Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
' Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
. Vancouver
and Portland
Touching at way points on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have been rebull
and are In .xcellent shape for the season of IU00
The Kulatar Line will endeavor to give Its
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy ami Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Begulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7a. m.and
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Offl ce
Oak 8t. Dock. CourtStreet.
General Agent
"Best of Everything''
In a word this tells of the pass
enger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
mi. - nf x m ai tit l .1
tuciuicsi nam iu mc siuiiu
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Express, the finest day
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connections from the west made via
. The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rys.
This is also one of the best lines between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All agents sell tickets via "The North
western Line."
G. A. T. A.
348 Alder St., Portland. Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
executors of the estate of J. B. Spahr, dece ased,
has filed their final account in the County Court
of Ciackam as Cout y, Oregon, as suoh executors,
and Monday the 25th day of February, A. D.
1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been
fixed by the Hon. Thomas T. Byan, Judge of the
said Court as the time for hearing any and all
Objections to said report, and the settlement
Executors of Said Estate.
Dated January 17th, 1901.
Attorneys for Executon.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
kas been duly appointed by the county court, of
the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, ex
ecutor for the estate of Leonora Elizabeth Laoey,
deceased. AU person! having claims against
aid estate are hereby required to present the
same to me properly verified, as required by law,
at Springwater, Oregon, or to my attorney, Rob
ert A. Millet, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from date hereof.
. . Albert Uciy,
. Eieoutor of the estate of
Leonora Elizabeth Lacey, deceased.
Dated this 31st day of January, 1901
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad
ministratrix of the estate of Benjamin Hendrick-
son, deceased, has filed her final aooonn t In the
County Court of Clackamas County, Oretjon, as
as such administratrix, and Monday, th e 18th day
of Feb., A. D., 1901, at the hour of 10 o'olock a.
m., has been fixed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan,
udgeofsuld court, as tha time for bearing any
all objections to the report and the settlement
Administratrix of Said Estate.
Dated this 12th day of Jan., A. D. 1901.
DlMKK oi Eastham,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas
Ada L.Osburn,
Thomas J. O-hiirn,
To Thomas J. O (burn, Defendant:
In the hame of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby raqnired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed asaint you In the above entitled
suit on or before the 1st dy oi March, M)l,
that being the time presenile in order of p oli
ation of this summon; and If you fail to appear
and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court fur the relief theiein prayed for,
to-wit: A deer, e of divorce from the bonds of
matrimony nowe xiting between you and the
plaint!!) and (or other relief praei for in the
complaint herein.
This sum mom is published by order of Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, County Judge of aid county,
ma de and tr.ttrtd He ic.of January, 1901,
ud the date of the first publication Is Friday,
Jannaiy 1, 1901, and the aaid publication i to
ran six consecutive weeks from the said data.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sated at Oregon City, Jan. 11, 190L
Job Printing at tic
SliOip- LINE
Ocean Steamships
8 p. m. AH Sailing Dates subjcot 4 p.m.
to change
For San Francisco Sail
every 5 days.
Daily Columbia River
Kx. Sunday steamers. v-
8 P- m. Ex. Sunda
Saturday To Astora and Way
10 p. m. Landings.
Willamttte River.
8 a.m. 4.30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbeig, Ex. Sunday
Salem, Independence
and way-landings.
Willamette and Yam
7 a. m. hill Rivers. 3:3 p- m-
Tues.Thur. '"nivei. Mo.,Wed.
and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton F"
and way-landings.
e a. m. Willamette River 430 p. m
Tues. Thur. Moil., Wed
and Sat. Portland to Corvallis and Frl.
and way-landings.
Leave Snake River Leave
Riparia Lewiston
8:40 a.m. Riparia to Lewiston. 8:30 a.m.
Dally. Daily
A. L.'CRAIG, , P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
liable Solinsky, Plaintiff, ,
William II . Solinsky, Defendant.
To William H. Solinsky, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit, in the above entitled court, on or before the
1st day of March, A. D , 1901, the said list men
tioned date being the last day of the lime pre
scribed by the court in the order for service of
this summons upon you, by publication thereof,
and if you so fall to appear and answer, in this
suit, on or before the said 1st (ley of Match, A,
D., 11101, for want thereol, the plnintiff will apply
to the Court for the reliaf demttvled in the said
complaint, to wit: That the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you and
the said plaintiff, be disolved: That the plniti
tlffhave the oare, custody and control ot child;
that the plaintiff have the decree of the Court
against you for the oosts and disbursements of
this suit, and for such other and further relief as
to equity may seem Just. The defendant is here
by further notified that this, summons is served
upon him by publication thereof, b virtue of an
order made Iu this suit by the Hon. Thomas F.
Ryan, Judge of the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, on the 14th day of
Jan., A. D. 1901, ordering aud directing that this
Summons be served upon you, the above named
defendant by publication thereof iu the Courier
Herald, a newspaper published In Oregon City,
County of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, and of
general circulation In said City, County and Slate
fora period of six successive weeks from the first
publication of this Summons, the date of the first
publication of this summons, being the 18th day
of January, A. D., 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Farm for Sale.
19 miles south of Oregon City, 8 miles south of
Molalla. Knownas tha Teasel Farm. Contain
ing 310 acres, 140 acres; dear plow land; 40 aores
in creek bottom; 100 aores, upland; 7 acres, or
chard. All well watered and fenced with staka
and Ire fence, and drained with stone and tile
ditches: good buildings. 90 rods from school
house; 115 rods from church ; good location for
taking stock to mountains Price 16000, 11000
down, balanoe to suit at 6 per cent Interest.
For further particulars apply on farm to
A. J, Sawtill,
They Increase a Conductor's Work
and Are Trying; to Hla Temper.
"Some people have no sympathy for
street car conductors," s.iid one of their
number after he had had a peculiarly
lively time In making change and giv
ing and collecting transfers, nays the
New York Times.
"Now," continued the conductor,
"there Is oue little matter that would
save us lots of trouble if the people
would only hear It In mind, and that Is
the way they hand In their transfers.
"Some men and a few women know
enough to hand us the little strips of
paper just as they receive them that
Is, spread out In such a way that we
can glance at them, see that they are
all right and then place them with the
package already collected. The ma
jority of people don't do this, and as a
rule the women are the worst of the
"When a woman gets a transfer, she
folds It tip Into as small a space as
possible and then stows It away In her
purse. When the time comes to collect
this from her, she fishes the wad of pa
per out of the purse, hands It to the
conductor ami sits back In her seat
content with what she has done.
"The conductor has to unfold this
piece of paper to see if it Is really the
proper transfer. This takes time, and
when there are a dozen women ou the
car all doing the same tfclng the poor
conductor has more than he can do to
keep bis temper. Men as a rule -don't
fold their transfers, but content them
selves with shoving the slips Into their
pockets and then producing a crumpled
piece of paper when It Is called for,
tossing It to the conductor, who bai to
smooth It Into shape.
"The same people would never think
of handing In a railroad or theater tick
et In the game way."
is Wife insisted
And he thought he'd humor her, no
doubt. The result shows that a man
rarely loses by following his wife's ad
vice. Those who suffer from obstinate
cough, bronchitis, weak lungs and ail
ments in general which tend to con
sumption, will find speedy relief and
perfect Cure in the use of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It cures
ninety-eight per cent, of those who give
it a fair and faithful trial. It purifies
the blood, heals the lungs and builds up
the body with firm flesh instead of flabby
fat. The "Discovery" contains no alco
hol, neither opium, cocaine, nor other
Only for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery I think I would be in my grave to-day,"
writes Mr. Moses Miles, of Hiiliard, Uinta Co.,
Wyoming. "I had asthma so bad I could not
sleep at night and was compelled to give up
work. It affected my luusrs so that I coughed
all the time, both day and night. My friends
all thought I had consumption. My wife had
taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and it
had helped her so much she insisted on my try
ing his 'Golden Medical Discovery 'which I
did. I have taken four bottles and am now a
well man. weighing 1R5 pounds, thanks to Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I would
like you to print this testimony as it may help
some other poor sufferer."
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in paper
binding, free on receipt of 21 one-cent
stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Matt Olson,
Berthn Olsnn,
To Bertha Olson, Dtfendant;
TN the name of the state of Oregon, you srs
hereby required to appar and snswerthe
complaint filed against yon in the above en
titled suit on or before the 20th day ofjMarch.,1901,
and If yon fail to appear and answer said com
plaint, the plaintiff, will apply to the
court for the nlief therein prayed for,
to-wlt: a decree of divorce from the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you and
the plaintiff.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Thoinis F. Ryan, County Judge of said county,
made and entered the 19th day of January, 1901,
and the date of the first publication Is Friday,
January 2rth, 1901, and the said publication is to
run six consecutive weeks from the said date.
Attorney for Plalnttff.
Dated at Oregou City, January 25th, 190.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Ella W. Baird, Plaintiff,
James W. Baird, Defendant.
In the naineof tin State of Oregon; To James
W. Baird, the above named defendant.- Von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit,
In the above entitled Court, on or before the 18th
day of February, A. D. 1001, tha said last mention
ed date being the last day of the time prescribed
by the Court In the order for tha servloe of this
Summons upon you, by publication thereof, and
If you so fall to appear and answer, In this suit,
on or before the said 18th day of February, A. D,
1901, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded In the said 00m
plaint, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between yon and
the said plaintiff, be disolved; That the plaintiff
have the rare, custody and eontrol of said minor
child. Eunice Dwlnelle Baird: that the plaintiff
have the decree of the Court against you for the
costs and disbursements of this suit,
and for such other and further relief
as to equity may seem just. The defenden
Is hereby further notified that this Summons is
served upon him by publication thereof, by vir
tue of an order made in this suit by the Hon. Thos.
F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas County, on the 3rd day
of January, A. D. 1901, ordering and directing
that this Sommons be served upon you, the above
named defendent, by publication thereof In the
Courier-Herald, a newspaper published iu Oregon
City, County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and
of general circulation In said City,' County and
State for a period of six successive weeks from the
first publication of this Summons, the date of
the first publication of this Summons, being the
4th day of January, A. P. 1901.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Edward Blake
(i pntinued from page 6.)
bis selfish ambitions and make him
serve others Instead of himself 7
It was after midnight and still he
sat there with his mother's letter be
fore him. The new century was his to
enter. Rich powers of tuind and
strength were his to enjoy. What
would he choose as he looked Into the
future? Edward Blake, college stu
dent, you are at the most critical point
in all your life now. The Spirit will not
always strive with your soul. Your
mother' prayers cannot (save you if
you do not give your heart to God.
Will yon be Christ's man or not?
Leave him alone with Cod and pray
for him that he may cry before the
morning breaks. "O Christ, thou art
my Lord and my God!"
The Rock of Ages has been cleft for me,
Bat thou wilt never ssvt against my will;
Th water and the blood have flowed from the.
But I must let that blood my being fill
Oh. Spirit, pleading with strong tears and pain,
Grant that this soul may humbly let the in I
how him th Christ wk cam lor sinful swa
Aad in hit heart thy work of frac begia.
the win.
Friday, Feb 8.
Next month the Standard Oil Co. will
declare the first qnaiterly dividend of
the year of $20,000,000.
The American salt trust baa secured
control of 95 per cent of the salt works
of the country and is making efforts to
obtain possession of the English sources
of supply.
Every month 6000 barrels of American
bottled beer are shipped to Manila.
When the news of the gigantic Mor
gan steel combine became known to con
gress, Representative Fitzaerald of Mas
sachusetts introduced a resolution in the
house directing the attorney-general to
put the government's legal machinery
in motion to prevent the consummation
of the project.
Queen Wilhelmina and Prince Henry
were married at the Groote Kerk, The
Hague, on the 7th. It was a love match.
Dr. A. Conan Doyle, the noted author,
writes from London : ''Clouds drift up
before us. We peer into the darkness
and the gloom still gathers. It needs no
seer to tell us that the days are coming,
may even now be at hand, when we
shall be tested once more by the iron
hammer of destiny to break us or to
weld us firmer still."
The weather bureau has developed a
eyslem of wireless telegraphy by means
of which vessels can be signalled 500
miles or more out at sea.
The explosion c f several hundred cas
es ot dynamite stored in an underground
chamber of the great San Andrea silver
mine, state of Durango, Mexico, blew
off the top of the mountain and annihi
lated the village on it with 87 of its in
habitants. The London Daily Chronicle considers
the Morgan deal as "little leBS than a
menace to the commerce of the civilized
world which sets the seal of the triumph
of the millionaire."
In accordance with the request of the
house committee on coinags, W. J. Bry
an has expressed his opinion on the bill
for recoining standard silver dollars into
subsidiary coin and making silver dol- '
lars redeemable in gold on demand. He
believes that it woald place the national
debt and the money of the country mora
absolutely under control of the finan
ciers than they now are.
Saturday, Feb. 9.
It has been learned that a number of
Manila merchants have been in friendly
and helpful relations with the Filipino
England will reject the amended Hay
Paunceforte Nicaragua canal treaty.
The finances of the Japanese govern
ment are in arrears 90,000,000 yen.
The bubonic plague has appeared at
Cape Town .
A syndicate of American capitalists
will develop the resources of the South
American republic of Bolivia.
The Japanese government monopo
lizes the tobacco Industry in the empire.
In a lecture delivered in Boston, Rev.
Lyman Abbott said he applauded the
attempt made In recent years to have
the best elements govern in the South.
Sunday, Feb,. 10.
Last year Portland imported 81 ,000
barrels of Portland cement.
The population of the famine-stricken
province of Shen Si.China, is 16,000,000.
The population of the city of Buenos
Ay res, South America, is 800,000.
The burning of Armstrong Bros.' cork
factory in Pittsburg caused a loss of
The Cuban constitutional convention
has resolved that all debts contracted
prior to the promulgation of the con di
lution shall be repudiated.
At a banquet at the Kaiserhoff , Berlin,
in honor of Queen Wilhelmina's wed
ding, the company raised 3000 marks for
imprisoned Boer womeu and children
and listened to singing of the Transvaal
hymn standing.
Six thousand Boers retired beforeGen.
French at Emerlo, in the TratiBvaal.
Sir Evtlyn Wood will go to Africa to
supercede Kitchener, who will probably
go to India. It is believed that, through
the lnliuence of the king, he goes as a
commissioner to treat with the Boers,
The kingof England wants $10,000,000
to pay his debts.
Seven ships valued, with the cargo of
two, at $1,195,000, with a crew of 230,
have not been beard lrom in Portland
end are given up as a total loss.
There is a rush for timber lands at
Stevenson, Wash.
The great dam across the Nile at As
suati is completed and the problem of
providing corn for Egypt is solved.
More anti-Jesuit demonstrations in
Tabayas, in South Luzon, will soon
have a provincial government, beirg
the fourth in which it is established.
Monday, Feb. 11.
As a result of Mrs, Carrie Nation's
joint-smashing crnsade, the citizens of
Topeka, Kansas, resolved at a mass
meeting that by the 15th joints in the
city must close to escape destruction.
England may succeed in pursuading
Portugal to send troops to South Africa
to aid in the war against 'he Boers. The
Lisbon Monde savs such an event would
invite certain disaster to Portugal.
Count von Waldersee is displeased
with the Freuch because they violated
his orders in making a marauding expe
dition into the province of ShanSi.Cliina
At Tabaks Mountain-, 4) miles from
the railway to Bloenifontein, Major
Crew with a composite column, engaged
the Boers stationed on th mountain,
commanded by DeWet. Crew was glad
to get away.
DeWet and Steyn say in a proclama
tion they "shall now enter Cape Colony
to give the farmers there a taste of what
they have themselves suffered through
the war."
In a letter to Robert Treat Pine of
Boston, Senor Sixto Lopez reiterates the
demand of the. Filipinos for indepen
dence. Dr. G. M. Barney, of Brooklyn, jtf. Y.,
claims that he has discovered a chemical
cure for consumption which will cure 90
per cent, of patients,
Tuesday, Feb. 12.
Fourteen thousand lace-makers at Ca
lais, France, art) out on a strike.
The Morgan syndicate has bought for
$15,000,000 75,000 acres of Pennsylvania
coal lands.
, At Eaton, Pa., Frank Fisher sold his
18-year-old wife to Goorge Gardner, who
was "sweet on er," for 50 cents. He
couldn't bribe her to return to nim ; in
desperation he tried to steal some junk,
and when officers were about to arrest
him he dashed into the icy Delaware and
was drowned.
The Massachusetts legislature is inves
tigating the $1,000,000 corruption fund
of the New England Gas & Coke Co.
The burning of the glass factory at Ro
chester, Pa., caused a loss of $1,500,000.
It employed 1500 persons.
Under the new army law 10 new tegi.
ments will be organized.
At rietermaritzbnrg there have been
wholesale thefts of British military
stores. '
The bubonic plague is raging in Si
beria. j Senator Hanna, who never was in the
military Bervice, has joined a Grand Ar
my Post at Cleveland, O.
Senators Hanna and Frye are deter
mined to hold up the river and harbor
bill until the ship subsidy steal is passed
The Russian government will spend
5,000,000 rubles to relieve the famine in
large sections of the empire.
Commandant W, D. Snyman, of Gen.
O. De Wet's staff, says In a written state
ment that the British hold nothing in
the two republics but the towns alone
the railroad, and the Boers have no rea
son to give up as they have lost every
thing, and therefore will fight for free
dom to the end.
Danger of a revolution in Spain.
The Pope intends that the proceeds
from the sale of friars' pnperty in the
Philippines shall be devoted to missions
Gen. Mc Arthur has suppressed the
Diario, a Manila newspaper established
in 1848, and imprisoned its brilliant edi
tor, Senor Salas.
A $20,000,000 electric company has
been formed in New Jersey.
Wednesday, Feb. 13.
On its trip along the railroad through
the island of Luzon northward, the Tatt
commission is being received by tbe na
tives with demonstrations of welcome.
The Jackson, Jefferson and Lincoln
Leagne democratic) of Columbus, Ohio,
will try to make its organisation national
The administration with the great
power of corruption in its military and
civil patronage, is backing up Hanna in
his efforts to force the ship subsidy bill.
In Prince Albert districl,Cape Colony,
200 Boers are looting aid destroying; 34
British soldiers were captured.
Fever is kilting many Englishmen at
Lourenco Marques.
Jan Kreig, formerly an officer in Gen.
Botha's Boer army, says if it be true that
DeWet has crossed the Orange River
with 2000, it is the Vloatliblow to Eng
land's hope of subdueing the Boers, be
cause DeWet certainly will have a force
of 60,000 men in the colony, and can
dictate terms.
At KcrantOn, Pa., 4000 silk weavers
have been locked out.
The cuff, collar ami shirt trust with
$20,000,li00 capital has been formed at
Troy, X. Y.
J.J. (till has fired 1510 Japanese off
his Great Northern railroad.
Thursday, Feb. 14.
The administration- demands that the
Monroe doctrine be asserted in the Cu
ban constitution, not to mention other
The merchants composing the Salt
Guild of Tien Tiin have sent a memorial
cable dispatch to the czar and President
Loubet, setting forth that the Russian
and French consuls have seized their
salt heaps and ask millions for their re
lease. The merchants of China are an
xious to learn which are the more dan
gerous, the allies or the Boxers.
Scandalous developments have t.fo
made in regard to the case of O. M Car
ter, imprisoned at Fort Leavenworth far
swindling the government. I ,5b- imcni
he can prove his innocent-
Ti e disposition of t '.e government to
place countervailing duties or Run Un
sugar imports may lead to a hi&ff vac,
with Russia.
. There are serious disturbances wrmng-'
the students of all the higher education
al institutions of Russia.
The plague is spreading in Bombay.
A death mask of apoleon was fonndf
by Col. Julian Scott in an ash barrel, at
Plainfield, N, J.
There have been riots at Madrid, Bar
celona and Santander, Spain,
At Ermelo the Boers are said to- hw
lost 240 men. A. D. Wolmarans, Ebeir
delegate at Paris, urges the Boers (
Sandy Olds, the murderer of EmilVYe
ber, 12 years ago,' died in Portland.
Mrs. Rhoda Carpenter Henderson, on
of the pioneers of 1848, died in Portland
California was disgraced by the thiev
ery, incompetence, and lewdness and
drunkenness of her Paris Exposition.
Bishop Montgomery of the Catholic
diocese of Los Angeles, recently deliver
ed a lecture before a body of Methodist
ministers and students of the University
of Southern California.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for marveKorar
cures. It surpasses any other salve; lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,.
Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ucww,,
Chapped Hands, Tetter, Salt Rlieunj,.
Fever Sores, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles. Cure truaranteed. Only
cents at Geo. A. Harding's.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.903.40; graham,.
Wheat Walla Walla 5355c; valloy
58c59; hlueetem 57c.
Cits White 44rc; gray 42' 43c..
Barley Feed $15; brewing $10 per t..
Millstuffs Bran $l5j'g ; middlings 21.;, .
shorts $18 ; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $1213 ; clover, 70;,
Oregon wild $7.
Batter Fancy cream jry 55 and 55c ; .
store, 25 and 30.
Eggs Eastern, 17 j ranch, 19c perdo
Poultry Mixed chicken's $3.003,50;
hens $3.504; springs $23 50; geese
$07; ducks $56; live turkeys 11.
12c j dressed, 1214c.
Mutton Gross, best sheen, weather.-
and ewes, sheared, $4 50; dressed i
and 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 00 and 5 25 r
light, $5 ; dressed, 6 1-2 and 6 cents per
Veal Large, 6 1-2 and 7 cents cur:
Beef Gross, top steers. $4 50 anc?
dressed beef, 7 and 8 cents per pouiwV-
Ohese Full cream 12e Dei nrmi.il
Young America 130. .. .. , ' . v
Potatoes 45 and 50 cents-per sack.
Vegetables Beets. $1; turnips 75c
per sack ; garlic 7o per lb ; cabbage $1.61
1.80 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75c
per dozen ; parsnips 85c per sack ; celery .j
8090o ' per dozen j asparagus 7gfie;;
peas 34c per pound, .
Dried fruit Apples evaporated" etfjt&j-;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 84c; pew
sun and evaporated 89c; pitless plumes
78c; Italian prunes 67c; extra,
silver choice 607.
Corrected on Thursday.)
Wheat, wagon, 53.
Oats, 43.
Potatoes, 50 and 50 cents per sack.
Eggs, 20 per dozen.
Butter, dairy, 35 to 45o per roll.-,
creamery, 50c.
Dried applos, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 4; pet .
and German, 3c,
A Fireman's Close Call.
"I Btnck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain," writes C. W. Bollamv, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington.'jowa.,
'I was weak and pule, wi'bout any ap
petite and all run down. As 1 wa
about to give up, I got a bottle of- Kit
trie Bitters, and, alter taking it, I fult .
ts well us I ever did in my life " Weak,
sickly, run down people alwaisgain rmn
life, strength and vigor from their use.
jry them. Satisfaction guaranteed by
50 cents.
Cheney, the photographer, has ;juw,
received a new lot""ofthe latent card
mounts, in (mall panels and lummuZ
ora's, the very latest.
Had to Conqtisr or Die.
"I was jiiHt. about gone." writes Mrt.
ItoHit Riciardsoii, of Laurel Spring, X.
C., "I tiad (Jons tin ption so bad that the
best doctors said I could not live rixrc
than a month, but I began to ue Dn
king' New Discovery and was wholly t
cured by seven bottles ami am mm
stout and well." It'sai unrivaled bte
-tver in Consumption, Pnoumoniay Lj
Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible- iotv
Coughs. Cold-., Asthma, Hay fewr,;
Croup or Wnoopiiw CjuIi. ttudrwa
leee.l ttottlmSfe a id $1.00. Trial bot
ties free at Geo. A Harding's drugjta'W
. , -oar.-
First-class burd at reasonable ratesu
can be obtaine i at the Red Front "hrtt