OREGON CITY CQURIgR-HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1901. New Commission House loth and Main Sts. You are invited to call and see us if you have any produce to dis pose of. We sell on commission and will endevor to get the best price that can be obtained. Fairclough Bros. OREGON CITY, ORE. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL PERSONAL MENTION. "O.E. Spence, bt Cards, was In Oregon City Thursday. J. A. Sellwood, of Salem, was a visitor in town Tuesday. W. B. Wiggins visited hid family Sat urday and Sunday. Charles Spence and daughter, were in from Cams yesterday. John Shannon, of Beaver Greek, was T Visitor in the city yesterday. J. Waaek was in from Logan Tuesday, and may move into town soon. Postmaster A. Kleinsmith, of Clarkes, was a visitor in town yesterday. A. Lacy, the well known Springwater Granger, was in town Tuesday. M. Breithaupt, of Damascus, was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. Hon William Galloway has just re covered from ac attack of la grippe. Wm. Kinnaird, of Huntington, vis ited his brother and Bister here this week. Wm. Robinson has disposed of his hotel at Sumpter and returned to Ore gon City . Mrs. E. L.Johnson and child returned "Wednesday from a visit with relatives in Silverton, E. M. Waldron leaves Saturday for t)ouglaBS, Morrow county, where he , will reside in the future, Dr. 0. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, who was viewing legislative activities, re turned from Salem yesterday. James Skirving, of Nebraska, who was visiting G. W. Grace Monday, re--turned home the following day. Mrs. Blakesly , of Centralia, is in this 'city, having been called to the sick bed of her mother, Mrs. James Wilkinson. Henry Miley was up from Portland yesterday, having made a short visit to iris old home at Wilsonvilla during the day. Rev. T. P. Haynes expects to leave Monday, for Grant's Pass, where he 'will take charge of the Methodist church Bouth. James Roake and family and W. E Roake and family leave for Long Beach, Calif,,- Saturday where they expect to make their future home. Solomon Hardesty, who formerly re sided at Needy, but later at Silverto n and Medford, arrived here this week, and will reside with relatives. W. F. Harris was in from Beaver Creek Tuesday and stated that his saw mill and planer were in good working order, cuttiug from 6000 to 7000 feet daily. Mrs. Ruth Clark and daughter, Min Jennie, left by Monday morning's boat for a visit with Elwood Clark at Oregon City, and with Salem friends. Corval lis Times. C. Schubel returned Wednesday from Albany and Brownsville, where he went on probate business. He left yesterday for Walla Walla and Spokane on a simi lar errand. Mrs. T. A. McBride and daughter, Miss May, left Wednesday for a six weeks visit in California. They will visit in San FranciBco,- San Jose and other parts of the state. The Garrow brothers, Wilbur and Joseph, were passengers on Monday's boat for a visit in Marion county, prior to their departure in a week sor Sissons, California. Corvallis Times. J. R. Shaver was in from "Molalla Tuesday, bringing five head 'of stall fed beef cattle. He expects to bring in a larger and more choice lot in a few days. The cattle are being purchased by local butchers. Miss Lena Goldsmith arrived Monday from San Francisco, where she has been employed in a large millinery establish ment, and expects to remain the balance of the winter with her sisters, the Misses Goldsmith. loss. Rev. Atkins conducted the ser vices and the rrmains were interred in (hejOregon City cemetery. Washington ccuhty papers please copy. Mrs. Eliza E. Paquet, wife of Louis Paquet, the wtll-known boat builder of East Portland, died at Los Angeles Monday. The funeral will take place at Oregon City.. Mrs. Paquet was born in 1858 in Clackamas county, and was the daughter of Colonel Buckner, a pioneer of that section. . The deceased went to California last October in hope that a change of climate would improve her health. . The executive committee, having the Workmen's carnival in charge, was in Oregon City Monday night, to meet the members of the 14 lodges of Workmen and form lodges of the Degree of Hon or at that place. During the past two weeks the committee has visi ted nearly all the lodges in Portland, and has found tiio tne.nbers enthusiastically in'favor of 'he carnival. On one night of the car- fnivaia reception will be given to Mrs. i Eva Kn ery Dye, of Oregon City, the author of "McLoughlin and Old Ore gon," and other Oregon stories. A sui prise party was given on Mon day evening, January 21st, to Hazel S Davidson at her home on Jefferson and On next Sunday evening a memorial i Hard 8t eet and a good time was had by : . . - i 1 au r 1 . .... Bci vim m uouur ui mo iio vjueeu v tliose present : Tue following were preS' toria will be conducted in the Congrega-! ent : Nora chanpel, Myrtle Fisher, tional church . Special and appropriate j'Dungee, Gertie Hargraves, Ber music will be rendered. i tlia Koerner. Marv finntt .ft Y,n. I ' j J e j Ihe board of county commissioners i Mable Fisher,LenaChappel, Myrtle Bo IB now iU session, drawing a jury list for the year 1901, and are advertising for sufficient lumber to plank five miles of the Springwater and Logan road The first issue of Bryan's paper ap peared January 23rd. Louis Himler has 18 head of thorough bred Berkshire pigs, that are perfect even to all the black spots. The sewer committee was not ready to report at the council ' meeting held Fri day, and the matter was postponed. MiBS Laura Pope entertained a whist party Tuesday, covering four tables. , It was one of the pleasautiest whist parties of the season. .Fairclough Bros, have opened thier commission house on Main street, cor ner of 10th, and are prepared to handle produce of all kinds. . ,V . Grandmaster James Welch of the I. O. O. F will visit Oregon lodgfl No. 3, on January 29, and Loue Star Lodge No. 145, of Clackamas, on the 30th. According to the new ruling of tho county board of commissioners petition ers for new roads will be required to put up a bond for the location of new roade. County Clerk Cooper has issued mar riage licenses during the week . ae fol lows : Zyphia Davis and V7. R. Stocks oh the 19th; Mary Agnes Foley and Johi Henry Graw. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 'AT ' (Rolileii Kule UBazaar Stevens Bldg., Opp. Bank of Oregon City Every Article in the Store Reduced 3c 20C 24c Ladies' Handkerchiefs. Lamps Tamoshanters Glass Tumblers 4c . Mush Bowles 2 for 5c Towels 4c Fascinators 19c Tin Cups..... '....2 for 5c Glass Table Sets 48c 4 pieces Snowberry Soap ...... 4c Sapolio ' 6c Flannel Night Gowns. . 83c Ladies' Balbriggan Hose 10c Pencil Tablets. . ....... ic Press Matches 4c Blankets, large size 73c Wool Socks ice "Standard" W'k'g Shirts 42c On Tuesday evening next the Sunday school will bold a book social, ;at the rectory of St. Paul's Episcopal church . Everyone invited. The admhtanee fee is any good book for the Sunday school library. At St. Paul's Episcopal churc 1 ser vice will be held Sunday mornini ; at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 5 ojelock. The evening service will be a me uoriul service for Her Majesty, Queen Vic toria of Great Britain and Ireland, The noted lecturer, T. A. Boyer! more than pleased his audience at the j Con-' Memorial Services. At the M. E. church on Sunday eve ning at 7:30 p. in. appropriate memor ial services will be held in solemn mem ory of Alexandria Victoria, Great Britain's queen. Appropriate musirj will be rendered by the choir and ad dresses delivered by the pastor, Rev. R. A. Atkins, and Rev P. K. Hammond, rector of the Episcopal church. All British subjects and the general public are invited to the service. Cut Rate gale Still on. As long as our present stock holds out you can save from 25 to 50 per cent, on purses, tooth brushes, soap, dusters, chest protectors, bath cabinets, &c. Every week we are adding something new to the list of special cut-rate articles; this week we offer Robinsoif's Bath Cabi net, regular price, $5,00, our 3pecial price $4.00. This includes a $2.00 instruction book. A supply of Angroa Goat dusters in handsome colors, regular 25, 15 and 10 cents, Special sale, 15, 10 and 7 cents. . Paper dusters regular 40 and 25 cents, special sale' 25 and 10 cents. Why not try one of our 25 cents (now 20c) guar anteed tooth brushes? We'll give you a new one if the the bristles come out. . All our high grade toilet soaps are cut. We have too many kinds to list here, but the prices and quality will suit you. Handsome pac cages, 3 cakes in a box, high ly perfumed, 25 cents. A jcb lot of 10 cents soaps for 5 cents. C. G. HUNTLEY, Oregon city Popular Price Druggist gregational church, hi? lecture (being amusing and instructive. TbiB lecture gave the management confidence in the other attractions to be presented by the lyceum management. Represontatives of the Ladies and Knights of Security are making vigor ous efforts to organize a lodge in this city. The Ladies of Maccabees, alao are securing a large charter list for an or ganization. ' '' The Congregational church bias a con cert in preparation to be give i on Tues day evening, Feb. 19, which willbe-one of rare merit. At this concert Prof. Carl Denton, recently from the R. A. M. of London, will make his first appearance before a general public audience in this city.v . Baker's Tolu, Rock and Rye is not a patent medicine. It contains nothing but Syrup of Tolu, Glycerine, ROck Candy and pure Rye Whisky. When these remedies are properly put together there is nothing better for coughs and colds. C. G. Huntley, agent. 50 cents and $1.00. , t Nine Clackamas county people . have positions at the legislature. E. 0. Hack ett, Miss McCown, J. L. Swafford, F. M. Darling, Miss Kruse and E. P. Car ter have clerkships j W. W. Smith in the eenate dookeeper, E. C. Chapman, the house doorkeeper, and W. H. Mat toon has a janitor's position . On Monday evening at 7 :30 the Soci alist Club will hold a meeting at Seventh Street Hall (above livery stable). All whoa'renot multi-millionaires and in terested in their own "welfare (that means you) are requested to be present. Economics, not politics, ia the Club's raison d'etre. A. P. Tugwell, editor of Tacoma Sun, will lecture at Red Men's hall, Monday evening, Jan. 28th, in the interest of the Order of Pendo, of which Order he is supreme councilor. Mr. Tugwell is on his way to the supreme assembly in 'San Francisco, He is a good speaker and all should make it a point to be pesent. hall. Hazel Davidson; Dick Montgom ery,' Martin Seller, Harry Williams, Ward Young, Ed Hai greaves, Harry Keiier, Fred Curl, Edward Aokley, The 'party broke up at 10S30 and all went away wishing her many more Bur prises. j . Mrs. G. W. Grace entertained a lot of young people at her home Wednesday evening m honor of her daughter Flor ,'nce'a birthday, The time was passed lelighttully in playing games, while ttiB3 Fairclough and Miss Lena Randall -ntertained the guests with musical elections. Mrs. Clara Foster assisted (he hostess in serving refreshments fhe following were present : Misses FSoaeio Dolls, Grace Curl, Senodonia fsiuw, ' Ana Aldredge, Vada Elliott, Monica Montgomery,' Bum Curl, Jessie Montgomery, Grace Zinser: Masters Harry " V illiams, Ralph Green, Fred Curl, Dicit Montgomery, Howard Zinser Tl 1 .... .. xuiea joie was awarded we Urst prize, and Willie Montgomery received the booby prizes, , Card ofTlianks. T:i the many Mends that bo kindly ass3eu my late beloved wife and my self. I extend in behalf of Uiedear lit tle ones and myself our deepest appreci ation ana . ' John Hobulk. Rev.T. P. Haynes and wife desire to thank those kind friends that adminis tered to us in the loss of our baby boy. As much as you did it unto the least of these you shall not lose your reward. May the Lord bless you according to the deedsof kindness and acts of sympathy. T. P. Havnjjs, Uoba A. Haynes. Large Size Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers 62c for set of 6 5 inch " Plates 7c each Any 190 Calendar in the store 15c. (Koldeii Rule Bazaar . See our corner window for bargains. Gardner and Councilman Sherret. Over HI was realized. The Ladies Auxiliary served supper. Russel Chapman's girl went back on him.becaused he let the clam chowder burn. Served him right. Otherwise, all had a good time. Sell wood has the reputation of giving better dances than Portland. A Good Company, You are pretty sure of picaing a win ner when you bet on the fun and amuse ment offered by the new ''Turkisk Bath" company. Manager F. A. Wade has1 piloted many dramatio ventures successfully and this is one of his most ambitious efforts in the amusement line. Among the members of the admirable cast we note Miss Etta Merris, the sou- brette, who renders quaint and eccen tric songs in a charming manner, and Mr. E. L. Graves is a comedian of well known reputation. It is five years since the play made a trip to the coaat and it has recently been re-written and brought up-to-date by Mr. William Lytell, the successful farce comedy writer. With an organization possessing so many pleasing features in the way of songs, dances and refined specialties, the audience should only be limited by the size of the Opera bouse when it is presented at Shively's tonight. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. H. W. Oorbett, through the City & Suburban Railway Company, is furn ishing the financial backing for a 25,000 horse-power electric plant which is be ing built at the confidence of Big and Little Gordon Creeks, the site selected being about four miles above the mouth of the Big Gordon, which empties into Hie Sandy river. In the probate court, Asa R. Haw kins was appointed administrator of the estate of William D. Bedford, deceased, said administrator being the principal cieditor. The personal and real prop erty amounts to about $425. The daugh ter, who is presumed to he the only heir lives near Boston, England. Wil liam Bissell, who was recently sent to tie insane a-u'lum, i discharged, as cured, and the guardians, never quali fying, are discharged. Mrs. Hattie Boil Hobble, beloved wife of John Hobble, Biied 24 years and 9 AjnionuiH, passeu away at uotron Jan. -20,1901, after a lingering illness of 14 months with consumption. She left a A Farewell Reception, to tlie It oaken rully 60 people were present at the bonis of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mark Wed nesday evening to participate in the farewell reception to James Roake and family, who expect to leave soon , for Long Beach, California. The Roake family were held in the highest esteem in the Congregational organization, Miss Ivy's talent always being appreci ated in her con tralto solos. Mr. Roake, too, was highly esteemed in business circles. Many compliments were ex tended to the family during the festivi ties of the evening. A magnificent set Chicaware was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Roake, Rev. E. 8 Bollinger mak ing the presentation address. The last number on the musical program was a duet by Mrs. and Miss Roake, which was apprecially applauded. The family expect to leave for California on Satur day, accompanied by Will Roake and family. The Mark family had their parlors prettily decorated for the occa sion, and a delicious lot of refreshments were served. Notice. Bids will be rtceived by the board of county commissioners on the Brut day of the February terra thereof, for plank to lay three miles of road, upon what is known as the Logan and Springwater road, and upon that part of said road in Springwater precinct, plank to be of good found merchantable lumber, 3 in. by 8 to 12 In. by 8 feet, and to be de livered before the 1st day of August, 1901. The party or parties receiving the con tract will be required to give a gooa and sufficient bond for the laithful peiform ance of the contract. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. E. H. Cooi-kr, County clerk. mu'L. MUler Dead. Will L. Miller, well known In this city, died at his late father's home last Saturday, after a lingering illness. ' Mr. Miller returned to Jacksonville about three weeks ago from Arizona, where he had been for some months, in search health. The only surviving mem bers of the family are his mother, a brother, Colonel Robert A. Miller, cf Oregon City, and a sister, Mrs. J. S. Beach, of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. W. 0. Ganong and Mr, Joe Ganong, mother and brother of Mrs. Will Miller, and his brother, Robert A. Miller, at tended the funeral. Will L. Miller was born January 2, 1871, at Jacksonville, Or., and was the . I 1 . 1 , r XT m tnn . . eon 01 vxiionei j, a. 1. miner. He was educated in the public schools of Jack sonville, and at the Pacific University of San Jose, Cal. lie graduated at the law depart,mnt of Michigan University, at Ann Arbof.'in 1893, and afterwards was clerk In the land office at Oregon City for four years. In 1895 Mr. Miller was married to Matilda G. Ganong, of this city. Mr. Miller went to Alaska in 1898, where his health was impaired', and he has spent the last three years in California, Colorado and Arizona, try ing to regain his strength, coming from the latter place three weeks ago. Vlcfim at an Awful Calamity. ' "It came out, as I Journeyed on horse back through Dakota, that almost eT ry settler's land was under mortgage," said a westerner, "and one day, when I came tipon a pioneer seated on tbe grass by the roadside, with a troubled look on his face, I asked him If It was the mortgage he was worrying about '"Wuss than that, stranger,' he re plied as he looked up wearily. " 'Sickness or death In the familvT " 'Wuss than that.' " 'Then it must be a calamity Indeed. Tou didn't lose family and home by prairie Are?' " 'Nope, but you are right about ite beln a calamity. I've been tryln to think of that word for two hours past Yes, sir, you can put It down as an aw ful calamity.' "'But won't you explain?' I persist ed. " 'I will, sir. Thar was a mortgage on the claim, and I was feelln as big as any of my neighbors and takln things easy when my wife was left $000. Stranger, dare I tell you what she did with that moneyV " 'She didn't lose It?' " No, sir. She Jest paid that mort gage, bought two horses and a plow, and this mornln I was bounced out of my own cabin bekase I wouldn't peel off my coat and go to work! Yes, sir, you are right. It's a calnmlty-a ca lamity that's landed me on tlia outside and between my durned pride and her blamed Fpunk somebody'll be eatln grass afore Saturday night!' "-Washington Post t. Sellwood. The miibk ball at Soli wood Saturday night by the S. V. F. was a grand suc cess. There were about 250 persons preterit, including such prominent busi ness men of Portland as James Bruce, larvey G.Iall, 0;at Luther, Lane . Electrlo Line Improvements. Superintendent Fred Burg, of the Portland City & Oregon Railway Com pany, left for San Francisco Saturday evening, to purchase six new cars, with powerful motors, for this line. Since the road has gone into new hands the company lias been making extensive preparations for better service, and to strengthen the track in many places. When the new cars artive, the service will be much quicker, as the cars, will have better motors, and will be better able to run between Portland and Ore gon City in about 45 minutes, which is 25 minutes quicker than the present schedule. New motors have already been ordered for the old cars, bo they will be able to make butter time. The present motors of the old cars have 64 horse-power, while the new ones will have 104 horse-power. The Oregon v'ity & Southern Railway Company are making preparations for their new road to Canernah, and will start as Soon as the material arrives on the ground. Seven cirs of rails have already arrived. It is said that the company will extend their line to Wil hoit Spring, some timeduring the year. Tho road has to be built to Canernah ty April 3rd, and to city limits by March 2nd, when the franchises run out. Bnrna and Tm Sam.on. Tam Samson was a gray haired vet eran sportsman, who on one occasion, When out moorfowl shootlng and feel ing the weight of years begin to press upon him, expressed the belief that the expedition was to be bis lust and de sired, In somewhat tragic style, that he might die and be burled In the moors. Burns, hearing of this, Immediately composed bis famous elegy, In which he related at length the exploits and skill of his hero, ending each verse with the plaintive line, "Tam Sumsou's dead." 1 Some one having told Samson that Burns had written a poem "a gey queer ane"-about him, he sent for the poet and In something like wrnth asked him to rend what he had written. On hearing tho recital of Us exploits be smiled grimly and seemed by no means displeased. "But," he exclaimed, "I'm no' dead yet, Itobln. Wherefore should ye say that I'm dead 2" Burns retired for a few minutes; then ho returned and recited to Tam the following verse, which he had composed In the Inter val: PKR CONTRA. Oo, Fam, n canter like i Ally ' Through ' the ttreeU an nruki of Klllle; Tell ev'ry toclil, honeat billie To cei Ills rlevln, t For yet, unkalth'd by Death'! gleg gulllt, Tain Sumaon'a livlnl Samson laughed gleefully and ex claimed. "That's no' bud, Itobln; that'll do," and the poet was received once more Into his good graces.-Chnnibers' Journal. tlnntlnw Ilabnona In South Africa. The bnboons which frequent this rocky country are so destructive to the stock farms that organized rulds have to be made upon them. It Is useless trying to get a shot at the bnboon dur ing the day; he Is a wily creature and knows the dVndly effects of a rllle Just as well ns tho hunter. Early In .the morning the party leave the farm and quietly surround the kraua, or rock, where the unsuspecting imooons are sleeping. At the first break of dawn the head baboon Is on the move, to see that everything Is right. lie no sooner makes on appear ance than ho Is greeted with a shower of lead. In an lustnut tho whole troop Is In an uproar. They mull hither and thither, howling with rage nud pain, looking for a place of escape. But few of them succeed. Directly the hunters have retired, the blacks, who have been following up the party, make ft rush for the tails of the baboons. Sometimes they are In so great a hurry 10 secure these that they fall to ob serve that the baboon Is not dead and an ugly bite or tear Is tho reHiilt. The tails are taken to the magistrate's of fice, where a reward of 2s. Cd. each Is paid for them by government-London Chronicle, husband and two children Jo mourn her i 11