Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 04, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
XuV-i i In Oregon City potoHcea Jnd-oUiemattM
Paid li advance, per yetr .
all BOBthf .. .
I lire monlht "trial -
1 W
. it
flgrThe dle oppwlte your ddreM o the
per acaoiea ine umw wmcn jo'ji'
lls notice is marked yonr lubscrlptlon It Que.
"' :' rr.rTBBISO RATK8.
ntb Weekly OregonUn 00
. Trl-WeeWr M, Y, World
National Watchmaa ; - 1?
' AppeaUo lleaa
1 60
- Standing business advertlwrnents! Per monlh
rofesslo al crd,U ('J) pel year : 1 to 10 nehes
Kc Inch. 12 Tuihei for JS, 20 Inches (column
S8, BOiaohes, $12,
Transient advertisements: Per week-1 Inch
0e. J ! lack- 750, Inches $1.4 lche $1.20,6
Inches $1.60, 10 Inches K.50, 20 Inches $5. .
Ial advertiemenl: Per In first inser
toX Kh HdUlonal Insertion 600, AffltaflU
f publication will not be furnished until pub
UfflS3 nX,? t cent, per l.neper wee.
yer month 20o,
OREGON CITY, JAN. 4, 1901.
NikoLA Tesla predii U that In the 20th
century electricity will be transmitted
from station to station without wire.
Thb biggest match factory in the world
in the Vulcan match factory at Tida
lialm, Sweden. It employs over 1200
men and manufactures daily 900,000
boxes of matches.
One of the most important problems
t, n.n rif mWc must solve is the
destruction of the gypsy moth which is
killing forests from th northeast Atlan
tic seahoard westwardA
The Union Pacific Railroad Company
has let a contract for the c instruction of
a cut-off through Echo canyon Irom
Echo. Wvo,. to Salt Lake. The con-
..-..r nrln. ifi.000.000. is one of the
largest In the history of the west.
IiT,1888 Bistiarck said in the Beichs
'J We Get mans fear God and noth
' lng else V. the world." But In 1900 the
kaiser turnB Krujjer down with the
thought! ''We Germans fear God and
our uraniln,nther and nothing' else in
the world.1' t
Accoitmut) to the Philadelphia Morn
ing Gazette, the destruction of the fut-
ests in centrvl and north Pennsylvania
hasproducad diia coureqneucps. Water
in those regicVs id befoirfmgH6circe,
wells and running streams drying up
kCL1CQ,.RrJijLBi"V6. In consetyienue, har
vests are often a failure and meatfows
do not grow. This ciicuiuslance illus
trates anew that the greatest enemy of
, man Is himself.
.Mb. '.Rockefeller! the chief of the
Standard Oil robher band, gave last
year to educational institutions a beg
garly couple of millions of the extra
profits which he took from his fellow
, men, not because he had a right to
these extra profits, but because, ignor
ing all laws made to restrain such high
waymen as he, he "held up" the people
of t'.e United 8latesand"wenl through"
thorn. .
Tub operations of the American troops
in the Philippines and of the British
troops In South Africa are remarkably
alike. A young German-American vol
unteer writes to a friend in Minneap'
oils: "Yesterday we burneJ five vil
laiies and killed a larce number of na
tives. We drove the women and chi
dren out of their houses and then Bet
them afire." He ends his epistle with the
maive admission that sucli'Mulicut'lea" as
beer ami Limhurger cheese are not oh
tainahle in the Islands.
In the seventies, when the imlepeml
ent oil operatots of IVnncylvania car
ried on their losing Imt le with the Stan
dard Oil Company and tne railroads,
the enemy captured the only canal that
connected the oil regious with the Erie
anl route to the sea, and they were
utterly vanquished. Now the anthra
cite coal trmt, the Standard Oil Company
under another name, has, by the pur
chase of a canal, fenced in the inde
pendent coal operators as effectually as
it did the independent oil men about a
quarter of a century ao. The price of
coal will tto up, and the anthracite and
railroad magnates will gloat over more
millions stolen from tlH' fool victims.
Twkntv-two years g', In its issue of
Januarv 11th, the New York Tribune
stated that "the uihchiiiery is nv fur
nished by which, in any emergency, the
financial corporations of the East can
act together at a single day's notice and
' with Btich power that no set of c mgres
can overcome or resist their decision."
If in 1878 emgre-is was helplessly siih
jeet to the "financial corporations of the
1'usl," U it unreasonable to assume it at
ifttl undoubted fi't that the hankera'
tnut has since then great y Incrvas d i n
lower, so th.it now this olit archy ia ab
oluto master of the republic, the execu
tive legislative aid juJicial depart
Vnulsof the government being but its
The Popular Science Monthly says
uas given tie a reuieny Au pnt-nalgin,
which can be absolutelyelied upon. In
adults, doses of ten grains washed down
by a good hot toddy at night (to be re
peated in an hour if necessary), a prompt
relief to all discomforts will be secured
The action of the pjienalgin is not only
to relieve pain and distress, but to open
up the excretory organs and correct the
general perversion of secretions as indi
cated by the bad taste in the mouth,
etc. in the morning, unless the bowels
have sufficiently moved, a teaipoonful
or two of sulphate of soda' may be given
in a glass of hot water to flush them
them more thoroughly. It may be well
to continue the phenalein in five-Brain
doses every three or four hours for
several days, to be followed later by a
Rnic composed as follows: Carjsicam.
onerain; quinine, two grains, and
strychnine. -150 of a grain, in a capeule
three tfioes a day.
How WreWdly weak our hnHn
system is andow ... it .
flu. aeUl stringers occur8i many b;nk8
. SHOW. by ya8t djg .
crepancy between apl&und dep0Blti of
prominent national bantk .Tat,.
of tbem in each of four citie
Detroit : $403,000 '
Denver 1,000,000
Chicago, 1,000,030
New York, 300,000
Total, 2,700,000 ' f59,312p85
Two million, seven hundred thonsairl
dollars are security for over fifty-nir
millions of deposits ! Can any one eain.
say that we are always on the vri:e of
a financial crash? Are the monev IoHh
who rule us, neither patriotic nor wise
enough to devise a remedy against the
danger confronting us?
The rapid rate of increase of insane in
the country is shown in Indiana. In
1890, the total number of insane in asy
lums in that state was 2610.
has four large asylums. In one of them.
the number of inmates is 1633. and it is
so overcrowded that about 350 .lunatics
must be quartered jn jails an poor-l
houses. This hospital should therefor
bo credited with about 2(100 niinta 1
.u r-
oniy o-iu less tnati the total number in
asylums in 1890. If the other three
state hospitals for the insne have but
1100 each, and they doubtless have a
much laiger number, the state of Indi
ana has more than doubled her insane
in ten year?, and if .the same ratio of in
crease holds throughout the coun ry,
our insane population has increased
from 90,500 , in 1890 to fully 200,000 in
1UUU-1U0 psr cent. Our population has
Increased in the laBt decade but 20 per
cent. There must be something radi
cally wrong vitji a civilization that pro
duces such tefiTb e'reHiilfi"
Albion est in orbe ultimo, Albion ie
last in the world, a phrase which in the
restrained speech of 'varsity quadran
gles may be rendored, England sees
her finish . England is ,a huge corpora
tion, a trust badly managed and with
out a head. Considered as a corpora
tion she used to be as solid bb the Bar
ings, and we know what happened to
them. Her machinery ia uoinc in niu.
Each year it becomes easier for her to
(etch produce from Chicago to Chat lng
vross man irom lorkshiie to Canon
street. Each year her inability to feed
herself becomes more pronounced. Each
year her isolation becomes more appar
ent. Each year her colonies become
more aloof. Each year the dry rot
in her West Indies becomes more
acute. Each year her ind isirial posi
tion becomes mote impaired. Each
vearher aurieultiiral c -ndition becomes
more wretched. Ka, year her weak
ness becomes more clear. Each year
her trade deficit increases Edgar rial
A Co-operative
.1 is the eafest
ss.ich a creilit
1 in tt. primitive
delay, iron.gliiss,
us that contti'ut
t'L0n. Ihey ivp
1 the holders to
v u8 Jn m the com
it kens in retiiii,
... lendy rendeied
credit in the worl
that was repres
for. 11 3 of miuey
leather and opp
ed the earliest m
resented the 1
claim goods or
munity issuing
for goods or se
by the holders.
That co-oper
1 1 dit is the safea
and bestcredi
dant'y proven
1 world, is abnn
iif littery of the
1 1 Kb iii Germany.
1 m aesO)iatlons of
) u i(.0(e of guarantee
cudit of the mem
1 . td upon the tin
viiy member for the
1. . iiCfcl , The safe
but effectual. They
Raiffeisen Ore
They are co-o
borrowers for
ing the indivl
hers. They
limited liabilit
debts of eae
guards are simp.e
have wrought a transformation scene in
the condition of the poar throiitho'it
whol ' provinces aud have ex'ended into
almoet every country in Europe, every
where producing the same ieults.
Alter a history of over forty-three
year, including more than a thousand
instituii'Mia loaning m nny on lorn; time,
mostly to the very po'r, It was found
that not a man has lost a penny by any
of them. They are regarded as so safe
that they can borrow all the money they
want a, a low interest; and when other
banks are in panic, they actually have
money thrust upon them, without inter-
MTlv I
f ti a
i properly of credit", jM ,ar iUDerior in'"
every way to the sysera in vogue. It is
co-operative pureiv,Hhe borrower and
the lender having mutuaHa.terosts.
The Nicarajn Canal treaty as ratified
by the senate, by a vote of 56 to 18, em
bodies three amendments, vi5 (1) The
Davis amendment, which reserves to the
United States the same right as is re
served to Great Britain in the Sues Canal
treaty to take such measures as it "mav
find it necessary for securing , by its own
forces, the defense of the United States
and the maintenance of public order.',' i
(2; The Foraker amendm ent movidintr
that the treaty shall "supersede" the
Claylon-Bulwer treaty. (3) The Foraker
amendment striking out article 3, which
provided that the other powers should
be invited to adhere to the treaty after
its ratification.
It seems to the writer that the onlv
logical republican candidate for U. 8.
Senator is Hon. H. W". OorbetlTof Por.
and. About the only objection made
is that he is too old. If Mr. OorbetU
with his position and standing, can't do
twice as much for the State of Oregon
is any other man, he'll rose our guess.
Furnished Every Week by Clacks
. . mis Abstract & Trust Co.
J P Hoffman to 0 Maggini,
ne of sec 34, 4, 1 e.......
lara Forsythe to P H Marlay, tax
deed, ne of se of see 27, 1 s, 3 e S
Florence Olsen to Otto Lehman, 1 j
acre in the W hitcomb claim ...... 25(J
J. V Thayer to J A Roman, 2 as in j
t Vance claim. 8
H Lstratton to J C Pierce, lot 10,
bl2, Falls View
J A TUyer to G L Morse, blk 20,
Clck Jts.. .... ... .....(
F H McCirmick to Mrs L A Shaw,
eofseoleof sec 15, 5, 1 e
E Nrtvvkirk 0 to L Newkirk, 55.06
as in IsaacVoster clala, 2, 3 e. .
E M Shaw toxj F and E L Mitch-
ell, w i,f nw d Bec 2, 4, 3e
- in
; L F Mohr to F 0 Salmon, 2 as in r
Wads worth elm ,2, 2 e 600
Geo W Stratton to C Pierce, Its 7 1
and 8 in blk 3, Fa'ils View 125
R Wjiitworth to Wm Pachin, h of j
the Rnna M ttoon cm aucf the j
Orrin Mattoon elm, i, 3 e ..... . k
VVm pochin to W H Fear, nf Ru- J
. na Mattoon elm in 3, Se.l 3i00
S Siewart.et al. to P H Mariy, tax
deed, lot 3. sec 4, 2, 2e.'.f... .... 1?
Surah Kinney to P H MarUy,' tax
deed, 11 of ne of sec 13, 5,1 e . ." 9
A O rieckmau to P H Marlay, tax
deedj sw of sw of sec 2, 5, 1 e . "Z?
3 II Bogges to P H Marlay, lax-; ' -
'iJfle-.1,n-di!-Ti Wtiiec Yi; SH"-
Chas Matthews to P H Marlay, tax
deed, e of nw of nw ot w of sec
33,5, 1 e . 14
N B Garrett to P H Marlay, tax : l
deed, 20 as in the Garrett elm,
a, 1 e j J8
G L Moody to P H Marlay. tax
deed, sw of sec 14, 4, seV.;
N Graham to P H Marlay, tax deed
nw of sw of sec 18, 5, 1 e ;15
A G Schwan, et al, to Washington
Nation Building Loan A Invest
ment Co., sheriff deed, lot 14, 15
and 16, clk27, O I & S Co 1st
Add, to Oswego
It E Metealf to Guarranty savings
& Loan Association, sheriff deed,
lots 4, and 6, blk 93, Oregon City
S D Hednes to W E Weleh, nw of
sec 5, 3, 7 e . . .
F F Dodge to Peter Madison, se of
tie of sec 81, 3, 2 e
M E Tucker to 8 J Rittunhouie, Its
5 and 6 in blk e, CK k Heights..
G W McConnell to E M Tlicraas.
100 as in the sw of s c 25 and the
nw of 30, in 2,3e
M J Munson to M L Joyner, se of
(fec2t, 7, 2 e 1
Ellen Garrett to P II Marlay, tax
dee 1, 18 a in the Garrett elm, 5,
le .... 8,
B S Bellorav to C Joseph, lots 2, 3,
4 and 7 in blk 31, Canemah IK)
COT Williams, ot al, to J V
Thomas, lol 1, blk, 19, Falls
View.... 150
LH Kirchem to Mary Trotter, 40
as in elm 44, 3, 3 e, Un 8 as in
the Arthur elm 400
JFNirristoC OTal)Hr,8as ii
Ewm elm . . .. JjS 10
J Osi'tun t" o and I Z tek, 37 as i ij
elm 50, 2, 3 e...... 100
8 8 Henkle to George Br wn, 2 as
in nw of see 21, 2, 3 e
R F Beatie to Ag-jiaSchu.-iiel, S 8 as
Hoi men elm
J A Thayer to James Rockhee, !
4, 5, and 6 in blk U7, Oregon
M J C"ok to Willis Imel, It 4. 5, li
in nlk 12. Kikii's Ad I, to VI ir.sh
Held 4
Sarah Sharp to A Fnnkhaueer, i
a in c 2i. 1 1 . r 2
J H LtuhtrtM Viverlv Vi.i. l t
ion. T'act in 1)4 br'uljo
. ...... n .i .
n hi .uitv in 1 vj reiu'iroKj. e o
sw ot sec 7, 4, 3 e
secuniy S4Vinf and tnvenuienrj t
vo m a B nres-e'.w ot Kec otl.anJ
ne of at c 4 4 e 1
(. K I.ewlliwH i 1 1 M E UisnmsstJ
It 18, blk II, tilaNmii.. 473
LJL Pi' t.-r t" E L Ileitis, lot 1
Burns chn 303
L L Porter to I, K Adair, lot 1
Bums rim . 03
Ch is Kr-ixer iiv .sheriff. t K,l'i.
J 'wvl, n o' se of e 14. 4.2 .
E A Jewttll to Wm J Moldenhaur,
I We offer correct millireryat correct
prices Miss Goldsmith.
' Bareainsiri Men's and Boys' suits at
jhe Parkplacecasb store, W. A. Holmes
proprietor. . '
i, For Sale The Doolittle place at Green
Point for 11050, nine rooms , large lot.
1 Th ltal out Trv the marshmallow
kisses at the Koy Kandy Kitchen.
1 Part of house four rooms and water
'for $5 per month. Inquire at Courier
Herald office. 1
Shank & Biesell carry the most com
plete line of undertakers' suppliej in
Oregon City.
; A brand new top b iggy for sale at a
sacrifice. Inquire at Courier-Herald
office. , ,
;! R. L. Holman, leading undertaker
two doors south of court house, Oregon
City '
School report cards for sale at this cf
$20 to $100 to loan on cha' tel or per
If you want good wood from large yel
low fir timber, order of C. E. Stewart,
Carus, or E. H. Cooper, Oregon City,
i Lost A red and white spotted old
cow ; poor, big ' horns, hole in left ear.
Finder will receive pay for trouble by
addressing L. Danosky, Oregon City.
. Wanted, a man and wife to rent a
farm of 50 acres. All in cultivation,
large orchard. All kinds of fruit and
berries. Terras satisfactory. For fur
ther particulars, address Mrs. M. E.
Graham, Handy, Clackamas Co., Or.
Those fine Oregon City lots: 1, 2, 3
and 4, of block 82 and 5, 6, 7 and 8, of
block 83; lots 65 x 110, all fenced, level
and cleared ; only $225 each, $100 cash,
al&nce to suit at 7per cent. 5C4, Gold
8 mith street, Loner Albina, Portland.
vr. j. Hurt Mo-ire is now prepared to
answer nrofeRainnnl mil. Oilii'p tam.
norally at residence, 10th street, hear
Je Terse n, Oregon City.
General merchandise At lowest livng
prices At Holmes Parkplace cash store.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, tip to date on
home-made candies.
The latest in chocolate of all kinds
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
A few watches for sale cheap
lounger s, n atcnes cleaned, $1.
The finest bon hon boxes in town al
M.e K. K L
Rancher, TheFarmer md Mechanics
tore takes your farm produce, hides and
urs, Oregon City.
When you visit Portland don't fail to
st your meals at the Royal Restauraut,
First and -Madison. They srve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
square meal, with pudding and pie, 15c.
Shoes at livina rates at Holmns' PnrV
place store.
n A complete line of f.incy feathers, the
01 lau .uiss uoiusmita. 1
f br. R. BrBeaTTe7ehat office,- tobmBH1
15 and 16, VVeinhard building.
I have for sale the Wonderful Richard
Magic Stamping Pad. Any child can do
stamping Miss Goldsmith.
Photos 25 cents per dozen at New
York Gallery. One 10x20 enlargement
given away with every dozen cabinets
Tu'rney, photographer.
Yon can be cured of nervo.i 1 li se isea
tsmmering, bad rabita, alcoholism,
drug habits and Hex mil diseases. Ab
sent treatment. Instruction in personal
in tjgue hm Send for literature. Inst
tute of Psychology, 7th and Washington
Streets, Portland.
Niv vuli i? sand caps by and h
Miss Goldsmith.'
When you went ' a good square meal
gjtothe ir'runsffick reHaurant, oppo
site suspension bridge, L. Ruconich
proprietor. Everything fresh and clean
and well cooked ; just like you get at
home. This is the only tirst-tliss res
taurant in Oregon City snd wl.ere yon
can get a (100 1 meal for the price of a
poor one el ewhere.
For Sitle.
2:)4. 29 acres in the McGarvey claim,
five miles Irom Oregon City, $10 per
acre. Terms easy. Must be sold by
Jan. 1st. .
Six lots in West Gladstone, 50 vsrds
I from depot; $50 each;
We have 73 of the best and cheapest
far ns in Clac tamas con ity (or sale on
easy terms.
Also a large number of good houses
snd lots In Oregon I "ity at low prices and
I easy terms. ' ,
Dl.MlCK & Eastham,
Attorneys at Law.
I Rooms 5-6-7, Stevens' Buildinx, Ore
gon ( 'ity.
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
Uncquulul bv any otlier.
Renders hard leather soft.
Especially prepared. .
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative.
Reduces cost of your harness
Never burns the leather; its
Efficiency is increased.
Secures best service.
Stitches kept from breaking.
I sold in ail
LOCallUe Ma
8dard OH Comfmnr.
, But the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
.... Prices in Oregon City is at
You Can
Depend Upon
. Patent FJour, made from old wheat. It
makes the best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made bv the Port-.
. land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize
Home Industry
Brown & Welch
The Seventh Street Meat Market
Keeps nothing bat first-class meats .
and sells lower than others.
The Old Stand, ''Seventh Street, A. O. U. W. Building
H. Bethke's Meat Market
J Opposite Huntley's ' "
PiFst-glass lyleats of 11 irds
Satisfaction Guaranteed v .
Give Iirg a 'Call apd be Treated ?it?t .
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
. above headline. Lack oi foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing
.anejepert graduate
- - .
optical departmtnt. , 7 . ""r- H - . , ,
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
393 Horrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
Almota Oil Mining Co.
456 Parrott Building, San Fransisco, Cal.
Lands jn the Center of th3 Vast Oil Fields of Kern County
Stock has doubled in price and now oiTered at
cents a share. Stock sold on
installment plan.
i;t 3rd Strvet PORTLAND, OREGON
Headquarters for
Drugs and Chemicals, Compounding of Pre
scriptions and Receipts.
Lowest Prices' on Patent Medicines, Brushes, S ap and Rubl.er GVod
Weekly Oregonian and
One year $2.00
for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
oculist andoptican, has charge of our
I. LEMAHIEU, Agent at Oregon City.
It's Easy to. Stand
With your leet encased in our
Floral Qui'en $3.00 Shoes well
made, stylish, healthful, econo
mical. It's a '-wonder" in shoe
values. Ask to see it.
Dozen of other varieties foot
wear for all people and all purse?.
that for the grip " synthetic chemistry
system of banking, or more
n of se of sec 11, 4,
t I i ,