Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 18, 1901, Image 1

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OA '
u un r
18th YEAR, NO. 35
Krebe5 Harder '&' Co.
182, 184, 186 Madison Street, West End of Bridge,
Remember we have the finest stock of the best makers to be found
in Portland, including Farm and Spring Wagons, Bjggies, Carriages,
and Carts, Mowers, Kakers, Tedders and Hay Tools, Hay Presses,
Grain Drills, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows'
Pumns, Harness, Bicycles, Etc. '.'''"'
Main Store and Warehouse, No, 140, 143 Sixm Street North,
1 Acorn Steel Ranges lead the world.
' Simond's Saws, the wood choppers' friend.
Syracuse Chilled Plows and Harrows, the
farmers' friend. We are sole agents.
, We are headquarters for Qeneral Hardware,
Builders' Hardware, Air Tight Heaters,
also a fine line of warranted American
Pocket Knives and Razors for Christ
mas gifts.
0 or.
Fourth and Main Sts.
i iiiJffT.r.m.rrrrranrirri
- t
& GO.
We would like to give you a
very interesting talk on Carpets
and Chinese Matting. If you
should contemplate buying either,
be sure to give us a call. As we
wish to work off some of our sur
plus stock, we will save you some
Regular January Term of the
C01. nty Boards
J. R. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B.
Killin, Commissioners.
(Continued from last week.)
In the matter of Mortimer, a county
charge. This matter coming on and
the board being fully advised, it is or
dered that Mortimer be changed from
the care and keeping of Isaac Prindle to
the care of J. S. McComb.
In the matter of damages assessed
upon roads. This matter coming on
upon the damages assessed upon said
road to be paid on or before tbe 6th day
of February, 1901, or Baid road will be
annulled and held for naught, and it is
further ordered that hereafter where
damages are assessed by viewers upon
the laying out of roads and it is ordered
by the board that the petitioners pay
said damages, eaid damage must be paid
within five months from the date of the
order of the board, or said road or roads
shall stand annulled and void. ,
In the matter of the bond of M. E.
Kandle, as justice of the pea 6i it is or
dered that the bond of M. E. Kandle,
justice of the peace, for district Mo.
as filed, stand approved. , ;
In the matter of the bond of EH Wil
liams as county assessor, as filed herein,
be and hereby is approved. i
In the matter of aid or Amanda Wil
cox. This matter coming on and the
board being fully advised, it is ordered
that Amanda Wilcox have aid from
Clackamas county at the rate of $8 per
month dating from Dec. 1, 1900, until
further ordered .
In the matter of the J. J. Kimball ie-
tition for a road This matter coming
on and the board not being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the same ,be
laid over for a further hearing.
In the matter of the report of R. H.
Tabor upon the Long road. This mat
ter coming on upon the report of R. H.
Tabor, roaj supervisor of District No.
15, and the board not being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the same 'je laid
over for further consideration.
, In the matter of the application for aid
for Abram YateB. This matter coming
on and the hoard being fully advised, it
is ordered that Abrara Yates have aid
from the county at the rate of $6 per
mouth dating from Dec. 1, 1900.
In the matter of the petition of Louis
Tucholke for a road. Now on this day
the aboye petition cbming on to be
heard on the petition, the orders of the
court, report of viewers and the papers
on file in this case, and tbe said Louis
Tucholke appearing by his attorney, 0.
.Schuebel, and Geo. H. Allen and Chaa.
Clayeon respondents and owners of the
land over which said road is located,
appearing by their attorneys, C. D. &
D. C. Latourette, and the parties hereto
by their said attorneys, consenting and
agreeing to the following order, and the
court beimr fully advised and satisfied
that the report of the viewers is just:
It is therefore ordered and decreed that
upon the payment by Louis Tucholke,
the petitioner herein, to George H. Al
len and Charles Olayson the sum of $n0,
in full compensation for damages to them
by reason of the making of said road,
that said road shall he ' a eotintv road.
and a. perpetual right of way shall be re
corded as such.
In the matter of the application of
Victor Johnson for cancellation of de
linquent tax tor 1890. 1 he matter com
ing on upon petition of Victor Johnson,
showing that for the vear 1899, the e
of se of sec 9, tp 2 s, r 4 e, was doubly
assessed, but that Baid tax was paid by
Victor Johnson, and that it was sold un
der the head unknown, and the board
being fully advised, it ' is ordered that
tbe clerk cancel said tax sale upon the
sales book for the year 1S99.
In the matter of the application of 0.
H. Johnson for a tax rebate. This mat
ter having been presented and the court
being fully advised, it is ordered that C.
hi. Johnson have a rebate of tax in the
Bum of $2.10 in accordance with receipt
on file.
In the matter of the application ofhe
Oregon City and Southern Railway
Company, a corporation of the state of
Oregon, for a franchise for a railway
hne upon the county road on or near
the east bunk of the Willamette river
between Main Btreet in Oregon City and
and the townsite of Canemab, Clacka
mas county, urgon.
At this application of the Oregon Citv-
and Southern Railway Company, a cor
poratton or the state of Oregon, for a
franchise to lay down and operate a rail
way beginning at a point where the
county road intersects the line of Main
street near the southerly end of Main
street in Oregon City; thence eoutherly
along said county road to the north
boundary line of the towns'te of Cane
mah in said Clackamas county, state of
Oregon, where the said county road en
ters and connects with Main street in
the said tow unite ot Canetnah to the in
tersection of Main and 14th streets in
the town of Canemah; thence westerly
along the ceuter line of said First street
of said townsite of Canemab to the Wil
lamette river, and to erect poles and ap
pliances and stretch wires thereou for
the purpose of transmitting power over
the same; and it appearing from the pe
tition and the testimony heard in this
matter ; and after viewing the Baid road
and streets in Baid townBite, and it ap
pearing that it would be lor the best in
terest of all concerned and that it is nec
essary and convenient in the location
and construction of said road herein be'
fore mentioned to appropriate all that
part ot said road, streets and alleys here
in hefore described, and the court being
advised in the premises, it is therefore
ordered and adjudged and decreed.
That the Baid Oregon City and South
ern Railway Company, its successors
and assigns, be and the same are hereby
granted the full right and privilege to
contract, maintain and operate a single
or double track railroad of iron and
steel with all necessary turnouts.
side tracks, switches and turntables,
a id to erect poles and stretch wires
thereon for the purpose transmitting
power and current over the same along
and upon the county road where It in
tersects the center line of Main Btreet in
Oregon City; tbence southerly along
said county road to the north boundary
line of tbe townsite of Canemah, in said
Clackamas county, state of Oregon,
where the said county road enters and
connects with Main street in the said
townsite of Canemah thence along and
upon said Main street in tht townsite of
Canemah to Willamette river, and with
power and authority to construct and
maintain wharves, docks, depots and
terminal grounds at the foot of said first
street at deep water in the Willamette
river for tbe purpose of transporting
passengers, freight and express and to
collect charges and tolls therefor, with
the privilege to propel the said cars
with horses,electrity, cable or otherwise,
and with the power and authority
to operate said road single or in con
nection with any other road or as a part
of any ether system, and it is further or
dered that the roads to he constructed
under this franchise ohall be completed
by April 3rd A. D., 1901, unless pre
vented by legal proceedings, and when
ever said road or streets shall be im
proved by gravelling or otherwise the
owner or owners ot said railway shall
at their own expense improve and main
tain the same between the rails of its
track or tracks and one foot on either
aide thereof with the same material as
the Maid streets or road shall be im
proved. And it 1b further ordered that
the owner or owners of said railroad
shall build all bridges necessary for said
railroad the full widih of the highway
with track next to the riverside, and
shall have the power anil authority to
level up or cut dow n the said streets
and highways wherever it is necessary
to do so to bring the same to proper
grades lor the operat.on ol railways,
and it is further ordered that the said
Oregon City and (southern Railway
Company shall tile its written accp
tance of this franchise with the clerk of
this court within five day from iho en
trance of this order in the records of
this court. And, whereas, it appearing
that the franchise heretofore granted by
the county board of commissioners to G.
C Fields on tbe 7th day of July A. D.,
1899, and appearing of record in the
record of the county commissioners
journal, volume 18, pages 180 and 181,
which Baidfrancbise was duly and regu
larly extended by order of the boardof
county commissioners "n the day
of A. D. 1900, as appears
in tbe records of tbe proceedings of the
county commissioners, journal, volume
page, baa been duly legally
and regularly transferred aid assigned
to tbe said Oregon City and Southern
Railway. Company, and ths asms hT-
W. C. Holman
Stoughton Farm Wagons
Pontiae acid Deal celebrated Michigan Buggies.
Benieia Four Spring Mountain Hack
Second growth wheels and highly finished.
Peerless plows, all kinds. Only plow made on the Coast
Dowagiac Shoe, Hoe and Disc Grain Drills
Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators
Feed Root Bone and Cider Mills ! ,
Owen's Fanning Mills
Whitman Hay Presses
ing been duly considered, ' it is now.
therefore, ordered that the said grant
as made to the said G.. C. Fields, with
the extension thereon, be and the same
is hereby confirmed onto the said Ore
gon City and Southern Railway Com
pany, and the said Oregon City and
Southern Railway Company is here
by granted all the rights and
privileges granted in Baid order as if
the said grant had originally been made
to it, and it is hereby further ordered,
that the aid grant and privilege given
said (i O. Fields be and the same is
hereby extended to April 3, A. D. 1901.
; (continued next week.)
Notice of State Examination for
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of examining all persons, who
may offer' themselves as candidates for
teachers of the schools of the slate of
Oregon, the county school superintendent
of this county will hold a public exami
nation at the court house at Oregon
City, Oregon, Wednesday February 13,
School Siipt. of Clackamas Co., Ore.
Dated, this 21st day of January, 1901 .
School Report.
Report of 8unnyside school, dibtrict
No. 71, Clackamas county, Ore:
Enrollment, 69.
Days' attendance, 932. .
Days' absence, 121.
. Cases of tardiness, 11. ,
,. Holidays, 1. ' ' ; , !
Visitors,20. ' . ,
Roll of Honor Sammy and Annie
Schlegel, Conrad and Arthur Berner,
Hilda Ott, Alice Cotty, Mabel and By
ron Bowerman, Lydia and Burton
Deardorff, Dena Diesel, Emil and Milly
Oelschlaeger, Ollie Hubhird, August
Kruger, Willie Piper, Paul Mohler.
C. . Mouler, Prin. .
. Robe Bowerman, Primary.
School Officers, Attention! i
There will be a meeting of school
directors and clerks at the court boose
Saturday, February 18, 1901, for the
purpose of discussing' questions of mu
tual interest. I trust we may have c
ery district represented.
J. 0. ZlNBKIt, '
Supt. of Schools.
Kliul Word.
An elegant holiday edition has just
been gotten out by the' Oregon City
Courier-Herald, under the supervision
of Winifred 0. Campbell, formerly of
this city, a fine picture of whom appears
among the illustrations. The illustra
tions are superb and the writeups good.
Among the pictures are one of the fa
mous I Co., and separate ones of Capt.
Phillips, Capt. Pickens and Lieut.
Campbell. Albany Democrat.
"The paper came duly to hand, and I
have en j yed very much looking over it.
Many thanks for remembering me, Mr.
Cheney may well be proud of this edition
of the.Courier-Herald."
A. W. Cheney, Editor, iMar Sir; j
Permit us to congratulate you upon tbe
very fine New Year issue of the Courier
Herald, which we havo gratefully re
ceived, Many thanks for tho same.
PuciUc Christian Advocate.
A Fine Publication. The Courier
Herald of this city, has issued an illus
trated New Year's number, which is in
every way a verv creditable publication.
The literary part of the work was done
by W, 0. Campbell and the mechanical
part printing and press work by a
Portland firm. It is a nice piece of
work in every way. Enterprise. The
reason part of the work was dons in
Portland was this : It was impossible to
get skilled printers in Oregon City and
with our rnsbof holiday printing wt had
mors than w could do, wUboot this tx
tr publication. Ed.)
:. !
V 1
ft- V V .
Jrt Mmorlam
Mrs'. Delia Coleman, daughter of Mrs.
Martha Klinuler, died Jan 13, 1101.
She leaves a husband, two little sons,
two brothers, a sister and a mother, be
sides many friends to mourn her loss.
Father Time with sickle in hand
Is traveling through the land
Harvesting his precious grain.
Though our loss 'tis Heaven's gain.
Death ttg.iin has visited our nook
And from us a precious one took.
This timo 'twas a daughtor denr.
It gee in s doubly sad, us it has not boon
a year
Since tho husband this life departed
A:il loft this poor mother broken htarlcd
To her the cross ia heavy to bear;
May she cant on tho Saviour hor every
Besides this mother bereft
A husband and two little boys are loft ;
Also.tw) brothers and a sister dear
Remain on this iiuinil are sphere,
Death, 'tho not unexpected, is a severe
blow ,
But when the Saviour calls we have to
' ?" "
We all have to calmly await
And meekly submit to our fate.
We all have dear ones gone before
Who are waiting for us on the shore '
Of the land where there is no night
But all is beautiful, fair and bright. '
A FniK.vn.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.003.40; graham
Wheat Walla Walla 6355cj valley
68c59; blueBtem 57c. ; , ' '
Oats White 41 42c j gray 40 41o.
Barley Feed $16; brewing $18 per t.
Millstuffs Bran f 15g ; middlings 21 j
Bhorts $18 ; chop $16,
Hay Timothy $213; clover, 79;
Oregon wild $7.
Butter Fancy creamery50 and 65o;
store, 25 and 32.
. Eggs Eastern, 22; ranch, 25c per doz.
Poultry Mixed chickens $2.753.00j
hens $.'J.504; springB $23 50; geese,
$67; ducks $r)6; live turkeys 11
12c; dressed, 1214c.
Mutton dross, best shepp, weathers
and ewos, sheared, $4 50; dressed
and 7 cents per pound.
Hogs choice heavy, $5 00 and $5 25;
light, $5; dressed, 5 1-2 and 6 cents per
Veal Large, G 1-2 and 7 cents per
Beef Gross, top steers, $4 50 and $4;
dressed beef, 6 and 8 cents per pound.
Che-se Full cream 12c per pound
Young America 13c.
Potatoes 70 and 85 cents per sack.
Vegetables-Beets $1; turnips 7j5(
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage$1.8
1.80 per 100 pounds; cauliilower 75c
par dozen; parsnips 85c per sack ; celerj
709()c per dozen; asparagus 7ra,t.'
peas 34o per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evaporated 50;
sun-dried sacks or boxo 34o; pears
sun and evaporated 89c; pitless plums
7Sc; Italian (prunes 5g7c; extra
silver choice 57.
Corrected on Thursday.
vV heat, wagon, 53.
OatB, 31).
Potatoes, 50 and (10 cents per sack.
Eggs, 25 per dozen.
Butter, da rv. M5 tn dr. .
creamery, 60c.
Dried apples, 6 to flo per pound
Dried nrnnoo Ttutlnno a.
- - i " ..HHnupj it;,
and German, 3c.
Take Laxative Broao Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it fails
toenrer , E. W, Grid's signature Is 6a
each box. " 2.5c. - 1 x