1 OREGON aTY COURJft-Fr 'UAftY 4, '190V. 1 UacCitti-ick's Hemee Sale Will begin on ' IJanuary I: We have 500 pairs of .Men's, Ladies', iRnvc and MtWs Shnes that we will sell I for a $L00 a pair. Also 20U pairs ot t Ladies' Oxfords at 50c a pair. Don't Miss This McKITTRICK t Next Door to Orearin City Bank. , OREGON , CITY LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. W. 8. U'Ren arrived New Year's day from South Africa. . , 8. A. D. Hungate, of Molalla, was in Oregon City Thursday. , ' J. 0. Dixon, of Maple Lane, left for California Tuesday evening. Miss Elma Albright returned home from Clatskanie Kriday, where she had been the guest of Miss Laura Conyera. Sara Bennett has just returned from a business trip thiough the East and will hereafter be connected wilh Price Bros.' '-clothing store. J. W. Boatman left Wednesday for San Francisco and will speid tha re mainder of the winler..visiUug.tiM end friends in that city and : vioinUy, Air. Boatman his been in p ior, hjilth for some time past, and it is thought the " clause will be beneriflhTiolilitt. . ' ., .,' LOCAL NEWS IIWIS. --4 Born, to the wife of lid Oldi, 01 Dec. 30, a young bridge carpenter. ' ; Miis K ite Mark, in a delightful man ner, entertaiied a few of hir fridul Monday evening. For Sale Oannel fruit, hourehold Koodsand baby c irriage. Mrs. A. J. Lewthwaite, 13th and Main streets. Dr. Casto has rriiit- i his Al iii n - farm to Mr. Skinner, recently of Kinsas, and is undecided where he will he locrtted. The stock a id fixtures of. Macy and M core's drug store arrived on Thursday nd are being placed in p ui.i ) 1 With out tlelay. Chief Charles E. Burns received a line yew cane as a New Year's present from A. M. Patricks of the State Reform School. A special mactiu of .Yhile Po-it 1? ). 2, U called at 0 p. m.r Mondiy t-ve-iiiiu. January 7th, f r the transaction of a.-"ressarv businews. '. , I On the I Threshold 1 of a New - We wish to thank tliose who have helped to make our last year's - business satisfactory. We acknowledge appre. iation and extend t our patrons the sincerest wish tt a' the coming year may be one of happiness ancl pros 1 WVA Huntley Bookseller t f 5,1901 1 The' Shoe Man PERSONAL "( '. A public meeting of the fishermen of Oregon City and vicinity will be held at Justice Mc Vnultf's offije next Monday evening to formulate laws in regard to needed legislation for fishermen. ilex Lewthwaite has resigned his po sition as machine doss in the paper mills, and left for , Wisconsin Wednes day to accept a better position. Ed ward ciheehan will eucceed Mr. Lewth waiie. ' Meade Post No. 2, G. A. It., and Meade Relief Corps No. 18, will hold a jjint installation of officers at Willam ette lull . commencing at 7:30, p ra., Monday evening, January 7th. A musical ami literary program will be presented and a banquet will be ,JniMJ!i-J&djeSi Al 1 pk snhliera ndsailots are invited to Im ppiseut I whether nien oersof the. G. A. It. or not-. On Duceaiber 2St.ii a weotinj! of Ziou'b Gnill of the Evangelical church was held wnd the following olii ers fleeted :' Hcv E. Mever, presideut; Mrs. Meyer, vice- p.-euideut; Mrs. Poik, secretaiy; Mr 1. V l, tfitur r 11 re- ' Crfipts of the Guild's recent fair were $90 which goes toward paying debts of the chuich. This ambitious Aid Society is doing a geod work for the church and people. Clackamas. Albert N.iaj wai fojn I dead in his bed tin moruitu f Dee. 2t3th, 1900, at the home of hi grandmothef, Mrs. Jacob Johniton, near C.ackainas station, Or. I'tie ciuse of his deal li was the burst in,; of a blooi vessel near his heart. He ni ae i 19 yearn and 21 days. Rav Waltz cjnduc ed the funeral sor V ce at the Oongrrgati'ttnl church of Clackamas, which was very largely at tended. The remains was 1 iid to r j-tt i 1 the Oregon City cemetery by the si le of his mother and father, who die 1 when he was young. ' Three brothers survive hi in. Year I C G. Huntley, Druggist The sixth annual show of tliti MaM Poultry Association will be held at Port- : land January 7th to 12th. Entrees lrQa TanamhA Q 1 of A 1.imi-.a ........ l. of cash and special premiums M ill be i awarded. 1 . TWENTIETH CENTURY PARTY. The Home af Mayor and Mrs. Latourelte a Scene of Dazzling Brilliancy. The dawn of the twentieth cent jry was ushered in at the beantiful home of Mayor and Mrs. O. D. Latourette amid a blaze of social eclat. The old year was bid an eternal farewell with fon I recol lections,' while the new year was wel comed in rigbt royally It was an evening gathering of the so ciety folk of Oregon City, and a galaxy of elegantly-gowned ladies and neatly attired gentlemen graced the f pacious parlors with their presence, bestowing oil ih .. ( :.J ItUIIUI Ul lllO UCUHHUMh UUUI1 Mortimer Latourette, a student ot the University of Oregon, who is spending the holidays with his parents in thiB city. .' -.' '-, The evening's festivities opened with progressive whist, and "sneaks', were le d without mercy. Miss Ins Chase and Mr. Carl Church were the most soi cessml at cards, the former receiving a beantiful burt-leather opera bag and the latter a painting, "an old Monk," as prizes for the greatest n amber of pro gressions. There wasn't a dull moment elapsed during the entire evening, ths program being brilliantly colored with prattling, singing, dancing, and, we won't say what happened "under the mistletoe bough." A luncheon followed which was Berved in empire style. After wishing each other all the hap piness that the twentieth century could bestow, the merry-makers filed home from the splendor of a New Year; party. Mrs. Latourette was aoly assisted by a corps of young ladies whom society pronounces amoi.g the best social enter tainers the city affords, including Mrs. Nelson Lawrence, Mrs. Charles Pope, Mies Harriet Bra, Miss Mary Conyera, Miss Harriet Cochran, Miss May Kelly, Miss Anita McCarver, Miss Bertha Goldsmith. Those present were: Mayor and Mrs. CD. Latourette, Misses Pade Chase, M ttie Draper, Ina Chase, Alice Lewth waite, Betta Fousts,Mamie Lewthwaite, Hattie Verstig, Imogene Harding, May Wishart, Nettie Waldron, Lizzie Walker, Hazel Pilibury, Laura Pope, May Murk', May McBride, Aimee Bollack, Marjorio Caufield, Ethel Caufield, Elma Albright, Myrtle. Buchanan, Maria frail, Nan Cochran.' Clara .Warner, Amy Kelly; M e st,rs Dra pit rWi nj i i eHj!UoaG ot;d - i jQHv. Cilia I'ttncoM, , uin Wjni.'or 1 ('-. Campbell, Fred Chaimau, ; Chis. ; Humt-ueyi Burt 1 rreemna.n Iciaih r?,ii (M":. I 'liar K'!,"ian.in."- Walter ! ..Lin, lioy Brad.-y, Gillitn't Don Meldrum) Holies, Forbes Pratt, lewtW jaitp, L. Kelly, E. Chapman, Lee 1 'i Harding, - -K. Wipengarner, Howard, Jack, Mor'imer and Earl Latourette; out-of-town guests: C. W. Wilsoli,. of Sp'ikahe ; Miss Lullu Spangler, of Cor. vallis; Mr. E. Convers, of Portland: Mr. C. Upton, of Walla Walia; Mrs. R. O. Scott, of Portland ; Mrs. J. S. Hellfcr, of Portland. t s "Colored Aristocracy." JIanager Shively announces that he will present at the opera house the the Oubred Aristocracy Company, num bering 25 artists, toyether with an ex cellent band and oicliestra. This; is said to be the bent company of colored entertainers ever seen here. They guar antee to keep the audience in a state ot c instant meiriment fur two hours and a half with their new and novel program, styled " A Ragtime Carnival " j The following was taken intact from .. ! . !!.. II, . i Itie uregoman i-c 01: 3 "Colored Aristocracy", which is billed ai a pleasing potpouiri of minstietsy, burlesque ind vaudeville, "mad-j good" its title to that rather imposing naiue at the Metropolitan lait night, i nd pleased a good Sunday night audierjee. The comjiany is better than the average of its kind, numbering a score or mor of colored people wh ) can sin and dance, and who are also entitled to rank; as comedians. The first part of the pro gram is one ot the prettiest scenes seen on the Metropolitan stage for many a day a garden scene, twiiikling With Chinese lanterns and forming a vry pretty background for the dinky enter tainers. TnapsrforminiH on du lea with "A Rag Time Reception," in which the i whole c impany pa ticip ites, and wcr.u 1 ts a very ntttng uuaie io goo 1 per formance. Orange Notice. y Clu-kamai Diitriet I' .in ma Gn.njo will meet with the Milwaukie Grang-; No. 2t8, on We Inesday, Jan. O h, 19 ;t Come one, come all. ' T. K. A. Ski.uwoo-1. - Master. Mrs. M. K. Gii.l. Secretary. lUlitor Sees Womlers, Editor W. V. Bairv of Lxingtcc. I Ktima va' leun., lit exploring ainmuim .-oniric ed a severe case 01 rues, urn quick euro thrmigh using Buckiei.'s u,)llrlJ"' Amu- Ki vt L'ouvinceu mm n m mhr wnrld' windr. Cures Pil 1 Injuries, Iiiflammstion, and all Bodily J Eruptions. Only 25c at Geo. A. Hard- " .COUNCIL. ted by New Council. I 1 Pre sen 1 1 G. B. Dimick, mayor; coun I jiluiotii J- W. Scott, E. F. Story, E. j Koerner, J. W. Powell, 0. G. Huntley ; William Sheelian, S. D. Francis, Bruce 3uuiwalt,'C. O.Albright v Bruise 0. Curry was elected recorder n firHt ballot, receiving 7 votes and J. '.V. Loder 2 votes. ' 1 The excellent address of the ' new usyor, O B. Dimick, is published on Ibe first page. r ' " Remonstrances from Charles F. Horn find Cale' i Cross for charge of sewer as tjemneiit referred to finance committee. fCommi'.iication from O. Cross for i'peiiing.ti ley through hi block referred t) street committee. fjPetiticai: from residents of "Kansas City" adi'Uion asking for an arc light en c irncr of i 5th and Madison street e- ftr;ed tof street committee. Similar t'oirimuuiiition received asking for light at l2th antl Taylor. porhuiiti::ee appointed to amend char ted no council cannot spend more money tl iu jt receives, etc. 1 By a of 7 to 2 the ordinance and amendmenta-granting a street railway f.-.mchise o F.S. Morris was taken from ta le; ttie jcouncil claiming -it was il legally passed at a former meeting of a fo jpuer coilncil.. The amendments we'M lo: i. Thij original ordinance was not psJsed. I (rdinanjee of levying tax of 7 mills for c'"'4 purposes, ordered published. "Jayor bimick appointed the follow- P.i, rn.) - night watch ; E. L. Shaw; pe in tendon t streets, John Green tornev. na aDUointment: citv encinAir. Enest Kiunds. .iJecorder instructed to invite hps for bitf printi .V COMM1TTESS. : finance Committee Koer: Hunt- ley and fcl eehan. ' Kl eels ahd Public Properf Albright, Zuniwalt rind Scott Fire and Wate Huntley, trancis : una Story. I Hjdltliahi Police owell, Zumwalt andShechao. , t tnietery-VFrancii Story and Scott. K.VTEtt clliIUSMSBW' BSPOBT. Tl, followitg is the Board of Water Commissioner!! report for the year end ing newmber 31st, 1900:' . Di.raoN Cttif, Oreg., Jan. 1,1961. To the Honorable, the Mayor, and City Council, of Oregon City, Or : Gentlemen We J).e.tfiEith..auhmiU)Uj:. fpvj:.! rpotoi( ttie aa.irs 01 ttie city ! " - 4 4" .-....,vu,;.-...y'sr- i'vew'f Year's I dumber........ Vi irpeir in' a day or so. Te edition was unavoidab .$ Jylelaycd by engravers and J scrcity of skilled printers .Those wishing to send & oies ot tne iNew jears Z , mber of the Courier-Her- j a should send in their or- dx and f hey will be mailed frt of charge. Price 10c. 5 bimf'nntfi of the pa t six months; also an invitory of the property, as required by th. tity Charter. ( Thetiiave been nine new tappings' i (iuringtie year. The Board has ex- tendedho one-and-one half inch main, 130foev 10th street to supply new and (.Iconsnmers Al hi alreajly been reported to the C uncii lie Bbard had a preliminary in veetige in of a propoped pipe line to the south fit of the Clackamas river, some 26 mil-dumheast of the city the way a pipe If ihoidd run, and the engineer eniiuatl that 2,000,000-gallon supply in 21 lure, jnld probably be obtained for oho 150,000, which on a careful survey i competition among contract ors wou Ukely reduce the price to $1 50. , 000 1- Ktream is in forest reecr? and not yVto contamination, as the water sli is vety rough and mountain ous, ?. '.nx of the water proves it to be of ' c(tio!ial purity, clear and cool. '. -rn i a sufficient quantity for a city VmK.i) inhabitants. The iu'iaies having been obtained so late ia "- season it is advisable not to atleri)i, ttiake a dffinite survey at Oms tii of the year; but the Board will lak'i Ht1! to secure as rn iK-h of the! waters i tnrc ii, y onl l be obtained from this point, 1 vided the cost could be taken caro of m Uie revenue of the water 1 itw. ! , : . ! ). ...........$ 44 o Disimrsnan't 914I0O Approxtt-- J alue and inven- tory i-iie ty water orks 50,574 40 of water works iu.irurm I over to 3, 1891 20,tj0f l 'T W rj - ii - inu o m lliree years benr- im: (iir cfdt 10 t . .. Itie vrks i-Jiu ail acc-'Bfor.ies are in goo! re.jr ana operating atfactorily; f A 4 Odds and AT (Koldeii ' Mule HCazaar ... . i Stevens Bldg , Opp. Bank of Oregon City " Many useful and ornamental articles can be obtained at far below prevailing prices. V Children's Games. ... . Au o Albums. ..... Dressed Dolls Box of Stationery. . . , f Metal Toys. . . . . . . . . . Good Clothes Brushes. Ladies' Pocket Books. Creat Reduction (Rolden BSiile IHazaar Leaders in Advanced Styles and Low Prices 3r.JBKr REPORTS. y ' POBTLANf,. r (Corrected on Thursday.) , lour Best $2 903.40; graham f2.60. j" 1 Whrat Walla Walla 5353cj valley 58cQPt bluestem 58c. ,i-. OftsVVhite 4315c; gray 41 42c. Zarley Feed $16; brewing $16 per t. Millstuffs Bran $1; m Uliuo 125 ; ports $17 ; chop $18. Hay Timothy $1213; clover, 79; Oregon wild $7. Butter Fancy creamery 50 and 55c ; store, 25 and 32. Eggs Eastern, 22 ; ranch, 25c per doz. Poultry Mixed chickens $2.753.00 ; hens $3.504; springs $2(g3 50;geeBe, $68; ducks $35)jt; live turkeys 11 12c; dressed, 1214c. Mutton Gross, "best sheep, weathers and ewes, sheared, $3 60; dressed, 8 and 7 cents per pound. Hogs choice heavy, $5 60 and $5 75 ; light, $5 ; dressed, 5 1-2 and 6 cents per pound. Veal Large, 61-2 and 7 cents per pound. Beef Gross, top steers. $3 50 and $4; dresHed beef, 6 ahd 7 cents per pound. ' Che- se Full cream I2c per pound young America 13c. $ " . Potatoes 70 and 85 cents per sack. - Vegetables Beets $1 ; turnips'" 75c per sack; garlic 7c per Hi; cabbage $1.25 1.4D per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75c -pr-dozn ; parsnip 85c per sack; celery 60ti5o per "-dozen; airaM!Us"'.7(&'-.io; peas 84c par pound. , - ., sun-dried sacks or hoxes ?(94c; priirs sun and evaporated 8(?v)c; pitiest plums 78)R; Italian prunes 6g7i'; fxlra silver choice 67. a OHKOON CITY. Corrected on Thursday.' ' Wheat, wagon, 53 i, Oats, 39. Potato, 50 and 60 cents per sack. Eggs, 25 per dozen. Buttnr, dairy, 35 to 45c per roll; creamery, 60c. 99999 9399999?. Thin, pale, anaemic girls need a fatty food to enrich $ their blood, ftvve color tow their cheeks and restore their 1 health and strength. U is$ safe to say that they nearly i all reject fat with their food. CCD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES QfUMESSODA is exactly what they require; I it not only gives them the im-1 I portar.t element (cod-liver oil) I in a palatable and easily di-f gested form,but also the hypo- S DhosDhites which are so valua- $ I ble in nervous disorders that fj? j c ., PU,,K,ni . Jj , btOTT 5 tMULblUN IS a 9 ' fay (0od that 'lS more easily t 1 ! Rested, than any other form of fat. A ccrttin enaount ot j flesh is necessary for health. You can get it in this way. 2! Wp: have known Der- ':1 t sons to gain a pound a oo day while taking ii. 50c. nd fi.oo. (II drugguti, JCOTT 4 BOWNE, ChemiMI, New on., IfsEasy! Totaid v . .. , . Ends Sale ... 59 . Men's Silk Ties. ..... . .23c . ,5c Men' Working Shirts. . ,45c , 15c , Men's Felt Hats ; . .95c . 9c Boys' Caps 20c . JJCjLadies Stockings... ..... 10c .' I c Pocket Knives . . . 5c , 2jc Yankee Watches ...... .95c In 1901 Calendars Dried apples, 6 to 6c per ponnd. Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petit and German, Sc. StfOPSTHE COUUH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Brorao-Quinine Tablets cut a cold in one day. No Cure no Pay P ce 25 cents. Notice to Water Consumers and Property Owners. At a meeting of the Board of vVater Commissioners on September 29th ult, the following change of tnonthly water rates was made to take effect on and after January I, 1901 : .Automatic-closing AubIi tank closets, private, 25 cents; public, 50 cents. ALL OTHER CLOSETS, $1.00 These rateB apply where water 4s used for other, services. - In order to get the benefit of tl.g. above rates a change of fixture as indicated above must be. made by trie date men tioned. ' -41 ' By order of he Boa--T. L. CiHARM.ltfi Sec. Oregon City, Or., Oct.jlO, 19. If You Want HlpH Of a3e Stamp - Photos OREQON CITY, OKEUON (it. E. HAYES ATrORNEYAT LAW BteYem Building, opp. Bank of Oreion City OREGON CITY OREGON Take them to day and youll be well to-morrow. I Baldwins g Cold Cure I Tablet No21B 6 o 3 a o $1 (Cold in head) , ( tr rr mtlf tnd M.iiloil Mmutl ItUwIn ta rrtoelw .. . ' - ' Huntley's Drugstore' yiiiiA First-Class Groceries a tHi? f 4' A off f t ltn Ml , of all Kinds MUIR BROS. Successor to Marr & Mulr. m v -1 i 1 ttlg 8. fl pee? r