8 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD FRIDAY, FEBRUARY' 1, 1901, Board of Cotnmissioners. (Condoned from page 1.) WHMattoon, farmer ..... Viola r" GeoC Armstrong, farmer. . " Lorenzo Tenny, farmer - " A A Ford, farmer W Or City '' Chad E Shannon, farmer.... " Nicholas Huffman, farmer.. " Philip Scnare, farmer " Henry C Cormick, farmer. . . " Clias A MeMillin, jrocer, ... ' Jacob Boylaii, farmi-r " VVm P Shively, farmer " Friday, January 25. In the matter of the application for I'hanee in the Fields franchise. On this the 25th day of January, 11)01, came aaid cause for hearing and upon applica ion of G C Fields; the cause was ad journed until lomorrow at 10 o'clock to give the company an opportunity to get 'ts attorney. Saturday, January 26. In the matter of the application for the change of the Fields franchise. The Oregon (Jity and Southern Kail way ap pealing by its attorney, 0 D Latourette, md objects to any amendment oi change in the orders, heretofore made hut requesting a postponement, It is or dered that the matter be oostDoned. un- in iu a. m. Monday next. In the matter of the tax levy for the year 1900. It is ordered by the board 'hat there be levied upon all valuations according to the assessment roll for the ear l'JOO, the following rates, lo-wit: "Hate tax , .... B.3 mills Uountv tax 12 7 " School tax 5.0 " Road tax 5.0 " , it Total 28 " And that a poll tax of $3 be levied on nil male citizens over the age of 21 years na unoer me age oi ou years not other wise exempt, and it is further ordered a 'ax ol one cent per head on all Bheep "wned in said county as shown by the nsseHsmerit roll for the year 1900, also a ax of 1-4 mill on all real estate and per sonal property as shown by said roll to e UBed as scalp bounty fund according hi session laws for the year 1899,provid- rng eaid law he not repealed by he preS' -nt legitdature, hut if said law be re pealed I hen the levy bo far as it relates o Bcalp bounty law stand annulled and held for naught . Monday, January 28. In the matter of the petition of the "outtiern racillo Uo, the Oregon & Cali nrnia Co and (J W Gunong and others ror a revocation of the franchiwo hereto 'ore granted to the Oregon City and Southern Railway Company. Now at his time this matter coming on to be heard, the Oregon City-8oulhern Rail way Company, appearing by their at 'rneys, (! 1) Latourette and Cotton, Teal and Minor, and the Southern Pa rifle Company and the Oregon it Oali 'ornia railroad by, its attorney, G E Hayes, and O VV Ganong and others by 'he deputy district attorney, J U Camp 'ell, and it appearing to the court that aid order granting said franchise was ntered.by miHtake and that said order loes not conform to the intention nor he understanding of the court at the line said fianchise waBgranted and said "rder entered in extent and manner of fining said parts of the county road and reets granted in said franchise and the Mint being fully advised in the prem--es it is therefore ordered adjudged and screed that eiid order be and the same it hereby rescinded. In the matter of the per diem and mileage of county commissioners. It is ordered by the board thnt the per diem nd mileage of the commissioners be al ed as follows, to-wit : I R Morton, 5 days and 40 miles $19 90 lohn l.ewellcn, 9 1 r B Killin, 6' 2 27 00 26 60 84 Total. .(72 40 (Continued next week.) REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. JO Hall to P fitoller, Its 7, and 8 In Pleasant Hill, being 9.24 as in the WRB Cotton elm 500 V F Yenny to M N McKlnster, 04 as Jn the Woodcock elm in r2e...,2300 Baker to G Griebel, trctadjoinin ins Canemah on the south , in the Hedges elm 200 E Boylan to A S Latourette, trustee, lot in Darling's Add to Oregon City 100 H J Puine to J B Trullinger, 1-7 in tereitt in the D L C of G J Trul linger 300 ico Hosteller to M llendiick, 11 as in the ne cor of bw of sec 7 and roadway in I D Murry elm oud 0 as in the se cor of the J M Bacon elm and lots 1, 2 and 3 in sec 7 in t6, 1 e 450 V G Miller to M (5 Miller, lots 1 and 2 in Parker Hill Add to OC 1 M Doolittle to James Ward, lot 1 in blk 5, Sunset City 500 T F Uynn tc L K Williams, 8 as in sec 8. t 3. 2 e r,u0 I Critwr to O and E Critser, 14 as in elm 88, 3,1 e 5o I A Neil to W D Wolverton, ne of of see 12,3, 5 o 100 I" Kudy to A V Pinklev, e of S of sw Bee 27, II. flu ;4 A Stoin to 1) M Asher, e of no so sec 14, 2, fie C F White to It M Story, lot 7, 520 of in blk IM, Central Add to 0 0 Peler Celiac to I M Davidson, lots 1 and 2 bi o 18, 2. see 18, 2, (i e ,100 Had to Conquer or Die. 'I was just about gone." writes Mrs. Rosa Hichardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C, "I had Consumption bo bad that the best doctors said I could not live more ban a month, but I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well." It's an unrivaled life saver in Consumption, Pneumonia, La tirippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaran eeetl bottles 80c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at Geo. A Harding's drug store. FIGPRUNE. A Hew Method of Vein Pralt Is to prepare It In such a manner that it still retains all or Its natural prop ertles and then combine It with eslected grain, thereby producing a perfect breakfast beverage. This is the way Flgprune Cereal, the substitute for cof fee and tea, is made. Tour grocer sells It. Ask for sample. Why Some Children are Restlens Ana nervous even their own mothers are unable to tell. Perhaps they are given coffee or tea to drink. Flgprune Cereal, made from rich, wholesome fruits and grains, Is a beneficial sub stitute for these beverages. It will aid In producing strong nerves and good health. Made like coffee. Looks like coffee. But It's 54 per cent fruit and 46 per cent grain. If you don't feel Just right substitute Flgprune Cereal for coffee. It's the perfect food beverage. At grocers. WANTED AH ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD CHAR acter to deliver nd ollect la Oregon for old tarnished manufacturing wholesale house. 1900 year, mre pay. Honesty more than experience required, our reference, any bank in any city. u;iuae leii-nuuresoea stampea envelope. Alan ine turers, Tkird Floor, 834 Dearborn St, Chicago' S. SEAMANN, M. Di Calls promptly attended at all hours EVE8 tented and properly itted with GLASSES Office Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Willamette Building - Opposite Postofflce OREGON CITY, OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND. L. (Hospital and Prlv'mc Kieneice.; Sen his proleulonnl . n-ien. to she people ai Oiegon City and vicinity. Special attention paid lo ('atari h ami i-'tironio diseases. Best ol references Riven. unice iu niimiiHite Huuaiug. Office hours 10 to u a. m., i to . m. MOON CITY OltKGOS) A Poultry Paper Free. The Courier-Herald has made ar rangements whereby we can send "The Western Poultry News" one year free'to any person paying one year's subscrip tion ic advance. Old subscribers who pay up and pay one year in advance can take advantage of this ofl'er alst). The Western Poultry News' is a big 16-page monthly chicken paper, published at Lincoln, Neb., and is an acknowledged authority on poultry methods. It net only interests fancy breeders, but the housewife in town or country, who wants to make some pr6flt from a few hens. It also has a Belgian hare department. If you want a poultry paper, here is your chance. For Over Fifty Years An Old and Well-Tried R Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of uiothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gumn, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and h the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold Lv Drus- Kists in every part of the World. iwenty-nve cents a bottle. Its value fc mcalculwble. Pe sure and ask for Mr Winslow's Soothinn Svruu. and take m omer Kina. WANTED! Reliable man lor manager of branch office we wish te open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K. here is an oppor tunity. Kindly give good reference when writing. . Tub A. T. Morris Wholesale Houbb. Cincinnati, Ohio. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents stamps. A Gentle Jin'. In our style of climate, with its Bud den chanties of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are taken from us by neglected coldB, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause, A bottle of Boschee's Herman Syrup kept about your home for immedi ate use will pervent serious BitkneBS, a large doctor's bill, end perhaps death, by the uee of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Tliro'tt or Lungs, its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Gut a sample bottle free from Uuo. A. Harding. Kesu lar size, 75 cents, Get Ureen's Prize Almanac. A Fireman's Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, althougheverv joint ache 1 and every nerve was racked with pain," wiites O. W. Bullaiuv, a lo comotive (Iranian, of BurlingtonIowa., "I was weak ami pale, wiMiout any ap petite and all run down. As 1 was about lo give up, 1 got a bottle of Elec tric Hitter, and, alicr taking it. I felt hs well as I ever did in In v lii.e " Weak, sickly, run down people it! so e niu new lite, strength and vigor fioin their use. Try them. S.ilisfac iou guaranteed lv fH) cents. J low it in Jioue. The fust object in life wiih the Ameri can people is to "get rich ;" the second how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and caving; the second, (good health) bv using Green's August Flower, Should you be a despondent Butler from any of tbe ellects of Dyspepsia. Liver Com plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc such as Kick Headache, Habitual Cos tiveness, Dullness of the Head, Nervous not suffer another day. Two doses of the well known August Flower will re lieve you at once. Go to Geo, A . Hard ng and get sample bottle free. Resu- larsue. o cents. Get Green's True Almanac. . G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY ' OREGON 0. W. Eastham - (i. B. Dimick DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate law Special ties, Abstract of Title made, Money Loaned. Beference, Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON C. Schuebel W. S. U'Ren U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW ffieutfdrjet Stbbolat OREGON CITY OREGON C D & D C LAT OURETTE A1TORNKY8 AT LAW Commercial. Real Estate and Probat Lav SDMlsvlUe Offlos In Commercial Bank Butldln uaoy cut . ojuaoi GEORGE L. STORY LAWYER and NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in the Circuit, County and Justice iouns in tne county. A L Chargis Reasokable Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned Office In Stevens Building, OREGON CITY, OR. COURIER-HrRALD AND Western Edition American Agriculturist. By special arrangement with the publish ers, we are enabled to offer Thb Okanob Judd Fahmkb, the leadlnsr agricultural weekly of the Western and Mississippi Valley States, in club with thia paper, at an exceedingly low figure. THE OB anok Judd Fahmkb is remarkable for the variety and interest'of Its contents, and is undoubtedly the best and most riractioal paper of its kind. I31FARM FEATyRES,-!:! lugTlloriiuuHui-o, 1'oultry, Market Gar. di ning, and ol her topicn, written by practi cal ami successful farmers, supplemented with illustration!) by able artists, combine to make it Invaluable to those who "farm it ffr a living." The latest Markets and Commercial Agriculture are features la which the O. J. Faiimer is unexcelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES;!,1 Short Sto- It Hi ilnous. lancv Work. The Good voou, I'uz.m Contests, Wbrary Corner, and Young Folks' 1'age combine to make this Department of as much value and Inter est as most of t he Special Family Papers. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events j All sending their subscriptions under onr clubbtht! oiler, are presented, postpaid, with the American Aokicui.turist Year Book and Alumnae for liHll. Tills great, book la a Oyolopedla of l'rogreas andEventg of the World, a Guide to Markets, Marketing, and Prices. FREE YEAR BOOK ANO ALMANAC It ( a treasury of Statistics, rerlaedto date, for Farm or Home, and Ofllee or Factory. A Befer ence Work oo Every Subject Pertaining to Airri. culture. Industry, Commerce, and Markets ; Pub lic! Affairs, Economics, and Politics : Household Education, Religion, and Society. It is also aa Almanac of Calendars, the weather. Astro nomical Data, Hints for Each Month, Dates, eto. piTA SAMPLE COPY0" maitttiinialJnTTnTiem to The Orange Judd Farmer, I tl vnn fi v iH. dresalne THB ORANGE JCIin HKMEU. Marquette Building;, Chicago, III. Our SPECIAL Offer: Orange Tudd Frmer, Year Book and Al $1.60 manac and Courier-Herald J. HEIMRll KESSLER, m. D. loot TAP In any state without loss of tine from business. PrIFMIlFlCure,br"ollor,,," remedy. Thii ItQUUiaAliUia remedv was sent ts Dr. Keitlrr ttv . , fiiend in Berlin. It hat uever OLD SORES PHI V A TP This doctor tiiaranteea to cure any 1 ill l A 1 II cuke ol Svphilis, Gonorrhea, Oleet. Strictures cutetl, uo ttifTrreuce linw Ion alatiilin Knrm.i..i.M Loasof Manhood, or NigMly y. ine nauit si belt A Dine ' tint. HlVn WPV Your Frror JUilU lil D it rcnieilied. mid wavilesoine advice aud cure aud healthv. Yihi will be t fiiwrniaioirliea. bcuuual Losses. other eftecta. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. painful, difficult, too freouent. natural diachatcea. rarefmlv file, Rheumatism ana neuralgiatreated by our new remedies' and cures guaranteed, 1 ratients treated in any part of the osuatry by his honied ivatew. Write full lrtieulara encloae ten te Simni A I wt will answer yau pronstly was an nncaua w come u tut READ Takt at aaidt and Iwot aaa a eloaaty tettllng iaetat. and ahauld a alleaala4 able UUtaat at kuaattda bit Addrc or Call DR. KCOOLER, 2d and Yamhill COUNTY OFFICERS Judge , T. F. Ryan ciere or courts E. II. Cooper 8hnff ....J, J. CookS Recorder T.P.Randall Treasurer a. Luelling Assessor Eli Williams School Superintendent J. C. Zinser Surveyor Ernest Rands Coroner M. C. 8trickland (I R. Morton -Commissioners ! T. B. Killin (John Lewellen Deputy Clerk .Elmer Dixon Sheriff .. J.R.Iackl" iua.m. Recorder Ed. Dedman Assessor . ..J.G. Porter "County Court meets on first Wednesday after firs' Monday of every month. Probate Court meets on first Monday of every month Oirenlt Court meets on third'"Monday In Apriland flrsr Monday in November OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor Grant B. Dimick Recorder Bruce C. Curry Chief of Police C. K. Burns Treasurer Linn Jones City Attorney A. 8. Dresser Street Commissioner John Green Sup't. of Water Works W. U. Howell City Engineer Ernest Rands Oouncllmen R. Koerner, J. W. Powell, W. B. Zumwait of First Ward; Wm. Sheehan, C O. Huntley, O.O.Albright, of Second Ward: ET W. Scott, 8. D. Francis and Ed. F. Story, of Third Ward. l''ouno" mM" first Wednesday of each month DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufleld Building, Main Street. Oregon Citv. BulUOI AND ChoWN WOKK A 8PBOIALT All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Prices Moierate. All OperatlonefGuarsnteed. DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Denial Surgery, of Chicago. K'i(arift Block OrtKQON - Opposite FottcJJict tflTT, OREGON. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 186S j TUK PIONEER EXFKESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OUKUON CITY T . OREGOli jTef Land Titles and Land Ollice Business a Bpeolalty, ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will nraotlce'ln all the Courts of ths Stats Conveyancing Rooms 3 Weinhard Building Opposite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON. James Murrow to do your Painting and Papering If you want first rlass work New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Caufleld Block OREGON CITY Here, taiHaii, iw.i ic,, o you. tan Keep u wret a while. Before its too Utt. ro aud see or write to this old doc tor. He has been treating such caes lor over xt years and perfectly ic.iBuic. ruruwnes nis own medi cine and tells ne tales. X3XI. KXiSSXiBR ol the Old St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary, uoti Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon, positively J fuiraatcet to remove failed, and we ruarantet it elc-eur4, 00 diflereoct bew) R'nmisiiont, cured permant-l ellcctuailv cared in ,u "d fllie of youth can be this olJ Jwhor will .4 , vu - make you perfectly strotif J antaxvd at his tucreM iu ruriua A Miahtlv KmnnsK.,,,.. .! mtlkv ar bloo.lv urln- u' treated and nermantiv r.ir.i hundreds treated athatnef city. THIS bottle at Vedtlmt and tilaatt la tkt bottlt, at at it la tkt (aorataf. If it a) doudv at 1 ling an tt, you hvrt awna kidaty at klaldt J Ia kakaa m i every year iwasuW DIRECTORY CHURCHES. First Presbyterian, corner Seventh and Jefferson sl eets Rev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor. Ser vices at 11 a.m.nd 7:80 p.m. Sabbath school IU a. in. J.f. B.C. E. meets every Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 8-00. . . Evannelical Church, corner Eighth and Stadison Streets, ltev. U CoDlew Tiwuir , MrUioUD j Sablialn at 11 a m. anu 7;S0 p. m. Sunday-senool Prayer meeting f rinrsday evening. Bt. run is episcopal, coiner Ninth and liver Rev. P. K. Hammond, pne lor. Services, Simday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Snndov school nt 10 a. m. Fridays, evctiing prayer with fddrcBS at 7:30. , 8t. Johu's, Catholic, corner Tenth Btreet nd River Rev. A. HHlebrand. pastor. On Sun day, mass at 8 and 1J:S0 a. m. Every Sunday uermau sermim arer n o'cioeK muss. At nil other nmsueR Enjrlish sermons. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Vespers, Apologetic subjects and uriieuiuiiuu at iup.ni. Methodist Eplseopal, corner Main and Seventh Btreets Hev. R. A. Atkins, pastor. Mornlna service at 10:15, Sunday school at 10:00, Evening service at 7:S0, Epworth League Sun r'ay evenlnirat6:30, prayer meeting Thursday ev Tiiiig at 7:30. Class meeting alter morning servi-e. United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce . streets, Rev. Cocking, pastor: Services every Sunday at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1C a. m. Youna; Peoples Meeting at 6:30 p. m Sunday. Prayer mee.ing every Wednesday evening. First Congregational, oorner Main and EUventh s.reetB Rev. E. 8. oll'nger, paor. B-rvices 10:30 a. m. und i:80 p. m. Sunday school after morning service. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:80 Prayer meeting Y. P. S. C. IS. Sunday even'ng at 6:3u . First Baptist, corner Main and Ninth streets Rev. J: H. Hevan, p .stor. M rnlng servic, 10:30: Sunday school, 11:45. Kv.ning service, 7:30. Regular prayer meeting, Thursday even ing. Monthly covenant meeting, Wednesday eveni :g preceding first Sunday in each month Evangelical-i,uthersii,Z!onCc.riKregatlon. corner Eighth and Jefferson streets Rev. Mevers pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p'. m. perman Lutheran, Onlo Svnod.corner of Eighth and J. Q. Adams streets -Rev. Ernest J. W. Mack, pastor. M. E. South Hev. T. P. Havoes, pastor. Third Sunday at United Brethren Chutch. Free Methodist-Rev. J. W. Eldridge, pastor. Preaching, first and third Tuesdays at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Every Thursday evening. Services held in Congregational' church at Elyvllle. SO 1ETIES. List of All Societies in this County With Meeting Place and Date OREGON CITY. Oregon City Lorijre No , Ancient Order Red Cros 2d and 4th Fridays at Willamette hall. Falls City Lodge No. 15!) rf A. O. U. W.-Every Saturday evening In A, o.U. W. hail on Sev enth street. Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. O. O.K. Every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' hall. Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. n. F. First and third Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' hell. Willamette Iiciiekah Degree Lodge No. 2 The second and fourth Fridays in l.O.O. F. hall. Mnltnnmnh Lodge f- o. 1, A. F A A. M Regular communications on 11 rat and third Saturdays Myrtle Lodpe No. 24, D. of H. Every Friday in a. O. U. W. hall. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Kcgular con vocation third Monday. Court Robin Hood No. 83S0, F. of Willamette hall on second and fourth Fridays. Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, O. E. 8. Masonic Tem ple on Tuesdays. WIllnmelleCflmpNo. 14S, W. of W. First ard third Fridays in Willamette hall. Modern Woodmen of America. Cam Vi. r,f,fifi meets second and fourth Tuesdays at Willuu- ette hall, i Falls Grove Circle No. 32, W. W.-Willamette umi, J iiemniy evenings Wache.no Tribe. No. 13,1. 0. R. M. Tuesdiy eve- u'ur m iHjuuicu s iiitii, jaggar ouuuing. Union Veterans Union Second S.uuidav each month at 1 p. m. and fourth Saturday, 7:30 p. in , in armory. Meade Post, No. G. A. R. First Monday of each nioiiin at mnametie nail. Crystal Council Order Pendo, No 161,-Every Monday at Redmen's hall. Council No. 221, A. O. P. Every Tuesday at Red- 4X1 c u a unit. Cataract Lod&e No. 76 K. of P. Every Wednesday at UailrnAii'a Imll ' Meade Relief Corps. No. 18. Meets ftt Willam ette hall on the first Monday at 2 p. m.. cd the third Monday at 7:30 p. m The auxiliary meets at the armory on first and third Saturdays at McLouglilln Cabin No. 4, Native Sons rf Ore gon, meets at Willamette hall on seoona and ivunu monuay evenmgs. at. John's Branch No. 647, C. K. of A.-Kvery Tuesday evening at their hall. United Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M.-A. O. U. W. hall upper Seventh street, on second aud fourth Mondays. Oregon City Board of Irade-At court house on vumj in eacn montn. Columbia Hook lad Laddtr Co. First Friday of each month at Fountain engine house. Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 Second Wednesday ... uivuiii uruuiuHiii cugiue nouse. Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each month at Cataraot engine house. Oreifon flty Hose Co. No. 8 -Hose house on the uui mi, wnru luesuay oi eacn month. Mt. View Hose Co. 4 Hose house at Elyvllle COUNTY. Pig Iron Lodge No. 13o, A. O. V. W. Every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' hall, Oswego. Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. U. W. First and thlrdrsaturdavi at school house, Molalla. Gavel Lodge No. 56, A. O. IT. W. Second and third Saturday evenings at Knight's hall, Canby. Clackamas Lodge, No. 67, A. O. C. W. First and third Mondays at Strite's hall, Clackamas. Sunrise l odge No. 43, A. O. U. W. Second and lourth Saturday at Wilsonville. Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H. Every Tuesdav evening. ' Rehekah lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F of Oswego Thursday evenings. Oswego Lodge No. 93, 1. 0. O. F. Odd Fellow's hull, Oswego, every Monday evening. Lone Pine Lodge No. 53, A. F. & A. M., of Logan. General Pope Post No. 52; G. A. R- Klrst Ratnr. day ol each month at Orange hall, llullno. General Crook Post No. 22. (. A. P.. School house at Needy on First Saturday in each month. Star Lodge No. 05, K. of P.-Everv Wednesday evening In Castle hall. ' Canby Lodge No. 5fi4, 1. O. G. T. First and Third Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Canby. Oswego Lodge No. 448, 1. O. G. T. Every Friday evening in new hall In old town. Cnnby Spiritualist Society-First and Third Sun days of each month. New Km W C. T. t First Saturday in each month at their hall in New Era. Sprinewater No. 2f,3, P. of H.-On second Satur day utter lull moon. Canby Board nfTrade-Knlghfs hall, Canby on lirst and third Fridays. Central So. 2i,7 P. of H. Third Saturday at Beit vert'ri'o k hall. Iliirdliig No Vii P of II ninon, Canby. -Saluiday after full Jlllwaukic '".range Xa.jsii p.nf n. Third Sutur day hi 10 a. in. Molalla Grunge Nn. 40, P. of H. Their hall ncnr Mulino mi the second Saturday ol each month at 10:30 a. m. Myriln Assembly No. 7 I'. A. Every Friday at Canby. Bntto ('retk Fair Association of Maniuam- llolds an annual fair. Tualatin Grange, No. Ill, P. of II. T ast Saturday of each month at their hall iu Wilsonville. Warner Grange No. 117. P. of H. Fourth Satur day of each month at their hall in New Era. Bntie Creek Grange No. 82, P. ol H. At hall in Marquain second Saturday In each month. Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of H. Second 8atur- day In each month. Damascus Orange No.SfiO, P. of H. First Satur day in month in Oamascus school house. Highland No. Ml, P. of H. First Saturday In month, near Clarke. Strrtlariet of SoHtliet art Madly rtquttltd I mXjl tht editor aj any tkangt (a placet m Sebatl report card for i !o tt th it cf Go To MUIK Bros' Grocery Store For Best Goods, Best Condition, And Prompt Delivery. 7th and Center streets: ' E. I. SIAS Watchmaker and; Jeweler Postoffice Building CANBY . - . OREGON BANK OF OREGON CITY kUVT BAH KINO HOUSE III THE CITf FAID BP CAPITA!, 150,000.00 8U&PLV8 fKJSMM fteeMlent, IKM-presldenl .tasaler, Cha, H. CAvruaa ' Gbo. A. Babdih I. G. OAunau A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Security Exchange Bought and old. Collections Made Promptly. Orafta Sold Available In Any Part f the forld Telegraphic Kxohange Sold on Portland, Baa Franniaco cnloairo an! New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. i J. C. BRADLEY'S Livery, Feed I and Sale Stables Nearly oppositelSuapeneion bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON A PERFECT BATH ROOM seatlal to perfect comfort and health. Our estimate on putting In Plnmblnir Work .nrl Ittings for large and small honses will be found surpassingly low when quality of Iwork and material nsed is considered . -.. ff We waald be pleased to baven opportunity to submit figures. " F. C. GADKE W. H. YOUNG'S . Livery & Feed Stable Finest Funera; Tamouts in city OREGON CITY. OREGON If Ton Want High Grade Stam - Photos J OREGON CITY, OREGON SHANK & BISSELL Embalmers and Fune.al Directors Telephones, Night or Day Seventh Street Near Depot t'ChvtMi-RClAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 ttaaaacta a General Banking BntlneM IrMni . Bills dlscoanted. Mak oa Maii. Buys and sells xcaangso all Dolnu K tkeVatM i)MM and Burop and on Xaii M. aVspaatte (Meivad aab)t to ahack. JI too I A, M. a t. M.