OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. JULY 6, 1900. 1 Swindling m Bank. A few years ago a well dressed man presented himself at a certain national bank and laid down a check for $3,000. It was signed by a well known whole Bale whisky house, and upon the back were the words, "Identification waiv ed." At the same time a well dressed man entered the office of a live stock flrat the stockyards and asked if he could wait In the office, as he expected a telephone message. He was told that he could,, and he took a seat near the telephone. Down in the bank the paying teller was asking who the holder of the check knew. He said not many firms, - as he was a stock dealer, but if the tell er would call up Mr. Smith of Jones & Smith, the well known brokers at the tockyards, he would find out that he was all right The teller called for the tiumber, and when the ring answered he asked for Smith. The man on the end said he was Smith, and he at once gave Brown, the holder, the amount of the check. When It was discovered that the check was a forgery, there was an aw ful kick, as Smith said Brown was as good as gold. Smith declared that he had talked to no one, and the result was an argument between Smith and the bank teller. No one knew about the accomplice answering the phone, and the result was that Smith took his account from the bank, and. no one ever knew who it was who answered the telephone. Cincinnati Enquirer. A Gift Not Appreciated. Two well known clubmen were stroll ing along Chestnut street the other aft ernoon when a young fellow of rather sporty attire Btopped them and at tempted to borrow $3. "I've got to have it tonight, and I'll give it back to you tomorrow," he said. The man addressed looked dubious, and his friend, who was not acquaint ed with the would be borrower, moved away, apparently to be out of earshot of the conversation. "I don't think I can lend you the money today," said the clubman. "Come om there's a good fellow," coaxed tho other. ''You'll get it back tomorrow, sure." "No; I "won't lend it to you," was the reply, "butTll tell you what I will do. If you're so devilish hard up, I'll give you $5." . "All riglit; give it to me," was the unblushing rejoinder. "You've got it already," said the clubman. "Do you remember the five you borrowed from me three months ago? Well, don't bother about paying that back. Nice day, Isn't It? So long!" Then he rejoined his friend. "In the last two years that fellow has borrowed $50 from me at various times," he said. Philadelphia-Record. An Englishman's Manner. ' Note, as has long been noted, that the only manners the Englishman cares about are what our country cousins call "table manners." He can lay enor mous stress upon these without seem ing to thaw out, for they really ex press nothing, and meticulous nicety In the forms of eating and drinking pleases his Innate sense of refinement and chimes In with his dislike for mak ing a mess. Yet a certain Frenchman may not have been far wronir. after all In saying that "the English would sure ly not frown so upon a man's mopping up sauce with a piece of bread If they themselves had ever had any sauce worth mopping up." It may be that the Englishman's perfection of deport ment at meals comes in part from a lack of temptation to do otherwise. But the truth is none the less apparent that the complicated conventions re garding what to do and what to avoid at table that obtain in England do not in any way involve that outward expressiveness which the Englishman abhors. Ho can obey them without prejudice to his Impassivity. And this cult of impasslvencss, of self renres slon, is essentially Spartan that of the savage. Scrluners. The Origin of Phoenix Park. The origin of the name of Fhcenlx park has puzzled many scholars unac quainted with the Irish language. The manor was called in the Irish vernacu lar Fionn-uisge, pronounced finniske, which signifies clear or fair water, and which, articulated in the brief English manner, exactly resembled the word phoenix. The spring or well so called from which the park derives its name still exists close to the Dublin en trance of the viceregal lodge. It is situated In a glen beside the lower lake and Is one of the romantic objects of the park. London News. Shopping In Scotland. It has been said that the Scottish dialect Is peculiarly powerful In Its use of vowels, and the following dia logue between a shopman and a cus tomer has been given as a speci men. The conversation relates to a plaid banging at the shop door: Customer (inquiring the material) Oo? (wool?) Shopman ay, 00 (yes, of wool). Customer A 00? (all wool?) Shopman Ay, a 00 (yes, all wool). Customer A' ae 00? (all same wool?) Shopman Ay, a' ae 00 (yes, all same wool). London Telegraph. Colnmbna Brought Carda. Christopher -Columbus Introduced cards into America in 1492. On tho quarter deck of the Santa Maria he used to play the stately game of om bre, a favorite among princes, nobles and courtiers, with Its Spanish name, el bombre (the man), and the Spanish terms, spadille, manllie, punto, mata dor, basto, gano del rey and codilla. An IncanenalT Orgy. . "Freddy, not another cake! You'll be tick!" ""Well," ni. you needn't to care. There's half my med'clne lef from las' timer Chicago Record. COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS Regular June, 1900, Session of the Commissioners of Clackamas County. S. F. Marks, Chairman ; J. R. Morton, E, Scott, Commissioners. . (Continued from last week.) J P account, state vs Davis HAWebster.JP I 7 85 Chas Burns, constable . 9 10 Isaac Tantfast, wit 4 70 U Tallman, do 5 50 Elmer Dixon, do 1 70 Oari Haberlacher, interpreter.... 1 70 eitomy& M u sen, courthouse ... 91 8a Wilson & Cooke, road & bridge ac 4 85 W H Young, sheriff acct 32 00 California Powder Works..... 24 86 Fred Heft 6 75 Frank Glennan 37 50 JR Cole. 24 75 Francis Shannon 9 00 D Cotto 1 50 James Shelly 13 12 h scnumaie a ez GHowland 3 00 H O Green .. 18 37 W Miller 16 50 Otto Kuuzinan 18 75 A fc'choenboem 12 75 George Kunzman 15 00 W Uuyer... 15 00 Isaac bhortledge . 15 00 Arthur Sitton.road and bridge acct 4 50 Hi Haibnesch do ; 12 75 W L Ogtien.. 3 75 Geo E Shortledge 2 25 U Mielly ... 20 00 E Hettmau 16 50 11 Williams 18 00 Geo Priester ; 12 30 Wm Este 7 50 J P account, State vs Ray . C Sohuebel, justice of peace 2 70 ivi i McCown.constable 1 70 W E Carll, insane acct 5 00 JWPowell.do 5 00 P Nehren, election acct 5 75 Enos Cahul.iury acct 3 00 WLHokomb 2 80 M A Magone,Wit Hendrickson in quest coroner acct....'....:.... 190 R Tompkins 1 90 John Hendrickson 190 Albina Hendrickson 1 90 VB Partlow..--" 190 R L Holman, juror 120 E E Magone 1 40 W H Young 1 40 R D Tompkins. 140 O Bluhm 1 40 J W Loder 1 20 M C Strickland, coroner 19 60 EL Shaw 6 20 Geo Young, undertaker 4 00 Geo A Harding, pauper acct 3 75 C Schuebel, insane acct 2 60 E A Sorauier 5 00 Cal Powder Works, road and bridge acct 6 00 Ina M Chase.registration acct. ... 46 00 J J Cooke, sheriff 60 00 Bancroft Whitney & Co, ct h acct 3 2o TB Hankins, sheriff acct 35 50 J C Haines.elsction 8 00 CSchuebel 6 00 N W Bowland 14 00 E II Cowing, sheriff acct 51 00 J A Stanton, insane acct 12 00 W H Counsell, roaduaaster...... 72 00 In the matter of the petition of J. S. Casto et al for a county road In the matter ol the petition filed by J. S. Cas to and more than twelve householders of the county living in the vicinity of the road described in the petition, pray ing viewers to be appointed to view and locate a county road in Clackamas county, described in full, as follows : Change the Fanton road to 40 feet wide and ou the following described route : Beginning at the intersection of the cen ter line of the Oregon City and Molalla ioad with tbe south boundary of section 33, township 3 Bouth, range 2 east, and running thence wes'. along said section line to the corner of sections 4, 5, 32 and 33; thence westerly to a stake marked "R A" set at a point 40 feet south of the center of E. A. Howard's barn door ; thence westerly to the point in said E.A. Howard's moBt westerly fence where the same ciosses the township line, on the south boundary of section 32, township 3 south, rane 2 east; thence west trac ing the south boundary of section 32, to tbe second angle in the Fanton road as surveyed by 11. H. Johnson, county sur veyor, April 22, 1893, the same being a point 15 feet east of the northeast corner of James Emmet's land; thence wester ly following the course of the said Fan ton road surveyed by H. II. Johnson as aforesaid to a stake marked "H. A." set at a point in the south boundary of sec tion 31, township 3 south, range 2 east, at a point 5.29 chains west ot the one fourth section corner ; thence south 27 degree 20 minutes west, 3.17 chains to a basalt stone 12x11x9 inches marked"R" thence north 34 degrees west 2 78 chains to a basalt stone 15x11x9 inches marked 'Rj" thence north 86 degrees west 0.22 chains to a basalt stone 13x8x6 inches maiked R ; thence south 15 degrees, 45 minutes- west 2 61 chains to u basalt stone 18x11x6 inches marked R; thence South 79 degrees 30 minutes west 0 26 chains to a basalt stone 11x7x4 inches marked R ; thence north 49 degrees 45 minutes west 2.50 chains to a basalt stone 12x9x7 inches, marked R; thence south 72 degrees 6 minutes west 2.24 chains to a basalt stone 18x13x0 inches marked K ; thence south 60 degrees 20 minutes west 1.98 chains to a basalt stone 14x9x7 inches marked R; thence north 80 degrees 50 minutes west 0.38 chains to a basalt stone 14x6x5 inches marked R ; thence north 36 degrees 10 minutes west 3.55 chains to a basalt stone 11x10x4 inches marked R: thence south 53 degrees 30 minutes west 1.45 chains to a basalt stone 10x7x4 laches maraeo. a mence norm o degrees 40 minutes west 1.76 chains to a basalt stone 10x8x5 inches marked R ; thence north 89 degrees 15 minutes west 1.76 chains to a basalt stone 13x11x4 inches marked R ; thence north 27 degrees 10 minutes weBt 5.50 chains to a fir stake marked R A ; thence north 84 degrees 40 minutes west 0.19 chains to a cedar stake marked R A ; thence south 9 de grees 10 minutes west 2 35 chains to an alder stake marked R A ; thence south t8 degrees west 3.66 chains to a cedar stake maiked R A ; theuce north 75 de grees west 0.99 chains to a cedar stake marked R A ; thence north 40 degrees 15 minutes west 1.98 chains to a cedar stake marked R A ; thence north 74 degrees 15 minutes west 0.26 chains to a cedar stake marked R A ; thence south 29 degrees west 4.74 chains to a cedar stake marked R A ; thence north 60 degrees 30 min utes west 2.43 chains tot cedar stake marked R A ; thence north 14 degrees 20 minutes east 5.40 chains to a fir stake marked R A; thence north 66 degrees 45 minutes west 0.27 chains to a dogwood stake marked K A ; thence so ith 43 de grees 19 minutes east S.95 chains to an alder stake marked U A set in the south boundary of section 31, township 3 south, range 2 east at a point 2.28 chains east of the corner of townships 3 and 4 south, ranges 1 and 2 east ; thence north 89 de grees 58 minutes west along the south boundary of section 31, 2 28 chains to the corner of townships 3 and 4 south, ranges 1 and 2 east ; thence west along the south boundary of section 36, town ship 3 south, range 1 east, chains to a basalt stone 14x8x4 inches marked R on northeast face and X on top set at terminus of the Fanton road in the cen ter line of the Oregon City and Hard scrabble roads from which the south west corner of the steeple tower of St John's church bears north 58 degrees 43 minutes east 107 links distant. The pe titioners further pray that all parties of the Fanton road not covered by the route herein above described be" va- caetd. Said petitioner filed his affidavit of notices respecting said road showing that there had been posted one on the court house bulletin board, and three in three of the most public places in the vi cinity of the proposed road more than thirty days prior to the presentation of this petition. He also filed a bond for one hundred dollars conditioned accord ing to law. The board being fully advised, it is ordered that Abel Gunther, D McAr thur and W O Rider be, and are hereby appointed viewers to meet at place of beginning on the 22nd inst,and subscribe to a written oath of office administered by John W. Meldrum, a skillful survey or, he being appointed by by the board to survey said road before proceeding to view and locate said road and report in writing at the next regular term of this board. In the matter oi tbe petition of Fritz Zimmerman for a poll tax rebate The board being fully advised, it is ordered that said petition be granted and Baid rebate allowed in the sum of $3 Fritz Zimmerman. . - In the matter of the petition for the issue of a duplicate warrant in favor of R.T.Dibble This matter coming on now to be heard and the board being fully advised, it is ordered that said pet tion be granted aud a duplicate warrant lor $5.40, in place of warrant No. 4079, be issued to said R. T. Dibble upon his fil ing the proper bond, R. T. Dibble,$5.40. Adjourned to 7th mat. Thursday, June 7th,190O, The board met pursuant to adjourn ment. The board and officers present as on the 6th inst, the minutes of said day having been read and approved and now on this day the following business was had to-wit. In the mutter of acceptance of tbe ie port of the viewers of damage on the Brabst road The petitioners on the Brabst road being ready to pay the damage on said road as ordered by the board. It is ordered that tha report of the viewers of damage be accepted and approved and that the clerk be instruct ed to issue the necessary order to open said road upon receipt of amount of damages assessed against said petition ers. In the matter ot the petition of John W. Young for a tax rebate on an errone ous assessment This matter coming on now to be heard and the board being fully advised, it is ordered that said rebate be granted in tbe sum of $3 John W. Young. In the matter of m. Phillips for a poll tax rebate The board being fully advised in the matter, it is ordered that said poll tax rebate be granted in the sum of $3 Wm. Phillips. In tbe matter of the partial payment of the contract price for the contract work of Mumpower & llatton on the Clackamas bridge fillIt is ordered by the board that the contractors, Messrs. Mumpower & Hatton, be allowed the sum of of $100 on said contract, and the clerk is hereby instructed to issue the necessary warrant for the same Mum power & Hatton. Adjourned to June 8. Friday, June 8, 1900. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. In the mat'.er of the petition of H. L. Currin et al for a eminty road In the matter of the petition of HrL. Currin and more than 12 householders ol the county living in the icinity of the road described in the petition and praying viewers to be appointed to view and lo cate a county road in Clackamas county, Oregon, described in full as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of James I. Gibson's land claim thence west to a stake near L. A. Freeman's house, thence in a northwesterly direc tion to a stake ; thence westerly do wn grade to a Btake at Aug Len's land ; thence in a southwesterly direction of the center of the Milwaukie road, near Wilbern's store to rock in the center of said Milwaukie road. Also vacate that portion of the old that is not in the new. Said petitioner filed bis affidavit of no tices posted respecting said road, show ing that there had been posted one on the court house bulletin board, three others in the most public places iu the vicinity of the proposed road more than 30 days prior to the presentation of this petition. He also tiled a bond for $100, conditional, according to law. The roadmaster having reported fav.rably in regard to said road and the board being fully adviBed. It is ordered that If. J. Harkenrider, George Ely and George Burnette be, and are hereby appointed Viewers to meet at place Tf beginning on the 18tn Hint, and subscribe to a writ ten oath of office administered by John W. Meldrum, a ski lful surveyor, he be ing appointed by the boa u to survey g0id road before proceeding to view and locate said road and report iu writing at the next term of t i s board In the matter of the petition of II. F Currin, et al, for a entity road In the matter of the petition filed byH. F. Currin and more than 12 housnolders of the county living in the vicinity of the road described in tbe petition and pray ing viewers to be appointed to view and locate a county road in Clackamas county, Oregon, described in full as fol lows : Commencing at the west line ol John P. Stieman's land claim at stake in the center of the John Folsom road ; thence running in a northwesterly di rection to a stake in the center of the Folsom road ; thence in northwesterly direction to intersect said county road from Eagle Creek by Currmsville to Clackamas upper bridge. The above described road to be 40 feet wide and to vacate that part of the old road that is not in the new one. Said petitioner filed bis affidavits of notices posted respecting said road showing that Ibere had been posted one on the court house bulletin board, three in three of the most public places in the vicinity of the proposed road more than 33 days prior to the present a im of the petition. He also fLed a bond for $100, condition al .according to law. The board being fully advised, it is or dered thatF. J. Harkenrider, George Ely and Gusa Burnette, be and are hereby appointed viewers to meet at place of beginning on the 19th inst and subscribe to a written oath of office ad ministered by John W. Meldrum, a skillful surveyor, he being appointed by the board to' survey said road before proceeding to view and locate said road, report in writing at the next tegular term of the board. In the matter of application for the assurance of a certificate of sale for taxes for the years 1891-2 for the nejtf of sec 32, tp 7 s, r 3 e of Willamette meriidian, Clackamas county, Oregoa, Whereas, It appears from the tax roll and other records of Clackamas county for the year 1891, that the ne,t of section 32, township 7 south, range 3 east of Wii- lamette meridian for the year 1891, was assessed to J. Y. W. Anderson for a tax of $8, and that said tax became delin quent aud that tbe same was duly de clared delinquent, advertised and sold to Clackamas county, Oregon, for the sum oi $12.50, but by oversight no cer tificate was issued to Clackamas county for the same, and whereas, said above described lands were assessed to tbe same party for the years 1892, with a tax of $7.70, and that the same tax became delinquent and the same was duly de clared delinqeut, advertised and Bold to Clackamas county, Oregon, for the Bum of $16.55, and that by an oversight no certificate was issued for said sale, aud that these facts appear on the records of Baid county. Now, therefore, on pe tition ol C. H. Dye, attorney, it is or dered that the present sheriil of Clacka mas county issue to Clackamas county certificates for said sales nunc pro tunc and deliver the same to the eouity clerk, aud said clerk is authorized to as sign the Bame to s&id C. H. Dye, attor ney, or to anyone to whom he may re quest on the payment of said taxes and costs with interest at 8 per cent per an num from the date of said sale, aud that on presentation of said certificate to sher iff he issue deed therefore as in other cases. In the matte' of the report of the viewers on the petition of F. Drake for a county road In the matter ot tne re port of Herman Bruns, J. V. Douty and L. A. h retman, viwers appointed at the last term of this board to view and locate a county road situated in Clacka mas countv. Oreiron.described in full on oa ire 20 of this journal, said viewers filed their report showing that they had met on the 28th day ot May. a day named in the notice served upon them, and were duly sworn by subscribing to a written oath of office administered by John W. Meldrum, at the designated place, and di 1 view and cause to be surveyed by said deDUtv countv surveyor the above de scribed road. Thev also filed the field notes and plat of survey. Said viewers reDOrt favorably to the establishing of said road as viewed and surveyed for the reason that it is a good, practical route and of public utility. Said report was read on this day on its first reading and laid over for a second reading on tomo row. In the matter ofthe petition of Emma Vorhies tor a tax rebate This mailer coming on now to be beard and the board being fully advised, it is ordered that said rebate be granted in the sum of $1.32. Board adjourned to meet 9th inst. Saturday, June 9, 1900. The minutes of preceding day read and approved. In the matter of the reptrt of the view ers on the petition of F. Drake, et al,for a countv road Said report was read yes terday and now on this day on its second reading, and it appearing to the board that there is no remonstrance or petition for damages filed and being satisfied that said road will be public utility. It is or dered and adiudned that the field notes and Dial of Baid survey be recordered i ! 1 1 . - .J .1 I. . anu in ail reuueuiB Buuruveu mm iu tne Baid view and survey be established as a county road and that the expenses ol said view and be paid Dy iiacxamas county, and the clerk is hereby ordered to issue the necessary notice to tbe su pervisor of the district or districts in which said road lies to open and marie the came. Herman Bruns $ 3 00 J W Dowty 3 20 L A Freeman 2 60 H F Gibson 2 00 HughFilztrald 2 00 Harvey Gibson z uu John W. Meldrum 12 00 Totul $27 30 In the matter of the re survey of the Molalla road Said re-survey of re-Bur vev having been made on petition of Fred Erickson, supervisor o( roai dis trict No. 19. andthe board being luiiy advised, it is ordered and adjudged that the field notes and plat of said survey be recorded and in all respects approved and establish a county road, and mat the expenses of Baid vi sw and survey be paid by Clackamas countv. W W Mav $ 2 60 Frank Jauuar 2 O E Spenoe 2 50 W R WoodsMe 2 00 WW Smith 2 00 John W Meldrum 10 20 Total $24 00 In the matter of the re-survey of the Bear Creek and Pudding river road Said re-survey having been made on the petition of the road supervisor of road district No 23 and the board being fully advised, it is ordered and adjudged that the plat and field notes of said sur vey be recorded and all respects ap proved and established as a county road and that the expense of said view and survey be paid by Clackamas county. John W Meldrum 18 KU In the matter of the resurvey ofthe Herman and Noland's mill road Said survey having been made on the pe tition of the supervisor of said road dis trict and the boar being tuny advised, it is ordered and adjudged that the sur vey and plat of said survey be recorded and in all respects approved and eetab liBbed as county road and that the ex pense of said view and survey be paid by Clackamas county. R J Moore ..$ 7 00 Mat tin Leabo 6 80 O Dougherty 6 80 Caius W Herman 6 00 WW Smith 6 00 O S Herman John W Meldrum 6 18 Total.. $56 In the matter of the petition of Cake & Cake for a poll tax rebate The board being fully advised, it is ordered that said rebate be granted in the sum of $3 Cake & Cake. In the matter of the petition of E A Sperry for a tax rebate for 1898 This matter coming on now to be heard and the board being fully advised, it is or dered that the said petitioners be al lowed to nay said tax less costs except cost of printing. in the matter ot scalp athuavits lor May The board haying examined the same and being fully advised, it is or dered that said claim be allowed in tbe sum of $34. Iu t.ie matter of the reports of clerk and recorder for fees collected during May The board being examined said reports and being fully satisfied, it is or dered that the same are hereby approved and acceBted. They show collections as follows, to-wit: Clerk $199 45 Recorder 217 15 In the matter of the mileage and per diem of the county commissioners for une term, 1900. S F Marks. 7 days, 52 miles $26 20 J R Morton, 6 days, 40 miles 22 00 R Sco't, 7 days, 30 miles 24 OU Total.' $72 20 In the matter of the report of viewers of damage on the Brabst road, motion to dismiBB rhis matter coming on now to be heard andthe board not being fully advised, it is ordered that Baid motion be laid over until tbe 27th inst, fo- hear ing. in tne matter of the contract with the Portland General Electric Company for road work A communication having been received trtuu the company in re tard to said matter and being full ad vised, it is ordered that the county is ready to proceed with said work at any time. In the matter of the supervisors re port for May from road district No. 32 It is ordered that said report be accept ed and ordered paid in the following amounts. Baker Bros, gen fund 17 90 J E Vinson, road fund 4 50 SJ Vinson...'...., 1 00 Elbert Bristo 2 50 Rue Heater , 4 50 J M Baker 4 50 Joe Hoffman 4 60 Will Bristo ". 3 25 W Hoffman 10 50 Peter Heater '.. 10 60 Jay Baker ; 12 00 E S Calkins 4 50 James McConnell 185 Hand O Voss 13 50 W C"Heater. CJ Calkins 9 H Ilor 12 II Bergman Joe Taylor 1 Gee W Duncan 2 Louis Beneval Henry Wilhelm 3 75 Elmer James 11 25 Billy Ohilveas 5 85 HUD Stanlmaker U 00 O McKinney., 6 25 k a a ranee ' za Aubrey Wood 6 00 OA Baker 10 60 WE Baker 6 75 H Ilor. . 12 00 Will Todd 6 00 J.ra McConnell 1 00 A Simmons 1 00 E L Baker 39 25 Total $247 60 In the matter of supervisor in road district No 11 It is ordered by the board that tho Bupervisor of road district No 11 be dismissed. Adjourned to meet 27th inst. Junb 27, 1900. The minutes of June 9th were read and approved. in the matter ol the bill oi a. a. Web ster, et al. in csbb of State vs Da vies, et al This bill having been laid over from the first day of this session for explana tion and the board now being fully ad vised. It is ordered that the same is hereby allowed: II A Webster $ 4 05 Chas E Burns 30 40 Total $40 45 In the matter of claims of deputy sheriffs--' A H Graham, sheriff acct $ 72 00 Had Englo 0 00 R Garrett 3 00 J II Wright 14 00 H W Koehler 8 90 F M Manning 1 00 J J Cooke 18 00 Total $122 90 In the matter of the petition of Wall & Odell for duplicate scalp bounty cer tificates The board being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered that J. G. Jonsrud, the justice of the peace who made out the original certificate for the above parties which are now lost be and hereby is ordered to issue duplicate for said No. 305 and 307 in favor of said Wall & Odell. In the matter of the bill of the super visor of road district No. 11 Said bill having been been reduced from $54 to $16 aud the first day of the season and the board now being fully satislied, it is ordered that the balance of said bill ,$38, is hereby allowed and ordered paid, and the clerk is hereby ordered to issue a warrant for $38 iu payment of the bal ance of said claim. In the matter of the contract with Mumpoer and Hatttm for the fill at Baker's terry bridge Mumpower and Hatton having furnished said nil and fulfilled their contract and the board I being fully advised, it is ordered that the clerk issue warrants in the sum of $323 in payment of said claims Mumpower and Hatton., $200 " " " 125 In the matter of Joseph Sperl, count! charge It is ordered by the board that the name of Joseph Sperl be stricken from the pauper list to date from June 1. 1900. In tbe matter of closing the Porter load in uisinci iio iu it is oruereu uy the board that Ibe supervisor ol said dis trict be ordered to open said road where it has been closed up by one Warner until said D. F. Warner petitions to change laid road at his own expense, In the matter of code and session laws for justice district No. 4 It is ordered by the board the purchasing agent be ordered to purchase a copy of the code and the session laws of 1893 and 1895 for tbe use of said justice district. In tbe matter of closing tax roll of 1899 It Is ordered by the board that tbe tax 00 roll 01 1899 be declared delinquent on 00 and after July 1. 1900. I In the matter of extending the time 60 for payment of 1899 taxes On request Distress j after eating is caused from the stomach's not beginning its work Immediately. Until it gets to work you feel d tressed-the food lays to your stom ach like a weight. To gtrt digestion to make tha stomach do its work you must assist it if your stomach Is weak or slow to wovk, Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken after meals supplies the stom al u with neOi-Bvry acids aud Juice which i 'est the food quickly in a proper manner. To get the liest results use Baldwin's Health Tablets No. a.) with lhe Dyspepsia Tablets. Tho Dyspi pMa Tablets cost too tmd cau be hud ac Huntley's Dru,r Stoie of (he sheriff, it is ordered by t! e hoard mat tne utne lor tne payment (I tne 1809 taxes without cost be exteuded uu til August 1st, 1900. In the matter of the mistake of super visor of ivad district No 18, in reporting his time for May as supervisor of said district It is ordered by the board that said mistake be rectified and the clerk is hereby ordered to issue a road warrant in favor of Ed Hornshuh'for 825.. In the matter ol the petition ol . B. Colo, supervisor of road district No 23 for a resurvey of the Weismandel and Mack road The board being fully ad vised in the premises, it is ordered that the county surveyor or deputy be or dered to resurvey eaid road on the : and that W. Irvine, Chris Kocher and Jake Reuk be apj ointtd viewers to view and locate said road and report In writ ing at the next regular term of this 1 board. In the matter of the bill of C. Schue bel for balance of $2.50 an examination of an itiBane person It is ordered by the board that said balance of $2.60 on said examination of insane be allowed and ordered paid. Adjourned to 28th iiiet, 1900. Thursday, June 28, 1903. Minutes of yesterday read and ap proved In the matter of the claim of D. A. James for a poll tax rebate It 1b ordered by the board that said rebate be granted in the sum of $3. In the matter of the bill of Mrs. G.M Strange on sheriff's account It is or dered that eaid bill be allowed Mrs. G.M. Strange $2 00 In the matter of the petition of Bel late Shaw to pay delinquent tax without penalty It is ordered by the board by the board upon application of Bellette Shaw, mortgagee, that she be allowed to discharge the liens for the taxes of 1894 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898 by the pay. ment of the original taxes and the cost of advertising and that the clerk issue receipts and certificates in full upon pay ment of such original taxo9 and cost of advertising. In the matter of the petition of Mrs. M. Beck for a tax rebateThe board be ing fully advised, it is ordered that tho sheriff mike a reduction so as to allow said Mrs. Beik a rebate of $7 on her taxes for the year of 1899. in the matter ol the appropriation of the bicycle fund for paths from Barlow and Oanbv, New Era and Oregon City The board being fully advised, it is or dered that $125 lie appropriated for said patn. Mow at this time came (ho follow ina named officers elect and filed bonds, as such officers for the ensuing term of two yeais as follows, to-wit : a 11 Cooper, clerk, in sum of $l )l000 J J Cooke, sheriff 10,000 Tom P Randall, recorder 8,000 M U Strickland, coroner 3.000 A Luelling, treasurer 50,000 In the matter of the warrants issued more than seven years prior to July 1st, lOOO.and not called for It is ordered by the board that the clerk publish a list of said warrants, according to law, with a notice that said warrants will be can celled for within sixty days from July 1. ihuu. iiiedate, names, numbers and amounts being as follows, to wit : ' Nitmo Gu Arnilt John A Duller A. T. Case K. R. Oilman M. Durst Kn. . imo ..ism ..KMS8 .10',l Amt. II 60 100 150 1 M I'M 1 70 150 lfd ifo 1H) 1 M 1 Ml 170 no 8 30 1 SO im 150 1011 ami 410 175 ISO 1 HO 150 100 1IS0 lift) Kichurd A. Flemln 1ok"4 James GIIiIjs lu'i Kred (liumlor UH1 J. U liiirnt 111.17 J Him 1WS Kennedy 12010 Pntrick Kelly lnsao John Kllcheu 12U7U R. Kosblcr WDM WT Lyons V1M A. Miller lWKW H. V Mlnkler Viui John McUuiie Yfl John MeCnlllater WW Jsines Qulnn VMM (!. A. Itwd ; HrfV.14 I. II. Rathluru Mm A. Hltnins Yim Itiidolph Smith 1W70 Don Htouiulill ii)7I GenrK Binilh ... , .111HH .1. W. Thomas...). IWJl Bill Thomai KWd U. H. VYalliiitfM Total. The Fourth has been a dav of abun dant feeding. At Mr. Kuerten's bakery four men kept work continually going from Monday morning at 3 o'clock until last night, and yet the demand for eata bles was far too great for the supply on nanu. White Man Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt bv the friends of M. A. Hogarty, of Lexington, Ky., wnen tney saw he was turning yel low. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. tits malady was yellow Jaundice, lie was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Hemedy, and he writes: 'Afier taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 60c. Soli by Geo. A. Haidii'g.Jdnignist.