Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 01, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Unpredeccdent Values
In dressgoods during our BIG CLEARANCE SALE.
750 Yards
Of 37-inch cottons and wool crepons in colors, (no blacks)
15 cents and 20 cents values; big clearance price, 9 a yard,
v Absolutely fast colors. -
637 Yards
Of 'all-wool pinhead checks, donble fold; worth 39 cents
yard; big clearance sale price, 19 cents a yard.
553 Yards ;
1 t Of 42-inch colored novelties
big clearance sale plearance price, 19 cents. fc-xcep-;
tional values.
I 483 Yards
' Of 58-inch Oxford gray
material for mny-day skirts or working dresses, worth $1
yard; big clearance sale price, 49 cents; (gray only).
Biggest dress goods bargains ever offered in Portland,
Capes, furs and jackets at half-price. See us to-day.
McAllen & McDonnell
H. M. fciebhoff, of Stone, was a visi
tor in town Saturday.
W. W. Bradley made a short visit to
The Dalles, during the week.
A. N. Munsey is juBt recovering from
a severe attack of pneumonia.
Frank Hattan, of Stone, returned
Friday from a week's stay at Salem.
Harry Mojher, teacher' of the Frog
Pond school, was in town Saturday.
A. Harrington a prominent Highland
citizen, was in Oregon City Saturday. ; ,
Misses Castro and Harper of Portland,
were Oregon City visitors last Sunday.
John Gilmore, says the St. Helens
Miat, has been visiting his family here.
Lutz, of Logan, leaves next
iii'-:s 'ki for Idaho, where he will reside.
Arthur Stafford visited his parents in
Pcr'Jand for a couple of days during the
Ara McLaughlin, principal of the
Milwaukie school, was in the city Sat
urday. Taylor Henderson and wife, of El
wood, were , visitors in Oregon City
James A. Hannagen, the enterprising
merchant at Liberal, was in Oregon City
0 Will F. Spencer, of Portland, waB in
Oregon City on business several days
last week.
Fred McCarver, of Portland, was vis
iting with his aunt, Mrs. Charles Bab
cock Sunday. V
E. Meresse, formerly of this city, is
editor of the college notes in the Forest
Grove Times.
J. 8. Smith, who was afflicted with
heart failure, is around at;ain, after a
severe attack.
W.L. Stone, of Kelso, Wash., was
Visiting friends in Clackamas county dur
ing the past week.
Thomas Brown, who has been in Ore
gon City tor the past two months, will
leave Saturday for the Salmon river
D. C. Rogers, who is well known in
this city, as supreme guide of the Ancient
Urderof the Red Cross, recently in
stalled the new officers of the local or
ganisation at McMinnville.
Some people ar vry easy fitted and others seem to have
trouble in getting glasses to suit. . For those we have an
Eyemeter which if made by the Johnston Optical Company.
We have over 500 different lenses with this Instrument and
we can fit almost any eye.
and Bargains
(no blacks), 35 cents values;!
- . v
skirting, zibeline finish, elegant;
J. M. Eccleston and family have
moved to Willamette Falls, where they
will remain till spring. , ,
Miss Muriel Stevens, who has bee'a in
Portland for the past week, returned
home Saturday evening.
J. B. H08S, who has been doing car
penter work here for the past year, left
Wednesday for Seattle.
J. C. Bates was in from Redland Sat
urday, and reports everything flourish
ing in that neighborhood.
Mr. Cyrus, formerly clerk in Buch's
store, but now of Portland, was visiting
friends in this city Friday.
Fred Hargreaves, of Parkplace, has
been elected president ot the secret sen
ate, a college society at Albany.
. R. H, Hose, who has been visiting his
parents here for the past two months,
will return to Wasco Saturday. -
J. P. Keating has rented the place
vacated by James Roake, and will take
possession the first of next week.
Mrs. 8. F. Scripture had an operation
performed in a Portland hospital last
Thursday, and is progressing favorably.
Rudolph Koerner is building an ad
dition to his house on Third and Jeffer
son streets, and is otherwise improving
the place.
Mrs. Glasspool, accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. J. N. Graham, of Port
land, were in Oregon City on business
Hon. E. M. Hartman was down from
Eastern Oregon and attended the funeral
of the son of his brother, who died at
Scott's Mills, a few days ago.
W. F. Young, a former Clackamas
county-teacher, who now resides in
Marion county, was in town Saturday,
and attended the teachers' institute at
Wilsonville. v
J. S. Crumbley, who has been em
ployed at the Little White salmon
hatchery in Washingtoi for some time
past, returned borne Friday. This gov
ernment hatchery turned out 14,000,000
of young Balmon during the past season.
J. W. Gilmore passed through from
California to West Fork Saturday. Mrs.
W. stopped off until Tuesday and vis
ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . P.
Gilmore, near the Normal schrol.
Ashland Record. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Gilmore were residents here for several
months last summer.
Born, to Charles Muir and wife , oh
Thursday, Jan. 24th, a son weighing 9
pounds. ' . '
Meade Post will meet at 6 p. m., Mon
day, Feb'. 4. Business of importance.
All comrades in good standing invited.
For Sale Cheap Good house of seven
rooms; lots; barn, fruit, etc. At
Elyville. See the owner, Adam Haas,
who lives on place.
Mrs. L. E. Thayer is still advertising
in a Ooquille City paper to exchange
Oregon City and Clackamas county
property for land in that vicinity. , '
The young people of Maple Lane are
making great preparations for a basket
social to be given at Maple Lane school
house this (Friday) evening. Ail are
cordially invited.
, For Sale or Trade. House and lot on
Madison, near Third; good well; will
rent for $8 ; cheap at $800, or will trade
for farm near town. Address M. Ek
strand, Oregon City.
For Sale 75 acres of timber land 1
mile from Oregon City.. Price $75 per
acre. Will take partly in exchange
some desirable farming land. Address
Wm. Beard, Ely, Or.,
O. W. Robbins and wife, of Molalla,
were in Oregon City Monday on their
way to Portland to visit Mrs. Robbins'
sister, who will shortly leave for Seattle
where her husband is express messen
ger. E. D. Olds and F. S. Baker had the
centract to raise and move T. W. Sulli
van's two houses oq 10th street, Mr.
Sullivan needed the extra room for an
elegant modern residence which he will
erect this year. , ,, ,
Christian Science services are held in
Willamette hall every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday,
Feb. 3, "Spirit." Sunday school at
12 :10. Wednesday evening meeting at
8 o'clock. To these services all are wel
Olackamas county got six clerkships
and two doorkeepers. There is evidently
a 56,000 man power as well as horse
power at Oregon City. Albany Demo
crat. Clackamas county got more than
this, a janitor and possibly more clerks
to come.
Mrs. Louis Paquet, who recently died
at Los Angelea, Calif., was buried with
appropriate ceremonies, here Saturday.
She was a native of Clackamas county,
and visited here for a number of years.
She was a sister of Berry Buckner, of
Beaver Creek. J
Meade Post No.' 2, G. A. R., will giv.. I
an entertainment at Willamette h i j
Monday night, Feb. 4, for the purpol j
of starting a relief fund, the proceeds
to be used for the relief of comrades of
post and all old soldiers and th' Be de
pendent on them needing our assist
ance. All are ' invited. Tickets 15
cents. i
At the meetin g of Parkplace school
board held Friday, Mrs. Robert Miller
was elected director, and a tax levy of
nine mills was levied. Not very much
stir was expressed at the school meet
ing, and the levy was voted. Pro
fessor J. W.'Gray has tendered bis res
ignation, and will go to the Klondike
with F. F. White in March, where he
expects to engage in mining.
Representative Dresser has introduced
a bill, which, if it becomes a law, will
work considerate charge in the matter
of selecting delegates to political conven
tions. It provides that county clerks
shall cause tickets to be printed for
each primary, and a candidate for dele
gate to a county convention must get
the endorsement of 5 per cent of the
voters in his precinct in order to get his
name on the ticket. Exchange.
When you want a good square meal
gatothe Brunswick re3taurant, oppo
site suspension bridge, L. Ruconich
proprietor. Everything fresh and cleaa
and well cooked; just like you get at
home. This is the only first-class res
taurant in Oregon City and where yof
can get a good meal for the price of a
po.ir one el where.
If you have any t uble in getting glasses to suit, Come in
and we will tes your eyes free of charge.
We have Spec cles and Eye-Glasses in Gold, Gold-Filled
Nickel and Steel frames from 25c to $6.
8. N. Rasmussen, Dayton's new hard
ware merchant, was taken very ill on
Monday evening. His fllnessis serious,
caused by la grippe and congestion of
the brain. Dr. Goucher, of McMinn
ville, waB summoned on Tuesday, to
consult with Dr. Courtney the attend
ing physician. He is, at this writing,
reported slightly improved. His siBter
of Oregon City, is here, in atteudance
at his bedside. Dayton Herald.
That much discussed and heralded
play, "Way Down East," which is now
touripg the Pacific slope, under the di
rection of Wm. A. Brady, begins a
week's engagement at the Maiquam
Grand Opera House, at Portland, on
Monday, February 4th. We are prom
ised an exact reproduction of the great
New York presentation, and with a
cast that has received the unqualified
endorsement of the San Francisco papers
So strong is the faith of the manage
ment that it will be given for one entire
week. , Matinees will be given ou Satur
day and Wednesday only. The country
within a radius of a hundred miles of
Portland has been thoroughly advertised
for this engagement, and so confident
is the management that the piece will
duplicate its Buccess here as in other
cities, that they are now concluding to
remain two weeks next season.
Tub north pole is much like a woman's
pocket. We all know where it should
be, but we can't find it.
Cometh now the wicked city of Mem
phis and shyeth its caBtor into the ring
as claimant for the title of Chicago for
the Soutb.
School Officers, Attention!
There will be a meeting of school
directors and clerks at the court house
Saturday, February 16, 1901, for the
purpose of discussing questions of mu
tual interest. I trust we may have ev
ery district represented.
I . J0 ZlNSKR,
Supt. of Schools.
Notice of County Convention Pa
Irons of Husbandry. .
Notice Is hereby given that the annual
county convention P. of H, for Clacka
mas county will be held at the county
court house in Oregon City at 1 o'clock,
p. m., Tuesday, March 5, 1901.
Said convention is called for the pur
pose of e lecting delegates , to attend the
state Gi tnge to be held in Albany next
ft; ay', and all grangers are requested to
eliooteuieir delegates at the February
x.eeti n; for said convention.
Mary S. Howakd,
1 County Deputy.
.Notice of State Examination for
Teaclwrs. .
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of examining all persons, who
may offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the schools of the state of
Oregon, the county school superintendent
of this county will hold a public exami
nation at the court house at Oregon
City, Oregon, Wednesday February 13,
School Supt. of Clackamas Co., Ore.
Dated this 21st day of January, 1901.
Bids will be received by the board of
county commissioners on the first day
of the February term thereof, for plank
to lay three miles of road, upon what is
known sb the Logan and Springwater
road, and upon that part of said road in
Springwater precinct, plank to be of
good sound merchantable lumber, 3 in.
by 8 to 12 lu. by 8 feet, and to be de
livered before the 1st day of August, 1901.
The party or parties receiving the con
tract will be required to give a good and
sufficient bond for the taithful peiform-
'anueofthe contract. The board re-
j serves the right to reject any or all bids.
i E. H. Cooper,
I . i County clerk,
& Andresen
Macy & Moore
Have Opened a DRUG STORE
on Upper Seventh Street, and
will carry a full supply of
Also School Books
Toilet Articles, Perfumery and Druggist Sundries
Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
X f M b. M VI
i uur urugsare new ana rare, as we aim 10 procure l
I it i-i a i m : ': ii . ?
me cesi oniy ior tarapoanamg rrescripaons.
I At Oregon City
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.903.40; graham
$2.60. '
Wheat Walla Walla 5355c; valley
58c59; bluestem 67c.
Oats White 4142c ; gray4041c.
Barley Feed $15; brewing $16 per t.
Millstuffs Bran $t5 ; middlings 21 ;
shorts $18 ; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $1213; clover, 79;
Oregon wild $7. ,
Butter Fancy creamerySO and - 55c ;
store, 25 and 32.
Eggs Eastern, 22 ; ranch, 25c per doi.
Poultry Mixed chickens $2.753.00 ;
hens $3.504; springs $23 50; geese,
$67; ducks $56; live turkeyB 11
12c; dressed, 1214c.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, weathers
and ewes, sheared, $4 50; dressed, 6
and 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 00 and $5 25 ;
light, $5 ; dressed, 5 1-2 and 6 cents per
Veal Large, 61-2 and 7 cents per
pound. .
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50 and $4 ;
dressed beef, 6 and 8 cents per pound.
Cheese Full cream 12o per pound
Young America 13o.
Potatoes 70 and 85 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 75t
per sack ; garlic 7c per lb ; cabbage $1.6
1.80 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75
per dozen; parsnips 85c per sack; celerj
7090o per dozen ; asparagus 78c ;
peas 34c per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evaporated 56;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 34c; pears
sun and evaporated 8gc ; pitless plums
78c; Italian 'prunes 57c; extra
silver choice 5(37.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 53.
Oats, 39.
Potatoes, 50 and 60 cents per sack.
Eggs, 25 per dozen.
Butter, dairy, 35 to 45c per roll;
creamery, ouc.
Dried apples, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians. 4c: netit
and German, 3c.
Bucklln's Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame (or marvellous
cures. It surpasses any other Balve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Uicers,
Chapped Hands. Tetter, Salt Rheum,
fever Bores, Skin irruptions;-Infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25
cents at Geo. A. Harding's.
Working Overtime. '
Eight hour laws are ignored by those
tireless, little workers Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion, Bil
iousness, Constipation, Sick Headache
and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure.
Only 25c at Geo. A, Harding's dr,ug
store .
If the'frames of your glasses are bent or do not fit well, we
will gladly straighten them without charge, or if they are bro
ken and need repairing, we can repair them.
Our cliarges'are reasonable.
and Supplies," Fine Stationery j
Clearance Sale
The Fair Store
0PPO9I11 PolTOnrlOE
Goods sold at less than Port
land prices.
Here are a few prices:
Basting Cotton, formerly 2c. it
Hooks and Eyes. r
Pins, per paper... v-
Machine Thread, 3 spools for 10c
Radiant Crochet Thread, all
colors, 3 balls for rc-,
Corsets 451
Ladies' Underwear. . . . . . . . 23-
Children's " i8
Men's " 24-
" Overshirts 211
Children's Stockings 10
Ladies' ........ joi
Outing Flannel, best weight. 81
tac Muslin io
No. 12 Satin Ribbon,all colors 8
$3.50 Rainy Day Skirts.. . .$2.80
$6.00 " " " .... 4.80
$4.00 All Wool " 3.20
$i.7S " " " .... MO
A good line of Misses' Skirts at
the same reduction.
All other goods at the same re
duction for the next 60 days,
Call and be convinced.
charming as the
mellow glow that
comes from
nnnnnu a
J wuiiuuwh
wax Candles
Prapmd In mwf et!or tint
10 nainiomi WHQ lur
ronndlnfi in dining
juum, unwmi mom,
tittd rnnm nr hall. Until
rrwnars. Ma bf
OIL CO. .4ft
ti-r to deliver and (lolled In Oregon for old tiU
llnhi1 mtwufacturltiK wholesalo houao. IWi
year, aura pay. llouenty more than axperlen.'
required. Our reference, any banlc In any oil
KnclOHe elf-addrMd stamped envelope. Mitn
factum, ThlrclKloor, 834 Dearborn Bt .Chloag ,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet,
All druKKiets refund the money If it fail
to curer E. W. Grove'i aignature it Q
each bos. 25c.
' 1
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