OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1901. ffr ?r&ZZr&--s-Z, - vv 5 Fine Angel Wine ana Gold Cakes You Know All kinds of Layer, Fruit Cakes, Jelly Rolls AND Everybody else will know, that . Joseph Kuerten's Bakery and Confectionery Has the best of everything. All my Bread is like home-made; baked from best and strongest flour and no wind in it. Every day all kinds of Confectionery fresh and made out of the best materials. i ' j The best Cream Puffs I ndvf Infers $ flacrons P. 0. Box 359. Telephone 394 OREGON CITY, OREGON it l Fresh v uougnnuia Cnnkles and Coffee Loafs LOCAL AND PERSONAL PERSONAL MENTION. Lee Harding has been confined to his home by illness. Levi Stehman, of Liberal, was in Ore gon City Thursday. Stephen Hutchison, of Shubel, was In Oregon City Wednesday. Mrs. Eli Maddock and son, Creston, are visiting friends in Portland. George Marr, of Portland, was visiting friends in Oregon City Monday. Milton Levi, of Union, visited the family of I. Selling during the week. Mr. and Mr. C. G. Huntley visited friends and relatives al Barlow this week A. D. Gribble, of Macksburg, was in Oregon City Wednesday and Thursday. A. Walker was taken sick last Thurs day and is now quite ill at his home in this city. James Healey, who has been on the Bick list for the past month, is slowly recovering. Ciarles Kelly has been confined to his home this week with a severe attack of rheumatism . - Mrs. Leland and children, of Oswego, were visiting Mrs. Ward of this city during the week. Fred Horton, of McArthur, Ohio, is visiting his uncle, Postmaster George F. Horton, this week. Miss Mathews and Miss Smith, of Currinsville, visited Oregon City friends during the past wees. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, of Pal estine, Oregon, were visiting friends in this city during the week. Mrs. Cantain Wood and her daughter. i Miss Gracie, of Portland, visited rela tives and friends in Oregon City Sunday. The Misses Celia and Bertha Gold smith will go to Eugene Saturday to visit relatives and friends over Sunday. Rev. S. Copley has gone to Tigards ville to assist in revival meetings, but expects to be here to fill his pulpit next Sunday. Miss Celia Goldsmith will leave next Wednesday evening for San Francisco, where she expects to remain about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Willey returned home Tuesday morning after a short Visit with relatives and friends at Uni versity Park. Dr. C. 8. Seamann returned Thursday evening from a short business trip to San Francisco. While there he per formed some difficult surgical work. Wm. Beard, of Ely, expects the re mainder of his family from Houlton, Wis., about the 15th. They were de layed by the serious illness of Mrs. Beard . Miss Lena Goldsmith went to Salem Monday morning, where she visited with her brother, Mr. Charles Gold smith, leaving Tuesday for her home in Eugene. ' " , . ,. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Born, to the wife of John H. Walker, on Wednesday, Jan. 29, a boy. Suit for divorce filed on the 31st by Mary J. Brown against Thomas J. Brown License to wed granted by the county clerk on the 26th to Anna Imel and Jesse Mayfield. A grand entertainment will be given by the A. 0. U. W., at the hall of the order, on the 16th. ''. " The little son of County Clerk Cooper fell the first of the week, and hurt one i knee and severely injured the other leg. J. Knowland, of Bacremento, Calif.. will open a tailor shop in the Ryan build- 'ng, lately occupied by Dimick & East-ham. Mrs. L. L. Porter eave a chafing dish party last Friday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Lulu Spangler, of Cor- vallis. Eli Fellows, of Shubel, was given a surprise party last Friday. All who were present were treated royally by Mr. Fellows. Wednesday was the regular night for holding the city coucil, but enough did not appear for a quorum, and the meet ing was postponed. Myrtle Lodge, Degree of Honor is making arangementB for the purchase of a piano, which they expect to have in place within a week or two. In probate court, A. Lacey was ap pointed executor of the estate of his mother, Lenora E. Lacey. A.K.Haw kins was appointed administrator of the estate of Wm. D.Bedford. Momomial services in honor of the queen of England were held on Sunday evening at the Episcopal, Baptist, Con gregational and MethodiBt churches. The auditorium at the last was beauti fully and significantly adorned with bunting.'and the stars and stripes and Union Jack, and the whole tastefully setoff with black crape. The solo by C. A. Miller before the address was glorious. Let the Weather Do It's Work. ! I ! Almond Cream is a preparation that heals faster than winds can roughen. If neglected, face and hands can hardly keep from roughening in cold, raw weather. They can't keep from being smooth if you rely on Almond Cream. It heals quickly because it's entirely absorbed. For the' same rea son there's no grease or stickiness to annoy. Daintily perfumed. 2B Cents C. G. HUNTLEY, OREGON CITY Prescription Druggist The Star Boarder" never misses meal. Mrs. Ella Hubbard died at her home near Oolton, of measles. Jan. 23rd. She wag 45 years of age and leaves seven children. Her husband died several years ago. She will be buried at Col ton Friday. C.W. Baeby of Molalla has bought the furniture and other effects of the Cliff House and will hereafter be its land lord. He will put the house in good con dition and make every effort to please his friends. The St. Agnes Society of the Episco pal church gave a book social at the rectory on Tuesday evening, for the benefit of the library. A large number of books was donated. Refreshments were served. Remember Fairclough Bros, have opened their commission house in Ore gon City and are prepared to handle all kinds of grain ami produce in a satisfac tory manner. Call and see them when you have anything to dispose of. By New Year's day, which falls with Mr. Wing, the Chinese horticulturist, on February 17th, he hopes to have secured a license for entering the bonds of matri mony with a certain society lady. This is all the engagement notice that win ne published. Mr.'. Frank Payne died on Friday morninz last at the home of Sinton Payue, near Mulino, and the remains were interred on Saturday in the family burying ground on the place of G.J. Trullinger, father of the deceased. Her age was 33 years, 3 months and U days. There seems to be considerable sick- the residents of the West Side. Mrs. John Newton, Miss Edna Dalton, Mr. Bruner and daughter, and several others have had attacks of ty phoid malaria. J. S. Smith's boy, Ben ha rifinn down with membraneous croup. Over an old feud, which has existed for some time between Burt Jewell and Charles 8mith, of Parkplace, Jewell stabbed Smith in the stomach Tuesday nicht. inflicting a wound about four inches lone. Both men are members oi the Parkplace band, which was practic ing at the time. The attention that the futurus esse motor line to Canerhah attracts, recalls the fact to pioneers that in the summer of '67 or '68. Al. Thompson, D.r.Thomp son's brother, homesteaded on the pic turesaue pile of rocks which we now call "The Basin," and thaUhe P.T.Oompany paid him handsomely for leaving. The Order of Pendo council elected the folloWine new officers at a meeting held Friday night : Past Oounselor, F. Ro.rintnre: counselor. Mrs. K. E Scripture; vice-counselor, I. D. Taylor secretary, Mrs. May Taylor; treasurer A. C. Beaulean: chaplain. Mrs. M. P Bovles: euide, Mrs. Anna Wright warden, Charles Simmons; sentinel, Charles Simmons. Wm. Scramlin, who resides on the old Garrett donation land rlaim, left at the Courier-Herald office on Thursday, two-DOUnd pear of the Oregon Pound variety, that had been recently picked off the tree. There are stiil two more of these large pears on the same tree which is 36 years of age. They also have a tree still loaded with apples, al though thev are beginning to drop now What would some of our eastern friends think of picking apples and pears off the trees in January? On Saturday, Warner Grange listened to an address by W. 8. U'Ren on the two subjects of the initiative and referen dum and the Boers, and installed its new officers, viz.: 0. N. Wait, W M j Mrs. Wing, Overseer; Mrs. Frederick, Lecturer: Mr. Waldron, Steward; Geo Lazalle, Assistant Stewart; Dr. Casto, CuapUin ; Mr. McArthur, Treasurer ; M A Walden, Secretary; Master McDonald, Gatekeeper; Miss DundaS, Pomona; Miss Frederick, Ceres; Miss France, Flo res; Mrs. Dundas, Lady Assistant Stew art. Messrs. W. P. Kirchem, Fred Rieb hoff. John J. Hatton, F. D. Mumpower and J. W. Watts, farmers, have hied articles of incorporation of a creamery to be located in the vicinity of Stone, who a capital hiouh ui ijuu. iun cu- terpriEe is to be known as the Clear Creek Creamery. The location is about 8 miies northeast of Oregon City, in the most fertile portion of Clackamas county, and likewise the best farming community. It lies between Logan, where a cheese factory has been in op eration about a year, and Damascus, where a creamery is now in course of construction. Albert Bryant, of Port land, and Miss Kate Mautz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August itlautz, of Maple Lane, were married on Wednesday, Rev. A. J. Montgomery officiating. About 30 in vited guests' from Portland, Oregon City and Maple Lane were present. Miss Fauny Bryant, sister of the taoom, acted as bridesmaid, and LaWTence Mautz best man. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding lunch was served. The couple are both well known. The bride's father is a prominent farmer, and has lived in this vicinity for many years. Mr. Albert Bryant is well known in Portland and Oregon City, and is con nected with the Oregoman. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant will make their Iwrne in Portland. "The Star Boarder" never pays a bill. Novelties in Valentines just received at Golden Rule Bazaar. Watch for the parade Monday noon. "Waifs of New York." , The recent high water took all the logs of Pratt Bros, of Mulino out. Just Received Shopping Baskets, Shopping Bags. Golden Rule Bazaar. Actresses are rare who are as winsome as Kate Emmett; her success was un doubted. The New York Sun. John Archer, of Redland. who died a Portland hospital Friday, was buried in the city cemetery Sunday. Mrs. J . 0. Walgamot, of Oanby, was stricken with paralysis last Friday eve ning. Mrs . Walgamot is 60 years of age. 1 1 .:. The new law passed bv legislature on Wednesday does away with the iill sheep levy and makes a 1 mill scalp bounty levy. A special meeting of the city couucil was held Monday night and the sewer was accepted except that part running through the Wemhard culvert. The ladies of the G. A. R. will give a candy pull at the home of Mrs. Sabin on the even'ng Feb. 13. An admission fee of 10 centJ will be charged. Everybody is invited. ' The Durthee Club gave one one of its delightful entertainments at the home of Mrs. C. D. Latourette, on Monday evening to a select company of invited guests. MrB. W. A. White entertained a num ber of friends Tuesday afternoon in honor of her birthday. Refreshments were ser ved, and a most delightful afternoon was enjoyed. Mildred E. Brown, aged 19 years and four days, died Thursday, January 31, 1901. at Clackamas Heights. Funeral services will be held at residence on Fri day at 10:30 a. m., Rev. J. H. Beaven officiating. Next Sunday twill be Christian En deavor Day, it being the 20th anniver sary of the movement, the Christian Endeavor Society of the Congregational church will hold an appropriate service at 6:30 p. m. to which all are Invited. For Sale Good four-room cottage corner Ninth and Monroe streets ; 600. Also one acre and a fraction on Clacka mas Heights, with house partly built ; $250. Both on installments if desired. Apply at the residence of Mrs. Kate M. Parker. Falls Encampment, No. 4, 1. 0. O. F., held a reunion and love feast Saturday evening, in which all the subordinate and Rebekah lodges of Clackamas county participated, at Odd Fellows' and Wil lamette halls, and it was largely at tended. Father Hillebrand is having the old fence around the Catholic church prop erty lowered and will plant a hedge When the hedge gets large enough the fence will be taken away altogether, The ground will also be beautified in other ways. Hon. T. P. Tugwell, formerly editor of the Tacoma Sun, spoke to an apprecia tive audience at Redmen's hail Monday evening. Mr. Tugwell Is supreme conn- cilor of the Order of Pendo and is on his way to attend the supreme council at San Fraud f co. Lonio Stout.of Yaquina, who has been in a Portland hospital for the past two weeks, having an operation performed, Bnfint Tuesday with G. W. Grace and I family. He returned lome yesterday much improved in health. Mr. Stout is a brother of Lucien Stout. Deputy Charles Holman, of the reve nue office at Portland, accompanied by Constable Moody, made a trip to Mu lino last Friday for the purpose of in vestigating a case of a man selling bit ters without a license. They failed to secure enough evidence to convict him. Jacob CsBaell will soon begin the erec- ti m of a building on his lot next to the Electric hotel. The building will con tain 20 rooms above and a store room below. The work of tearing down the old building has been going on for sev eral weeks. The rooms will be used in connection with the Electrip hotel. The Harobletonian trotter of Christ Moehnke, of Shubel, was frigh tened on Thursday by a small boy with a toy wagon, and ran away, breaking the bit in her mouth. Mr. Moehnke.by pres ence of mind held the mare in the road until the buggy locked with a wood wagon, when he wa thrown out, along with a lot of fresh butter he was taking to town . The better was knocked out of shape and one wheel of the buggy pointed toward Davy Jones and other toward Mt. Hood. No other serious damage was done and Mr. Moehnke borrowed a bit and proc eedeJ on bis way. A pleaeant surprise party was given Miss Gertrude Fairclough last Tuesday night. Card playing and music were the features of the evening. Frank f!nnfer sans several comic scngs. Re freshments were served. Those present were: 'Misses Minnie Holden, Maud May, Hulda Holden, Oda Jones, Nittie May, Myrtle Currin, Georgia Grace, Myrtle Watson, Gertrude Fairclough j Mesdames Clara Foster, Jennie May, G. W.Grace; Messrs Tom Randall, Ed Jacit. Frank Confer, Ed Roberts, P. A. future 1 Fairclough ,-J. B. Fairclough audG. W. ! Grace, GREAT CLEARANCE SALE I AT Golden Rule EBazaar Stevens Bldg., Opp. Bank of Oregon City Every Article Best Graniteware in the Store Reduced Cups Coffee Pots.......... No. 20 Stew Kettle. , No. 12 Sauce Pan .. Large Tea Kettle . . . Ladies' Gooas Underwear Balbriggan Stockings.,, Wool Mitts. .., "The Empress" Corset. Best Outing Flannel. . , Flannel Night Gowns. , Handkerchiefs. , Tarn O'Shanters...... 9C 23c 19c 14c 48c 19c IOC 20c 45c oc 83c 3c 24c Stationery Envelopes, package. .. . 2c Pencil Tablets.......... ic Large Ink Tablets 4c yi Ream Commercial Note Paper 19c Arnold's Writing Fluid 5c 2oo-page (well bound) Ledgers, Journals or Day Books.. 4 24c men's Furnishings Wool Sweaters 90c Felt Hats, all shapes.. . 95c Wool Socks ioc "Standard" Shirts 42c Men's Hemstitched H'k'fs 8c Headquarters for VALENTIN ES (Kolden Mule Bazaar See our corner window for bargains. V Ray McKinley, a deckhand on the Bteamer N. R. Lang, met with a serious accident Sunday evening, which nearly cost him his life. Mr. McKinley left the steamer about 11 o'clock, to coma to this city on an errand, and while walk ing along the breakwater stepped into an opening, and fell to the water 40 feet hplnw Men on the steamer heard his cries, rushed to the rescue, and found McKinley lying helpless on the ground, near the water. He was taken aboard the steamer and a physician was im mediately summoned, who on examin ing the man's injuries found that one rib was broken and his back and head badly bruised and cut. The injured man was taken to Marine hoBplral in Portland for treatment. The taxes on county property for 1900 will be 29 mills and on city property 43 mills. The taxes are constantly in creasing and the public debtB are con stantly increasing. Out of a voting pop. ulation of over 6000 but 800 pay poll tax. Deducting 1200 for old age and ex empts would still leave 3000 polls or 19000.17200 more than we get now. This would pay the salary of a special collector and have a handsome balance for the county. This is but one item of loss and shows how we are drifting. Its somebody's business ro look after these leaks. We pay salaries enough. At the special meeting of the Oregon City school district to levy a tax but two per sons outside of the board were present. More publicity should be given to public affairs and taxpayers should take an ac tive interest in such. Fellows Harding Block, Oregon Cltj TELEPHONE 818 The LegMat ure. The senatorial votes remain about thj same as last week: Corbett, 28; Mc Bride, 18; Baker, 26: Herman, 7; scattering, 11. The contest la very tame and similar to two years ago. The following laws have been signed by the governor. 8 B 9, by Marsters To amend Rose burg incorporation act. 8 B 14, by Masters To incorporate Canyonville. 8 B 18, by Adams To amend Silver ton incorporation act. 8 B 19, bv Brownell To pay expenses of Indian War Veterans to Washington City, signed January z&. 8 a il, Dy waue loamena jMin in corporation act. 8 H 2i, by wane amenu oum merville incorporation act .8 B 71, by Smith of Baker To incor porate Maker Uity. 8 B 89, by Brownell To submit initi ative and referendum. Signed January 25. 8 B 113, by 8 week To autrnme PortlauJ to levy a special tax. Signed January 25. 11 B162, by McGreer o Incorporate Antelope. H B 180, by Roberts For payment of scalp bounty warrants. 25 Cents Pound Mocha & Java Coffee 25 Cents 3 Cans Blue Ribbon Cream 25 Cents 3 Cans Challenge Milk 2 Cents Pound English Walnuts 25 Cents 6 Bars Glycerine Tar Soap 15 Cents Package Pillsbnry's Vitas 25 Cents 3 Cans Good Tomatoes 1 15 Cents Can Red Salmon We handle a full line of Gardei, Seeds. J, A. McGLASHAN, Managf 8tores Oregon City and Portland Sc'iubel. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hornschu have been bereaved of both their children, Reuben and Vera, aged , and h years, respectively, within the short space of two weeks. Were it not for the blessed hope of meeting departed loved ones in the better land, our earthly be reavement would darken into midnight sorrow, but faith looks beyond the grave and beholds a happy reunion in the sweet bye and bye. Funeral services were held by Rov. 8- Copley. County Tretmirer'n Notice, 1 now have funds to pay road war rants endorsed prior to July 0th, l(K)l). Interest will ceare on warrants included in this call on the oie nereoi A. UiKl.UHci, ire Kn. Clackamas Co., Ore. Oregon City, Jan. 31st, 1901. This ilgnature 1s on every box of th genuine Laxative Brorao-Quinine Tablets the remedy that curea ' dBT Kate Emmett, oalled the merriest, li tie comedienne on the American stai will appear at the opera house, Monda Feb. 4th, In her great snccess, "Tl New Waifs of New York," This is play of high and low life in New You told in a strikingly sensational way wi a rich vein of comedy, and presenti.. with magnificent new scenery, etartlii mechanical effects, stirring situation excellent specialties, and the other goo... good things that go to make a first els play. TheTribuue saidi "The warm weather of yesterday d not preveut tremendous crowds fro. gathering at Heuck's, and that mer , little comedienne Miss Kate Emme was given a hearty welcome. Her pla. , "The New Waifs of New York" whi. has been seen here a number of times, . about the same as ever, thouith the p formance was made more enjoyal . through the introduction of a number . ; catchy specialties As Willie Rub.. Miss Emmett won many bursts of t plause, particularly iu the court roo.. scene, where her saucy airs and seemi spontaniety were more than pleasu,, . Mr. Lorin J Howard has surround. Miss Emmett with an excellent cot pany and the play was nauusomi ., staged." Miss Emmett is sunny and winsoi . in her work, She takes the part ol . boy, and does some very clever actii,. her impersonation being capital. T. little actress has comedy and pathos . her command. Edwlyn A, Barron . Chicago Inter Ocean. j. . f Ills face iv reathed with a smile as I lighted a cigar in the opera house lob as a well-dressed man remarked as 1 left the theatre: "Well I guess It my money's worth or more and all t laughter that is due me. That "81.1 Boarder" is a cracker-jack the bi ' thing of the kind, in fact, that I e saw. I laughed until I was alnu 1 tired, but It did me Kood. Such nrei girls, clever singers and dancers and many tip-top specialties and such a go all around company I neyer saw bufo I didn't look for a plot. If I had I gut I couldn't have found a semblance .. one. But I don't dote on plays wi 1 plots that require thinking all the tin I attend the theatre for relief from . fairs of every day life to be amused, laugh, to have in fact, a good tune, a, got it tonight." This lis only one many similar expressions of the intei satisfaction found in the performance "The Star Boarder" that will be at t. j O pera liouwj Saturday night.