Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 22, 1901, Image 1

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18th YEAR, NO. 40
&rcbc5 Harder & Co.
' 182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages,
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
G'ain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
Pumns Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Main Store and Warehouse, No. 140, 146 Sixth Street North,
Z Acorn Steel Ranges lead the world.
Simond's Saws, the wood choppers' friend.
Syracuse Chilled Plows and Harrows, the
farmers' friend. We are sole agents.
We are headquarters for General Hardware,
Builders' Hardware, Air Tight Heaters,
also a fine line of warranted American
Pocket Knives and Razors.
Cor. Fourth and Main Sts.
Frank Hysdhi j
& CO.
k '
Just Arrived
Lovely new patterns in io-cent
wall paper.
We have odds and ends from
last season which we will sell at
5 cents a double roll.
But please do not call for 5-cent
paper during the summer months;
it s sold right now, so long as our
present limited stock lasts..
ReKUlar February Term or tUe Count)
Ji B. Morton, John lewollen and T. IV
Killin, CominUiloners.
(Continued from last week.)
In the accounts of road supervisors
published last week a mistake occurred
in the account of district No. 20. Instead
of a total of $179.82, with $83.58 deducted
forpolltax.it should have been $83. 56
total, as the balance of $96.27 was con
tributed work, though it is not indicated
in the report.
In the matter of the 1897 tax of Geo.
H. Canaran This matter coming on
upon petition of Geo. H. Canaran for an
order authorizing the clerk to cancel a
delinquent tax sale wherein acre was
doubly assessed and sold to Clackamas
county for the year 1897 for delinquent
taxes, and it appearing to tbe board that
12 acres of land was owned and as
censed to Geo. H. Canaran in the Hector
Campbell D. L. C, at page 84, volume 1,
for the year 1897, aud that the said Geo.
H. Canaran's land was again assessed,
which made and constituted a double as
sessment, and the board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the clerk cancel
said delinquent tax as it appears at page
11, volume 5 of delinquent tax sales for
the year 1897.
In the matter of bids for lumber for
Logan and Springwater road This mat
ter coming on in accordance with the
notice published, and only two bids being
on file, to-wit: Bid of A. Lacy and B. G
Cosper, and the bid of B. G. Cosper be
ing the lowest bid, to-wit : $5.60 per
thousand ; therefore, it is ordered that
the contract be awarded to B G. Cosper
upon his mint: a good and sufficient bond
and signing a coutraet to be furnished by
the county clerk upon the part of Clack
amas county(.
In the matter of the Fanton road and
report of viewers In the matter of the
report of F. A, Ely, J. N. Harrington
aud Chas. Moran, viewers appointed at
the last lerm of this board to view and
locate a county road situated in Clacka
mas county, Oregon, and described in
full on pages 333, 334 and 3;i5 of this
journal, said viewers filed their report,
thowing that they had met on the 31st
day of January, 1901, a day named in the
notice served upon them, and were duly
sworn by subscribing to a written oath
of office administered by John W. Mel
drutn, the deputy county surveyor,' afte.
which they proceeded to the designated
place and did view and caiiBe to be sur
veyed by said deputy county surveyor
the above described road. They also
filed the field notes and plat of the sur
vey. Said viewers report favorably to
the establishing of said road tig vinwed
and surveyed, for the reasons that it is a
good, practical route and of public
utility. Said report was read on this day
on its first reading and laid over for a
second reading tomorrow.
In the matter of the petition of Mrs. E.
Wehrbeim for a road This matter com
ng on for hearing, it is ordered that the
further hearing be postponed until the
next meeting of the board.
The board now adjourned until tomor
row at 9:30 a. m.
' . Thursday, February 7, 1901.
The board now conyened, pursuant to
adjournment, the commissioners and
ollicers present as of yesterday,
Ell Williams, assessor $92 00
J G Porter, do 69 00
L E Williams, do 44 00
Portland Gen Electric Co ct house 5 08
H Briethat pt, J P court 3 00
E L Elliott, do 2 00
A Newell, do '3 00
Oregon City Courier-Herald..... . 7 50
Wilson & Cooke, court house 1 00
Pacific Tel & Tel Co, do 4 25
ood Samaritan Hospital, pauper 3 00
F H Dungan, J P court 3 00
W H Engle, do..... ; 2 00
O W Robbins.do 2 00
H F Giobou, do...1 7 60
C a Smith, do 8
Geo K Epperson, do 1
J H Tracy, do 1
J C Tracy, do 1
J H Palmateer, do 1
A K Hawkins, do. 1
Christ Bodewig, do 1
Edward Gray, do 1
Wra Knight, do 1
A Kocher, do 1
James Evans, do
John W Loder, do.... 6
J H Shull. do.
F V Z-illner, do 1 20
Otto H Miller, do 1 70
Emil Kroner, do 1 70
Louisa Knight, do 1 70
H ADedman, do 1 70
U A Kinshaw, do 1 70
M C Strickland 23 45
Courier-Hetald, printing 32 70
I Selling, pauper 11 25
Peter .Nehren, court house 13 20
J Cooke, sheriff 20 00
Oregon Oity Enterprise, stationery 87 75
" , printing.. 3J bU
A D Burnett, sheriff 3 00
Ina M Chase, do 4 00
Mrs London, pauper 5 00
W H Young, do I 00
W 11 Young, sheriff... 2 00
Mrs M N Bacon, clerk 21 00
MrsLydia VVineBett, pauper 34 32
W McAnulty, J P court 6 Oo
11 S Moody, do 7 60
W MeAnultv, do 2 20
HS Moody, do 4 00
Retta Pierce, clerk 19 00
Ina M Chase, do 25 00
J. W Meldrum, surveyor. . . . , 8 00
1) K Uiminick, pauper a OU
Ernest Hands, surveyor 7 60
In the matter of the Fanton road and
report of viewers Said report was read
on yesterday, and now on this day on its
second reading, and it appearing to the
board that John Kolbfleiech, E H Cooper
and John H Griffith have tiled claims for
damages as follows: John Kolbneiscb
in the sum ot $500. ti Uooper in the
sum of $50 and John H Griffith in the
sum of $200, it is therefore ordered that
J D Myers, E W Hornsbun and Robert
Hughes be and hereby are appointed
viewers of damages, to meet upon the
premises of said parties on the loth day
of February. 1901. and assess the dama
ges, tl any there be, to lands ot said par
ties, and report the same to this board at
its next regular session. It is further or
dered that the expense account of said
viewers and surveyors be paid.
FA Ely, I day, 16 mile $3 60
J N Harrington, do 3 60
Charles Moran, do 3 (10
HE Smith, 1 day 2 00
Walter Emroett, do 2 00
John C Smith, do 2 00
John W Meldrum, 2 davs. 18 miles 9 80
Total $26 60
In the matter of the petition of Christ
Moehnke et al for a change in the Beeson
road In the matter of the report of J D
Meyers, John Shannon and Eugene Lew
ellen, viewers appointed at the last term
of this board to view and locate a county
road Bituated in Clackamas county, Ore
gon, described on pages 344 arid 3-15
of this journal. Said viewers filed their
report, showing: that they had met on
the 31nt day of January, 1001, a day
named in the notice served upon them
and were duly hwi rn by subscribing to a
written oath of office administered by
Ernest Hands, county surveyor, after
which they proceeded to the designated
place and did view and cause to be sur
veyed by said county surveyor the above
described road. 1 hey also tiled the held
notes and plat of Die survey. Bald view
ers report favorably to the establishing of
said road as viewed and surveyed, for
the reasons that it is a good, practical
route and of public utility. Said report
was rad on this day on its first reading
and laid over tor a second reading to
The hoard now adjourned, to meet to.
morrow, Friday, February 8, 1(101, at 10
o'clock a. rn.
Friday, February 8, 1901.
The board now convened, pursuant to
adjournment, the commissioners and offi
cers present as on yesterday.
In the mutter of the petition of Christ
Moehnke et al for a change in the Beeson
road Reiort of viewers Said report
who on yrmttiuny, mni nun 1111 i mo
day on its second reading, and it appear-
. i .....i i - ...i.:.
uig to tne ooaro mat mere is no rmi.on -
e.iim;e nor o iiiuii lur urtiiiiiKrn uiwu
tl..., ,....! ...ill 1, ..I ... .!.!
P... :. " 7 j " J 1 i , i .
117, it 10 ui.iKivu hiiu ttij'iuCM mm 11113
field notes and plat of said survey he re
corded and in all respects approved, and
that said view and survey he paid for by
Clackamax county; and the clerk is
hereby ordered to issue the necessary
notice to the supervisor 0 the district or
districts in which said road lies to open
and work tbe same. All that portion of
road heretofore described and asked to
be vacated be and the same is hereby 111
11 respects ordered vacated on the open
ing 01 said road.
JDMeyers,2daB20 nvlcB ..... $0 00
W. C. Holman
210-212-214 FRONT STREET, PORTLAn, OF ".(
Stoughton Farm Wagons
Pontiae and Deal celebrated Michigan Buggiee?
Benieia Four Spring Mountain Hack
Second growth wheels and highly finished1..
Peerless plows, all kinds. Only plow made ontna Coasfc
Dowagiae Shoe, Hoe and Disc Grain Drills
Buffalo Pitts Harrows and
Feed Root Bone and Cider
Owen's Fanning Mills
Whitman Hay Presses
Eugene Lewellen, do...... 6 00
John Shannon, 2 days, 9 miles 4 90
W Livingst.an, 2 days ,, 4 00
Otto Moehnke, do 4 00
Jas B Bee on, do 4 00
Ernest Hands, 3 days, 20 miles. . .- 14 00
Total $42 90 I
In the matter of the petition of J J 1
Kimball et al for a county road In the
matter of the report of J A Randolph,
Geo Hicenbotham and Newton Walker,
viewers appointed at the l8tterm of this
board to view and locate a county road
situated in Clackamas county, Oregon,
described in full on pane 332 of this jour
nal, said viewerB filed their report, show
ing that they had met on the 28th day ot
January, 1901. a day named in the notice
served upon them, and were duly sworn
by subscribing to a written oath of office
administered by John W Meldrum, dep
uty county surveyor, after which they
proceeded to the designated place and
did view and cause to be surveyed by
inid deputy county surveyor the ahove
described road. They also filed the field
notes and plat of the survey. Said view
ers report favorably to the establishing
of said road as viewed and Bnrveyed, for
the reasons that it is a goud, practical
route, and of public utility. 8aid report
was read on this day on its first reading
and laiti over for a fecond
reading ft j-v
mot row,
The board now adjourned, to meet to
morrow, february 9, iuui, at the hour ot
9:30 a. m.
(Continued next week)
School Officers' Resolutions.
"At a meeting of the directors and
clerks of the schools of Clackamas
county, held Feb. 16th, 1901, at the
county court room, we, tbe undersigned,
were appointed as a committee to pe
tition the legislature to have the follow
ing resolutions adopted for tbe benefit of
the schools of the state :
Whereas, there is $70,000 on band in
the state school fund and tbe same is
unproductive to the schools of the state;
Whereas, it it within the power ol the
legislature to adopt Emergency Acts to
have laid lund loaned.
Resolved. That in request our senators
and representatives to aid us in having
passed at once an act to reduce the rate
of interest to 5 per cent on a valuation of
40 per cent of the property on which
loans are desired and
Whereas, there have been many farms
reverted to the state by reason of fore
closures, where the property has so de
creased in value that it does not now
represent tbe amount of value loaned
thereon, and the same land is kept out
ot market by asking the amounts suf.
ficient to reimburse the state, and which
prices is in excess of present market
vame; tiieretore be it
Resolved, That the land be appraised
in a manner similar to other school
Respectfully Submitted, ,
A. 1'. Todd,
H. 8 McLaughlin ,
L. fl. Kiuciirm.
J. 0. ZlNSKIt,
County Supt.
Several Orders Handed Down Dur
ing the Week.
In the matterof ti e last will and testa
ment of George W. Lee, deceased, who
died on jeo. 6th, l'JOl, Robert Kingo pe
titioned the court to admit to probate t
Certain document purporting to be the
lust wilt and testament of the deceased.
He also asked that he be appointed ex
ecutor oi said will ; fiat the deceased
leit an estate in Clackamas county con
sisting ol real ami personal property
amounting to $300(1. The next of kin
and heir-at-law of Raid deceased are as
follows: Sarah M. Lee, widow; Harry
i. i-.ee, r.imer i,ee, rioronee Stephens
hine. liomeiia Percival and Svlvi.ii
. . .. . .. . '
; ier, v . vuril i e, llie petition WaH ap
j proved.
; jn thf ntUU.r o( UltJ estat(, ((f
!(,,ili4,j , u.,uuutil
l -.c..j, wc,k ,,.
t r
(executor, Died Ins tins! account.
set as time for hearing objections.
In the matter of the estate of Ran
dolph Slricklin, deceased, the adminis
trator filed his final account, and first
day of April, 1901, set as1 date for hear
ing final objections.
In the matter of the estate of Martha
A. Doores, deceased, John W, Doores,
executor, filed 'lis final account.
In the matter of the estate 0' Benja-
, mm iienuricxson, deceased, final ac
. count approved.
In the matter of the estate of Luke
Oomer, deceased, E. G. Caufield, adm
istrator, was authorized to sell the real I
property, belonging to the estate.
In the matter of the estate of Williomi
D Redford, deceased, Asa K Hawkin,,
admiuiHtrator, R, G. Palmateer, Lee i
Wills and Hobert Kollius were Bp--
pointed appraisers. ,
A Fine Work IF Melt i Being Sultl'
in Oregon City by Vagal Urea
Dugal Cree is in Oregon City taking:
orders for Fllis' history of the United!
States. Fortunately intelligent men ami
women are fully alive to the benefit tin
rived and the keen delight experienced
from a close acquaintance with the fasci
nating details of the. story of our conn--try
its feeble national beginning, itir
marvelous progress and developmPDt,
aud its present commanding position',
among the nations of the earth.
In writing of this history Lonrttf
MacKenzie, a Presbyterian ministers,
says: Larimore, N. D. "I have hjti
Ellis' History of the United States'
my library for over nine months, and! Az
seems to me that the work, ie .indisiiet-
I Rihle to anv student of American hiutttrv
who wluhts to know accurately toe ji-
cent events which engaged theattentkw :
of the American nation. The mnWe m
presented accurately and iu intensely
interesting form The cuts and illustra
tions did much to make the several vol
umes a source of delight to yonnff peo-.
pie. The work is popular, comprehew-.
sive, scholarly and reliable. It has al
ready proven ot very great sorvice to-mw
iu my studies. If I were to bo lim'ctiV.
to one history of the United States 1
should choose Ellis'.
By joining the club you get the set al .
nearly Halt price. A set can be seeo al
Courier-Herald office.
School Officers' Meetings
Pursuant to the call of County Super-,
intendent Zinser about 50 sohool dir-.
tors and clerks from various sections off
tbe county met in the county court roofu
Saturday . afternoon to discuss school
matters. It is believed to have been,
tbe first gathering of the kind ever held t
here that is, where It assumed uie
proportions of a county gathering. Bur-
perintendent Zinser presided and pre
sented a memoranda of topics of special";
Interest, relating to school matters. The
school ollicers present took an active
part in the discussion, and the interest
shown was highly gratifying. Special
attention was called to the heivnti fylng
and improvement of school grounds;.,
school officers were warned to beware of.
purchasing of agents expensive school
apparatus, which was costly and of im
practical use, Thesuperintendentrecom
mendedthat books on supplementary.'
reading be purchased, and eiich helps ae
were not expensive. School laws anu
amendments were especially discussed,
ami it was astonishing to find how. few
school ollicers were familiar with- the
school laws. The convention proved
profitable one and possibly others will
Public AVte."
The undersinned will sell at auotioo.
four miles northeast of Wilhoit ami one
mile east of Rus8elville school house-, 01
Saturday, March 2, 1901, commencing a.;
19o'clock sharp, the following personal;,
1 grey mare, 10 years old, with',foal ; I
grey mare, 0 years old; 0 milch cows. 2
year-old heifers; 1 yjarling steer; 2 '
yearlinir heifers ; 4 steer calves; 1 iom
year-old full blood Durham bull ; I Aou-.
mower; 1 spring tooth hairow ; 1 Acm
hay rkej 1 Oliver steel pbw; 1 threw
inch wagon; 1 grind-stone; 1 hay rack;
2 log chains; 1 set double harness; took
and implements; household furniturs
and cooking utensils and other antclts
too numerous to mention. Everything
nearly new. Eight months' time given
for amounts over $10.
H. J ff. Dkckmak,
John Sta-mi1,
W. W, II. Samson,
Bjoklin's Aniioa Salve:
JI.IS w ld wide fume lor marvellous
cures. It surpluses ,-ny otner salve, lo
tion, oi itm-nt or iiHttin for Cuts, Cori,
Burns, Boi, S..r... Felon, U,n,, 1
Chapp-d Hands, r..ter, Suit Rheuu
Fever Sores, Skin Eruptions; Infallioln
for Piles. Cure iiurnt-ed. Only f
cents at Gen. A. Harding's.