Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 04, 1901, Image 1

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.-..Mi Apf "
; i o flHrk and TC
18th YEAR, NO. 33
&rebe, Hoarder & Co.
182-184-186 Madison Street PORTLAND. OREGON
v7 SWt wr
New Firm .New Good's, New Prices
, ; Milburn Farm, Delivery, Spring Wagons and Buggies
; Milwaukee Binders, Mowers,, Rakes, Syracuse, Chilled
Steel Plows, Disc, Spike and Spring Jo.oth Harrows
Chase Force and Lift' Pumps
Wolf American Bicycles- ' ' .
Inaugural Addred
' f V --T-'-i ! : - -" " '"
nfidn-toi facilitate aud expfidiate
jiii'-i' j .oil is divided into r
'(ti vfj .:o .remittees of. Finance. Fire
i V,' r , Streets and Public Proi erty,
10 tne Members of the City Council of
Oregon City : j
fs In assuming the responsibilities as i ati.d I!ulicc, and Cemetery, 'The
Mayor-elect of the municipality of Ore- j '"''' (Vijnralttee is given special
gon City, I would commend to your con- j K'ie "u'f i1" expected to cautiously
sideration such measures as appear nee- J "yalm Ball inclination to extrav-
lal wt-1- lisffr r-- v .How no bill to be re-
ct-': ! Ui v.ibly which is not beneficial
a(id 1 1 v e the same care as
i Vug their personal and pri-
ve ui.AirM. " The Committee on Streets
fjl f V tiid t'roperty should be well ac
(ainu.d it' all the streets and thor
o r 'the nity an 1 enablad to re
Iftrifitellijrpntly upon the condition
f1 ii", j r..f.ient of any street in any
Acorn Steel Rangeead the world.
Simond's Saws, the wood choppers' friend.
Syracuse .Chilled Plows and Harrows, the
.&rners; friend;. :We are sole agents.
. We,-artjqjiiter5for General Hardware
'IJ,u.iidsVware. Air Tight Heaters,'
,al$p,4 fine !lttevof warranld American
Pocket Knives and Razors for Christ
,'m.i' oifii'Mr . . .
1 or.
& GOa
essary and exoedient to the geria
iare ot our city Feeling as I do the
(treat responsibility co-incident wit.ii
my undertaking, I beseech tM h arty
co-operation of every member of this
council.nnd of all good citizen's ta tha
end that the greatest good to th city
may be otained.
The citizens of th'n raunicipalitv fuvd
elected yon from among their nmubor to
repre ent their interests, belief 'ng- that !.'cMn .wiyipart of the city at all times
a public ofhee Is a uubliiv triL. aihiv:. tiiat i n Hinfindinff monev for this
should be filled with honor to yWmnoU is P8' results may be had for
and a vfeli to the mutual benefit of aii. ' i 'x fenditure of the city fund.
t is "ur imperative duty toi preservG ' ' i f "i 1 Water Committee should
our public credit aid to that erjd I would : 8,: ' M departments are well
caution you to use it sparinitly, 'avoid ' '.' i orgatiJed and supplied
" " occasions of unnecessary enin. I ; ..m ih ft apparatus obtainable for
and the accumulatinn f At ..,'!'" : Rr. MnumnM ahnnM be
vn,'K. tut ,l
modern custom of incurrinit 3ndplif.ni. i!' utiVitntiug persons outside of the
ness has become prevalent in cities as ' ' 'S'Jlv,,ftl! Ir0la giving orders ; and
well as among Individuals and in hntiJ . ,. 'U ecossary disturbance while
should be oiscouraged. Te threat bur- i,,irenii''re actively engaged; in the
den of mo lern times is the ailumpt'un ""r '1 iheir duties. The; Com
of our own obligations and of tlioiw mm. ' ' ' a ? '.eal.h and Police should dili-
tracted for us by others under i the siir. ' n' savor to improve' and pre.-
nal fallapy that indebtedne brings 1 ''"'e indie' the sanitary condition . of
prosperity. Gjvarn menta am lhfini...r! citv :ud prevent, if possible, . all
to promote the general welfare j'i': ' 4. ".j!'' o infectious and conta
pineasof the citizen and our el- .V: : i.vr.. w ) disastrous in their te
ernment, though diuiinutive A ! '" i! ;e in tfiis regard should
with others in onr Htate, should not b i f ' .':.' t- tend 3trictly fa the da
an exception to this rule anil, th,.,,.-., ea! ni- ti.on them. The duties of
whatever obligation r uiide'itakiQi; we IOematy.rbnim'ittee are not nu
would not privately engage; in, nndef I )r.M-ft.v-hut no i the less important and
similar circumstances we aliouid f. ' ', dutv tni8 committee
not favor in our publin ranu'k" '! HlhnWd vven with the Committee on
W. C. Holman
Stoughton Farm Wagons
Pontiae and Deal celebrated Michigan Buggies
warranted ,
y .
Benfcia Four Spring Mountain Hack
Second growth wheels and highly finished.
Peerless plows, all kinds. Only plow made on the Coast
Dowagiac Shoe, Hoe and Disc Grain Drills
Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators
Feed Root Bone and Cider Mills
Owen's Fanning Mills
Whitman Hay Presses
In the discha rge of your duties as the
servants of thA Mtv i . '.
. "ct" i; .initio tine
principle that though the will of the
majority in all caes prevails still tlmt
will to bs commendable, must also he
reasonable, expedient and right. Tl-t
minority too possesses its etjual'rit-hla
- ie raaiomv wh r
i'lp uli). and t'olica to see that every or
i 'l.ji re kilt, julfl pertaining to their re
f1) it!0(,i.v dii'.i m " are strictly complied
v' li. ( '
irinot .
"-,TBsruy resDect. !, wfn
: ' '"'"rei.'ien to the dmaini0f
j n.oal Humble nl a rrogant ci:!...-.)-I
and ,J1lB out to (ivc w'.th ni
nunin fij.u .....
w .rlghte iis
A Happy and
Prosperous New Year
to all
the kind patronage you have bestowed upon this establishment
and we wish to announce that it shall be our aim" this year' to
watch the market very closely and by buying right to quote
yuu pxicc uiciL wm mean aouars ior your pocKets.
Ku5s 25c to $25 Y I
, Extension Tabl.s. , .$.;.;; up SJ
'" .:..' " " ' '"''
anld fyr.l. ir recommend that sec
X of tue si y chrrtor be so amended
ecnttug ac-Bsionof the legislature
'' h'TCifter not be necessary
I oudnances or amendments
! . t hrihd In a newspaper. This
avti,tT-:,t ir2r; r-- if erwrrscr"
'" inwo ill' ?f.jd-.aiy; 'Torfmedv
O'li'5 ...',' ..i,"r"H thai eipijsof
sd iri'.i. $",(1 k'l'enli'wnt".
1 '.u'i , cr' 10 days after
t '-' i j '-'.in ai .1 before final passage.
1 fraei. that publication f pro
f ' nances is required in neither
' V .,',filbany, Salem nor Portland
url by ti'.'ii;fj(.ption of a similar method
'v.j would tiatro from $150 to $300 per an
1 iim. " It should be the duty of the City
fcorder to make and certify 16 copies
' 'proposed legislation and the duty of
' e Chief of .To ice to see that such
. j'pies are duly posted. '
I wish also to call the attention of the
, unoil to the city maps which are now
', ipt in the engineer's office, especially
' ' more important and valuable
, iks. Theao, in my opinion, should be
ept iri a more available place, and I
would (suggest that a map roller holding
five or. six ot the most important and
useful ones be placed In the council
chamVr. By this means the maps
would always be in a convenient place
and in; good condition.
. In placing before you the financial
' condition of the city, I shall only ap-
. pronuiate the figures on all amounts
and tqr the exact figures and statements
in fJetjail would refer you to the annual
rsporw of the City Recorder and
trusts reposed in this body by the city
pertaining to public finances, health, or
der and improvement. In your com
pliance with the foregoing injunctions I
bespeak a progressive, su icesaful and
economical administration the forth
coming year of the affairs of our city.
Respectfully submitted,
' ' G. B. Duiick,
.- v" ... Mayor.
they dreampt lingers, and every now
and then some ambitious sleepers
awa'te from dreams of governorships.
Congressional honors or senatorial tog;i
and shouts "statehood or the Inlaml
Empire." The plodding taxpayers
scouls and toils on ; the dream has un
charms to them. To the ainldiioiio it
nv.-ans yiuri, of honor runl pri'fit but to
the ta ;-fiyiir it means additional da-
maiifis l'ii Iiard knocUu, anu v-adh:
eeoiiomii'S. 1 a(rad UVw-w.
ttt Miriiiv . ) "
t "".ty, neae'lr"
, City treasurer submitted thil evening.
It ,n-s-r.B-. Ti
l.'ifcj!Lija mm j jji li.ih.iI I
isass a wIZZImmZ1i ' 111' ilS2i
6 Dated Knives and Forks $1.50
Salad iWvl and
6 Sauce lushes, 45c
11 .1.'. , . .11.1 im .ini , m.
Fine Decorated Dinner Set $250
Oat present Indebtedness begun prac
ticing in the year 18S5. The iudebted
3! pf the city then was about (15,000.
.Sitico-1890 the debt increased with alarm
ing rapidity and now amounts to about
$92,ijfl exclusive of water bonds of $10,
03v) and proposed sewer bonds amount
ing t'j $12,250, making a total indebted
iH ds jit present of $95,211,
Dij-ingthe past year thd city has
m vie valuable Improvement in sewer
district No. 2, and while the undertak
ing hUs been somewhat expuisiva it Is
nevertheless substantial and was indis
pMurible. Owing in nejessary deviations from
the flails and specifications on which
the si)wer contract was let there is some
difJn ulty at present in arriving at a
prompt settlement with the contractors,
bul " sincerely hops ihe council miy be
aii to satisfactorily adjust the f atti-r
.j! witi) the contractors and, if possible,
j; -iv. i 1 iitig.fii. T!i( pity hhould, if pos-
-' H'l) avr;!-t nit uxpuuiiiiure of funds in!
. l.'!:f con trover dies mid it U nit in a pi
9 ' i tij "fatten" contractors. .
I In conclusion, would earnestly entre'U
? jea .ii councilman to allow nothing of a
V j feri ' rial character to mar the eoncord of
jour ueliberations nor let his interest in
, j the welfare of bis ward dege .orsu i"to
& j heifiiiiness and disregard for the inter.
I; 'cits of other wards, nor ntilize hW per-
soaal interest , ia any manner
t i tht-sacrifice of the public beimfit of
the c;-y, guarding every avenue of ei
t. vv tnce, faithful to the resrctivo
.45 1
John II. Meakin:;
The subject of thin sketch 'first ear J ; r "
the light of dny fn-Knnds(-N ir!hwi-i ' ( ,
I'mthiro, Fujlsnd, July 9, ma;;..s i.iu'" , foPor. in'a is
i.!Mricn 1n pndlralt Uko Cit;'
li.asa liM..uuJi.i ,':'-Vij'i' V ''vei-1 ftif' L
wife aud five i:hiiaren!oysj.
W..li.kk.a I. it.. ..r
lecturer, dramatic reader and vocalist.
His lectures, "Footprints, or Onward
and Upward." Human Progress and
Fraternity," and "The Man With the
Hoe," are gems of the highost order,
and should be listened to bv every
thinker and lover of humanity. .
Our neighbor has spent . many years
in fraternal work, for which he ia by na
ture eminently fitted. He loves the
brotherhood and works with mind and
heart for the moral add intellectual ad
vancement of the race. , He is (lead
Cap Lecturer for our grand order. He
is a past grand chancellor of the Knights i
of Pythis, is an Elk, also a member of
the Women of Woodcraft, Bath bone
Bisters and several other orders.
He is a Woodman, tried and true,
Camp 838, of Salt Lake City. He sees
In the Woodmen of the World one of the
great (actors for the uplifting and better
ing of humankind and from this basis
he tolls on. He is a "John the Baptist,
crying in the wilderness." lo know
him is to love him. To hear him is to
become a beitor man.
As a dramatic reader he has tew
equals. See him, hear him.
The readers of the Oregon Woodman ' Those who were neither abfent nor
are here advised of his work since com-1 Urdy during the month are Johnnie,
J)ata U'lb to
Min. temp., 21,
Date 30th.
rotai precip., B.45 v I
m . i . i .. . . e ii i A
luiai snowiau iuoi.
No. clear days, 2.
Partly cloudy, 7.
Cloudy, 22.
Dates of frost, light 17th and 18th.
Killing frost 23th to 31st.
Dates of hail, 10th,
The storms, 16th.
Prevailing; wind, direction southerly.
Remarks, heavy thunder and light
ning and hall on the 16th, 1.35 to 2.05
p. m., from southwest to northeast,
dense fog 5th to 10th.
Scluni Report. .'
Following is the rap irt of school dis
trict No. 93, Oak Grove for the motithi
ending Dec. 21, 1900:
No, pupils enrolled, 32.
No. days' taught, 20.
No. days' attendance, 400. ''..'
No. days' absence, 73.
. Cases of tardiness, 7.
Ave-ago dally attendance, 21.
in. In flrannn nn.l U i n . w ... I .. U ...... 1. '
.-p v uivguii) mi vi iv ia vui mail tuttb ue
continue with us until every camp and
neighbor has been cheered and en
couraged by his presence and eioquence
An evening with Prof. Merkin is a treat
of a lifetime, beyond money calculation.
lie is singing the song of love. "You
may forget the singer but you cannot for
get the song." Oregon Woodman.
Mr. Meakin will bo at Shively's hall,
Jan. 10, under the auspices of Willam
ette Falls Camp, Woodm en of the World.
On Jan. 11th, he will be at Sandy, and
at Oswego, Jan. 24.
State &iUttcrH.
About fifty years ago, when all East
ern Oregon was included in Clackamas
county, and all that part of the slate
east of the Cascade range of mountains
wai The Dalles orecinct, presided over
by a si ui pi 4 justice of the peace, the
question of splitting the territory and
making two states thereof was often dis
cussed. Judge llutnason, Colonel Gates, John
Jeffries and Captain Thomas Jordan, cl
the U. S. A Vic Trivet and others, now
gone hence, were wjqJ point to the
expanded maptojin fn Oregon and
say "we will r ' . ofourownon
this f 1 Of NEi Chtml.tVNw V . J.
nal d)
Ueorge and Willi? Datum, Millard Ari
sing and Cicero Ciriinm. Visitors pres
ent during the month ! Orrin Wright,
James Emert, Mrs. Look, Mrs. Graves,
Columbus Cox, Charles Morris and Ron
Eaton. i.We ure pleased to note the in
terest plftrons are taking in the school
work and we hope they will continue to
do so, for In it lies the hope of improve
ment. We- extend a friendly welcome,,
to ail.
To idicr.
Following are the names of pupils who
have 100 in department for month end
ing December 2lst: Eva Mattoon, Rob-
bio Mattoon, James Hamiltan, Mary
Hamilton, Christina and Kussol Gra
ham, Maurice Ward, Louia Gerler.
Urania and Kuth Lacroy, A va Love
lace, Edward and August Fickcn, Al
bert and Florence Stcne, Clarence ami
Thomas Jubb:
Following wero the vlaito-s: Mrs.
Ward, Mis. Lovelac, Cora Waul, Mr.
Millor, Lulu Miller. .Urn. C. St ine.
No pupils on register, 20.
Average daily attendance, ID.
Friends and parmits are uordiaily iu-
vited to viit tin school ami cote our
progress. ,,.
Great Reduction Sale on all trinviiel
Pattern Hats Miss Goldsmith.
t. t
.if jiy