Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 20, 1900, Image 1

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    City Library
18th YEAR, NO. 9
(1 O
Showing Great Sweep of Cutter Bar as obtained by
Foot Leverage only
12 per cent more 'Cutting Capacity than any other Mower made
I WV I I ...r.::-. --.sa, liir .d.in J tl Jii': -n"- J--" , tit JfrW
W AY 1 - t i
Hardwabb Merchants
We keep everything in our line, including Fishing
Tackle, Screen Doors, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Hoes, Camp
Stove?, Bicycles, Poultry Netting, Machine Oil, White
Mountain Freezers, Spray Pumps and a thousand other
things. We have the finest line of Steel Ranges and
Stoves in the city. We are agents for the Red Jacket
' Pum p, "so easy to fix." . . ; .
Coiner Fourth and Main Strtetn, - O.R EGON -. CIT V, OREGON
The BUSY season may be fully on down at your place. It you're busy send in your order by a
neighbor or any member of your household. You'll get just the satisfaction as if you came yourself, and
al ways backed by a guarantee. Reliable, trustworthy items at their real worth is the basis upon
which we solicit your patronage.
Water Set. 60c uprl
This j-piece Bidreom Suit, $12,30
Size of Mirror 20x24 beveled
; .... - i
' fm.--i- - . 1
ill"". .11
- ' 4
General Agent.
ft '''
Iron Frame
Wood "
Tea Kettles
Copper Bottom 65c
Iron 65c
uranite Iron. . 75c
Unbreakable Dishes We
Cups and Saucers, Plates, Vegetable Dishes, etc. that will n-.t break
Investigate this at o'nee and there will be r.o more cause to scold
your cook for breaking dishes. Price of this -ware is low, compared
with other goods. 6 dinner plates for instance 90 cents.
Knives and Forks We have thirm and we c in show
you twenty-five different styles at har'-timc price-. Yuu can buy in
our establishment one good knife and one good fork for toe or a set
of 6 for $6.oo. Prices ranging between these two items.
i; M-gl '
Picture, Frame and
Glass, siz 16x24, $1.25
Wire clothes line, 25c
Old fashioned sieve
Regular July," 1900, Session of the
Commissioners of Clackamas
J.R.Morton, Chairman; T.B. Killin,
John Lewellen, Commissioners.
(Continued from last week.)
Rnnri district No. 12
Geo B Bate & Co, gen-iund....$ 6 78
Pope & Co 4 40
Howard Gill.road fund 2 12
Juke Gerber. road fund 2 00
N Smith 00
ChftB Johnson 19 60
Adolph Bengtson , 13 50
Eli Swales
Eugene Arthur 16 12
Jake Minder.. .-. 20 62
W P Kirchem.... 28 50
Joe Spraaue 14 49
David Sohupp..... 4 12
Henry Balsmier.-, ' 2 00
Bernard Fallen.. 20 25
TP McCubbin -'6 0
A II Punch 25 52
Matt Reed.." 2 75
Au Huber 3 00
J 0 Sprague. . .
13 00
Kalp Bacon
7 62
John Zurbucher 7 12
Thomas Waach..-.
Henry Babler.
5 12
5 80
23 99
Edrone Gerber..
Geo Clark 4 02
Royal Sprague 8 15
Geo Oldenberg 5 02
RKerr 5 62
Phdip Kohl 7 62
M H Johnston 1 62
Jake Durig , 14 62
A J Johnston 5 24
Frank Partch 6 00
Emery Cromer...". 12 75
Ralph Trace v.. 1 00
PL Paxton 18 00
James Cromer 10 50
Carl Benglso'n 9 00
Total :.: $387 63
Road district No. .13
A J Randolph, road fund $ 3 75
J Lovelace 3 0IW
11 Mattoon . .
9 00
2 25
WO Ward...........
J O Brown
G Mayfield . ;
J Myers ... ;
F Mavfield
BO Ward'..
E Lacroy
W H Mattoon
Total,. ;,.v.;V;,'
Ruad district No. 14-
C Jrlwtt, road fund..
Robt Ronald
3 00
4 50
6 00
1 50
7 50
$52 00
$ 15 0,
...... - 6 00
I 75
Carpet Swet-pers, $1.50 up
3 00
mean what we say We
Childs i'ribs, 2.25 1 "l
Child' Bed, $3.75 ' '
' Bird Cage 55c
Godfred Bluhm....' 3 00
Will Hodne 6 00
Wm Ginther 6 00
.lasShellv........ Ill 50
L Mauls 1 6 00
H Williams.. 8 00
A Mautz 8 00
BFLinn 4 Oil
F I! Linn ... 4 50
A B Linn 4 50
Louis Schultz 12 75
George Sehults 11 00
David Harris 6 75
Will F Harris... 50.00
' Total...' $163 50
' Road district No. 15
R H Tabor, road fund..... $12 60
Geo Kidder , 14 40
K Kelloga 14 4i)
Jas Partlow 16 65
M 0 McCord..... '. 3 00
Elmer Hendriekson 3 00
B Clark 4 95
FM Thompson 1 50
S Thompson 1 50
M Telford 1 35
S Stephens I 35
Bowers . 1 35
R L Blanc-hard 135
Total $97 40
Road .district No. 16 -
Wilson & Cooke, gen fund $ 2 65
W S Rider, road fund". 37 00
J L Waldron 43 50
Elmer Veteto 31 50
OH Rider 39 30
IS M-Waldron 16 27
Geo Rider 52 50
Fred Chinn 11 55
J Albright
. 27 On
. 1 50
. . 'Z(i 55
. 12 0(1
. 20 65
. 7 50
. 3 00
. 4 50
. 20 55
. 3 ) 65
. 3 00
. .4 50
.$397 82
.1 Burgovne
Robt MeAithur...
Geo Ph'-ister. . . . . .
Joe Pheister.
Will McCord
Geo Kidder
Wallace McCord . .
A Scheer
Chas McCormack. .
Homer Martin. . . .
Geo Kelland
W Wilson & Cooke, gen fund... $ 13 15
Frank Glennon, road fund..
39 00
J R Cole 33 75
F Shannon...... 10 50
Pat Connor 13 15
H Hettraan 13 85
J E Kalbflesch...... '10 95
Isaac Shortledge .... 12 75
W J McCord, road lund 6 00
50 1 E Hettman,...,.. , 1 53
UOjH Williams.... 3 00
..o - .W Estes 6 00
W H Savage .7. .".tr ' 2 25
J C Dixon 1 50
Dave McArthur 3 00
Henry Waldron.... 25 50
Alfred Gregory 10 00
II Brennon...". 6 00
Melvin McCord ' 27 00
Geo McArthur 4 50
I N Critser 17 25
H H Greuory 9 00
Geo Lazelle. 1 50
A Slaley 1 60
Wesley Severich .; 12 00
EN Foster 2 25
Elmer McArthur 2 25
W D Orcult 1 20
IEOrcnlt.... 120
Kobert Kelland 6 25
Frank Glennon 75
Total ...$299 60
Road district No. 17
D R Dimick, gen fund 1 87
Old East Portland Fence Works. 2 50
H A Vorpahl 21 60
Carlton & Rosenkrana 8 12
Otis Morris 2100
Wilson Evans 21 00
Jake Eret 21 00
Jas Marton 21 00
Hank Knight 2100
JohnKaylor..., 12 00
Robt Vorpahl 12 00
Andy Knittht.... 12 00
Laroy Parmenter 9 00
Herman Wintermantle 1 50
Phil Knight 10 50
Feed Phanley 10 60
Harrv Gillmore 10 60
Arthur Knight 9 00
Adam Kniuht 1 50
DR Dimick 18 50
Mrs J Knight 14 00
Rob Vorpahl, road 14 25
A Phelps 14 25
Otis Morris.
7 50
John Mohan
10 50
6 00
6 00
7 15
7 15
3 0 'J
6 00
6 00
Charley Th. mas
John Wilkinson.....
Ilalsev Phelps ....
H J Phelps.........
Liner Hutching8on .
I) R Dimick
D R Dimick
Jacob Yost ..... 1 50
.'.$343 3!)
Road district No. 18 ""
C W Frniderich, gen fund 10 20
Geo B Rale & Co 110 02
Wilson & Cooke 35
J G Cummins 30 68
C Falman 1 50
J Peck ' 1 60
K Mclntyre .'. 3 00
K W Hornshuh 3 00
Jack Ringo, road fund... ....... 18 00
K G Uosper...: 3 00
G ASchubel 15 00
C Falman ,. 9 00
II Gard.. 3 00
F Marshall 3 00
B Bootmiller 9 00
8 Elmer 24 00
J Elmer , 18 00
F Lindon 15 00
R Meyer... 9 00
J Gard.
24 00
H Rogers
E Lee
W Hill
P Davidson
F Hettman, road fund.
F Miller '.
Wm Gnenther........
J Peck
E Gnenther...........
0 Klinesmitb
11 Klinesmitb..,....,.
12 00
15 00
7 60
3 00
3 00
0 00
12 00
3 00
7 60
10 60
12 00
12 00
13 60
J U Cummins.
393 02
Eclipse Hay Press Co
ES-rebe9 Ilflarder & (Do.
182-184-186 Madison Street
New Firm, New
Milburn Farm, " Delivery,
Milwaukee Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Syracuse, Chilled and
Steel Plows, Disc, Spike and Spring Tooth Harrows
Chase Foice and Lift Pumps
Wolf American -Bicycles'
Stoughton Farm Wagons
A strictly white oak wagon, with the onlyJH and 16 spoke wheels"and
genuine trussed sugar maple axle, an axle thatlwill not spring or break.
Pontiae and Deal celebrated- Michigan Buggies,
1 warranted
Benicia Four Spring Mountain Hack
Second growth wheels and highly finished.
Peerless plows, all kinds. Only plow made on the Coast
IDowa iac Shoe, Hoe and
Buffalo Pitts Harrows and
Feed, Root, Bone and Cider
Plana Jones lever Binder
Piano Jones Chain Mowers
Plana Jones Hay (lake
Full Stock' of Piano Repairs
J Groesmiller.. 16 50
T Grace 150
E W Hornshuh B0 00
J Grossmiller , 3 00
H Hornshuh 4 60
B Faust 7 60
E Jones....- 1 60
Total. ..r.. $357 60
Road district No. 19 '
O Daniels, road fund $ 15 00
TN Clow 19 72
Chas Boydton 13 50
M Bii gs I8 60
J J Mallatt 11 70
James Mallatt 6 00
E L Trullinger. 14 60
A Erickson 3 75
C Daniels 8 25
DC Rail. 14 62
Carl Briggs 4 00
A Dugan 10 50
Wm M Wallace 6 00
F Erickson 39 50
L V Baker. 7 25
M H Seltzer...
A L Larkins. .
L Pendleton...
Ueo Williams.
. 1 75
19 25
22 00
R H Snodgrass 30 00
H J Porfnson....
1 60
D I I Looney
K Linguist
J L Steward
... 2 25
. . . 2 50
. .. 0,00
...$279 29
Road district No. 20
T Henderson, gen fund 7 80
Mr Hubert 5 25
M G andC II Jones. 6 04
E Harrington, road 3 00
C Welsh 3 00
K Krone 3 00
Willis Mayfield.. 3 HO
MiloGard... 160
O Fellows.... 4 6)
P Davidson ... 2 25
L Pariish 2 25
F Kiik.. 3 00
R Rutherford 3 00
J Rutherford, road fund 5 25
Meaps 1 50
J Parrish 3 00
C Parrish 1 6!)
H Hutchinson... 28 00
T B Jones H O
Dan Fellows 3 00
Eli Fellows 3 00
Frank Reese
, 2 25
. $77 00
Road district No. 22
II J Rastall,road fund ..
A W Lelstoll
A Engle
Geo Gurnsey
B F Harless...
E LimUuist
Frit x Fryer.,
TotL. ........
Road district No.23
A BCole, gen fund......
Wm Kendall
Chas Reuch, road fund. . .
August Rotbenberg......
C A Willcock
. .$ 5 25
.. 4 60
.. 14 03
.. 4 60
.. 7 Ih
.. 13 00
.. 75
..$39 71
1 25
2 00
13 76
13 76
8 75
Goods, New Prices
C. Holman
Disc Grain Drills
Cultivators ,
Henry Zelglcr.. 8 75
David Reuch 7 60
J P Cole 16 85
WW Irwin. 8 25
Chris Frost 0 26
DJ Parmenter,road fund 4 50
A B Cole 44 00
Julim Miller $ 1 00
Total $147 30
Road district No. 24 .
J S Yoder. gen fund $ 21 25
Geo B Rate &Co ., ,. 24 78
O O MolHon..-.. 8 00
C G' Hoffman , 1 70
G II Kinser 3 90
A Wiegands 7 80
H Ransdell 7 80
Geo Askins. . . , (I 30
Sol Kina 7 80
John Taylor 3 00
H Dietz 1W
BF Smith v;..,. 13 60
I J Bigelow, road fund 14 00
ENSawtell.; 20 60
RobtOglo 10
F Seller. '. , 3 35
John Crocker : 0 l)(
' A Raskins 20 85
Ed Yoder 6 75
O Zweiful 8 75
Thomas Ogle 9 35
Albert Monhbcrger 28 10
J K Mitts 10 80
Win Sconce. 9 00
Oh Kyels 8 60
F Eyinau 13 85
Ham Wolfc-r , 2 60
N Staubhar. 76
T II Sconce 6 25
M Myers , 2 25
Chas Korwchak. ) 1 00
A Montandan 0 75
D W Stauffcr, . . . 4 60
Jesse Little 6 50
H O Dauktlson 6 50
W M Hoop....'"- 2 25
Jans Bole 2 21
Dick Garrett.... 14 25
FE Fish 4 60
Ray Cochran.,..., . 7l
J B Noe 10 50
J 8 Yoder 2 60
T O Ackersou 3 76
Wm Thompson , 3 00
John Kchnoitcr , 2 75
D Zimmerman..,.,. 1 76
John Egli 1 10
C Bair.
3 00
John Kramer.,
Geo Aeklni...
3 00
3 30
Herb Randall 6 90
G A Kinzor 4 06
Sol King. t 10
A Weigands.,,,. 2 10
John Taylor 1 80
B F Smith 40 50
Total $322 85
Road disliict No. 25
N EOole.road fund...., ,,f 3 00
Potu-r. .............. ....... , 0 00
Rom Fry nar. .........,.,,.;..,. 1 60
A II Ktynolds.. .W. i. 4 MO
N K Cole 75
Chas, HaruOck.,... 8 25
(C01 tinued on n 4.)
!heH Paier, 5o for 24 sheet
Hat Kack ....15c
Rolling Pin, 10c
F Grossmiller 6 00