Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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M Vv,
gom aw aiuRisR-iiAii). January 4. . " -
'v (
e -v jm
BCclow Cost
Every hat and all millin
ery goods must go
Mats for 5fl)c and Up
May MilsteaJ is viaftin., iaiBtr ifa
Richard's Magic Stamping Pad
rails .o
x . .Received on consignment a handsome
up-to-date, upright piano; owner going
cast; will be sold at a great sacrificeby
Block the HoinefurniBher.
Maple Lane.
Christmas and New Year'B are the
features cf theuay.
A ball was given at the hop house
Christmas night. A very enjoyable
time was had after the violin was
tuned up, which was about 10 o'clock,
p. m.
Miss Elsie Gibbs spent Christinas at
home. '
George Sliortledge and George Mautz
eame home from 'the coast, where they
were duck hunting. ,
Delbert Shelly is home from Califor
nia, where he has been cutting , wood
for J, Duffy. ' '
The smiling face of Arthur Sitton was
een in Maple Lane last week.
A number of Maple Laueites took part
i In the charavarl at Beaver Creek last
i' week.
V, I There was a social hope at L. How-
, : ru a oki jhv n Bin. . . j
Mike and DkiTCaffney! of harmony this
special features of the evening's enter
tamment. A dainty lunch was served
at midnight, after which the guests
went'home wisung Mr. Friedrich snd
family many happy returns of the eve
ning. . ' . .,,
A number of young men of this place
met at the residence of Mr. Veteto last
Thursday evening for the purpose of or
ganixing a Gun Club. The officers were
elected as follows: President, Elmer Ve
teto i vice-president, Oscar Burgoyne;
secretary, Weitley Sevick; treasurer,
John Grader. Each member put in $1
to pay for a A.Clay pigeon trap. All of
the boys around New Era will be ex
perts with a gun before long.
Ed Spulak is building a new work
shop. .
Dr,. Furgeaon has the road to his new
warehouse completed, and the road is
in first class shape. -
Most of the farmers of this place con
template shipping thoir spuds on the
train to San Francisco unless the boats
come down to the same freight rates.
Jacob Crader and grand-daughtej.
Miss Eliza gums spent Christmas with
relatives at'
Jjohn Gt
jis week 1
'Mrs. d
7 Mrs. d er culled
Monday Wnlng.
Jan. 1
ey has been hauling hay
on Mrs. Gibbs
May Milstea,
The Enterp-ise has a new !or Irom
this part of the woods bv tWame of
News Boy. j
Miss ,Wade has been hav an nt"
tack of rheumatism, but is vering.
Frank Haun is on the the e Ji8t-
Charlie Armstrong has soliV' n'19
store at Scott's Mill and hapne t0
Portland to spend the winteriith llia
mother and sister.
Everything is calm on thn 'dge, and
everyone is looking for good r168' Ior
the next few years, and if thu?on l2et
U they will be fooled, sure thij
Wilson and Crouse are mak
fence in some new slashing.
Charlie Ryan and- Ralph SI
making rails to place, on the f ris
that leads to Oregon City. I
Raymond Wylandaud his hther, Al
Wyiand, are home aain. will
spend the winter with their fier and
mother. (
Mr. Samstrora lost his old da' horse.
He had his leg broken. i
Milwaukle. j
Whereas, It has pleaseV,tt -Great
Master of the Universe tf ft ,rom
amongst us our brother 'nk E.
Wills, be it ,, V' ?
Resolved, That in the'deaC Brother
Frank E. Wills, that this d' ' V has
lost a very worthy brother, brff togave
a great deal of his time and' rfy-ln
the advancement of Mil watf 'fJ-' ange
No, 268, and the order at larV 'ener
getic worker ; the community "i good
citizen, and his wife, a de; ' 1 tius
band. ;':,
Resolved, That this Granecider its
heartfelt sympathy to his wife' fed ara
ily in their bereavement and whilst we
bow to the will of our toaster aba i
doetb all things well." Let asi
ward to a happy reunion in
hereafter. '
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread on the minutes of this Grange
and a copy be sent to Sister Susie Wills
also to the county papers and thp P"
cific Farmer. I
J. S. RihIlby,'
R. Boot
Anna Hi
Great Dissolution Sale
The Most Remarkable Sale of the Day
I : : 9 '
' We are determined to dissolve and in order to do so have
I prepared an aggregation of Bargains that we think were never
t equaled ..-, . .' ' -;
X 7- : ., v.
X ' tuj, mnckts of Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' and
Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Etc
Call and inspect the Fine Bargains Offered.
.: t - TT'- . t
We quote no prices here, as the goods should be seen to J
fully appreciate W Dig yaiu. . ,
f jbk for-
' TSTiieJkithu.vii fv.'A.
A large crowd attended thfityirist-
mas tree at Smith's hall. SotrS t'ofthe
boys were presented with dolls 'j!
The dance at the hall
was a success .
M(Jnd ;
There is a wedding on the1 ; docket
24th.at..Ei.rv.Bd; (t.-f-'s;:, if 'f.-i;
irfret another dried ht y
Main Street, Corner 6th OREGON CITY, OR.
M M I I lillt I - -1 1 " 4 t H".U
Charles Bigelow, of Portland, spent;
Christmas with I. J. Bigelow.
Albert Moshberger made a flying trip
to Mount Angel last Saturday.
Master Ernest Sconce made a visit to
Mr. Ring's place sunuay. . ,
Hon. George OVa spent the holidays
in Oregon City
Aiv,o,.f Uiliw. who is worKinu uu
aiuoi v -----
Mr. Pope's farm on Elliott Prairie, was
home last Sunday.
H P. Coutcher, agent of the New
York Lile Insurance Company, is in our
midst. . Several persons have insurea
in that company.
ful. Dot Wilhelra, Jake
llOlliw" " J 1
Elmer and Ernest Storger hnisuea tne
side walk from SturgeB mill to Mr.
Vick's place.
There was a surprise party at Ernest
Sturges' place Monday night. Games
were played. Everyone had a good
time. t
We are having snow and rain today.
Herald at the time, and the amount of
fun and general enjoyment that has
been extracted from that source has
been too bountiful to report from week
to week, but the last was the chief one,
which occurred last njght, New Year's
eve, when all met atjttyet hall, except
Henry Zeigler, thene'f'y-married mem
yew Era. '
B, Friedrich made a business (rip to
Oregon City last Friday.
Mr, Zlni and son, Mike, returned
from California to their old home near
Hew Era.
Mies Olive Friedrich h ben visiting
relatives in Portland for the past few
Miss flattie Spulak is visiting her
mother during the holidajs.
I Charlie Slyter is an expert at jump
ing on the train.
Mr. Sevick'g mill dam washed out a
few days ago. They will rebuild it in
the Bpring. ' '
A delightful oirthday party was given
at the residence of B. Friedrichs in
boner of Miss Olive's sixteenth birth
day. Pano.ng, games and music were
Aa no one seems to take notice of our
little ridge, I take my pen and let you
know that we are still alive.
What has become of Newsboy who
gets whooped up In Sullivan style.
Old Rusty is home again. He will
apend the holidays with his father and
mother. He will again return to Cali
fornia, as his health is much better
James Russell is still wo, king at hie.
old trade. '
Mr. Crusin is spending the most of
his time feeding lug calves, which he
bought last fall.
The dance at Dan Grosham's was well
attended and everybody had a good
time. Musio was furnished bv Frank
Haun and A. Pluard. .
The wind storm which we had a few
days ago was a great deal like the one
we had some years ago. It blew down
heds and a part of the barn roof of Mr.
Milly Nicholson is still batching on
her old place.
. Vi5 IT.
Li. Heinz, who accomp-y 4"D
Freddie, to California. W'M-Xl?: V-me
last Friday, while the ltLtJ rfdued
for his health. t
Fred Yobann visited bis sisteiy Mrs.
C. It. Thompson and her family, Sell
wood, last week, and also took in iiie K.
0. T. M. social at that place f lriday
night. He says the people of Stjwood
are very sociable and economic that
no one wai drunk nor any dful jards
made, and also 'speaks highly j the
ladiesof that place and Milwauku
Mrs. Scramlin is visiting frier. at
Hood River. $
Lorena Bros, are grubbing a piece of
ground for J. Smith. , j
Ed Morris has taken a Job of grubbing
foor F. Yobann. i
Mr. Wilson's family is sick with
measles. j
Will Heins bought Fred Lamour'8 in
terest in a threshing machine.
Rural Dell. j
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bonney, of Hub
bard, apent Christmas with I, J. Bye
low. ' j
jjLttdid Wagons
Guaranteed t 01 t'l ; bcrl frrrjj-Ie to huild.
Represent 65 years cxp: :' '.' w-jren build j
which is a 'betl-2 high grade article (best possible
to build) than all the talk irixci.Hedeakrs and agents for cheap
wagons can possibly give you . 1
MITCHELL, & LEWIS Co., the mnwcis ot the MITCHELL WAGONS nay 25 to 30 perccht
the market mice of tw l;r iri-a.la nf fir,.i ctu ... ..:) ,..., r - i....... : 1 ...L.
ngia examination of each piece and to enable them to skim off the cream of the wasron timber offered
on the market 11 ENCK WE CAN ARSOI.IITP.V atAi-AWTinr ,,; r :k-
;'VVi 1 . h anJ 11 ,s Just as' ""Possible to build a good waon without good timber as it ts
, to inuld a good house without a good foudation. The foundation of a wan on is the timber. We know
J v... .... w urtvu nit; uesi, UkUiyou cant .et iini tr t he mint. In hnvmor a waimn run imitf
", . . ------ "... 1 - -J n ..ni-w
we leave unpaitited the
Rrt tlmr Vml ran rAllfll-m miF ctntAmAnta a
.7.1?" ! .uny. MilU hLLWAGONS are lipht-runnina well proportioned and well
IS I r Z: : ' r. V f,V"?'e i5,:ST wagon on the Market Today. You can't make a mi
l ; liberal.
1901 came in like a lion with snow and
.- y
James AHannegan Is unfortunate
again. He has a lot of pets not rab
bits, but boils.
Several watch parties were held Mon
day night. At 12 o'clock it Bounded
like a battle was going on. Window
lights shook witb the heavy blasts of
dynamite. A
ievi cienman is finishing bis p"
residence inside. L. W. Deeth is tw
ing the doors for him.
H. L. Barnes and Vrife held family
reunion at thtir residence ihristmas
day. They gave one of thbest din
ners that was ever given U this place.
There were $ Invited quests present.
Mrs. snuitz, ot foitlaoJ.tneir daughter,
presided as chief cook. The house was
beautifully decorated, and everything
eatable wad servid in regular courses.
Long will that (by be remembered by
all present.
Mrs. Sihw Wright served a Christ
mas dinner. Twenty guests were pres
ent, and all had a good time, and all
went home feeling haopy, as though so
ciability was the thing to crown success
and happiness. 1
A. J. Maville and family spent Xmas
with their daughter, Mra. Kinsey, at
Canemah. They report having had a
glorious good time.
William Morey and Rev. W. Wiles
had a family "dinner. The day was
pleasantly spent.
Quite a crowd of voung people at
tended the dancing school at Molalla
last Saturday night. Frofessor Hal
pruner crowns success in all his dancing
schools. They report a large school at
that place.
Stock is down hill grade now.
Wheat is scarce. ' Chicken feed cannot
tie obtained.
Jjo- ! Sylvia.
.1 1 i. . . .
I , . r 8 worJ-we claim to be trustworthy and reliable; beside,
m.iuw.v.v v. puvu iwisas we can (readies tounges, ete.) so
Mitchell, N
St aver Co
wind and rain,
ber of the rlub, whom we all hoped to
meet on that occasioii with his eaid to-
he handsome young Wife, but it is sus-
picioned that he is afraid some of us
young fellows might fill in love with her
too. Don'obe selfish, Brother rienry.
We want to see both.' of you at the fes
tive board at the club at our hall, next
Saturday eve, with a well filled basket of
good things to eat and drink, and at once
proceed to extract pleasure from about
five euchre tables. I would like to tell
who won the prizes, but C, 0. Barlow,
Henry Hedges, Will Tull; D. 0. Free
man and a few others don't wish theif
names mentioned in connection with a
euchVe club, so I will try not to give
them away. We advanced on the sand
wiches, cakes, coffee an i other goodies
furnished by Mrs. Jesse, Mrs, C . U. Bar-
-J- M-r. . n Q" Frunmsn. M"
ton, Mrs. Hedges, Miss Veva 'Tull, and
others. The prizes were furnished by
Mrs. and Miss Shepherd. Of course,
we dont iiend to tell just who belongs
to this club. At ten minutes to 12 m
thesont and dance Commenced. At ex
actly m, bells, horns, children and
doa were turned loose, and oh, Mr.
Jitor, if you had been there for ' the
,iext thirty minutes you would have dis
covered that the roaring cataract at Ore
gon City was a gentle murmur. After
this a speech was delivered apparently
by Willie Tull, but the real source was
At 1 a. m. we all dispersed to our
homes with sad hearts at the thought
that the 19th century had slipped
from our view forever, but with the
fond hope that the new-born century
will be more prolific with good results
for all, instead of the few as In the past.
And that office boodling, national debts,
private ownership ot public utilities, war
and other evils will come to an end
with'n the 20th century is the earnest
desire of Corporal.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt give a party
Thursday to their many friends. The
young folks were entertained in the af
ternoon, and in the evening the . older
ones were similarly entertained. Dainty
reiresnments were serveu. Mr. and
Mrs. Hyatt were pronounced by the
guests as royal entertainers.
Miss Bertha Howell is learning to Bet
type, and is assisting her father on his
George Mcllwain and wife, of Salem,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howell
last week.
The young people gave Mr. and Mrs.
Hulden a surprise party Monday night
and watch the old year out and the new
one in, Refreshments were served, and
a good time was had. All wishad Mr.
and Mrs. Hulden a Happy New Year
and took their departures for their
Sam' Cox and Miss Agnes Nelson were- a
united in marriage on Cbrietmaa day at
at the home of the bride in Oswego.
Miss Emma Clayson returned to h er
honie in Concord hvt Wednesday morning-
Miss Annie Larson and brother from
Oswego, were visiting friends in Canby
last Sunday.
. Gus Bock and Miss Josie Knight will
be united :n marriage next Sunday at
the ho.ne of the bride's parents, Mr,,
and Mrs. 'William Knight. A great
many invitations have been issued and
many friends will be pleasant.
Mr. Martin, of McMinnville, is visit
ing his f.ither, Mr. A.- Martin .
Mountain View.
Winter weather again which
bad for Oregon.
On New Year's morning. Snow
to the depth of three inches.
, Mr. Dickey and two sons, of Iowa ar
rived here last week and will spend a
few weeks visiting with his daughter,
Jktrs. J. Loche.
jm-riffu'ot lamiyjT welW toJefferv
son to spend iie holidays among parent!
and friends.
John Franci" has gone to Multnomah
county again to spend a few weeks.
W. G. Beattle spent the 'holidays at
home with his parents.
F ' M. Darling has resumed teaching
after a vacation during the holidays.
There will be services at the Moun
tain View church next Sunday at 3 :30
p. m by Rev. Bollinger. V
Sunday school will begin at 2 :20 next
Sunday. . "
Charles Daniels, of Mulino, was the
guest of Mr. Gillett Saturday evening
whileonhlsway to Kelso, Wash., to
work in the shingle mill at that piaoe.
Mrs. Mack is dangerously ill. No one
is allowed to see her except , her particu
lar friends.
Henry Seltier, of Mulino, was in thia
berg Wednesday shaking hands with
old-time friends. He was on his way to
Washington to visit
his sister, Mrs..,
Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey, who have been
spending a few days among friends in
Oregon City, were guests of Mis. Kin;j0
be up
after a
i-now, wind ami rain, it looks like
winter. .
Stock is better off under sht-lter than '
in the pasture.
Boys are having fun snowballing,
preachers by singing, praying and din
ing on yellow-legged chickens witb some
generous, brother with a good cook for a
Some people enjoy life one way and
some another and wien the Barlowites
fail to enjoy life times are bad indeed.
So the worldly-minded, and that In
cludes most of us, proceeded early in
the winter toorganii a euchre club,
which was duljr reported In the Courter-
Several inches of enow fell on January
Mr. Klrbs has move 1 into the house
ately vacitel ly Mrs. Hif kJ. .
The couple, tlut wore m irried a few
days ago, will commence housekeeping
in the Whipple rejdienea.
C. Re i Ion has moved into his new
Mrs. Georga Bowman, ot Portlan d, is
visiting he parants, Mr. and Mrs. Vor
pahl and familf'. '
Miss Smitbi; of Portland, U visiting
with her frilnd. Mra. Bias.
II with
f win.
good I
Bolt in.
Mr. Hobble is able to
around the hcuse again,
confinement in bed.
The Misses Carolyn and E-nmons Ar
nold, Bessie, Lloyd and Frank Tomp
kins, of Portland, were visiting friends
duiing the week.
Arthur Gallogly has returned home
after spending the Bummer and fall with
a surveying trip with Henry Meldrun
He will attend school the balance o
ter at Eugene,
The literary society is doing
work this winter. The new school
house is large enough to carry on the
literary work. ' The public is invited to
attend the literary exercises. The next
meeting will be held next Saturday
night thereafter.
Mrs. G. M. Strange lias again resumed
chare of the school, after spending her
vacation with friends at Co'rvallis.
It is reported that Mr. Kribs has sold
his pbice here to Jack Blount, of Ore
gon City.
Mrs. Grass is visiting her daughter in
Portland .
Will prwtlce In th Circuit, Count and Just!
Courts to lie 6only. ."""
, Abstract Furnished. Money Loaned
n H o. n . . I. II r. .