Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 15, 1901, Image 1

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18th YEAR, NO. 3 9
-refoe, -Harder & .
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Regular February Term or the Cou.itj
W W Cooke 3 00
Richard Wetzel 6 75
M W Gardner s... 4 35
J. K. Morton, John tewellen and 'J!
Killlii, CommissloneTH.
111 NtteYP1
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages,
and Carts. Mowers. Rakers. Tedders and Hav Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows
Pumos Harness, Bicycles, Etc. ,
Main Store and Warehouse, tfo. 140, 148 Sixth Street North,
Milt Donley...
11 Deardorff ..
K Deardorff. . .
Geo Deardorff.
('ad Hiser... .
Dix Boring....
Be it understood that at a regular ses
sion of. the board of county commission
ers for the county of Clackamas and
state of Oregon, begun and held in the
court house in said county and slate on
Wednesday, the 6th day of February,
1901,the same being the regular time fixed
by law for the transaction of county business.
Present.J. R. Morton.T. B. Killin and
John Lewellen, commissioners J J. J.
Cooke, sheriff; E. H. Cooper, clerk.
When the following proceedings were
had, to-wit:
In the matter of the reports of road
supervisors for the month of Jan., 1901,
the board having examined said reports
and being fully advised, it iB ordered
that the expense accounts of the several
districts are hereby allowed and ordered
paid, and the clerk is instructed to draw
warrants on the road fund and en the
general fund for the several amounts
and in tavor of the following named per
sons: Road dintr'ict No. 1 .
Henry Stuckey $21 00
Loren Kerr 9 75
John Harrington tt 00
Oliver Matthews 3 00
W H Counsell 20 00
YV H Counsell, team 9 00
Total ,...$118 80
Bills 8 B Johnson, lumber $28 36
C Wolfhagen, bolts....... 13 50
Total....;..... $ 85
Grand total $160 65
A W Cooke, Supervisor.
i Road district No. 4.
Wm Bell $2 60
Alf Bell A 75
Harvey Arledge 1 10
. 75
. 2 25
.. 7 50
. 2 50
I FoBter.
N Stingley
M Sutten
J E Burnett
J E Burnett, without team .
F Drake, lumber
.$22 95
.' $3 45
Total .
1 Acorn Steel Ranges lead the world. (
X Simond's $aws, the wood choppers' friend. J
Syracuse. Chilled Plows and Harrows, the
a farmers friend. We are sole agents.
We are headquarters for General Hardware,
Builders' Hardware, Air Tight Heaters,
also a fine lfne of warranted American
Pocket Knives and Razors. J
Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY I
., $08 75
W H Counsell, supervisor.
Road district No. 2.
PT Davis $12 00
Frank Landes 1 50
G D Hull 150
Perry Hunter 3 00
John Becker 3 00
Herman Ulricb 2 25
J M Hartung 6 0
AC Davis 3 00
Frank Griffith 3 75
Total , $36 00
P T Davis, Supervisor.
Road district No. 3.
Warren Greenwell $24 35
John Greenwell 11 25
Henrv Bock 1 35
lrviu Hawk . r. .... ". .! 00
Geo Parsch 3 75
AW Cooke.... 19 00
Herman Rettig 13 50
Moffit 3 00
Grand total $26 40
J E Burnett, Supervisor.
Road district No. 7.
W SFeglea $1 50
JasFegles 2 00
Total ..$3 50
Jaa Fegles, Supervisor.
Road district No. 8.
C P Ware, with team $3 00
GeoFlynn 1 6"
FEShangle..... 2 00
Total $0 50
F E Shangle, Supervisor.
Road district No. 11.
J E Smith $37 00
LHimler 6 75
EEby 8 25
8 Jones 17 62
A Richardson 18 37
.1 Straight II lit
C E Smith.... 3 00
Mack Rivers 1 50
JohnE Smith 4 00
S Jones 3 00
J Slraiuht 3 00
W H Smith, with team 12 00
Total ....'........$134 75
Materials $32 30
W. C. Holman
210-212-214 FRONT STREET, P0RTLAtT1 OF"1 TV
Stoughton Farm Wagons
Pontiae and Deal celebrated Michigan nuggies'
warranted '
Benicia Four Spring Mountain Hack.
Second growth wheels and highly finished.
Peerless plows, all kinds. Only plow made on the Coast
Dowagiac Shoe, Hoe and Disc Grain Drills
Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators
Feed Root Bone and Cider Mills
Owen's Fanning Mills
Whitman Hay Tresses
G Wallace. 75
J A Stromgren 28 25
Total $179 82
Deducted lor poll tax. .'. $83 56
Balance $95 20
J A Stromgren, Supervisor.
Road district No. 21.
J Gurbett, with team.... $5 00
Fred Rorney A 60
E R Stone 2 60
B O Palmer, poll tax 2 00
D Pendleton, do 2 00
Joe Carleon, do 2 00
P E Bonnev 3 ou
Total $19 50
Deducted poll tax. . $6 00
urauu mini ti
John E Smith, Supeivisor.
Road district No. 12.
Fred Reibhotl $3 37
Frank Riebhoff 8 00
W P Kirchem. with team 9 00
J M Meyers, with team 21 00
K Meyers w
Total $86 00
C W Friedrich, hardware $9 00
Grand total..... $95 00
Road district No. 15.
R H Tabor $3 00
M Telford..... i 2 25
Freeman 75
AJTeeling 75
Just Arrived
Lovely new patterns in io-cent
wall paper.
We have some odds and ends
from season which we will sell at
5 cents a double roll
But please do not call for 5-cent
paper during the .summer months;
it is sold right now, so long as our
present limited stock lasts.
Total..... $15 37
W P Kirchem. Supervisor.
Road district No. 14.
Balance $13 50
V alter. Gorbett, material $6 00
PEBouney.do 6 00
Grand total $25 50
P E Bonney, Supervisor.
Road district No. 24.
EDBair $2 00
1 50
' 1 50
3 00
, 1 50
G Broekart..
W Kunke
K Montandon. . .
() Christner
A Mosbberger... 6 00
L Moshberger 6 00
F Gibbs $4 ou r iio.mi... -
Howard 9 00 r ymau YVX
n t. n.4 10 50 W Arkins
o 11 d!i.. 7 Kn J Boe
o j uaucv.., . -r ... ... mi
Baumann 10 50 vcnu.au y
-i q m at irovor i uu
Wilson & Cooke, material.
...$6 75
...$1 80
....$8 55
Grand total
C Dutze $6 00
J G Briiras 3 00
CBauman 4 00
F Briggs 13 60
H Lucas.. 7 i
FHan : 3 75
M Huiras 4 12
3 F BrUrirB 11 00
...$52 99
, J F BriggB, Supervisor.
Road district No. 17.
E Tice $3 00
W M Tice 3 00
Total $0 00
James Actkins, Supervisor,
Road district No. 19.
Frank Miller $1 50
James Mallatt 4 50
A L Larkins 1 50
) H Looney., 1 60
T Fiah 75
W Mulkey 75
J M Mallatt 75
II Perry 75
J J Mallatt 10 00
Total $22 00
J J Mallatt, Supervisor.
Road district No. 20.
E W Hammett. . $12 75
Carl Stromgren 12 75
M Freeman 9 75
CIias Freeman 4 12
F'red Hammett 2 25
W 11 Wilson a 02
Kkiiip, comract rails 4 65
Frank Wilson 1 12
Will Donahue 5 L'5
Frml Kower 6
O.e Hanson 3 Oil
11 Sullivan 1 BU
lVter Sctniewe 6 00 j
U S IHx 150
Will Dix 1 50 j
J Gorbett 1 50;
C Welch... 3 75
C Krolm 7 60
W May field 3 00
F North 3 00
D Fellows 6 00
M O Gard 2 25
R Rotherlord 4 60
J Rutherford 4 60
P Davidson 3 00
Mitchell 4 60
A Barrett , 2 25
Pal lock 4 60
J Fellows 3 00
R Bhockley....... 3 00
OGard 3 00
Eli Fellowa....w.
A Miller ; 8 76
A Weigand 75
T Ogle 1 50
J S Yoder, lumber. 8 42
J Gohler 8 00
8 Hilton 5 25
EA Montandon 15 50
C Hoffu)ao7MtB 8 14
Total $103 81
E A Montandon, Supervisor.
Road district No. 25.
Henrv Walsh fl 00
John Helnti 8 00
Total.......... ..............$4 00
John Heintz, Supervisor,
Road district No. 26.
Walter Zweifel $ 60
Levi Stebman 1 00
John Rhodes 1 00
EJudd 50
Levi Robbins, spikes 34
W H Engle 0 w
Total. $9 34
W 11 Engle, Supervisor,
Road district No. 27.
Joe Miller $2 55
Wm Harmon 1 80
Wallace Hannan 1
Allen Jack
Frank Jackson 2
James E Marquam 10 00
Total $18
James E Marquam, Supervisor
Road district No. 32.
C 1 Calkins $0 00
CO Matthews 4
W C Heater 5 25
Total . $15 75
W C Heater, Supervisor
Road district No. 34.
OE Li pis $29 80
Tom Smith 35 40
Joe Khabe 30 30
Ed Batdorf 41 60
Jim Kieer 21 00
Ben Breeding 24 90
V T Breeding 26 40
A B Reed 12 00
Pete Winkle 75
G Armstrong, rails 15 00
T Armstrong 9 00
Total $24(1 05
Wilnon & Cooke, material $1 50
. . . $''17 05
Batdorf, Supervisor.
(Continued next week.)
total .
V mtUutlon and Uj Iaiws,
The following is the Constitution and
By Laws adopted by the Socialist Club
of Oregon City at its meeting on the
evening of February 11 :
Art. I. This association shall be
called the Socialist Club of Oregon City.
Art. II. Its objects shall be:
Sec. 1 To educate the mecbers in
the principles of socialism.
Bee. 2 Organization of the working
75 class to conquer the public powers now
controlled by capitalists. Abolition of
wage-slavery by the establishment of
national system of co-operative industry,
based upon social or common owner
ship of the means of production and,
distribution, to be administered by bo
i ciety in the common interest of all its
Sec. 3 The public ownership of in
dustries controlled by monopolii'S.truets
and combines; all railroads, telegraphs
and telephones ; all means ef transpor
tation and communication: all water
works, gaB and electric plants; all gold.
Bilver, cooper, lead, iron, coal audobkisx-
mines, and all oil and gas wells.
Sec. 4 The adoption of the initiative-
and referendum, proportiontl represen
tation, fcnd the right of recall of repre
sentatives by the voters. ' '
Sec. 6 Abolition of war and the in
troduction of international arbitration.
Art. III. Any persou of either eex.
of good Bodal atantl ,ig, 18 years of agiv
may become a member of this asnrxja- "
tion, by signing the roll and paying tt
fee hereafter named.
Art. IV. The officers of this aurocm-
tion shall be a president, vice-president,,
secretary and treasurer.
Art. V. Sec. 1. It shall be the duty oi
the president to preside at all meetings?
of the association ; call the meetings to
order; decide all questions of order; ap
point all committees; draw upon tk
treasurer for all monies to be expended ;
he shall not vote except in case of a tie.
nor speak In debate, nor make or second
any motion.
Sec. 2 The vice-president shall pre
side in the absence oftbe president, or
when the president is engaged In. debate.
Sec. 3 The secretary shall keep., ai
full and complete record of the acts and)
proceedings of the association..
Sec. 4 It shall be the duty ef ibt
treasurer to kep a complete and cecuntBi
record of the monies received and paid
out by the association.
Art. VI. Al officers shall be elected
by the members by ballot to servo for
six months, the next election to be held
on Monday evening, April 15, 190U
Art. MI. If any officer is absent foir
threeiuccessive meetings, except for un
avoidable cause, he shall be lemovedi
and bis office declared vacant by a two
thirds vote at the next regular meet inn .
Art. VIII. All committees shall re
appointed by the chair, except oilMifi--wise
Art. IX. This Constitution can 1
altered, amended or repealed by a two
thirds vote of members present at regu
lar meeting, a notice of such proposed,
amendment or repeal being given, nt
least two weeks before such vote is
Art. I. This association shall' rueetr
on Monday evening, every two weeks at
7:30. At request of a majority of th
members present at any regular meet
ing, the president may call a special
Art. II. Nine members shall con
stitute a quorum fot transaction of busi
ness Art. III. Every member shall sigit
the Constitution and By Laws.
Art. IV. Every iinmi her, male or fw--male,
shall puy an initiation fee of 25
cut, and quartt-rly dues of 25 reotH pr
quaiter to i pain on 1101 .umury,
April, July and October of each year.
Art. VI. Any member has the right
to appeal from the deciaion of the chair,
and if hi appeal is seconded, the asso
ciation khall determine the question at
iftHtie by ballot.
Art. VII. The order of businenh
shall be
1. Calling to order.
2 Reading minutes of last rr setiisis.
3 Proportions lor membership.
4. Flection of officers. ,
6. Reports uf committees.
6. Report of secretary, ;,
7. Report of treasurer.
8. Literary exercises.
1. Oration or esaay.
2. Ceidamatioii,
' 3 Debate.
4. Reading or recitation-