Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 27, 1900, Image 1

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    - V
18th YEAR, NO. 10
City Library
: . ' Showing Great Sweep of Cutter Bar as obtained by
, , Foot Leverage only
12 per cent more Cutting Capacity than any other Mower made
. Hardware Merchants,
We keep everything in our line, including Fishing
; ' Tackle, Screen Doors, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Hoes, Camp
Stoves, Bicycles, Poultry Netting, Machine Oil, White .
Mountain Freezers, Spray Pumps and a thousand other
things. : We have the finest line of Steel Ranges and
Stoves in the city. We are agents for the Red Jacket
Pump, "so easy to fix."
Corner Fourth and Main Striets, OKEGON CITY, OREGON
The BUSY season may be fully on down at your place. If you're busy send in your order by a
neighbor or any member of your household. You'll get just the satisfaction as if you came yourself, and
is always backed by a guarantee. Reliable, trustworthy items at their real vvorth is the basis upon
which we solicit your patronage.
Water Set. 60c up
" "Tiiim'T-"- W 112
-13'!'trtt."..'H );, ..-.... lyBAilBfrWMBll
This 3-piece B:dreom Suit, $12,50
Sizs; of Mirror 23X24 beveled
Shelf Paoer, 6l-foi 24 iheeu Hat
.-Vsl WTU-IMs jams
General Agent.
xlELlII! Sit
Tea Kettles
Copper Bottom 65c
Iron Frame
Wood "
Iron 65c
" Granite Iron. . 75c
Unbreakable Dishes We mean what we say We sell
Cups and Saucers, Plates, Vegetable Dishes, etc. that will not break
Investigate this at once and there will be no more cause to scold
your cook for breaking dishes. Price of this ware is low, compared
with other goods. 6 dinner plates for instance 90 cents.
Knives and Forks
you iwcniy-n.vc ainerenr. styles at
our establishment one good knife
of 6 for $6.00. Prices ranging between these two items.
Picture. Frame and
Glass, sine 16x24, $1.25
Wire clothed line, 25c
Old fashioned sieve
Rack.. ..... , .'15c
Regular July, 1900, Session of the
Commissioners of Clackamas .
; County.
J.R.Morton, Chairman; T.B. Killin,
John Lewellen, Commissioners. -
(Continued from last week.) '..
Road district No. 32
W HYoung.road fund . . . .. . . . .$ 3 00
WillToid 1 00
H Ilor .. 9 00
JHBaker ...................... 6 00
ChaeEpler........... 3 75
J D Harmes 1 00
Chas McKiney.. 6 75
CTTooze 3 00
Geo Butson .......... , .......... 65
Gid butson. Si 65
J Barnes....... 1 50
James McConnell 3 00
Albert Cainehl 3 00
Ernect Oamehl
J H Baker
H M Murray..
A Baker
EL Baker......
Will Boston....
1 50
3 00
25 00
1 0
Total ...$59 05,
Road district No. 33
John T Myers & Son, gen fund. .$U3 75
L Baker, road fund 8 25
A J Marrs 6 00
Wm Tucker 3 00
W Howell 9 00
John Lewellen.,.. 28 00
Arthur Albriuht . . 7 50
Albert Smith. 10 50
Rob Guthridge, road fund 10 50
SamRaney 11 25
George Cunningham 27 00
Walter Thomas.
6 00
4 50
H Thomas.
Willis Yonce... 6 00
Wra Bard.
. . 10 00
8 00
. . 3 00
..21 50
..$288 75
Sara Blackburn......
J Grind staff
Eugene Lewellen.....
Road district No. 84
E Parker, road fuud $3 00
E D Old?. ,'. 3 CO
Total......... ..... $6 00
'Road district No. 35, (Needy)
F Stanton, road fund 6 00
Bert Kent ; 6 00
O Mahler 4 50
JEMayler 4 50
J W Elliott 2 25
S R Tavlor , 20 00
Bond Kent 12 00
Bud Thomson 3 00
J Reuner:;.". ,. 1 50
$t ,25
Carpet Sweepers, $r.50 up
3 00
We have them and we cm show
harJ - ttme price. Yon can buy in
and one j;ood fork tor ir-c or a set
Cribs, 2.25
Extension Tables. $3.80 up
Bed, $3.75
Rolling Pin, 10c
Bird Cage, 55c
E Dodge .1 3 00
E Killen 6 00
S Taylor... 1 50
Ivan Broodwell .. . 3 75
Sam Roth 3 00
DRoth 3 0
Levi Roth 75
Elmer Dud He 75
Geo Pendleton.,.. 75
eo Killen.......... 6 00
Geo Leffler 1 50
Bud Kent.... 3 38
Road district No.35
Fred Wagner, road fund
Frank Glennon, gen fund...
J R Cole
HC Green.
Otto Kunzman......
W Gayer '. .
Isaac Shortlidge
George Shortlidge
Arthur Sitton
J E Kalbflisch
Pat Connor
F Shannon..
D Scheliey...
Ora Dixon .'
H Schunmle....
E Hettman
i W Miller ...............
D Shelley
H Williams
W Estes
John Dixon ....
w H Savage
L Muia.
38 00
24 75
14 52
22 00
4 50
17 25
4 50
4 90
17 25
17 25
12 75
1 00
1 75
18 00
6 00
6 00
18 00
18 00
12 00
18 00
6 63-
Total ......$283 44
In the matter of claims filed against
Clackamas county for the month of June
The board being fully advised, it is or
dered by the board that the cleik shall
issue warrants on the general fund in fa
vor of the persons and for the amounts
hereinafter specified in payment of said
Eli Williams.aBsessor's acct $ 88 00
8 G Porter 66 00
LE Williams..... 55 00
0 Schuubel,State vs Albright, j.
p. ct i . 8 25
M F McCown, State vs Albright,
i p ct . .. 9 70
J L Thomas, State vs Albright, j
p ct 3 50
Mrs Nettie Riggs, State vs Al
bright, j p ct 3 60
Nancy Thomas.State vs Albright.
i n ct 3 60
L Burne.State vs Albright.j p ct 3 50
A Klebe, State vs Albright j p ct 4 30
L Wolfer ''" 1 90
O D Eby, " " Marshall " " 5 15
W W Everhart 2 60
C Schnebel.State va Cook j p ct. . 1 95
,M F McCown 1 20
C Schuebel, State vb Peterson. . . 4 36
M F McCown '8 00
i Anderson 4 50
Wtrt m autierson. . 4 60
Archie Young. 1 70
LO Smith (juror) 1 70
E WMidlam " 1 70
OA Willey " . 1 70
C Schuebel, State vs Kekel j p ct 3 20
M F McCown 2 30
C Schuebel, State vs Markley &
Mack, j p ct 4 20
Chas E Burns 3 90
0 Schuebel, State va Fritz j p ct. 3 20
MF McCown...; 1 90
Myrtle Currin,-cler8 acct 4 00
Pope & Co, ct house 146
Bancroft Whitney & Co 6 60
Mrs G M Strange, supt's acct. . . 7 00
Bellomy & Buscu, ct house 4 45
Austin & Weston ,Co rand bridge 2 00
M C Strickland, coroner 11 80
O Tel Co, ct house 6 20
E A Sommer, Co physician 30 20
W E Oarll, " ' 20 00
0 N Greenman, election 50
Wilson & Cooke ... 35
J Bradley, road and bridge 6 00
W A Huntley, stationery 11 35
Ohas E Potter, " 8 00
I'eler Nehren, ct house 8 40
H W Jackson, election 2 80
Enterprise, stationery 28 25
J J Cooke, fllierilf 23 67
Ooiirier-Hetald, printing 62 48
001 Works, r and b acct 1500
Courier-Herald, printing 29 40
TG Jonsrud,Siate vb Shangle jp
ct 3 05
Gilbert, Stale vs Shangle j pet.. 4 40
Mrs D Wall 3 90
Frank Thomas, sheriff's acct.... 6 00
LutePhiester " " .... J2 00
In the matter of J E Smith, road su
pervisor in district No. 11, relating to
work under W H Counsel!, superin
tendentThis matter coming on at this
time the board having previously heard
the matter signed by Mr. Smith and his
counsel! ,&lo the board of trade commit
tee appearing in behalf of Oregon City and
other subscribes and the board citing W,
H. Counsel! to appear and heard his evi
dence as a ell as having the prior records
brought before the board. And the
board being fully advised, it is ordered
that Mr. Smith have work under Mr.
Oouiieellif he so desires as a subordinate.
In the matter of graveling the Mulino
and Canby road in district No. 17 This
matter coming on to be heard upon the
representation of J D Adkins,supervisor
elect, and the board being fully advised
J D Adkins is authorized to g-avel said
road to the amount of $150.
In the matter of aid for Mrs. DeBaurd
Thin matter coming on upon the ur
gent request of Mrs. DeBaurd that she
again be placed upon the list of county
charges, and the board not being fully
satistied, the matter is referred to Com-mir-sioner
Lewellen to report at the next
regular session of the board.
In the matter of the petition of M S
H ungate, et al, for county road Now
cornea W. H. Counsell and files his re
port in the above matter, and the board
being fully satistied , the report of W.
11. Counsell la hereby accepted and Levi
Stehman, Phil Graves and J. G. Trul
Inger are hereby appointed to view and
locate said road.
In the matter of the report of W. II.
CounBell upon the O. B. Taylor, et at.
road Now comes W, II Counsell and
files his report in the above matter, and
the court being fully satisfied in the
premises. It is ordered that said report '
be and hereby is rejected.
In the matter of the petition of Joseph
Beroert for the remission of taxes It
........$92 92
........$ 32 00
1 j 1
(Rrcbe, flflarder & o.
182-181-186 Madison Street PORTLAND. OREGON
New firm, New Goods; New Prices
Milburn Farm, Delivery, Spring Wagons and Buggies
Milwaukee Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Syracuse, Chilled- and
Steel Plows, Disc, Spike and Spring Tooth Marrows
Chase Fotce and Lift Pumps
Wolf American Bicvcles
Stoughton Farm Wagons
A strictly white oak wagon, with the oiilyjH and 10 spoke wheels'and
genuine trussed sugar maple axle, an axle tliatwill not spring or break.
Pontiac and Deal celebrated Michigan Buggies,
Benicia'Four Sprin M ountain Hack
' Second growth wheels and highly finished.
Peerless plows, all kinds. Only plow made on the Coast
Dowa iac Shoe, Hoe and Disc Grain Drills
Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators
Feed, Root Bone and Cider Mills
Piano Jones Lever Binder
Piano Jones Chain Mowers
Piano Jones Hay Rake
Full Stock of Piano Repairs
app arins that Joseph Bernert was as
sessed for lands owned by him for the
year 1892, said lands being a portion of
sections 15 and 10, township 3 south,
range 1 east of Willamette Meridian un.
der the name ot James Burnett and he
claims to have paid bis taxes for said
year, but bis house was burned up and
the receipt was destroyed, and now this
tax has appeared on an abstract of title
as unpaid.and whereas said Joseph Ber
nert, in order to clear up said record, is
wihinx to pay the amount of said tax
with costs but without interest. The
clerk is hereby authorized and instructed
on payment of Bald amount to issue to
hae a receipt therefore in full. It ap
pearing to the county court that said tax
caunot be collected in full.
In tho matter of the petition of John
W. Meldrum, deputy county surveyor,
tor supplies On considering the request
of John W, Meldrum, deputy county sur
veyor, for supplies of stationery for the
surveyor's oilice, asking among other
things for authority to purchase half of
one dozen field bjoks for the use of the
county surveyor and hU deputies in the
field work, and it appearing to the court
that there is no provision made for re
munerating the county surveyor for keep
inn in bis office a record of all surveys
executed by the county surveyor during
his term of odiceand that no such record
has ever been kept by him, and it fur
ther appearing that a complete record of
all surveys executed by the county sur
veyor, to be kept in the office of the
county surveyor would be of much value
to the county and public. Therefore, it
is ordered by the court that the request
of said John VV.Meldram, deputy county
surveyor be and is hereby granted, and
he is hereby authorized to purchase for
the county the supplies to be used in the
oilice of the county surveyor as specified
in his request, and it is further ordered
that the Held books, which he, said John
W. Meldrum is hereby authorized to pur
chase, shall be and remain the property
of the county of Clackamas, and shall be
used by the county surveyor and his
deputy in which to record in the tield,a!l
surveys executed by him or them, and
on the retirement of the county surveyor
from office, shall be kept and remain in
the office of the county surveyor as a part
of the public records of Clackamas
In the matter of the report ot viewers
on the Fan ton road.
In the matter of the report
of Eruil Uuenther, D. Mc
Arlhur and W. 8. Rider, viewers ap
pointed al the last term of Ibis board
to view and locate a county road situ
ated in Clackamas county, Oregon, and
described in full ou pages 10j, 100 and
107 of this journal, said viewer filed
their report showing that they had met
cn the 22nd day of June. 1U00, a day
named in the notice served upon them,
and were duly sworn by subscribing to a
written oath of office administered by
John W. Meldrum, deputy county sur
veyor, after which they proceeded to the
designated place and did view audcaaae
C. Holman
fmM & v.
Mo mzz.
to be surveyed by Bald John W. Mel
drum, deputy county surveyor, the road
as described on the said pages 103, 100 -
nwi irt7 .! ti.la L 1 in.... .1.. duji
the field n tes and p at of the survey ;r
said viewers report favorably to the es
tablishing of said road as viewed and
surveyed for the reasons that it is a good ,
. , t ...!l!i. 1 1
(.thulium ruuwj nuu 01 puuuu uuiity ;siu
report wa read on this day on its first
reading, and laid over (or a second read
ing ou Tuesday, the 10th day of July.
In the nvtter of the report of viewers
on the resurvey of a part of the Folsom
road. . . ., ...
In the matter of the report of F. J.
Harkenrider, Ueoigo 1). Ely and Gun
Burnett, viewers appointed at the last
term of this hoard to view and locate a
county road situated In Clackamas coun
ty, Oregon, described on pages 110 ami
111 ot this journal, said viewers filed
their report showing that they ha 1 met
on the lUth day of Juno, 1900, a day
named In the notice served upon theu
and were duly sworn by subscribing to a
written oath of office administered by
John W. Meldrum, ileputy county sur
veyor, the road as described on pages
110 and 111 of this journal. They also
tiled the field notes and plats of the sur
vey, said viewers report favorably to tho
establishing of said road as viewed and
surveyed, for the reason that it is a good,
practical route and of public utility ,sait
report was read on this day, on its Urst
reading and laid over for a second read
ing until Tuesday, July lOih.1900.
In the matter of the rcsurver of a part
of the Pan key road lu the matter of the
report of F. J. Harkenrider, (Jeorge D.
Ely and Uus Burnett, viewers appointed
met at last terra of this board to view and
locate a county road, situated In Clacka
mas county, Oregon, and described on
page 110 of this journal, said viewers
tiled their report showing that they had
not on the 18th day of June, 1000, a day
named in the notice served upon theui
and were duly sworn by subscribing to a
written oath of office administered by
John W, Meldrum, deputy county sur
veyor, after which they proceeded to the
designated place and did view and caused
to be surveyed by said deputy county
surveyor, the above described road.
Ttir'y also filed the field notes and plats
of the survey, said viewers report favor
ably to the establishing of said road a
viewed and surveyed, for the reason
that it is a good, practical route, and ot
public utility, said report was read ot
this day ou it firnt reading and laid over
for a second reading on Tuesday. July
10, 1!K)0.
In the m liter of the county pi luting
It is ordered that li e same be let to
t.ie Oiegi n City Enterprise until other
wive oideied, and tue said paper be con
stituted tie legal cmnty paper.
In the m itier of ths petition of Nichol
as Htory for return oided on delinquent
tax ThW uutterioinii gon to be heard
A.M. Dresser a;itriig for petitioners.
(Continued on' page 4.) ' '"I i