OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. JULY 27, 1900. J CLACAKMAS COUNTY NEWS CANBY. . Rev, Father Matliew is quite ill. ' Harvesting has commenced, and eome fields are not worth cutting. Dr. Dedman has the lumbar oti. the ground for a new picket fence in front of his residence. . Mrs. A. C. Winters, who has been Visiting John Hart, will return to her home in Middleton, Wash., tomorrow. Will Druschell, of Portland, is visiting his father for a few wteks. Mr. Eldridge, of Sherwood, was visit ing in our town Wednesday. L. P. Howard brought soma splend'd etrly pauhes into the nurket the fore part of this week. Misses Emma and Fannie Olayson, of Concord, came up Sunday to visit their sister, Mrs. E. S. Smb. 0. E. Nicholson and wife, of Pocatello, Ida., arrived here and are visiting with Mr. Nicholson's parents Mr Nichol son is conductor on the Oregon Short Line. The many friends of Miss Gertie Tack elson will be pained to learn of her sud den death Ht Hood Riycr, where she went with the hope of regaining her health. The remains will be brought here for interment beside her mother, who died a lew weeks ago with the same disease, consumption June 25. CANEMAH. Mis. Atchli-v, of Portland, and Mrr, I. Devi heist, of. San 'Jose, Cal., were the guests of Mrs. J. Howell this week. Mrs. Howell Iiks growing on her place the largest sun flower, the height being 13 feet and has from six to eight blooms on the stalk. The blossoms measure from eight to ten inches in circumference. Mr. Redner closed a series of interest ing lectures at the schoolbouse Sunday afternoon. Charles Mautz, with his family, was looking after the interests of his ranch here on Sunday. ' ' Mrs. Gibbs and her daughter, Miss Elsie, called on Mre. Mautz and Mrs. Gerber Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mautz spent several days last week visiting Mr. Fires and family, of Oar is. r Mr. A. Mautz and wife epent Sunday day at Mr.Cunishman's home and feast ed on ice cream and cake. Mrs. Cramer's sister, with her husband and family, arrived last week from Ne braska. They expect to locate here. George Hyatt and wife returned to Goldendale, Wash., last week. after a short s'ay with Mrs. Hyatt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mautz. Mrs. J. B. Jackson and daughter re turned Monday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Henry S.uinon's at Needy. E lith and Jessie did not return but will spend a week at their grandfather's home. Your correspondent today visited the normal school of Prof. 0. H. Byland held at his residence in O.egon City,and found a number of teachers busily pre piring for t tie A'igust examination. New pupils will he received at any time prior to August 4. July 25. Pansy Blossom. Miss Stella Collins, of Washington, was vioiting with her friend, Miss Len nie Seeley,last week. . Messrs. F. M. Darling and 3, Gillett rode out to New Era Sunday, where they attended campmeeting. Mrs. Cornwall of Woodburn, 's visit ing her niece, Mrs. Clyde Pierce, this week. She has been attending the Chautauqua. Messrs. P. A. and John Fairclough were in this burg Thursday evening.hav-' mg returned from Klondike. They say that Klondike is the place to make money, but not the place to take a fam ily. ' Mrs. Harrington started to San Fran cisco last Saturday. Salina. July 16. . tVAPLE LANE. Gibbs & Sons have started their hay press for the season. Lizzie and Charlie Gerh.'.user are near Sunnyside picking peas. Oourtland Gibbs visited his aunt,Mrs. J. B Noj, of Needy, Sunday. M;ss Annie Mautz spent several days last week with friends in Oregon City. Mies Edna Card was the guest of her friend,'Miss Elsie Gibb', lone night last week. Fred Waltemathe and wife entertained a number of Mends from town Sunday, among whom was their daughter, Min nie, who has been in the family of Mr, Lang since last fall. HARMONY. Mowers and reapers are busy on all sides. Full wheat will turn out better than expected a month ago. Hay was dam- a:ed to a considerable extent by the late rains Mr. McMcholas has a new reaper, which does good work. Supervisor Davis is doing a splendid job in putting gravel on the road between this place and Clackamas Station. There are no worms or insects in the apples this year to speak of. Potatoes are lo iking well. 16-2-1. MOUNTAIN VIEW Born, July 12th, 1900, to the wife of B Montgomery, a daughter. Died, the infant child of Mr. and Mre. J. W. Miller, on Thursday, July 12. Mr. and Mm. W. W. May, of Carus spent Sunday in this place, the guests of their children. August Friederich, Fred Curran and George Everhart mounted their silent s'eeds and attended campmeeting at New Era Sunday. Mrs. West returned home Monday Mr. Libbiewas on the sick , list last week. Mrs. George Ely is on the -sick list this week. ' -, Mr. Heater ia visiting his cousin, Mr. Locke, this week, Mr. Savage and family moved to Pott- and last Saturday, Richard and Albert Frederich have an attack of typhoid fever. Miss Eul Haynes went to Albany last week to visit among friends. Mrs. Haynes epent the first part of the week visiting iu 8a!ern. We are having good haying weather and the men art busy making hay. F. A. Ely has some of the best hay of the season, and finished havinu Tues day. Frank Bullard and family have gone down to LaCamasto remain until Christ mas. - ' , Miss Mary Waltring, of Albina, called on Mrs. Gillett, her former teacher, last Monday. A dance was given in J. W. Currin's barn last Saturday night. All present had a good time. Mrs. Clyde Pierce has received, the news from California of the marriage of her sister, Mamio. Mrs. Walton returned home from Portland last Saturday, where she had been visiting her sister. - Messrs. John and P. A. Fairclough are in this burg again. They are occupying a room over Everhart's store. Mrs. S. F. Chaney and son, of Idaho, are visiting with Mrs. Chaney's sister, Mrs. Hay nes.whoru she had not seen for several years. Captain and Mrs. Hegan came home from The Dalles last Monday night on account of the illness of Mrs. Hegan, Captain Hegan will return to The Dalles this week if his wife's health impioves, but Mrs. Hegan will remain with her mother a month or two. Mrs. Clarabelle . Williams is visiting ber mother, Mrs.F. A. Ely, this week. Evan Williams is also here, having hurt himself at the mill. There will be preaching at the church next Sunday at 4 o'clock. Rev. Bollin ger officiating. Sai.ina. July 26. . SPRINGWATER. We have a new doctor, who has lo cated in Springwater. Our dentist has had to practice medicine and dentistry, so it has kept him very busy, and did ,not have the time to get married. Now that we have another doctor we will look for a wedding Boon. There waa an immense crop of hay, but the grain crop is rather poor. Most of the farmers have their hay. in. Mrs, Marrs, of Salem, is visiting her children in this place and Currinsville. Mrs. Haybelt, of Upper Springwater, was burned ,to death last Friday. The house was also burned, and no one knew how it happened. For the benefit of homeseekers, they are requested to call on W. J. Lewellen or A. M Shibley.and they will be shown very desirable, cheap land. 1900. July 24. KEAt.TY TRANSFERS. OUT THE WEST SIDE. Observations In the Frog Fond and Pleasant Hill Neighborhoods. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. BUSH SWEET POTATOES. CH AMPION BINDER EF Riley to U. S.nw of sec 1, t T T Biirkh'ar't to R H ' Rabage, 'sw of sec 26, 1 s, r 6 e 6-14 M U Young to G Jaegar, 70 as S B elm 1400 S Swanson to W E Hesse, n of nw of w of ne of sec 6, 2 s 4 e ... 1 0 T Stokes to T T Buikhart, sw of ec 26, 1 s, 5 p . 1 M J Stevens to E V Haley, w of It 11. e 10 ft. It 12,blk 31 Umb.lg.. $ J Ormsby to M J Stevens, e 10 ft, lot 12, blk 81, Umbdg 20 W Young to G 1 orator, 160 as sec sec 32, 7 s, 3e,.. ' J000 M F Albertson, to Waverly A'ssn, It 16, blk 9, Cambridge J H Gill to M Young, se of sec 32, 7 s. 3 e 800 O E Holcomb to S J Lemmtm, 2 as . Wills dm. Is, 2 e 150 J Haley to E F Riley, 158.11 as.eec 1, 2 8, 5 e 633 G W Hux to F Zimmerman, nw of ne of sec 30, 1 s, 4 e 1200 F S Dunning to G Failinezger.ne of i se of and n of se of ee of sec 11,3 B, lW..; 900 State of Oregon to A S Dresser.w of sec 30, 4 s,4 e 400 S McCown to M A Beach, It 16, blk 13, Gladstone 1400 F T Barlow lo W A Blount, lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,blk 4, W Gladstone 400 C Potter et al to L A Wells, Its 7 and 8, blk 00, O C 350 S J Jones to J T Appeison, tret by It 13, blk 3, Parkplace .1 A II Hart son to J Swartzenbach, 5 as, sec 8, 2 s, 3 e 50 H Ricliter to E Sommerfield, tret sec 30. 3 s, 1 e ; 1800 J Riley to C E Forster,se of sec 30, 6 s, 3 e 5 S N Rasmussen to E M Rasmussen yA int in Its 1, 8, blk 15, Willam ette Falls ... 500 A 8 Dresser to Sec Sav and Trust Co, w of Bee 36, ne of sec 24, 4 s 4 WfjlWIiiWfiMi-!' UJi-M"M ,. - . mAi? -ii.ii'. IT BEATS THEM ALL THE ONLY BINDER with force feed elevator wasting no grain at top of elevators THE ONLY BINDER having an eccentric sprocket wheel or any other device that does absolutely give a gain of 16 2-3 per cent in power at time of compressing, tying and discharging the bundle. The time when other Binders choke THE ONLY BINDER with a relief rake for keeping inside end of cutter bar clear We have other points that no others have and besides hav ing these features the Champion has all essential features found on the best of other machines' such as roller and ball bearings, etc. Here is a sample of tte letters we get Irom Champion users: MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO., Amity, Ore., June t, 1900 i'ortland, Oregon, GENTLEMEN: I bought of your agent J. J. Putman in 1899 one of your Champion Binders and will say I hav handled the McCormick, Esterly and Woods but the CHAMPION is the "BOSS." . 1 . II .1 1 ... . ... it gave me icss trouoie man ary maenme 1 ever handled and would heartly recommend the 1140 G Broughton to E F Riley. 2 1 3 as sec 20, 21, 'l s, 2 e, lot 2, blk "U" Far lip I ace 525 R Aegerter to A S Dresser, ne of sec 24, 4 s, 4 e 250 W L B Cornett t) J Lewellen, 24 as of sec 8, 4 a, 4 e Pat Other tracts in Clackamas countv : A Forster to Guar Sav & T Co, P H Mar- ley to (ioldstone, J (i Porter to V H Kribs, F O Connor to C G Forster, U 8 to J Riley, S L Mack to J P Lovett. A B Strow bridge to M J Lane, 5 as sees, Zs, 2e f 500 A E Latourette.truB.to A M Rodney w of n w or sec 2, 4 s, I e 2on (J McLown to J K braham, Its U to 12, blk 16, Its 6 to 10. blk 15, Gladstone 250 L L Porter to Jos Faqtiet, all int in McUarver elm, a s, 1 e V Wilson, mining elm Bashaw & Cross, mining elm O McCown to G B Dimick, 40 or 50 Its iu Gladstone C McCown to F Brownell, Its 19,20 blkl2,Gladstone S J Shirley to C W Vondetahe,15.50 te, sees 2 and 3. 3 s, 2 e 540 U F Linn lo A II Linn, 32 a 8, sec 13, 3, 2 e A Sprague to B F Linu, 30 as sec 18. 3 s, 2e 110 G Rinearson to B F Linn, It 4, blk 16, Gladstone 11J D 11 Dearborn to E N Chitwood, s of nw of n of ne of sw of sen 5,2 s, 3 e J H Johnson to S Anderson, 20 as sec 29, 1 4 e H G Sloop to II McGinnis, 40 as of sec 32, 1 s, 4 e D Muggins to M I IIugiiini,4 as,sec 28, 2 s, 4 e N C Maris to E F Seely, , int in Jos Bradley elm, 3 s,2 w J P Lovett to N Campbell, 120 as, 840 10 4 8 1 6 D C Latoiirette to J B TrulYi i)ger,3 i as, fee 3. 6 s, 2 e G Broughton to Bank of O C trcts. Ulai k Uo 13.000 A C llodgkin to M Jenning, 15 as, tec 13, 2 s, 1 e E F Riley to U S, nw of see 1, 2 8,5 300 500 1 1000 CHAMPION BINDER to all wishing to buy a machine. Yours, etc , (Signed) J. L. LADD. Mitchell, Lewis k Staver Co 2000 1250 400 500 50 1200 2500 The successful farmers in that part of the county west of the Willamette are, as a rule, hard workers and good man agers, with a practical knowledge of agriculture acquired by years of experi ence. This is the only kind of farmer that can survive the class struggle. The unenergetic, aimless man, however op right he may be, isn't iu it. The day when any one can conduct a farm is past. The successful farmer is not a whit be hind the successful merchant or lawyer, iu intelligence, and he cannot afford to be. The black worm, about an inch and a half in length, that has invested the clover fields in the Frour Pond bottom lands, has created some alarm. In fields from which the hay has been cut, it devours the leaf of the clover p'ant, leaving the stalk bare. In Pleasant Hill several. farmers have signed contracts to plant a specified number of acres with beets. Possibly contractors would have been few and far between if the clause in Ibe contract bad been duly considered whii h stipulates that the statement of the sugar factorv people in regarl to the percentage of su gar in beets, shall be final, thus placing the grower at the mercy of the factory in fixing the price per ton, from if 3 to $5, according to the percentage of sugar. The manager or ownerof the machine ry, who is an Ohio man, expects the immigration ;of 300 German families next spring (and 300 families laler on) to work in the beet fields. They will be experts in beet culture, but" the farmer 'who de.sires to bring the profitableness to him, of their work, within the range of possibility, will, during the fall, plorc the laud intended for beets several times to kill the weeds and to make the soil loose and mellow. A beet that grows partly out of the ground is said to con tain no sweetness, it having been cooked out by the suu. No one in the commun ity is jubilant over the prospective prof its to be derived from beet farming. One thing is plain, that it will be the means of uumping into the Willamette vallev a targe amount of white labor-power, that must necessarily be cheap labor, for it is probable that the profits on the beets, beyond the necessary labor and expense of the farmer himself, will leave but small wages for the laborer, who, by the way, will be a competing factor in the general labor market two-thirds of the year. Any way, the sugar-beet enter prise is taid to be a good thing all around. The prospect is that the hop crop will De good, laundry growers sold last vear'i crop for 3 cents ; as it costs about 5 cents, without counting the farmer's labor. to put the hops in the bale, they neces sarily got in a "hole." It seems queer that a Chinaman cannot manage a hop yard as cheaply as a white man. The fact appears to be that the coolies whom the Chinese farmer employs are less ca pable than white laborers, though the iormer demand the same wages as the latter. There is no part of the valley that can excell the rolling land of Pleasant Hill, with its light-red soil, in the pro duction of hops of a fine quality, Here, too, the grower is not so apt to be put to the expense of spraying as he is in the lower and richer bottoms. Ihe almost total failure of the wheat here will work a hardship on the farm ers, and, in consequence many of them will be very short of cash. The renters oi those badly in debt will not be able to meet their obligations. The oat crop, al- so, is poor. It is stated that the freight charges on the machinery of the sugar factory, from the East, will be $40,000. This would represent about 3,000,000 pounds, or about 60 carloads. James McConnell, of Sherwood, is suffering from a lingering illness and is gradually becoming weaker. Aline opp nturiity i.-i presented to a yonnar man with a little capital, in the farm of G. S. Bailey, who wants to sell on account of advancing years. The scrub cow fines no favor with the well-to-do farnie: 8 in these parts. Win. Young has a fine-looking registered Guernsey bill, which places him at the fote-front'as a breeder of this superior strain of milk and butter producers. Ja nes Lawrence, the jolly deep-wate" sailor who casually turned up, with two males, at T. L. Turner's place, 20 years ago, a few weeks ago nuain forsook the billowy ocean and rt-turned to his old friend. As a "haven of rest," there seems no place to Lawrence that beats Frog Pond. Interesting Facts About Sweet Pota to Growing In New Jeraey, The reputation of New Jersey sweet potatoes Is well established, and one of the widely known varieties is the Jersey Yellow. A correspondent of Rural New Yorker tells that there are a number of local strains of this whose peculiarities He principally In their shape, color and keeping quality. Among these Is the Vlneland Bush, which seems to be a true bush form of the Jersey Yellow. This writer says: We grew some of them last season and found them to be productive, of good yellow color and ileslrable shape. They form a thick bushy top of rich dark green leaves and not a sign of a runner. The leaves are of the same shape as the Jersey Yellow, but rather larger. They are as easy to cultivate and hoe as bush beans, and there are no vines in the way at digging time. The quality la very much like the Jersey Yellow. We have grown so called vlneless sweets, but they are all more or less of the yam family. The Vlneland Bush Is a true sweet potato. Soil, method of culture and season have much to do with shape, color and quality of sweet potatoes. It is a well known fact that where they have been grown in favorable soil for many years ( their habit of growth becomes to some extent fixed In the seed, and tney will retain that hflbit for a year or more when planted on quite different soil. A large sweet potato grower in Iowa writes me: "We buy Jersey Yellow seed, which at first grows short and chunky, but after a year or two they grow longer, and then we call them Yellow Nansembnds:" Thus they change name as well as shape. The seed the small or medium pota toesare first bedded In a hotbed one- half to one Inch apart and covered three Inches deep. In about four weeks the sprouts should be well up and root ed, when they are pulled and Bet where the soil has been previously prepared. BUSH SWEET POTATO. The ground is first plowed lightly, as deep plowing tends to produce long po tatoes. Some growers plant in bills, others on ridges. Usually light fur rows are run about three feet apart, In which the fertilizer, which should be rich in potash, is sown at the rate of one-half ton per acre. Ridges (or hills) are made directly over this either with a ridger or small plow. The plants are set on the ridge 18 Inches or more apart There are several forms of hand planters in use as well as the two horse machine, but many farmers still set with the band or trowel. Fluuls should never be set until the weather is warm, about melon planting time. If the soil is dry, a little water is put In ts the plant Is set, which insures a good start. Some planters always wa ter. Frequent cultivation and clean hoeing are essential to success. Near ly all growers now use cultivators with vine turners on, which keep the vinea upon the ridge through the season. 1 950 First and Taylor Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON BS Bellomy to M and E Telford, 40 as sec 8, 4 s, 3 e M and E Telford to B S Bellomv.lts 2, 3. 4. 7. blk 31, Its 6, 7. 8. blk 9. Oaneuiah.. 700 G W Swope to A Thayer, 1 1-3 of i m Shannon elm, 2 s, 1 e 1000 J G Foster to C H Fostery 14 as, sec 21,3 8,lo 1 R II Rabage to U S, sw of sec 26, 1 . 5 e Aof C T T Burkhart to R H Rberge,-8 of sec 20, Is, 5 e . Anyone desiring to purchase a Full Blood Jersey Bull, Poland China Boar Pigs or thoroughbred CotswoUl Bucks should inquire at Latoorette'i farm at I Maple lne or of D. C, Latonrette at the Commerciil Bank, Oregon City. The Bar or Globe Artichoke. The bur or globe artichoke, cultivat ed extensively in Mediterranean coun tries, Is a vegetable of very delicate flavor for the table and quite different from the Jerusalem artichoke, which is grown as forage for hogs and other an imals. . The bur artichoke is commonly prop agated from suckers which are produc ed around the crown. These are pinch ed off or cut off except two or three, which are left to produce the flower heads. Black, turfy soils are especially suitable for Its cultivation. The shoots are planted 2 feet apart in rows three to four feet apart, the care required and the methods of cultivation being simi lar to those used in the case of cab bage, eggplant, etc. Suckers planted in this way will yield heads In autumn of the first year. At the north when bur artichokes are grown from seed the seed is sown In hotbeds In February or March In rows about three Inches apart, and the plants are finally thin ned to about the same distance apart In the row. These are ready to trans plant when they have four leaves. They should be set out three or four together In a hill, the hills 18 to 38 Inches apart in rows three to four feet apart. Try P. G. Shark, the barber. Tl best shave in the country for 10 cents. IsBabyThin this summer? Then add a little SOOTTS EMULSION to his milk three times a day. It b astonishing how fast he will improve. If he nurses, let the mother take the Emulsion. c.uu A Cro of Game and Cochin. We have tried crossing the White! Indian Game on the White Cochin, and the results have been most excellent. The feathering on the legs characteris tic of the Cochin is greatly diminished. In some almost absent; the leg Is In creased In length, the feathers on thej body He close, the carriage is upright, and the docility of the Cochin is en tirely lost. The head Is more slender than In the full blood Cochin, yet thlck-l er and shorter than that of the Game. For the table they are unsurpassed. The meat Is Sne In texture, of a gamy flavor and not dry, as Is the flesh oft many fowls, breast full and plump and legs and thighs large. The chicks are extremely hardy, scarcely one being; lost after hatching. They require but little attention, are good rangers and on the farm would forage for their ownj living nndcr ordinary circumstances. 1 1 When In full feather, however, a very , high fence would be required to confine ! them.-E. P. Niles, Virginia.