Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Shasta Route
Trains Leave OregoClty for Portland and
way stations at 8:24 a.m.' and 6.08 p.m.
Lv" Portland 8:30 a.m. 7:00 P.M.
" Oreqon City 9:22 a.-.' WI p.i,
Ar Athland 12:31 A. v. 31:80 a.m.
Sacramento 5:00 P.M. 4:35 a.m.
" San Francisco 7:45 P.. 8:15 p.m.
" Ogden 5:45 A. M. 11:45 A.M.
" Denver :0Da.m. 9:00 a.m.
" Kanws City 7:52 A B, 7;S5 a.m.
" Chicago .7:45 A.M. 9;80a.m.
'( Loi Angeles 1:20 p.m. 7:00 .m.
' El Paso O0 P. M. 6:00 P.M.
" Fort Worth 6:30 A.M. 6:80 A.M.
" City of Mexico 9:65 A.M. 9:55 a. m.
" Houston 4:00 B.M. 4:00 A.M.
" New Orleans 8:26 P.M. .6:25 P. w,
" Washington 6:42 A.M. 6:42 A.M.
" New lork 12:43 P.M. 12:48 p.m.
Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains.
Chair ears, Saoramento to Ogden and El Pasoj
and tourist cars to Chicago, 8t, Eouls, New
Orleans and Washington.
Connecting at San Francisco with several
Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central and South America.
See E. L. Hoopehoabheb, agent at Oregon
City station, or address
C. H. MAEKHAM, G. P. A.,
Portland, Or'
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at wav points on both Bides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have been rebull
and are in :xeellant Bhape for the season of WOO
The lteeulator Line will endeavor to give its
patrons the Deal service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and. Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Regulator
Line. ,
The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. tn. and
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Offl ce
Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet,
General Agent
ilDnot nf Cwnpiithinn "
In a word this tells of the pass
enger service via,
""" 'S-Trains "Daily between St, Pau
and Chicago comprising:
The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
The 20th Century Tram "the
every day of the year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
Tbe Badger State Express, the finest day
train running between unicago via.
tbe Short Line.
Connections from the west made via
Tbe Northern Pacific,
Great Northern.
and Canadian Pacific Rys
This is also one of the best lines between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All agents sell tickets via "The North
western Line."
G. A T. A
248 Alder St., Portland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad'
mlnlstratrix of tbe estate of Benjamin Hendriclc
son, deceased, has Sled her final accou nt in the
County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, as
as such administratrix, and Monday, the 18th day
of Feb., A. D 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock
m., has been 6xed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan
Judge of said court, as tha time for bearing any
all objections to the report and the settlement
Administratrix of 8 lid Estate .
Dated this 12th day of Jan., A. D. 1901.
Dihick it Eastham,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas.
Ada L.Osburn,
Thomas J. Osl.urn,
To Thomas J. Osburn, Defendan t:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby ro iairtd to appear and answer the com
plaint lilcil aaainst yon In the above entitled
Buit on or before the lt uv nl Mirch. 1I.
that beiuc the time prukviu. n order of p oli.j
rati' n of liii- summons: ant it ju f,, t(l j,nj.,r j
ami ansa't-r said cuir.i.Uinl, the plaintiff will :
p!.v lo tiic curt fur the relU'f tlieiHn prayed for, i
to-n l : A u..T e of divorce (r.un the bunds of !
matrliiioiiy now txtirg belwevn you and the
plaintitl and lor other relief prajej for In the
eontpiaiut herein. Y
This summons Is published by or.lcr of Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, Coua'.y Judge of u l county,
ma ile tr;d tttfnd ib c. of January, 190L,
and the date of the first publication Is Friday,
January 18, 1901, and tlieaaid publication is to
run six consecutive weeke from the said date.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated at Oregon City, Jan. 1L, 1901.
Job Printing at the
Dwakt 1 'ME SCritOULES Abhivb
run moat feom
Chicago- Salt Lake, -liver, Fort 4:30 p.m.
Portland Worth, Omaha, Kansas
Special City, St. Louis, Uhica-
9 a. m. go and East.
Salt u ke, Deiver. Fort 8:19a.m.
Atlantle Worth, Omaha, Kansas
Express City, St. Louis, Chicago
9 p. in, and East.
Walla Walla, LewiBton, 7 a.m.
.Ipokae Spokane, Minneapolis,
Flyer 8t. Paul, Duluth, Mil.
6 p. m. waukee, Chicago and
Ocean Steamships
8 p. m. All Sailing Dates subject 4 p.m.
to change
For San Franusoo Sail ;
every 6 days, V
Daily Columbia River
Ex. Sunday steamers. 4 p. m.
8 p. m. Ex. Sunday
Saturday To Astoria and Way-
10 p.m. Landings.
Willarmtte River.
6 a.m. 4.30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbejg, Ex. Sunday
Salem; Independence
and way-landings.
Willamette and Yam-
7 a. m. hill Rivers. ,?:30,?;-
Tues. Thur. Mo., Wed.
and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton "1 F
and way-landings.
6 a.m. Willamette River 4:sop. m.
Tues. Thnr. Mon., Wed
and Sat. Portland to Corvallis andFri,
and way-land iugs.
Leave Snake River Leave
Riparia Lpwiaton
8:40 a. ra. Rlparia to Lewiston. 8:30 a.m.
Dally. Daily
' Portland, Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clacknmtis.
Mable Solintky, Pluiutiff,
William H. Bolinsky, Defendant.
To William IT, Solinsky, Defendant.
Id the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit, in the above entitled court, on or before the
1st day of March, A, D., 1901, the said last men
tioned date being the last day of the time pre
scribed by the court in the order for service of
this summons upon you, by publication thereof,
and If you bo fail to appear and answer, In this
suit, on or before the said 1st dsy of March, A,
D., 1901, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court forthe relief demanded in the said
complaint, to wit: That the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you and
the said plaintiff, be dlsolved: That tlie plain
tiff have the oare, custody and control ot child;
that the plaintiff have the decree ot the Court
against you for the oosts and disbursements of
thlt suit, and tor such other and further relief as
to equity may teem just; The defendant Is here
by further notified that this summons is served
upon him by publlcaUoa thereof,, b, virtue of an
order made In this suit by the Hon. Thomas F.
Byan, Judge of the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, on the 14th day of
Jan., A. D. 1901, ordering and directing that this
Summons be served upon yon, the above named
defendant by publication thereof lu tbe Courier
Herald, a newspaper published In Oregon City,
County of Clackamas, Stats of Oregon, and of
general circulaUon In saldCity, County and 3tate
fora period of six successive weeks from the first
publication of this Summons, the date of the first
publication of this summons, being the 18th day
of January, A. D., 1901 .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court, of
the state of Oregon, for Clackamas 'county, ex
ecutor for the estate of Leonora Elizabeth Lacey,
deceased. All persons having claims againtt
said estate are hereby required to present the
tame to me properly verified, as required by law,
at bprlngwater, Oregon, or to my attorney, Rob
ert A. Miller, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from datehereof.
Albert Lacey,
Executor of the estate of
Leonora Elizabeth Lacey, deceased.
Dated this :11st day of January, 1901
Farm for Sale.
19 miles south of Oregon City, 3 miles south of
Holnlla. Known as tue Teasel farm. Cnntaln-
I lug '110 acres. UOaiTea; clear plow land; 40 acres
I ill uiort uubifMii, iw nivni u)iunu; I licres, of.
I chard. All well watered ami fenced with stake
I and ire fence, and drained with atone and tile
I diu-hes: Kood buildings. 90 rods from s-hool
house: II.) roas trom church; irooi lo"ation fur
taking s'ot-k to mountains Price tHu-iO, 1000
down, hril'iuce to suit at 5 o;,r cent interest.
For further particulars apply on farm to
A. J. Sawtkll,
Teachers' iUnmtiinli jm.
Xo'ii e is her-'hv giv-u th 1! ron,t v
aui'erinte ndetit of riacKam tfeuniny will
liulil Hie ri-L'iihir exmiiiiation of upiili
cauls f r Male paper at 0uon City as
fiillow , roiniiiencina Wednesday, Feb
ruary 13, at nine o'clock, a. in., and
continuing until Katnrday, February
16, at four o'cli.-ck, p. m:
Wednesdiy penmanship, liistorv.
spelling, algebra, reading, . omposition.
Thursday written arithmetic, theorv
of teaching, grammar, book-keeping,
English literature, civil government.
Friday physiology, geography, phy
sical geopraphy, mental arithmetic,
school law.
Saturday botany, plane geometry,
general history, physics, psychology.
Oregon City, Jan. 30. 1901.
Superintendent of schools.
Hard work does not hurt a well
woman. It is the weak woman, suf
fering from disetljps peculiar to her
sex, who breaks down under the daily
strain of household duties. For dis
eases of the delicate womanlv orerans
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
the standard remedv. Over half a
million women owe health and hap
piness 10 lit. nerce's treatment.
"No tongue could express the pain that I
endured before I commenced taking- Dr.
Pierce's medhsine," writes Mrs. Mollie Col
gate, 01 Kanooipn, charlotte Co., Va. "I
was not able to do anything: at ail. Could
not eat anything; except bread and tea or if
i uiu inc iop oi my neaa Burt so it seem
it would kill me: but now I run t
tie of almost anything I want and can do
a good day's work as well as any body can.
u ucucr man x nave oeen lor years. J
think your medicine is the best that ever
was made for it is the only thing that ever
did me any good. I tried many other kinds
but none dulme any good but your ' Favorite
Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discov
ery.' I can never praise them too highly."
In the Circuit Court of the
the County of Clackamas.
State of Oregon for
Matt Olson,
Berths Olson,
Defendant:. J
To Berlha Olson, Defendant:
JN the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appiar and answer the
complaint filed against you in the above en
titled suit on r before the 20th day ofMarch,1901,
and if you full to appear and answer said com
plaint, the plaintiff, will apply to the
court for the nlief therein prayed fur,
to-wit: a decree of divorce from the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you and
the plaintiff.
This s.:mnions Is published by order of Hon.
Tlioinis F. Ryan, County Judge of said county,
made and eutered the loth day of January, 1901,
and Ilia date of the first publication is Friday,
January 2"' Hi, 1901, and the said publication ia to
run six consecutive weeks from the saidd tte.
Attorney for Plaintiff. ,
Dated at Oregou City, January 25th, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
exeoutors of the estate of J, R. Spahr, deceased,
has filed their final account In the County Court
of Clackam as Ccu ly, Oregon, as such executors,
and Monday the 26th day of February, A. D.
1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been
fixed by the Hon. Thomas T. Ryan, Judge of the
said Court as the time for bearing any and all
Objections to said nport, and the settlement
tnefeof. ' '
' ' , Executors of Said Estate.
Dated January 17th, 1901.
Dihicx A Basthah,
Attorneys for Executors.
In the Circuit Court oft ha State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Ella W. Baird, Plaintiff,
James W. Balrd, Defendant.
In the nameof the State of Oregon; To James
W. Balrd, the above named defendant: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you tn the above entitled suit,
in the above entitled Court, on or before the 18th
dy of February, A. D. 1901, the said last mention
ed date being the,last day of the time prescribed
by the Court In the order for the service of this
Summons upon you, by publication thereof, and
if you so fail to appear and answer, in this suit,
on or before the said 18th day of February, A. D.
1901, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded in the said com
plaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between you and
the said plaintiff, be dlsolved: That the plaintiff
hae the ' are, custody and control of said minor
child. Eunice Dwinelle Balrd: that the plaintiff
have the decree of the Court agalmt you for tlie
costs and disbursements of this suit,
and for such other and further relief
as to equity may seem Just. The defenden
is hereby further notified that this Summons It
served upon him by publication thereof, by vir
tue of an order made in this suit by the Hon. Thos,
V. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas County, on the 8rd dsy
of January, A. D. 1901, ordering and directing
that tills t-ommoiis be served uiion you, the above
named defenden', by publication thereof in the
Courier-Herald, a newspaper published in Oregon
City, County ol Clackamas. State of Oregon, and
f .,Pbi lr,.il,ii,.n In wild Cltv. Ciillntv and
State lor a period of six successive Keeks from the
first publication of tbli Summons, the date 01
the first puli'icallon of Una Kumnions, being he
4:h duy of January, A. I). 1901.
K. D. W1NTON & VOL RKtl).
Allurneys lor I'UiM.lT
j Five Imtuiiei! KanHitH women have
; formed thn National Hmdiet Brigade.
Had to Conquer or Die.
"I was just about gone." writes Mrs.
Rosa Ricnardson, of Laurel Spring, X.
C, "I had Consimption so na.l that me
best doctors said I could not live mote
than a month, but I began to use l)r.
King's New Discovery and was wholly
cured by seven bottles and am now
stout and well." It's an unrivaled life
saver in Consumption, Pneumonia, La
Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for
Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever,
Croup or Whooping Couuh. Oarna
teeed bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial hot
ties free at Geo. A Harding' drug store.
Friday, Feb, 1,.
Tlie Arrerienn Smelting Company (
tiu.it) winch cmtrols three-toimhs ot ' I. ,e American chorus gir. v. una year
the world's output of nhver, proposes to ( ago married the aged London Sliyloi'k,
raise the price of silver and to advance Sam Lewis, has inherited about $19,ooo,
its own interests by guarding the inter-. ooo from i.im.
esisof miners and of its employes . Prosperity is collapsing in Germany
file tin can trust is capitalized at
about 50,(i00,(i00. .
The international court of aibitration
is ready for business, 15 nations having
appointed their members.
Five hundred Boers attempted to blow
up mines near Johannesburg, but were
beaten off.
Oil has been found near Hillsboro.
Harney county has 9,500,000 acres of
public land, one-fifth of which is fit for
farming The county is over 4000 feet
high and its 3000 people havo $3,000,000
of wealth.
The region of the Zoutspan Mountains,
north of the Transvaal, inhabited by
rich German farmers, is the base of ope
rations of the Boers where they get theit
supplies. There Botha organizes bis men.
hext month begins the South African
winter. The Boer will drive his herds
and flocks from the naked uplauds north
ward into the sheltering brush of the
vast expanse of the "bosveldt," where
they will feed in safety from the English.
By destroying their homes, Kitchener
has made thousands of desperadoes,
whoee only vocation and only means ot
making a living is fighting the English.
b Boers, blew up their Krupp guns
because the ammunition was gone, but
replaced them with captures from the
English for.which they can readily get
Saturday, Feb. 2,
Queen Victoria's remains were con
veyed by the royal yacht Albeita.through
a ten-mile lane of English, French and
German war veasels.froin CoweB to Ports
mouth. Fifty kings and princes followed the
dead "Empress of the Sea" through the
streets of Londoi to Albert Chapel.
The 9004 miles of railroad foiming the
Southern Pacific system, which includes
the leased and affiliated lines, have been
absorbed bv a syndicate composed of
J. D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, George
J. Gould, J. J. Hill. D. O. Mills, Kuhn,
Loeb & Co., and Speyer & Co. They paid
$7o,ooo,oj'i for l,2oo,ooo of the 2,ooo,ooo
8t'aiej lL' Southern Pacific Co. has
issued nea iy $2oo,ooo,ooo of stock. The
syndicate owns the Central Pacific and
thence lines to Chicago and New York,
and steamship lines to Europe and Asia,
j Sunday, Feb. 8.
The governor of Ohio, by preventing
the Jeff ries-Ruhlin prizefight within the
borders of the state and sanctioning the
dismissal of the various suits against the
Standard Oil Co. for vitiation of law.
strains out a flea and swallows a whale.
iN'ine-tenths of the newspapers of Ger
many speak of England in an unfriendly
manner. '
The Oregon !t California Railroad has
run behind over $5,ooo,ooo, because its
653 milei of track has in its capitaliza
tion of $38,625,000 too much water.
T. L. 0 lliam, of the Mohawk river,
has contr cts for 16, 000,000 . feet of logs.
Paul M$otha, a prominent Free State
Boer, claim in a pamphlet he has pub
liebed tn?t Paul Kruger is a hypocrite
and past-paster . in rascality, and that
n. I . . tfa.il- la.i. ? ,,'",
Prest. Stn is little better.'
The British are making combined
forward tiovement to corral DeWet.
C. D. fierce, Boer consul-general at
New York, says the total force of the
Boers isiS.ooo; that iione week DeWet
captured $925, 009 in gold and 13o,ooo
khaki utiforms; that he has captured
loo. 000 fcorses and 6000 men, and the
war has'already cost England $800,000,'
noo, to iwhich each dav adds another
t Monday, Feb. 4.
The English queen was buried at
Frogmore, near Windsor Castle, on the
The F'ench government will tax half
a billion dollars' worth of property of
the Roman Catholic church.
The ultramontanes have been badly
defeated in some of the Austrian elec
tions. j
The "Big Six" control one-third of
the 2oo,ooo miles of railroad ia the Unit
e.l States.
The oil from the wonderful spouter at
Beaiini'int, Texas, is only fit for fuel.
Ihe Spanish anil-Jesuit ileinonstta
tioiia wliich la-nan Ht Madrid collided a
mob in Valencia which waj dispersed l y
For f(i,o s),ooo the .Manitoba!! govern
ment hai) bought the Northern Pacific
property in the provinc,l and the Do
minion government will buy all the tele
graph lilies in Canada.
The lawyers of Portland on Monday
celebrated the 100th anniversary of the
appointment of John Marshall as chief
justice of the U. 8. supreme court.
Col. Edwin J. Loomis, of Chenango
Lake, X. Y., a 33d degree Mutton, tias
cabled to his "Illustrious brother," King
Edward VII, his hope that he would
"carry into effect tbe last official act of
the lute fovrei)U to stop the war in ihe
Transvaal." '
and Russia. Tlie German cities are full
of the unemployed and in Russia money
is daily becumiug scarcer.
Tuesday, Feb 5.
At Lourenco Marques a raid is feared
from the Boers.
Portland's people spend monthly from
two to ten thousand dollars iu lottery
Big slide in Cow Creek canyon at Ar
gil. T. O. Short, a bridge carpenter, killed
by flying rocks.
Three thousand Russian troops have
returned home from China.
The Boeis inflicted a lose of 100 on the
Kaffir Rifles. Three Boer columns are
advancing toward the Orange River.
Small engagements with the British oc
cur repeatedly, but Kitchener s reports
of them are untrustworthy.
A thousand Boers captuted the Brit
ish post at Medderxfontein, ia the sub'
stauce of a dispatch from Gen. Kitchen
er. A commando of two thousand Boers
is on Portuguese territory.
A three-hundred-mile railroad from
Guayaquil to Quito, costing $3o, 000,000,
which cuts through the inde, built by
Americans, has opened Ecuador to the
Senator Fye says that the Cubans
should put a clause in their constitution
repudiating the six to seven hundred
million dollars of debt fastened on the
island by Spain, which is held in France
and Spain.
The sugar and tibaceo trusts, Senator
Hanna and Prest. McKiuley are op,
posed to the draft of the Cuban consti'
Sir Felix Semon, the physician of the
English king, and other specialists say
that he has cancer of the throat and his
days are numbered. Tbe same disease
carried off Emperor Frederick of Ger
many and afflicts the Duke of Edit: burgh
This story is positively contradicted.
Tiet DeWet, brother of Gen C.DeVVet,
publishes in the Bloemfontein Post a
passionate appeal to him to surrender.
Wednesday, Feb. 6.
At Modderfontein the Boers captured
2oo British. Last month 83o British sol
diers were killed or died from disease.
The Morgan syndicate has bought a
controlling interest in the Carnegie Stel
Company for about eighty-five million
Tbe president has jumped Gen. Chaf
fee over 53 colonels and made him a
major-general, along with A. McArthur
and S. B. Young. N, A. Miles has been
created lieutenant-general .
"; Thursday, Feb. 7.
To-morrow the Dutch queen will mar
ry her 24-year-old Duke Henry.
The transfer of tbe Carnegie properties
to the Morgan syndicate means that the
syndicate has with this purchase virtu
ally completed its billion-dollar steel
and iron trust. '
A fire at Baku, transcaucasuc Russia,
destroyed 1 8,000,000 poods (36 pounds)
of petroleum, lives and much property.
TheDowieites (faith-curists) wrecked
a number of Chicago's West riide drug
stores. The Diamond Match Co. has in a year
earned 13.3 on its capital stock of 15, ooo,-
030 dollars. In England the company
earned last year 40 per cent.
Whitney, the noted gold-democratic
millionaire, paid 60,000 dollars for the
imported stallion Hamburg.
The English war office will nund 3o.ooo
mounted troops to South Africa, and the
colonies will raise Sooo men in addition.
In Eastern Oregon and Washington,
5io horses are being bought by govern
nient for the Philippines.
Take them to
day and you will
be well to-morrow.
Allopathic Cold
Cure Tablets,
(Co'd In Head)
No. 23-3. 25c
Bam FaANCiaco.
I'.. I,. rAT.Trv.iv ro. .
Your C..1.I Cyn- is tlie only remedy that
really dues cure in one lay.
lUuav Kodoexs.
Harry Rodgeri Co.
You Cold Cure Tablet No. lj B ar
plendiii for Cold in Head.
With Adams, Boothc ft Co.
Dbxvkb, Colo,
I find your Cold Care Tablets the safe
sad Btott convenient remedy for cold lu ihe
bead. Tbey cure In every Instance.
Huntley' Drug Store
Oar Salem Letter.
Salem, Or., Feb. 1,
tMUtor uourier-tleralil : .si ire wining
before thing have not changed much as
to senatorial question. MrKrule- t-til)
continues the fiuht and Ct rhetl I olds
us own. Mm inuications wmiiii seem
to point to the fact that none of the imvtt.
ii"W In in it voted for wi'l b. iAr.
tlrowni'll tiiis introduced a hill iuh;ivs
preelitct HHH't8iri el ctel an lo- mu i he ..
would. He also introduted a reniHii ion?
I'Hliing for an investigation of si-hool
fund. This is is a matter 111 h c!i all
the people are directly inter t-teu. ntj.
xhoiil l have a thorough and completer
investigation. '
P rier olitaineu the pasMaue of 1 roio-
lution calling for an vxamiii ti"ii of
matters Cjnecte.l witn olhc - of stata
priuter. This is another mutter that needs loot
ing tip to. llie present enilalure
seems to think it would improve matters-
to let the state printing to lowest buiiler,
Senator Pot ter has also secured the phb
saice of a bill to reduce the salary of
county judge in our county to $110 per
month. Has is a move that will re
duce our running expenses somewhat
This with the office of roadma-ter abol
ished will make quite a material redu-.
tion in our taxes.
We are having a half holiday today ir
commemoration of John Marshall and
Hon George H. Williams is expected to
address the aa-etiibly this evening. To
morrow the senatorial fight is expecbd
to commence in earnest. McBritle can
not hope to pull through and his friends
ought and are in duty bound to support
Milehell in cane he enters the tii'ht.
There is some talk here that the friends
of 11 W. Scott are trying to induce him
to allow his name tf be used. There is
no doubt as to his ability to represent tw
and the state of Oregon, but when it
comes to popular feeling Hon. J. H.
Mitchell holds first place and we hope
to see him elected. It seems to me that
the democrats, rather thun see no one
elected, will join in the tight and vote.
for some republican. Even one ballot
along tl is line would cause a stampede
among republicans, and the fight would:.,
soon end.
Our senators and representatives are
doing good work here all siriving i
their utmost to do what they can.
The capitol building is poorly planned
in mauy respects. First of all it is
poorlv ventilated. Secondly, many of1
the officers are cramped for room, nota
bly secretary of state,8tate treasurer anL
state land office.
Occasional! we See some of pur Clackfo-
mas counry friends in the capitol.
-J. U. Campbell, Harry Moody, & W
McAnulty, James Nation and A ML.
Kirchem have visited our burg.
J. II. Darling came up this morning.,
with a big dose of thegrip. We hope lie
will be around again Bonn. 1
We see Tony finltner, an old-t'mei
Oregon City resident and editor, up herv
occasionally. Ile is the same j lly fel--low
as of old. He said he made a mis
take wher ho left Oregon City.
Will try and get a summary of thf -bilU
introduced by our delegation some
of these days and send you a grist of the
The LegMature.
Nothing of special interest has trans
pired during the week at Salem. On
Wednesday Oorbett gained one vote for
senator in person of Reeder. The vote
was then as follows:
H WCorbett... 30
George WMcBride.. 21
William Smith, democrat..... 2tV
Binger Hermann 7
O W Fulton , St-
F A Moore 1
8 A Lowell
Not voting.. 1
The vote in detail is as follows :
For H W Corbett, SO votes.
Carter '
Matton -McOrakerv
Pea roe
Poorman ' "
ThAnson, Umatillai
Geer ,
Speaker Reeder
For George W McBride, 21 votes.
Smith, A C.JMuli. ,A
Talhert vVilliamson
l'or William htmth, 26 votes
lied ties
Ueavis .
Smith, R A, Mult .
8 week
I Ingram
For Uinuor Hermann. 7 votei
BlHck Marsters
Colvitr MoUreer
j Diiuick McQueen .
; Hume
1 For C VV Fulton, 2 votes
Harris Smith, of Lin coin
I ror rranlc A Moore, 1 vole t
! Smiih, of Marion
I For Stephen A Lowell, 1 vote,
! Not voting' Siuiih, of l;,iki-r
! Ab.-ctil 1 li'iin-nuav.
FitU the Creat.
Prof. C. W, Fait cloned 11 two-nighta'
eiiirttueinent atllie Workmen's hall Frir
day evening, with his hypnotic an Una.,
tairruient. The decond night drew a
house packed to the door.-. The pre
fefHor wave some inte'eHtinjr and lo
strnctive tests in hypnotism and wind.:
reading, exponed a few spiritualistic -fakes,
and otherwise pleased everycca
rth experiments in what is nowcomrmc
to be recotrriied as a science of value tn
tbe world. That his effort to aruu-it-v-and
instruct were appreciated in Einieer
wrta evidenced by ihe fact that the Standi
inn Kooiu Oiil' un hiMj at hu
closintf entertain 1 t. Baker Citr