Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 04, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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hereby "iven lha the undorB''?n('d hRS
v Zw ppo.na. sduilnistrittor, Hh Ihe
1UTi,T (iH6. Thomas I. Kyan. Jneof
County, Oregon,
in arsons having1 claims aKalnst said estate
imilred to present the sain, with proper
ch'rsto roeatthelawoffiooof C. 0, and D.
Tlatourette. my attorneys in Oregon City, Ore
.' within six moulhs fiom this date. , ,,
f ' . t FRANK FORD,
Administrator Aforesaid
Dated November 29, 1900.
'" Under authority ol an order of sale granted by
the County Court of theCooDty or (jlacKam&s
finite of Oregon, dated the 19th day of November,
1000, 1 will sell at private sale the following de
icrlbed real estate; the east half of the southwest
quarter of section twenty-one, township nvs
south, range one east of the Willamette Meiidlan
In Clackamas County, State of Oregon.
" The said ale will be mads on orafter December
81st, 1900, and bids will be received at the resl
ttw.rtmlnirtratrlx, whose postofflce ad-
A,l, Needy. Oregon. Terms of sale are as
assume-and agree to pay
f the mortgage now on the .place and the balance
to he paid in cash.
. , Administratrix of the es'ate of
. Michael M. Shlvely, Deceased.
Dated Nov. 26tn, '
Harding Block, Oregon City
. 7 Cents
Pound Italian Primes
7 Cents
Pound Dried Apples
' "" 25 Cents
, 6 Bars Fairy Soap
25 Cents . '.
3 Cans Tomatoes '
20 Cents
10 Pounds Corn Meal
25 Cents '
Pound Micha and Java Coffee
,. '. 20 Cents ! --Can
of. Pineapple
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
t, henn duly appointed by the County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the
tato at Hiram Straight, deoeased. AU persons
having claims against said estate are notified to
iuph claims to me duly verified at the of-
. nf mv attorney. C.'H. Dye, Cor. Sixth and
m.ir, .trot fiwuon Cltv. Oregon, within six
months from date of this notice.
' Administrator as Aforesaid.
Dec. 14th,' A , D. 1900.
A little space to sing and ay,
A little love tweet holiday.
And then to sleep to draw awayt
And life fa sad, sweet yesterday, "
No eyoa to weep, no prayers to pray.
Catiier the violets while you mayj
They wiil be sweet for love to lay
On the green grave of yesterday I
Atlanta Constitution
A Story of a Summer Family
"This Is Insufferable," said Brlggs" to
his wife, "absolutely Insufferable, l
don't see how you stand It or why you
stand It. If 1 didn't have to be down
town all day I'd have the children out
In the park or In the country such a
day as this. I certainly wouldn t stay
Id an oven of a house when there aro
trees and grass and breezes to be found
If you only go In search of them."
' "But there surely Is more comfort In
NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT remaining quietly here than there Is In
J. A. McGLASHAN, Manager
Stores Oregon City and Portland
In the Matter of the Estate of I
Asa O. Stofcsdill. I
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has
filed his final aocount at administrator of the es
tate of AsiG. Stogsdill, deceased, In the county
court of Claokamas oounty, slate of Oregon, and
that Monday, the 7th day of January, 1901, at 10
o'olock A. M., has been appointed by the court as
toe time for hearing of objections to (aid account
and the settlement thereof, i '
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to presen t their objections to
said account, u any there be, at said time and
plaoe. .
Dated Oregon City December 4th, 19d0.
Administrator Estate of Asa Q. Stogfdill, deceased
Chas. H. Wait, Attorney for Administrator.
.vriTTi'Te hereby sriven tta't the undersigned
Wm. J. Khig, administrator of the estate of
JameaKlna. deceased, has filed in the County
Court of the State pi Oregon for Clackamas
Coanty his final report as such.and the said
County Court has fixed the 7 in aay oi juu
, ary. 1901. at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m at the
Uounty Court House of said County, as the hour
and place for hearing objections to such report
Administrator of the estate of JameB Kiiif , dee'd
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Oounty of Clackamas.
Frederich Kamrath,'
Juliana Biunin,
Theiessa Slaben,
Henry Slaben, "
Arthur Slaben and
George Slaben, .
flftiuliffs, '
Joachim taben,
Chicago- Salt Lake, uenver, Fort 4 p. m.
Portland Worth, Omaha, Kansas
Special City, St. Louis, Chloa
9:15 a. m. go and East.
Salt u ke, De.iver, Fort 7 a.m.
Atlantic: Worth, Omaha, Kansas '
Express City, St. Louis, Chicago
9 p. m. and East.
Walla Walla, Lewiston, 8:40 a.m.
Apnkane Spokane, Minneapolis,
Flyer St. Paul, Duluth, Mil
6 p.m. waukee, Chioago and
Ocean Steamships
I p. m. AU Sailing Dates subject 4
to change.
For San Francisco Sail
every 6 days. ,,-
Daily Columbia River
ii.sunday steamers. P- !
8 p. m. Ex. Sunday
Saturday T Astoria and Way
10p.m. Landings.
Willanutte River.
a.m. 4.80p.m.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Newbe;g, Ex. Sunday
Salem, Independence
and way-landings. .
Willamette and Yam-
7a.rrt. hill Rivers. :80JK ?-
Tues. Thur. Mo.. Wed .
and Sat. Oregon City,. Dayton ,nd Frl-
and way-landings.
ea.m. . Willamette River 430 p.m.
Tues. Thur , i Mon., Wed
and Sat. Portland to Corvallla andFrl,
and way-landings.
Leave Snake River Leave
Hiparia Lewiston
' 8:36 a.m. Rlparia to Lewiston. I Daily
Daily. It a.m.
"Best of Everything"
In a word this tells of the pass
enger service via,
8 Trains Daily between St, Paul
and Chicago comprising: r
, " The Latest Pullman Sleepers
Peerless DininfT Lars
Library and Observation Cars
.. . ri
Free Reclining cnair vars
The 20th Century Train "THE
every day of the year.
The Finest Traia to tne World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Express, the fines! Mr
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connections from the west made via
The Northern Pacific,
Grea.t Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Lys.
.This is also one of the bet lines between
Omaha, St Paul and Minneapolis
, All agents sell ticket via "The North
western LirJe."
Ci. A. 1 T. A.
aS Alder St. Portland, Oregon.
Job Printing at the
To Joachim Stabeu, said defendant.
IN the name of the state of .Oregon, you are
heroby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in Ihe above en-
titled suit on or before February 1st, 190L and If
you fail to answer lor want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief demanded m
Bald complaint namely: A decree thai you are
holding the legal title In and to the northeast
quarter of section 35 of township 3 south, range 2
east of the Willamette Meridian, and lots 5 and 6
of block 45 of the County Addition to Oregon
City, all In Clackamas County,8tale of Oregon, in
trust for the use and benefit of said plaintiffs as
tenants In common and that you be reqalred to
transfer by proper deed of Conveyancei'Vnch li
gal title fo the plaintiffs and in case of your fail
ure ao to do that the decree of said court shall op
efate as such a conveyance.
This summons Is published pursuant to an or
der made and dated November 28, 1900, by the
Hon. Thoe. F. Ryan, County Judge of said county,
requiring you so to appear and answer on or be'
fore February 1st, 190L -
Date of first publication of this summons, No
vember 29, 1900.
C. BCHUBKU u. U. LA.rUUttC.l iB,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
In th Circuit Court of l he State of Oregon, for
the Oountv of Clackamas.
Ella W. Balrd, Plaintiff,
vs. ,
James W. Balrd, Defendant. 1 '
In the name of the State of Oregon:-To James
W. Balrd, tha above named defendant-You art
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed agalnat you In the above entitled suit,
in the above entitled Court, on or before the 18th
day of February, A. D. 1901, the said last mention
ed date being the last day of the time prescribed
by the Court In the ordr for the aervioe of this
Summons upon you, by puolicatlon thereof, and
if you so fall to appear and answer, In this suit,
on or before the said 18th day of February, A. P
1901, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
tha Court for the relief demanded In the said oom
plaint, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between yon and
the said plaintiff, be dlsolved:-That the plaintiff
have the care, custody and control of said minor
child. Eunice Dwinelle Balrd: tha the plaintiff
have the decree of the Court against yoa for the
costs and disbursements of this suit,
and for such other and further relief
as to equity may aeem Just. The defenden
Is hereby further notified that this Summons Is
served upon him by publication thereof, by vir
tue of an order made in this suit by the Hen. Thos.
F. Kyan, Judge of the County Court of the State
of Oregon tor Clackamae County, on the 3rd day
of January, A. D. 1901, ordering and directing
that this Sommons be served npon you, the above
named defendent, by publication thereof in the
Courier-Herald, a newspaper published In Oregon
City, County oi Clackamaj. State of Oregon, and
of general circulation In intd City, County and
State for a period of six successive weeks from the
first publication of this Summons, the date of
the first publication of this Summons, being the
4th day of January, A. I). 1901 .
Attorney lor plaintiff
preparing for an outing and toen
tramping all oyer the country looklc;
for a bit of unappropriated shade," pro
tested Mrs. Brlggs. '
"Nonsense" replied Brlggs. "Of
course there Is some work lu getting
ready, but the luxuries of this life
are not to be had without labor. " I tell
you the country Is the place, and we'll
go to the country today. . Just hustle
around and get the children ready and
we'll start."
But where'll we go?" asked Mrs.
Brlggs. ' " V
"Anywhere," answered Brlggs.
"The park?" suggested Mrs. Brlggs.
"That's comparatively uear. and"
"Park nothing!" Interrupted Brlggs.
We cau run over to the park any
afternoon when 1 happen to get home
early, hut 1 don't get a full holiday
very o'teu. mid ? want to take ad-
vantage of It. We'il get out where the
cool breeze Wow.' Hurry now. We
can Ket n ua!n t- Mulligan's grove at
10 nVkiik. r.r' some of the hoys at the
sto:e Tire t::j.ii2; n;jt there with their
fa;u: ---iir.tl''','.i' formal, you know
usi .ai nt-tiiic a il snow yon now to
keep ' dl If oit'll Just hustle and put
up :i i. itiu much
1'liL'ie was au hour or more of, good
hard work, as any one who ever has
tried to start for a little outing knows,
and some of the work fell to the lot of
Brlggs himself. He acted, under the
orders of Mrs. Brlggs, who became
general superintendent, temporarily,
and as a result when they were ready
to start he had to chauge his collar
and bis negligee shirt
"Whew!" he exclaimed1, as he put a
hammock oyer his shoulder and grab
bed a lunch basket, "I didn't realize
how hot It was... Pd -havo . boon a
parties scurrying away In the direction
of the grove, "we'll have to run for It
r all the best places will be taken."
"Well, you'U have to do the run
ning," returned Mrs. Brlggs with de
cision, "I don't intend to kill myself.
I'll look after the children- and you
cake the hammock and the lunch bas
Ket and go on ahead." . '
So Briggs ran a quarter, of a mile,
carryiug weight for age, and succeeded
iu pre-empting a spot where two
scrawny trees somewhat filtered the
suu's rays, and even then he came.m ar
having to defend his location ...$'Xu
physical force. '
"Now, I'll go hunt up some of the
toys 1 know," he said, when Mrs.
Briggs and the children arrived.
"You'U do nothing of the sort," re
plied Mrs. Briggs promptly. " You'U
but ud the hammock first." V.
So he put up the hammock, not wuu-
out some ditticulty, for Iame isature
hadn't placed the trees as conveniently
as she might have done. ,
"Now," he said, "I'll"
"Now, you'U take this little tin pall
and get some water," put In Mrs.
Brlggs. "We're all nearly dying of
"Now," said Briggs when he had
brought the water, "I'U"-
"Now you'U help me put out the
lunqh," Interrupted Mrs. Brlggs. "It's
nearlyl o'clock, and the children are
almost starved."
Sd he helped arrange the lunch and
drove the ants away from it, and of
course they found some things were
lacljlng. Then he helped gather tbe
remnants and the dishes together and
putjtbetn back In the baskets, and after
that, he took the children over and
bought them some pink lemonade ana
peatuts at a stnna at tne oiner enu or
the grounds, and gave them each a
turn la the swing they found, and then
finally he settled himself In tbe ham
Now, this Is what I call comfort.
he said, as he slapped at the flies and
the (mosquitoes. "I'll rest here a Uttle
while and then 1 11 hunt up Borne of
thelbors I know. I d'dn't tell them 1
was coming, so they"- . h- -
"You'll rest there a little while."
Interrupted. Mrs. Briggs In her annoy
Inz way. "and then you'll take-tbe
hammock down and start for the train,
It H aves in three-quarters of an hour."
Brlggs drew an armchair up In front
of an open window and dropped .wear
ily into It when he reached home.
"Bv Georse! but this Is comfort." bt
said. 'There's a right cool breeze blow
ing through here,
"Yes," returned Mrs. Brlggs dryly
It I comparatively comfortable be
tween those two windows most of the
tim If one only keeps still long
enoijigh to notice It." Chicago Evening
Friday, Dec. 28.
The Pope has sent Prest.Kruger a mor
saic picture, which presents a view ot
St. Peters church, accompanied by a
friendly letter ot sympathy.
Russia is preparing systematically for
a possible campaign in me rasr inuies.
trategic railways and military posts are
steadily, approaching the passes of the
Himalaya mountains and Russian olti
cers stationed in Central Asia are learn
ing Hindustani. ,
General Colville, in command ft Gi
braltar, has refused to resitm, as de
manded by the British war otlio,(or bud
work when he held a command in South
Africa, and has come home to demand
an investigation of the charges agft'nst
Dreyfus has appealed to the French
government for an Investigation of his
celebrated case. i :
Mrs. Henry McManaman, carrying a
baby, was sandbagged in Tucomft last
ight and robbed of f 12. ' '
Saturday, Dec. '9.
In the North American. Review, Ex
Secretary Alger reviews; tbe embalmed
beef scandal and severely bandies Gen.
QFor $900 tlie government has bought
an island of 130 acres in the harbor of
Guam. 1 ' . ' ;
Their Flrat Lraaon
AyaHver of tbe late E, P. Roe tells
nrryisluor storv of the first lesson which
corpse berore nignt ir i a triea to stay Blie jan(1 uer brother ever received
in tnis stuny nouse. Rontan history.
"You wouldnt have been as not at AJlom, our mogt i0ved and honored
any time during me aay as you are euesJt8, during our childhood, was Dr.
now." returned airs. Briggs, wno was garrjuei cox. for many years a promt
going on the outing under protest and nenJ ciergyman In New York. Ai
didn't care who knew It t,mX onr conversation turned on his-
"Perhaps not," replied Brlggs, "but 1 torviand I remember, on one occasion,
wouldn't have been as cool and com- he ofked Edward and me If we could
fortable as I will be an hour from now. giVeiim tbe names of the first Roman
either. The trouble with you women triurivlrate.
Sunday, Dec. SO. ,
The U. S. government offers $3,243,000
for the Danish West India islands.
The English are trying to check the
Boer invasion of Cape Oolony.
Cleveland expresses the opinion in '6
New York journal that the president
should be elected by popular vote, for a
longer .period than four years. ',s
Tbe middle-of-tbe road populists' na
tional committee, in session in St. Louis,
refused to join with the socialists.
Earl Li Hung Chang is paralyzed,
Pat Crowe,, the chief kidnapper of
young Cudaliy of Omaha, is being hunt
ed for.
The great storm wrecked many ves
sels in Europe. ,
Wheat rose 2 cents a bushel in Chica-
ti- v
A bill will be introduced in the legis
lature to reduce railroad fare from 4 to 3
cents a mile.
Jan. 7, Oregon farmers' congress will
be held at Salem-- , - -
The failure of the London Globe
Financial Corporation, of which Lord
Dufferin was president, produced the
failure of a dozen other stock brokers,
Headache may be called a woman's
ailment. Some men suffer from it. But
almost all women have to endure its pain
with each reourring month. This fact
points' at once to the intimate relation
between the health of the delicate
womanly organs, and the general health
of tne wnoie rxxiy. ut. Pierce s favor
ite Prescription banishes headache by
banishing its cause. It cures thNlis
eases which irritate the delicate womanly
organs, tret tne nerves ana waste tne
strength,,. It increases the vitality and
builds up the nervous system. "Favorite
Prescription" contains no opium, cocaine
or .other narcotic. , ,
"I want to praise your medicine," writes Mrs.
Sarah J. Burney, of Creaent City, Putnam Co.,
Fla. I have been sick for twenty years, and
nave Been almost in oca nve years, ana now i
am able to work all day. N I have tHken eight
bottles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and four of
ftnldpn Medical Discovery 1 and one Vial ot
Pellets.' 1 praise your medicine to all. 1 had
the headache but It is gone. My throat is well
and cough gone, and all my old troi-b'1 are
bettei. I tried many other kinds of medicine
and tour doctors."
tr to deliver ami roiloot in Ore"" lor
lished nianufaetnilnic wnilsa iikuw. '"'
yiar, sura pav. Honesty more than experience
rt-gulreJ. Our n-fereneo. any bank In auy ally
Kill-low (..If-ad.lrwed iani,l envelope. Malta
facturers, ThirdKioor, &l Dearborn St (Chicago
Cometh ilia New.
. Jus-t published by the Southern Paci
fic Co. is a pnmphli-t hihhi the resoun ea
of Wetjorn Oregon, which includes an
qxrellctil iiu;p of the etJte, and contain '
information 'H climate, land, educa--tion,
irtc , existing industries andtl.eir:
capabilities. Attentiau i also directed
to sucb new fields jor energy or capital
as promise for return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregonians, in replying to
inquiries of eastern friends.
Copies may be had of local agents
of the Southern Pacific Co., or from
O. H. Markham,
CM r- A.
Portland, Or.
Is that you don't look far enough
ahead. There comes our car," he add
ed a few minutes later. "Hurry, or
we'll miss it"
Briggs grabbed one of tbe children
with his disengaged hand, and with
the lunch basket In the other band and
the hammock oyer his shoulder started
on a dog trot to head off the approach
Ing car at the corner.
"Whew, It gets hotter every minute!"
be exclaimed as he bung to a post and
mopped bis face with his handker
chief. "I tell you, we would Just have
smothered In that house today. Why,
my clean collar Is melted already."
He looked around for a seat, but a
whole lot of people seemed to be tak
ing an outing that day and there
wasn't one to be had. Mrs. Brlggs and
the children were uncomfortably
wedged In between hot and perspiring
Individuals and looked as If they
thought he bad rather the better of It
standing up.
"I lust about sweat myself to death
In the crowd on the footboard," said
Briggs when they were on the street
acaln and about to take up the rest
of their Journey to the depot
"IIow far have we got to walk nowT
asked Mrs. Brlggs.
"Only four blocks," answered Briggs.
"Then we may hope to be decently
comfortable. Come along! We've no
time to waste."
Ten minutes later tbey were on a
car with others going for an outing
a good many others. Tbey had
sweltered at the ticket ofllce. sweltered
in the crowd nt tbe gate, nud bad been
pushed and Jostled and stepped on In
reaching the car, but they nil got seats
after a fashion. It Is wnnn under a
trnhi shed In the beat of circumstances
There Is little circulation of air there,
and when It comes to sitting next to a
flit man or woman and holding a child
In one's lap. a very fair Imitation of
the tortures of the Infernal regions Is
"This negligee shirt or mine." said
Brlggs, "looks as If l had worn it in
swimming, but 'we'll hnve soine com
fort as $oon as we get under wn.v "
"If we dun't start soon." returned
At 'this period of our existence the
namtf "Ceesar" was associated exclu-
slveli with an old colored man, whom
we often visited and who lived upon a
lonelj road In tbe neighborhood. We
were i vastly astonished, therefore, to
learn that the name' bad ever been
borne by a more Illustrious person than
onr dusky friend, but we listened en
tranced to the story of tbe rivalries of
Caesar and Pompey for tbe empire of
the world.
Unhappily tbe good doctor could not
remember tbe name of the third tri
umvir, and tbe lack troubled him great
ly. Tbat night, about 2 o'clock, I was
startled by a loud knock on my bed
room floor, and Dr. Cox called out:
"Mary, are you awake?" .
I replied that I was as Indeed was
every .one else in the bouse by that
time, j
"It'fr Crassus."-said the doctor, and
then be returned to bis room greatly
relieve!. - ,
Neither Edward nor 1 ever forgot
that first lesson In Roman history.
Voutb'l Companion.
fArmy Officers la Italy.
In Iti.Iy the officers, 'at least, are Im
maculate and picturesque. The com
mon soldiers are, perhaps, not so Im
pressive. They are short stocky little
fellows, bow legged to a man, and In
any clothes would not present a very
martial appearance. But the officers
are big, fine looking men, and their
uniforms rival the women's bats In
brilliancy. The colors used are very
unmllitary. pale blue and silver, gray
with green stripes, yellow and scarlet
and gold.
The Bersagllerl or sharpshooters,
with hats over one ear und a huge
bunch of cock feathers flying out In
the wind, are as striking ns any.
though the King's guard, with brass
helmets and hore Jail plumes, are by
no means Insignificant. Harper's ',n
znr :
; r.lpt-lirend.
n fieri !': . . v .a Tai ls as early as
fourteenth century, was made of
, i.ve iiicui. imut'y, fciucr ami Kiu-fH.
New Eng
land that forms so piomlnent a part
of tbe staple diet has undergone many
an evolutl in since tbit time, A recipe
Mrs. Briggs. "1 shall faint. 1 simply j p,ut the gingerbread of old
cannot stand this stilling atmosphere."
And one of the children began to cry.
They left tRe train with a sigh of re
lief. Before It started even the aisles
bad partly filled up. and everyone
knows what enforced contact with
sweltered humanity Is In a closed car.
"At any rate, we're here," said
Briggs as be threw away his limp
collar and loosened the neckband of bis
hlrt "Now for a cool spot By Jove!"
he added, as be saw half a dozen
given by n old housekeeper Is as fol
lows: Mix together Ofc cupful of mo
lasses,, three-quarters Vf a cuoful of
milk and
to this ha
one tables
spoonful o,
hrce cupfir
' a cuoful a
oonful of
alt and one
soda disaorred In a quart
'of milk. Bake it In hallo
half an flAff. ' !
t flour. Add
jielted butter.
r, balf a tea-
spoonful of
of a cupful
pans about
The Bank of England paid 4 1-2 for the
large sum borrowed. The London In
vestors' Review takes a gloomy view of
the situation.
Cunningham-Graham, ox-member of
parliament, viciously a' tacks the United
States in the London Saturday Review,
The London Star considers the send
ing of 100 Maori soldiers to South Africa
a grave political blunder. '
Tbe project of a 1150,000,000 steel tube
trust is being promoted in Philadelphia.
Sunday, Dec. 81.
The Boers captured Helvetia, the to
tal of the British garrison killed or taken
prisoner numbering 250. The London
Daly Mail asks tbe government to send
50,000 more mounted men to S. Africa.
The Boers are pressing the invasion of
Eight hundred thousand pounds are
needed by Lord Duffeiin's bankrupt cor
poration. More failures are expected.
At Newport News four monitors Are
being built for harbor defense.
Dr. Morrison, of Pekin, severely criti
cizes Count Von Waldersee for his in
elty towards the Chinese and for lying to
Li Hung Chang.
ihe rhilippine commission prupuses
that GOO American schoolteachers be sent
to the islands; salary $75 to f 100 per
China's representatives are willing to
sign the preliminary note of the powers
in order to restore peace. The Chinese
court desires to return to Pekin. The
patriotic, foreign-bating old empress may
be deprived of all power by the vandal
European white devils. The Mohanie
dans in Ihe province Kan Su are in re
Mayor Humes, of Si-attlu, a ourageous
one-armed veteran of the Indian wars
has begun a bitter fight against vice and
the reeking republican machine that
panders to the criminal population of
the city,
Tli3 ptople of Coxta Kic and Nicara
gua intend to make bin money out of the
canal (iglit of way, and the latter are
opposed to sole ownership by the United
The government may construct an im
lavme storage reservoir on the (lila liv
er, Ariz., for 8000 Indians,
Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1901.
The Boers captured a train and (10 eol.
diers near Rosmead, and they We ad
vancing to Cape Town. The government
asks loyfjj of Cape Colony toWist
The-e was a four-liundred-thousand-dollar
tird nt Harvey, 111.
Over 4(3 tons of gold and silver wem
received last year at, the Seattle as-ety
office. The twenty-two millions In g H
came from 7! 0Q persons.
Ex-Congressman P. ige of New York
has returted from South America and
paid the $720,000 debts from which lm,
as a bankrupt, fled in 1890.
Gustave Wolf, the last of the Bridge
port, Conn., suicide club, baa blown out
his brains.
Last year's foreign trade of the coun
try amounted to $2,300,000,000.
Prof. Albb.'t Charbonneau, a French
Btroitorncr,clalms he has tcund a Stnok-
ing volcano on the moon. ,
Charles Williams, the war correspond
ent, writes from South Africa that 3
per cent of the English soldiers are sick,
and the remainder are kept busy resist
ing Boer raids.
The Bowery Bank, New York, having
$67,000,003 deposits, has raised interest
ra'te to four per cent. -
In the villages of the province of
Shansi, North China, human' flesh ia
old In the markets. The war hag pro
duced famine.
If the United States bnyi the Danish'
West Indies, England will gladly sell m
the island of Jamaica, which is suffering
from the commercial dry-rot.
Wednesday, Jan. 2,
The noted populist leader, Ignitiua
Donnelly, died at Minneapolis at mid
night, aed 70 years.
Pat Crowe, implicated in young Cuda-
hy'i abduction, was captured in 8.
Dakota. Later he wasn't.
Five thousand Boers, divided into two-
parallrxelumns, are invading and raid
ing CiyH Colony and the British are
Tbe Earl of Hopetoun has been inau
gurated governor of the Federated Au-
strrtlian Colonies.
Quay, tbe corrupt boss, has been s .
lttcted by the - republican caucus of the
Pennsylvania legislature for senator.
The Independence Club of Montreal
is working for the independence of the
United States of Canada. The eightU
clause of its c institution provides for th
upblic ownership of railroads,telgraphs,
canals, etc, ,j
The czar has ordered 1500 barrels of
Chicago salt beef ,
The demands of the powers Impose'
on China, as conditions of peace, are un
juit and hoggish. Russia aims to ab
sorb a couple of northern provinces as
her conditions of peace.
Thursday, Jan, 3.
The British battleship Monnrnh has
landed cannon at Capo Town. A gene
ral uprising ol the Boers is likely. The
British are shirt in horses. Christmas
uk ..mo i.ntiHii retired from Fain r-nnith
and Jagersfuntein with sevon milt s uf
wagons. A larue force of lloer raiders is
marching on Frazerburg.
Oregon's text-book commission con
sists of II W. Scott, W. Colvig, P. L.
Campbell W. M. Ladd.and 8. A Lowell.
Heavy siiowato.ui In Southern Oregon.
Thef lice was proclaimed jn Pe
kin I a,a j V. wr.
tard of Tluukn.
Mrs. Jacol Johnston and family
wish to thank the many friends for
their kindnesi iu their ad bereave
tneat.' - v ; '
v i
4 A