OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD FRIDAY, JANUARY 33. 1901 , . S-I m Yi S f- 5i B ri Hsi I HIP A Perfecrjooti Beverage 'Li K SubstJtuto for Coffee. Nourishing and Invigorating. YC'JR GROCER SELLS IT. John r, Meakin at McMlnnvilU. On the evening of January 22od, at the opera house will be given 8 free en tertainment by the local Woodmen of this city, and an interesting lecture by Prof. John P. Meakin. Neighbor Meakin ia by profession a lecturer, (IrttniHtic leader and vocalist. His lectures, "Fdotprinti.or Onward and Upward," "Human Progress and Fra ternity," "The Man with the Hoe," are gems of the highest order, and should be listened to by every thinker and lover of humanitv. ' Prof. Meakin has spent many years in fraternal work, for which be is by na ture eminently fitted. He loves the brotherhood and works with mind and heart for the moral and intellectual ad vancement of the race. He is Head Camp Lecturer for the Woodmen of the Woild. lie is a past grand chancel lor of the Knights of Pythias, is an Elk, also a member of the Women of Wood craft, Uathbone Sisters and several other orders. He iaa Woodman belonging to camp No. 338, of Salt Luke City. He sees in the Woodmen of the World one of the great factors of the uplifting and better ing of mankind, and from this basis he toils on. To hear him ia to become a betior man and to know him is to love him, An evening with Prof. Meakin Is a lifetime, beyond money calculation, 11m h ui mri no thnuiutirnf inva. "Ynll , , , , ' nuiy forget the singer but you cannot forgot the song. " We can assure our j readers that our neighbor will give you j an entertainment unlike any other fra ternal lecturer that ever came among us. Ho 1ms no long array of figures or statistics to tire his audience, but will entertain and elevate all who hear him, Bemember the date, Jan. 22nd, aho that the entire entertainment is free. McMinnville Reporter. Matte Young Again. ' One of Dr. King's New Life Pills ech night for two weeks has put me in my "teens" again, writeB D, H. Turner of Dempseytown, Pa, They're the bast in he world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at G. . Harding's Drug Store. AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. cA Statistical Volume of Facts and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. (ovmi i,ooc OVER jo, ooo TOPICS. ooo FACTS. SPECIAL FEATURESs The census of J9C0. National and State elec tion returns. Four centuries of American prog ress. Political record of I90D (conventions aad platforms). American rule in the Philippines. N e w u jrovern- mcnts of Porto Rico and Ha waii. Polar exploration in 1900. Conclusion of the South African war. Pan-American Exposition of J90I. China Its present con dition and status among nations. Roster of general officers of the Regular U. S, Army, 1759-1900. A Political Register. Facts that every patriot and voter ought to know. Standard American UnnBaL rVxtpail ta ia; i THE WORLD, mm t5s- Trii? i ess m m li 4 COUNTY OFFICERS Judg-a . . j. T. F. Ryan Clerk of Courts E. H. Cooper Sheriff J. J. Cooke Recordor T. P. Randall Treasurer A. Lnpllillg Assessor Eli Williams School Superintendent J. C. Zlnser Surveyor Ernest ftsnds Ooroner M.C.Strickland !f R. Morton T. B. Killln John Lewellen Deputv Clerk Elmer Dixon " ' Sheriff J. E. Jack " Recorder Ed. Dedmnn ." Assessor ..J.G.Porter Comity Court meets on first Wednesday after first Konday of every month. Probate Court meets on first Monday of every month Circuit Court moets on third Monday In Apriland first Monday In November OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor ... Grant B Dlmlck Recorder Bruce C. Curry Chief of Polioe C. B. Burns Treasurer Linn Jones City Attorney A. 8. Dresser Street Commissioner .John Oreen fiun't. of Water Works .... W.H.Howell City Engineer Ernest Rands Oouncilraen R. Koerner, J. W. Powell, W. B. Zumwalt ornrst Ward; wm. sneerma, c u. Huntley, CO. Albright, of Second Wards E. W. Scott, 8. D. Francis and Ed. F. Btory, of Third Ward, Counoil meets first Wednesday of. each month : WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD CHAR act to deliver and collect in Oreiron for old es tablished manufacturing wholesale house. 1900 year, sure pay. Honesty more than experience reqmrea, our reiarsnce, any Dana in any nny. Enclose sell addressed stamped envelope. Man f ac tureri, Third Floor, 334 Dearborn St, Chicago. COURIER-HERALD AND ipp IT ma Western Edition American Agriculturist. By special arrangement with the publish ers, we are enabled to offer TUB Guanos JUDD FAKMKK, the leading agricultural weekly of the Western and Mississippi valley states, in club with this paper, at an exceedingly low figure. THE OR ANOK Jcdd Fakmkb is remarkable for the variety and interest of its contents, and is undoubtedly the best and most practical paper of its kind. ITS FARM FEATURES.:: lugTTfTorllouUurB, l'ouitry, Market Gar dening, and other topics, written by practi cal and successful farmers, supplemented with Illustrations by able artists, combine to make it invaluable to those who "farm it for a living." The latest Markets and Commercial Agriculture are features in which the 0. J. FAKMBB is unexcelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES: est FashluusPttncy Work, The Good Cook, Fuczle Contests, Library Corner, and Young Folks' Page combine to make this Department of as much value and inter est as most of the Speciul Family Papers. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events All sending their subscriptions under our clubbing oiler, are presented lubolng oiler, are presented, postpaid, Willi the Amkuican Aonioui.TURlNT Year Book and Almanac for 1H01. This great book is a Cyclopedia of Progress and Events of the Jft' GU"la t0 WttrketS' M8rkeUng u'i rnrr year book rilLC AND ALMANAC It la a treasure of Statistics, revised to date, for Farm or Home, and Ottlce or Factory. A Befer enca Work on Every Subject Pertaining to Agri culture, Industry, Commerce, and Markets ; 1'ub- VUiVUI V, IUUUBU J , wuuimi V.CUC.UU UMU acw , a uu- lla Affairs. Economics, and Politics : Household Education. Kelielon. and Society. It Is also aa Almanao of Calendars, the Weather, Astro nomioal Data, Hints for Each Month, Dates, etc KSSri CAIIDl P nnDf Orange .T .1 (1 Varmo DjagaBCeToTuTniTTenmnTd to you by ad dressing THE ORANGK JCDD VAKSIBB, Marquette Building, Chicago, 111. Our SPECIAL Offer: ; Orange ludd farmer, V 1 Year Book and Al-f t1 X manac . and Courier- ( r ' WV Herald James Murrow to do yor Painting and Papering If you want first-class work TOE BEST 'PRESCRIPTION IB . Grove's Tasteless ChiSI Tonic. s . ... know just what you are taking when you take Grove's. Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grove's contains Iron and Quinine put up in torrcct proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove's IS the Original and that all other so-called Tasteless Chili Tonics are Imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows that Grove's is superior to all others in every respect. (YU are not experimenting when you take Grove'i its superiority and excellence having long been , established. Grove's is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire mahiiaj ccrioai of the United State No Cur. N Pay. Price. G. E, HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW ... Stevens Building, opp. Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY' OREGON 0. W. Eastham 0. B. DlMICK DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Si Commercial, Heal Estate and Frobiitc I.nw Special ties, Abstract of 1 ltle made, Money I.outiod. Kefureuce, Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON C. Schubbel W. S. U'Ren UREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW " SViitH-.-'r l2pofa . OREGON CITY ' OREGON C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ' , , A1TOUMKTI AT I.AVT Gommeralal, Baal Estate ana Probate Law Bpstrlaltiej OOat In Commercial Bank BoUduns uckji cm T oxao GEORGE. L. STORY LAWYER and NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in the Circuit, County and Justice uourts in tne county, : A L Chahgis Reasonable ' 'j -Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned Office in Stevens Building, OREGON CITY, OB. C. S. SEAMANN, M. Pi - ! Calls promptly attended at all hours ' EYES tested and properly fitted with GLASSES Office Honrs 10 to 12 a. m.,1 to 4 pirn. ! Willamette Building . - Opposite Postofftce OREGON CITY, OREGON ' , C. STRICKLAND, ai.,D. (Hospital and Private Experienoe.) aesrs his professional services to the people Oitgon Cll tgon City and vicinity. Bpeolai auenuoa ala to Catsrrn ana (- uronio aiseases. Best oi references jriveu. Offlos in Willamette Bulldin Best of references jriveu Building. , OMoe hours'. 10 to U a, m., i to I p. n. omiOON CITY fiRBOOB J. HENRU ECESSLER, K3. D. Your ciae gf TAPEW f tar stt with oat m m mum. n mmm rvw I MID MiTta M & mi ii irmki .., -, . ,.. mmi i SW3 . a- sVUUll JU1 WtSMI IrWiaJ sOUBIQi i fx), dlCcaU, e ticaMM, mOkm er Wme twiaa, asv fclsVsssisrasa, sasafclVl' irMUa M reraaadr rural. hMsaMejsMasaiBiiuiasieawae l(ualM tiili auf (. areuuB. VWat HM iteieteak fit wQ SAMrar ea atMaaslr, aaaeVeds trtatea at aesac'i i srao a tsMWa W m to ta READ Sake eUar bssste at Msiata and aiisat la the bottte,. set siude aai Tm at K ia tsu seraiM. if it is cloudy or as a eleutw satuuMf la a, ms aae tarn aiaaey or uai diaeaae, aaa eaeull be ssscaaea Is Mterc vos grt an tut able Disease as haaaieas Me every year rren BriaWs I Address or Call DR. KE86LE0, 2d cr.il Yamhill Chills The formula is plainly printed on every bottle hence DK. GSS. IIOEYE,' : DENTIST. Office in Caufleld Bititliug, Mala StnML Oreaon Citv. Bkidob and Obowm Wobe a EpaautfT. All work warranted unJ sulloiwotiuu guaranteed. R. L. L. PICKENS ., DENTIST Barclay Bui'.iKnj!, Prirss 5to?erate. All Operations Guaranteed. DRl FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity l'riUii Sdiool, alno of American Col iei of Denial Surgery, of Cliicago. Willamette Block - Oppoiitt Fvtcjin OaitOON Citt, OaGttOV. G. n: greenman (EatabiUbed mi , CUX. PIONKEU KXFHESaMAN ASH it HA Y 51 AN Parcels I'sllvered to All Ports of the City -HKUO.N i'lTY ; ' ; OEBOOK Land Titles and Land Cilice Business a Bpeolalty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WJU practice in all the Courts of t,h Stats Conveyanuinif ' Rooms 3 Weinhard Building Opposite Court House ' 0EBG0N CITY, OREGON. ' New Plumbing : ' ; ' - 'and Tin Shop A MIHLSTIN J0B2IKG AND REPAIRING a Specialty Oppos-ite Caufleld Block OREGON CITY Loot Hera, Trani Eav looks tell on yo. Can keep it's ttcret a wane, itctore lie too lute, i f;o aud act or write to tills olddoc-l or. He has becu trentitifr slcej csm lor over n rears and perfectly i reliable. Pumiahes his owa medt-i and tells no tales. tka OM at Louis Mdical aud J Surgical Dispeaaiiry, as'4 Yamhill treei. PrUaaL Uwa, DOsillvely i fWfaaiee w reaiove tees af Hsm from business. nun, & wt nw&riuitc u mhcmI. mm 4iflrrttM LiM . , - -m , liteeete sure en OieeL trtetvre m ataaahu. SDenaatorrkea. L er Martssr Braauaekiua, eared peraiaat fWaMafM ia a,slwi i as Ml ef jrnth aa kti saswrwuKw ww rrrm mm W MMor m mMU M Us sueekss tit wki 1 in ef Uw eswstry by Ms kenef aaasisae ten st etatans aadj Bt. THIS you ECTORY CHURCHES. First PresbjWr inn, corner Seventh and Jefferson st-eets Kuv. A. J. Montgomery, pastor. Ser vices at 11 a. m.nd 7:i0p.m. Babbath scliool 10 a. m. Y. f. 8. C. E. meets every Sunrlsy evening at 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at 8:00. Evangelical Churc'i, roriibi Eighth and Madison streets. Rov. S Oopley. psstor. Hervices every Subbulh ul 11 a. ni. niiu 7:o0 p. in . Smiday-sehoul tit 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. St. Paul s Episcopal, coiner Ninth and River Kev. P. K. Hammond, pat'tor. Services, Sunday at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. ni. Snmlay school at 10 a ni. Fvidiivs, evennig praver with r-.ddr'jss at 7:30. St. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street nd River Rev. A. Iiilletirand. pastor. On Sun day, mass at. 8 and U:3o a. m. Every Sunday Merman' sermon nfer 8 o'clock mass. Atall other nmuos English sermons. Sunday school 2:30p.m. Vespers, Apologetic subjects and benediction at 7:3C p. m. Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Seventh streets. Itev. K. A. Atkins, pastor. Morning service at 11:15, Runday school at 10:00, Evening service nt7:80, Epworth League Sun ffay evenini! at 6;30, prayer meeting Thursday cv nlng at 7:30. Class meeting after morning servi-e. United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce streets, Kev. Cocking, pa.sor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1C a. m. Young Peoples Meeting st 6:30 p. m., Sunday. Prayer mee.ing every Wednesday evening. First Congregational, corner Main and Elf venth streets Rev. E. S. . oll'nger, pator. Services 10:30 a. m. and V:a0 p. m. Sunday school after morning service. Prayer meeting Wednesday cvenirg ai7:30 Prayer meeting Y, P. 8. C. is. Sunday even'ng at 6:30. First Baptist, corner Main and Ninth streets Rev. J.H.Bevan, p istor. M rning service, 10:30; Sunday school, 11:45, Evening service, 7:30. Regular prayer meeting, Thursday even ing. Monthly covenant meeting, Wednesday eveni :g preceding first Sunday in each month Evringelleal-Lutheran.Zion Congregation, corner Eighth and Jefferson streets Rev. Meyers pastor. Sundav school at 9:30 a. m Services at 10:30a. m. and 7:30 p.m. , , . , German Lutheran, Onio Svnod, corner of Eighth and J. Q. Adams streets Rev. Ernest J. W. Mack, pastor. M. E. Routh Rev. T. P. Havnes, pastor. Third Sunday at United Brethren Church. Free Methodist Rev. J. W. Eldridge, pastor. Preaching first and third Tuesdays at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Every Thursday evening. Services held In Congregational' church at Elyville. . ' SO IETIES. List of All Societies in tills County With Meeting Place and Date, OREGON CITY. Oregon City l.odsre No 1, Ancient Order Rod Cms 2d anil 4th Fridays at Willamette hall. Falls City Lodge No. 159 cf A. O. U. W. Every Saturday evening in A. o.U. W.hhli on Sev- euth street. Oreiron Lodpe No. 3, 1. O. O.F. Every Thursday evening at Odd Kellows' hall. Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. (J. n. F. First and third Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' hall. Willamette Rebeknh Pegree Lodge No. 2 The second and lourlh Fridays in l.O.O. F. hall. Jlnlinoiniih Ledge o. 1, A. F A A. M Regular communications on first and third Saturdays Mvrtle Lnrii'e No. 21, D. of ft. Every Friday in A. O. U. W. hall. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. K. iiegular con vocation third Monday. Court Robin Hood No. 8330, F. of .Willamette hall on second and fourth Fridays, Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, O. E. S. Masonic Tem ple pn Tuesdays. Willamette Camp No. 148, W. of W. First ard third Fridiiysin Willamette liall. Modern Woodmen of America, Cam" Ni. BWC, meets second and fourth Tuesdays at W'illuLi. ette hail, - Fulls drove Circle No. 32, W. W. Willamette hall, Tner-nlfty evenings. Wacht.no Tribe, No. 1:1,1. O. R. M. Tuesday eve ning at Redmen's hall, Jaggar buluung. Union Veterans Union Second Satmday n each month at 1 p. m. and fourth Saturday, 7:30 p. m , in armory. Meade I'ost, No. ft. A. R. First Monday of each mouth at Willamette hall. Crystal Council Order Pendo, No 101 Every Monday st Redmen's ha . Council No. 221, A. O. P. Every Tuesday at Red men's hall. Cataract Lodge No. 76 K. of P. Every Wednesday at Redmen's hall. Mesde Relief Corps, No. 18. Meets at Willam ette hall on the first Monday at 2 p. m ., and the third Monday at 7:80 p. m The auxiliary meets at the armory on first and third Satun-ays at p. ni. McLoughlln Cabin No. 4, Native Sons cf Ore gon, nieels tit Willamette hall on seoona and fourlb Monday evenings. St. John's Branch No. 647, C. K. of A. S very Tuesday evening at their hall. United Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every Thursday. Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M.-A. 0. V. W. ball upper Seventh street, on second aud fourth Mondays. Oregon City Beard of Trade At court house on Monday in each month. Columbia Hook sad Ladder Co. First Friday of each mouth at Fountain engine house. Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 Second Wednesday iu eaon mqnm ai rouniain engine nouse. Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 Seoond Tuesday of each month at Cetaraot engine house. Oregon City Hose Co. No. 8 -Hose house on the hill the third Tuesday of each month. Mt. View Hose Co. 4-Hose house at Elyville T ' : ' ! : COUNTY. Pig Iron Lodge No. 135, A. 0. V. W. Every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' hall, Oswego. Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. U. W. First and tbird;Saturdav at school house, Molalla. Havel Lodge No. 65. A. 0. V. W. Second and third Saturday evenings at Knight's hall, Canby. Clackamas Lodge, No. 67, A. O. U. W. First and third Mondays at Strite's hall, Clackamas. Sunrise Lodge No. 43. A. O. U. W. Second and lourth Saturday at Wilsonville. Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H. Every Tuesday evening. . ; Reheknh Lodge No. .71, I. O. 0. F of Oswego Thursday evenings. Oswego Lodge No. 93, 1. 0. 0. F. Odd Fellow's hull, Oswego, every Monday evening. Lone Pine Lodge No. 63, A. F. & A. M., of Logan.' General Pope Post No. 62; O. A. R First Satur day of each month at Grange hall, Mulino. General Crok Pst No. 22, G. A. r..-8chool house at Needy on First Saturday in each month. Star Lodge No. 95, K. of P. Every Wednesday eveulng in Castle hall.. Canbv Lodge No. 501, 1. 0.G.T. First and Third Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Canby. Oswego Lodge No. 448, 1. O. G. T. Every Friday evening In new hall in old teiwn. Canbv Spiritualist Society First and Third Sun days of each month. New Fra W . C. T. U. First Saturday lr each month at their hall in New Era. Sprtngwater No. 2ii3. P. of H.-On second Satur. day ai'tor full moon. Cnnby Board of Trade Knight's hall, Canby, on first ami third Fridays. Central No. 20.7 P. of H. Third Saturday at Bea verCrec k hall. narding No 122 P of 11. Saturday after full moon, Canby. Milwankie Orange No. 2s6 P. of H.-Third Satur day at 10 n. m. Mobilla Orange No. 40. P. of IL Their hall neir Jlulino ou the second Saturilay of each niouih at 10:30 a. m. Myrtle Assembly No. 7 U. A. Every Friday at Canby. Buile Creek Fair Association of Marquam Holds an annual fair. Tualatin Grange, No. 111. P. of H.-I ast Saturday of each month at their hall in Wilsonville. Warner Orange No. 11". P. of H. Fourth Satur day of each month at their hall in New Era. Butte Creek Grange No. 82, P. ot H. At hall in Marquam second Saturday in each month. Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of H. Second Satur dav in each month. Damascus Grange No. 260, P. of H. First Satur day in month in Damascus school house. Highland No. 261, P. of H. First Saturday In month, near Clarke. , BtfTftarif of Societirt or Warfly rtqurittd it uotify Iht rditor of o caal jilaees er swlu0 dots. School report carJs for sale tbil of 1 . i ;, " ' ' u Go To MUG El Bros' S-"" ..." Grocery Store For Best Goods, Best Condition, " And Prompt Delivery. 7th and Center STREETS. E. I. SIAS .' ' Watchmaker and Jeweler ' ' : Postoffice Building CANBY - : - OREGON BAVK OF OREGON CITY BAXKISa HOUBB IX TBS OBI J lAID VP CAPITAL, tM.OOS.Ot SVMfLVS ftOJUOM IvtaMwrt. Plae-y resident Chas. H. Oin eio. A. Eusn X. S. Caoimia A Qensral Banking Business Transacted Deposits Reoelved Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted, County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Seourltv Xzehange Bonght and 4old. ' Collections Made Promptly, Drafts Hold Available in Any Fart el ts Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa francisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. J. C. BRADLEY'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge F rst-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON A PERFECT BATH ROOM ssential to perfect comfort and kealth. Oui estimates on potting in Plumbing Work and f ttinrs for large and small houses will be found surpassingly low when quality of work and material asea is considered . Wewsuldbe pleased to have!an rjoortunitt to submit figures. F. C. GADKE ' W. H. YOUNG'S Livery &Feed Stable Finext FuneraC Turnouts in city OREGON CITY. OREGON If Ton Want High Grade Stamp - Photos OREQON CITY, OREGON SHANK & BISSELL Embaimers and Funeral Directors Telephones, Night or Day Seventh Street Near Depot (JOAiMhRLlAL HANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 fraasacts a General Banking Business LsikM soade. Bills discounted. Mike kok tesMMs. Buys sad sells ezohangeoa all Mlata h sWCaJM states and Europe and oa UM Bsasf. WaMlM MsMiTed subjeft to bo MsaetMB (MSB A. Si. SO I 1. . ..kstKTT; nzs I. i Jav. f!