J'6kE80NftiTY COURiER-HERALb ! FRt DAY, JANUARY 11 1901 SOUTH AND EAST SOUTHERN PA C1FIC 10. Shasta Route Trains Leave OregonCity for Portland and way stations at 8:24 a.m. and'C;03 p.m. Ly Portland 8:30 a.m. 7 0) p.m. " Oregon City 9:22 A.. 7:62 p'.k. At Ashland 12:3) A.. 11:30 a.m. " Sacramento 6:00 P.M. 4:35 A.M. " San Francisco 7:4hP.M. 8:15 r.M, ". Ogden 5:45 A.M. 11:45 a.m. " Denver 9:00 a.m. P:O0a.m. " Kansas City 7:52 A M, 7 35 a.m Chicago 7:45 A.M. 9:30 a.m. " Los Angeles 1:20 p.m. 7:00 a m. " Kl Paso 6:00 P.M. 8:00 p.m. " Fort Worth , 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m, ' City of Mexico 9:55 A. u. 9:55 A. M. " Houston ' 4:00 b. m. 4:00 a.m. , " New Orleans 5:25 P.M. 6:25 P. V, " Washington 6:42 a.m. 6:42 a.m. " New York 12:43 P.M. 12:43 p.m. Pullman and Tourist Cars on both trains. Chair oars, Saoramento to Ogden and El Paso; and tourist cars to Chicago, Bt. Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at Sin Francisco with several Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and Souih America. See E. L. Hoopenoabnkb, agent at Oregon C ty station, or addreBS C. H. MARKHAM, G. P.A., Portland, O The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co 's Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (ejeept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above stoamers have been rebull nd are in 'jxcellent shape for the season of WOO The Jieuultttor Line will endeavor to give its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of Tim Regulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland7a m.and Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in ample time for outgoing trains. Oak St. Cock. Court Street. A. C. AI.HWAT General Agont 0.R.&N.CO Depart TIME SCHEDULES Abhivb Chicago Portland Specittl 9:15 a. m. Salt Lake, 1'nver, Fort 4 p. m. Worth. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Chica go ana .asl. Salt u ke, De.iver, Fort 7 a.m. Atlantto Express 9 p. m. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago ana cast. , Walla Walla. Lewiston 8:40 a.m. Spokane Flyer 6 p.m. Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dnluth, Mil waukee, ChioagO and casi. Ocean Steamships I p. m. All Sailing Dates subject torhance. For San Francisco Sail every 6 days. ; Columbia River Steamers. Daily Ix. Sunday s p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. Sunday To Astoria and vfay- landings. Willamttte River. Ri.m. 4. SO p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon Cltv. Kewbe;g, Salem, inaepenaenee and way-lanaings. Willamette and Yam 7 a. m. hill Rivers. 3:30 p. m. Tues. Thur. Mo., Wed . ana sat, Oregon City, Dayton and Fri. ana way-ianaings. Willamette River Portland to' Corvallls and way-landings. ( a.m. 4:80 p. m. Tues. Thur Mon., Wed and Sat. and Fri. Leave Rlnaria Snake River Rlparia to Lewiston. Leave Lewiston Daily 9 a.m. 1:85 a. m. Dally. Best of Everything" if In a word this tells of the pass enger service via, THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE 5 Trains Daily between St, Paul and Chicago comprising: The Latest I'ullman Sleepers Peerless Dining Cars Library and Observation Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars The 20th Century Train"TIIE NORTH-WESTERN LIMITED" runs every day of the year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. The Badger State Express, the finest day train running between I h icago via. the Short Line. Connections from the west made via The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Rys. This is also one of the best lines between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis All agents sell ticket via "The Norlh western Line." W. H. MEAD. - H. S. SISLER. G. A. T. A. 14! Alder St, Pwtlaaa. Oregon. Fellows Harding Block, Oregon City TELEPHONE 513 7 Cents I( i und Italian Prunes 7 Cents Pound Fried; Applrs 25 Cents- 6 E rs Fairy Soap 25 Cents 8 Cans Tomatoes 20 Cents 10 Pounds Corn Meal 25 Cents Pound Micha and Java Coffee 20 Cents Can of Pineapple J, A. McGLASHAN, Manaeer Stores Oregon City and Portland NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Matter of the Estate of I Asa Q. SiOfcsdtlL I Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the es tate of Asa G. Stogsdill, deceased, in the county court of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, and that Monday, the 7th day of January.l'JOt, at 10 o'olock A. M ., has been appoint ed by the court as the time for h aring of objections to said aecount and the settlement thereof. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present their objections to said account, if any there be, at said time and place. Dated Oregon City December 4th, l'JdO. H. K. 8TOGBD1LL, Administrator Estate of Asa G. Stogtdill, deceased Chas. N. Wait, Attorney for Adminis'tiator. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for thi County of Clackamas. Frederich Ksmrath, Juliana Hlunm, Thetessa Sluben, Henry Stauen, Arthur Stauen and 0 George Stauen, : Plaintiffs, vs. Joachim Stauen, Ueiendunt. J To Joachim Staben, said defendant. IN the name of llle state oC.Oregnn, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before February 1st, 1901, and if you fail to answer lor want thereof, the plaintiff will (ipply to the court for the rt lief demanded in said complaint namely: A decree that you are holding the legal title in and to the northeast quarter oi section 35 of township 3 south, range 2 east of the Willamette Meridian, and lota 5 and 6 of block 45 of the County Addition to Oregon City, all In Clackamas County, State of Oregon, in trust for the use and benefit of said plaintiffs as tenants in common and that you be required to transfer by proper deed of conveyance, such le gal title to the plaintiffs and in case of your fall ure so to do that the decree of said court shall op erate as such a conveyance. This summons is published pursuant to an or der made and dated November 28, 1900, by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, County Judge of said county, requiring you so to appear and answer on or be fore February 1st, 190L Date of first publication of this summons, No vember 29, 1900. C. 8CUOBEL & C. D. LATOURETTE, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County oi Clackamas. Ella W. Balrd, Plaintiff, vs. . James W. Balrd, Defendant. In the nameof the State of Oregon: To James W Balrd, the above named defendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed agaihst you in the above entitled suit, In the above entitled Court, on or before the 18th dny of February, A. D. 1901, the said last mention ed date being the last day of the time prescribed by the Court in the order for the servioe of this Summons upon you, by publication thereof, and if you so fail to appear and answer, in this suit, on or before the said 18th day of February, A. D. 1901, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in thesaid com plaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between you and the said plaintiff, be disolved; That the plaintiff have the care, custody and control of said minor child. Eunice Dwinelle Balrd: that the plaintiff have the decree of the Court against you for the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for such other and further relief as to equity may seem just. The defenden Is hereby further notified that this Summons Ib served upon him by publication thereof, by vir tue of an order made in this suit by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, on the 3rd day of January, A. D. 1901, ordering and directing that this Kommons be served upon you, the above named deiendent, by DUW.cat -m 0, , ,. Courier-Herald, a newspaper riublNhed in Oregon citv.conutvo'Ciackamai. stai. of Oregon, and ofeeneral clreii'.ulion in sold City, County and State for a period of sii successive vteiks from the first publication of this Summons, tire date of the first pub.icatlon of this Summons, K-ing the 4th day of January, A. V. I'M. P. 11. WINTON A WM. EHin. Attorneys for l'laiotilt WASTE!' ACTiVE MAN OF GOOD CI1ARAI; tor to deliver anil .olltv-t in 1 iret'nti for o:d mIi tished uiunufactuiln whnh shIb house. fejiX'll ytar, sine pav. ilmiesty inure thun ejpoMoBrc required. Our reference, any b.mtc in any cey Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Mmirt facturtrs, Tuirdt'loor, 334 Dearborn Kt , tiiituijo ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kotbs i hereby fgiven that ths nndcrsisned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas C unty, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Hiram Straight, deceased. All persons havingclimfaixinstaid utanare notified to present such claims to me duly verified at the of- flea of my attorney, C. n. Pye, Cor. Sixth and Main streets, Oregon City, Oregon,' within six months from date of this notice. HIRAM .8TKAK,'IIT. Administrator as Aforesaid. Dee. 14th, A. D. 1900. . &r' Courier-Herald Members oftlte Legislature. I SENATORS. Adams, L J, Silverton, republican. Booth, Robert A. Grants Pass: republican. Hrownell, Ge irgo ', Oregon City; republican. Clem, J, Albany; peoples. 'ameron, Theodore, Jacksonville; republican. Diiuuilek, T M, lUrshBeld: republican. Dal-, John D, Corvallls; republican. Fulton, C W, Astoria; republican. Howes. W A, Carlton; xepub t.n. Hunt, James E, Portland; citizen. luman, ED, Portland; ciliMM. Johnston, T H, Dufur; republican . Joseph!, S E, Portland; republican. Kelley, P R, Albany; republican. Kuykendall, W. Eugene; republ.oan. Looney, N H, Jefferson; republican, , , Manners, A C, Roseburg; republican. , Mulkey. B F. Monmouth; republican. Mi.y, P F. Portlaad; citizens. Morrow, S W, Heppner; democrat. Porter, L L, Oregon City: republican. Proebstel, George, Weston; republican. Smith, A C, Portland, citizens. , Smith, W Tyler, Sheridan; republican. Steiwer, W W, Fossil : republican. 8 week, Alex, Portland; cithsen -dem-peo-union, Smith, William, Baker City; peoples. Williamson, J N, Prinevtlle; republican. Wehrung, W H, HlllsborO; union. Wade, Justus, SummerTille; dem-peoples. BEPBESENTATIVIS. Allen, B F, Astoria; citlsens. Black, A H, Myrtle Point; republican. Brlggs, B D, Ashland: republican. Butt, Clarence, Newburg; republican. Bernards, Hubert, Forest Grove; uuion, Birrett, George J, Granite; republican. Colvlg, George W, Grants Pass; repub lican. Carter, W A, Gold Bill; republican. Oattanach, George, Canyon City; republican. Driscoll, John, Portland; republican. Dresser, AS, Oregon City, republican. Eddy, L B, Tillamook; republican. Edson, 0 K, Harrison; union. Kmmett, R A Keno; republican. Grace, W E, Baker City; democrat . Geer, I S, Burns; republican. Hartman, Charles D, Soolt Mills; republica n. Harris, LT, Eugene; republican. Hemenway, James, Cottage Grove; republican. Hume, R D, Gold Beach; republican. Hawkins, G L, Itidt'peuce; republican.' ' Hedges, Gilbert L, Oregon Ciiy; citizens. Helikemper, F A, Pi-rtland; clt'swus. Holcomb, George W, Portland; cltons. liahu, John, Aa.oria; cl tizetis. Ingram, W J, Sodaville; deraooratlo-peoples. 1 Kuene, Hemiy suyum; republican. Kruse, J L, Stafford; republican. Kirk, T J, Athena; republican. Lumsou, E T, W'illamlna; republican. t Montague, C B, Lebanon; democratic-peoples. McQueen, Ivan, Lorane, republican. Mattoon, A R, Lookingglass; republican. Merrill, Nor man, Clatskanie; republican. McGeer.T H, Antelope; republican. Miller. George, Arlington; republican. McCracken, John, Portland; republican . McAlister, D A, La Grande; da, ratio . Nichols, R J, Monroe; republlt '. , Noitlngham, C W, Portland; oi ii-ni Orton, G M, Portland; oitisens. Pearce, Lot L, Salem ; republican . Poorman, J M, Woodburn; repul i.'sn. Rice, Dexter, Roseburg ; demo-pi u silver rep. Reeder. L B, Pendleton; republic -to , Roavis, G S, Enterprise; democrat 0 peoplns. Roberts. A S, The Dalles; republic m. Smith, J N. 8alem; republican. Stewart, Matthew, Talent; republican. Simpsoi, L M, Lewlsville; democrat -peoples. Schuman, Otto, Portland, 0 Itliens. Story, Georgv L, Portland; republican. Shipley, J J, Portland; citizens. Smith, H A Portland; citizens, Talbert, J A, Clackamas; republican. Thompson, M I, Portland; cltliens. ' Thompson, A B, Echo; republican. Vincent, A W, Tualatin; union. Watson, D M, Portland; citinns.'; Whitney, J J, Albany; democratic-peoples. Lawton L, Moore it tad L. L. Moore, a well-known teacher of the north end of the -county, died at the Salem Hospital Saturdry evening after Eeterat weeks' suffering and undergoing several operations for an abdominal tu mor. Mr. Moore was born near Marquam, in this county, December 15, 1873, and married in September! 1899 to Bertha Jones, daughter of 8.' W. Jones, of B:ooks. Deceased was a member of of Aurora Lodge of Knights of Pythias, which order bas been very at tentive to his needs since he was brought to the hospital six weeks ago. The funeral was held at the residence of Mrs. S. W. Jones, Monday at 11 o'clock, conducted by the Aurora Lode ot Knighls of Pythias. Salem Capital Journal. Until the latter part of the summer months, Mr. Moore was a well known fjhick amas county schoool teacher, serv , prillcipa of the Milwauki- School 1 v v .... . . for two year. He received 44 votes in , the republican county COnventlOi last March as a candidate for school Super- intendent. For Sa'e The Doolitile place at Green P.ijnt ir TlOod, nine rooms, large lot. t There's $W lsJ y " rejection so 'f'y fininfv. nn h,rht Kit : i i-- i i " j j cliarming cs tiie mellow glow that comes from CORDOVA n 1 1 w&t Pt3 u tiariaonis with sar roundiugs la dialog room, urawing room, bed room or lull. Sold vvrrvbws. Mad by . STANDARD OIL CO. VM j JiJi NEWS OF THE WEEK . Friday, Jan. 4. Lord Kitchener discussed peace with the burghers at Pretoria. He promised. leniency to the Boers who would quit fighting; but as the majority of them are of the opinion that peace would put them in a condition but little letti r than the pesent one, th'ir watchword will continue to be, "Victory or Death." That Kitchener is at all disposed to make eoncessnns to the Boers, may be because he fears for the outcome. In the course of an investigation in the French parliament it was divulgad that the course of the French West Afri can expedition was marked by massa cres and ruin. In one case a native city of 10,000 had been laid waste. The Russian czar has begun an in quiry into the wholesale butchery of unarmed Chinese by Russian soldiery. The London . Daily News advocates stopping the war and coming to terms with the Boers. Paul Kruger will probably come to the United States next month, accom panied by Mr. Stead, the noted London journalist. 1 At Doyles,40 miles north of Reno.Cal., a railway train was hurled off the track by a terrific gale. At Reno the storm did much damage and the snowfall was heavv.' 0 . P. Pierce, the Boer consul-general at New York, says the Boers have a force of 16,000 against 210,000 English 5000 of whom are invading Cape Col ony. Aguinaldo is reported to have died six weeks ago. He is said to have done that before. W. 0. Whitney, one of the New York gold democrats, gave a ball this evening at his costly magnificent Fifth Avenue palace in the Italian style. Saturday, Jan. 5. The Chicago, Milwaukie & St. Paul R. R. Irs passed into the hands of J.J. Hill, J.Pierpont Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller. Senator Hoar has introduced in the senate a measure whose object is to stop fighting in the Philippines. The Canadians ate constructing an other transcontinental line north of the Canadian Pacific. Kitchener calls for 5000 men to guard the Rand gold mines. In his message, Gov. Stephens, of Mis souri, advocates a franchise tax on cor porations. The Boers have looted Ficksburg, in C'Aie Colony, the inhabitants fleeing. The Russian government has issued decrees stating that the province of Manchuria will be evacuated by the Russian troops when peace has been res'ored., Heavy snowfall and severe storm in Southern Oregon. The steamer Iaqua was wrecked just outside San Francisco harbor last night and two people drowned. 'She Struck a reef. A gang of counterfeiters, making all- silver coins, has been nabbed in New York. Tbey had a five-ton screw press in their outfit. The firm from which the Dagoes bought their sheet-silver gave them away. Peter Curran, Fraternal Delegate of the British Trade Unions, stated in a speech in New York that "the manner in which employes are rushed in this country wou'd not be tolerated for a sin gle moment in England ; your manu facturers are dumping their com modi ties into our market cheaper than they can be made over there." Ben Bridge,' white-haired and stal wart, for nine years a god among the black cannibals of Northern 'Australia, has arrived by steamer at Vancouver, Boston is hard hit by a corner in beans. Kitchener.offers (1 25 and "found" to Cape Colonists who will enlist to assist in repelling the Boe invaders. Sam. M. Murphy of Tennessee became acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Fel der oi New York IS months ago. Being childless, he adopted them. Murphy and his wife died, and the Felders in herited their $3,000,000. Sunday, Jan. 6. The Bntirfli admiralty will build two new battleships which will be the larg est in the world. Enulinb millers kick because their gov ernnient buys Airteiicati flour fur Soutl Africa Carnegie has pro'iii-eil Seattle $L'00, 000 for a new public library, if the city will iiyrce to riv $'0,C0O iouriJ tl.e name o' j ::. England needs gold and the London Statist thinks that New Yolk can eat-ily spare three to four million pounds The London Investors' Review pre' diets that a riee in interest rates will culminate in a financial crisis. General McArthur is in favor of offer ing a money bounty for revnlistment in the Philippine army. Monday, Jan. 7. P. D. Armour, the great Chicago meat packer, died last night, at the age of 68; he left $45,000,000. j The people of Salem subscribed fur" 11 4-per-cent $65,000 bond issue by the city . Very cold weather prevails in Europe. The harbor of Odessa is frozen over. Dr.Leyds is recruiting men in Europe for the Boer army, each receiving 00 on starting. They go as eminnnte to Namaqual nd. A London Times correspondent states five-sixths of the troops in South Africa are employed to guard the lines of com munication and garrison the towns, and large reinforcements are advisable. At Kleinfontein, the damage inflicted by the Boer raiders is estimated at 210, 000 pounds Portugal has sent reenforcements to Lourenco Marquez. Central America if the paradise of that peculiar gentlemm of leisure.the tramp. The great Ci icago plow trust, in pro' cess of formation, will raise the price of that indispensable farming implement The shoe machinery trust threatens to bsolutely control shoe manufacturing. In Prussia 7,300,000 men receive in wages less than $105 per year. General McArthor bas banished to Guam a number of captured Filipino leaders. The natives of Manila are hold ing political meetings. The state of Washington wants to an nex northern Idaho. At Naauwpoort the British killed or wounded 20 Boers, and mear Lindley the Boers killed or wounded 39 Englishmen. For himself, J.J. Hill.and J.D. Rock efeller, J. Pierpont Morgan has boiiirht control of the New Jersey Central Rail road, paying $240,832,800. This deal also includes the Reading, the B. & O., and the Lehigh Valley. About two months ago, the same trio, for $507,t59, 800, secured the St. Paul, Great Nor thern, Norlhern Pacific and Erie rail roads. Morgan's roads carry twenty-fptV million tons of coal iyear, half the out put of the anthracite region?. As to the particulars of hia Wall Street operations, Morgan says: "It is nobody's bnsinest." Tuesday, Jan. 8, By the burningof the RochestertN.Y.) Orphan Asylum, 27 persons were killed and 25 injured. In a speech in the senate, Senator Lodge predicted that the United States would attain the economic supremacy of the world, a dazzling position cairying dangers with it which to meet she should be prepared bcth on land and sea." - 1 Moran Eros, of Seattle have received contract for building a $3,511,000 battle ship, with a 4 per cent.' bonus added. A congressional committee is investi gating the brutal hazing Booz and Berth, two cadets, both deceased, received at West Point. The remains of the late Bishop W. X. Ninde, of the M. E. church, were buried at Detroit yesterday. . In portions of Cape Colony the British have proclaimed martial law. A Dutch newspaper editor at Cape Town was ar rested for criticising Gen. French but released under five hundred pounds bail. Wednesday, January 9th. A French mail steamer, with 90 on board, is in a dangerous position near Marseilles. The new Philippine municipal code is completed. Several insurgent camps have been captured. The transport Sherman was damaged in a typhoon. The treaty negotiations are to be re moved from Pekin to Washington or Europe. The Empress Dowager op poses the signing of the note. The House passed the Durleigh reap portionment bill. The Oregon congressmen divided on the Burleiuh bill. The senate discuesed the army can teen without taking action. Bryan declares his intention to remain private citizen. W. J. Stone delivered a Jackson day oration at Kansas City. Govemor Gage's message was largely devoled to the effects of the plague scare. Twepty-eittht persons perished in the Rochester fire. Governor Hunt, of Idaho, delivered his first merRago to t tie legislature. The fanner's congrss cloned a success ful meeting at Salem. A lenient juntice almost caused 11 lynching at Hillsboro. . ZJL, ' Slight reaction in New ork bhick market. Many steamships due at Portlarid, Multnomah's delegation organize lot' the legislative session. Portland City budget for this year facing a certain deficit of 184,000. Mount Scott motor pulled off for the winter. Woodstock and Ivanhoe want to be annexed (0 Portland. Senator Sweek will introduce bill iefrm method of collecting taxes. Take them to- l day and you will be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, (Co'tl la V.tai) No.23-B. .25c Sah Fa!cisco. K. L. BALDWIN CO. Your Cold Cure is the only remedy that rca-Uy does cute in one day. Harry Rodger. Harry Rodgers Co. Sacramento, Cal. H. I.. BALDWIN CO. You Cold Cure Tablets No. 23 B ar splendid for Cold 111 Head. WM. DWINELL, With Adams, Boothe & Co. Denvhr, Colo. w t hatdwin CO. T find vour Cold Cure Tablets the safest and mast convenient remedy for cold in th head. They cure iu every instance. H. P. COOKtOM Huntley's Drug Store Multnomah's delegation will introduce bills milking several changes in county offices. Bill will be introduced (o cIobo barber shops on Sunday. Lawyer C. C. Palmer arrested for pass ing worthless checks. Thursday, Jan. 10. The U. S. senate has concurred in the house measure abolishing the army can teen. Seattle has raised $103,000 to entible Moran Bros, to get a warship contract. The O. R. &N. afks Portland to es tablish a sugar refinery to handle the raw sugar brought by its proje ted lino to the Saudwish isl inds. flic extreme anti-foreign element is in power in the Chinese government. . One thousand Canadians will (to to South Africa to join Baden-Powell's constabulary. Mrs. Nation is iu jail at Witcliitn, Kan.. forsniiiKhing the fixturee of a sal oon witla club. , Great ptWwstorm iq the mountains of Colorado. . Now J. I. Rocke.ieiVr Htul a h'xen of his friends own a down "raUro.uh with a mileage of 200,000 miles valued-.sit $1, 054,051,000.. " ' Lord E. M. Robertson, who has made a trip in Sout'i Africa, told a London au dience that the British soldiers havo de stroyed thousands of Boer farms, and that without independence to the two republics a lasting peace is impossible. First-class board at reasonable rate can be obtained at the Red Front House. At the White Horse Tavern. . While "At the White Horse Tavern" by no means pretends to be a musical comedy several drinty little songs are introduced during the action of the play, The comedy is an adaption from thej German, "Im WelBsen Roess'l," which ran for over a year in Berlin, and "The Song of the Kiss," which is sung as the curtain rises, became as popular there as was "There'll be a Hot Time iii the Old Town Tonight" In this country not long ago. The words of the song ate; "A kiss is such a dainty dish. The best of all our food. ' 'Tis not to eat, nor yet to drink, But my, it laMus to gocd. And when the hundred thousand words Have vainly gone amies, Your meaning you can make so clear AV llh just one little kiss 1 And when you've said all that you can To the girl that you love best, Just prets a kits upon her lips And she ran gtw es (he rest." E"AtTLe,Vhiie lloree Tavern" will be the atiractitn at Shively's Jan. 12, where it will 1 e pr(S(!iited;by a tttong company under K;ng'& Xorcroeg' man agement. In (lie cast ate Mineiva Dorr,;Fratik M. NoroiosH, Fred Mowor, John Fenlon, lit nry West, Iltiiiiie Nor cross, etc. School llejwr'. HThe following is ari tioit of the Fiog l'ond school districtNo. 10, Joint Clack amas rnd Washington for the month ending Jan. 4, 1001 ; No. days taught, 18. No. days' attendance, 400. No. days' alienee, 48, No. tir eB tardy, 5. Aven ge daily attends we. 22 2 9. Thofe who Hire neither ahrciit nor taidy are DUci) Aden, Anna and Alma Bi'cku'an, Maltie Peters, Il.iriy Gep hardt, Ruby, Carl and Victor Thomp son, Martha Walti-r andj, t.wauij Lies-man. ;tPatroiis and frierds are invited lo vif t the school and inspect the work being done. I). H. Mohiikk, Teiclier. Schubbel W. S. U'Ren U'REN & SCMUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW fo 1 OREGON CITY OREGOH