last -Saturday.
There is coni-i leiable sickness in this
Frt'iik Hilton, who has been very sick
.t his home, is slowly improving.
Robert Vorpahl was In this part of the
rountry a few days ajjo buying hogs, and
iioiiglw several ul tlmin from Mr. Burns.
Gtorge Ranch was down to S 'e his
'irotlur, Jacob Ranch, who lives at
Jacob Ranch has been sick, but is now
getting better.
J. L. Thomas Iiub been sick with la
uriupe for the last week.
Joseph liriggs, who has be-n visiting
Ids parents in this place returned to
Idaho a few days ago.
School will close at this place next
Friday with a short program. The ex
ercises will be held in the hall.
Feb. 18. Backwoods.
The people of Sellwood delight in hav
ing a good lime, which was proven by
the social given Saturday night. A good
urowd was in attendance. Bob Demorit
nas his foot "down pat" in the lancers,
drices's orchestra furnished the music,
liob Thompson, the manager, always
keeps strict order. The lire department
'if this place will also give another grand
tail on March 2nd. Everybody i cor
dially invited.
In the garden was laid
The most beautilul maid
That ever was seen in the morn,
She was made a wife
The first day of her life,
And died before she was born.
The Creeks are up and booming and
bridges are Moating.
Itev. D. S. Utterback and family have
uoved to Oregon, City.
Charley Freeman is quite sick, and
nine people think lie has measles
Mat and Rupert Park are out from
-begun City visiting relatives.
Richard Bittner, of Oregon City, is
.vol king for his father, Chris Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Bovlan.of Clarkes, were
lie guests oi VV . I. Henderson battir
lay and Sunday,
VV. 11. Wilson m ule a flying trip to
own Saturday. Ilmdaiightor, Ida, who
ad been working in Oregon City for
lie piiNt week, accompanied htm homo
A, S. Henderson, while shaking hands
tith a borne, was bitten on the cheek,
ait not seriously.
Guaranteed to be the best
mg, which is a better guarantee of a
dealers and agents for cheap wagons
(litchelL W
rbove the market price ot the best grades of wood stock for the privilege of a closer insjn tion and mote
igid examination of each piece and to enable them to skiui off the cream of the v;iuu timber offered
m the market 1 1 KNCK WK CAN ABSOLUTKY GUARANTKK a supcrionttquality of timber in
Mil CI ILL WAG ONS and it is just as. impossible to build a good wagon wit ho d good timber as it is
to build a good house without a good foudation. The foundation of a wagi-n is the timber We know
hat everybody claims to have the best, b'utyou can't see under the paint. In buyii'g a wagon you must
trust to somebody's word we claim to be tt list worthy and reliab'e; beside, we leave unpainted the
underside of such parts as we can (reaches tounges, etc.") so tlf.it you can confirm our statements. We
guarantee every stick fully. MITCHELL WAGONS lire iigh't-rutiniiig. well proportioned and well
finished, ami, taken as a whole TllE 15F.ST WAGON ON THE MARKET Today. You can't make a mis
rake if you get a MITCHELL.
Mitchell, Lewis k Stave r Co.
First and Taylor
Henry Cadonan has none to Portland
to see his brothers, Maurice and Lee.
Rav Wilcox, of (tUtA hH. Hnnnt: Katnr.
(day and Sunday with his grandfather, J.
Mrs. M. A. and Alice Henderson were
visiting Mrs. Hammett one day this
Lalla Rookii.
Since our last writing death has
claimed two members of our community
for his ownMrs. Nancy McOubbin,
sged 82 years, and Mrs. Valma Gerber,
aged 32 years By the death of Valma,
wife of Samuel Gerber, a once happy
home is broken up and its mem bers
Born, to the wife of Clem Clark, on
Feb. 9, a girl.
Charles Wolfer baa moved to his new
home here, which he recently nurchased
of G. B. Trotter.
W. W. Austin will leave for Montana
on Saturday February 23, where he will
spend two years as principal of a public
The Misses Nellie and Nora Austin
will accompany their father to Califor
nia soon.
A wood camp has been started on the
Chase place and cutters are in demand.
Owing to the prevalence of measles in
the neighborhood and the recklessness
of some in exposing themselves and en
deavoring to scatter them through the
country, the board of directors, with
ttie consent of the teacher, decided to
close the school, as there were but 10
days more of the present term left.
The following is a report of the High
land school, district No. 33, Clackamas
county, for five months ending February
tn :
No. pupils enrolled, 52.
No. days' taught, 97.
Whole number days' attendance.
No. days' absence, 1300.
ThoBe who were neither absent nor
tardy during the term were: Lester Fel
lows and Hell Jones.
Those receiving 100 in deportment ev
ery month were: Frank Kirk and Vena
On the afternoon of the last day a short
program was rendered as follows:
Welcome song, school.
Recitation, Bell Jones.
Recitation. "Charity." Blanche Mil
Song, "Break the News to Mother."
Ada and May Robertson, George Miller.
Kecitation, Agnes Krotin.
Recitation, Pearlie Miller.
Song, "Home is Where the Heart Is,"
Recitation. "The Girl Who Hadn't
Time," Myrtle Jones.
Hong, "Twilight is Falling." Blanche
and George Miller, Ethel Cumins, Ger
trude biiockley. Violin accompanist by
James Rutherford.
Kecitation, "A Sliver in His Toe,"
Hurley Fellows.
Recitation, "The Dead Doll," Tressie
Song, "You Don't Know How to
Play," Nettie Miller and Bell Jones.
Recitation, Martha Pouting.
Recitation, David Rutherford.
Song, "Where Our Mamas Never
Die." Frank Kirs, Mora Kernes, George
Recitation, Mora Kernes.
Recitation, Bueney Gard.
Song, "A Serenade," George and
Blanche Miller.
Recitation, Nellie Welsh.
Recitation, "Three Black Crows,"
George Miller.
Song, "The Baggage Coach Ahead,"
Fdith Hargrove and George Miller.
Recitation, Nettie Miller.
Recitation, Minnie Krohn.
Song, "Bird With u Broken Pinion,"
Essav, "Education," Vena Mavfleld.
Song, "Vacation," school.
Names of those enrolled during tue
term were :
Curtis Kandle, James Rutherford,
Frank Kirk, Lester Fellows. Hiram
Fellows, Frank Jones, James Robert
son, George Rutherford, Evans Parish.
George Mil'er, Charles Callahan, Omar
Shockley, Edward Callahan, Stephen
Fellows, Philip Put 7., Oscar Wise, David
Kiithoilord, Hurley follows, Claud
Wise, Robert Pntii, Lance Shockley,
Bumeid L,inn, Myrtle (lurd, Ellen Kirk,
Hoy Uraee, Vena Mavtleld, Blanche
Miner, I'.ttiel uuiiiiiih, J'.oitli liuekner,
Ora Welsh, Myrtle Jones, Hell .lone.,
F.cho (iithens, Tresnio Cumins. A alio
May field, .Minnie Krohn, Lena Put.,
.Nellie welsh, Nettie .Miller, I'e.irlie
Miller, Manda Fellows, Moral Kernes,
Hester Pouting, Martha Pouting, May
Robertson, Gertrmlo Shockley, Ada
possible to build. Representing 65
high grade (best possible to build) than all the talk irrespon si t
can possibly give you
Co., the in;ikcis m cue iWlTCI IKl.l.
Robertson, Mary May field, Agnes Krohn,
iiauuing Kronn, Nellie liuckner.
Eagle Creelc.
The sun is shining again after the
hard rain. Dry weather doesn't agree
with "Webfeet," During the pleasant
weather everyone was sick, but when it
' rains everyone is supremely happy.
Eagle Creek nas not been heard from
for some time, nevertheless it i all here
and flourishing as of old.
H. Gibson has bui'.t a new store in
Eagle Creek which seems to be a suc
cess. James Bell and family, of this place,
are preparing to move to Sandy.
Mrs. L. A. Winesetc, of Oregon City,
is moving out on her new farm, recently
known as the Poe place.
James Simpson made a trip to Port-
irna last week.
Valentine day passed almost unevent
fully. The girls are ceasing to be popu
lar or something ails the boys' pocket
books. Perhaps it would be wise to
contribute to both.
A great many of our young people in
tend to go the masquerade at Damascus
Feb. 22..
J. S. Smith, of Oregon City, was' out
on his farm last week.
Mrs. Lucy Glover gave a party to her
friends on Friday the 15th. at her home.
The day was anything but one of those
cloudless, bright sunny days. It poured
down rain from dawn till night, but for
all that there were a great many who
ventured out. An elaborate dinner was
served at 2 o'clock, p. m., to which all
did justice. Among those present weie :
Mrs Howlitt, Mrs Simpson, Mr and
Mrs Woodle and family, Mrs Duncan,
Mrs FoBter, Mrs Wilbern, Mrs H Gib
son, Mrs Chas Foster, Mr and Mrs Als
paugh, Hugh Currin, Mrs Lucy Glover,
Misses Dells Glover, Pearl Foster, Mag
gie Smith, John, Walter and Matt
Glover and Zona Forrester.
The Sandy Ridge Sunday school has
been organized once more! Mrs. Simp
son Is superintendent; Mrs. Duncan.see
retary,and Mrs, Zogg, as treasurer.
Misa Dora Brackett, who has been at
tending high school in Portland, has re
turned to her home of this place, on ac
count of a recent illness.
John Glover and brother, Waller, are
going to Wardner, Idaho, where the
former has been for the past three years.
Andrew Douglas, of Dufur, has pur
chased the old Douglas place, and will
probably move over in the Bpring.
3Iaile Lane,
An acquaintance party was given at
Mr. tteard s Saturday night by the neigh
bors. Mrs. Beard recently arrived from
Wisconsin. The evening was spent in
social conversation by the old folks and
in games by the young folks. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Myers and family, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Wouruis and family, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Gibbs;
Messrs. John and Mike Gaffney, Courtis
and Tommy Gibhs,Jrmes Myers; Misses
Jessie and Letha Jackson, Sopha and
Martha Bauman, Miss Bailey. We are
glad to say that Mr. Beard and family
are very mush pleased with Oregon.
J. R. Myers and Sew Sing sold their
spuds last week for 55 cents per sack.
Mike Gaffney waa down home last
Sunday and brought back some stump
Misa Jessie Jackson visited her aunt
at Carua Sunday.
J. F Gibbs made a business trip to the
metropolis Saturday.
J.C.Dixon and A. Mautz went to
Portland today to purchase the bell for
the achoolbouse,
Feb. 19.
, Barlow.
Still it rains 1
People in our vicinity have had la
E. Scott anb wife, of this place, who
nave been visiting friends and relatives
at Marquam, returned home a few days
Mrs. Zeigler, who has been r" tl"
sick list, is aula to be arou" ' j, ..
Weiggep'" iu.y we e in Bvow
tiisworth ?rrt ., (,ve ' ...
gt i voi'..
i j. !!:. ' ' ' . .ne to Port-
Ian 1 11 uaJB.
E --.i t his com to J. Marks.
N. Watkins had the misfortune to lose
a cow, caused by the railroad train ruii'
nig over her.
Mr. King is hauling hay.
John king and family have moved
into the Quint house.
The valentine ball at Needy on the
Hih, was reported to be a failure.
There will be a dance at Barlow on
Fri.iay, Feb. 22.
The eutertaiuuient and basket social
at Mackstinrg on the 10th, was a grand
years i-xpcrienee in wagon bail d
WAGONS p.tv to percent
saccess. A large crowd was present,
and all bad a good time.
Mrs. Covey, who had la grippe, is
able to be around again.
J. T. Howell's house is nearing com
pletion, and it will be for rent fcbouttlie
middle of April.
The entertainment, recently given by
the pupils of our fchool was a success.
There was an attendance of 75, and the
proceeds, which amounted to 8.50, will
go towards the school. The following
excellent program was rendered:
Song, ' Dixie Land "
Recitation, ' How the Refugees Were
Tableau, "Union Forever."
Tableau, "Open Your Mouth and
Shut Your Eyes."
Dialogue, "Dad Says So "
Recitation, "Alameda."
' Song, "Chanting to His Mate."
Tableau, "Great Expectations."
Tableau, "A Hard Share."
Recitation. "Little Jim."
Dialogue, "Smitii'a Letters,"
Tableau, "The Greatest Nations of the
Song with tableau, "Passing Under
the Rod."
Soi g,"Good Night."
Tableau, "Mrs. Nation."
Coffee and 0 ike Club mat a'. Mr and
Mrs. Plowman last night. Coffee and
Cake were served. Everybody had a
Feb, 13.
Iiural Dell.
Mrs. J. B. Jackson and Mrs. C Sp in.'
ler were visiting at the home of H.
Sampson last week.
Henry McNulty is making a fence for
Mr. Shentile.
Lou and Sadie Eyman were visiting
Mrs. Scranlin Sunday.
Mr. Peck has been laid up with la
Frank Klinger was in our midst Tues
day. The buzz saw of Zweitul & Vick is
heard again. '
Wet foot is here again.
Mr. Sawyer nuleatdpto this place
a few days ago.
There are no b ui. ir Is here.
D. D.
. Mmntiin View.
Mrs. May Deai dorff and biby, of Da
mascus, were visiting her father aud
brother for a few days last week.
Mrs. Mills' mother from Vancouver,
has been visiting her for a few days.
Our sick list is still quiie large.
Little Ineita Dixon's health is quite
poorly ot late, she having tbu whooping
Mrs. Locke's baby was sick Monday.
Mrs. Snorrs, of Willamette Falls wood
camp, was visiting friends here over
Mrsv Jefferson is still quite sick.
Miss Nellie Swafford spent a part of
this week visiting in Salem.
F M Darling closed his school at Lo
gan Monday on account of the measles.
Mr and Mrs Candonan, of Elwood,
were doing business in Oregon City
Tuesday and Wednesday .
P D Currin has made a new chicken
Grandma Bacon 1b improving after her
serious illness.
J W May is not so well this week.
Dr. Norris was called.
Grandpa Taylor is very sick.
J Slover is confined to his bed with a
swelled leg and foot this week..
Mrs Jeanie Currin was at home a
short time Sunday. She is taking care
of Mrs Jack this week
Miss Pearl Harr gtoo of Highland,
is staying with M . - V .ton attending
J W Currin j pr mi' is garden
for a a large opr oru ,next season.
MrsGeo-eL en .rained a few of
her fnenr's las iUe- y. The afternoon
was pi .san y gr -it in conversation
and i- jsk Mis Fairclough rendered
soir hup iece ja the organ. Dainty
re' esl: i.r.tp ,ere served at 5 o'clock-
ncei1 res ere: Mis Jennie May,
- W . race, Mrs Clrra Williams,
WY and Miss Fairclough.
're Jaynes and family started to
Grai . i'as Wednesday morning, where
ltev riaynes is located for the next
Mrs Howard is at her mother's home
this week.
MissOlwen Edwaids is visiting among
friends here this week.
V V Aldiedge and family are moving
nto Mr Church s house.
Our pie social at the church lastfSat
nrday evening was a grand success. The
following program was rendered;
Opening address, Howard Brownell.
Instrumental music, Prof Ogle. '
Song, Messrs. Fraud.
Recitation, Maud Moran.
Instrumental music, Uortha Friedricli.
Song, six little girls.
Recitation; Lyman Mack.
Dialogue, "Gossips."
Duet, Misses llenrici and Thompson.
Recitation, -'ls It Anybody's Busi
ness," Mrs Duvall
Song, Helen Elj .
Selection, "Church and Lodge," Mrs
S A Giliett.
Dialogue, six little girls.
Duet, Mis Curran and Miss Curran.
J Recitation, l'oia llenrici.
Iruuar soio, Howard Lirownell.
Song, llattie Kingo,
Accnrdiati solo, Charlie Haas.
Kti'iiHiicn, "A Little I'.ov's Trouble,"
Millard Gillett.
Lecitaiion, I. ut her Duvall.
Song, "The Echo." Ruby lloware.
Duct, Doia llenrici aud Maggie Cur
ran. The net proceeds were $21, which will
go toward papering the churcn.
Feb. 21. Sam.na.
W are sorrv to report that our black
siniih, Mr. Whitington, is very sick.
A. Portland cattle buyer has been
thioukfh this vicinity, who bought five
catti- f'om Mr. Marrs lor 257, and two
from Mr. Shibley.
Mrs. Charters is goinj to Portland to
work in f days.
Out of
I Snell
The Bicycle Season is about here. More wheels
will be ridden than ever before. Now is the time to
make up your mind what Bicycle you will ride.
In calling the attention of the public to the
Bicycles constructed by the Snell-Yale Cycle Co , of
j Bicycle
loledo, U1110.1 do SQ-believinij alter having exan
every wneei in use 011 tins uoast mat tney are tne
best in construction, material and finish J liavmc all
up-to-date improvements, and some which no other
make has. The Yale Cushion frame stands without
a pper for strength, symetry, beauty and finish The
Snell, Lad v's or Gent's, is of the highest grade and
for lightness in weight and easy running qualities
has no equal. All wheels sold by me will be fully
uuaranteed. Anyone buying a wheel of uie will
have a selection from 5 different makes of tires. The
Pathfinder Single Tube, the best that money can
buy or that materials and expert workmanship can
produce. You can cut it with an ax, but it will re
sm tacks, pins, broken glass, splinters, etc. Fully
The Good year Detachable Tire fits all common
rims or any detachable rim. The only practicable
detachable tire ever made ; is made of best quality
of materials throughout and both inner tubes ancl
covers are guaranteed for a full season's riding.
t Snell
I Snell
Lenten Season begins Feb. 20th and ends April 6th;
Salt Fisb, Smoked Fish, Dried Fish
Codfish from New Ilnoland
Codfish from Alaska
Salmon from Columbia River
Salmon from Alaska
Salmon Bellies
Sardines, Findon Haddocks, Soused Mackerel, Etc., in tins
Large Assortment to select from.. Prices right.
Tltura haa l,u.tn o,n u' Vila Dii.bfiaaa
in the neighborhood this winter, and we
are lucky in having a doctor located in
our midst.
The church, Sunday school and
Christian Kndeavor Society are getting
along nicely. The Sunday schcol is
very interesting now .
The term of legislature will soon come
fr. a .tlr.au if 1 1 . a .oiiruluritutlimu An nr.t
elect a senator they had bette' sell out
ana come nome, tnougn pertiaps iney
have already sold out.
There will Vie a grand manquerad ball
at the old Gladstone Btore Saturday.
Prof. McLean, of Norih Yamhill, was
elected to take the place of lJrof Gray
the first of March
MrB. W. W. Smith, accompanied by
Miss Effie Morris, left last Monday lor
Mehama, where she will visit her sister.
S. I. E.
od Grarel Roads.
eel , good and nerriceable
constructed, not by dump
;11 on an ungraded surface,
ting It exactly In the same
adam stone would be in the
of a well constructed road
thoroughly compacting It
y graded, drained and pre
ce. Such roads, If Judl
ted that Is, In localities
y traffic does not abound
excellent service at a low
tenance from the fact that
dlly repaired and that the
lal would be comparative
ve. She Didn't Step.
Conjurer (pointing to a large cabi
net) Now, ladies and gentlemen, allow
me to exhibit my concluding trick. 1
would ask any lady In the company to
step ou the stage and Btand in this
cupboard. 1 will then close the door.
When I open It. again, the lady will
have vanished without leaving a trace
Gentleman In Front Scat (aside to
his wife) I say, old woman, do me a
favor and step up. Loudon Fun.
oiiEGox cirr schools.
Superintendent' liepnrtfor Month
Ending February S.
S, V,i V.i Xi j -3
O It c
-3 1?
-. ? ; t"
t x" j ST
i --: : 2
';-! -I- -
Harriet E. Bra
Francis Myers.
Harriet Cochran
Miss Caufield.. .
Nettie Walden. .
Krma Lawrence
Myrtle Taylor. 4
Mi?s G. Nefiaer
0 13 24'
2 211)28
0 23)6
13 31 91
13 24P
1634 !M
22 itlo
26 2.V
21 27'
2S50 95
24 44 92
Mrs N.F.Glass.
Harriet L. Caeei
Sade Chase
V. P. Matthews
0 2S 14
0i26 20;
01 21 4;
27 3895j
18 29194!
24 42 96i
5 8i91
Addie E.Clark 9 10
H. D.Wilcox ..ill
the Trust
Come and see my line of wheels before buy
ing elsewhere and be convinced of their super-ority.
H W Jackson's
Bicycle Shop;
fflam SI-' Oregon City
Mackerel from Norway
Mackerel from New England
Herring from Alaska
Spiced Anchovies from Norway
Bloaters "Cromarty" Smoked
The 7th Street Grocer
The Homefurnisher
flaln St., Opp. P. O.
Agent for the Singer Sewing
Machine, the Goodrich and New
Just received a car load of
crocks at 8 cents per gollon.
Lace Curtains from 40 cents
and up.
Matting from IOC per yd. up
Flower oil doth from z$c up.
Ingrain carpets from 23c per yd.
and up.
Our new patterns in wall paper
from 5c double roll and up. Call
and see.
Agent Jor Universal Ranges and
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.903.40; graham
Wheat Walla Walla 5355cj valley
68c59j bluestem 57c.
Oats White 4445c; gray 42 43.3.
Barley Feed $15 ; brewing $16 per t.
Milletuffs Bran $15J$ ; middlings 21 5
shorts $18 ; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $213; clover, 79;
Oregon wild $7.
Butter Fancy creamery 53 and 55c ;
store, 25 and 30.
Eggs 13 to 14 cents per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.003.50;
hens $3.504; springs $23 50; geese,
$07; ducks $56; live turkeva 11
12c; dressed, 1214c. j"" 1
fc Mutton Gross, best sheep7weathera
andewes, sheared, $4 50; dressed, C
and 7Jcents per pound. T"" '
Qgs-choice.heavy,J$500"and $5 25;
light, $5; dressed," 5 1-2 and 6 ceiits"p"e7
Veai-Larg6,f,6 1-2 and 7 cents per
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50 and $5
dressed beef, 7 and 8 cents per pound.
Che-ee Full cream 122'c per pound
loung America 13c.
Potatoes 15 and 50 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 75c
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.65
1.80 ner 100 pounds; cauliflower 75c
per dozen; parsnips 85c per sack; celery
80(2900 per dozen; asparagus 7(g$c";
pi-as oi 4c per pound. '
Dried fruit Apples evaporated 56 ;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 34o; pears
sun and evaporated S9c; pitless plums
78c; Italian pruues S7e; extra
silver choice 57.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 63.
Oats, 4).
Potatoes, 50 and 50 cents per aack.
Eugs, 15 per dozen.
Butter, dairy, 35 to 45c per roll;
creamery, 50c.
Dried apples, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 4c ; petite
and German, 3c 1