Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 08, 1901, Image 1

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18th YEAR, NO. 38
L .
4 &rele, Harder & Co.
J82, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
1 -AlEA
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makes to be found
m Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, B iggies, Carriages
and Carts, Mowers, Rakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Oram Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows,
initios Harness, Bicycles, Etc.
Main Store and Warehouse, No. 140, 146 Sixth Street North,
X Acorn Steel Ranges
Simond's Saws, the wood choppers' friend.
Syracuse Chilled Plows and Harrows, the
farmers' friend. We are sole agents.
We are headquarters for General Hardware,
- builders' Hardware, Air Tight Heaters,
X a'so a fine line of warranted American
rocket Knives and
Cor. Fourth and Main Sts.
0 panes
J. N
kt! L. ir- 3- T J
lead the world.
& CO.
Just Arrived
Lovely new patterns in io-cent
wall paper.
We have some odds and ends
from season which we will sell at
5 cents a double roll.
But please do not call for 5-cent
parcr during the summer months;
it is sold riht noiv, sowing as our
present limited stock lasts.
txxxxxxmuetmM MMJtxyma
Regular January Term of the
County Board.
J. P.
Morton, John Lewellen and T.
Killin. Commissioners.
(Continued from last week.)
In the matter of the petition of J J
Kimball, et al, for a road. In the mat
ter of the petition filed by J J Kimball,
et al,and more than twelve houselhoders
of the county living in the vicinity of
the road described in the petition and
praying viewers to be appointed to view
and locate a county road in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described in full as fol
lows: Beginning at a etake in the south
line.of the Logan road al the northeast
corner ot Jacob Strohaker's land in sec
tion 4,t 3 s, r 3 eof Willamette meridian ;
thence running south to the line between
northwest and southwest quartprs of
southwest quarter of said sec., 4, thence
west on said line to northwest corner of
southwest quaitertjf southwest quarter
of Baid section 4; thence south about 70
rods on section line between section 4
and 5, said township and range, to a Sr
tee 24 inches indiameter; thence south
40 degrees west to a point 20 feet south
of south line of said section 5; thence
west to a stake in center of present road.
Proposed road to be 30 feet wide, and to
vacate all the present road betweejn tl.ft
terminal points of the proposed roail not
inciuaea witnin trie line of the proposed
road. Said petitioner filed his affidavit
of notices posted respecting said road
showing that there had been postefl one :
on the courthouse bulletin board, and
three In three of the most public pUcus
in vicinity ot proposed road more t nun
30 days prior to the presentation of this
pennon. . tie also med a bond for 101
conditioned according to law. The board
being fully pdvised, it is ordered that J.
A. Randolph, George Hicinbothetn and
N Walker be and are hereby appointed
viewers to meet ata beginning point of!
said proposed road on the 28lh inst. and I
suoscrioe to a written oath of office uil-:
ministered by E P Rands, county ' sur-
veyor, he being appointed by the board
to survey said road.before proceeding' to
view and locate said road aud report in 'a i!,''(B went 3.66 chains to a cedar
writing at the next regular terra of this l-stiile iikel R A ; thence north 75 de
board. . j, ;.VVt woft 0 98 chains to a cedar stake
In the matter of the petition of John
0 Smith, et al. for a countv road. Tn t!,
matter of the petition of John O Smith,
who presents to the court the netition
of himself and others praying for view
ers to viow and locate a county road us
follows, to-wit: Change the Fanton 1
; to 40 feet wide on the following descf A.C,
fteifiiiiiini' nr. T.na mmncfiL.t
the center line of the Oregon CM anr
Molalla road with the south boundary r
sec 33, 1 3 b, r 2 e, and running thorn
west along said section line to the! ,
; v
ner of sees 4, 5, 32 and 33; thence west
erly to a ntke marked "K A" pet at a
point 40 feet south of the center of E A
Howard's barn door; thence westerly to
the point in said EA Howard's most
westerly fence where the same crosses
the township lhe on south boundary of
section 32 township 3 south, range 2
east ; thence west tracing the south
boundary of said section 32 to ihe second
angle in the Fanton road us surveyed by
H H Johnson, county surveyor, April
22, 1893, the same being a point 15 feet
east of iinrtheast corner of James Em
men's land ; (hence westerly following
the courses o! said Fanton road sur
veyed by H H Johnson as afore
said to a stake marked "R A" set at a
point in the south boundary of sec 31, t
3 s, r 2 e,at a point 5.29 chains, to a ba
salt stone 12x11x9 inches marsed 'R;"
thence north 34 degrees west 2 78 chains
to a basalt stone 15x11x9 inches marked
"R;" thence north 8(5 degrees west 0.22
chains to a basalt stone 13x8x0 inches
marked "R;' thence south 15 degrees
45 minutes west 2.61 chs to a basalt stone
18x11x6 inches marked "R;" thence
south 79 degrees 30 minutes weet 0.26
chains to a basalt stone 11x7x4 inches
marked "Rj" thence north 40 degrees
42 minutes west 2.50 chains to a basalt
stone 12x9x7 inches msrked"R;" thence
south 72 degrees 6 ' minutes west 2.24
to a basalt stone 16x12x5 inches marked
?'Rj" thence north 30 degrees 37 min
utes west 1.66 chains to a basalt stone
18x13x6 inches marked R; thence south
i'il t -, -IMS 20 minutes westl.98chains to
a W tl: stone 14x9x7 inches marked R:
-,hen- north 80 degrees 60 minutes west
ti.LH chains to a basalt stone 14x6x5
imbcs marked R j thence north 36 &
m' minutes weBt 3.oo chains to a
! HusMtanne 11x10x4 inches marked R;
thpnee south 63 degrees 30 minutes west
1 i!j bains to a basalt stone 10x7x4
im:!ies marked Rj thence norths de-
minutes west 1.7B chains to a
j talt stone 10x8x5 inches marked R;
tlicuiw north 89 degrees 15 minutes west
0 3t chains to a basalt, stone 13x11x4
HP'ws triirked R; thence north 27 de-
ttw lowest 5.50 chainstoa fir stake
r d H A; thence north 84 degrees
'tM.Hi'mtes 0 19 chains to a ce
V kd marked RA; thence south
;4),4axrusjl0 minutes west 2 35 chains to
1 arix.er atake marked R A ; thence south
HA; thence north i0 degrees
;i"n"t'!s west 1 98 chains to a cedar
cwv marked R A : t.heuce north 74 de-
jrtf h 1.) minutes west 0.26 chains to a ce
Btaku marked R A ; thence south 29
tyireB8 west 4.74 chainB to a cedear
ke marked R A; thence north 60 de
.;tv,iiii!.ijH. west 2.43 ciains to a cedar
li-a.; tii price north.U de
I m"rli
H'8 43 mi
inuies eaai 0.4U ciiams to 1
arked R A; thence north 66
inuteswe8t 0.27 chains to a
di gwooit stake marked U A : thence south
1 4.i d?gret-B 19 minutes eaBt 5 95 chains
an alder stake marked R A set in the
south boundary ot sec 31, 3 s, r 2 e, at
fa nun r.l'tj chains east of the corner ot
H 3 an J 4 s, rs 1 and 2 e ; thence north
8K degrt.'B 58 minutes west along the
north ooundary of sec 28, 2.28 chs to the
corner of tp 3 and 4 south.r 1 and 2 e ;
I thence eBt along the south boundary
t iS"c38,t3s, rl e, to a basalt stone
, '14xSs4 inches marked Ron northeast
nu Jk. on lop set at a terminus ot the
, F iton road in the center line of the
Oregon City & Hrdscrabble road from
which southwest corner of the steeple
towerof St. JobVs church bears north
68 degrees 43 miautes east 107 links dis
tant. The petitioners further pray that
bu part 01 tne "fanton road" not cov
ered by the route herein above described
be vacated and it satisfactorily appear
ing tothe court from proof filed herein
that due notice of the peadency o this
proceeding has been given as bvlaw re
quired, mat more man n 01 said pe-
inioners are legal nousettoiders residing
1n ttie vicinitv of said road, and that a
good aod sufficient bond haB beea filed.
it is therefore ordered by the board that
John Darling, F-ed Ely nd J N Har-
ringt'W be anoointed viewers and K P
Rands, county surveyor or deputy, to
view, survey and report onon tle said
view and survey in writing and that
xuey meet at the place ot beginning on
the 81st day of January, W01, andduly
qualify before eatering upon the dis-
ciiarge f their duties 111 the behalf,
In the matter of the petition of Ohrist
Moehnke, et al, for a road. In the mat
ter o the petition of Chrwt Moelmke
who presents to tlte court the petition of
limine 1 ana others prayiug tr viewers
to view aud ltKate a county road as fol
iows,io-wit: liegmning in the center
ol the bridge across Abernethy Creek
on the Heeson road near the old IleeBon
miu in secat), t i fl, r z , and run
ning thence in a southeasterly directiou
along the present road bout3 chains;
ilience in a southwesterly direction to a
rueky point, on Abernethy creek ; thence
in a Houthejtsterly direction on the moit
practicable route on the northside of
Alwrnmhy cretk to interest the north
line of Fred Bluhen's lar d near the fulls
ot said creek ; thence east to the 1-4 sec
corner between sees 31 and 36; thence
south 20 chains to the point for the le
gal diusion con eyhence east along the
legal subdivision hue or as near t hereto
as shall be found iirai'tii'alile. a dikUncM
of about one imle, to internet the preM
eat at or near the new tieesen aaniiull ;
alni to vacate ail the present road be
tween din h. ginning and terminal ) lints
heicin de-c iiied and m t irc'uded in the
p-l t on. Ti,i i i . a 4 I foot ro .il, ai.d
it i Hitisfaci.,ri'v Mppeiir n to ihe lio.ml
Irom (' . ,J .,, ,..,vn ilmt ,1110 tiuii.:.i
of the pi;nde;. y of U.iM pri CMcding hii
belli g,yu aH r.ijnin.,1 h law, than
12ifiaid petitioners are leiial house
holders residing in the vicinity of said
roid. t nd that good and sullicient bond
has b e i filed ; it is therefore ordered by
the court that J I) Myers, John rJlian
non and Eugene lewellen be appointed
viewers arid 12. P. Rands, county sur
veyor, or deputy, to view, survey and
report upon said view and survey in
writing and that they meet at the be
ginning on tho 31t day of January,
1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock and are
duly Qualified before entrinir nrv.n lh
Ulihre ii tb.-ir duties in this behalf.
la the matter of John 0 Smith, et al,
W. C. Holman
210-212-214 FRONT STREET, PORTLAr 0F( Tl
Stoughton Farm Wagons
Pontiae and Deal celebrated Michigan buggies.
Benieia Four Spring Mountain Hack
Second growth
Peerless plows, all kinds. Only plow made on the Coast
Dowagiac Shoe, Hoe and Disc Grain Drills
Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators
Feed Root Bone and Cider
6wen's Fanning Mills
Whitman Hay Presses
for a county road. The matter Coming
on and it appearing to the board that
one of the viewers, to-wit.,John Darling,
who was appointed on the 12th inst,
failed to get due and legal notice there
of, therefore it is ordered that F A Ely,
J N Harrington and Chas Moran be ap
pointed viewers and E P Rands, sur
veyor, to view, Burvey and report upon
the petition or set out in full on naaa
333 of this journal, and that said view4
ers and surveyor meet at. tlm huinnin..r
of said line as described in said petition
at the hour of 10 a. m. on the 31st dav
of January, 1901, and duly qualify be
fore entering upon the discharge of their
duties in this behalf ,
In the matter of John Landers, an in
digent soldier. This matter coining on
and it appearing to the board that John
Landers, an indigent soldier, receiving
aid, has been g'anted a penH;on by the
U. 8. government, and thereby enabled
to support himself, it is ordered that
said John Landers' name 'be stricken
from the list as a "county charge, dating
January 1, 1901.
In the matter of the application of
Pheobe Hastings aforesaid. This mat
ter coming on to be heard and the board
being fully ttd vissd, it is biderad thai
said Phoebe Hastings be allowed $7 per
month for and after Jan. 1, 1901, in the
until further order of the court
In the matter of delinquent tax cer
tificates. This matter 'coming on it is
ordered by the board that the cletk as
sign delinquent tax certificates held by
Clackamas county upon full payment of
tax, costs and penalties being paid there
on. In the matter of the tax levy for the
year 1900. It is otdered by the board
that there be levied upon all valuation
according to the assessment roll for 1900
the following rates, to-wit:
State tax fi.7 mills
Couitytax ,....12.3 "
school tax 5.0 "
Road tax 6 0 "
Total.,..;..:......;.... 28 mills
And that a noil tax of 13 bn levied
all male citizens over the age of 21 years
and under the age of 50 years not other
wise exempt and it is further ordered a
tax of one mill be levied unon on all
teal and personal property as shown by
sam assessment roll lor the year 1900 for
the county of Clackamas, state of Ore
gon, according to law, as certified to
oy r 1 Dunbar, secretary of state, a car.
titled copy of which Is on file in the of
fice of the county clerk.
CouiUy Treasurer's Notice.
I now have funds to pay road war
rants endorsed prior to July 9th, 1900.
laterest will ceae on warrants Included
ia this call on the dtte hereof
I A. Lubi.uno, Tress.
Clackamas Co., Ore,
Oregon City, Jan. 31st, 1901.
A 11 entle Jlln',.
In our style of climate, with its sud
den changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermingled in a
single day, it is no wonder that our
children, friends and relatives are taken
from us by neglected colds, half the
deaths resulting directly from this
cause, A bottle of Boschue'a
Syrup keptahmt your home for immedi
ate use win pervent serious sukness, a
large doctor's bill, snd perhaps death,
by the use of three or four doses. For
curing Consumption, Hemorrhages.
Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Crsup, or
any d'sease of the Thru-it, or Lungs, lis
"""-r" pnujjiy wonueriui, as your
druggist will lell you. (iet a sample
hot lie free fn 1111 (iooi A. Hardin. Kegij.
lar size, 7o i-enls. Get Green's I'ri.u
H111D ,t, in Jtimr.
The li hi nbjee.l in if with t, ,.im.ri.
ran piMple is to "get nrli j" Ihemcmd,
Im In nvian gninl health. Tho lint
cm be oh amid by enetyv, honesty 1111. 1
saving: the second, (guid health) hv
using Gieeu'a August H lower, Should
vou be a deionileiit stiller from any of
tl. e t-lfects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plain:, Api.endicitiH, Indigestion, elc,
such as Hick Headache, Habitual Cus
tiveness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous
Prostration, Low Spirits, etc., you need
not suffer another day. Two doses of
the well known August Flower will re
lieve you at once. Go to Geo. A. Hard
ing and get a sample bottle free. Regu
lar size, 75 cents. Get Green's Prize
First-class board at reaaonalila rat..
can be obtained at the Red Front House.
wheels and highly finished.
Mills . , '
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
H L Wolfer to M L Hanson, nw of
se of sec 4, 1 e 660
HTheilson to L Wilcock, 11.25 as
in ilosly D L U 245
L T Lawton to F A Cody, sw of se
of ec 2, 4 e 1
J VanOuren to Chas VanOuren, 88
as in see 35, 3. 4 e . 1
.MCKraeftto Hatlie Felson, 6.73
as in the Abbtnethy elm -
Bertha Barin to J C Turney, se of
nw of, 2, 7 e Scrip
B Lescor to Mary Lescor, 3 as in
Kagan elm
C 0 ForbeB to county road way in
Walker clin.... ,.
J II Walker, et al, to J RasmuFsen,
sw of nw of and and n wot swot
Bee 3, 0' 1 e 1
C S Reed to K S Collins, sw of aec
15. ti. 4e. .... 755
J W Embody to E S Gollins, se ot"
sec 34. fl. 4e
$ tn l'.aanett. to K fci Collins, se
14, e,.4.c,
l i'uuti'y to K S ColluiB, se ot sec
' 22, t,4e
Chas W Embody to K S Collius,
tie otaetj 22, 8, 4 e. .....
II StemViock to B Sullivan, bw of -
sec 22, 4, 3 e.
A VV Cheney to 8 F Boylan, lot 0,
blk 5, SunBet City 700 ,
G J Ericksoti to Isaac Scott, nw of
bw of sec 9, 2, 4 e 500
M L Hayward to Lewis, 63 as
in theFarrclm 1300 .
W B Partlow to R, Clark, 1.67 as
in White elm 534
E M Haines to L L Young, tract
10, 11, 12 and 13 in Butel tracts 1750
O P Hedges to L M M Hedges, his
wife, s of ne of sec 29, ana lot 2,
same sec 1, - a, 3 e .,'2500'
E M Rasmussen to I 8 Hurst.lot 10
ir blk 16 in Willamette Falls.... 00
L 0 Nightingale to J 8 Corb, 141.37
as in Bee 14, 6, 1 e.. 300'
T W Thomas to Wm H. Vanoyer,
se of se of Bee 22, 8, 2 e 1200
D H Krtbs to John Creegan,2.69 as
In Julia A Lewis elm 1000
W U Bronghtoo by heirs to George
Broughton. lot 2 and 7, blk 160,
Oregon City 189
B 8 lienkle to J V lienkle, 59 as in
sec 23. 2,3 e
F M Rasmussdn to 8 N Rasmussen,
i-2oi lot 4, blk 30, Bolton
R Kelland to B M Weeb, sw of sec
34, 4, 3 e
G A Harding, trustee, to William
Bnow, lots 2, 3, 4, 14, 25 and 23
blk 1, Edgewood 135
M E Buirgy to A Rothenburg, 40 as
in sw of bw of sec 19, 4 1 e 1000
Jas McGill to A Rothenbberg,eame
as above , 150
F Haselbacher to H Olosen, 3fj as
in the Walker elm 360
Thos Charman to J P Lovett,28.05
as In 2, 2 e.... 10,
S Pennoyer to 0 Young, lot 8, At
kinson 250
U 8 to ThoB McKee, lots 1, 2, 8 bco
2 e l'at
O Young to F T Berry, lot 8,Atkir-
son 250
T L Charman to Mary Conyers,
lot 12. blk 1, 8011th O O 140
C H Prescott, etal, to F 8 Morris,
East Side RR 4jn
8E Hess to G G Hess,t SO 1 a
II Buker elm
JBtabentoJt iben, ft .1,1 f f
sec 35, 3. 2ei id lots 5 . nd I 1
4.r), County A i . t
B Vj Blair to 0 I Purvi CO 1 a
(t, 1 e 20
W O Blair to C A Purvis 40 as in
see, 1, (i, 1 e 250
F X Paipiet bv heirs to G C Fields
blk A, Canoinah 10
F E Criiteilen to II N Morris. 10 ah'
in sic 31!. 2. 2h.
Win H.uri uer to A M ilaydun, 2"
n in i. c 2:', 2, 2 e , .
M S Mi'Cuaii tn Glotiamlii Cole,
h's 12, 13 ami 14, bik (i, Gliel-
IS I Cohen to T l-eviner, 1-3 nit
in 11 w of sec 32, 5 e
A Glspoo! to Henry Milcy, lots
in Green I'uint
8 r White to Jf
McNury cltn
Sihool 0.7
There will lis
directors and clerks at the court house
Saturday, rebruarv 1ft, 1901,-fur the
purpose of iliBcnmiiig iestions of , ain
tual in'i-eBt. Itnihtwe may have ev
ery district repre-ented.
" " ' J. C. Zinskr,
8upt. of School!,
. 't
n 1